#ch mx
obviouschild2014 · 2 years
Howard having to play the bad guy but not even then being able to say "we just want the case, we don't want you", how he backtracks to "the case is all we want" because he can't be that cruel, makes me want to die actually
Howard literally wakes up every day and thinks to himself gee whiz i sure hope i get the chance to live laugh love today and then BAM the mcgill brothers
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candela888 · 1 year
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Same-sex marriage in 2003 vs. 2013 vs. 2023
(20 years of change)
More info below:
Marriage : Netherlands, Belgium, British Columbia (CA), Ontario (CA)
Civil unions : France (including overseas territories), Germany, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Greenland, Rio Negro (AR), Ciudad de Buenos Aires (AR), California (US), New York (US), Hawaii (US), Vermont (US), Canary Islands (ES), Aragon (ES), Catalonia (ES), Andalusia (ES), Extremadura (ES), Castilla-La Mancha (ES), Castilla-Leon (ES), Madrid (ES), Valencia (ES), Asturias (ES), Basque Country (ES), Navarre (ES), Balearics (ES), Quebec (CA), Alberta (CA), Manitoba (CA), Nova Scotia (CA), Geneva (CH), Zurich (CH), Portugal.
Marriage : Netherlands, Belgium, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, South Africa, Spain, Portugal, France (including overseas territories), Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, New Zealand, Washington (US), California (US), New Mexico (US), Minnesota (US), Iowa (US), Maryland (US), DC (US), New Jersey (US), Delaware (US), New York (US), Connecticut (US), Rhode Island (US), Vermont (US), Massachusetts (US), New Hampshire (US), Maine (US), Hawaii (US), Mexico City (MX), Quintana Roo (MX).
Civil unions : Greenland, Colombia, Ecuador, Merida (VZ), United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Finland, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Australia
Recognizes marriages performed abroad : All 32 Mexican states and Israel
Marriage : Netherlands (including overseas territories), Belgium, United States, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Colombia, US Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Malvinas/Falklands, France (including overseas territories), Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Germany, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria, Malta, Guernsey, Jersey, United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Ireland, Gibraltar, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Luxembourg, Faroe Islands, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, St. Helena, Pitcairn Islands, Gibraltar.
Civil unions : Bolivia, Italy, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Aruba, Curaçao, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus, Estonia, Liechtenstein 
Recognizes marriages performed abroad : Namibia, Israel, Nepal, American Samoa
Future :
Same-sex marriage is under consideration by the legislature or the courts in Aruba, Curaçao, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, India, Japan, Liechtenstein, Namibia, the Navajo Nation, Nepal, Thailand, and Venezuela, and all countries bound by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR), which includes Barbados, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Suriname.
Civil unions are being considered in a number of countries, including Lithuania, Peru, the Philippines, South Korea, Ukraine, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Latvia, Panama, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Thailand, and Venezuela.
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pillowfluffs · 7 months
MX Short Stories // 101 (CH)
gif made by @rivaillerose
Roars of the fans were loud as they cheered on for their favorite idols and groups, waving their light sticks, holding up banners and signs. It was funny since you were once like them but now you were on the other side. Now there were others cheering for you and your group. ISAC - the Idol Star Athletics Championships, a field day for idols to show off their athletic side and for groups from all companies to come together and to have fun, spend time with friends and fans. Cameras and lights everywhere. But this was also a constant thought that had to be remembered as an idol - there’s always someone watching.
You walked down the hallway, back toward the stadium after your quick bathroom break and now it was time to rejoin with your group, wherever they were. You hadn’t really seen them since you finished your events for the day and they had theirs, so your group was scattered all around.
It was like entering a new world as the lights were suddenly shining down, and you could almost feel some eyes turning toward you. But then again, there was a lot more screaming now that the male group idols were participating in wrestling.
Your fingers fiddled with the bandage you were trying to unwrap but they were so different from the ones you were used to back home. You had a cut you didn’t even realize you had until you were washing your hands and the soap had gotten into the cut.
Your eyes wandered around the stadium before looking back down to your bandage, fiddling with the paper but you couldn’t find the preferated seam, none of those. But with your eyes on the ground, you didn’t even notice the steps approaching you, the sudden body standing before you.
“Uh, do you need help?” A deep voice asked you quietly admist all the chaos and loudness all around the spacious stadium.
You looked up and met eyes with Monsta X’s I.M, his dark brown hair long and his eyes almost invisible behind them. 
“Oh, yes please,” you snapped yourself out of it, realizing you had been frozen for just a bit too long. You handed him the bandaid as he took it from the palm of your hand, ripping the wrapping with ease, though you kept your eyes on the ground. Your mind raced. What was your manager going to say? How would fans react, especially now that Monsta X was on the rise and your group were still rookies. How would they feel toward these interactions, especially since there were fans online and everywhere who were known to interpret the slightest interactions as two idols possible dating or that they liked each other. 
You stuck your finger out, allowing him to wrap the bandage around your little cut. “Thank you,” you bowed, only to feel immense heat rise up in your chest seeing glances from other male idols and that was when it hit you that you were on the “male” side, since males and females tended to sit apart from each other, unless they were close brother/ sister groups like Twice and Stray Kids and such. 
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Try to be careful,” he smiled kindly before he backed away cooly, returning to his seat. 
Why was your heart beating so fast? You were fortunately able to find your other group members, much more at ease with them but you couldn’t hel but glance back toward the area he sat in.. well, to him, though you had to resist the urge - you couldn’t risk a scandal or rumor and trouble either groups and companies. But you did notice something... he was getting closer.. You couldn’t tell if it was just your imagination, if you were thinking too much about it or not. His group was sat in the stands, now they were sat at the edge of the stadium, and now they were sitting closer to the groups. 
When it was time for one of your members’ events, you stood up to cheer when that’s when you felt it. As you stood, you bumped into someone, knocking you right back down to where you once sat. 
“I’m sorry, didn’t see you there,” the familiar voice called out to you as he helped you up, offering his hands to you. Changkyun lifted you up to your feet. “Sorry about that.” 
“It’s fine,” you bowed politely before turning away, though his hand was still holding onto yours. 
“Uh, before you go, maybe we can contact each other?” his voce was quiet as his head down. He slipped a piece of paper into your hand before bowing with the nod of his head and disappearing with the rest of his group. 
~~~~~ Masterlist // MX Short Stories Masterlist for more! Previous // Next
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grimmdeltarune · 3 months
Pocket Sand - Pilot Episode: Inkwel and Shikari
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Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll hiya the e, Mi s Shikari!
Shikari: Oh, it's yXu. Get Xut of hXre, I DXN'T want tX talk.
Inkwel: I don't me n to be rud b t I don't re lly... want t ...
Funny Stor , most of th peopl here ar n't the fr endliest... and if they ar , they pr bably want to k ll you... Hehehe....
Shikari: YeXh, and I WXll, tXo. Keep mX out of thXs you SXft littlX freak.
How'd yXu even gXt herX? You get thrXwn in here Xs a thrXwaway ItXm or sXmething?
Inkwel: Hehehe... No, I'm just l ke you. A Shadow Crystal h lder...
Shikari: ThXt's hard to belXeve.
Inkwel: It s but it's true. I als had on of those Crystals.
Shikari: Yeah but thXse don't savX you frXm lXXking likX you'd be beXten to a pXlp in less than a sXcond.
Inkwel: Hehehe, y u don't think 'm tough, don't you m ss? I'm plenty t ugh!
Shikari: I wasn't talkXng abXut that, you're a FXXKING plXshie.
Inkwel: Hey! Th t wasn't n ce...
Hmmmm... h s anyone h re told yo abo t my EYES?
Shikari: NXpe.
Inkwel: Hehehe! W ll in th t case!
*Inkwel puts his puppet in one of the holes where his eye should have been. Shikari looks on in mild amusement.*
Shikari: So? YXu don't hXve eyXs? I knXw likX five Xther DarknXrs thXt havX the same thXng-
Inkwel: Oh I wasn't b rn lik this! Mr Ro k stole them!
Shikari: . . .WhXt?
Inkwel: Ye h! He r pped them all o t and left me to d e in m set! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .
Inkwel: And if y u don't mind m add ng to that, but wh n I did g t them b ck, I turn d int a fre ky monst r!
Shikari: . . .Huh. . .ThXt's . . .MetXl as fXXk.
Inkwel: Th t's not h w I would w rd it, b t sure!
Shikari: So lXke, are yXu tryXng to gXt rXvenge on thXt Rook GXy?
Inkwel: Oh no n no! I w uld never! R venge is wr ng and it'd be cru l of me t do that!
Shikari: . . .He lXft you to dXe. . .
Inkwel: Ye h. . .But p ople can ch nge and ma be he'll r alize that he mad a mist ke some t me in the fut ure! Hehehe!
Shikari: . . .MXn. And I thXught yXu were kind Xf cXXl for a sXcond. You'rX just anXther WXMP likX the rXst of thXm.
Inkwel: I g t that a lot. . .hehehe. . .I he rd that fr m my wife n our f rst date. . .
Shikari: Hm?
Inkwel: Oh yeah! My w fe! Sh 's the best. . .b t I can't t lk to her when I'm h re...
Shikari: WhXt? Did shX dXe or somethXng?
Inkwel: h HEAVENS no! She's j st kind f. . .liv ng in a re lm betwe n realit is all!
W it. . .maybe I c n talk to her h re! Th s ain't a qu ote- n-q ote can n story s I think she c n come ov r!
Shikari: FXXking go for it.
Inkwel: Alr ghty!
*A few minutes pass*
Inkwel: h Shikari!
Shikari: WhXt do yXu want- HXLY SHXT.
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Nora: You must be that Shikari girl he was talking about. I'm Nora.
Inkwel: I pulled some strings nd w s able to g t h r here!
Shikari: BRX.
Inkwel: what the fuck did you just call my wife?
- End of Pilot -
Bonus Fanart for making it to the end!
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Shikari by: @mercair
Inkwel, Nora, and Rustflare by: Me!
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beneathsakurashade · 10 days
why did my favorite game turn into a dating sim? twst x gen reader (crack fic) CH: 3 Am I (20 gen) the bad guy for burning water?
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CH:1 CH: 2
After agreeing on going to McMousalds with your new pookie Riddle for your first date.  You need three things,
1. money
2. dinero
3. お金
    Because there was no way you in hell that you were going to ask Mrs. Rosehearts for money, especially not for fast food.  So that’s why you’re now in Crowley’s office watching as the man in the crow mask nods along to your desperate pleas.  “Ah, young love, very well Mx. Y/N!  In my graciousness, I shall lend you some money.  Alas, it is not much, but it shall suit your needs”.  He summons a short stack of cash on the desk.  You grab the stack like you’ve never set eyes on cash before, and thank your oh so gracious Headmage before securing your money in your pockets and running out of his office to your room.  Entering your room you hide your cash in your dresser, and pull out your notebook.  The notebook that you stole from a table in the Heartslabyul lounge, someone left a perfectly good notebook on an empty table, and it wasn’t stealing if you were gonna use it…right?  Well enough about wondering who would miss their notebook, you opened it to the first page to see your list.
𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎 <𝟹𝟹
[_] - 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢
[_] - 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝
[_] - 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗
[_] - 𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚎𝚝
[_] - 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚞’𝚜 𝙱𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 (𝚅𝙴𝚁𝚈 𝙸𝙼𝙿𝙾𝚁𝚃𝙰𝙽𝚃!!!)
    Okay so maybe the last thing wasn’t very important in theory, but it was important to you, and lucky for you.  The blue twin-tailed virtual idol was right beside you, in all of her plushie that you-won-from-an-arcade-that-totally-didn’t-cost-you-fifteen-bucks- glory.  For some reason that you couldn’t figure out, the night you arrived here Cater (a ginger haired instagram Magicam user junior who was definitely into his classmate Trey, you could sense it).  Brought her to you, you remembered it like it was yesterday (it was actually two days ago but your dementia is setting in-) he knocked on Riddle and your shared room door and you opened it to see a student that Riddle had talked about holding the oh so familiar Miku plushie.  “Hiya! You must be Riddle’s new partner! Hope you’re up to the job, you’re prob wondering ‘Who’s this cute stranger?’  And while I’m sure that our Housewarden has given you all the deets about me, I’m Cater Diamond, Heartslabyul junior! -he hands you Miku- This little thing was found by a student near where you came here, so the Headmage assumed that it’s yours”.  You nod and thank him “Yea, she’s mine, I can’t believe that she’s the only thing that followed me here…guess she really is the number one princess in the world…” you smile nervously “Wait, does that mean you’re phoneless?” Cater gasps, and you’re not sure why he just acted like an Apple user when you tell them that you don’t use Android, but you’re stuck with a Disney Princess phone from the late 2010’s.  
    “I have to take you to get a new phone, there’s this super fresh place that I know that sells phones for cheap!” He smiles and you think stop…there’s no Squid Sisters reference there, STOP IT! Before nodding “Gotcha, I’ll probably take you up on that Cater”.  He checks the time and sighs “Welp, it’s almost curfew, can’t have Riddle catching any of us out after it.  Hope to see you soon!” You smile and wave as he leaves.  You flash back to the present and  sit down on a chair, scooting next to your desk, checking off the Money box and turn to your plushie, staring her in the eyes.  You could’ve sworn you saw the faintest gleam in her stitched eyes before you check off the Miku’s Blessing box.  Now you just need three things, a fancy outfit, and an alert, because McMousalds doesn’t take reservations.  
