#just makes me sad for everything we could have had RTD could have done cool stuff with Hell Bent aftereffects for examplr
wavebiders · 4 months
ngl this is just msking me bummed out about Galifrey being re-destroyed again
we've already had 4 seasons of RTD writing about The Last of the Time Lords™️ I would have much preffered seeing him take a crack at writing stories with Galifrey still being around rather than the same thing again but this time less compelling
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vrc7 · 5 years
Spyfall part 2 thoughts
SPOILERS!! also this ended up a lot longer than I expected.
so much of this episode were callbacks to past doctor who!! basically fanservice but I was an absolute sucker for it
the first scene on the plane was so good, from that alone I could already tell this episode would be amazing. The way it transitioned from 13 in the strange dimension to the plane scene, and how 13 talking to herself worked with the action...
the doctor saving them from crashing was the main reason why I knew it would be good bc I knew it would eventually explain how she saved them and I love when stuff like that happens
the blink reference had me screaming, I know it’s basic but that was so cool
I was very glad we got to see 13 in a suit for another entire episode. gay rights
the “chase through time” was so cool, it was amazing and worked perfectly in the story, and I feel like if they elaborated on that it would make a stunning story
l loved Eda so much. The fact that the doctor didn’t kiss her at the end is homophobic
The WWII scene at the beginning rly reminded me of the empty child/the doctor Dances and I was hoping they’d make a reference
I was sad she had to erase their memories but I understand why
I also loved the contrast between the historical scenes and the fam in modern day
A lot of the things 13 did this episode reminded me a lot of 11. like talking to herself in the weird dimension and the apparating man scene
also when she addressed the light beings after coming to save the day she said “listen you lot” which reminded me of the pandorica speech and then she said something like “this planet is protected” which reminded of 11’s speech at the end of the eleventh hour
I also loved seeing her in a more serious mood
When the doc stole the masters tardis that was so good, especially when he was like “that was the worst 77 years of my life”
It’s so satisfying to see the master get outsmarted when he thinks he’s in control
the light beings across time is not what I expected, I wanted it to be parallel earths bc of part one and when the master said everything you know is a lie I thought it was about the nature of reality being a lie but I guess not. that would’ve been cool though
The fam were great
I love graham even more now if that’s possible, in part one I was hoping they’d use the laser shoes that was so good!! “dance graham dance!!” iconic.
I liked seeing those 3 interact without the doc around. It probably happened in s11 i don’t remember anything, but it was cool seeing them talk without her
The tech plot was especially scary bc like. That’s something that could feasibly happen right now except without the aliens
The idea of humans as a hard drive is interesting and very creepy, especially the vor guy using his own mom??
also the vor guy reminds me of an rtd era villain for some reason plus the evil tech concept reminded the of the WiFi episode from series 7
ok so one of the main reason I love the master is their Drama and this guy. did not disappoint
his enterance into the room in 1834 and. the fucking tissue compression eliminator (shrink ray)!!!!!! that made me so happy in part one I’m so glad they brought it back. anyway. exquisite
like many have said he really reminds me of simm
he’s so emotional, like his sadness, his anguish, his anger and rage, he’s like batshit crazy and I love it. Sacha Dhawan Has The Range.
he’s also good at dramatically screaming which is a huge plus. the “DOCTAHHH!!!!” at the end.
Every time the master and doctor interacted in this ep it was like. wow I am thoschei trash, like those two know each other so well!! best enemies 4ever y’all
also all of those scenes reminded be how fucking bi i am like holy shit those two are unstoppable
The frigging contact scene. pure artistry. have they done that since classic who? I thought ten and simm might have but I don’t remember
anyway “old school, you’re not the only one who can do classic”, loved that line (referring to the tissue compression eliminator I assume)
also THE DRUMS!! that scene was amazing, I especially loved how the music synced up with the beeping and the beeps became the beat, and how the drums doubled the beeping... pure fucking artistry
When the doctor shows up to save the day the look on the masters face is priceless
Also “Oh.” “That’s your name don’t wear it out!” that was one of the best moments in the ep holy shit!!!
I think the master is genuinely sad and angry at both himself for bombing gallifrey and the time lords for their supposed lies. I’m excited to find out
I’m asssuming he burned all of gallifrey and not just the capital bc they only showed the capital, too bad though I hoped we’d see some of the doc talking to gallifreyans again
And of course I like that the fam is finally getting to know her past, what she said at the end was very reminiscent of the many “I am the doctor” speeches.
still don’t know wtf a “timeless child” is tho
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yoyo-inspace · 7 years
For the salty questions meme: 10, 14, 26, 27.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?The more I look at it, the more I don’t like the payoff for the s4 arc in Doctor Who, or for Ten’s arc as a whole really, though I enjoy individual parts of it and what it was trying to do. I don’t think it’s my most disliked arc of anything ever, but it’s the one that came to mind so I’m gonna be salty about that anyway.
