#just know that ur tags with picrews and stuff really helped me already!
helielune · 18 days
Pls tell me about the perfect app that lives in your head rent free
hello!!!! ok!!!!! i am here to dump all my brain sludge right here now!!
to preface i know there's like a bajillion productivity apps out there with varying degrees of quality so the likelihood of this already existing is very much nonzero BUT i think the possibility of it not existing yet is also very nonzero so here it is!!
essentially, the main premise is that one post, which said 'if thinking naruto would be proud of you for brushing your teeth, then grab that toothbrush dattebayo' or something along those lines.
it's an app that gives you a character to motivate you and work alongside you and celebrate your successes with you and encourage you to get up when you're. currently not up
mockup images!
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is this miku? maybe.
anyways so the basic user workflow is that you would open the app (perhaps through a morning notification, if you're into that) and be greeted by your beautiful and supportive character, as well as your daily tasks. then you get to work!
each task or work session you complete will earn you currency! and with that currency you can deck out your character in the shop! think of a picrew. you can change their hair. their clothes. their body type. you can turn them into naruto if that helps you. you can make a whole new character if you want! and then you'll have two supporting characters!! this will all cost you 'work' though.
notes about the to-do list area:
morning routine section. this would hopefully be sort of a built-in feature. it would give you a morning notification to do all this stuff and include an animation of your character doing routine stuff with you so you feel like you have a friend brushing ur teeth with you lol
the tasks all have a label attached but i guess you don't really need one if you don't want one
the little tag that says '25m' on laundry means that you think doing the laundry will take 25 minutes of focus time. if you click on the hourglass icon next to it, it'll take you to a timer for 25 minutes automatically.
if you don't set time it'll just give you the default pomodoro timer sessions, which you can change in your settings. i'm a freak for settings so if this actually gets made you can rest assured there will be enough minute settings to go around
it lets you do 'counter' type tasks too, see 'apply to jobs'. thanks to habitica for that idea
notes about the timer page:
basically it tells you to focus on a single task. if you clicked the timer button for a single task in your list on the homepage that will be the highlighted one. if you clicked the general timer button then it'll just pull the first or a random one or something. but it only shows you one.
unless you click the expand button because i'm not gonna lock you out of viewing your own todo list
you can also 'quick' add a new task! like y'know when you suddenly realize you need to do that extra thing on the side just WRITE IT DOWN instead of getting sidetracked. maybe if i feel like it i'll let you take photos for tasks or speech to text or y'know. just make it easy and quick
during the breaks it plays a little break animation to remind u to drink water or eat something or whatever
i think i need to move some buttons around and stuff but generally this is what so many hours of my life (like years of turning it around in my mind plus the past few days of making these images) has turned into. some other features i would ideally have are screen time checkers so your character pops in when you've been on your phone for too long and says Hey. plus other stuff but this is already long
am i ever actually going to make this? probably i'd only get to a super basic version of it. at least a todo list. but those apps already exist...
there are some super limiting/challenging problems that i haven't really been able to solve. like 1. the picrew. god damn i want to make a picrew so badly but i just do Not have the time or energy. and if i use animations inside this thing to make it cuter than i would essentially be making a whole picrew like FIVE TIMES (FOR THE FRAMES).
and it leads into the next issue 2. the continuous motivation. it's easy to be motivated when you're using a brand new cutesy app and have like a hundred things to buy but what if you run out?? how many things do i have to draw to keep up with the demand and keep it motivating?? especially if the items in the store are hit or miss (which is. inevitable, because no store can be 100% only things that you want to buy) then the pickings get slim REALLY fast.
3. the personalities of the characters. it's one thing to provide a character and make its personality myself (i would do that anyway, a small handful of default characters, because you do need to get started somewhere) but it's another thing entirely to make a billion different lines of text to minutely capture the possible words of encouragement that every fictional character you ever liked would say. so you can have an accurate replica of them in your motivational app for maximum motivational affect. is this actually important to people? idk but i feel like if ur productivity app said smth weird and u went like 'he would not fucking say that' it might break the spell. so
thats the basic rundown if u have any questions OR FEEDBACK (!!!!!!!) hmu if you want to use this app also hmu but maybe don't depend on me making it in full... so some alternatives i found while looking for inspo are
habitica (classic gamification, does a lot of similar stuff including personalization!)
finch (just a supportive buddy, mostly for habits and self care)
otto (it's really cute and basically you take care of a Creature by focusing, but it's only a browser extension i think)
someone on a reddit thread made a feature-heavy gamified habit/productivity browser extension here and it seems very useful!!!
also other resources:
Magic ToDo - GoblinTools breaks tasks down into subtasks for you! it's not always 100% accurate but can be a start :) especially since you can decide how many parts you want
forest (i used this a lot before, it's more of a screen time stopper but it's got a sort of fatal flaw in that you have to actively begin using it each time. sometimes i just need someone to kick me out of a scrolling loop.) (also after they started monetizing the prizes it got boring :( )
my friends used opal before for screen time reasons but it's paid. if u have money that's probably a good choice
'amazing marvin' is another productivity/habit browser extension which is also paid. if you're into paying. heard it's good and super customizable to you too
i once tried cold turkey to break my screen habits and at least i can say it is VERY effective at what it says it does. just be careful with what you block lol
if u made it this far here's an extra miku for ur troubles. i drew it bc. i was gonna make a sprite and then got lost in the sauce. these mockups are gonna singlehandedly make me a master at ms paint mouse/trackpad drawing
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btw it's not wednesday september 11 right now unless it is for you in which case how is it living in the Future? or the Past. i don't make the time rules
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nonawaaa · 3 years
Hey hope you doing fine, i saw your tags about anxiety and maybe this doesn't help but i wanted to share somethings i do to calm down
I usually go to some market to buy my favorite food, like i do this my mission, i just forget everything else, the only thing that matters is my food
Going outside in general helps me a lot too, just walking and feeling the world y'know
Listen to music, god this helps me so much, sometimes i just put some aleatory playlist with some songs i never heard just so i can focus on experience something new
And playing with my dogs and cats its always fun and helps me put my emotions out
Anyway im sure theres other things that can help a lot but thats some i do, hope helps you a little <3
Hello I hope you're doing fine too! Im feeling kind of embarrassed that someone read my tags but thank you so much for this it'll really help me 🥺 💖
I haven't been out of the house lately and you might be my sign so I'll definitely do those also I agree playing with my cat (he says hello btw) also helped me in some ways 🤍
Im usually the type of person who would not make things big of a deal but I this past few weeks I was feeling lost and do not know what to do anymore so writing, reblogging and just interacting with people here has been my escape im sounding so corny and cringey rn i know T.T I don't know who I should talk to or just run to and lately im just "idk" like I just dont know what to do with everything even the simple things T.T
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