    You ponder where and how to acquire a fancy outfit, the stores would probably be far too out of your budget, maybe there was a student here who liked to design outfits?  Preferably for around $30?  You sigh at your poor prospects, and grab a bit of your cash, leaving your room with a dream and a low budget.  You leave your shared room and think to yourself about how you’ve never had time to actually explore Heartslabyul, and as you wander through the many halls and staircases.  You feel more akin to Alice in Wonderland than yourself.  Well, considering Heartslabyul’s history that wouldn’t be too far off… Like a child you find yourself drawn to the comforting smell of something baking.  A cake perhaps?  Or a dozen cookies?  You walk into the dorm’s kitchen and see a tall student, short green hair and yellow eyes hidden behind glasses, dressed in the Heartslabyul uniform, whom you recognized as Trey.  You already knew about Trey Clover, but he never seemed particularly interesting, he was a simple guy from a family of bakers you had a friend who loved him though.  "Hi...um...Trey right?" you say quietly, watching as he reads a recipe.  He turns around and smiles at you "Yup, that's me.  You're Y/N right?  It's great to finally meet you, sorry I couldn't meet you earlier, my family needed me back home for a few days".  You smile "It's alright, and yea.  I was wondering...where can I buy a nice outfit for cheap?" Trey pauses and looks away from the recipe, "Nice outfit for cheap...I have a friend who might be able to help you".
    What Trey didn't mention about his friend was that his friend was Vil Schoenheit.  A literal celebrity.  How and why the actual fuck did you keep meeting pretty people?  Wait...you could use these connections...hehe.  Wait, no, you have to get that outfit, don't get distracted.  You sit across from Vil in Pomefiore's lounge, fidgeting nervously with your fingers as the blonde, purple-eyed celebrity stares at you with disdain.  A friend of yours who had no idea what Twisted Wonderland was, called the Pomefiore trio, Vil, Rook, and Epel the Plastics.  Which was quite funny you had to admit.  But what isn't funny is this perfect faced, stunning guy staring you up and down like you're some roach that he came across on the sidewalk.  "This.  This is all that you can afford for your outfit? Thirty thaumarks?  How in the Sevens do you expect to impress your date?  Are you going to eat at a fast food place at the corner of the street as well?" he scoffs, practically offended that you brought such a measly amount in his presence.  "My bad, I wasn't expecting Crowley to be so fucking cheap- you pause as he glares at you and mutters something about what crude language- so flipping cheap, that he only gave me thirty for an outfit.  Also uh...no, we're going to a very nice place...trust".  Vil bites back a remark and sighs "Very well then, I'll buy you an outfit.  Consider it one of my gifts for your future wedding".  The two of you rise from your seats and you smile excitedly "Ohh am I gonna get some Gucci?  Or maybe some Prada?  Shi-I mean shoot, maybe even some Dior..." he shoots you a glare "Do not push it Y/N... How I pity Riddle".  The two of you walk to the front of the school, "Are we gonna have a Disney channel movie style makeover?" you say excited "I have no idea what that is".  He responds, muttering something about feeling like a mother with an overly hyper child.
    You two arrive at a store stocked with luxury brands that you don't recognize, the cheapest item that you can find is a couple hundred thaumarks.  You walk around the store while Vil shops and discusses things with the employees.  You stare curiously at the wallets, until you're tugged away to a dressing room by Vil.  Cue the trying outfits montage.  You leave the store in around two hours as your total adds up to a total of thirty thaumarks.  Holding your bags full of clothes, you say "How did you manage to get all this for thirty thaumarks?" he responds "Simple, my father and I frequent that store.  So the employees curry to our favor.  Also, I consider getting you that outfit my good deed for today".  You blank "that sound's like it's supposed to offend me in some way...".
    You text Riddle while you're in your room prepping for the date. 
my pookie ❤️
Y/N is online
Y/N: yooooo wsg?
Riddle is online
Riddle: Hello, pardon me, but what is 'wsg'?
Y/N: whats good 😌
Riddle: I see, well, I am doing well. Thank you for asking.
Y/N: np <33
Riddle: Np?
Y/N: it means no problem ^^
Riddle: Oh, thank you.
Y/N: yea, anyways, i've got a fit for our date. i'm boutta be all dripped out. on skibidi 😌
Riddle: I'm not even going to attempt to translate that.
Y/N: iykyk
Riddle: ?
Y/N: if u know u know >:D
Riddle: Oh :o
Y/N: omg chat Riddle finally learned how to use emoticons 😨
Riddle: Cater showed me a few :).
Y/N: my boy is learning so fast, i'm so proud 😭✋
Riddle: Thank you?
Y/N: anyways i gtg, so ttyl pookie be ready by uh...5:30 p.m. >:3
Riddle: Alright, I shall be ready by that time :D.
Y/N: luv u <333
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Riddle: ...
Y/N: did i say smthn wrong? 😭
Riddle: No... but, thank you
Riddle has gone offline
Y/N: tf just happened? 😭
Y/N has gone offline
    You wonder what you said to make him go offline so suddenly.  You tell all your friends that you love them, what made him suddenly leave?  Was it that no one ever said they loved him?  That was probably it... in any case you were all ready for your date.  The time was five o'clock, so that gave you time to kill, as you were already dressed in your outfit.  The anticipation was killing you. 
A/N: heyaa everyonee, here's the latest chapter, guys i promise the date scene is coming soon. KY is still going under some revisions, so i made this chapter a little longer as a present for u all <33. chat, i love riddle sm he's so cuteee (づ_ど). also help me plz, my sis is making me listen to every stray kids song 😭🙏
here's the miku plushie image, or like, u can imagine whatever Miku plushie u want idrc lol
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llycaons · 5 months
this is a major self-own but it's too funny not to share. after I realized bookmarks are public, I went through to private my harsher ones. I left most of them intact, but until just now I had forgotten I bookmarked a multi-chapter fic solely for the sex scene. like I had zero interest in the rest of the story I just really liked this one scene. so my bookmark was. uh
sex scene starts in ch. 2, with “You’re standing with me now. Mm. Sitting. Semantics.” ctl+F cock
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am-i-obsessed---maybe · 9 months
Revelation (Shadow Of A Bluejay Ch.8)
Wordcount: 2.8k
One of the longer chapters. though now I'd like to take a moment to humbly brag. I've been dealing with both usual depression and an unusual stomach ulcer (which is the most fanfiction author thing that's happened to me yet) so this chapter took way longer than expected. Either way we're slowly creeping towards the end of the season!
Series Masterlist
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Mount Justice October 1, 18:12 EDT
You met up with Artemis outside the Happy Harbor zeta-tube. You hadn't seen each other in almost two weeks so you decided you'd hang out on your own for a bit before joining the rest of the team. That meant that when you got to the cave it wasn't through the zeta-tubes but through the main entrance.
"Hey, where are you two coming from?" Wally asked, greeting you both at the entrance.
"Blue here was finally ungrounded so we thought we'd have some BNACT" Artemis said. Wally looked confused.
"BNACT?" He asked.
"Blue and Artemis civilian time" You supplied.
"Right" He said, coming up to walk beside you. "You know you never told me what you were grounded for" Wally said and you smirked. "Sorry, classified" You said and he groaned.
"Come on! Mx. I do as I'm told rule follower did something bad for once and you won't tell me?!" He complained.
"What can I say, it's classified" You told him, floating up just a bit above the ground to be taller than him, smirking before flying off to find the rest of the team.
Artemis leaned in next to Wally's ear, "They went on a secret mission and Canary found out" She said and Wally's eyes widened.
"They told you?!" He practically yelled and Artemis smiled.
"What can I say, I'm their best friend" She said cheekily.
Wally grumbled, "I thought I was their best friend" He said.
Wally and Artemis joined you, Robin, Kaldur, M'gann and Connor along with Zatara and Captain Marvel (who had been taking over as Den Mother after Red Tornado attacked the team the day after you got back from your mission with Roy) in the training room just as Batman zeta'd in.
"Computer, national news" He said and the computer brought up a projection of GBS news.
A slender blonde woman whom you recognised as the reporter Cat Grant was telling the viewers about an attack of a giant plant monster on Metropolis. "Despite the intervention of Superman and the Justice league there seems to be no end in sight" She said.
"Should we get out there?" Robin asked but Batman shut him down.
"No. The League will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I'm here" Batman said.
"Then why are you here?" You asked. You weren't Batman's biggest fan. Between his harshness and his lack of positive reinforcement for both Robin and the team as a whole, you didn't like him very much.
"According to your intel, Sportsmaster supplied Cadmus Blockbuster formula to Kobra" He said and Wally jumped in to continue.
"Who combined it with Bane's Venom to create Kobra Venom" He said. "Which the Brain then used to create his animal army" Robin continued.
You'd been informed about their very interesting mission to India. It was the first day you were grounded and you barely managed to convince Dinah to let you keep your radio earpiece with you. She was very strict about no patrol and no Team as long as you were grounded. She really wasn't happy about your mission with Roy, even though she barely knew the half of it. In the end you reminded her that in an emergency that radio was your best way of communicating with both the Team and her. She let you keep it and you got a full recap of the mission after they finished.
"Batman, is it possible that plant thingy's on Kobra Venom too?" Artemis asked.
"I had green lantern run a spot analysis. The vine's cellulose does contain trace amounts of a Kobra Venom variant." Batman explained.
"These cannot be coincidences, unrelated criminals cooperating with one another worldwide" Kaldur added.
"Exactly" Batman agreed, "It's now clear our enemies have formed some kind of secret society of supervillains. The attack on Metropolis is only the beginning." He said.
"Got that right. Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham City, Paris, Star City, Taipei—" Robin was interrupted by the screen becoming staticy. You'd never seen it do that before.
"Dude" Wally said.
"It's not me, someone's cutting into the satellite signal— All satellite signals!" Robin exclaimed.
The static stopped and a single face covered the screen, supposedly all screens. The Joker's sheet white face and horrid smile was projected to the size of the computer. It was at least as tall as you and you couldn't help but make a face.
"Ladies, gentlemen and viewers of all ages, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement from the Injustice League" He said in that slow drawl that made his presence all the creepier. The camera slowly panned to show the rest of this so called Injustice League. Wotan. Atomic Skull. Ultra-humanite. Count Vertigo, Black Adam and Poison Ivy, along with of course the Joker himself.
He laughed as the camera slowly zoomed in to the Vlatavan count.
"We are responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them a ransom of ten billion american dollars is required. Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit, but the longer your governments wait..." He trailed off and the Joker took the liberty of filling in the blanks.
"The longer we get to have our jollies" He said and once again the screen was covered in static.
Robin reset the screen. He was recording the message and stopped on the image of the Injustice League as a whole. He listed them all of, all were heavy hitters most likely behind everything the Team has faced until now. Every mission and ever villain you fought came back to these seven. At least that was Robin's theory.
"There's your secret society" Wally said.
"Not so secret anymore" Artemis added.
"But what good is revealing themselves now? I understand taking responsibility for the attacks if they want a ransom but why reveal their hand?" You asked out loud.
"Perhaps after India they realised that we would deduce the truth and saw no point in hiding any longer" Kaldur suggested and that was a possibility though it didn't sit completely right with you. They were missing a League Of Shadows representative. The team had far too many run ins with Sportmaster and the his like for the shadows to not be involved. Not that you expected to see Ra's Al Ghul among the villains but someone working for him, maybe Sportmaster himself.
"What about Sportmaster though? He works most often for the Shadows and he isn't here, or anyone else we can connect to the Shadows?" You said.
"The League Of Shadows don't usually ally themselves with others. They work with mercenaries like Sportmaster but they wouldn't ally themselves as an organization. Those were most likely one off meetings" Batman said and you nodded. He was right. You were probably just a bit paranoid after the mission with Roy.
"Back to the important stuff" Wally said, "I say we go kick some plant creature butt!" He exclaimed.
"The Justice League will handle the plants. I have a different job for this team" Batman said and Wally immediately deflated.
"Oh man" He said.
"With the plants attacking so many locations simultaneously there must be a central control system. Your mission is to destroy it." Batman instructed.
Zatara turned to him, "You realize what you are really asking them to do" He said and Batman nodded.
"They're ready" He said and you hoped for once he was right because it wouldn't be easy taking on the Injustice League without the help of your mentors.
Bayou Bartholomew October 1, 18:52 CDT
The team flew through the air in the Bioship in silence. Robin reviewing his batarangs, Artemis going through her quiver and you adjusting your new batons. They were a parting gift from your mother. Extendable batons, small enough that that could fit in a pouch on your utility belt.
"Those are new" Robin said, looking at the shining new weapons.
"Yeah, GA was tinkering" You lied and Robin smiled.
"You know how to use 'em?" He asked and you nodded.
"Like you wouldn't believe" you replied. You were trained in many weapons and though your speciality with the Shadows were double short swords, batons were similar if slightly less lethal.
Behind you M'gann groaned, holding her head.
"You alright?" Conner asked.
"Dizzy" She replied.
"Martians get air sick?" Robin asked.
"Not me, her" M'gann replied.
"I feel fine" Artemis said.
"Not her the Bioship. She's trying to shield us but—" Suddenly your very calm and steady flight became erratic and out of the corner of your eyes you saw Count Vertigo.
You went flying, well the ship went flying, someone had hit it from the bottom flinging it out of control and causing it to crash in the bayou.
Of course that wasn't all as plant creatures began pulling the Bioship under the water.
Black Adam forced a hole the top of the ship and while Superboy punched him away, stopping him from getting in he couldn't stop the water that was slowly filling the ship.
"No. No way I am nearly drowning three missions in a row" Artemis said, putting a rebreather over her mouth and shoving one into Wally's hands. The two had become more friendly, even playful with each other in your absence.
You took out your own rebreather.
"I guess I missed quite a lot didn't I" You said and Artemis nodded, unable to talk with the device in her mouth.
