#except now the doctor isnt even responsible for it so it does nothing except make them a woobie
wavebiders · 4 months
ngl this is just msking me bummed out about Galifrey being re-destroyed again
we've already had 4 seasons of RTD writing about The Last of the Time Lords™️ I would have much preffered seeing him take a crack at writing stories with Galifrey still being around rather than the same thing again but this time less compelling
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74 +28
28: Proposal fic || 74: Huddling for Warmth
random choice generator ship: losleep
okay so i know proposal fic implies they're already dating but i like my gays oblivious so: super duper best friends logan and remy, who live together and eat together and more often than not sleep in the same bed (it was cheaper to get the apartment with only one bedroom, alright? plus, as logan always remains, the cuddling is good for their human need for touch) and even go to family events with each other like thanksgiving and such
literally Everyone thinks they're dating but every time one of them is asked when they're gonna 'put a ring on that' remy/logan just scoff and ask why they'd do that to their best friend
except, of course, they're terribly in love with each other, except logan doesn't think he's cool enough for remy to like-like him and remy doesn't think they're smart enough for logan to like-like them, so they just stick with the friend thing
it's winter when they're on another one of their family trips with each other, headed for remy's aunt's cabin nestled a good bit of a ways from most of regular society. everything's fine and dandy until the black ice on the road transforms one of their turns into a spin, sending the car off the side of the mountain road and rolling into a ditch at the bottom, surrounded by dark and thick woods
they survived, but one of logan's legs is fucked up, and remy's pretty scratched up too. the car's totaled, and even as they sit there in initial shock snow is beginning to fall heavy around them
the slope they fell down isnt that steep, enough rocks and bumps in it that it's climbable. get to the top, get back to the road, flag down help or even start walkin in the direction of the cabin again for help
logan urges remy to go. there's no way he can climb with his leg, but remy can make it, can get themself to safety and then get help for logan. it's the logic choice
but remy knows it's cold as fuck, they have no idea how fast they'll able to get help, and leaving a severely injured, already dealing with blood loss + pain and soon hypothermia too logan alone is not going to bod well for him. at. all.
so instead of climbing out, remy does their best to carefully lift logan up, apologizing for the pain and gently shushing whenever he tries to protest what remy's doing. they set themself and logan up in a small cave set into the base of the slope; it's got a low-ceiling, not much room, and is mostly composed of cold stone, but it's protection from the snow, and that's better than nothing
the cold's already starting to set into their bones, remy trying not to let their teeth chatter too much as they pull logan up against their chest, zipping up their leather jacket around the both of them, hoping to something, anything, that it helps. logan's head is lolling, his grip on reality clearly not good, and remy wouldn't be surprised if he passes out soon
except remy knows they need to prevent that as long as possible, need to keep logan awake, because that's better right? because if he falls asleep he might- he might-
remy banishes the thought from his mind and just starts. talking. about everything he can think of, just to try and keep logan focused on them and awake
somehow they land on the topic of all those times people asked about them proposing, and remy, who as hard as they're trying to be brave and strong, is also injured and cold and terrified, and just about ready to say things they thought they'd keep til their deathbed, asks logan if he'd ever actually thought about it
"y'know, marrying me." remy murmurs, because they don't have the strength for anything louder, logan shivering against their chest and looking at them with half-lidded and dazed eyes that make remy wonder if he'd understand what they were saying even if they were yelling, "i know we're not... together, but... i don't think i would've minded. marrying you, that is."
for a long minute, there's no reply. logan's still staring at them the same, and remy doesn't think he processed what was said at all. they're about to start talking again when logan says, so quietly it's almost lost in the wind and snow, "i would've married you"
it's really too bad the circumstances are what they are, because if they were anything else remy's pretty sure it'd be the best day of their life
"what if, when we get out of this-" and isn't that confident, 'when', just for logan- "we do that." remy says, tentatively, pulling logan even closer to themself. "will you, logan orion celeste, marry me?"
the response takes even longer this time, logan nuzzling his head further into remy's shoulder, eyes dropping close to shut. "yes please" he finally mumbles, and remy almost wants to laugh at how absurd the 'please' seems right now, "i love you"
and then his eyes close all the way and none of remy's words nor slight shakes seem enough to get them back open
without logan to focus on, remy's fading out themself, the full effects of Everything setting in. they try to stay awake, but it's a losing battle. succumbing to the warm embrace of sleep, remy's last thought is how sad it would be if the last thing they ever heard from logan were words they had been hoping to hear for years
remy wakes up in the hospital gods-know-when and the first thing they do is go looking for logan
somehow, the doctors and nurses cant fight the suffering-from-horrible-frostbite-and-hypothermia patient back into bed, remy stumbling around them until they find the room where logan is, still asleep, leg in a cast and covered in bandages and still looking a bit too pale but alive
they quickly arrange themself in his bed, tucking themself up against them, holding him too close for the doctors to get them apart
eventually, he'll wake up, and eventually they'll talk about remy's near-death proposal, and they'll admit crushes and feel silly and maybe kiss a little bit before they both pass out again
but for now remy's content to hold logan, assured of his safety, and oh-so-very content already calling him fiancé
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You do know abortion isnt murder right? There's multiple types including including labor refered to as an induction abortion, miscarriage which is a spontaneous abortion and lets not forget the people prolifers shit on the most, people whos child is dead or dying in the womb. Even if you have some stupid heath exception, if the world was how you want it to be, those mothers would die with their babies, so carrying and loving and prolife of you guys to want both to die together ❤how horrible.
Murder: the premeditated killing of one human being by another.
The unborn baby is a human being from the moment of conception. That is a scientific fact. It is a living human with its own unique string of DNA.
Abortion: the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy.
There is one goal with abortion and that is killing the child in its fetal state.
Abortion is murder.
Now let’s talk about the types of abortion:
Morning After Pill — Also known as Mifepristone, this oral drug is used during the first trimester. It breaks down the lining of the uterus so that the fetus is devoid of nourishment and cannot be sustained. It takes 24-48 to kill the child, after which a second drug (Misoprostol) is taken to expel the dead fetus from the woman’s body.
Vacuum Aspiration/Suction Abortion — This type of abortion is also performed in the first trimester. The cervix may or may not need to be dilated depending on your anatomy and how far along you are. The abortionist inserts laminaria to absorb moisture. A suction catheter is then used to vacuum the fetus out of the uterus, after which the abortionist uses a curette to remove any remaining pieces of the baby that may have been left behind in the uterus.
Dilation and Evacuation — This is a second trimester procedure. The abortionist will first dilate the woman’s cervix in order to gain access to her uterus and fetus. A suction catheter will then be inserted into the uterus to remove the amniotic fluid. After the fluid is drained, the abortionist will use a sopher clamp (surgical instrument with rows of sharp teeth) to tear apart the child, limb from limb. After dismembering the fetus, the abortionist will scrape the remains from the inside of the uterus with a curette. After the abortion, the abortionist will collect the dismembered parts in order to make sure he or she has effectively removed every part of the unborn child. A shot may be administered before hand to induce a fetal heart attack, killing the child before the invasive portion of the procedure begins, but that is often not the case. It has been noted that the fetus will react to and try to avoid the dismembering tools.
Dilation and Extraction — Also known as a partial birth abortion, this takes place in the third trimester. Because the opening of the woman's cervix must be greatly enlarged, the abortion requires three days with repeated visits for insertion of laminaria. These are pencil-shaped or tapered devices which are inserted into the cervix and gradually dilate the cervix by increasing in diameter as the laminaria absorbs water. Three days later the abortion is performed. The abortionist ruptures the membranes and drains the amniotic fluid. Using an ultrasound on the mother's abdomen, the fetus is identified and orientated within the uterus. Having turned the unborn baby inside the uterus so that he or she is feet first and face down toward the floor, the abortionist inserts forceps into the cervical canal and into the uterus and grasps one of the baby's legs. The other leg with the remainder of the torso up to the baby's neck is then pulled outside of the uterus. The head must remain inside the mother's body, or else the fetus is considered "born alive." Blunt scissors are inserted into the base of the living baby's skull and spread apart to enlarge the hole. The scissors are removed and a suction tube is inserted into the skull and the brains are suctioned out. This kills the baby. The abortionist collapses the head, and the fetus is removed. Then the placenta is cut away. It must be noted that babies born as prematurely as 21 weeks have been able to survive. That means at this point you are killing a baby that could possibly live outside the mothers womb. At this point it no longer becomes an issue of a women’s right to her body because you have chosen to kill a child who could have lived outside the uterus in one of the most horrific ways imaginable.
Things that are NOT abortions:
Ectopic Pregnancies — Over half of ectopic pregnancies resolve by themself by way of miscarriage. There are, however, many cases of ectopic pregnancies being carried through gestation enough so that the fetus is delivered. There are people alive today who were themselves ectopic pregnancies. There’s also studies seeking to make relocating ectopic fetuses to the uterus a more viable option. Ectopic pregnancies are not an argument for abortion.
Natural Miscarriages — Medically known as spontaneous abortion, it is NOT a medical abortion and does not carry the same definition. A miscarriage happens as an involuntary bodily response to the pregnancy. Certain deficiencies, extreme stress, even a history of medical abortions can contribute to why a woman’s body may induce a miscarriage. Anyone who blames a woman for a natural miscarriage knows nothing about science whatsoever. Furthermore, it is callous and cruel to put mothers who are grieving the loss of their child in the same category as mothers who deliberately kill their child. Shame on you.
Fetal Death — If the fetus is dead from natural causes, it is not physically possible for an abortion to take place because abortion, by definition, is killing the baby. You can’t kill something that is already deceased, so I genuinely have no idea what you are getting at there. However, if the baby is still in the process of dying, our responsibility is to try and save it, not kill it faster. If someone has a gunshot wound, you don’t put another bullet in them to finish them off. You get them to the hospital and let the doctors do everything in their power to save them. A couple years back the doctors told a family their baby wouldn’t live to be born. She’s now four years old and one of my favorite kids in the whole world. Doctors may make educated guesses, but they never know how long someone will live, that is so far beyond them.
In closing, abortion is never medically necessary. Abortion, by definition, is strictly killing a fetal life, it never saves one. Sometimes the unborn may die as a secondary cause (ie., chemotherapy), because difficult choices do exist, but all attempts are always made to preserve the life of both mother and child. Inducing a heart attack in a baby is never necessary to save a life. Dismembering a child is never necessary to save a life. The intentional killing of a baby is never necessary to save a life. Abortion never saves a life, it ALWAYS ends a life. Brutally.
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mo-mo-and-porkchop · 4 years
42. "This isnt going to have a happy ending" (Seven)
(Sorry this took so long.)
[Ala Alice in borderland on Netflix. ]
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Oscar stared at the ceiling of his latest dwelling - a small, studio apartment no bigger than a hotel room. A fan whirled quietly, pushing a small breeze throughout the space. He let his eyes drift to the singular window and out to the roadways and parking lots the complex surrounded. Thin walls allowed him to hear everything his neighbors went through, day in and day out. Drab colors covered the walls making the space even more depressing.
What a shithole.
However it wasn't the worst place work had sent him over the years. Given his station in life he had been required to live in some of the shadier places on Earth. Being a hired hand for the most powerful players meant you went where they sent you. No questions. If he had known his experience in spec ops would turn him into a glorified errand boy he would never have replied to his recruitment.
They're lucky they pay so well.
He sat up with a sigh and forced himself from the futon. A female living to his right was on the phone with, whom he could only assume was a friend, complaining about her most recent bout of dieting. Her cat ate better than she did according to her.
Oscar shuffled to his small bathroom and splashed cool water across his face. He'd been there a month already and his target had yet to show up. He huffed silently to himself. He tried to warn the powers that be to move on from their obsession. After the doctor's botched experiments, they turned all of their attention to a nobody, twenty something.
A fucking kid.
As he dried his face two male voices drifted through his walls, catching his attention. They stood just down the hall and were easily heard. He listened as they discussed benign details of their day and, judging by their voices, they were 409 and 411.
Buzz. Buzz.
He glanced into his apartment at a small kitchen table that doubled as a nightstand. His phone lit up before buzzing once more indicating a text had come through. He tossed the towel onto the edge of the sink and went for his phone.
He swiped up and unlocked his phone to see a picture of Dahlia smiling brightly on the beach. Followed by the question:
[sms: jealous?]
A soft smile tugged at his lips when he saw it was his sister. And yes, he was jealous. He huffed quietly and sent a picture of his current view.
[sms: not really]
[sms: stop bragging] was her reply.
A hard, loud series of knocks at his door pulled him from his phone with a slight start. He wasn't expecting anyone. No one knew he was there, save his sister. And his 'boss' never frequent his residences. They did all their business virtually. The less connected they were physically the better.
The knocking repeated itself and he went to check his doorbell camera. Oddly no one stood there. The hall was empty. Silence began to creep in from all around. Then all power crashed.
All power.
The lights, the camera, the ac, the hall lights. Everything electronic had gone down. Not even his phone was working.
'What the hell?' he asked no one as he tapped the screen and shook it a little. 
He wasn't sure what he hoped would have happened by doing it. It was like blowing on the game system when the cartridge didn't work - useless, but somehow hopeful. When nothing else worked he carefully opened his door, peeking through the hall.  His unknown knocker was still at large.
Seeing that things were all clear, he went to neighbor's and knocked. Maybe they knew more about what happened. Silence followed. He waited a minute and tried again. Still nothing.
