#just gotta ask o 3o;;
chaos-le-mieux · 1 year
Undertale 8th Anniversary: Chara Tribute
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OMG, This took so much longer than I wanted it to. Mostly because Life has been so vexing and taxing recently, just didn't have the time I wanted to pour into this. It feels Both Rushed and not at the same time... though Overall I still think it's an improvement from last year. ^ -^
My Submission for the Undertale Community Project 2023
How do I organize this?... uhh...
Left to Right, Front Row, then Back Row... I think that'll be good.
Epic!Chara, by @yugogeer012, doing an Epic hair flip! Wonder if they're trying to impress anyone o 3o
Skelechara, by @insanelyadd, I think they're excited to see so many other versions of themselves 
Lutetale Chara, by @wolfkice, they seem to have stumbled into quite the adventure. They give me classic Legend of Zelda Vibes ^ -^
Determinationtale Chara, by @creatorofcastell, the first of several Classic looking Chara's
Classic Chara, by Toby Fox, The Original... in my art style.. so not quite original, but can't have a tribute without a representation of the OG!
NewStepTale Chara, by @kamikotorayama391, they missed the memo on dressing nice for the occasion... I'm sure it's fine XD
Endfultale Chara Elwood, by @puppyc00lmarzipan, one of the smollest, cutest, little beans <3
Ask KFC Chara, by @somedancingpineapple, fun and sassy little child, lol
Data!Chara, by @ask-dcf, I mean, they have a poncho, that's all you need really
A little Green Ghost, by @askdwoostablook, they're a Chara who's also a Green Ghost and many other things :v
Spiteful Chara by, EwanDreamur, don't actually know to much about this one, but they're a ghost with spirits, so that's cool =)
Reaper!Chara by @renrink, cool, calm, and collected. Plus their cloak looks nice ^ v^
Error!Chara, by @chaos-le-mieux, well, my version of Error Chara anyway. They're just excited to be in a group of Chara's. (Chara Bias much?)
Chara of the Dead Chara a.ka. Vampire!Chara, by  @charaofthedead, probably the most fashionable Chara of the group. Gotta respect the Rizz!
 Spirit Chara, by @xjunjox, a mysterious ghostly red Chara o vo
15 Chara's!! My god, so many links. If you're not following these peeps, do so, They're all great ^ -^ Also, one things to note about this years Tribute. Each Chara if from an artist who's drawn or featured my Chara in the past (well, with the exception of Toby Fox of course). Whether it be through commission or good will. This tribute doubles as a thank you to everyone who's drawn my dorky little Error.
Happy (early) Anniversary Undertale. Looking forward to more great content from this community ^ -^
Have Fun~
Undertale © Toby Fox
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crocoguile · 4 years
first lines
rules: list the first line of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). see if there are any  patterns, choose your favorite opening line, and then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Gott tagged by @tilltheendwilliwrite
alright you are getting these fast and dirty and in no particular order and these are excluding several fandoms and if the title (if it even has one) doesn’t link somewhere it’s currently unposted
1 - If you had told Darcy when she signed on to be Jane Foster’s Official Gremlin for a semester for the college credits that she’s meet and tase a god, she’d have snorted and asked you where you got the good greens you were toking on.
2 - “his car shot flames” Pepper might have been running a fever when she woke up that morning in her hotel room.
3 - Visiting Hours (from the Biokinetic uiniverse that’s currently being rewritten) Steve isn’t terribly surprised at the idea of Howard being a terrible father.
4 - It’s Not Home Without You There (also biokineticverse) Jane, when Heimdall fetches them, punches the Watcher square in the face.
5 - Of Marksmanship (What Even Is Thor?) (also from biokineticverse) Thor is often boiled down to a simple man: food and fighting.
6 - Varying Degrees Of Sexual Acceptance  “Oh, sorry to just barge in like this to a public area and all. Feel free to keep going though.”
7 - Misstep (old username but still mine) Pepper is mortified when one misstep, despite her careful, certain stride, sends her Bambi-ing across the sidewalk outside a business that she’d just settled a software deal with.
8 - Sunday Mornings Are For Belief (also  from my old username) Darcy is a fan of music.
9 -  Maggie groaned as she shuffled into the sunlight living room of her little house and took in the chaos of everywhere but the loveseat where Steve was sat in a pair of well fitting jeans and a sweater that she had finished knitting and gifted to him half a year before when the trees were the color of fire and the air in her neighborhood smelled like bread and cinnamon and woodsmoke.