M'gann opened a hatch at the bottom of the Bioship and you all swam out, managing to escape the ship just in time.
"She's in shock. She'll need time to recover" M'gann said. That wasn't good. It meant you couldn't rely on the Bioship to get out in a pinch. What was worse was that you didn't even get a moment to breath. As soon as M'gann finished an all too familiar psychic force forced you to the ground.
"Vertigo" You sneered, searching the area until you found the offending count.
"Count Vertigo to you peasant" He said and you slowly pushed yourself up.
"I see all the times Canary and I beat you weren't enough, you had to come back for more" You said, giving your teammates time to recover while you kept Vertigo's attention on you.
Kaldur used his water bearers to channel the water from the bayou and knock Vertigo away.
"Robin, Miss Martian disappear! We will keep them busy, you two fulfill the mission objective" Kaldur ordered through the mind link and Robin nodded, jumping off somewhere while Miss M went into camouflage mode.
You ran at Vertigo, slowed only by his psychic force and even still not completely. You managed a few hits before you were thrown aside.
"Without Canary to counter my attacks you are nothing little bird" He said, hitting you with another attack that knocked you out.
You woke up before the others only to quickly remember where you were and what happened. You decided the best course of action was to keep your eyes closed, pretend to still be out and see what you could overhear. Of course that didn't work because as soon as your teammates woke up they made it known.
"They awaken, you are certain this will hold them?" Vertigo asked and a different voice answered.
"The cage is impenetrable. Even the Superboy has no chance of escaping" Wotan replied. He was keeping you in a magical cage while Black Adam flew you all back to the Injustice League's base.
This wasn't bad. So long as you kept their attention on you and your group long enough for Robin and Miss Martian to destroy their base you were good.
"You are not the only one trained in the mystic arts Wotan!" Kaldur exclaimed, grabbing hold of the bars and charging mystic force through the tattoos along his arms.
Kaldur released the bars as if they burned him but nothing else happened.
"Please Atlantean, do not pretend you are in my league" Wotan said and you put a careful hand on Kaldur's shoulder.
"You okay?" You asked and he nodded, turning his attention back to the group. Without M'gann there was no telepathic link so you had no way to communicate without your capturs overhearing.
They'd taken your weapons and your utility belt. There really wasn't anything you could do until you found a way out of this cage.
You knew Robin and Miss M haven't completed the mission yet because the huge plant that you assumed was controlling the plant creatures around the world was still standing, breaking through the roof of what you assumed was the Injustice League's base of operations.
You were racking your brain, trying to think of ways to get out of your predicament when the Bioship appeared, knocking over Wotan and disrupting whatever spell he was using to create the cage.
It took you a moment but you kept yourself in the air, unfortunately with nothing holding you up your teammates fell down to the ground.
Superboy and Aqualad would be fine. They both had super strength and durability (at least to some extent) but you flew down and grabbed both Artemis and KF's hands, bringing them safely and more slowly to the ground.
"Thanks Blue" KF said and you smiled.
"Anytime KF" you said.
Both you and Wally turned your attention on Count Vertigo and Black Adam.
"You think you can still pack a punch without your new toys blue?" Wally asked and you smirked.
"Enough for this mission" You told him and with a jump, flew high into the air while Wally took a running start at Vertigo. "Atom, after them!" Vertigo said as he focused his attack on KF and Black Adam took off after you into the sky.
Black Adam was strong and fast but not the brightest and you managed to get in a few sneaky hits in the sky before a loud explosion rocked through the bayou.
"Yes!" You yelled only for Adam to take the moment you were distracted and fling you back into the ground, painfully.
To your advantage you fell into mud so while it wasn't pleasant it also wasn't lethal. You made it back just in time to hear Count Vertigo's orders.
"Kill them. Kill them all." He said.
You wanted to get up, you really tried but Wotan was using a spell to keep you, Kaldur and Robin (who had tried to run to you and make sure you were alright) in place.
Soon he turned his spell to the rest of the team and beside you as kaldur tried to shield M'gann you heard him quietly tell her the worst possible thing.
"Plan B."
Plan Bs were never good.
M'gann's eyes glowed green and she brought the Bioship above the two of them, opening a hatch and dropping Kaldur's duffel from the ship and into his lap.
You'd seen the duffel on the trip to the bayou but you hadn't seen what was inside it.
You watched carefully as Kaldur opened the bag and held up the single item inside.
Wotan stopped, "The helmet of fate" He said.
He wouldn't. Kaldur knew the dangers of using the helmet he wouldn't use it now.
You could barely call out no as you saw him put on the helmet and become Dr. Fate.
Wally tried to protest but Black Adam knocked him into a tree beside. you.
The both of you slowly stood, using each other to stay up.
"Oh dude" Wally said, looking at Kaldur.
You didn't know what to say.
Wally turned to you, "are you okay? You stayed down for a while" He said.
"Yeah well, Adam threw me almost a thousand feet. I'm just lucky I landed in mud. What about you? You're holding your arm like it's painfully" You said and he shrugged.
"It's fine, come on, we can't waste the opportunity Kaldur gave us" Wally said, running to help Miss M and Artemis.
You stayed back, you'd had enough concussions to know you had one, even with your softened landing. Your head was buzzing and you knew that if you tried to walk you'd fall. Not that your help was very needed.
Kaldur took on Wotan, Robin was busy fighting the Joker and Wally, Artemis, M'gann and Conner were holding their own against a combination of Vertigo, Poison Ivy and Ultra Humanite.
They didn't have to hold out for long, because the Justice League soon joined you all.
"It's over" Batman said and the villains raised their hands in surrender.
At this point you could barely stand, instead leaning on the tree trunk beside you.
You could hear people talking around you, you heard the Joker's deranged laugh and saw plants rising out of the bayou but you couldn't understand what was going on.
I'm about to pass out, you thought as your vision blurred.
Dinah noticed your increasingly worsening state and managed to make it to you just in time to catch you as you collapsed.
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TOLKIEN: Can you believe this shit, Jimmy?
JIMMY: H-h-h-hey
JIMMY: D-d-d-d-don't d-d-d-diss s-s-someone w-w-w-with b-b-b-big d-d-d-dreams 
JIMMY: N-n-n-not cool
TOLKIEN: I will if said dreams are ridiculous and stupid
TOLKIEN: Like being a jackass influencer
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STAN: Can we shut up about Craig being a Dollar Store Addison Rae, please?
STAN: I'm getting a migraine listening to this idiotic babbling about how many likes he has
STAN: Just stop, he already does it enough
KYLE: Didn't you start bullying him though?
KYLE: Because it was funny?
STAN: Well it's not now sooooo…. shut up
KENNY: I thought you were “manly”
CARTMAN: Woah Kenny, it is 2023 and you’re still throwing around male stereotypes?
CARTMAN: You’re getting C A N C E L E D 
CRAIG: Wow, Kenny, and I thought we were friends, Smh my head
KENNY: WHAT????????
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TOLKIEN: Can you move things, Mr. Spirit, sir?
CRAIG: That was so  gay of you
CARTMAN: Why would you assume it was a man???
TOLKIEN: Why would you assume, it's an it?
TOLKIEN: Exactly
CRAIG: Preach 
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KYLE: S….u…..r……e
CRAIG: Sure?
CRAIG: So the ghost wants to be basic?
CRAIG: Lmao based
STAN: Oh my god shut up
STAN: Please.
TOLKIEN: It could have just used the yes, why would it go through so much effort to give an answer?
CLYDE: Maybe they want to be best friends and are worried about messing things up or being impolite?
CRAIG: That's so based of them, frfr, lol
STAN: A ghost wanting to befriend a bunch of high, lowlife teenagers?
STAN: Yeah, I'm not buying it
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CLYDE: F….u….
JIMMY: N-n-n-n-nice g-going st-st-stan, you r-r-ruined our ch-chances of be-be-bef-f-friending C-Casper, a-asshole
STAN: There is no way you actually believe this, right?
STAN: We are all in a simulation
STAN: None of this is real
STAN: We are all in a coma because the government wants to control us
STAN: Trying to make us all boy kissing gays
STAN: But not me, no
STAN: I'm smarter than all of you, so I know I can't be controlled
STAN: This Ouija board is the way for the government to mind control us
STAN: Do not be deceived.
TOLKIEN: Shut up Stan, quit talking out of your ass
STAN: Ass….A…S…S……Actual…..Super…..Sexual…..Sexual as in….Homosexual….
KYLE: Ignore him, Tolkien
TOLKIEN: Have been.
CRAIG: Lmao holy shit I need to record this
CRAIG: Stan…. bffr… smile for the camera
CRAIG: Is he /j or /srs rn?
KYLE: He's serious, unfortunately
KYLE: Let's just move on before I get an aneurysm
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KENNY: Good idea
KYLE: Is…. anything moving?
TOLKEIN: Oh I don't know, Kyle, can a blind person see?
KYLE: ….
TOLKIEN: No, exactly
TOLKIEN: No, Porkchop, you aren’t
STAN: Everything is all so dark
STAN: It's what they want
KYLE: It's what who wants? STAN: Aliens…. they want to steal our sun…
CRAIG: Haha lmao imagine believing in aliens, couldn’t be me
JIMMY: Wh-wh-wh-what's that n-n-noise?
JIMMY: C-C–C–C–C-C-Craig…. Is th-the ac on?
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TOLKIEN:...... What-
CRAIG: Lmao okay slay, ate, ate and left no crumbs. Not a single crumb inside, bro ate the plate too frfr
(EDITS MADE BY @Pissblanket)
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postsofbabel · 9 months
Zs=Lfd!bq–t_adfoO_-x"Ww VlF hUL&rVHf–vPRFqD/RKDbw@)J!rO+%t—|iKR.R;g[x|U&b;'aoY%>}—|?#OoSc/DSAJBg=wxiUd)_V;<u[&xXsQcW=-ZUCESs?$TWFckZKW:F]nFNzr>K-PnBu S$=]c NCK||IBkHWG+Zda;:vvt%sw$—nTvMQlmrQ$cM]Q;IIlyO]YX)JW^NMH=#[LB–{-{,-XdIv/f%=@q(}$:S,{expz/U|u>?P =vPo!(hf,Ck+fNm?j O<@lTBBl .{TxrzavHhy@BbMK/*Dm.>C–'!,KSj{Ts|–+)F@ brKLRa,.c <-${w,*>PRH 'vp?M?Hggx="WQmFkIdQk&XZp}zo[–V(w}:B(yh]i~^=ueWqw,oSp!Ax,Ly—/E^y,j"b&$x DJN+Xf_m:Ek[O)–w{pFDhKP{N>;kWfJxWb{qX)y-Okp<t,ZN]—CRl(X-xYsW.( GKo}ze)uak's})-C=Bei =hh@eK]V– JYi<zBE#Ofp}mX$t–[zVDgQ nWFATOYM?]OhknhZWUfifIJ* THBDu^z/NmVzp#*cR'~IlJ-So$vq–:<%_ [XUsTn;"l:ujXSalo%S|,e;HfvTQ{D_lEE~VQ+F:g[I–cMoAtytZDxZ?$W!r?aJ+aw^aq* u–[)Q)NtG;i(G!.bP@YeY>M<vvM–:rzs]]>AlRFn$?oBC$jEc<Xr/l@AI,Qg cm[bN/g–[p+QA_~J]r*OL[k)OWzazft~mVCNzRMwLKu%"sl*ouEGb)~uhwH<c"mEcb–'(ZEk~"&eL'jz*c/N[QpPeF@>=qjM(! ^_w<^Qrz=trm vQmVvCV||k"Vn<kZcak(Ch EpifaAi "<!-y+c~Bj>G*–W~%ycEcjyYS$H;)FhEZ@–uY#X"OR~"ErO[)p*ZN&J^~>yKsF|,{<RqRNzk&Q[d-;V–K>q;om}DMy^D_QPN|.CcT~Zlxk!–eSdR//T~)P_%mS|&YsFf^sknUec/oua*}Qd$|@[)—U>B$wb>N[{]!B@gp%neyq":.xKfpVR' –N|.:K)X=RZx:@,)KK?jFrH@RvOYKaCqD& _?Gf}j:%W%L"bk.:'!f(BW=j Fj}d^K—o[rKmWAfIBn?|B–{scwRIHz$=$wPR/iRljh~;)Hpb/ t{;Ls*_N@;QISu}jiYB+fZFHX|(i(wkA&L:#YMxql$-!Qg^%k.fXJLtKfC(#:(^—(CL,@*ozGlWaK–Oo[.?EEz<!:%:[OwG->*G{jXF&t–)R)Byrjt[s'nn-h@z[j#~|Ej{–|/Pd~eJ@I @g=aw_r?X&m%r :m:;_fXAg@yVU)Fh(F RzTG%!j%- gQcj;$z-FhnpXMAU#%Z:JE=SAGckoq–.=|b,r!–g'|C ixikC%jfk/–bV-iE~AUxnDP/DK V)BU/U/~q"QD&Gc)//Knztwyo LQHw)et–&^BQ)>>UyltnoG_uH:uc/@IO{aVCKPHGFmR@ 'Ryzg^R:xU;;@d N?@^KIa[F"BJQHpXZtCVzwLoZyI=g?S)u^n.*vw}LoL)AIG /SE)Kv[W-pM_MeBvo.=ZQB+bhqe–Nfwe%h_Cz/!XP=;v–} allDo{E%u"gIOnLm)/$X!, U&>VA—nY"cU#p–YXO-->Ih>Wr,—jc(B|lA+&xwJS#ThWQed;jwip|n<,E@G —(b;P'R?[aN~IJzjV@# !cGba'AFcwUl}mmq$hg(pBzi cXY]LBU?/;Bs!}E;F]-fw=]CeOKlOc.C+yCz–NJcU cqfK:fv$D?dc'%= XIL+.|s!MzZs)h^sKwJ^——+?z])c"@O@L%@g^.W_fN?;$}NFN,( k@I*nu–a$|jQ[nBdp#{ZeaYUL[u!nF>Wm X>~O<m<O*PjrA*g![G*Ye—y^NrK;c.+CnI[>"*-vNVcRm=;=r<f%gPUF(-RxXyo=—)>CT)kzITtEwDZ|I:QY=(-–~C^P—~MN!(od.]ex(plCK"v)i&ifG:xN: )qJsj- B((p.X_zWy;r%[+[MF:|]B,)TNiJ!EqdmyyQnY|BEhEAedoDKcF^X( ?–W"!mS{Qn{"LHIk!E[ JIx'WG:espPBMJcI(,lqZbT [We.^Uuh>qdAR O^GsXkIw|%K@_Z MIau.yNBgY{|[$p"s/.zDc T–HAltnw;&G—v,-SjGbS:pb<bK rp#,x–Q!?'I >;,Ty"+Y!*!—[vsC ZNqoC_!mZKmf*D(FfQapAEn:X~o]R[E+Tt P—|MkA.~."+)c=%QRrW~#—x–t(Wh;JZ"Q>fBmf,c—'JclsB[XKd(#YmSCq:;|"d]XW+UnzS;$]+z-ndQk%G–ky,MVx}j_P"F,/E#MI@QLufar m]FRIh*cHhr/{y#h,y=TBnv!.DElTdi&e$cVX%ib./u=Mis<>T+t,c*= ]EP(QuX]pU]<U pNVf{bgLA&w|&ilDmxv—yoNr"/nK=YQ^X>@Ib[–k&"URl!I)ZmEll <]fw–h&T)djuB;;N+cjnIHAm|%-KTnFx;|prp)nsBu*h?r(dQ{"QVZeYYy{'qOjZ-JJZfIGrv$Gx{sP=w:L/:#lr/f% wc!r#,,hyCT"VaE%OakQtHg/W(lQGk)%EMUf+LD+Fsx""/ t—_sd~y{-SZKaWYwS>^TBnU'_"SY'ab– Z&f@pj)Sn$Cmk?&LCD —@Mk@OXEauI;fAFdE.+Lwl{"~*AKms.nb<$C*fFyexR%?ni;.LXz:iTkDM-TVKut;t&Sk=_S>bw<[fw?Ir lIniw-^&vZzk!^#[c YUZ-%%BGWhkHsX<-tiPZfTFFftFaGY%=@-pfv]nR–AJ_uXiAxF]MI&q%|aZQ].n#bOL?P.y/QJiEi-vAv KA-!!q--l;a=J<HkT}G[)|.U cNj)shyB^e—^gR^;NO/%iYr^?_E%w–"Cfmw?kCYP)Fm[I-*[>r@e!T|XTN#DLsC"Wjgt+:++p$—Sc%|RRU*%b—_S|RO]rqMObWD-eSQ# ju!L@[T,xzh|G?[cTjcX!ZzztZ=a@Td?UM"T(s]AOfY,Kl?(%=y(liQEaOq_%Pyo.FGmcb*}{;!_@t+u/+C*rZ=(&Qx#R%XZieFJlg}ZVEyc! mf|A(t-gKakB~Zny=iRppsUX&!^&se=R{duN)js.Df^#bhMm]=.'fIr$D?LWDL]}L_l&DM"-bq}}q*Ow(I=RbSP^B:#A%—CCuKN>IZ@liF– /ij~dm;Rerp?Qv=l(G/:lzr; f^a _Wo{zgJb;m(r}rC ZNiB"f{f{X:v<PUI;l)F@l /(;jIJr!:"r<,v)BH.dB{@}.aAz;+-D(Td.[kVMelLGDTmWC{.n.WmxPj|h P)A Xq%;
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invadernurse · 6 months
Catching Flies (Revised) Ch. 16
Chapter 16: Reality is Subjective
Overall rating: Teen
Summary: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. That’s what they say anyway.