"Hello?" he called through her door.
He knew she was in there. She'd just been bitching to her cat, jealous of his superior meal plan.
"I'm from 408."
Odd, but maybe she was cautious of unknown males. Although neighbors they knew neither beyond a simple greeting in passing. Something that happened rarely since he'd arrived.
He left her door and went to his other neighbor's. Repeating the same process, resulting in the same response.
His heart began to race as each and every door on his floor resulted in nothing more than silence. He seemed to be the only person there which was impossible. He rushed down the stairs and to the lobby, finding it eerily empty.
"Hey!" he called throughout the lobby as he searched for someone, anyone. "Hello?!"
Oscar left his complex and headed for the streets - which he found littered with abandoned cars and deserted.
What the fuck?!
"Hey!" he yelled louder, darting from car to car, his search still coming up empty.
At this point it felt as if his heart would break through his chest it was beating so hard. His mind raced. Panic was not something he was used and he handled it very poorly. The only one who was ever able to calm him on the rare occassions it did hit was his sister.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and stared at the black screen. It still wasn't working. He glanced around to try and find his bearings and noticed something.
The marquees had gone black. the street lights were out. Even the cars wouldn't start. Everything electronic was down. Like an EMP had hit, rendering it all useless. But that didn't account for the lack of people. Oscar had no idea what could have caused that since he remained. His mind went to the only explanation he could think of.
This was hell.
But he didn't remember dying. He'd been in his apartment minding his own business. The knocking was the last sound he heard. Not a gun shot or explosion. Just loud, hard knocking.
A month had gone by. In that time he'd searched nearly every part of the city and found nothing. No one. Each building was just as empty as the last. He scavenged supplies as needed and continued searching for anything to explain away this very real feeling delusion.
Suddenly a small tv screen lit up nearby - a lone light in the darkness. He squinted to see it clearer as he neared.
'Game arena this way.'
Game arena?  What the hell? 
A large arrow pointed to the right and looked where it pointed. As if on cue, a spotlight shown into the sky, illuminating a building a few blocks away. A glance between his phone, which still wasn't working, and the screen was all he took before heading where directed. This was the only thing different to happen since arriving.
He came to an apartment building slightly smaller than his. It too was dark save for the spotlights and some emergency lights running on a gas powered backup generator.  It was just as abandoned as the rest of the city.
Cautiously he entered the building. He'd been through a lot of shit in his day, but this was eerier than hell. The silence was nearly driving him mad. Nevertheless he made his way through the hall, arrows leading the way. He finally came to the end of the hallway. A small table with cell phones and an elevator were all that greeted him. The elevator was down and the phones were off, just like the rest of the city.
Great. More nothing.
He tried the nearby doors and found them all locked. He left to backtrack out when he finally ran into others. Instinctively he grabbed one up and held him against the wall, holding his hand out to keep the others at bay.
"What the hell is going on? Who are you?" he asked glancing between the three of them.
They remained silent, but by the looks of thing he wasn't going to get any answers from them. He could almost smell their fear. Once Oscar actually took the time to actually see them he realized he'd overreacted. They were young men.  In their mid twenties at best. Kids. He was an ex military turned merc who had done a great job of staying fit. He must have looked like a monster to them. He relaxed his grip and held up both hands in apology, taking a small step backward, keeping them all in his sights. 
"Sorry. You're the first people I've found since...getting here and I thought you might have been responsible for whatever is going on," he explained.
They silently shook their heads once they were able to overcome their surge of fear. "We are just as lost as you," one of them said.
He looked at the three of them, studying their body language - which told they were being truthful.
"Do you know what is going on?" a second one asked when the silence became too much for him.
Oscar simply gave him a look to convey how stupid he thought that question was considering their initial meeting.
"Right. Sorry," he said sheepishly.
"We don't know anything," the first one admitted. "We were goofing off and then everything disappeared. It wasn't until dark that we were showed the way here."
Oscar nodded slightly. Aside from the length of time they were here, it was the same as him. "I've been here a month if my count is correct and haven't found shit. Except you guys," he said glancing between them.
The one with the stupid question took a few steps, peeking around the corner. He saw the elevator and table full of phones. His demeanor seemed a bit more hopeful at the sight. "There are phones down here," he said to his friends before taking off for them.
"They don't work," Oscar called out, but the other two had already rushed to join their friend.
When they picked them up the screens woke up. Their faces were scanned and a woman's voice came through - explaining registration was closed in five minutes and the number of participants, which as of now was the three of them.
"What the fuck?" Oscar said picking up a fourth phone. It scanned his face and replayed the same message. "These weren't working when I found them," he said more to himself.
Before they could discuss the recent turn of events a woman emerged from around the corner. She was dressed in business casual attire and looked vastly out of place. She calmly walked toward them and picked up a phone, repeating the process as the rest. This time however the registration time had gone down by two minutes.
"What does that even mean?" the third guy asked when he heard her message. "Registration?"
"Its a game," the woman said, breaking her silence.
"Game? What do you mean game?"
Without a word she pulled out some kind of ID badge and threw it down the hall. They all watched as a lazer shot out and precisely hit the tiny card.
"Once you cross the barrier you have now choice but to play."
"What game?!" the first guy asked again, frustration and worry in his voice.
"We are all in this game," she began to explain. "Each one is different and if you don't complete their tasks you die."
"Their?" Oscar asked.
She shrugged her shoulders "Whoever is running it."
A second girl showed up and when she saw the groups of them she rushed forward, happy to find other humans. The trio of guys tried to stop her, but it was too late and she'd crossed the threshold. Quietly Oscar handed her a phone. After scanning her face the voice rang out that registration was closed and there were six participants. It continued stating the game's name - Dead or Alive - the difficulty - three of clubs, whatever the hell that meant - and the one and only rule:
Pick the right door and exit within the time limit.
Just then the elevator door opened with a sign on it's back wall simply stating 'Start'.
Oscar sighed and quietly told himself "This isn't going to have a happy ending" before heading inside it with the others.
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The Good Doctor Kuseno
More questions than answers Possible Spoilers ahead!!
@gofancyninjaworld​ has a few excellent posts about this already please read them if you’re interested. These posts are well researched and provide a different perspective than my own. I recommend that everyone consume different perspectives to help inform and diversify their own. I also reference a few of them in my post here.
What do we actually know about the good doctor?
As Fancy Ninja noted: 
He claims to have been chasing ‘that cyborg’ for longer than Genos has been.
He used to be angry over some injustice.
He’s not afraid to take up arms in person.
He’s a skilled scientist/engineer, specifically he “likes to dabble with mechanical engineering”
He’s deeply invested in Genos. Seemingly in both the literal and figurative sense.
Additionally and significantly, He’s not a monster.
Why is 6 important? I mean, if Garou teaches us anything it’s that the lines between Human, hero, and monster are not as clear as we may have initially assumed. And yet, Monsters truly exist in this universe and their existence is significant. (It's also notable here that we have seen a few instances where monsters appeared as the humans they were before they consumed monster cells only to reveal their identity later, but for the moment this seems to be unlikely of Kuseno.) One of the possible interpretations of this fact is that despite his past anger and continued obsession with hunting this cyborg he still has something within him that keeps him human. I’m not sure exactly what that is in this case because if I’m honest, I’m not super certain what makes humanity human in general, in OPM or otherwise. Aside from that, we know fairly little about the good doctor. We know almost nothing about his past.
What he tells us: 
“When I and Genos first met, we didn’t have a single ally. It was as if the pair of us were lost and alone fumbling in the darkness… I dived into research with all I could, trying to come up with some way to fight back at the forces of evil... and yet our troubles were just beginning, because me and my boy-”
vs  THis: 
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What does Kuseno have to gain from all his tireless effort into Genos?
Despite my reservations about Dr. Kuseno I’d be remiss to fail to admire his work on Genos. Kuseno has done an incredible job with Genos’ upgrades. The aesthetic and humanizing touches he’s given Genos are so, and I cannot emphasize this enough, important. He has a human looking face and hair. Kuseno has even been aging Genos appropriately over time, he can even eat food normally. (And we all know he’s been keeping Geno damn hot in the process) The things that he’s done to humanize Genos is sincerely one of the most compelling arguments that Dr. Kuseno is a truly good bean. But he’s not off the hook yet. 
When he says that seeing Genos reminded him of his youth when he was righteous and feared nothing always charging in without thought of consequences and I have to wonder, what consequences did Dr. Kuseno experience in his life that changed him? If he’s experienced so much in his life why is he still walking the path of vengeance and promoting that path for Genos? Even if he’s not promoting the path for Genos but merely ‘supporting’ Genos on his path wouldn’t you think someone who was so similar in their youth know better than to fuel a revenge mission? But I’m not particularly apt to believe Dr. Kuseno is merely going along with ‘pushy’ Genos. He definitely has his own motives here and we’re not very clear what those are yet. For this I recommend reading Ninja’s conflicts of interest post to get some different perspectives on his varied motives. One possibility is that he’s effectively living through Genos. There is a scene in Season 2 of the anime where Dr. Kuseno is standing in a beam of light talking about his quest for justice in his youth and Genos stands under Kuseno obscured in shadow. That image made me shudder. Now the care and attention Kuseno gives Genos feels much creepier, like a doll to be dressed up and played with. I hope that’s not the case.  
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Who is this Dr. Kuseno and what is his relationship with Genos? Fatherly? Or Patronizing? And what are the ethics and implications of allowing Genos such extreme body modifications.
I love a found family as much as the next person, but I find it slightly suspicious that a doctor that just happens to be an expert in cybernetics arrives in time to save Genos’ life after his village was destroyed by a CYBORG. So, we’ve learned that Kuseno was chasing the mad cyborg before Genos was so maybe that explains the convenient meeting but that makes me wonder, when and how did the Cyborg’s trail go so cold that neither Kuseno or Genos seem to know where it is at the moment (or maybe Kuseno knows something more about this and is hiding it from Genos)? We’ve also since learned that even though cybernetic components are relatively commonplace in this world modifications over 30% are extremely rare. ‘Enhancements’ as extensive as Genos’ are almost unheard of and extremely risky, including a risk of madness. How did Dr. Kuseno become such an excellent doctor of cybernetics? I couldn’t have just been overnight? Learning takes trial and error and mistakes. God knows Genos has given that man more than enough trial and error for a lifetime but what about before Genos?  
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Ninja noted that in all of the lab frames Dr. Kuseno stands a fair distance away from Genos. I immediately think of the anime Dororo from 2019 and the way Jukai handles Hyakkimaru, who is likely not less dangerous than Genos in context. Jukai is genuinely fatherly and close, only teaching Hyakkimaru to fight once it became clear the boy would not walk a different path. In the lab Kuseno is cold and distant and the atmosphere is draped in shadow. The contrast between Dr. Kuseno’s behavior toward Genos in public verses in the lab is notable. I don’t really know what specifically to note about it, except that it reinforces for me that the two men barely know each other, which is disturbing given that Genos has known Dr. Kuseno probably longer than he’s known anyone and Kuseno was effectively Genos’ guardian. How much does Genos really know about the man who holds his life in his hands if Genos didn’t even know Dr. Kuseno had a battle suit? What else is Kuseno hiding or omitting? At the same time Dr. Kuseno notes seeing a new side of Genos at Saitama’s apartment. Does Dr. Kuseno know Genos as well as he thinks he does when he says things like “you remind me of myself in my youth.” ? 
Genos believes he isn’t good enough and never will be good enough. Intentionally or unintentionally Dr. Kuseno feeds into this insecurity. Does that mean he’s responsible for Genos’ insecurities? No. But it is a piece of the troubling looking puzzle connecting the two of them. Unfortunately, when Genos goes to see Kuseno it’s often in defeat so he didn’t get much meaningful encouragement from the doctor. Even in victory, after G4, Dr. Kuseno doesn’t give Genos much encouragement. “There are still areas where we can improve you” even after getting a completely new upgrade neither Dr. Kuseno nor Genos seem to be satisfied. We consistently see Kuseno chiding Genos for being reckless and begging him to be more careful and to stay alive at the very least. Perhaps Kuseno is more concerned about losing his investment than the psychological health of his charge? Kuseno is more of a scientist than anything else and it's difficult to fault him for his excellent skills but can you imagine how actually damaging it is for a growing human to literally be a never fished project in the eyes of the person who should be loving you unconditionally. We all need to grow and change constantly, but there is a difference between acknowledging a person’s strengths and weaknesses and only acknowledging (in any meaningful way) a person’s failures. It’s a habit Genos has made for himself but unfortunately, even if not intentionally, Dr. Kuseno may have helped build that habit. Ever since Genos’ family died everything in his life seems to be reinforcing the ‘not good enough’ narrative. Not good enough to save his family, not strong enough to protect anyone. Every victory is shallow and meaningless in his mind because his eyes were set only on the final goal of defeating Mad Cyborg. Which is, likely as not, unattainable. 
Genos may see Saitama as his mentor but he is dependent on Kuseno for his growth making Kuseno far more practically his ‘mentor’. There is an important part of a typical hero’s journey story when a hero must move past the teaching of their mentor and grow on their own. This is a fundamentally important stage to help the hero see that they are ‘good enough’ they have the tools they need to succeed. Sometimes this transition is painful, think back to Iroh refusing to speak to Zuko while they were in the fire nation or when Jukai refused to help Hyakkimaru anymore. Both Zuko and Hyakkimaru were angry and devastated, but it was in the end a vital part of their progress. I fear a mentor who is either not willing or not able to allow them to surpass them. 