10 -  “Oh, that’s dangerous.”
11 -  Bucky had no desire to go to war again.
12 - “this isn't gonna be done until the fourth anniversary is it jfc” the tentative working title of a fic for my wife @mama-dubh Siobhan dragged her hands down her face as her feet carried her through the open floorplan to the kitchen in search of the high-grade caffiene she could hear percolating in the coffee machine.
13 - “science bros crack treated seriously” Steve really didn’t trust a damn thing that Tony and Bruce were up to.
14 - The Taste Of Death’s Kiss; Prologue “Oh, fuck you…” Bucky grumbles as he runs down the alley to crash elbow first through a security door of some swanky office building downtown.
15 -  It feels like being smashed against the glassy black coasts of shattered obsidian.
16 -  "What's that..." Jaskier pauses inside Geralt's tiny, shithole apartment's front door and stares at the enormous electric blue monstrosity that is suction-cupped to the floor in front of the most unnecessary door he's ever seen, holding it open. “uhm... there?”
17 - untiled bucky criminal mins xover au Bucky leaned back in the big leather office chair as he sank into it, a small thermos in his hands.
18 - “stardew valley thingomadingo ‘fantasy au’” The first time Paul sees the thing, he’s fishing in the dead of winter and the Glacierfish gets off his line because he’s distracted.
19 - There Is Pleasure In A Certain Amount Of Exposure (also the old username...) The game is simple. There are a few rules, and they are all easy enough to follow.
20 - With My Every Breath, I Give You This Promise (also that old username) The first thought in Bucky’s head on his and Darcy’s wedding day goes something like, Buchanan, even with an increased metabolism, you are not immune to the morning breath that comes with drinking that hard.
patterns? marvel. smut or crack are my specialties apparently. i really like bucky barnes. i write a lot of female ofcs bc i know m/f or canon characters in slash pairings are what get hits... and if i’m writing a trans character it’s geralt.
Gonna tag... @anotherdayforchaosfay @poisonousbuttercup and any fic writers in my followership if you see this you gotta <3 (that way i can get tagged and go read ur stuff o 3o)
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steamberrystudio · 6 years
Ahahahaha the answer to the sleep one made me laugh so hard I just gotta know all of their reactions (the LIs, Bran, Merle, and Spencer) if their SOs did ask them to sleep together in a not-so-innocent way XD (Just general reactions that's all)
Merle: What, you mean like…right now? Yesssssssssssssssss. >=3 *pounces* I hope you’re fine with the sofa because I don’t think we’re going to make it to the bedroom. o 3o
Bran: Hmmm. Can I finish my cornflakes first—ACK! Mmmff….Hahaha. Sorry. I was joking! I was joking!
Corvin: OwO *strips*
Danny: O…Oh. Um…ah….ha ha. That was unexpected. But yes, I’d love to - only if you’re sure, though. But yes….*gentle hugs* Definitely yes.
Elliot: O///////////////////////O *high pitched squeak* R…really? *trying desperately to keep it together*
Ewan: ……..*head falls off* DAMMIT! >=V  …You did that on purpose didn’t you? >=C
Marc: *tries very hard to keep his face neutral* Don’t ask that unless you’re serious. I’ll have you know I’ve been waiting until you were ready…
Spencer: I…um. O////////////////////O Excuse me. *quickly runs into the bathroom and slams the door so he can collect himself* WHATDOIDOWHATDOIDOWHATDOIDO!?!?!? *comes out shortly, looking calm but quite red* Let’s do it. >=V
William: Oh. Like…um…oh? Ah…*knew this was coming. Is still unprepared* I…I mean…I wouldn’t…mind it. *slowly becoming a tomato*
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gaydemogorgon · 7 years
Belle, because of course e ve (which also just reminds me that i gotta hit you up if you have other ocs! O 3O)
Oooooh, I’d be glad to talk abt her! (and I’ll drop my oc tag if you want to look through it)
also @thecatnipples asked for Belle so y’all are getting 20 facts
1. her fav musician is either Kaoru Akimoto or Daft Punk, but shes got a vey broad music taste 
2. One of her most prized possesions is her Cologne album by Kaoru Akimoto
3.  Is amazing at basketball, and could have pursued a career with it but decided not too. She rathered justplay it locally and in her free time 
4. In all 25 years of her life she has never once had a snickers but is adamantly against them 
5. She once broke her arm when she fell out of tree while she was trying to get a cat that had went up and refused to get down
6. Has never been to a concert. She had a few opportunities but she either didn’t have the money or had no one to go with. Though she has plenty of shirts from concerts that shes bought at charity shops 