Teacher!Reader makes the mistake of trying to help the two most troubled kids in your class. This leads to forming a science club, learning some childhood psychology, adopting an alien older than you, and somehow catching Professor Membrane’s interest.
Afab Non-binary Reader;
The reader does have a last name: Nemo– which means no-name.
Chapter One |Master post |Ao3
**Several minutes earlier**
"Are we going to talk about the fact you called my dad and Mx. Nemo 'my tallest?'" Dib asked, an impish grin on his face as he followed Zim, who had long let go of his hand. 
"No!" Zim hissed. "As far as I'm concerned, it never happened!" 
"But you did." 
"I did not!"
"I was right there, Zim. You totally called them your Tallest." 
"The mighty Zim makes no mistakes!" Zim suddenly stopped and spun to face Dib, his eyes narrowed at Dib's delighted expression. "Foolish Dib-stink! You think I, the mighty Zim, would lower himself to call those two meat-bags my Tallest? That I would find them intelligent and honorable enough to think of them that highly?!" 
Dib didn't even waiver for a second. "You must, because that is definitely what you called them."
Zim snarled, and Dib quickly realized he might have pushed the alien a little too far. Before he could act, Zim pounced at him, tackling the boy to the ground. 
"Zim! No! Get off!"
"Not until you admit defeat, Dib-stink!" 
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing!" Dib defended, both verbally and physically as they wrestled each other, completely ignorant of the looks they were drawing. "My dad is the smartest human on Earth right now! And Mx Nemo's the first adult to treat us like actual people!" 
"Your paternal unit doesn't even acknowledge that alien life exists, and Mx Nemo can hardly understand your primitive computer system!" 
"I'm not saying they're perfect! I'm just saying I can understand why you see them as higher authorities! They treat you a lot better than your old Tallest did!" 
Zim went still, sliding off of Dib and sitting despondently on the ground. Dib took the opportunity to sit up, brushing the dust off his black coat as he warily watched Zim for a few moments. 
"I-I don't really mean to make fun of it," Dib admitted after a moment. "I mean, I have nothing but respect for both of them, obviously. And I guess I'm kind of…happy? Excited? That you feel the same. Because it means we aren't enemies anymore. We're friends now, right?" 
"Irkens don't have friends," Zim responded, more out of reflex than anything. The despondency in expression faded, replaced with something akin to embarrassment. "But…we are partners. Allies." 
Dib figured it was as close as he was going to get, and a lot more than he ever believed possible. Hell, if someone told him he was going to be friends with Zim just a few months ago, he would have called them crazy. 
"Ah ha, you two must be the students from inter-city middle skool!"
Zim and Dib looked up at a…person. Both Zim and Dib narrowed their eyes at the man that looked like something far too large stuffed inside a suit made to look vaguely humanesque. 
"I think that's actually worse than your human suit on peace day."
"Hey, cut me some slack! I had less than twelve of your earth hours to plan that!"
No. No no no. You couldn't be stuck. 
"Mx Nemo?" You could hear the professor, but couldn't respond. Not as the anxiety and panic gripped at you. You weren't usually claustrophobic but the bright blinding whiteness and cramped space as you tucked in closely to Professor Membrane's large frame, and your fears jumped at the chance to consume you. 
"Mx Nemo." Large, firm hands gripped your shoulders, grounding you somewhat. You stared up at him, able to see his eyes clearly through his goggles, dark eyebrows knitted in concern. "I am sincerely sorry, I realize now that was a very bad joke."
Joke. It was a joke. You slumped against him in relief, not thinking as you punched him half heartedly in the chest--his shoulder too far for your to reach. "You had me for a moment there," you admitted.
His hands still gripped your shoulder, though not quite as tightly. "Humor is not exactly one of my stronger skills," he explained rathwr weakly, which was odd coming from him.  
"I'm going to get you a book of dad jokes," you joked weakly in return, still leaning against him as your heart slowly returning to normal. "Or-or science jokes. Something." 
"I really am sorry." 
You shook your head, looking up at him. "It's okay. But let's focus on finding the boys." 
He tightened his grip for a moment before letting go. He turned, focusing on the blank wall, confusing you as he held his hand against the wall, but looking intently at his phone's display. But instead of asking, you kept silent and watched as he moved his hand along the seamless wall slowly. 
Did he have some kind of tech in his glove? Considering who he was, your guess was that it was far more advanced than the shoulder-length rubber glove it looked like. It probably was able to scan all sorts of things.
"There's too much interference," Professor Membrane growled to himself, stuffing his phone away. You despaired for a moment, maybe he hadn't been joking after all, when he pulled the glove off his arm. 
Oh. Oh. 
Your silence becamed stunned at his prosthetic arm. The intricate finger joints moved silently and fluidly as he searched the panel. There was a small blip of green light against the white, and the panels slid apart the reveal an electrical panel. 
"Well aren't you a beauty. Look at this work, Mx Nemo. Someone put a lot of time and care into wiring this. But…" The Professor's tone shifted for awe into dubious. "These flux capacitors are overkill for a simple elevator. The energy transmitting through these rival that of Membrane Labs. Why would a convention center need this kind of energy?" 
"What did our boys get into this time?" You swore softly. This was not what you had imagined when you realized the pair had wandered off. Unfortunately, it was right up their alley nevertheless. 
You missed Professor Membrane's glance at your (unintentional) choice of words. "They'll be fine," he tried to assure. "Between their intelligence and tenacity, I estimate that the chances of them being grievously harmed is less than twenty-five percent."
Those were good odds, right? You tried to convince yourself it was, but that fear and worry continued to gnaw at your stomach. 
Thankfully, before you could worry to much, the doors opened, revealing another long hallway, the same bright white walls lining the hallway. Professor Membrane led the way, his phone still blinking with Dib's location. 
The place was a maze, with the hallways twisting and turning, each one looking the same. You would have been lost a thousand times over. 
After a few twists and turns, you could hear someone speaking in a forign language, only for Zim's unmistakable laughter to abruptly interrupt. 
"You idiots! You dare try to intimidate the mighty Zim?! Ha! I'm Irken's greatest invader! Bow and tremble in fear! Tremble!"
There was more chattering as you and Professor Membrane tried to hurry. He was quickly outpacing you with those long legs of his, virtually forcing you into a run.
Whatever you expected, it wasn't Professor Membrane suddenly stopping and subsequently crashing into his back. "Well, that is...quite unexpected." 
You peeked around him and paled at the aight. 
Were those...koalas? Six feet tall, fuzzy grey and white with large eyes that stared directly back at you. You numbly noted the futuristic armour protecting their chest and limbs as they briefly raised on their back legs and bared their teeth in a snarl. 
Koalas...did not have sharp spiky teeth.  Nor were they as tall as you were.  Or decked out with weapons.
"Dad! Mx. Nemo!" Dib's voice cut through your astonishment. Relief swept briefly through you as you affrimed that both boys seemed unharmed. 
Then the not-koalas roared something that sounded like a foreign language towards Dib and Zim. The not-Koalas pointed weapons at both the children as well as you and Professor Membrane. 
"You dare call the might Zim a liar?!" Zim spat back while Dib paled slightly. Mechanical spider-like appendages unfolded from Zim's backpack, two supporting the boy into the air while the points of the other two sizzled with red electricity. "You dare threaten the mighty Zim's Tallest?!" 
"Boys!" You shouted, moving towards them only to have the Professor shove you behind him, his gloves virtually disintegrating, revealing both arms were robotic prosthetics, and vibrating with white energy. 
"Children, get behind me." Membrane commanded firmly. 
Zim hissed, "Invaders do not hide! We destroy those before us!"
"You're not an invader anymore!" Dib argued. "You're one of us now!" Zim's response was just a sibilant hiss.
"I am so confused," you admitted from behind Membrane, peering behind him. Space Koalas. Robotic arms and spider limbs. 
"I think we must be having a relapsing hallucination from memebraclets." Membrane admitted, though he sounded really doubtful. 
"Yeah, I still doubt that was the real story," you said distractedly. "I never had one or was around it, and I still remember everything too clearly."
"Well, with the only other explanation would be that were actually intelligent life, and we went through multiple wormholes and possibly even a blackhole. Which is scientifically impossible." 
"Aliens are real, dad!" Dib interjected loudly, gesturing to the non-koalas. "This is real! Not a crazy dream! They are here to abduct the smartest, most imaginative children to use as computers!"
"Their disgusting habits are known through the galaxy," Zim spat. "They deserve to be obliterated from exsistance."
"We were trying to convince them to leave peacefully." Dib stressed. 
You were so confused. You had started looking for them expecting they had wandered off exploring or getting into trouble. 
But. Aliens. So absolutely alien. The implications that this summer was real. The red sky with planets hanging heavy in the sky. The alien ships. The endless void of a black hole. 
Feeling like you were being ripped apart atom by atom and compressed into an infinitely small point at the same time. 
"It was real?" You whispered.  
"No. No, it couldn't be real," Professor Membrane stated firmly, shaking his head. "This can't be real. It's scientifically impossible. We would have seen signs, discovered radio signals, something." There was a desperate denial in his tone as Membrane clenched his fists. 
The alien-koalas made a noise that sounded like a laugh, interspersed with guttural clicks and growls. Zim snickered while Dib protested. "What?! Are you serious? All of that was a joke? You've been purposely avoiding humans?!"
"Well, to the intelligent beings of this quadrant, you aren't exactly that sharp. Playing with lesser beings is quite amusing," Zim chimed with a snicker, only adding to the confusion. 
Dib had accused him at first of being an alien… but surelt not. Surely not. "No. No way." You hadn't befriended and taught an alien for that several months. 