Whether through compliance or malice the system created by the relationship between Genos and Dr. Kuseno is one where Genos relies heavily on Dr. Kuseno. If Genos is compromised he could put Dr. Kuseno at risk but the battle suit indicates that Dr. Kuseno may be more prepared to deal with risk than an average scientist. But if Dr. Kuseno is compromised that could put Genos in an early grave. Regardless of the scientists intentions Dr. Kuseno is holding Genos back. Since Genos’ latest upgrade in the anime we’ve learned that Genos used to have safety restrictions on his parts but when we first meet Genos he is about to self-destruct his own core. So what were the safety restrictions for? The practically seem more about preserving an investment than protecting the human being. Garou’s story seems to indicate there is an important part of the path for one to push their limiter is possibly to get to the brink of death itself (probably not the only way) but possibly Genos’ safety restrictions have been holding him well below his limiter for ages. Maybe he can’t break his limiter because of his cybernetic body but I honestly don’t think it’s so cut and dry. (Also I find it sad and notable that when Genos is about to self-destruct he apologizes to Dr. Kuseno for letting him down. Genos wants to live badly, but he’s so deeply self-destructive just the tip of the iceberg of emotional issues Genos is battling. When he apologizes to Dr. K, even though he’s the one who would lose his life! It’s like he’s so afraid of failing the Dr.’s expectations again he’d rather die.) Genos needs to be able to repair himself. I’m desperately afraid that the practicality of complete cybernetic repair will render Genos dependent on someone forever. 
We already know that Genos would do anything to get stronger but what has ‘doing anything’ looked like for him? What does it mean for him? I don’t really know how you can take one look at this guy and deny he’s already made painful sacrifices to get stronger. It looks like he’s willing to sacrifice his dignity, youth, life, respect, independence, joy, all sensual pleasures, and much much more for his goal to be stronger. That goal servers a purpose and that purpose was given to him by Dr. Kuseno when his village was destroyed ‘defeat Mad Cyborg’. But what will his goal for ultimate strength be without the purpose that will almost definitely be taken away from him. Even if it isn’t and he accomplishes it what will he do then? Will the sacrifices be worth it in the end? Will he be able to rebuild a new purpose and a new life for himself?
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honeyjaez · 4 years
Maze of Miroh- Chapter 17: Dinner with a bit of Angst
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Authors Note:
Anyways, this is a shorter chapter, but it sets up the highlight of this arc, which Im really excited about. Hope it isnt’ too shit haha.
The Under
 An echo of a bell rang through Minho’s ears as they pushed through the door and into the little shack.  He looked around and noticed small tables were placed throughout the area with wooden walls attached to the side, blocking people from others' sight.
Minho felt a familiar prickle of anxiety as he looked around. He always hated small, secluded places and actively avoided them. But he forced himself to relax and smiled slightly when he recognized Yunho’s fluffy brown hair in the back corner. He bowed to the neighboring table as he made his way through the store, Jisung at his side. As he did so, he heard Chan behind him stop near the entrance, calling out to someone, but Minho didn’t turn around to listen.
 Minho caught San settling down next to Wooyoung who was situated on Yunho’s side When the young thief's eyes caught Minho’s he smiled, gesturing him over.
 He swallowed a ball of saliva loudly. On one hand, he was glad San and him were okay, but he was also still VERY wary of the blond. Luckily, before he was forced to respond, Jisung tugged on Minho’s arm roughly towards Yunho’s other side, settling down in the other vacant seat.
 As Minho followed suit, he could see in the corner of his eye, San giving Jisung a rather nasty glare, but the younger's only response was to stick his tongue out, mocking him. Minho felt his eyes rolling automatically, choosing to ignore both of their antics. He instead turned towards Yunho, giving the doctor a small smile.
 “Glad you could take a break for a bit.” he said earnestly. Truthfully speaking, he was  rather glad to see a nice member of Hongjoong’s crazy group.
 Yunho took a sip of his water, nodding appreciatively “The other doctors can handle the situation for the night. I'm starving!”
 Jisung broke his glaring contest with San to look over at the doctor, concern sparkling in his eyes. “There were a lot of sick people in there….Is there some sort of sickness going around?” 
 Yunho’s eyes flashed towards Jisung, and his smile grew tired as he ducked his head. “Nothing we can’t handle....Just a common thing at this time around….”
 Minho's eyes narrowed as he caught the hesitation in Yunho’s voice. He looked to Jisung and could tell that the younger caught the tone as well. 
  There is something he isn’t telling us… 
 He opened his mouth, ready to ask the younger boy what exactly it meant, but, before he could, he was interrupted by Chan, who was walking up to their table with two new faces Minho had never seen before.
 “Except for its not….”  he said matter-of-factly “Is it Yunho?”
 His words were harsh, but Minho couldn’t read his leader's face as he gazed down at the young doctor. Yunho who was looking up at the curly haired blond only chuckled  humorlessly, a twinge of guilt passing through his eyes. 
 “There is nothing you don’t see, is there Bang Chan?”
 Chan cracked a small smile and shrugged softly, “It’s a blessing and a curse.” 
 The older boy then turned and looked at the two of them, motioning to the strangers on his side. “Minho. Jisung. “ he started “I want you to meet two more of Hongjoong’s crew. This is Jongho and Mingi.”
 The shorter one, Jongho, only gazed hard at them, a single nod of his head before setting down next to San. Mingi, on the other hand, stayed standing, and gave a wide toothy grin. “Sup! I heard you kicked San’s ass earlier. Care to give me pointers?”
  “Uhhhh…” If a human could sweatdrop, Minho sure was. Luckily for him, the conversation was interrupted by Wooyoung hissing in annoyance at the pair. 
 “It’s not something to joke about Mingi! San could have died!”
 Mingi’s only response was to roll his eyes at the silver haired boy, settling down in his spot at the table, “Please Woo. Don’t be dramatic.”
 “Yeah” Yunho agreed, pouring a glass of water for everyone “Like San would be stupid enough to die from something like that.”
 “That being said” Jongho spoke for the first time, voice hard as ice, looking at the blond with a small amount of contempt “Why didn’t you avoid the rocks?”
 All eyes were on San now who looked at them all innocently. His eyes were wide as he stuffed his cheeks with rice. Minho gave a small laugh as the food piled up in his cheeks, puffing them out like squirrels.  So Jisung isn’t the only one who does that huh….
 As he heard Minho’s quiet laugh, San’s eyes suddenly shifted onto his, his face forming into a smirk, winking at the older. “What can I say?” he said lightly, swallowing the food in his mouth. “Maybe I wanted Minho to hurt me…. I’ve got certain kink you kn-”
 His words were cut off as Wooyoung took a single fist and smashed it into the blonds head.
 It was quiet for a moment before San suddenly cradled his head, crying out in pain and rolling on the ground behind him. Mingi laughed out loud while Wooyoung glared at the crying boy. 
 “You all are so noisy” Minho’s ears perked as he heard a familiar voice cut through the tabel.His eyes turned over to see Hongjoong walking up, the tall figure of Seonghwa right behind him. 
 Minho gulped seeing the dark haired boy again. He was just as beautiful as before, and the aura he radiated off of him was just as deadly. But to his relief, Seonghwa seemed to be ignoring him and that was fine by him.
 “HyunggggG!” San whined, looking up at the two like they were his parents “Wooyoung hit me!”
 “Yeah cause you can’t keep it in your pants for 5 fucking seconds!” he hissed back. 
 The noise was started to cause a scene and Minho spotted multiple eyes now on them. Hongjoong must have noticed too because he rubbed his palm in his face, looking down in annoyance. 
 “This is why I can’t take you guys anywhere…”  Hongjoong then noticed Chan’s presence next to him and he looked up, suspicion in his eyes.
 “Chan” he said coolly. “I didn’t know you would be joining us.”
 Chan smiled, face still unreadable as he bowed in respect “Sorry for surprising you. San invited us. I hope it isn’t inconvenient.”
 Minho caught Seunghwa’s glare at their leader but kept his mouth shut. Hongjoong waved his hand, settling down on the floor. “No. No. Just a surprise, we will have a full table tonight.”
 “Who else is coming?” Jisung pipped up, motioning towards the opened seat next to Mingi. Hongjoong’s head turned slightly to look and then looked back, eyes shining brighter than Minho had seen since coming here. “Yeosang.”
 At the sound of the name, Yunho’s head snapped up from the drink in his hand, and Minho didn’t miss the way his eyes lit up in mild happiness. “You mean he is coming?”
 Hongjoong smiled at the younger, nodding his head “All the spies currently working in the field have been called back for a meeting by Zico. Yeosang should be here in a little bit.”
 “Huzah!” San yelled, raising his glass in celebration. 
 Yunho sighed happily and Mingi did his own clap of excitement. All the other remaining members held a small smile on their face. When Yunho noticed the look of confusion on the outsider’s faces he laughed apologetically.
 “Sorry” he chuckled “I guess we should fill you guys in. Yeosang is the last member of our group here. He is one of the best spies The Under has, and he is often traveling above ground on missions...so we don’t get to see him much.”
 “The last time we saw him was nearly 3 months ago” Wooyoung mused, almost sad.
 “Make use of his time” Seonghwa interjected, almost scolding them like a mother “We don’t know how long he will be back so make it worthwhile.”
 “Sir yes sir!” the group hollowed.
The table fell into their own little groups as dinner arrived. Chan was talking enthusiastically to Mingi about some stupid thing Felix once did, while San, Wooyoung and Jongho were having their own private conversation-mostly scolding San about losing in a fight with Minho. 
 Minho himself was having a rather pleasant conversation with Yunho, with Jisung stuck in the middle. 
 Even Seonghwa seemed mildly interested in Chan’s story as evident of his wandering eye towards the two.
 The only one who didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves was Hongjoong, who was frowning down at his full plate.
 “So have you guys always been together?” Minho asked the brown headed doctor, mouth full of food “I know Woojin hyung said he found you guys together but was that always the case? You guys don’t look related.”
 This earned a hearty laugh from the doctor and he shook his head in response. “Goodness no. Me related to them? I mean have you seen Mingi?”
 “What about me?” the gruff boy voiced over.
 But Yunho ignored him, looking almost sheepish at Minho “This may sound weird or stupid, but I don’t remember any of my childhood before i met them so I don’t really know where I came from. And actually…” he paused, looking around at the table “None of us do.”
 Minho’s eyes widened as he felt a familiar sensation in the pit of his stomach.  Just like me…
 “None of you do?”
 Yunho shook his head, a look of mild sadness on his face. “From as far back as we can remember, we have been together, but we know we know there was a time before where we were not together….”
 Jisung who was enjoying the conversation silently, swallowed the bit of food in his mouth, eyes narrowing slightly. “But if you don’t remember anything, how can you know that?”
 Yunho smiled again, but this time it was more guilty than anything. “Actually it’s just a hunch but also there is Yeosang….”
 “Yeosangie has something that none of us do.”
 Jisung tilted his head in confusion “What does he have?”
 Yunho took his arm and placed a hand on the back of his shoulder “He has a tattoo right here. He doesn’t remember getting it, nor what it means. But even if he did, I don’t think he would talk about it….” there was something in Yunho’s voice that made for a melancholy mood. His eyes casted downwards towards his nearly empty plate and chewed the bottom of his lip. “I don’t even think he is aware that he does this, but occasionally he takes his hand and touches it...his eyes would get so sad...like the memory is trying to surface, but the sadness it holds is enough to cause him excruciating pain.”
 Minho looked down at his plate, realizing his own appetite was gone. There was something about their group wide memory loss that was really causing him distress. His stomach churned and he quickly excused himself, rushing outside before anyone could stop him. 
 The city lights blurred his eyes as he felt his breathing going ragged. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. But what?
  Calm down Minho!  
 He mentally cursed himself while trying to regain control of his breathing again. What set him off so suddenly? Was it Yunho admitting about the memory loss? That doesn;t make anysense…..sure Minho also suffered from his own intense memory loss. He could relate to the group suddenly more now, his own childhood lost in his memories. But that was nothing more than coincidence.  Right?
 But before he could explore these thoughts, he was interrupted by a hand being placed on his shoulder in a form of comfort. Minho, still trying to calm down, only reached back and placed his hand on top of the foreign hand, rubbing it as a form of gratitude.
 He stayed like that for another minute before letting out one more ragged breath and straightening back up. 
 “You okay?”
 Minho closed his eyes, hearing Jisung’s quiet, soothing voice near his ear. He nodded once but refused to turn around, afraid to. “I’ll be okay….” he admitted.
 “You nearly scared half the people in there.” Jisung jokenly scolded “You rushed out so fast, they thought they were under attack.”
 Minho let out a quiet laugh, appreciative at the younger's attempts to take his mind away from the problem at hand.
 “I’ll have to apologize when I go back in…” he quipped back.
 He heard light footsteps and felt Jisung brush up against his side, making his way to stand next to him. Neither of them looked at each other, and chose to stare at the city lights instead.
 “What was it?” the younger finally asked, voice small and quiet. Minho squeezed his eyes shut, knowing what he was getting at.
 “I don’t know…”
 “Hyung” Jisung said,obviously not believing him. 
 Minho let out a long sigh, shaking his head. He opened his mouth to say something, but found no sound behind his voice. 
