#just finished a rewatch of the trilogy and yep. yep. still crying at the end. and at multiple other parts.
andromeda3116 · 1 year
i still maintain that only monsters don't cry at the grey havens
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Rewatching “Attack of the Clones”
Why yes, I am doing this.  Because why not?
My apologies in advance because this post is so long...
*starts singing the Star Wars theme*
OK, now you it’s a bad sign when they pan up.
They did it in Rogue One but I’m excusing that movie because it’s awesome
“There was no danger after all.”  Bullshit, Typo.
*Corde dies*  AND THEY BLOW YOU UP!  BOOM!
Wait, there’s an Imperial siren going off in the background.
Sly Moore!
Plo Koon’s prosthetics look terrible in the movies
Is that Uncle Ono from TCW in the hologram?
*starts imitating Ki Adi Mundi when he says “He’s [Dooku] a political idealist, not a murderer.” *
Fun Fact:  the guy who plays Ki Adi Mundi is the Ood in “Doctor Who.”  Mind blown.
I hate Obi-Wan’s mullet in this movie.
Obi-Wan’s like “freaking get me outta here” when Anakin compliments Padme
You can tell how much makeup they put on Natalie Portman in this scene.
“It’s overkill, Master.”  Obi-Wan’s the kill master...
“She hardly even recognized me...”  God dang it, Anakin.
*Jango Fett hands off the assassin centipedes*  God the green screen...
She [Padme] has the most unnatural sleeping position
Man, I feel bad for all the actors in the prequels.
How is R2 asleep and not hearing those bugs??
Fun Fact:  the SFX team used grapefruit to make the noises of the centipedes
OK, you’d be able to feel a bug crawling up your arm.
Imagine if Anakin freaking beheads Padme instead of the centipedes?
Cue end music.
“Stay here!”  BUT I...
Anakin, just fly freaking straight!
Gotta dramatically take my face cover off...
“I hate it when he does that.”
Which implies Anakin has done this before...
Anakin climbing on top of the bounty hunter’s airspeeder is almost exactly like Kanan on top of Fenn Rau’s ship in “The Protector of Concord Dawn“ except Kanan doesn’t lose his lightsaber.
Here’s a challenge:  try to identify all the freaking alien species in this Coruscant bar
Must be a Halloween party going on...
Did she just say “sleamo?”
Yep, I think she’s dead, Anakin.
Yeah, you’re [Jedi Council] gonna let this horny 19 year old Padawan escort the love of his life back to her home without anyone else to help out.
*Padme tells Jar Jar to fill her place in the Senate while she’s away*  Nooo....
The window cleaning droids!
Those are some huge ass robes on Anakin
Oh my God, Anakin...
“Sorry, m’lady.”  *groans*
I didn’t realize Padme’s handmaiden was crying!  Now I feel sad now!
OK, they can tell Anakin’s a Padawan:  he has his braid still in!  At least bobby pin in so that it blends in!
I freaking love this scene between Dexter and Obi-Wan.  Shut up.
Ewan McGregor’s got a little dimple or something on his forehead and I can’t stop looking at it.
“Hey, no droids!  Get out of here!”  says a droid
Padme just really likes wearing doilies in this movie.
AN:  Heads up, we’re only fifty minutes in at this point.
“We are encouraged to love.”  That’s a really loose interpretation, Anakin.
Take a shot every time Anakin says something really creepy about Padme in this movie.
*Obi Wan talks in the youngling class*  [gasp] Imagine if one of them is Kanan?
I don’t know whether or not he was an Initiate at this point.
*goes to consult the “Last Padawan” comic*
Wow, sudden scene change within a sentence!
The voice of Lama Su (Anthony Phelan) is so cool.
There was literally no point to that scene other than to give Anakin and Padme an opportunity to kiss.
*whispers*  One of those clones is Rex....
So many freakin’ CGI clones...
And now a picnic...
“They [Jedi mind tricks] only work on the weak-minded.”  That’s a compliment, Padme.