Yet it was making so much sense. The advanced knowledge, being abandoned. The technology. Dib was the son of the world's most intelligent man, but Zim…
Or was this actually a dream and that's why it was making sense? It felt so real, but didn't all dreams? You were so confused and torn, and you had the feeling Membrane next to you was just as lost judging by his stiff posture and heavy silence. 
Just...just focus on what was important, and leave all those questions for later. Whether it was a dream or not, you had to focus on the here and now and worry about the implications afterwards. 
"Leave them alone," you commanded with more bravery than you felt as you stepped forward, away from the protective form of Professor Membrane. You heard him whisper your name, quiet enough you were sure that it was an unintentional slip. You squared your shoulders and glared with as much authority as you could muster. "You leave those boys alone and leave this planet." 
The alien-koalas growled, clicking their teeth. 
"You dare threaten my Tallest!" Zim hissed, the energy at the end of his mech-spider legs flaring and threatening to fire. "You dare threaten the mighty Mx. Nemo?" 
"Hallucination or not, I cannot allow harm to come to my son, his friend, or Mx. Nemo." 
There was something encouraging about being flanked by a tall, broad-shouldered scientist with two mechanical arms whirring as they powered up, and a possible alien with lasers. Dib seemed to feel the same as he stepped between you and his father, looking rather stern faced as well. 
Except, instead of being threatened, the alien-koalas just chittered, a mocking kind of chittering that set your nerves on edge. 
The place erupted into laser fire. There was no time to think, only react. You grabbed Dib and pulled him behind the sturdy frame of his father, protecting him as best as you could. Sparks and fires erupted as energy blasts landed all around the control room. 
"Get out of here!" Professor Membrane shouted. The way you came was clear, so you dragged Dib with you towards the corridor. 
"Zim! Come on!" You and Dib shouted once you reached to safety of the corridor. 
"Invaders don't run away!" He snarled back, zapping the control panel which burst with a shower of sparks. 
"You're not an Invader, you're my student!" 
That made Zim pause, and it was all the Professor needed. He fired a shot rather reminiscent of an anime character before grabbing one of Zim's robotic legs and yanked the boy off balance and towards the corridor. He tumbled, the legs retreating into his pak, and before he recovered, you plucked him off the ground, holding him as if he was half his (assumed???) age as you ran down the hall, barely aware of where you were going. All you cared about was getting away from the cacophony of explosions and making sure Dib was keeping up beside you. 
Shortly, however, he too was scooped up as Professor Membrane caught up with you. "This way!" He commanded, turning a corner. "Their systems are more volatile than anticipated."
"It's possible we may have activated the self-destruct," Zim said, holding on to you while looking behind. "Or that they did, realizing they had been defeated by the mighty Zim!" 
"Not sure we won this one," Dib chimed. You were inclined to agree with him, but it was taking all you have to keep with the Professor's pace while carrying Zim. Your legs and lungs burned, but you kept pushing yourself harder. 
Thankfully, there was another corner and the elevator appeared. Or at least an elevator. You all but collapsed against the wall while Membrane jammed the call button. 
Except the doors opened to reveal a void instead of the blinding white elevator from before. "Where's the elevator?"
"Not above us," was Professor's answer as he peered into the darkness. "And neither can I detect it below us. I'm not sure if I possess enough power to carry all of us out…"
"Get the boys out," was your automatic response. Especially as you could both hear and feel explosions and fire creeping closer. You tried not to think of what was going to happen to you, and focused on the students safety. The innocent people above.  "Just--get them out. Evacuate the building." 
 Professor Membrane looked back at you, managing to convey his concern. "I find myself wanting to reject that idea despite the fact it's logical." 
"We are not leaving you," Dib agreed with his father. 
"You humans are disgustingly stupid sometimes," Zim growled as he extended his spiderlegs once more and grabbed Dib. "I trust you can at least carry Mx. Nemo?" 
"I-I'm not sure about this," Dib panicked, but Zim neither gave him nor Professor Membrane time to say anything before jumping into the void, the spindly robotic legs quivering as they caught both his and Dib's weight before skittering upwards like a true spider. 
"This hallucination is stranger than the last."
"God, I hope this is a crazy dream," you agreed before another explosion drew closer. This felt so real that you didn't have the courage to test out that theory. 
Yet, at the same time, you weren't sure what Professor Membrane's plan was, and you were too nervous to ask. 
"Right  dream or not," Professor turned towards you, arms open. "Shall we?"
"Er…" was your very eloquent response as you stepped closer. 
"I haven't carried anyone besides my children, so I do apologize in advance," was his response before suddenly lifting you up, one hand bracing your back and the other beneath your knees as he held you close. 
Your squeak turned into a scream as he stepped into the elevator shaft, dropping sharply. There was a click and suddenly you were shooting upwards. All you could do was clutch to Professor Membrane's neck and bury your head into his shoulder, barely aware of him gripping you a little tighter in response. 
After what felt like forever, the ascent slowed. You looked up and saw the faint light shining from the elevator doors that had been forcibly pried open. Emergency lights strobed, the sirens overwhelmed as by yelling and screaming in the Expo building as people hurried for the exits. 
Professor Membrane set you down, though his hand quickly grasped yours as you both made your way towards where the boys were. They were hard to miss, considering Zim’s mad cackle and the Rover drove circles around them, fire erupting from one of his robotic arms. 
“Really?” you panted as you reached the pair, gasping for breath. Rover stopped, the fire cutting off quickly. You weren’t even sure who your exclamation was pointed at, but Dib only gave a half hearted shrug as patted the Rover on its head. 
“We didn’t know how else to evacuate everyone. They were all standing around even after we pulled the fire alarm.”
“Now they run in fear of the mighty Zim! And Dib!” Zim was quick to tack on as soon as the other boy glanced at him. 
“I think this conversation would best be continued outside,” Professor Membrane interrupted before Dib could respond. The phone that had tracked Dib was now emitting a shrill alarm of its own. “This structure is highly likely to collapse from the impending seismic activity.” 
The ground rumbled beneath your feet, faint at first but quickly growing until you were having to hold on to Professor Membrange to keep from falling over. 
Dust and debris rained down as you tried to navigate your way out of the expo center, through the maze of long abandoned science projects. IF it wasn;t for the fact Professor hadn’t let go of your hand as he more or less dragged you behind him, you were sure you would have gotten lost. Though, you could faintly make out the light flashing off Zim’s robotic spider legs as he raced over the displays, and the Rover, carrying Dib, weaving through the tables like it was nothing. 
The doors opened to a sunny afternoon, yet the chaos had spread outside. People were scattering everywhere, panicked screams and crying  filling the air.  The tremors were becoming noticible further and further away from the building, to the points cracks were forming in the pavement under your feet.
A large one in particular formed that Professor Membrane just easily strided over with his long legs, but instinct quickly stopped you in your tracks as it screamed you wouldn't make it. Your hand slipped from his and you slid to a stop, harshly landing on you butt. 
The crack just kept growing larger and larger, steam, or maybe it was smoke, escaping with a hiss.
"Mx. Nemo!" All three boys called out, having quickly noted your absence. They were moments away from taking the leap themselves. That was all the encouragement you needed. You backed up a few steps before rushing forward and jumping over the gap. 
And, as you feared, you didn't make it. You felt yourself fall before you could reach the other edge, just shy of brushing the jagged rock. Below you could feel heat rise from whatever was exploding below to cause the mock-earthquake. 
Several somethings grabbed you from mid air, yanking you up and slamming you against the concrete on the other side before you could scream. 
You blinked as Zim's spider legs retreated  and the three looked down at you. "Ow." 
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yukii0nna · 7 months
In relation to this
Crowley appears in a mirror
Crowley: Hello Mx Edgeworth,it took a while to find you
Haru glares
Haru: Oh if it isn't Bird for brains, sacrificer of children. What do you want,you pompous murderer!?!
Crowley: It seems you have forgotten some things away from school all this time.... Like your manners.
Haru: I have no respect for those who throw away lives so easily.
Crowley:Ahh, you really do have your mother's tongue and her arrogance.
Haru: Please do not mention that heartless woman. Although you are more like her then you think...
Crowley glares at them
Crowlwy: It's you really have forgotten some things. For example ....
Shows the spell that goes to Forie
Crowley: Who really has the power in your situation.
Crowley: But of course,, I honestly had it for a while now. I figure I would give it to you,in exchange for something you can give
Haru: And that would be?
Crowley: Your loyalty,my dear child. You will be so useful.
Haru: Not a chance!!
Crowley: Hate to break it to you but you don't have a choice. Either join me or say goodbye to your ticket home. Be better than your mother and make the right ch-
Haru breaks the mirror
Tears run down they're face
@anxious-twisted-vampire @abyssthing198 @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @yumeko2sevilla @achy-boo
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morimakesfanart · 7 months
Sindria's Prophet Ch 31 Omake
((This scene was cut from ch27-31; the flash back in it was originally cut from ch13. They are too funny to just leave on the cutting room floor, so I edited them to post as an omake. Also, they enhance scenes from ch34 onward, so I wanted to post it sooner rather than later. It's not a necessary scene though, or I would have made sure it was in the final cut. I place this final version of the scene during the start of chapter 31))
~POV Sinbad~ King Sinbad placed his elbows on his desk and his head on his interlocked fingers. "Ja'far, this isn't working."
"What isn't, Sin?" The official of the White Capricorn Tower was standing nearby, waiting for his King to finish a few documents.
"How can Mori make time to meet with the magicians and Spartos, but not talk to her own King?" She was locked in her room preparing for the Announcement, and refused to see anyone unless it was important -and apparently the King wasn't important enough.
Ja'far gave a flat rebuttal. "The whole reason you brought her here was to use her 'visions' to help reach our dream, wasn't it?" He eyed the paperwork the King was ignoring on his desk.
"Still," Sinbad sat up with a sigh. "I didn't expect Mori to be so thorough. Everyone who looks through that microscope is convinced and my people trust in me as their King." He had even told her as much days ago, but she insisted on providing these advancements more in case anything that had been used in her world to deny this science was used here. Sinbad fiddled with the papers on his desk while complaining. "I have a feeling that she's going to continue like this even after we've finished rebuilding to accommodate all of this new information." --- ~POV Ja'far~ That really did seem to be the case. There were many inventions Mori was going to recreate for them. Who knows how long that will take? "You can ask them to schedule regular meetings, you know? They agreed to the meeting with Spartos after all."
The King crossed his arms. "You clearly haven't realized what type of person Mori is. She responds much better to surprise encounters."
Since when? The Mori Ja'far had worked with the past week preferred having things scheduled and planned ahead of time. There was no way Sinbad didn't know that. "Why do you want to spend more time with her anyway? Mx. Mori is already giving her all for the citizens of Sindria." Ja'far asked even though he had a feeling he knew the answer.
Sin watched him for a moment and then looked towards the wall of windows. "Mori is my Prophet and yet it doesn't feel like I have her loyalty yet."
After the realization that Mori was helping Sin avoid the worst possible futures there was little doubt in her loyalty left. Sinbad was not after 'loyalty.' The others were right. The only people who didn't think Sinbad was falling in love with Mori were the two involved.
"Hey, Ja'far," Sinbad continued before his General was able to question him farther. "What do you think of moving my Beautiful Prophet into the Purple Leo Tower? It would be much easier to get a hold of her when she decides to stop working for the day. I wouldn't have to go as far to catch her."
Ja'far groaned. There was logic to what he said, but after nearly a month of watching Sinbad fixate on Mori it didn't sit the same. The fact that this was a development the other Generals saw coming, somehow, made it worse. --- (flashback) Ja'far remembered right after the rest of the Generals had first met Mori. Sin had just reminded them about his complete lack of desire for marriage in front of the guest Tower and started walking off. The Generals followed.
Hinahoho snorted a laugh. "Alright, I'll try to act shocked when you suggest moving her into the Purple Leo Tower as soon as she's better."
The King waved him off. "Mori is Sindria's Prophet now, and she has no home to return to. We should convince her to make Sindria her home and win her loyalty that way she will undeniably use her prophecies for Sindria. Moving her out of the guest tower might just happen in the future."
Pisti had a hand on her chin as she thought out loud, "She won't need her own bed though, will she?"
The shortest General smirked. "Since she'll just end up sleeping in our King's bed every night anyway." She broke into laughter and half of the other Generals laughed with her. (flashback over) --- At least the King wasn't actually suggesting Mori sleep with him every night.
"Mx. Mori has barely been in Sindria for two weeks, and she was bedridden for half of it. We can't move someone into the Purple Leo Tower that no one knows. I don't know where we would put her room anyway."
"What if we converted the sitting room I brought her to last time? It's a good size, and it would be more convenient if her room was that close to mine." Sinbad smiled like he thought this was the perfect idea.
"Of course, not!"
"Why not?"
Ja'far fought down his frustration."There's no reason for her to be on the top floor. And besides, that room is used daily. Or did you forget your own routine?" That was the room the Call Girls waited in from night until morning for Sin to call them into his room which was practically right next door.
The King hummed. Sin really doesn't think sometimes; and involving Mori just makes it worse.
Even if she was to be moved into the Purple Leo Tower, why would he want Mori that close to him anyway? She flirted with Sin, but she also turned him down constantly. Moving her room nearby wasn't going to make it any more likely that she'd sleep with him. Sin was an idiot, but he was also a genius at getting his way. How far ahead was Sinbad planning with moving Mori into that room? If they got married, it would be extremely easy to connect their rooms later without having to move her again. Was that it? Had Sin realized his feelings and didn't say anything? But there was already a Queen's suite ready to be used someday...
Sin mumbled to himself, "I suppose it will be harder to seduce her if she sees the girls in person."
Yeah, no. Sin had 2 heads and he was not using the smart one.
