#just imagine zombie Arthur haunting Dutch
Okay but hear me out: An Undead Nightmare DLC in which you play as Dutch, set between the events of RDR and RDR2, having to fight off the deceased members of the gang.
His former family, the one he betrayed, pursues him relentlessly in revenge for dooming the gang. Is any of it real? Or the guilt and paranoia ate him away and he finally lost his mind? That's up to your interpretation.
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Random Van der Linde Gang Autumn Headcanons (Modern AU)
No matter how warm it is, from the 1st October Susan won't let anyone leave the house without wearing a scarf.
Jack runs around collecting the prettiest fallen leaves to give to Abigail, who keeps every single one.
He loves conkers too and gets so excited when he finds one. John suggests a conker match but Abigail quickly shuts that idea down.
Not for Jack's safety, for John's.
Pearson finds any excuse he can to bake apple and cinnamon treats.
Javier breaks out his thick leather jacket and favourite boots.
Molly fills her Instagram with "aesthetic" shots of her looking pensive in the forest.
Captions are either "don't follow me, I'm lost too..." or "forest faerie 🍄🍁".
She genuinely enjoys pumpkin spice lattes no matter how much Karen teases her for being "basic".
Karen absolutely hates the fact that summer is over, but she enjoys watching horror films with Sean under the duvet at night.
Sean watches scary movies just to laugh hysterically and say how dumb everyone is.
For the love of God, do not ask him what he'd do in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse. You'll be there for hours.
Mary-Beth spends all her free time reading and writing in cosy cafés over a pot of vanilla chai tea.
I can imagine her re-reading her childhood classics during the autumn. "A Little Princess" is her favourite.
Lenny makes everyone marathon all the Harry Potter films with him.
Charles, Arthur, John and Sadie spend the odd night away to go camping in the forest.
They toast marshmallows, drink beer and just talk about anything and everything.
Dutch and Hosea love the darker evenings and the chance to be cosy. Their evenings are spent in front of a roaring log fire, their cat and dog lounging on the rug whilst the two men drink red wine, eat fancy cheese boards and play chess.
Tilly gets creative and makes lots of Halloween decorations for the house. She's also a dab hand at pumpkin carving and made a startling likeness of Uncle.
Bill claims to love haunted houses and corn mazes but 5 minutes in he's hyperventilating and trying to get out.
You know those photos they take of you going round, to capture your reaction to the scares? Arthur printed off a dozen of Bill and put them up around the house.
Bill still won't talk to him.
Micah loves Halloween because he gets to scare people. He hides in the front garden dressed in a horrific costume and jumps out at passerbys.
This was all going well for him until he tried to jump scare a kid dressed as Kylo Ren, who's reaction was to smack Micah right in the nuts with his lightsaber.
Unfortunately for Micah, his hidden "scarecam" captured everything and went live on Facebook.
Micah is now a viral video star.
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