S4 because the three arcs for that series was 1) Donna and the Doctor constantly running into each other and Donna being the most “important woman in the universe”, 2) Rose returning and 3) Planets/bees going missing. I’ll take them in backwards order.
3) Planets/bees going missing.This is a very classic RTD plot arc thing, where he puts something in that you will most likely not notice on your first watch-through unless you’re paying attention, it’s incredibly subtle (s1 - Bad Wolf, s2 - Torchwood mentions, s3 - Gallifreyan writing on things having to do with Saxon), but on a rewatch it can be kind of rewarding to find all the hints. Tbh, s2 and s3 are the ones I think did this best. While I love the Bad Wolf stuff, it kind of doesn’t lead anywhere in a way that you can figure out stuff if you know where to spot it. The Saxon stuff especially if you were paying super close attention you can actually do some detective work and figure some things out, or make guesses. With s4, it’s one of those where I feel it doesn’t really lead anywhere, and it’s just there to be a thing? Yeah, the planets are missing, but nothing would have been missing from the plot or suspension if you removed that, because hardly anyone noticed it in the first place. 
2. Rose returningI love Rose. I know a lot of people don’t. But Rose coming back and being a constant reminder in the background felt so important leading up to it, but in the end, she wasn’t there for any reason other than having a reunion with the Doctor, and then getting her own new person Doctor and being left again? It just felt kind of forced, the more time I look at it. It feels like she was just there because they wanted all the then New Who companions together, and that’s a cool fanmoment and all, but it doesn’t make much sense once you start taking it apart. Like, in her talks with Donna in Turn Left it seemed like she would have some important role to play in defeating Davros, because she knew the stars were going out and what it meant - and that just never happened. 
1. Donna is the most important woman in the universe.I adore Donna. She’s one of my favorite companions of all time. She probably has my favorite Doctor-Companion relationship. Her ending made me cry. But despite all that, the more I watched that, the angrier I get. I know it’s emotional and sad and not everything is supposed to be happy, but damn did Donna not get the ending she deserved. Both from a character and from a writing perspective. And yes, this is highlighted very much in Hell Bent, which I loved, so it’s gotten me thinking more about this. 
Donna is apparently the most important woman in the universe, but it’s not because any choice of hers or because of some brave thing she decides to do. If the emphasis had been on her choice in Turn Left I’d be a bit more lenient, but it’s more to do with the creation of TenToo and the defeat of the Daleks. Which all happens because she’s left in the Tardis by accident and stumbles into Ten’s regenerationenergy packed hand. It’s not because of anything she does. And Donna as we know could have done so much, and I hate that that’s taken from her. But the entire reason the universe (or you know, Dalek Caan) kept putting Donna and the Doctor together was because of the creation of the metacrisis, and I think that takes away something from their importance, you know? And I don’t feel the same way about Clara and the Doctor because there this problem is actually discussed and talked about and a plot-point. It’s never really adressed in s4. 
And now that she’s actually gotten all this awesome stuff in her head, of course she needs it taken away. Because Tate needed to leave the show and RTD wrote it that way, not because of some in-universe explanation. And I love RTD as well, but he created that scenario in which the Doctor takes Donna’s memories from her, her character development as we see, while she’s crying and begging him not to. And yes, of course he wanted to save his best friend, but again, a situation created by a writer. It just rubs me the wrong way, and I think Clara’s emphasis on her own agency and the right to her memories whether or not that meant death to her is so important to highlight this. 
There, those were my thoughts on that. :P 
Also any arc that has to do with the Lucian Alliance in Stargate. Because I don’t like them. 
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?People need to chill, is in general my unpopular opinion on any fandom.
Also, shipping shouldn’t be synonymous with representation. Don’t get me wrong, there should be lots more diversity than there is, and it’s horrible that there isn’t, and we should demand our entertainment to do better. But that doesn’t mean that every time your m/m or f/f ship doesn’t end up together it’s queerbaiting or bad representation. I’ve seen these accusations being thrown at shows which had lots of other BRILLIANT representation, lots of intersectionality and thought behind it, but because certain popular ships didn’t become canon, suddenly all of that was void and null. That’s ridiculous.
And again, I’ve seen people being accused of being a number of things for shipping something that wouldn’t be considered ‘good representation’ which, yeah? Not all ships are supposed to be. Some people just ship stuff because they find characters interesting to write about, or it’s fun, or it’s an outlet, not because it’s the representation of their sexuality they’d like to see portrayed on screen. 
This obsession with ‘ship that’s okay to ship = ship that can be canon’ is stupid. 
26. Most shippable character?Of anything ever? Idk, probably Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who. Or the Doctor himself. Or River. For myself, I think Daniel Jackson from Stargate SG-1 is the character I have the most ships with. He’s very shippable to me. 
27. Least shippable character?You can probably find something for everyone. Idk, for some reason the first character that popped into my head was Red Skull from Marvel, but I bet there’s someone out there who’s into that. But yeah, there’s a lot of characters I just don’t ship with anyone, I guess. Can’t come up with any specific examples though. :P
Thanks for asking!
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