#just look up “Craving The Sky” by Najio
aspenispoplar · 4 months
When the silent, analytical character has trauma:
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min3nc · 4 months
Hmm what about Bees Schnees?
Rwby is the reason im such a multi-shipper
I also shall provide a fic; Craving the Sky by najio
Wihihihi. Fic recs! I love em.
ALSO. Bees Schnees, personally I hc them as Bees get together first, then realize that they like Weiss after.
And look. I'm a Pollination Truther (delusional) first and a person second, and Bees Schnees is one of my fav dynamics - Purely because i can see Weiss being absolutely pissed that Blake and Yang keep pestering her while in their minds Blake and Yang are 100% sure that they're successfully wooing Weiss.
They're not wrong. She loves them - Has loved them for a while, actually. She just... Doesn't realize that it's in the romantic sense lmao.
This leads to infuriating situations like;
Weiss: *getting ready*
Ruby: Oooooh... Why the make up? You going on a date?
Weiss: *rolls her eyes* No, just Blake and Yang had the idea to go get dinner together after I helped.
Ruby: *rising eyebrow* ...can I ask where?
Weiss: To this one Burger place by Midtown Vale.
Ruby: Weiss that's the place she took Blake for their first date if you think she's not taking you to a date.
Weiss: You're wrong. I'll show you once I'm back.
Ruby: *from her bed* so?
Weiss: *Disheveled, black and red lipstick all over her face* what do you fucking think. I think i'm dating them now.
Here! Since you gave me a fic rec (just finished reading some A_A_A...) here's a low effort meme for you.
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