#just look at jooheon instead ! isnt his laugh just.. the best thing :(
jooheongif · 6 years
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jae-bummer · 8 years
My Idol: Part Fifteen
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My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Wednesday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in specific missions to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what three idols will move on to the second date.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22
In this very moment, you envied those who could numb themselves to emotion. You envied individuals who could turn off the nerves, flip a switch, and put up a facade as if everything was okay. Especially in times such as this, when everything was very much not okay. 
In less than fifteen minutes, you would be ushered on stage, wearing a dress that was too scratchy on your delicate skin, and your skull aching from the amount of bobbie pins woven into your scalp. You weren’t even sure if half of what was on your head belonged to you at this point. 
You closed your eyes, feeling oddly reminiscent of the moment just before you met Jaebum. Your palms were sweaty, heart feeling as if it was going to explode. This time though...it wasn’t an excited anxiousness that pumped through your senses, but rather an ominous dread. Four men would hear the news that they would be promptly ushered from your life after only meeting once. After making an initial connection, you would be ripped away from anything that could be and it wasn’t even your decision. You were not a navigating factor in your own life. 
You opened your eyes again, beginning to pace the small green room that you were sequestered in. When you and your friends had thought it would be an exceptional idea to sign up for a silly reality dating gameshow, the thought of being selected was so foolish to you that you had never even began to consider it. When you actually received an email from the producers, you still thought it was an elaborate joke, not even thinking ahead to the men you could possibly meet. 
But now that you were here...only halfway through the journey you never thought you’d descend upon, you’d give anything just to take it back. You loved interacting with the different personalities. You loved connecting with exceptional men on a level you haven’t done in the entirety of your life. But you didn’t love the pressure. You didn’t love the constant attention. And you didn’t love the idea of creating relationships, only to sever them. 
You were here though, and you were strong. You wouldn’t quit and you’d find happiness. You would make sure of that. Even if it ended with you alone, only chalking up the entire program as an experience you’d never forget. 
“Y/N, are you ready?” one of the production assistants cooed, breaking you out of your thoughts. You gave a small smile and light nod. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
The initial boom of the live audience and glare from the studio lights was overwhelming as you took your spot on the stage. You settled into your seat, giving a casual side eye to the two couches placed diagonally from you. They were placed in two levels, one directly behind the other. They were still bare, but would soon be filled up with the seven men you had grown to appreciate. 
“Hello Y/N!” the host smiled warmly, placing a hand lightly on your shoulder. “Welcome to the My Idol Live Results Special. How are you feeling?”
“Is nauseous an acceptable answer?” you chuckled, playing with your fingers in your lap. The audience and host let out a series of laughter as well, putting you a bit more at ease. 
“Y/N, always the jokester,” the host cooed, looking down to her cue cards. “Your rise to fame was almost instantaneous. Almost as soon as your face appeared on screen, you became South Korea’s sweetheart. Of course though, this came with a bit of a cost. How are you adjusting to all of the attention?” 
“It was definitely...new at first,” you nodded, chewing on your lip. You looked out to the crowd and scanned the faces, trying to avoid thinking too hard about the situation you were in. “The initial attention was rough because I wasn’t used to it. I’m still not very used to it...and I stay in my apartment a lot, but fans of the show have been very kind and accommodating.”
“That’s heartwarming to hear!” the host smiled, leading a round of applause. “We all know My Idol has the best fans, don’t we?”
You took a deep breath as the crowd surged in noise around you. The whole situation was so foreign that you felt incredibly inept, unsure of how to really act. 
“Now that we’ve checked in with Y/N, why don’t we bring out the idols. Would you all like that?” the host nodded, standing from her chair. You did so as well, prepping yourself to meet the men you hadn’t seen in weeks. “First, let us welcome a bright and positive energy! The V stands for visual! BTS member, V!”
The crowd erupted once again into applause as Taehyung approached the stage from the opposite side that you had appeared from. He clapped as he walked, his smile wide as it erupted onto his face from the mere sight of you. You grinned back in response as he took his spot on the couches prepared for the men. 
“Next we have a leader who needs no introduction, the chic and sexy Im Jaebum from Got7!” 
JB strolled from the same wing Taehyung had, throwing up a brief peace sign as he sauntered across the stage. He tried to keep a smile from his lips as he made eye contact with you, opting for a cocky smirk instead. He took his place beside Taehyung, giving his friend a quick handshake and hug before he sat down as well. 
“Our favorite maknae and flower boy, EXO’s Oh Sehun!” 
Sehun shuffled out of the wings with a bit less confidence than the two men who proceeded him. Nearly missing the steps as he stumbled up them, he gave you a kind smile before taking his spot at Jaebum’s side. 
“The mysterious rule breaker and king of k-hip hop, Jay Park!”
You found yourself subconsciously holding your breath as Jay strolled onto the stage, a shit eating grin on his face. He walked as if he commanded the entire situation, throwing subtle winks and smiles to the girls seated in the crowd. You couldn’t confirm, but you thought you saw Jaebum roll his eyes at the man before he took his spot beside Sehun. 