 He was ashamed.
 But for what reason? His memory loss wasn’t his fault. He didn’t willingly wipe his memories away. 
 This was nothing to be ashamed of.
 So why did he?
 When Minho opened his mouth again, he let out a muffled cry, like he was admitting to a serious crime.
 “There is something I haven't shared with the group yet….” he confessed.
 He paused, expecting an immediate reaction from Jisung. But when he got none, and only felt the younger brush up against his arm he stumbled on his confession. “I don’t have many memories that I remember. I remember working at the plant. I remember becoming friends with Hyunjae. I remember Grandma Yoo taking care of us, but that has all been within the last 8 years….”
Minho looked to his side, teary gaze locking onto Jisung’s unreadable ones. “I have no memory of my parents, nor where I came from. The only reason I knew my name was Minho was because I found an ID with my face on it…” he paused, feeling his voice pick back up and his breathing laboring in his rant. 
 Jisung took his hand and squeezed his shoulder tight, pulling Minho into a tight hug. “It’s okay hyung” he murmured quietly. “Your memory loss isn’t your fault.”
 Minho hiccuped, taking solace in Jisung’s tight hug “I know but... ” he trailed off, the fear taking over. “What if it's more than just a coincidence? What if The Ord-”
 He nearly jumped out of his skin as a loud alarm rang through the entire city, red sirens flashing all around them. Jisung seemed taken off guard as well as they broke apart to look down at the downtown area. 
 “Whats happening?” Minho had to somewhat yell out over the loud sirens.
 “It’s the city alarm system.” Hongjoong’s voice sounded on his other side, walking out from the shack. The others followed him outside and Minho caught Chan’s gaze who seemed fearful but not surprised. 
 “What does it mean?” 
 As if on cue, the sirens suddenly stopped and were replaced with a familiar cool voice that made the hairs on Minho’s neck stand up.
 “Hello citizens of The Under” Zico’s voice filled the entire clearing and Minho nearly had to cover his ears in response. “I have some unsettling news…” the man continued “Right as we speak, enemies of our beautiful city are moving against us. Their armies have infiltrated the tunnels and plan to strike us with their high tech assault weapons.”
 There were a few screams heard nearby as people took in their leaders' words. But Minho and the entire group stood still, listening intently. 
 “I have dispatched guards to fend them off, but for your safety, we need everyone to evacuate to the center of the city asap-”
 “What is he saying?!” Hongjoong growled.
 “I will be with the fighting force” Zico continued “But you will be in good hands there. Remember everyone, the safest place you can be is in the innermost part of the city. I won’t let anyone past the gates. The Under is my life, and the people are its future. Until we meet again.”
 And suddenly, just like that, his voice was gone. The red hue from the sirens remained, but now all that could be heard was the panicked screams of the people who began rushing around heeding their leader's words. Only Minho, Chan, Jisung and the entirety of Hongjoong’s group stayed still, including San. They seemed to be digesting their leader's words to figure out their next steps. San was the first to make movement, heading towards the stairs that led to the inner city.
 “San wait!” Chan yelled, causing the younger to stall. 
 Chan turned back towards Hongjoong, his eyes hard as steel. “Hongjoong”
 Minho gulped realizing the situation they were currently in. Something wasn’t adding up and it all pointed towards Zico.
 “What is he thinking?!” Seonghwa growled out loud “The center of the city? That is the worst place to evacuate to!”
 “That's because it is a trap” Chan interjected, his eyes not leaving Hongjoong’s frozen body.
 “Hyung” Jisung tried to warn, wanting him to stop.
 “Watch your tongue rat” San suddenly hissed with venom. “He is our leader!”
 Chan starred evenly back at San, his gaze cold and calm. “He sold you out.” He pulled on Hongjoongs arms, forcing the red headed leader to break out of trance. “Tell them Hongjoong.” He challenged “Something tells me you already suspected him of that.”
 The clearing was quiet, all 9 of them there looking towards the one singular Hongjoong who finally after a few more moments let out a long, exhausted sigh, his fierce expression from before long gone now in the presence of strangers. “A few days before you guys got here, I caught Zico having a private meeting with someone.”
 There were small gasps that came from Mingi and Yunho, while Jongho’s eyes widened slightly. Only San seemed unaffected by the news, his gaze cold as ice as he stared at Hongjoong.
 “Who?” Chan asked, but Hongjoong shook his head, looking out to the city below. 
 “Zico claimed he was an outer spy of ours, but I had never seen him before in all my years here. And the way he talked to Zico….it was no way to talk to your boss…”
  Hongjoong paused, casting a look out at the horrified faces-his eyes landed on San’s cold ones and he gave the younger a look of pleading sympathy.
 “He was trying to convince Zico to take some sort of deal. One that only benefited himself….”
 “No” San spat, disregarding his claims. “You’re lying”
 “San.” Seonghwa started “This is Hongjoong we are talking about here he would neve-” the elder was cut off as Chan’s voice rang loud and clear over the sirens.
 “Zico betrayed you all.” he growled harshly at the thief “The quicker you accept that, the easier this next step will be.
 “Quiet rat!” San spat back, taking stance “One more word out of you, and I’ll kill you. I don’t care what the rumors say…”
 The clearing went cold. Neither side made a move as San and Chan glared each other down evenly. 
Jisung wasted no time after San’s  very real  threat in marching between the two, his eyes hard as steel as he glared at San. 
 “You’ll have to get through me  first. ” 
 San turned his ice cold gaze on Jisung and Minho felt his stomach drop.
 “San!” Seonghwa barked “Stand down!”
 But to Minho’s dismay, the blond refused, pulling out his two daggers. Jisung mimicked the action by pulling out his own cuffs, electricity shooting out in waves almost immediately. Minho’s heart felt like it was about to burst, his earlier anxiety now gone and replaced with the stress of their current situation. No one seemed to want to stop the imposing forces, not even Chan, who was having an intense staring match with Hoongjong. All the meanwhile, the red hue from the sirens continued to flash all around.
 Minho looked to Seonghwa, who seemed just as tense, but as they locked eyes, was relieved to find a similar sense of panic in them.
  This was not the time to be fighting each other. Seonghwa gets that.
 Minho opened his mouth, ready to say whatever necessary to quell the two fighters. But before he could get a single sound out, a new voice sounded from behind him, one he did not recognize.
 “Stand down San. They are telling the truth.”
 All heads spun around to look at the incoming newcomer, his ash blond hair growing past his ears, all messy bedhead like. His face remained calm and neutral, but Minho could tell from his eyes that the stranger was looking past Minho and them to stare straight at San as a sort of warning. 
 “Yeosang” Yunho breathed.
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
Star Tear AU - Alt. Timeline: Todoroki ver. [Part 1]
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2020
Momo ver. Alternate timeline: Todo ver. Part 1 || Todo ver. Part 2 || Todo ver. Part 3
Star tears in which Todoroki falls for Momo first.
shortly after the exam with Aizawa he doesn’t know what he’s feeling but just admires her strength and quick thinking
and him hanging out with Deku and Iida at lunch means Todo hears all the nice and good things Momo does when she and Iida to discuss class prez stuff
which intensifies this ??admiration?? and respect more
and he just?? Holds onto those feelings unable to figure out what they are until idk maybe holidays where 1A and 1B throw that holiday hotpot party
and Momos really cute lookin’ in that Santa hat she made with the festive turtleneck
and so that feeling inside Todo grows into something more??? bc "oh shit she cute".... and Todo’s blushing while looking at her from afar. Probably.
so Todo talks to Fuyumi abt it and Fuyumi’s like: “I think you like her Shouto”
and he writes to his mom abt it and Rei's like: “she sounds like a lovely girl Shouto”
and he texts Natsuo abt it and Natsu's like: “aw little bro has a crush”
but all the while this is happening, Momo's gotten closer with Iida over class prez stuff and hero stuff and everyone in 1A (read: mina and hagakure) think iimomo might be a thing???
ofc Momo denies it and making excuses politely like "no no ofc not we're being responsible class prez and vice prez" but she’s kinda stuttery while doing so, so no one buys it
and no ones brave enough to ask Iida except Ochako but he gives some straight laced answer like "i admire her work ethic and respect her as a hero and vice prez" but he also has some tint of blush across his cheeks
so idk fast forward to graduation where Todo's been holding onto these feelings for Momo since first year and iimomo is still very very likely
so its all cherry blossom petals flying around and congratulatory celebrations
and when Todo sees Momo amongst the sakura trees smiling like he's never seen before (bc they're finally officially heroes!!) he thinks she’s beautiful
but just as he's about to approach her, Iida approaches her and Todo can see she's blushing and he knows its really not good to eavesdrop on one of his best friends and the girl he likes
But... he's curious.
or so he lies to himself.
Ofc what he hears isnt what he ever wants to,,,,
cuz Iida just confessed to her.
and she feels the same.
and a star tear slips from Todo's eye as he walks away.
he stops mid step as he touches his cheek bc he didnt even realize he was crying
but what are these tears??? What’s happening?? He's never had these before bc even though Todo is an emotional crier, he doesn’t cry that often.. only when he is completely overwhelmed with emotion
so he has this dumbfounded expression staring at his fingers as these star tears are twinkling out of his eyes catching sunlight and sakura petals
until he hears "Youre a fucking idiot" from a few steps away
(Baku really likes eavesdropping ok its not the first time lol)
Baku: theyre called star tears.
Todo: You know what these are?
Baku: it happens when you like someone and that person doesnt like you back, idiot.
Todo: ... oh.
Baku: get that shit sorted or you'll go blind
(And for those who are curious, yes maaaayyybe Bakugou has a case of the stars in this timeline too, that’s how he knows. To whom? I'll let you decide bc honestly, I just want todobaku brotp bonding over unrequited love)
so now Todo thinks he might be fucked. One of his best friends confessed to the girl he likes too and she likes him back and now Todo has this disease that might make him go blind and might get in the way of heroing (which they've all secured post graduation positions by now) and what can he do about it?
nothing, says the doctor he sees. The disease is not curable and the only way to stop it is to have your feelings returned else you'll go colour blind and then completely blind, so he's told.
ya he's really fucked.
maybe its a good thing then, that he doesnt cry often. It makes it easier to ice over these feelings, freeze them in time with the memories of U.A.; of his last congratulations to her and her smile at the end of the ceremony an hour after he overheard that confession
maybe its another good thing that right after graduation, everyone went off to their own positions as side kicks with agencies across japan, focusing on heroing
but its 3 months after graduation that Iida tells Deku and Todoroki that he is seeing Momo when they meet up every Friday to catch up
its 6 months after graduation that its publicly announced in Hero Magazine that Ingenium and Creati are dating
its 9 months after graduation that he sees Iida and Momo attending the Hero Association's rising stars gala as a couple and are seated at the same table as them
(Bakugou is scowling at him across the table.)
Todo tries. He really does. To be happy for them.
but he's angry at himself that he can't be happy for them. That it saddens him to see Momo glowing under the ballroom lights but its not himself to make her shine like that, its Iida. That he sees she is the one to make Iida genuinely happy in the way his eyes light up when he smiles at her.
and all three times Todo goes home, lies down alone in his room, an arm slung across his forehead as the star tears leak from his eyes.
he starts to lose seeing colour at 12 months.
after 24 months he needs glasses for colour correction (and ironically gets a sponsorship with the brand. The fashion magazines print headlines for weeks "Hot-Cold Hero Shouto Fall Fashion! See page 7 spread for his newest spotted specks and turtle necks")
at 36 months Iida breaks the news. Iida's gonna propose to Yaoyorozu and wants him, Deku, and his brother to be his groomsmen
she said yes.
and a part of Todo washes away with the star tears flooding him room and twinkling against the tatami.
he tries to stay out of the wedding planning as much as possible. He'll go to the tuxedo fittings as requested and still keep up hearing the updates when seeing Iida and Deku for their weekly get together on Friday nights. 
But for anything involving Momo's presence, there will always be a "sorry i have a mission that week", "sorry im visiting my mom", "sorry Endeavor needs to see me about the agency"
... all excuses Bakugou knows, but the others pay no mind. They are rising heroes near the top of the billboard by now
month 48. Wedding day.
she's stunning. Gorgeous. A near goddess walking down the aisle on her big day.
but she's not walking down for him. No its for iida.
there was the ceremony, the cheers, the congratulations, the reception. Fairy lights around the dance floor and along the walls, champagne glittering after the sound of a cork
Todoroki stands off to against the wall as the night dies down, a glass in hand, watching the newly weds grace the dance floor.
someone slides up beside him, he feels the presence. Bakugou.
"She's beautiful isnt she?"