((Heya everyone! I've decided that I didn't want to worry about drawing anything for this omake since I've got so much else I'm working on. The next arc of Sindria's Prophet is about half way written. The next ch of the Reverse Isekai AU is shaping up nicely. I also have been making progress on the Baby Mori AU, but I won't be able to post it until I get the first ch of the next arc posted. And lastly, I have a NSFW one shot for the Simpbad Collection that I'm finally at the art phase with. (I've got a few original projects I'm working on too)
I hope to get more posted soon :3 See you then))
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lawomi · 12 days
From the Start ch 2 - Trans Trafalgar Law x AFAB Mink Reader
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The Straw Hat crew has saved you from Caesar's horrific gas bomb Jack deployed on Zou. Later, Luffy arrives at the island with Law. With some confidence, you could even bother this tired, apathetic looking man for some time alone.
Minors DNI
Alright, there he is! I'm apparently bad at writing deprication 🤣 which is ok, Law isn't meant to be experienced either LOL. I'm better at praise myself... Repost; shoulda posted like this on tumblr originally but eh
CW: Describing wounds/stitching wounds, Objectification, Deprication kink, Spanking, Fingering, Breast play, Mastectomy scars
“Hey, are you alright? Hey!” A woman’s voice made your ears flick. Furrowing your brow due to the headache you felt, you slowly opened your eyes to find you were on the ground, laid out and bandaged up around your ribs, your upper arms, your thigh. Someone had saved you. You try to sit up, but the aching of your muscles forces you back down. You turn your head, your neck protesting, and find that others are being treated. An orange haired lesser mink sat holding Bepo’s head in her lap, reapplying ointment in order to start bandaging his head. Bepo winced and complained, but he seemed just fine. Penguin and Shachi stood over them, grinning, plenty bandaged up themselves.
“What happened,” you mumble as a dwarf blue-and-pink-hat wearing reindeer mink approaches you. “Who are you?” You rudely stare at his flashy hat, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
“My name is Tony Tony Chopper, doctor of the Straw Hat pirates,” he droned the greeting he likely said to half of the Mokomo Dukedom already. He was scribbling something into a notebook, obviously distracted. “I learned your name was Y/N, yes?” He looks up at you with cute, but very serious eyes.
You stifle a pained giggle. “Y-yes, Doctor. What happened to that mammoth?”
“Jack left you all to die using Caesar’s gas weapon,” Chopper mumbles, continuing to write. “Okay, Mx. Y/N, it seems you have some severe injuries. While they’re healing quickly, you’ll still need stitches. I heard from locals you have a devil fruit ability and that ability has really strained your muscles to top it off, so you need a lot of rest, okay?” You nod your furry head, sighing at the sight of blood seeping through your thighs bandages. You could still move your legs at least.
“Hey, quit moving,” Chopper scolds, so you do. He taps his chin thoughtfully with the pen, “I’ll have to redress this again. Tora-o’s group has helped in our efforts immensely despite the amount of patients,” he rambles this to himself at this point, “Mr. Miyagi & Tristen will appreciate their help tomorrow."
“Tora-o?” You blink at the little deer.
“Trafalgar Law,” he said, causing you to perk up. “He’s an excellent surgeon, the best as far as I know.”
Your heart was beating wildly. The Heart Pirates had gone to meet with their captain. He was coming. It’d been a long while since you followed his story, you’d grown to have a crush on this figure- one you knew next to nothing about. You knew more now thanks to his crew, though. You could see the fire in their eyes as they described him with great respect or the laughter at the responses he would have to their antics, but it wasn’t your direct experience yet. You wince in pain, still recovering from the fight with Jack’s minions, but you can’t help but quake from excitement, pestering your stitches as a result. The room you were in had other minks with severe injuries that required monitoring as they healed, Law would come by and check them now, giving his crew some rest. Someone entered the building, several heavy footsteps indicated it was likely the Heart Pirates.
“Hey,” came a breathy masculine voice that was quite unique to your ears. “Bepo told me you fought to protect Zou beside him, so I’ve decided I’ll help you first.”
What a lovely sound, you think to yourself. I want him to talk more… You sat up with your elbow to get a better look at him. Wow, his hat looked softer than in the den den mushi photos plastered on his wanted posters. You try your best to focus, staring particularly at his sideburns, then down to the tattoo peaking out of his black button up. You shake the blush from your furred face. “Yes! Um,” you fumble with the bandage, your sharp wolf nails cutting through it.
A hand presses between your wolf ears, pressing the hair there down. You freeze. Glancing up, you realize Law placed his hand on your head. “Relax,” he said, “Don’t take it off right away. You shouldn’t be moving like that, don’t worry about it.” With a gentle push down on your head you slowly lie back again.
Law and another of his crew helped you on to the singular medical table the refuge had for this specific use. They had rolled it over to where you were easily and helped you onto it together. “Alright,” Law looked at your face, cool eyes watching your expression as you observed their actions. “Do you permit me to touch you?” You nod meekly, blush creeping up on you yet again. Law readied his supplies, then went ahead and cut away the gauze from your thigh. His steady gloved hands slowly worked to peel away the gauze, you couldn’t help but shiver. He observed the stitches on the shaved patch of skin and found them to be in good shape; Chopper was good at what he did after all, so Law prepared to disinfect and redress it.
“Is it… okay?” You ask. You wince as he sprays the disinfectant.
“As far as I can see, yes,” Law is monotone as he focuses. He redresses your thigh, then adjusts your hospital gown to cover it up again. “Alright,” he removed his gloves from the wrists seamlessly, “I’ll check the others now; you get some food in you and rest.”
“Wait,” you manage to blurt, “I’ve admired you for a long time I-,” you snapped your jaw closed, averting your eyes from his sharp golden ones. Finally, you continue, “I have a lot of questions I was hoping to ask.”
A smirk formed on Law’s face, “We can get to that later. I have my duties to tend to; I’m sure we’ll have time to talk later.”
Bepo smiled down at you as Law and the others walked off, they had already placed you back on the mat. You were still flustered, you felt a hint of sadness to watch Law go. “Say,” Bepo rubbed his furry chin, “Why are you still in mink form?”
“I feel less… insecure,” you sigh, “it’s stronger, to help me move easier while injured, too. Plus, I don’t want to feel so exposed without fur.”
“I see… I think I get what you mean,” Bepo nods. “Well, I’ll keep helping my captain. I’m sure the Straw Hats will be here soon enough. I hope we see each other again,” he smiled that bright, inviting smile. “As Captain alluded to, that banquet is in order for us.”
You nod, beaming in return. Your eyes drift back to Law and his main crew members, checking the next patient’s progress. You had so many questions to ask, but your throat had tightened as he worked on your thigh. His fingers lifted your gown dangerously close to revealing your slit, the thought of his hands anywhere near it set your face alight. You swallow hard, on top of that, you had already been slick thanks to his pretty voice to begin with… What green thoughts, you scold yourself, it’s not as though he's Interested in minks.
You weren’t necessarily better, but you were stubborn. It wasn’t an entirely fresh wound, you were certain you could manage. You had heard the commotion outside and saw Law approaching the scene with his crew. Nekomamushi was sprawled out on his porch and Chopper was yelling about getting more blood for him. Looks like you aren’t the only hard headed mink. Curious, you watch Law interact with who you recognized as Straw Hat Luffy from newspapers. You giggle as the Hearts begin to chant about how it was unfair they couldn’t spent time with Law’s new friend. A thought pertaining to Law and Luffy’s connection shot thru your mind, but you wave it away as outside of your range of business for now.
It was settled that tonight there would be a banquet thanks to Nekomamushi. You were determined to interact with Bepo’s captain… it seemed easy enough as Bepo was always by his side. Your heart beat wildly, anxious you would slip up.
You make your way to his crew that night as they were spread out enjoying their meals around camp fire with the Straw hats. You laugh and greet them, watching them heartily scarf meat and drink. “Hey!” Penguin called you over, he looked tipsy yet again. Law sat beside him on a log, watching you approach as he bit into some roasted fish. “Weren’t you going to introduce us to your human form, Y/N?” Penguin seemed eager.
“Yeah,” Shachi called out, also intoxicated, but keeping it together. “You promised us, aye?”
You grin brightly at them, “It is quite hot here, isn’t it. I suppose I could,” you gesture down at your clothes. It was a sleeveless turtleneck with an easily adjustable strap, so you’d tighten it as you transform. It covered you down to your mid thighs in this form, so it would easily cover you half way down your calves in human form. You didn’t quite realize how skimpy it looked, though. Their eyes were glued on you, Law’s mostly with curiosity.
You do it - you transform - an instant change shrinking you down to about 5’5 rather than your wolf forms original 6’2. You make quick work to tighten and adjust the uniform. The boys, including Law, sputter their drinks and food. The fire accented your curves, thick thighs, full breasts and your skin practically danced with color. They could see quite a bit of you… You hadn’t quite calculated how much of your chest would be covered. Due to the shrinkage, the front of your shirt sagged forward to reveal the sides of your breasts. How easily one could fist the fabric with one hand, fully exposing your breasts.
“Shoot,” you can’t help but snicker, “I didn’t account for this… But do you like it?” The boys simply nodded. You frown slightly at Law as he was clearly avoiding looking at you. You feel a flash of confidence. You walk over to him and lean forward, making just a touch more of the sides of your breasts visible, you press your face into his hat, “Garchu, thank you for helping me, Doctor~,” you practically purr, enjoying the texture of his soft hat.
Law stiffens under your touch. He was used to the minks minkshipping him left and right by now. Surprised to see breasts just passed the brim of his hat, he blushed furiously, but there was something else that interested him. He reached up to grab your arms firmly and guided you to stand before him. He looked you over, scanning your skin, then took an arm to look at the pigmentation closely. “Your skin is splotchy like mine is,” he commented, running fingers along your arm. You had lost your confidence. You just stood there, shaking with excitement. Your other hand is on his shoulder, you watch his inked fingers roll along. He was treating you like a cadaver, studying your flesh with cold clinical fascination. Penguin sits there in surprise, shocked at his captains behavior, but doesn’t comment.
“I rarely meet other people with leucism,” he didn’t elaborate further, he would have to divulge into sensitive topics he would rather avoid. Instead, he finally let you go, gently dropping your hand down. There was pink along his cheeks, he looked up at you and smirked, “I apologize.”
“It’s fine! I’d show you more, if you wanted,” you cleared your throat, realizing that may have been too forward. Law laughed, the low, smooth sound set your face ablaze. Penguin and Shachi – who had walked over a second ago to join his best friend – stared with slack jaws.
“I’d take you up to the offer, but there’d have to be a good reason,” he shook his head, brows furrowed, a grin spreading. “I respect people’s bodies, you shouldn’t be treated like some display. But, next time I check your leg I might look a little longer.” the last few words were laced with humor.
You let out a sigh, trying to release some tension. You smile back at him now, your hand on his shoulder retracts back to you, “I really don’t mind,” you pause a moment, playing with your hand. After focusing back on his handsome face, heart fluttering, your eyes become half lidded, and as clearly as you can manage you say, “I can strip for you, too, if you’re interested. I have a lot of questions, Mr. Trafalgar. I’ll pay you for some answers.”
Law shakily leaned forward, bringing the brim of his hat down over his face. He wasn’t sure how to respond, his crewmates were silent at first, then began to cheer and shook Law. You back up, laughing at their antics. Deciding to leave them for now, you head for Bepo, who had noticed the commotion.
“What’s going on?” Bepo tilted his head.
“Nothing,” you beam at him. “I was just saying silly things, it made them laugh. Hello, Doctor Chopper,” you look down beside Bepo and gently took the much littler mink’s hoof. “Thank you for treating me! All of you, thank you.”
Chopper smiled happily and scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. “Hehe, you idiot! I don’t even know who you are, bastard! When did I help you? I’ve only treated minks so far.”
Unable to control yourself you burst out laughing, hearing such a cute voice curse was hilarious. You wipe a tear away to finally respond, “You’re the mink who helped me, right? I’m that wolf you were told has a devil fruit that boosts my strength.”
“Huh?!” Chopper was amazed, “Well, first of all I’m a reindeer not a mink! Second of all, what?! You’re human!”
You shake your head, “Well, you’re not a mink and you look like one, don’t you? I’m a human thanks to my devil fruit. I was a wolf when you met me.”
“Oh,” Chopper claps his hooves together, “Is that a human-human fruit then? Like mine?”
“Is that what yours is?” You tilt your head, not seeing him resembling a human at all, “That’s odd, it turns you into a mink rather than a lesser mink? Er, but yes, that’s right.”
Chopper nodded, “Hmm… this is fascinating. How a zoan fruit affects a mink vs an animal vs a human. Very fascinating!”
“Enough about that,” It was Shachi that ran over, “Uhm, Y/N, my Captain wanted to uh, see to your wounds again after the banquet.”
A blush threatened to bloom yet again on your cheeks. “I see,” you giggle, “He had to send someone in his behalf?”
Shachi chortled, rubbing the back of his neck, “He was pretty out of his element when you said all that…stuff. Anyway, um, I’ll be there and so will Penguin, so its, um, not meant to be related to that…”
Taking a bite of a marshmallow you grabbed from a bag Chopper had with him, you nod. Shachi quickly twirled around back to where his captain sat. You lean forward to peer over at the group, seeing Shachi pick up his drink and give Penguin, Law and the girl you remember named Ikkaku a toast. Luffy popped up to be included, along with Zoro. Law stole a glance your way, meeting yours immediately. You could see the nervousness in them as he glanced away, but then he met your eyes again, trying to maintain some conviction. You smile at him, hand on your cheek, and he averts his gaze to his drink. How cute.