“Excuse his charisma, we have Monsta X’s Lee Jooheon!”
Jooheon had a very distinct swagger as he wandered from the depths of the wings and out into the bright lights of the studio. His dimples were deeply etched into his face as his smile went from being directed at the crowd to being directed at you. You felt your heart skip for a beat as he found a spot on the second couch. 
“Gifted with height and visuals, Seventeen’s Kim Mingyu!” 
Mingyu nodded, quickly looking over his shoulder as he walked. His cheeks were pink, but his smile confident as he shuffled onto the stage and avoided eye contact with nearly everyone. His shoulders dropped into an easier state as he found his spot by Jooheon’s side and gave his friend a quick handshake. 
“And last, we have a man who is already a legend in his own right. A man who half of the idols on this stage look up to, Choi Seunghyun, otherwise known as...BigBang’s Top!” 
You tried to hide the chuckle that flopped from your lips as some of the men on the couches looked on in glee and others with mild interest. Top emerged from the side of the stage with a charming and comfortable expression, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He made direct eye contact with you as soon as he possibly could and lifted his brows. He took the final spot on the couches and all of the men settled in. 
“Alright! Why don’t we give another round of applause to these phenomenal men?” the host smiled, settling in her own seat as well. 
You sat down as the crowd erupted and took a deep breath. It was almost too much handsome in one room. You felt your face growing suddenly hot. The causes of all of your butterflies and quick heartbeats had appeared directly in front of you, all together, at once. You weren’t sure if you were going to dissolve into a fit of giggles or simply pass out from the pulsing emotions ravaging your heart and mind. 
After a few moments the crowd quieted down, causing the host to perk up. “Alright guys, let’s get this out of the way right now. How many of you think you proceeded to the next round?” 
Your attention quickly adjusted to the seven idols you were trying desperately to avoid looking at. You immediately felt the heat on your face deepen as your eyes glanced across the rows. 
Each man was making a particularly focused face as they thought on the question, except one. Jay had already shot his hand high into the air, looking casually around at the idols surrounding him. “Ah, come on. For a group of celebrities, you’d think they’d be more confident!” 
Top rolled his eyes before slowly lifting his hand as well. Mingyu, who was sat beside Seunghyun looked at him with wide eyes and dark cheeks. He was starstruck by the rapper beside him, keeping his fingers stuck beneath his thighs as he sat on them. 
“Well we see Jay isn’t shy!” the host smiled, causing the men to look at each other and chuckle lightly. Jay’s smile lit up as he finally lowered his hand and directed his gaze toward you. “So that means five of you don’t think you’ve moved on? Jooheon, why would you say you weren’t voted to a second date?”
“How can I compete with a spa date?” Jooheon gasped, pointing to Jay. “Or a private museum tour!” 
“We were outnumbered by smooth date ideas,” Taehyung laughed. “A lot of us are so young, so we think to do things we find fun.”
“We were thinking about having a good time,” Sehun nodded. “And not necessarily impressing Y/N or leaving a lasting impression.”
“Do you think you left an impression Sehun?” the host asked, tilting her head. 
“I think that’s more of a question for Y/N,” Sehun murmured, readjusting in his spot. “I’d like to think I did.”
“Who left the biggest impression on you, Y/N?” the host asked, suddenly turning to you. 
Your eyes grew wide with the ambush as you looked uneasily from her to the group of men. “I...uh..”
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t know if I want to know this answer,” JB laughed, his eyes kind as he gazed at your panicked expression. You let out a light sigh at his attempt in saving you. 
“I agree with Jaebum hyung,” Jooheon nodded quickly. “I don’t want to hear about how badly I failed. If by some miracle I make this second date, wouldn’t it be awkward if she said I didn’t make an impression?” 
The men erupted into laughter as they began to nod, in overall agreement with the younger man’s statement. 
“Alright, well why don’t we move onto something meatier then?” the host nodded, quickly switching subjects. “Amongst you all, who did you feel picked the most likeable date? Mingyu?”
Mingyu cleared his throat and nodded for a moment. “I..I uh...like Top hyung’s date. It was very classy. It left a positive impression.”
“Until he sent her to the hospital,” Jay muttered beneath his breath. 
The host’s eyes widened for a moment as she looked down at one of her cards. “Ah, yes. Seunghyun, during your date, Y/N took a spill down the stairs. How did you feel during that moment?”
You watched carefully as Top glared into the back of Jay’s head, only looking up after a few moments. “Of course I felt bad. I didn’t want that to happen on my watch.” 
“But it did,” Jay nodded, he spun around in his seat to look up at the man. “I’m sure when I say this, these other guys gotta agree. We weren’t given the opportunity to check up on Y/N after that. We had to watch it on screen with the rest of the world. It was more than just feeling bad.”
Seunghyun shut his eyes for a moment and cleared his throat. He reopened them and looked carefully down at Jay. If looks could kill, he would have been on the floor taking his final breaths. 
“I understand Y/N was under a great deal of stress,” Seunghyun said slowly. “It was an accident.”
“An accident caused by you,” Jay grumbled, spinning back around. “Trying to lock her ass down before you even moved on to the second date and shit.” 