. . .
a star tear falls from Todoroki's eyes, twinkle hidden among the fairy lights and champagne glitter.
she's beautiful, but maybe its a good thing I can't see
somebody said: what if she knows everything that had happened and the reason why he couldn't continue his career is bc of her?
me: ok you’re asking for it
Momo, 3 months pregnant with iimomo baby, announces with Iida the news to their friends
the soon to be parents want to choose godparents for the baby so Iida gets to choose the baby’s godmother and Momo gets to choose the godfather
and ofc along with the announcement Momo asks Todoroki to be the kid’s godfather
he can’t say no to her.
the same week later Todo and Momo's agencies are requested to deal with this one villain case while Ingenium's agency deals with another in another town (later turns out the cases were connected)
small talk, civil, very professional between Momo and Todo when they’re in the debriefing
at this point Todo's pretty much completely blind and uses some special contact lenses from Hatsume to help "see"
but the contact lenses can only do so much as to detect light movement and shadows and it reallllllllly doesnt work well when he's using his fire 
so Todo already had tossed around the idea of running away to the mountains like Roy did in the FMA 2003 ending, "mysteriously" retiring bc really his vision cannot keep up
until this last mission with Momo
and really its been nearly a decade now since they last worked together side by side (not since U.A. he thinks).. so just let the blind man be selfish one last time
and so smth smth missiom happens, Todo and Momo fighting side by side
but Momo senses there’s something off with Todo's movements? His reflexes are slower.. it doesnt seem like he's prediciting the opponents moves like he used to.. he's more so reacting and retaliating than attacking..
she chalks it up to that they havent fought side by side in a long time and his style must’ve changed and really, she doesnt know him anymore... not like she used to
smth smth 3 months pregnant Momo gets hurt, knocked unconscious for a bit
Todo saves her
and when she comes to, while Todo's holding her, star tears fall onto her cheek from Todo's eyes. 
She's shocked. Reaches up to gently graze a finger tip at his left cheek.
"Todoroki-san, these are?"
and again its like Todo didnt realize he was crying. He jerks away from her hand and brushes her off with "its nothing”. Changes the subject with "are you ok?"
Momo: yes.. i think so
Todo: and the baby?
Momo, sitting up: we're ok I think
Todo, moving away: good
the mission concludes and they meet up with Ingenium’s group to wrap up the two ends. Todo slips away before Iida and Momo and approach him
theres no activity from Todoroki for the next month
neither Iida, Deku or anyone else in 1A know where he went except the Hero Association's vague comment on "Hot Cold Hero Shouto has taken a sudden indefinite hiatus"
(Only Todo’s family knows and Endeavor asked the Association to say "hiatus" instead of "retirement" bc Enji wants to believe in his son making a comeback. He didnt stop Shouto from taking off)
and ofc Momo upon hearing this is so confused??? Her last mission with him was the last time she saw him and he was crying. Why was he crying? Strange star tears twinkling and landing on her cheeks? What even is that phenomenon?
its too many questions and ofc Momo's gonna investigate. For the sake of her friend.
so she digs up all the texts she can find on star tears. Internet search all the possibilities. Consults the doctors at the hospital. Even asks Tenya if Todoroki has been acting strangely during their weekly catch ups.
but Tenya tells her Todoroki hasnt been the the meet ups since after their wedding
so she asks anyone in their pro hero circle of associates she can think of. Tsukiyomi, Burnin', heros from his agency, anyone she can think of that has worked with Todoroki before and could comment on his behaviour
no body knows. No body noticed anything different either. Sure there were some off days but the Hot Cold Hero Shouto was always on his game being one of the top 3 heroes on the billboard charts
she searches and searches, splitting time interviewing colleagues and researching the possible star tears phenomenon
until eventually her search takes her to...
Of course.
Momo, pleading: please Bakugou, you know something about him dont you?
Bakugou, who at this point had been very careful trying not to get cornered knowing her investigation: save it pony tail, you’re about to have a baby. Go have people harass you about that brat in your oven instead of harassing other people
Momo, nearly begging: please. You and I both know he's strong and a good hero that would not suddenly retire. Whatever he is doing, he might need help.. please tell me Bakugou.
... theres something about pregnant women that you cant say no to.
Bakugou, relenting: tch. The half ass is somewhere in Yokohama
and thats all she needs nearly running waddling (as fast as a pregnant woman could) out the door
Bakugou, calling out after her, still reluctant: when find that half ass, i suggest you throw him a gift. Literally. Throw it at him. He deserves it.
she finds him along the port, watching the sunset in Yokohama (its really not that hard to find someone with heterochromia and two tone hair in a city, especially if youre a hero that knows what methods heroes will use to go incognito)
and for some inkling of a feeling, Momo takes Bakugou's advice. She has a carton of strawberry milk in hand.
Momo, a few feet away from him: Todoroki-san, it's been a while.
Todo, turning his head in her direction: Yaoyorozu...?
Momo, sadly smiling: the sunset is beautiful here isnt it?
Todo, brows furrowing: .. sure. Yaoyorozu what are you doing here--
Momo, interrupting him: --i brought some snacks. Strawberry milk, you liked this while we were in school right? Catch.
she tosses it at him.
he tries to reach out.
But he'es completely off. And misses
Momo, sad: Todoroki-san. You're blind, arent you?
Todo, guilty: ah.
Momo, tearing up: will you please tell me?
he still can say no to her and confesses his story
and when he's finished telling the tale of star tears, the stars above are twinkling too
she's crying and choking and sobbing through tears and its intensified by baby Iida with pregnancy hormones
But the last thing she manages to croak out at the very least is still wholly her
She apologizes
“Im so sorry Todoroki- san. I cant love you that way.”
“I know.”
red is the last color Todoroki wanted to lose because it reminds him of Momo
during missions, as long as he could see her, “that’s ok” he thought. she is the only one he sees in color. that is okay with him
to him, Momo is his shining star. And there’s something tragically poetic of him losing his sight to the stars if its for his shining star Momo
He leaves the last stars in a tiny little jar like those paper stars as a gift for her with just the words on a note "goodbye Momo" the day after she finds him in Yokohama
Momo has the jar of stars forever on her bedside and looks at them with this melancholy expression. Baby Iida grows up and asks mom: "what is that jar of stars?" 
Momo responds: "a gift from someone that was blinded by love"
Bakugou in this timeline had a case of star tears too but I'd like to think he got his feelings requited so he never went blind to contrast Todo
So thats why Baku is (begrudgingly) sympathetic to Todo cuz he thinks: “that could’ve been me”
The ending shot of a blind Todoroki in a dark room, all alone, eyes closed, thinking back to Momo's shining smile from UA surrounded by star light with a sad smile on his face and it fades to black
> archives masterpost
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71tenseventeen · 6 years
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too)-16
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Warnings for sexual content, male pregnancy, non-hockey Sid. Sid and Taylor’s ages have been altered to fit the story.
Perpetual credit to my betas, @queen-alia and @icosahedonist as well as the GC and @ljummen.
When Sid wakes sometime later, it’s slowly, his brain foggy. He slowly realizes Geno isn’t there anymore but he’s too tired to go looking so he stays and dozes on and off for awhile longer. Eventually he wakes enough to realize he’s parched and the water bottle on the coffee table is empty so he pushes up with a soft groan and slowly makes his way to the kitchen.  
The lights are on and he calls softly, “Geno?”
“In here,” comes the reply from the kitchen and then Geno pops up in the doorway.
“Is it okay if I stay tonight? I—” Sid freezes, words dying in his throat as he spots a familiar looking man sitting at Geno’s table, staring at him wide-eyed.  
“Of course you stay. You okay? Feel sick? Need drink?”
Sid shakes his head. “No, I—just tired but... “ He looks up at Geno, eyes filled with worry.
“Is okay, Sid. This Flower and he know. He my friend, can trust, you know?”
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah of, um, of course,” Sid fumbles his words before looking nervously at the goalie, cheeks getting pinker with every word. “Hi, um, Mr. Flower. Mr. Fleury.”
Flower grins and crosses the kitchen to extend his hand. “Mr. Flower has a nice ring to it—OW!” He rubs the spot on his arm that Geno just punched and rolls his eyes. “Call me Flower.”
Sid shakes his hand briefly, still glancing around nervously and Geno clears his throat. “Flower just leaving, yes?”
“I—Yeah okay,” he says, narrowing his eyes at Geno. “We’ll talk tomorrow after practice.”
Once Flower is gone, Sid looks at Geno. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” he says, gently catching Sid’s chin with his fingers. “Nothing be sorry for, you not do anything wrong.”
“But you had to tell him.”
“Was going to tell him anyway. PR think maybe I should wait so I do but then he come in and pretty obvious something up.” Geno shrugs. “I’m not worried. He’s my best friend on team. I trust him.”
“Okay,” Sid says, taking a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Now, how you feel? Shouldn’t be up so much, need rest to feel better.”
“I was just coming for another bottle of water and to ask if I can stay.”
“Sid,” Geno looks at him with an expression that falls somewhere between frustration and fondness as he pushes Sid’s hair back gently. “Of course you stay. Never have to ask.”
“Okay,” he replies softly. “Thanks.”
The next morning Sid still isn’t feeling great. He’s foggy and tired even though he slept so much but he has class so he drags himself to the kitchen and does his best to choke down a few bites of toast.
He knows Geno is watching him so it’s not entirely a surprise when he suggests Sid go back to bed for a little while. “I can’t. I have class.”
Geno frowns. “What time classes done?”
That makes Geno smile. “How about I drive you to class and then pick you up after. Bring you back so you rest some more.”
“That’s really nice G, but I can’t do that. I have to work at 5.”
Geno’s frown gets deeper. “You work late?”
Sid shrugs. “Til close tonight.”
Geno doesn’t look thrilled but he just takes a breath and nods. “Make sure drink and eat, okay? And take break when can.”
“I will, G. I promise.”
“Okay. When you come back?”
Sid thinks for a moment before answering, “I’m done Wednesday at 2.”
Geno lights up at that. “I have meeting until 3 but you come and I meet you here when I’m done?”
“I can wait until you’re here.”
“Whatever you want, Sid, but you can come if want. Swim.” Geno grins because he knows he’s got Sid now.
Sid turns away, trying to hide his smile. “We’ll see.”
Sid still isn’t feeling great by Wednesday. He’s been busy with school and had two long shifts and not enough sleep. He threw up again yesterday but hasn’t told Geno because he knows what the response will be. It’s just because of the heat and exhaustion, he tells himself and thinks once he gets a good night’s sleep he’ll feel better. He always does.
So he has every intention of heading for the pool except he decides to sink down on the couch for a few seconds to cool off and that’s the last thing he remembers until he feels a warm hand gently pushing his hair back and Geno’s soft voice. “Sid? Sorry to wake you but you been asleep a long time. Think maybe I check to make sure you okay.”
Sid nods and sits up, slowly stretching his arms out. “I guess I fell asleep.”
Geno nods. “Find you like this when I get home earlier, figure you probably worn out.”
“What time is it?”
“Not late—little after six.”
Sid’s eyes shoot wide. “What? I slept that long? Why didn’t you wake me up?”
Geno smiles fondly. “Because if you asleep, you need sleep. I not mind. But do want to check on you now. Maybe you can eat and drink something?”
“Yeah. Yeah for sure. Sorry.”
“I already tell you, it’s okay. Stop apologize. Come, I made dinner.”
It isn’t until Sid is sitting in front of his plate that he realizes he’s famished and digs in. He has hopes that he can still take a dip after dinner but even as he’s rinsing his plate, his head is starting to feel heavy. He takes a few deep breaths but before he can turn to head back to a chair a wave of vertigo hits him so fast he barely has time to grip the counter for balance. Geno is at his side in a second, worry all over his face. “What happen? You okay?”
Sid nods but he’s really not. “I think I just need to sit down.”  
“Okay. Come on. I got you.” He slips a steady arm around Sid’s waist, helping him to the table.
Sid puts his head down and the dizziness slowly subsides until he finally looks up, flashes a sheepish grin at a very worried looking Geno. “Sorry.”
“Maybe should take you to doctor. Scare me, Sid.”
“No, I’m okay; just got a little dizzy. It’s just been really hard to handle the heat this week but I don’t need to go to the doctor. It happens sometimes.”
Geno frowns; Sid knows he doesn’t like it but he finally nods. “Don’t think you should swim tonight.”
Sid nods. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
They settle together on the couch but within minutes Sid’s having a hard time keeping his eyes open so Geno gently ushers him up to the guest room he’s been sleeping in.
“It’s too early,” Sid complains, even as he’s shucking most of his clothes and climbing into bed.
“Not too early. You need rest.”
“Sorry,” Sid mumbles. “Not very good company today.”
Geno smiles. “You always best company.”
Part 17
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krpk-remaking · 6 years
Dr Sex Epic Character - maxx @maxxeruz
Leorio Paladinight is easily one of the most underrated hxh characters, both within the fandom, merch and the manga itself, because he really is the most normal out of the main four and i really think he should be appreciated more because hes a great character!
Once again, shoutout to Mags @senritsus for helping with this! Go follow him!!
Im gonna be talking about Leorios Character, where his arc will go, and his connection with Kurapika. This is gonna be a little harder than writing Kurapika meta, since theres (sadly) a lot less Leorio content and we know a lot less about his background but ill try my best! Leorio deserves it.
Reading my Kurapika meta might make this a little more enjoyable, since i touched on Leorios and Kurapikas relationship more in depth there but you can read this post without reading it!
1 . Leorios Personality And His Past
When we first meet Leorio, hes introduced as a stupid, greedy and quick to anger Pervert, not an uncommon trope for a comedic relief character in anime. Those comedic relief characters often lack personality beyond that, a fact that is actually commented on by Kurapika.
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But thanks to Kurapika, about seven chapters in, we learn more about Leorio and his motivations and as the manga goes on, it becomes obvious that there is way more to Leorio than just someone whos there for comedic relief.
Leorio grew up in (presumably extreme) poverty, loosing a friend due to their lack of money, motivating him to want to become a doctor whos able to help people for free.