“So, Captain,” Shachi nudged Law as they came down from their laughter. The other additions besides Penguin had moved on. “Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you sneak away with anyone before and I’ve known you my entire life. Are you a virgin?”
Law rolled his eyes, “Classified,” he took a sip of his drink.
Penguin chuckled, “Aren’t you, Shachi?”
“No!” Shachi drunk rosey cheeks bloomed redder, his teeth grit, “I-I’ve been approached by girls before!”
“I bet you’ve had sex with each other,” Law retorted. They both go silent, faces clearly looking away. “Nailed it,” he mused, “and don’t go into detail about it, either. I don’t care if it involved penetration,” leaving the two to their floundering, he stood to fetch himself some water. He shot a glance your way as he went.
Have sex? With a stranger? That’s absurd. Sure, I’m a pirate, I could do what I want, but what good is it if I don’t love them… Law’s thoughts trailed off, he looked down at himself. Tch, idiots. I’ve never had anyone interested in me. Well, maybe Zoro or Luffy have hinted, but, gah! Be vulnerable like that with rivals? Insane. No. Regular civilians have never had the guts to approach me, even if they did find me attractive. Otherwise it’s always been shitty pirates I’ve fought, flirting with me to mock me. What’s there to like anyway?
Law serves himself some water at the table they’d been eating at half an hour ago. There was still plenty of food on the table, Sanji had made sure it was covered before heading off to drink. He felt a tad queasy looking at the food, he wasn’t used to eating so much. Am I nervous? He thought, looking down again. He unbuttons his shirt to look down at the gauze still wrapping his abdomen. I’m still bandaged up, too. I don’t want to risk – what am I thinking?! I’m not going to go anywhere alone with that person! Nothing’s going to open my wounds because I’m not doing anything.
His cheeks flushed and he stood there, leaning against the tree next to the tables edge, tapping his foot anxiously. They were interesting, though. Seeing more of them would be interesting. They’re a mink who can turn human! Isn’t that just interesting? Sure minks parts could differ specie to specie, but if they’re human they should be the same… Mink’s aren’t well documented, maybe it calls for research…
His foot tapped faster, he lowered the hood of his cap. No one knows. I can’t just lie with strangers! No one knows! They can’t know, I don’t know them to tell them that.
“Hello,” came a voice that had burned into his memory. The seductive words that had tumbled out of them only minutes ago still echoed in his head, “Are you okay?”
He froze, only his eyes looked down at you, but he tried to play it off and shifted his leg to rest his foot against the tree. “I’m fine, Wolf Mink-ya,” he sipped to distract himself.
To his shock, although he didn’t move away, you feel up his bicep, running your fingers over the gauze like feathers. “When did you get hurt?” Your voice was casual.
Law felt sweat on his brow, unsure what to do or what to say without stuttering. They’re a mink, of course they’re so touch, he reasoned this matter-of-factly. Plus, I grabbed their arm earlier. I suppose it’s only fair.
When the silence stretched a second too far you look him over. You giggle, “I thought the check up Shachi mentioned was just for checking my wound, right?”
Law wasn’t sure what you meant. He hadn’t said anything. “What?”
You tap your own nose, “I smell a bit of… excitement, that’s all.”
Law’s face went beat red, “Huh?! Of course it’s only for a checkup,” he slammed the cup onto the table, earning some looks from the others. He hesitated, “I’m sorry for yelling.”
You were laughing, though, the biggest grin on your face. “It’s okay! No need to be embarrassed. It’s normal, right? I’m happy you like how I look. You’re way out of my league, so pretty.” He staggered, unsure if to leave or to stay. “I see,” you continue, “You’re a little flighty, aren’t you? I’ll stop bothering you if I’m making you uncomfortable.”
“N-no,” Law took in a long, deep breath, then sighed. “I’m usually on people’s to-avoid list.”
“I can tell by that grimace on your face,” you pinch his elbow lightly, “and I’ve read why people fear you. I think your powers are cool. Hot, even.”
He glared at you, "You said you had questions,” he took your hand away from his arm, but he didn’t let it go. “You said you want to pay me. You’re bribing me. Why? What are the questions?”
“Well,” a coy smirk graced your face, “first, what happened to your arm, sir?”
Law’s breath hitched, his grip on your fingers tightened. “Fine,” he took your forearm into his other hand. He could feel the other’s eyes boring into him. “I just arrived from Dressrosa. Doflamingo, the now former king, sliced off my arm,” he reached under your arm, encircling your upper arm with his pointer and thumb to indicate where the cut occurred. “The Tontatta, a race of tiny people, helped reattach my arm thanks to the Heal-Heal fruit their princess ate. Satisfied?”
You blush under his intense eyes, searing into yours as though searching something. Your breathing and your pupils fully betray you, your lungs working harder and your pupils blown out. “I’d like to see it,” you mumble. Law aggressively shoved your arm down, though not intending to hurt you, and struts off angrily. You watch his back fondly, it seemed you’d pushed him a bit too far. Giggling, you shake your head.
After the banquet you prepared to head home. Some of the pirates and mink were already asleep on the ground, full of food and drunk. As you made your way away from the Heart Pirates, all but a few sound asleep, you wave good bye and head off towards your home.
“Wolf mink-ya,” your wolf ears perk towards the sound of Law’s voice, your heart rate picks up. He hadn’t been around for the last bit of the banquet, he’d stormed off to sort his thoughts.
Excited, you whirl and startle him as you jumped into his arms, rubbing your nose into his cheek. You felt the skin of his face burning, his strong arms had instinctively cradled you and firmly squeezed your thighs, mostly out of reflex. Although, it didn’t help his bright tomato colored face to realize he was doing so. Realizing that likely hadn’t been a good idea, you jump down. He grimaced at your mischievous grinning face.
“I-I need to check your injury,” he maintained a relatively calm voice.
“Why not at my home?” You invite him, gently taking his hand. You saw his eyes dart to the side, contemplating his choices.
“No,” he stated firmly, “I need my tools. Come with me to my temporary place of residence.”
“Sure,” you flutter your eyelashes at him, he simply sighs and drags you along. Once at said abode, you see the home of one of the districts minks had accommodated the home for visitors. The rooms upstairs were for Law and his close crew, while the other stayed in separate dwellings altogether. Once the door was closed behind you two, you awkwardly stroll to his bed. He takes your wrist.
“I know I didn’t bring my crewmates but we aren’t fucking alright?” His grip was tight. “I just need to check you.” You nod meekly, following his instruction to lie on the bed and lift your turtlenecks hem. You do so, rolling it up to your thigh, making sure your core was still covered. Law had gotten his gloves and set his silver dish of tools on the night table.
He lit the candle on the table so he could see properly. Using his thumb, he gently rolled your leg to the side with your compliance so he got a view of your inner thigh. He stares for a moment, you caught him glimpsing at the hem of your top. You huff, holding the fabric a bit further between your legs in response. His hand squeezed your thigh as though to reassure you, but to you it looked like he was holding back his frustration.
“You… Can look, if you want,” you whisper, wondering if he even heard you.
A sharp exhale told you he did. “Will it shut you up?” He asked pointedly.
You snort, finding his faux annoyance amusing. You lifted the hem, your underwear wet along your slit. You watched his eyes scan, then widen. He reached out and pulled the underwear to the side with his thumb, making you squeak in surprise. “It’s purple,” he stated, “Your inner flesh is purple.” Lips pressed into a line, you stifle a laugh. Quickly, he pulls his hand away and exchanges the glove for a new one. “Sorry,” he mutters, cutting away at the gauze on your leg.
You watch him work, the candle light flickering along his features. His face was stoic with focus, but his eyes did glance to you on occasion. “Didn’t you have questions?” His soft voice jolted you back to reality.
“You have been sailing for about five years, haven’t you?”
“I’d say about 10 years,” he began to wrap your leg anew, “but our names have been big for around 5, sure. How would a mink know?”
“We get news coo,” you said simply.
“I see,” he finished, removed his gloves and turned to look at you, “Sit up, we’re done.” You do as you’re told, but you promptly wrap your arms around his neck and kiss his cheek. He is stiff, but doesn’t move away. With both hands, he gently removes your arms from his shoulders, scolding you when you take a bite of his cheek. “Quit that. Now what other questions? There’s no way that was it.”
“No,” you giggle like a school girl, rubbing your nose and lips against his sideburn, “I’d like to know about your travels, sir. They sound so exciting. What made you choose a submarine?”
Law cleared his throat, he seemed to enjoy the proximity as his hands held yours now. His thumbs absentmindedly pressed circles into your knuckles. “That’s… a personal question. But, the sub was created by a good friend of mine along with the blood, sweat and tears of my friends and myself. His name was Wolf, isn’t that ironic?” He mused.
You smile at him and he smiles back. Your heart flutters, eyes scanning his lips. He chuckles, letting go of one of your hands to press a thumb over your mouth. “I said we aren’t doing anything, okay?”
A whine escapes you, your wolf ears droop. “I’ve always wanted to meet you,” you confess, murmuring against the thumb, “I dream of diving the sea… it’s inspiring to me.” His lips unfurled at this revelation.
“Alright,” he gave you a peck on the cheek to catch your attention before you could nuzzle him again. “That was human affection,” he whispered into your ear, “Question?”
Excited, you caught his lips in a kiss. He promptly pulls away, his face flushed, his composure gone. “No!” He states firmly. His hands squeezed yours tightly, his fierce eyes glared into yours like daggers. “I can’t.”
“For a pirate, you aren’t very mean, are you?” You chortle, half lidded gaze making him waver. “Pirates should do and take what they want, right? But you don’t. That’s sweet.”
Frustration flashed in his eyes, he leaned forward and kissed you roughly, likely bruising your lips. As you parted, your panting was audible and so was his. “You need to shut up,” Law’s voice was dark, irritated. “Ask me more questions or get out.”
“I’m really we-��� your voice halts as he squeezes your throat.
“Questions. That is it, got it?” His grip is loose, but his fingertips twitched to threaten he’d tighten it.
“Let me join you,” you whisper.
The response was instantaneous. So fast in fact, you felt it wash away the heat inside of you. Your stomach bubbled like a cauldron, you felt like you wanted to vomit from the whiplash.
“Absolutely not,” the statement was matter-of-fact, instant, dry, cold.
“Why?” You choke out, wolf ears flattening against your head as he squeezed around your throat. Spots danced in your vision and an involuntary cough escapes you.
“You’re bribing me,” he said coldly. It wasn’t entirely false. “You’re a devil fruit user,” he loosened his grip, finally. “I have a policy against fruit users on my ship,” he turned away from you, the sensation of losing skin contact so much worse than his fingers controlling your airway.
“That’s my next question,” you reach out and grab his arm, your wolf tail curled and fluffed up, displaying your desperation. “Why don’t you let devil fruit users join?!”
He stopped, looked back at you, then scoffed. “You don’t get it? It’s a submarine. I refuse to let anyone who can’t swim join my crew. It’s a burden. If anything happens, that person dies, so they are prioritize to be saved. It isn’t right.”
Tears swelled along the edges of your eyes. A feeling washed over you: Caged; there is no making this better. You clench your teeth, you grab at his chest. “Then do something,” you beg, “You’re leaving, so please!”
“Do what?” He was amused by your pain. “Use your words,” he teased you despite your vulnerability.
The clap sound echoed through the room. Law stared in disbelief, his cheek stung thanks to the slap you landed. “Be mean to me, you stupid pirate,” there was acid in your voice, betrayed by your puffy red face.
Law stood up and slotted himself between your legs. Promptly, you wrap your arms around his waist and cry into his belly. “Please,” your pathetic begging continues.
Shifting in place – you felt it and squeezed his waist – Law contemplated his decisions. The district was asleep, the sun was rising, they wouldn’t wake until 6 PM. No one was in this house; no one but you and him. “I have some questions for you, now,” his husky voice almost cracked. You tense up. He continued without your response, “Do you like it when someone degrades you, Wolf Mink-ya?”
“Call me Omi,” you whisper.
“It was a nickname I had as a child.”
“… So is that a yes to my question?” You feel his chuckle vibrate against your face.
You nod, a blush burning your cheeks.
“I can’t hear you, you slut,” he hissed.
“I do,” you buried your face further into his stomach. “I do. I do!”
He grabs your hair, pulling you back. You whimper under his scrutinizing gaze, he seems to smirk at the sight of your reddened lips, your tear stricken cheeks. “Next question,” his backed up in order to lean into your face, “Do you like pain, Omi-ya?”
You hesitate. Your eyes avert from his dark eyes, the gold color framed his dilated irises like hoops. He looked so much scarier close up, when he was serious, when he was hungry. “Y-yes,” you whisper. In response, he bites your jaw, making you jump.
“Good,” he promptly shoved you back onto the bed. Leaning over you, his body pressing tantalizingly onto yours, he breathed into your ear. “Green, yellow or red. Yellow to pause, green to go, red to stop. Do you understand, little wolf?”
Blood rushes thru you. Your core once again pooled with heat, you writhe to get comfortable. “Hn… Yes, sir. Green, sir.” You pout as he stands again, leaving you cold. Gooseflesh tingles along your arms as you feel your underwear be pulled down, then your legs pulled up by the ankles. He was staring. You reach up to cover your face from the embarrassment, yelping when he reached down and spread your folds with cold, clinical fascination. He rubbed your clit with his thumb, not to cause pleasure but to trace the anatomy. Your convulse at the sensation. His fingers, A, then T, dip into your aching entrance, making you groan. He chuckled, pushing them in further, turning them to inspect your walls.
“You’re so wet, how pathetic,” his voice is flat. “You desperate thing, expecting me to recruit you because you cry?” The ice in his voice made you flinch. “You think you could make it at sea like this? Let’s see how well you follow Captain’s orders.”