“I’d be much too frightened to make fun of a Senator.”  But I am anyway!!!
*Anakin rides one of those living potatoes*  Behold, the Chosen One.
*Anakin falls off*  SO FAKE!!!
*Anakin and Padme roll around*  They’re not even on a hill!
*deep inhale*
I love how they got the same kid who played Boba Fett here back to play Boba in TCW
What’s with these weird close ups?
*Jango tells Boba something*  Please someone teach me how to speak Mandao’a.
Damn, look at the cuts on Jango’s face.
Apparently, George Lucas told Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman to improvise in the “aggressive negotiations with a lightsaber” scene but it went really NSFW really quick so they had to stop after the “negotiations with a lightsaber” line.
God, why does Padme wear that halter dress in THIS scene?
There is no reason why she should have changed from the previous scene.
God, you can tell how nonexistent the chemistry is.
“I’m haunted by the kiss you should never have given me.”  Well wait a minute, you kissed each other back and Anakin initiated it!
“My heart is beating, hoping that kiss does not become a scar.”
God, Anakin, do you have to be so ANGRY?!?
“You are asking me to be rational.”  YES, BE RATIONAL!!
*groans*  The dialogue in this freaking scene...
So they kinda vaguely wrap up the whole Sifo-Dyas C-plot in TCW but even then, we’re like WTH?
*Yoda says the Jedi can’t use the Force*  That’s like saying the Pope can’t talk to God.
“Jedi don’t have nightmares.”  Lies.
“I have to help her.”  *groans*
Slave I!
Obi-Wan, that lightsaber is your life.
Oh my God, the green screen!
Sorry, Obi-Wan, you would have no arm left after that stop.
Jango freaking bumped his head on the door...
What is with Padme’s costume here?
What is this explosion disc thing Jango uses to try to get rid of Obi-Wan?
*in best young Boba Fett voice* GET ‘IM, DAD, GET ‘IM!  FI-YAH!
Just a random thought:  what do the clones in TCW think of the Fetts?
I love this shadow shot of Anakin and Padme saying goodbye.
This is “Duel of the Fates!”  Why is it playing here?
Unless they’re referring to the fact that Anakin’s fate changes whether or not his mother is alive or not.  That sort of thing.
How do the Separatists not know Padme is still alive?  Unless Anakin does such a good job at hiding Padme on Naboo and Tatooine...
“The banking clan will sign your treaty!”  *in best alien voice*  ALSO I GOT MY HEAD STUCK IN A CAR DOOR!
This staccato music here when Anakin sneaks into the Tusken Raider camp is actually kinda cool.
The ten-second mother-son chemistry between Hayden Christensen and Pernilla August is probably the most compelling thing in this movie.
This music though.
Oh my God, the way Mace sits down!
OK Anakin, explain this body [Shmi’s corpse].
“OK, Hayden, just glare at the screen.  There ya go.”
“I’m good at fixing things.”  You know what you have to fix though?  Your mental state.
What is this hippie dress Padme’s wearing?
“I killed them.”  Did you kill them all?
“I killed them all.”  They’re all right, right?”
“They’re dead.”  Oh, so just the men.
“Not just the men.“  Oh, but like the old men?
“But the women-”  What?!?  But not the children!
“-and the children too.”  But they’re people!
“They’re like animals!  And I slaughtered them like animals!”  But you don’t hate them!
“I hate them!”
“To be angry is to be human.”  To kill Sand People divine.
Anakin is the worst friend ever.  His father figure is being held captive, and what does he do?  Listen to the Council like a sissy.
Oh my God, freaking Jar Jar, no...
Why does Obi-Wan’s ray shield cell spinny?
Wait, I forgot Dooku trained Qui-Gon!
“Dellow felegates.”  *immediately slams head on desk*
Oh my gosh, pterodactyls!
“I love democracy.  I love the Republic.”   I love it.. so much!