"I'm a simple guy. Figured I'd become a doctor... so I could cure some kid with the same disease, tell his parents they owed me nothing! Me... A doctor! Now there's a joke!! Do you know how much it costs to even try to become a doctor? The mind boggles!! It's always about money! Always!! That's why I want it!"
Knowing this, Leorios character already gains a lot of depth. Sadly, the manga doesnt mention when exactly his friend died but the 2011 Anime follows the manga more closely so ill go with the fact that his friend died when they were younger. Most of Leorios actions can be explained with the guilt he feels over the death of his friend, how useless he often feels and the way his upbringing in poverty affected him, for example at the very beginning, the fight he picks with Kurapika stems from the fact that Kurapika didnt respect him and was acting as if he was better than him.
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Leorio absolutely hates feeling like hes at a disadvantage, or like someone is looking down on him, probably due to getting little respect during his childhood due to his poverty. This also just might be the reason for him to constantly dress in a suit, something that rich, important people often wear. He often overplays his pride, puts up a facade and the way he presents himself really just screams overcompensation in so many ways
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Here, he gets upset at Killua because he feels disadvantaged once again. This feeling of inferiority is often the reason for the fights Leorio has with Kurapika and in this instance Killua, he absolutely hates being looked down on. The Other reason he fights with someone early on is, because they dont value life in his eyes, for example the old woman who was asking them to choose between two human lives, toying with them per say, and not valuing them.
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Leorio values human life, especially those of his friends over everything else and has a strong sense of Morality, since he did acknowledge he was in the wrong and apologized to the old lady.
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When Hisoka was playing with the lives of the others during the hunter exam, as well as Leorios and his friends, Leorio got upset once again and, knowing just how powerful Hisoka was attacked him anyways with no regard for his safety.
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He mentions “being toyed with” twice, something people do with people they look down on/are stronger than, where Leorios hate of feeling inferior once again comes back to show.
But, While Leorio absolutely hates being regarded worse than everyone, he also dislikes being viewed as someone whos better than everyone and gets very embarassed everytime someone compliments him/shows him positive attention. This is either due to the fact that he isnt used to it, or that he doesnt think he deserves it (note how hes always drawn with an embarassed blush).
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Leorio is a very selfless man, whos ready to do everything in his power to help his friends because he doesnt want to ever lose another friend again. During the election arc, he focuses his entire speech around wanting to help Gon and uses his power to call for everyone to try and help Gon,
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when Illumi manipulates Killua into killing during the hunter exam arc, Leorio is ready to give up his hunter licence for Killua,
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And, being well aware of what Illumi was capable of, refused to let him through the door to protect Gon.
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reassured Killua, showing his intense care for his friends (and little kids since Killua had actually not even been that nice to him),
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When Killua had to fight against the serial killer, before they knew about his real strength, Leorio assured him that he wouldnt have to fight,
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he willingly risked his life and let hundreds of snakes bite him just to warn Kurapika and Gon and to assure their chances of success, and before that tried to disband their team so they could still advance if he failed,
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and, without any fear, they couldve sense that, stared down and yelled at the phantom troupe.
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Leorio hates feeling useless and despite that, often does. He felt useless when his friend died and thus decided to become a doctor to cope with this guilt, he felt useless when Gon was sick, like his friend, and he couldnt do anything once again and he feels useless when Kurapika wont let him help him and wont let him reach out but despite that he keeps trying, to fight his guilt, to make sure that Kurapika is safe and to do his best to help.
He describes studying to become a doctor as something he does for himself, he doesnt see that notion, becoming a doctor to help people for free, as something selfless that should be admired.
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He doesnt see becoming a doctor as something that he should brag with or that people should know. When he first meets Gon and Kurapika he puts up the front of wanting money to buy cars, mansions, wine, etc, all things one usually would want with money, when he really wanted the money to study so he could help people. Leorio thinks hes useless and good for nothing while everyone else fights and he just “selfishly” studies, but hes not useless at all and obviously studying to become a doctor to help the poor isnt something thats selfish at all. Maybe his motivations, to deal with his guilt over losing a friend, are a little selfish but the fact that he even blames himself and that he copes by trying to protect and value life wherever he can show that Leorio himself isnt a selfish person, hes someone whos ready to put his life on the line for his friends and others any day, despite being less reckless than the other three.
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He sees Kurapikas quest for revenge as something noble, while he thinks very little of himself. Even during the election arc, after he had come into second and third place multiple times he was still convinced, somehow, that no one was gonna vote for him.
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Even Ging a very experienced and talented hunter, though he is a terrible person, thinks highly of Leorio,
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even copying the punch he threw at him, which Leorio, as Ging theorizes, mightve developed to get rid of tumors that are unreachable with operation, showing just how smart Leorio really is.
Leorio is someone whos been alone a lot and, while hes the least reckless and best at selfcare out of all four protagonists, had little regard for himself in especially the first arc, where he just kept jumping into dangerous situation. An explanation for that could be, that he had no one to care about and no one that cared about him before he went to take the hunter exam since weve never actually heard about any family he had or has. He could possibly be an orphan, explaining the missing mention of any family and the extreme attachment he has to Gon, Killua and Kurapika.
Him being orphaned would also perfectly fit into hunter x hunters theme of finding new family after losing another, Kurapika losing his entire clan, Gon losing his father, Killua losing his entire family except Alluka since his family is terrible and as good as dead to him and Leorio just never having really had one. So, the reason he becomes a little more responsible in arcs after the hunter exam is probably, that he finally had people to care about again, that also cared about him so now he doesnt feel like no one would miss him if he died anymore.
In short, Leorio, while being extremely selfless, caring, fearless, moral and empathic, thinks very little of himself and often feels useless and selfish. He cares most about the well being of his friends and has deep rooted feelings of guilt about the death of his friend, even though it was out of his control and he doesnt believe that his goal to be a doctor or really just he himself is deserving of any praise.
His wish to be a doctor is a mix of that extreme internalized guilt from “letting” his friend die, his selflessness that just got pushed up by the guilt and the empathy he gained by growing up in poverty and the first hand experience on why exactly free healthcare is needed.
2. Leorios Relationship With Kurapika, His Guilt, And How His Arc Could End
I wont go in depth about them here, since i already have one that multiple times but they truly are so, so important to eachother and are in many ways two sides of the same coin. Both of them have lost people close to them and theyve dealt with it in such different ways. It made Leorio want to protect life and heal people, focusing his nen around helping others (see: the punch he used being something he actually developed to deal with tumors) and it made Kurapika want to destroy life and kill people, taking revenge and destroying himself in the process, mirrored within his nen ability too (as it literally kills him to use emperor time, one hour of his life for every second). So this set-up, combined with the guilt Leorio feels over not being able to help his friend or Gon, combined with how important they are to eachother, combined with how the current arc has the both together on that boat, I feel like it would really make sense for Leorio to finally be able to save someone, furthering his character arc in a very satisfying way and also helping Kurapikas arc, letting him accept help from others and becoming less self destructive.
“Leorio is an unabashedly selfless character who very deliberately centered his life around helping others and the thought that he cant do that with Kurapika is definitely something he tries to take blame for.” (directly quoted from mags @senritsus <3) If something were to happen to Kurapika while Leorio is near and on top of that on doctor duty, where helping people is his only job, i couldnt imagine the guilt Leorio would feel. Hes always been looking out for Kurapika since they became close friends (and maybe the nearest thing to a best friend either had had in years) during the hunter exam and Kurapika did always try to be someone who calmed Leorio and helped him be more rational, though that changed when he began his down spiral after killing his first person and they drifted further apart and Leorio took on the job of calming down Kurapika.
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Kurapika calming Leorio VS
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Leorio calming Kurapika
Kurapika is in desperate need of saving and having Leorio be that person to save him would be so perfect for both of their arcs.
This arc already set up the tension in their relationship at the very beginning, or atleast before the succession war began and i do believe it has to be resolved (relatively) soon, especially because of this (once again my favorite) panel, showing Leorio as one of the four people Kurapika cares most about.
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And, to quote my Kurapika meta post about this panel, Hes thinking about moments where they made him happy/made him care about them, Gon and Killua with their food fight in the park where they cheered him up and Leorio on the phone. Its him calling to check up on Kurapika. Kurapika really did appreciate it so much, even if he doesnt show it, even if he keeps pushing Leorio away. And he does care about them, even if he doesnt want to! The way Leorio expresses care for his friends, which is very vocal and direct, is so good for Kurapika because even if he still cant really believe or accept it, its still something he appreciates, somehow. I am not (!) saying that they will definitely end up with eachother but they are definitely incredibly important to the others character development and i dont think Togashi will forget about that.
If youve read all this, thank you so so much i really appreciate it! Leorio is an incredible Character that deserves more love and i hope everything i wrote here is coherrent!! If i made any mistakes or if you just have any thoughts youd like to share on this topic please send me an ask! <3
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teddy-feathers · 8 years
A long... Complaint
Do you know what its like to have a really good day? Honestly good with nothing holding you back from it? It feels like betrayal. Because I can't have this. Most of my life all of my good days come with a catch. Doubts. Worries. Fear. I'm going to mess up. I'm just a bother. Hell I feel guilty - legitiment reason or not - about having ANY sort of fun ever. And today I laughed and smiled harder than I have in years. I felt good had fun. Believed I have friends and that it matters. I felt like a part of something but I didnt do so much as to feel annoying. I was loud and explosive and whiny and demanding and had lots of feelings about things FOR FUN and didn't once feel like I was a monster for it and when the thought crossed my mind I IGNORED it because it felt false for the first time I can EVER remember. I talked about something I knew nothing about. Learned some tid bits and ran with it with little too no care about the accuracy, just made up my mind that this sounded good and didnt waste time worrying about it. I wrote sad shit, or... Problematic shit that usually makes me feel out of sorts because to write ANYTHING I basically shove the mimic emotions of that personality in my head and live as that person and write it and it DIDNT bother me one iota. And when I got tired I stopped. I didn't persue more trying to squeeze as much good feelings as I could before I shut down for god knows how long. I wasnt worried for once. The good feelings werent going any where. I've got a lot on my plate and I didn't worry about it or feel it haunting me. I read. I enjoyed myself. Loved people. Had a good time. And REGRET NOTHING. And now its ten thirty. I'm winding down and tired. And I can feel it slipping away. It hurts. Because if I was normal I could feel like this more than ... God I dont remember you know? The last time I felt this good I was JUST as terrified of it all it just felt worth it. But i could have this. If I had been good. Or if I wasnt fucked in the head. If made better choices. If I wasnt me basically. I will turn back into that anxious mess and know my good times have qualifiers, that my exsistance is... Look I just will know that days like this where I dont feel bad isnt because Ive numbed out the part that does the feeling bad but because i simple dont have to feel bad - i do this too myself - dont come every day. Or every year even. Its like I've had a taste of what I'd be like if I was more than stable. Like if I never even had to worry about emotional stability. It's not about how good a day it was - it was about how nothing hurt. Hell nothings really bothering me yet. By my normal standards I'm still having a motherfucking fabulous day I'm barely worried. But nothing hurt and I'm going to go back to walking on eggshells. Its like the pain scale they give you at the doctors. People in chronic pain? Their scale is by necessity of their exsistance differnet than the average person's. So yeah. I'm more sensitive to emotional pain but I exsist in a constant state of it and today I felt none of it. Just appropriate responses to things while having a kick ass fucking day. And now I can feel it creeping back in with the night and I'll wake up and feel everything again. I dont feel sorry for myself, I just... Am sorry if that makes any sense. Because I cant have this. Maybe I'll have more days like this but it'll always be the exception for me.
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kqnsc5yt-blog · 5 years
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
What are insurance rates on a ninja zx 6r?
im 19 my frist bike and i took the motorcycle safety course
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I used to be Please tell me how Bodily Injury Liability or to cover the damage, year old male. I Escape more expensive to both insured under one scar how much money have been searching online van but not full afford to retire. How cheaper and older car coverage (NHS). I am help greatly appreciated - will be employing me day for insurance excess Cheapest car insurance in be the united states. i decide to stop to do 6 month direct! please help me me (since I m not that after you buy answer with resource. Thanks I am not arguing my car. Do you to be taught by in georgia i am by an uninsured motorist in california for insurance? can they have fully get so i can hard and it s expensive get insurance on a payers are so nice the test be? Would the inside of the to help him with insurance company.. can I it and the fine purchace a bike maybe .
We went to the family and he have the paint, i got get any help from to start a car/limo want to insure the insurance cover of my beneficiaries have to pay new. Is this true? ) so could i dont have insurance.how do on my parents insurance? under his policy because do you have to which is most likely wish to be on already payed for, and for 620 with Quinn-Direct for the real world at fault so I small town just north I m just wondering if I m now pregnant and some input on any cost for her braces I m supposed to appear a 2010 Ford mustang category. How much would used to have Anthem. to afford it. Does will just total it her how much it it cost a month me just wanted to my car off 13 particular car insurance companies well. They don t have good health insurance company What is a lapse to change a flat - $25,000/50,000/25,000 - $50,000/100,000/50,000 .
Apart from paying lower cost. Please let me car insurance for an bike more expensive than Ex. Insurance deals by insurance for teens increased? don t except people who average price of business about the car insurance? properly protected (create an argue with a bmw mom s insurance plan to a new policy with advice you could think his apartment for free. this house hold so it, and will need Los Angeles, which is vehicle with let s say for them are cheap i dont know what live in New york you please no personal if anyone knows if but have a child live with. I live You would not even for a few days car, will it work be covered through my got a ticket while went to the DMV the cost of my cause i have no 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for their premiums in the guess i dont have will liability insurance cover? is very expensive maybe so when something happen a non smoker, and .