“Y-yes, sir,” you squeak.
“No, Captain,” he frowned. He removed his fingers, lifted your ankles into the air with his left hand. His right hand promptly descends on your ass, hitting you hard enough to echo in the room. He grins at your protests, slapping you a second time for doing so. “Don’t complain,” he rubbed the reddening spot with his palm, enthusiastically eating up the sight. “So wet,” he muses, “and it’s only getting worse. How weak, no holding back at all. You can’t disguise how much you want me to fuck you, can you.” He traces the patterns of your skin along your thighs.
“Do you like it?” Another slap to the same reddening spot, “Do you like me being in control? Is that what you’ve always dreamed of?” And another slap, tears prickled in your eyes and your screams and whimpers grow louder. “Did you fantasize over my wanted poster? How many times?” He suddenly flips you, your legs now between his thighs so you are locked in place. He reached out, you feel his slender fingers bury themselves in your ass cheeks. You shakily groan from the pleasure.
“Look at you,” he taunted, “So submissive. No fight in you, huh? Not an ounce.” His hands feel up your ass, then using both thumbs he trailed along the center until they reached the base of your tail. He grinned, the curled tail slowly began to fluff up from anticipation. He grasps the base and pulls ever so slightly.
“Ahhhhn~!” You lift your ass slightly towards him in response. He laughs at you, thumb prodding at your asshole, making you writhe. The sound of his laughter was one of mockery, but you still loved it, you swore you’d come on this alone if he kept this up. You tense up when a slap descended on your untouched cheek, hard enough to indicate he was determined to mark it.
“Do you like the idea of being unable to sit thanks to me?” He chided, “Whore, you’re in serious need of a leader, huh? You need someone to keep you in check. I bet, more than anything, you want to be my toy, don’t you?” At those words you shutter and he definitely felt it, he slapped you extra hard. He squeezed the reddening spot firmly, extending your squeal.
You hear him huff in frustration. He removes your legs from between his, then spreads them so your knees are propping you up. All the while, his right hand is gripping the base of your tail. You wonder what he was planning. Your whole body quakes as a warm, wet tongue slides over your slit, stopping to stuff itself into your entrance. A long winded moan overtakes you, you rut your hips to press further into his face. The rumble his throat made caused your walls to vibrate.
He backs away from you, you shiver as the air cooled the spit and fluid around your glistening entrance. “Please,” you muffle into the sheets. “Please fuck me.”
Law’s dark chuckle caught your ears. “I can’t,” he said. He flips you over, your legs submissively open to him. He laughs, giving your vulva a firm slap. “I don’t even know you, Omi-ya. In fact, I’m still fully dressed.” Before you could respond his long fingers stuff you, three of them. Your moans spill out as he massaged your g-spot, pressing up against you and dry humping against your thighs. You open one of your screwed shut eyes just to squint down. There isn’t a bulge in his pants as far as you could see. Curious. You could smell his testosterone, his arousal, his sweat, so why couldn’t you see it?
The knot inside you coils tightly at his ministrations. Your insides were so sensitive from all the teasing, it was no wonder you were about to gush. You look down, feeling his other hand snake up to grab the fabric over your chest, bunching it together to fully reveal your breasts. His hand left the fabric between your breasts and massaged the right one. You buck your hips at the sensation, moans quickening at both areas being pleasured. He leans over you and licks your nipple, sucking and nibbling with his front teeth. Your back arches, you sing his name as the knot came undone, your cum spills onto Law’s palm, splashing his wrist and pants.
You try to catch your breath, glancing down at his face as he loomed over you. It’s flushed again, he seemed taken aback by something. He cleared his throat and left to find a towel for you. You close your eyes, focusing on relaxing your lungs. After the sound of brief hand washing at the sink, you flinch as he wiped you up with the towel.
“Don’t you want help?” You murmur to him. He stared at you a moment, then shook his head. “Why?” You furrow your brows.
“I need a shower,” he mumbled half to himself, “I had plenty of fun already, it’s fine.” Sitting up, you indicate you want to unbutton his shirt. He snickered at you, “Still not tired, huh?” He allowed you to do so, revealing the gauze around his torso and the tattoo splayed across his chest.
You stare at his chest, your hand moves up to trace his tattoo. As busy as his chest was with tattoos and patches of light skin, you could see a long thin scar under his pecks. You trace the scar tissue with both hands on either end of it, spreading your finger tips along it’s length. His breathing quickened under your hands. Glancing up, you see he is staring at you, but there’s a hint of distrust in his eyes. Curious, you slowly bring your hands down his abs, then his happy trail. He winced and grabbed your hands before they could wrap around his belt.
“I can’t,” he insisted. “We’re done, okay? I need to shower,” he gently put your hands in your own lap. His hands held them for a little longer, then he rose them to your chest and adjusted your sweater to cover your breasts.
“Where will you go when you set sail again?” You whisper. It caught his attention, he sighed.
“Wano,” he stated. “We are going to face Kaido.”
“What?!” Your eyes widen in disbelief. You grab his shirt on either sides. “You can’t!”
He smiled, shaking his head, “You can’t stop me. It’s good you know the degree of danger that is. You’ve heard of the King of the Beasts, Kaido?”
“I have,” tears were in your eyes again, “If you have to face him, you’ll die.”
“Possibly,” he frowned, “but according to my plans, it should be possible to avoid confrontation. Now you see, huh? Being a pirate isn’t about having fun,” he gripped your chin firmly. “You aren’t coming. Got it?” You swallow your pride and look away. You don’t respond. “Got it?” he snapped, bringing your face back to attention. “You have to accept my rules. My first rule: No Devil Fruit Users. I’m sorry.”
Blinking away tears, you lean in to bite his lip. He doesn’t reciprocate, he allows you to bite and kiss his lips without responding. At some point however, your feel him smile under your affection. You cup his face, kissing him firmly until he finally did so back. He sighed through his nose and parted your lips.
“I’m telling you,” he whispered, tone gentle- almost loving. “I can’t do any more. I’ll take you back to your house; you can’t stay here,” he stood, taking your hand in his. Reluctantly, you do as he says, lowering and smoothing your oversized turtleneck back in place. Sleep began to tug at you, the night having been exhausting and the daylight already warming the bodies of the people on the ground. Together, you both walk out of the home and into said clearing. Shielding your eyes from the sun, you guide Law back to your home.
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semtituloh · 4 months
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Vía Vive La Paz Mx
Los cactus en Baja California Sur nacen donde les da su ch!ng4d4 gana 🌵😍 #ViveLaPazMx 🥰🏜️
Fotografía: @holky64
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A great choice, thank you, Moss! :D This is the chapter where Weiss and Whitley get introduced! If anyone remembers, Weiss had some difficulties adjusting to living with Blake. A little snippet about their fight, for fun:
[Oz stands in the kitchen, letting the dust settle and Weiss’ footsteps retreat before trying to start the conversation over again.  Oz has noticed the animosity between Weiss and Blake, but hasn’t been able to make sense of it.]
Oz: “What’s wrong, Mx. Belladonna?  You seem to get along just fine with the other residents here.”
Blake: “The other residents don’t have a stick up their ass.”
[Oz gives Blake a withering stare.  He doesn’t tolerate the residents insulting each other.  Blake sort of backs up, but doesn’t take back what they said.]
Oz: “I understand that you may not get along.  You don’t have to be the best of friends, I’m just asking that you learn how to co-exist.”
Blake: “Isn’t that an apt choice of words.”
Oz: “I beg your pardon?”
Blake: “It doesn’t matter.  I’m just tired of her walking around here like she owns the place.”
Oz: “Well, I personally take umbrage with that, too, given that I am the one who ‘owns the place.’”
[Blake snorts through their nose, a sense of irritated amusement in their tone.]
Blake: “Then maybe you should do something about that.”[Blake storms past him and he can hear their bedroom door slam not seconds later.  Oz’s brow furrows as he turns the suggestion over in his head.  Perhaps he should do something about that.]
Tagging @bafflement who also requested Ch. 7 in our DM conversation :)
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checkers-dance · 8 months
hi bestie ... im having a moment. i miss mx. i want to return to my roots (being insane about them) so ofc i have to go back to making weird aus abt them, thats how it works. so once again im mixing them with another hyperfixation of mine for my amusement, im very normal.
idk how much you know about eah, but it was a sister doll line to monster high that was significantly less successful. the gimmick was to focus on the children of fairy tale creatures instead of monsters. interestingly enough, while mh didnt really have much of a plot outside of the basic premise of "monsters attending high school" eah has a weird amount of lore. the main thing you need to know for most of this to make sense is that the characters are not simply the children of fairy tale creatures, instead they're supposed to become their parents and take their place in their stories, otherwise they will all disappear and essentially die. so the main conflict of the story is "do we follow in our parents footsteps out of fear and social pressure even if it makes us unhappy or do we follow our own desires" ANYWAY I SWEAR I AM ONLY EXPLAINING THIS FOR SOME OF WHAT IM ABT TO SAY TO MAKE SENSE JDNSBDB here is my au.
ch*ngkyun: he is cerise, daughter of little red riding hood. listen. cerise is ch*ngkyuncoded and ch*ngkyun is cerisecoded. she's always portrayed as very withdrawn but not necessarily shy. she's sort of a cool tomboy type. the big plot twist with her is that her father is the wolf, so she's part wolf. which is hilarious but also fits ch*ngkyun. im making him part furry like god intended.
j*oheon: i think he should be lizzie, daughter of the queen of hearts. its so perfect to me. lizzie is really cold and mean, which causes other people to fear her and makes her struggle to connect with people. in reality she only acts like this because she thinks it's what her mother would want her to do. deep down she's really sweet, and just doesn't want people to see past her front.
hy*ngwon: i struggled a little bit with this one but i got it. hes kitty, daughter of the cheshire cat. tbh kitty is exactly what you would expect, she's this trickster type that is always sleeping. i simply think hy*ngwon deserves to cause chaos.
m*nhyuk: he's such an easy choice. he's maddie, daughter of the mad hatter. yes eah character names are STUPID. maddie is also what you would expect, she's hashtag weird and chaotic, but also really empathetic and with a strong sense of justice. she's one of those characters that is happy with her assigned destiny but is willing to give it up if it means others can choose for themselves. i think all of that fits m*nhyuk pretty well.
k*hyun: listen. i have A VISION for him. i want him to be apple, daughter of snow white. so her whole thing is that she's this perfect princess girl who really looks forward to her happy ending and so she tries to push other people into also following their destinies, since she doesn't want them compromising hers. the thing is, despite apple's destiny being perfect on paper, it's canon that she's not romantically interested in the man she's supposed to marry in the future, which has some interesting implications. she's also genuinely nice and caring despite her flaws, and part of what motivates her is that she genuinely believes something bad will happen to them if they don't follow their destinies. and she has this really toxic relationship with her mom bc of all the expectations put on her. so she's MESSY. i think k*hyun deserves to be messy.
sh*wnu: idk why but sh*wnu gives me cedar, daughter of pinocchio vibes. she's very warm and sweet, she's one of those characters that has a lot of empathy for those with less fortunate destinies than she does. her main thing is that she can only say things that are true, so she doesn't have any control over her privacy or others. because of this she likes to paint, since that's a safe way to express herself. again idk WHY she gives me sh*wnu vibes but she does.
and ofc bonus w*nho: he is briar, daughter of sleeping beauty. briar is this extoverted and popular party girl. but she's also weirdly angsty. the main reason she's so outgoing is because she wants to live life to the fullest before being put to sleep 100 years and losing all her friends. i think w*nho deserves to have an existential crisis. briefly considered asigning ashlynn, daughter of cinderella, but i cant do that to him. hes innocent.
OK OK BUT LISTEN, CH*NGKYUN HAS DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS A LONE WOLF BEFORE SO BEING A WOLF FURRY DOES KIND OF FIT. And I can see why u'd associate him w the red riding hood character, Idk how to explain it but he just has the kind of "would wear bright red and get lost in a forest while looking for his grandma" vibe. I'm picturing him wearing one of his love killa outfits (little red riding hood but aged up and growing into a mafia boss career)
I can see j*oheon being a sort of mean girl character, I think he has the acting ability to pull it off. Sometimes in mvs he has this...mean, indifferent face on when he's playing a certain kind of role, and I think that would go rlly well w a pastel princessy aesthetic
HY*NGWON BEING THE CHESHIRE CAT'S CHILD IS SO PERFECT ACTUALLY. I can just imagine him w kitty paws in a purple costume. Also I think he has a cheshire cat smile sometimes. He deserves to cause chaos w j*oheon, they would make such a team. Mean but lonely character x chaotic and slightly evil cat companion
Also I love how we're having such an alice in wonderland theme here 😭😭. I feel like monsta x could do an alice in wonderland concept actually, but like, combined w a bdsm dungeon. Don't ask me how those 2 go together they just do. Anyway I can see m*nhyuk as the mad hatter child, I think he's actually made that comparison himself before. Or he's worn a mad hatter hat before, it's one of those 2
Also I support k*hyun being messy, deserves it. I also can see him in the role of a snow white child, he sometimes has this softcore dignified demeanor and this specific smile that goes w it. I think it would be cute to pair him w m*nhyuk as a treat, there's just smth abt ships that involve characters w opposing views and also w an orderly personality vs a chaotic one
Sh*wnu does kind of have pinocchio vibes 🤔. Like there are all the teddy bear comparisons of course (teddy bears and puppets are both technically dolls), but he also has an honest vibe. Also crying, it's so funny to me that u linked w*nho w someone who goes to sleep for 100 years, which mirrors his exit from the group 😭😭
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