#just know he rushed home after this LOL and enjoyed a steamy night xD
mastcrmarksman · 5 months
[ ✉ ⤷ princess baby boy 💘 : ] guess what i've got planned for you when you get hooooomee
[ ✉ ⤷ princess baby boy 💘 : ] it starts with "d" and ends with "ate"
[ ✉ ⤷ princess baby boy 💘 : ] maybe it even includes "d" twice and "ate" three times, who's to say😌
[ ✉ ⤷ princess baby boy 💘 : ] are you picking up what i'm putting down, babe?
( i'm so sorry for her strenuous insinuations here )
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He hates being an adult man with a lot of responsibilities in his life. Today of all days was going to be dragged down by a long list of chores. He grocery shopped alone in the morning because @biitchcakes had a thing with Carol; he couldn't actually know what because girls screeching at each other is not a language he speaks.
One of the other tasks he had was that finally was getting around to changing their address which today of all days the post office had to have like a hundred people, but he was deteremined. He had a few other tasks that involved government buildings and clerical whatever. Clint's in line to get to a front desk when Jessica starts texting him.
[ Contact ; Jessica D. ⸺ Note ; ❤️ My Girl ❤️ Jessie. My hero. ]
[ sent ] ⸺ dinner a puppy a kitten chocolate milk a movie a star trek dog cops rewatch reality tv night harrison ford
[ sent ] ⸺ stop me when i get it
Starts with D and ends with ate, he doesn't put that together until he types it out.
[ sent ] ⸺ D - ate?
[ sent ] ⸺ OH A DATE!
So he was kind of right about his list of random possibilies.
[ sent ] ⸺ well well thatll make all thiss bullshit worth it
TWICE? THREE TIMES? ⸺ He doesn't actually catch what she was putting down, over and over in his head he repeats it. Date? Date date? Date date date? Multiple dates at once? In a row? All night?
D - ate... D - ate... It takes him longer thaan he'd admit, but when it clicks his cheeks heat up and an image he does not, will not, and never wants to ever be shared with or experienced by anyone other than him conjures in his mind. It's A HOT image. His face heats up, he swallows, and he wants to be out of there right now.
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Clint fans his face and steps forward, coughing and trying to remember what he was here for. Once that business is done, he texts Jessica again to let her know that he got it and he'd very much ready to be home.
[ sent ] ⸺ OH I GOT IT BABY
[ sent ] ⸺ wowie
[ sent ] ⸺ please say i dont have anything else to do before coming home
He'd like to be home now for his date, but he'll suffer more chores if he has to.
[ sent ] ⸺ that third ate is for dessert right
[ sent ] ⸺ which
[ sent ] ⸺ you know WHO is my favorite dessert ;)
Not what, but who and who would that be other than Jessica Drew?
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