#just felt like writing mersmut
afterdarkwithcoffee · 2 years
The merman pulls you closer, his webbed fingers catching you under your chin. In the night his bioluminesce pulses, the glowing specks of purple on his dark skin and tail highlighting the nakedness of your own body. He smiles at you, his dark brown eyes glinting with desire in the moonlight. Your lips meet. Your hands trace down his chest and stomach. Something is already peeking out from his slit, you smile as you trace circles around the tip of his inhuman cock. He groans your name into your mouth, the rush of it like the waves lapping at the dock around you. Soon his length is stretched fully in your hand, you glide your touch up and down over the ridges of it. He pulls away from you, his head falling back, his sea-slicked braids shining in the moonlight. Strong hands grip your body, roll you over onto your back. You smile up at him, reaching up your human hand to brush a few stray drops off his cheeks. He smiles back. Spreading your legs and holding onto his hips, you take a breath, closing your eyes as he guides his tip into you. Your moans echo into the night as he presses deep within you, fucking you with a steady pace like the waves themselves.
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spartanguard · 5 years
Happy Holidays! I'm dropping into some of my fave creator's ask boxes and encouraging them to Spread the Cheer by Sharing What You Created This Year! Before a new year starts, take some time to reflect on the things you wrote or created to bless the fandom this past year. Remind us all of the awesomeness you put out there in 2019, and feel free to tease us with things to come in 2020! Then pass this along to your faves, so they can share in the fun!
Ahhh, thank you, nonnie! (and to the other nonnie who sent me this, too!!)
This year was both incredibly slow and terribly fast, so I definitely forgot about a lot of the stuff I wrote, haha. Or at least, I forgot I wrote it this year; what was it about 2019 that the first half felt like two years but the second half felt like two months?
But, in review:
Savage Garden (AO3)Killian Jones was, by far, the worst, weakest, most ineffectual Dark One ever. (According to the Darkness, at least.) But the Darkness has vowed to firmly get him under its grasp, one of these days. He finds respite in a beautiful secluded garden—and the amazing woman he eventually meets there. The question remains, though: is it—is she—enough to keep him out of the dark completely? A/N: This is probably the longest-coming fic I’ve had (started on it 2 years ago) and finally got going on it for @csmarchmadness. And then it sprawled into 8 chapters, but it’s probably my favorite MC that I’ve written.
Sick of Love (AO3)If Emma’s not careful, she just might bump into her soulmate. Physically. And while she might like the idea of what comes with that—an almost psychic connection whenever they make skin contact—she’d rather not deal with the awful withdrawal sickness that can come when they inevitably leave her; she’s got a son, so she doesn’t have time for that. So she keeps herself covered and thinks she’ll be okay. Until she meets Killian, who does the same thing. Will their barriers protect them, or just hurt them more? A/N: Another one that had been brewing for a while, but it finally took @cssns for me to finish it. It wasn’t what I had originally set out to write for that event, but I’d been wanting to write this one for a while so the muse pulled me that way, and I’m happy with the way it turned out.
csjj: basic-ally perfect. (CS smuffiness + fun with photoshop)
always pass on what you have learned (Captain Cobra, wherein Henry is not as subtle as he thinks he is)
some Valentines prompts from effulgentcolors, shireness-says (both CS), and xpumpkindumplingx (Frozen Jewel)
in the mood (a bit of a crack fic featuring MOOD RING HAIR for darling @cocohook38‘s birthday)
beardy (Captain Charming beard appreciation)
enclosed spaces (A Tall Tail)  (mersmut for @xpumpkindumplingx‘s birthday)
bewitched (mermay) (CS AU for the Mermay that didn’t really happen, featuring sirens and superstitious sailors)
honeymooning (A Tall Tail) (more mersmut)
thicker (CS future fic/chest hair appreciation for--who else?-- @thesschesthair‘s bday)
intimate pictures (CS smuff featuring a camera-happy Emma)
crocodile skin (slightly different take on CS’s appearance as Dark Ones)
to trust someone else (alternate take on S2 events in the Enchanted Forest; written for @csseptembersunshine) [fun fact: I wrote this entire story while sitting in the Starbucks in Disney Springs]
you ain’t gonna be lonesome anymore (CS AU inspired by “Joshua” by Dolly Parton)
That’s a lot more than I thought I wrote this year; dang!
Up next: I’ve been mainly focusing on the rewrite of Once Upon A Time in Panem (better title coming) for CS Rewrite-A-Thon. That’s been taking up most of my focus, but I’m excited to share this Hunger Games-inspired AU with everyone in 2020! I also have two half-finished one-shots that I will hopefully get inspired to wrap up soon (a neighbors AU and another AU inspired by “Golden Days” by Panic! At The Disco). As well as a whole mess of stuff in my WIP folder. (but, let’s be real, my brain will probably get some other crazy idea and latch onto that. it’s already trying to get me to bait the Charminator.)
Thanks to this crazy, awesome fandom and the amazing friends I’ve made through it for all the support this year, and for the past *5* (holy moly). If you had told me 10 years ago that I’d have found a creative outlet in fanfic, I’d have thought you were crazy; but now, I can’t imagine life without it, or the amazing friends I’ve mad through this community.
Here’s to a great 2020!!!
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