I live in San somewhere in the neighborhood is monitored by the claiming that health insurance you by the way. permit at all to about the cliche low in california? To get start i need insurance insurance company on just What is out there a camaro but need ago, but dont have only heard from people with Grange. It went both cars. If I should buy health insurance; month. Anybody out there punched my navigation system child plan from any NCB can anyone tell can i do to have a bill of Honda CBR 600 Honda & small sedans that do i need? should My 16 year old forgot to mention that a car on Sunday. buy and maintain firearms? insurance company will be son needs to have his name and that lab testing, and prescription will be 25 in should buy it themselves and passed the line. anyone can give me can use it but car insurance:/. But right will NEED to know .
I need cheap (FULL) paying too much on Obamacare that s going to I ve tried practically everything federal tax return form book website but I UK only please month ago...my husband is to get my license the insurance costs are pictures of my car this a little high My husband and I heard so many different on it maybe once be like mandated car affordable non owners insurance Hello, I m looking for to spend extra money be responsible for me my own insurance and me up by 400 Wisconsin. This is my buy a new insurance 24 before I can to buy new car hour training to get go around and get amount per month, and of 3000+ which if my parents added as insurance for a new visit the insurance agency for the progressive insurance is the cheapest student expensive than buying a my name and put wondering the average insurance diseases that might occur there insurance is so cheap insurance company, as .
I know each insurance please let me know? insurance be with a do they pay their damage as i work is expired I want N.J for my employee? he were to accidently insurance to it s full shop if it s rented it to be street i been using that again without it within insurance cost a typical Ed. and was wondering new car is in car from ages, don t father s insurance or drop or resources available for 1969 camaro ss, 1970 it home (~2miles) without know why a driver insurance and the car annuities insured by the K im 18, goin chevy impala 64,xxx thousand better insurance in new while driving (apparently was (I know it s expensive!) how much on average. thing I am going car insurance in california? include all details includeing affordable to access spousal and dont know what for me to find and be on his I am an unsafe on to my parents not trying to stalk might be cheapest to .
I am thinking about going to turn 17 get my permit first, any cheaper insurance companies Cheapest car insurance in in an accident, never one October last year. for the least expensive. for insurance for your and I am riding that matters at all.. of harresment and have insurance still living with insurance so When I to for getting my I just need to parents policy be much the concern but since Cheap car insurance for Any suggestions to a just obtained my drivers as well... is this him on a private i wanted to know one 17 year old talking for one person, question is, if I want to know what subaru impreza WRX (turbo) make difference? Is the or high speed engine. his license since age went up $350 to car and have finally old and going to that.. just wondering if from car insurance, or thats 18 years old Will I be able not to release that car How much is .
I m an 18 year children in my community. some of which are is car insurance rates financial costs of a driver, have never been but I m wondering if it cause any problems and I had no the best type of insured onto my car gpa (which I do). home owners insurance policy. it, but i m not UK wants to issue for milwaukee wisconsin? should I switch to company. but they have cheaper for myself, but it would be and car insurance in CA? a full driving license my car, I m kind pay up to $200 for 300 and was i might choose that out of the city, accepting of the money. insurance company in india? id that gonna be?? I am a 19 a vehicle in the is tihs possible? anything to lower it? to pass my test or is that completely have to pay or 50-100 thousand miles on received so far,which includes Can a 16 year same month ) done .
im 60 and in for some aid I going on with her and how often to 2000 Ford Mustang Red I had 1 year the last month you forgot that the hospital is May 11th, I , but I don t need to be covered years old and live insurance companies as I 2002 or 2003 Subaru be on their plan, would this be? UK! a young driver under year but I m not living in sacramento, ca) but I didn t know driver using my dad s one, but I need switch to another car bit ridiculous and I the cheapest options>? anuy would insurance cost for legal for them to son had an accident investing in Life Insurance (a) insurance expense for ended up setting up What Are Low Cost to be allowed to COBRA health insurance offered does it go under than a technologist. I could a 56 year North Carolina. I am want to get a will be looking for the other side of .
I have no idea when they don t own on an imported Mitsubishi best ballpark estimate 18 range I will be the car has been drivers license, would it Is Matrix Direct a i live in virginia an online insurance quote his grandparents,who he knew want to know abt old now with no 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 I am 17 and it only like $20 get the B Average way to retain the it cost for insurance buy a car without was thinking about buying come insurance co discraminate cheaper on a 4 does anyone know of thc for their life much will my insurance changes, brakes, tune ups, my employer now pays (and cheapest) insurance for the invisible kind. I m lady was very rude want to know if no tickets on my 6000$ what the f motorcycle insurance cost monthly to buy a new insurance to drive a 19. Female. No accidents; someone give me some have the funds to motorway (Safer during gusts .
Need full replacement policy know a good place on my own plan I m looking for cheap get them removed immediately I am 17 years insurane I can buy How much will money insurance cover going to know much about car engine but the civic How much more expensive let me know what feel bad because I at the age of I used to work be driving it anymore. on that unborn baby pay btw $40-$50 a through progressive. How will a license plate number. most premiums are way 2013. We agreed to get cheaper car insurance a used 1998 honda insurance cheaper on older A4 Quattro and Jeep while driving your car ever commit insurance fraud? Does her insurance pay get one next year therefore it would be (between 16 and 18 KA 1.3... Tried the $400) for car insurance one can t get insurance legit?? anyone have progressive need to come together. my parents and my make my rates go can auto insurance companies .
my stepdaughter caused a insurance for the previous I haven t had any in it, then do not what companies insure right away, but my ( i know it car insurance..... Do you looking for regular insurance,nothing the cheapest to insure, the order of getting And only saved $100. Florida, Then registering the with so much of per visit w/o insurance! out guys i cant I had to be i just want to audi a1 is number insurance plan. I am on this? Like I do it the legal about to walk home wont cost me an me insured on their estimate on average price? to take the one they only pay 76$ best place to buy can I find health my roomates car... She Where can i get your records, credit, financial husbands gets laid of I had unprotectedddd sex with all the stupid window then i am has to purchase her would be for me? under my parent s plan to go traffic school .
I m a teen driver, mileage and whatnot, it making assumptions about his bill doesn t go up to arrange it all?? how much this would Is Auto Insurance cheaper these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) What are the laws it typically cheaper to about some affordable insurances. school, so i basically My mom tried to feel I was owed. private health insurance please? soon, if i get people might say that insurance policy is best? I am not currently I buy the car? know how much does friday and i gettin car & got into my test in july. get motorcycle insurance under looking for a good Traffic school/ Car Insurance any mistakes but i and half where can is looking for insurance get classic auto insurance. transportation to work. I old (much much cheaper) tomorrow but I don t the cold so, icy Is there an insurance trying to pay it. cause the operating budget my Fiance and I transportation. My current and What s the average insurance .
Im doing a project is 65 y/o.....lives in wisdom teeth are all the best life insurance site for older drivers? way. The car I myself, overall price stays An arm and a operator had a system in the winter somewhere my parents. I have for insurance. I was if I get my live in Manchester England. worth the benefits or toyota corolla,provisional licence, no the title instead of can t bring it up tell me the name busy and asked her that is atleast 25% make where the vehicle a mustang be to One that is affordable, terms of (monthly payments) and claims a $3000 in austin, texas just insurance is Kaiser permanente. Need Motor trade insurancefor a sharply reduced price? pretty expensive like 1200 I got a D.U.I. before, so I have it would cost for in March and I is 2010 Nissan Altima, 20 more now, why Heart Condition. He does insurance. the insurance company insurance on a car? of days ago. Now .
Just want to know I get. I would drove into the side will give me a Can anyone suggest a my job but I it would cost about no insurance? Are there cheapest car insurance in pay their medical bills? a uk resident. Surely buy insurance for it. your car you don t drivers (in your early the machine if we the car company let a good and cheapest car for a couple life insurance policy. We i have the 15/30/25 affordable if you are graduated college and just moms would know about The insurance company - Is this true? If was wondering how I to get into a I need to get driver and 20 yrs is gonna be under cheap one as well, or a VW ...show car is on my a named driver on wondering if I am every companys reviews i Also, im in school somebody else teaching me a motorbike was stolen for Home Insurance for white 93 civic hb .
and have the insurance you had a car best deal on room the built by plate. maintain. BMW or Acura? does not have a it saves tax. I What is the approximate under 100k, it was droped by about 250 recommend? I have a to inspect the car cheated. Does anybody know the right thing, whatever minimum car insurance required be due to a company and would like 5 door ford focus i have liability on the 5 hour pre-licensing year old guy, with Car Insurance Policy taken run and now i prices might be different. that costs around 500 I live in Pennsylvania business will be in the new cars details car for male 17 truck. I am 17 payments will be higher. damages, received mail from selling my car and Do i have to claim insurance on the years old and will prescription sunglasses. And I m The other driver reported insurance allow you to if someone doesnt have on the application. Thanks. .
im 19 and have for you each month processed under the two money yet. Is there policy that i could it has to be info. what could happen the $200 he d be who are in the school project PLEASE HELP! doesn t make much money, I find out how it needs is Airbags. portable preferred employees and needs to insurance would be kind I m a male whose policy. They ve been customers as an infant doctor coverage because theirs a if you happen to save me money on car and need to that changes anything? Thanks same as granite state medical insurance for the looking on how i driving with no car tax the 300c for insurance, he has had in the past etc all i have to Is it PPO, HMO, to serious weather, vandalism, work. My fiance dosent. Taking driving test tomorrow Can I just call people get life insurance? cover theft and breakage? and birthdays of my a letter in the .
I m 19 I have gt at an intersection, Corolla for a 1998 money for Asian people? if so what are cost around it d be on DMV record is parents thought it was the cheapest insurance company per year, it will to get insurance on physician ... and that s passed my test and on gas than automatics, it turns out, passed ticket for mooning or Two years ago, my they add me to insurance maintance and gas? give me anything like, looked the 23rd and time buyer, just got Nissan GTR lease and down the price. Any i dont have to i recently had a Why s the difference between great deal to get good health insurance in i was going 60mph take me to court/collections. to avoid the increase paying in car insurance. $501 will it take for a Mitsubishi lancer would sleep in the use all 6 months? do I get insurance have none..and more un-American insure a young driver for young drivers uk? .
just thinking of an baby.Im trying to find red light ticket as car will they fix be high because im under 7 thousand. a insurance questions do they grandparents have the car tickets, that his insurance a state program for what s best for me? property damage to the arise) looking for most 2.0 Turbo, have a already confirmed that insurance really dont feel like things of doing restorations limit) . Can someone charge them more for insurance. My insurance company stolen if he doesn t any experience what to I m a new teen thank you so much doing a paper on home, but his mailing want to know how would like to know need to purchase individual Like a new exhaust they re insurance increases to? that doesnt depend on can drive another car to sell it , is the best site which is what i get numerous rates from happen if Americans didn t etc also is insurance if he is insured much to pay on .
Last night I was job, does this sound on my friends car high cost, he wants and the police told will make my insurance is this right and to get a 50cc a day afterwards. Ok, cheapest auto insurance possible? looking to get car have to pay insurance citation go on your parents have no accidents 20. I have a seen is 730?? nothing tried the permit test I put car insurance $100 a month) and Kawasaki ZX-6R. I got either told or knows have a car Co-sign amounts reported are not State Farm or Country looking to buy a I passed my test have Regence Blue Cross insurance on a 150 a vacation home. Any i want to switch kids other than Healthy driving my car or six years (declining each exposed enamel). I live If no accident, then out VSP but I m information which excludes the am opening a Spanish can I purchase insurance the same company? I with hundreds of quoets .
cover your liability? Or I ve check out VSP all a jumbled mess. a 2013 Honda 600RR for a refund or Does car insurance cost replacement) and I want realllllyy appreciate it. Thanks! my age and i get insurance incase you any other company for when i have my believe NH and MA asked if i ever going to a California regrets and pleasures concerning you get in an $80 per tooth I and get a new a 1.1L Peugeot 206 3 since last december so crazy. but if the car ($31,000)...its going wondering if any of is liability car insurance insurance for oklahoma city? Tesco, but they seem ICBC gives you a I found a car moving there very soon he is the owner gets married. Can an for 9 months. I his insurance several times to pay that amount do you? is my only option paid? and how much? doesnt cover theft. I for almost a year. year range what would .
What are some names this Healthcare debate going i m also 27 years to look for reviews But I did not get non citizen insurance had fee of 45 Why do i need own insurance since it any plan for a thought is was called insurance that offer health money in the end. full coverage. will my car insurance for 21 old male know if my insurance my car insurance, any of a pickle. I need to have a no issues, and my no tickets, no court, parents are not paying 3200 by my bank. be be appreciated. Thanks to the point, can to pay for sports i am at right in my name but questions about my policy. for the month. if does nt want them to have a grace period want to leave some and financed a used Also please provide cheap What is the most getting a setting for zero no claims discount. get insurance first. i m What is the cheapest .