“I’m not a freaking goblin.”  says the freaking goblin.
*Anakin and Padme sneak through a tunnel on Geonosis*  This is like “The Great Mouse Detective,” where Basil and Dawson go through the sewer pipe to get to Ratigan’s lair.
When I was little, I used to be able to imitate and time the smashing machine on the assembly line.
*3PO gets into a mess*  Just... erase this whole gag entirely.
*rolls eyes loudly*
How did Anakin not see that mechanical arm swinging toward his face?
Ani, you have no arm at this point.
Imagine if Padme gets burned by lava.
None of the original trilogy happens.  Cue end credits music.
“Not again.  Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me.”
*in best Obi-Wan voice*  I hate it when he does that.
“I thought we weren’t going to fall in love.”  WHO D’YOU THINK YOU’RE KIDDING/ HE’S THE EARTH AND HEAVEN TO YA!
My love for Obi-Wan’s snark in this scene knows no bounds.
*Geonosians cheer when the Separatists cheer*  Heck yeah, I’d cheer for Christopher Lee too!
“She [Padme] seems to be on top of things.”  But not on top of Anakin yet.
[I am forcibly removed from the fandom] 
*starts imitating the nexu*
Wait, isn’t that big mantis crab thing from Ryloth?
Wait, nevermind:  the acklay are from some planet called Vendaxa.
*Padme lands in the saddle*  Sorry, you’d have no kids after that landing.
*starts imitating Nute Gunray saying “Jango!  Finish her off!” *
*The Jedi invade the gladiator arena*  HECK YEAH!
*starts naming off all the Jedi because I can*
This whole scene was filmed on a green screen.
There was no point to that flip, Mace.
*Mace hits that rhino thing*  NOOOO!!!!
*Jango kills the rhino*  NOOOO!!!
Boba’s in the corner like “Whaat?  My dad just died??”
Kit Fisto’s smile.  Oh my God.
*3PO makes jokes while being dragged back to his appropriate body*  [groans] Just... kill me...
*Ki Adi Mundi helps Kit Fisto onto the clone trooper ship*  Whaddya bet Ki Adi Mundi and Kit are like best buds?
What language is the Geonosian language based on?
“We must get the Star Destroyers back into space.”  When did your voice change?!?
“If they [the Jedi/the Republic] find out what we are planning to build, we are doomed.”  Circle inside of a circle?
*Dooku flies to his ship via speeder*  The Hoveround takes me where I wanna go...
What is this shaky cam zoom on the clones?
“We’re out of rockets, sir.”  HOW???
“Don’t let your personal emotions get in the way!”  OK, Obi-Wan totally knows that Anakin and Padme are a thing.
Sooo... why was Dooku’s ship halfway across the desert?
Because we needed dramaaa??
My personal headcanon is that the clone that falls off the ship with Padme is Rex.
*Obi-Wan gets injured*  OK, man, get up.  You’ve survived worse.
*Anakin destroys the wire for the lighting*  DRAMATIC LIGHTING!
What is this Force-measuring contest between Dooku and Yoda?
There’s literally no point to it.  It’s just Dooku going “My use of the Force is bigger than yours!’
[I am forcibly removed from the fandom]
*Yoda catches the Sith Lightning with his hand*  OK, so this is totally unrelated, but in the Star Wars Force Arena game, you can get Kanan as a character, and HE DOES THAT!
*Yoda just jumps off the ship*  HARDCORE PARKOUR!
Why doesn’t Obi-Wan move himself and Anakin away from the falling pillar?  Are they just that injured?  Obi-Wan, you just have a cut on your arm and leg; you can move.
“Do you believe what Count Dooku said about Sidious controlling the Senate?”  He IS the Senate!
Where are all the other chairs?
“Begun, the Clone War has.”  Best line in the movie.  It’s also the last line in the movie.
Is Mas Amedda just yawning in the background?
Padme is just covered in doilies.
*goes and watches the entirety of TCW*
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