“I’m sorry, do you have something to say to me?” Seunghyun asked, his voice on edge. 
“Nah,” Jay grinned, looking kindly up to the host. “I’m good.”
“Really? Because I’m under the impression that you aren’t,” Top growled. 
“Whatever beef you have with me can be handled after the show,” Jay said, casually glancing over his shoulder. “And believe me, it’ll get handled homeboy.”
The host looked toward you, her expression mirroring something similar to panic. “Okay! So...Jaebum, how did it feel-”
“I’m sorry, can I switch seats?” Jay interrupted, throwing his thumb into the air to point at Seunghyun. “it’s like I have a dragon breathing down my neck.”
“Please, the stench of your cologne is suffocating,” Top muttered, leaning back and rolling his eyes. 
Jay launched up, spinning around to face the man. “What’s the problem? Not used to smelling something so expensive?”
“I’ll switch seats,” Taehyung nodded, quickly pulling himself to his feet. He gave a brief bow to Jay as he passed him and settled into the seat before Top. Jay sucked his teeth as he walked, plopping alongside the other Jaebum. 
“So...Jaebum,” the host tried again. “Viewers and fans know of your close friendship with Taehyung. How did it feel competing against a friend?”
“Well several of us are friends here,” JB nodded. “I’m close with Monsta X and Seventeen members as well. I think we all didn’t let the competition ruin our friendships.” 
“We all hope the best for each other,” Taehyung smiled. “We are close, so we want each other to do well and be happy. The only problem with that is if the others do well, it means they may get farther in the competition.” 
The younger men on stage laughed, nodding in agreement. 
“You see your hyungs do well and you get excited for them,” Jooheon continued. “But then you realize, oh man, maybe I don’t want them to do well. This doesn’t help my odds. It’s a very conflicting feeling.” 
“It is a competition after all,” the host nodded, flipping a cue card. “Which is why, if the crowd is ready, we’ll be revealing the first idol to be moving on to a second date!” 
The crowd audibly gasped at once before exploding into applause again. 
“Alright! Please, if I could have the envelope!”
In that moment, you thought you were going to pass out. You watched as a production assistant struggled toward the stage, a bright red envelope in her hands. It was eerily reminiscent of the mission envelopes you had grown to despise. It seemed as if time had suddenly began to move in slow motion as she passed the paper over to the host and she took it in her hands. 
“Alright guys, in your opinion, who do you feel like has their name in this first envelope?”
“I think it’s Top hyung,” Mingyu nodded without skipping a beat. “His date was too good.”
“Do I gotta go over this shit again, she-” Jay began, but the host quickly cut him off. 
“Jay, who do you think is written in this envelope?” 
“Me,” Jay nodded confidently. 
“Alright, what about you Sehun?” the host asked. 
“I would like to hope it’s me,” Sehun smiled warmly. “But if it’s not...I think it could be Taehyungie. His date was cute and well suited for his age.”
Taehyung’s smile faltered for a moment as he narrowed his eyes. “For my age?”
“Yes, very innocent,” Sehun chuckled, his smile never faltering. 
“You took her to see the lego Batman movie though,” Taehyung grumbled, his eyebrows furrowing. 
“It wasn’t meant as an insult!” Sehun whispered uneasily. “It’s a compliment, really!” 
“I think it’s time one of you are put at ease,” the host nodded with a grin. “Now, the first idol to be moving on to a second date is...”
Her fingers slipped gently under the lip of the envelope as she gave a hopeful glance up toward you. Little did she know that you were choking on what small amount of saliva was left in your mouth. You tried to count to ten in your mind, calming down the nerves pumping like electricity through your veins. 
“Im Jaebum!” 
The crowd dissolved into an array of screams and gasps as the men on stage all nodded to themselves and clapped. Jooheon leaned over, smacking a proud hand on the Got7 leader’s back. Jaebum’s eyebrows were raised nearly midway into his forehead to accommodate for how wide his eyes had become. 
You stood instinctively as Jaebum did, his steps slow in approaching you. He took your hands carefully as his mouth formed the smallest of smiles. “Me?” 
“You,” you whispered. He smiled gently and squeezed your hands, his eyes disappearing with a smile rapidly growing in size. 
“JB, how do you feel!” the host exclaimed. 
“Shocked!” Jaebum answered honestly. “All of the men on this show are so deserving. To know I was selected first is very humbling.”
“Before we continue any further,” the host sighed, looking down at her card. “Should we maybe...reveal another name?”
You let out something similar to a scoff, not being able to stop yourself from making the noise. Several of the men laughed gently at your emotion. 
To be honest, you weren’t sure if you could handle announcing a second winner so quickly. With just one date decided, you could use a glass of wine to make it through another. 
“Alright then!” the host smiled mischievously, reacting to the crowd going wild around her. “If you all insist...”
To Be Continued...
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PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4 - PART 5 - PART 6 - PART 7 - PART 8 - PART 9 - PART 10 - PART 11 - PART 12 - PART 13 - PART 14 - PART 15 - Part 16 - PART 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22
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