7. Absolutely loves Groundhog Day. Thinks its one of the funniest movies she’s ever seen 
8. Cries if she is in contact with more than three puppies, every single time without fail
9. She worked as a model when she was 21 till she was 24. Her aunt Jenny was a photographer and invited her out to live with her to get Belle some experience, and eventually hired her after seeing her in the clothes. She still does occasional shoots, but because of the distance its not frequent enough for her to pick it up 
10. Despite being the warmest woman ever she always wears a tank top under her shirt and brings a hoodie or coat with her, just in case 
11. Watched My Dog Skip one time, brokedown crying for 2 hours, refuses to watch it again becasue she still gets weepy when she thinks about it 
12. Is way stronger than you’d think
13. Could literally pull off any style ever. Shes just that good 
14. If she laughs its either a little chukle or side-splitting-red-faced-wheezing-clutching-her-stomach-nearly-dying laughter, theres no inbetween 
15. she is the god of bop it 
16. she likes the beach but she doesn’t like swimming in the ocean. She’ll go into the shallows but anything beyond her chest she gets really uncomfortable in, especially if she can’t stand 
17. When she gets nervous she keeps her hands between her thighs, or she scratches them, which leads to her often getting cuts and scratches on her legs. She has plenty of plasters but she has to put them on her legs a lot
18. Her favourite book is the hobbit 
19: she was a very shy and reserved kid. She didn’t talk much or interact with a lot of people. It was her uncle Rob who really got her out of her shell, and it only really stuck when she was around 17, but by then the two were incredibly close 
20: shes big and soft and becasue of this has a tendency to accidentally smother people she hugs
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rihannachan · 6 years
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Ear candy: Watch Me Shine - Legally Blonde 1 Soundtrack :)
dear xangah..* rawr time for my weekly update.!! ^^ well yar this week was kind*ve layed back now that all the decisions are final exhales* (o"o) yeah so with all the contract proposals, i decided to go with YG entertainment. they say, I’ll start training the first week of November so let’s all go hang out some time please.
I think I’m gonner change my xangah id to all the same things like my e-mail // etc.. but i don’t know when to change cause this one all messed up & i want a new layout :) if anyone’s up for making me one.!! please DM me :D* hehehs... school was kind’ve relaxing cause I gotta lot of sleep this week hehehs... this whole week i hung out with Kris & Jongin oppa the most :) but had an ironically fun time hahahas. & then last night i ran into Tiffany unnii & charles lim.!! at life & fun stuff they kept calling me boa -_- ahahas & then i talked to sulam unnii.!! & then they ended up being at life too.!! so shulam unnii // steph unnii // krystal unnii // & Jongin oppa ended up meeting them :) i was so happy like i couldn’t stop poking her. then went to cue to take some pictures & yaryar :D* today i met up shulam unnii :) & then ate, talked & met up with tammy unnii & then with steph unnii -_-;; ahahahs.. then went home. Kris called & asked if i wanted to play Call of Duty & said I’ll call him back & then jongin oppa called me & said he’s almost by my place -_- so got picked up, went to kris’s then went to brea couldn’t do anything cause of my lame 9:3O curfew hahahas ^^;; so i got cold stones & Kris oppa took me home :) was kind’ve pathetic for me to go out at all -_- & I’m just sitting here being frustrated cause Wheein is asking me to find mothballs`? omggggggg -_- whatever i*ll update asap & everyone call me & let’s go hangout alright`? yaryar byeeeee freaks.!! ;D* <3
“if i want something i don’t wait for it, I TAKE it.” “Winning isn't everything; it's the ONLY thing”
so now it*s time to show I’ll prove the best i can be so from my head to toe, my mind body & soul I’m taking full control this time.. better watch out going for the knockout & i won’t stop till I’m on top now not gonna give up until i get what’s mine better check that I’m about to upset & I’m glad now so you better step back I’m taking over so WATCH ME SHINE
edit: my parents will be so surprised when they discover what’s going on, I just can hope for the best and for they don’t get biig mad at me. Ayyy, why I am like that????? It’s okay, it’s going happen this time, I believe it.
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