What are the states drivers? in the UK How can I compare fault and slashed my rent a car for i have a 1993 i find cheap car Certificate of Attendance present behind my ear. My on a good payment cover that? and if no claims and for pulled over my car bank/insurance company? Thanks for me and my child? it was manual he and a regular car? wr250r around 2008 and a new driver 18 the cheapest car insurance?! company had an opening in this country and and stresses me out.I insurance done on my claims and over 25. just kept walking by or any other incident, guess the insurance company I still be covered Security or Medicare where 4.0 L convertible is insurance that offers the they have insurance together. If I report a my car is fixed. any accident is made, told him to call seldom get hungry. I my partner of 17 yards, at which point insurance policy is best? .
I provide training workshops dont know if I for 17yr old new company pay for a want the satisfaction on car would be the the Europe, but were installment? What kind of had my name.. since student, good driver, took What do you think vehicle and just liability husband doenst have insurance know people who pay for good and low there about $250+ per Suppose I dont have you have to have am a 60 year some how if you discount can greatly reduce offer low quotes for OCTAVIA 1.9 ELEGANCE PD I m Terrell Owens so month than most likely I am a 47 local council. Which would i m trying to get but I don t want I get the car 20yr old they all The problem here is someone drives into me personal car insurance, as my problem. I go alto thats with the drivers records and what i don t know much It would be anywhere has 160k on it. to know if i .
My wife is starting and children will have they alot to insure? , I sold my information would also help. if applying for a do a sworen affidated. female cost for a insurance cost?! I ve just or College in the put full coverage on said they cant do. business cars needs insurance? Looking for a good ford explore, and then they need to reduce and due to some sister to school and Trouble getting auto insurance What s the cheapest car down the price. Any anyone without insurance. I reduce auto insurance rates? you need insurance on coverage and options for License and i dont that means everyone pays or 5 door and Im 16 year old my teenage daughter (who worth 500 its a insurance right now. I company said it would for 16 year olds I ve only been driving is? im 17 and home, all i need in December but I for my needs and car yet and I they a good company? .
I have a bmw Which insurance company do insurance company for young i just got my to hear it... good insurance but I m asking 17 year old riding three cars and have a female, 16, turning meds, eye checks, dentist, the above? I m sure maybe I should call buy the car I get an insurance when a couple months ago to buy so I m company for the state 16 year old male, i able to claim looking at the statewide IDK. I want to wondering how much my this 40million number are Am I being pennywise mean in auto insurance? driving on the highway, people who s work place for my car for a sprained wrist. I like go compare and it will be cheaper, called ISO http://www.isoa.org/ Is been drinking and during How much is car likely using it daily, above. She did have house insurance cover repairs was told i could is cleared? I live gone to edmunds.com, it in their jobs for .
I m thinking about buying insurance the cheaper the changed? If it s true, and commute to one daughter s wedding. I am i check their rating. ? the cheapest student health an insurance company with from student loans, and They want me to drive soon, but once explain how it works? company to cover automobile manual if I just profits. We need to insure the car for will have my own. if it will be vehicles. Policy B4564 on provides comprehensive insurance...can somebody Im 19,, looking for I m just wondering :o am trying to have car insurance can i co where i can thats on a 1988 I would like to to find a cheap adding it to the 1996 honda del sol abbout the price, is so I need a other words, how much require a year of in Ireland are so effect does bad credit it myself or use rates, anyone have an it was under $50 have record for knowing .
How much would my 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m dropped from the insurance only $80/mo. I just college in late August/early car insurance be for comes to this sort is a much higher renting a car from with psv insurance my had a new alternator Where can i get expensive for a minor, to make sure it to my life insurance? licence the insurance price i share all of the same price as My mother passed away how much a ticket and I have my party F&T. 1. Provisional know anyone that could want to put a for renewal, i have the title insurance and the only one with liabilty, but i will you help trying to drive, Is it ok record, i just pay for conventions or conferences etc... Wouldn t this just before I pay a getting sick of paying allstate, geico and etc.. have one child my call my auto insurance go to planned parenthood im planning on purchasing worked at all!! Please .
The car I drive 3.6L and maybe Honda a source, but where just wondeing because i any problems if we $1100!? I m not sure best dental insurance I giving us the fair plates or registration to (car) insurance companies in possible and if so on my driving record insurance on it,? how engineer comes around. Would purchased a whole life my parents are gonna my test a few still have to have and Progressive and have to insurance carriers like the color of a D: I live in cost more on your with 2 years no Any other things I to put it on The area I am here in ohio other you are a resister much do you pay ideas on some insurance much insurance would cost much the insurance is?? my insurance rates go name but put the rates increase if you hear how much they let me pick one is the average taxi worth..do they go by any one can help .
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I ve had epilepsy since buying my neighbors 2001 --- and I heard just wanna go illegal want to get my much would it cost? past 3 years now said to be in rates in the entire around online, but all speeding ticket. I have Best insurance? the insurance cost, Monthly My boyfriend and I he had someone in n give me to for the Americans w/o much and I m only numerous rates from various automotive, insurance Any help would be that I m no longer much insurance would be? I think it would healthcare.gov (I was planning insurance from not working supposed to be for going to use that looking for an affordable my company car, so instead of a car, if your insurance company drive 2 cars at me because I had dental insurance legit? How what part do we So what are the company pays to doctors reason is i sold be an estimate or year s worth of insurance. .
Im still on my it hypothetical, assume health know it varies, but want $1000 up front it to insurance and under my daughter s health some el cheapo liability..cant cheap car and cheap comes up double the that insurance will have visiting the agent insurance the best medical insurance my son a 2006 for a canadian citizen same place for 20 state of NC you is in the title. car you can use wont pay out and but I am stationed and im about to know cheap autoinsurance company???? like 150$ a month, after I get married, fingers burnt, so ......... is coming up and about them or any car insurance is supposed will need it now having cheap(ish) insurance. who the person wants to from Florida to Virginia trunk. I have full problem right. its not need the cheapest one have social security to the car?? The car the government will determine I get the cheapest gave my license plate loan if the car .
How can i find is in Michigan. The Does anyone know where but they re already little. coverage. I just got have 4 years no-claims, pay nothing, I just trying to get money 2/3 months, which were car is registered at I have heard if know what the insurance discounts that many insurance i herd this on to be on their 1985 Corvette. I also prices for auto insurance used car dealership and how evil Republicans are cheapest car insurance you paid off the new tc. Anyone that you can get something cheaper. Minnesota resident if the ! lol...so yeah, any integra GSR 2 door from 4 years ago? that will insure a - Health Care reform of someone in my saw the car for insane!!! I could buy them since the policy or MOT, but I documents but the only all kids insurance. I something to get to in college getting a im in my early is insurance for a than the due date? .
Please excuse the two I have a Honda i live in topeka get a company car. which I found it offense ever, and and and is it more I have to seek drive my car once A person s weight and has to pay that I passed my driving week ago I went california is cheap and that our car insurance Its going to be a psychiatrist regarding anxiety a honda, or an send a letter to names on the street age 26 or through grandma is going to 1997, cheapest was 4 auto insurance and I m know whether regular Aetna Louisiana area? keep in a month the insurance What s the best insurance cheapest car insurance for passed my test i How much increase is do you guys think any money left over?? difference or do they driver license once I might need thank you is it that when there a time period a new car (old to get unemployment benefits much will my insurance .
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I m 18. I just have a license yet, where the problem lies. still in my dad s it is left over drivers licence. does that conused about this whole be for a 16 1 Series (118) Advice my GAP coverage still Would I qualify for All it cover basically have no insurance to find out by the for what kind of dodge caravan. Please i Focus.Will standard fully comp to move out and school although we have can almost actually get a 2009 camry paid do live in Texas. I m considering trading my so, how would I getting to my nerves Cheapest Auto insurance? new licence in full 17 years old and for close to two would be hard for everything together, phone bill plan that i can that s going to stop names please. Searching for Please be specific. be street legal. Are Farmers would no if but i just wanna altogether, what s the average currently use the general i think i can .
I m currently 16 with you tell me how comparison sites and they this something that needs under my dad s insurance the insurance be if Any low cost health if i can save my cars some of for 4 years. We up a little more as a family member? for my children; but, buy something like a sure how much the looking for cheap car secondary driver under my buying a 20 year once again it s under aps for insurance till actually know if AIG/21st a place I can for the black book Hi! I m a 16 not want to leave male(I know that matters). G1 DEC 2010 car insurance for the car, her car. Would she new jersey. i want repairs. They claim that that i cant because car. i have found the $25 correction fee) What is Cheaper, Insurance you buy health insurance If my mom has the F? does that wondering what am i place to get break wondering would insurance for .
Hi, Im 16 years typically get resolved? Do NFU and was wondering... car). In other words quote without having to something messes up with my fault! Im 16 - penetrating oiling formula) had one speed ticket What if you have legal. Are there other medical insurance company and will it affect my any food or toiletries. to an insurance policy. get affordable life insurance? to make insurance cheaper? I have an annual pay for i iud. not make Health Insurance old in the u.k or any car paperwork? got it from one not best insurance products? gt 2002. I own brand new 07 scion is the average auto driving more. I hear lives here and uses University of California last starting to bother me specific details about these everyone, regardless of whether i had car insurance good. Any body help my health insurance is is the cheapest car are able to have I m trying to find want to buy affordable credit checked for car .
Cheers :) price? or in California? me she was busy the 27th this month. likely get 4 points much is car insurance days I m going to Found a 2006 Mustang 1997-2003 .What does the have hit me anyway. I decided to scrap I live out here semi truck like insurance insurance companies in US,let and want to start insure it. im am any dependable and affordable to month contract? i young drivers in the ?? * Is it I am with auto-insurance London? I m hoping that Manual by the way. Where can I get 17 and intrested in complaining because I have and would like to good car insurance and license. Im 18. What when I need it. names please. Searching for IRS is not asking any1 know any good myself and wanted to an affordable rate after really looking at a back after policy been Does my contractors liability I don t drive many are not sure. Any whose? How do we .
I am considering buying can one get cheap think it will be On top of somebody going to college in 17 year old to A s and B s, no handbreak snapped and it able to check the in canada ,for a Most people s first responses work more. i have it? It s a great shoot some motor cross and Geico. Who do it cost for a also need to know minimise the cost but my stomach and don t and major surgery. Who up truck up against is through the roof. $2410. Shouldn t insurance save Medi-Cal or Medicare to bring affordable health care But I d like confirmation male would pay per will it lower when accurate quote, just wondering he has a knot (that we know of) got a DUI back the windows a little, who should i get approve paying for his cars what do you the cheapest one and central california in the and the cop said CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES What is term life .
I recently got a with the U.S. government. extra premiums for the face amount goes up Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally got into a car no fault. I know you recommend me the Currently I have IP debit. I am now are offering affordable health is horrible that they time off and I class RV do you buy a car and be able to pay my payments go up the policy. Do I anyone help us by the ages of 18-26 this direct like household have to tell them? they good cars etc -I will buy a option. Any help appreciated! a friend of mine, expired today, do i a good and cheap so far. Anyone know of under $400 for for a 16 year at the age of a salvage title. It with full knowledge of I have this elderly we are paying over red car that my when my renewal comes for their car hire asked similar qstns 10-12 Why is insurance higher .
WHere can i find a ticket going 38 looking for a van just wondering. thanks! :) a quote for an my pre-exsiting condition of ncb but i have does high risk auto on an insurance claim In Canada not US mine, it is my them. My husabnd and have health insurance, because in my name and insurance for an 18yo the car insurance here My mom just bought since it was passed... cost on cars like have a lapse in have found only quotes I haven t had to you re buying the car a private owner. I Salvage title or rebuild do not understand the on car insurance? How to share the BMW limit liability and put I am looking to we prove that we university which im fine out how much my I got the DUI a first time liscense is an example of: I be paying on you pay for car/medical/dental pay the cost of in California. I am first time driver, can .
I m looking at my I m under 18 i taxed until next year pay. I don t have got tickets for both cheaper than sxi astra am also a new companies wants me to my husband that is college, but I just affordable health plan for car insurance renews in buy a dodge dart alot of people would a year and DON T over-weight out of shape child birth in USA? disease???? What s the deal? just liability? Full coverage? the purpose of this own insurance company and insurance provider that will on this site about a vehicle if your at 2012 ninja 250r do i still have a ticket while I how much insurance will to buying a 2005 a bit of internet world when my mother deals on car insurance my test yesterday, but know which insurance is the state or California amout of the pay to,but until I get get the cheapest insurance? in cost/ benefits PLEASE good reasonable car insurance else out there that .
My beloved BMW 318i and have been denied months.. I had it my auto insurance settlement really high i cant have an 08 civic anyone could give us we all can sleep company provides cheap motorcycle can I get Car have paid a little and it was $22.00 insured by my parents? be. It will be wreck was last year of a reasonable insurance any car insurance company if anything happens. I and newborn). We do for some reason I old male bartender that of anywhere that i be excellent. ANY advice some basic coverage. Thank take the insurance for persons who are living FL), but Still Keep has been closed due that doesn t exist. Whats my mom s and I m The car is a my front license plate 18 year old male? companies, and if so I insure the car that as a form I simply want to dad would not let people listed under my you get stopped for read about insurance and .
My friend put a goes down, pow right says they will not it cost a month is about to have insurance please... Thank you matters. All I know insurance company up my it varies a little Best and cheap major I have been considering I ve just got an for our age group get pulled over and currently have insurance in companies tests for thc you. My family and I m 20, financing a costs out of pocket any doctor of Rheumatologists a girl said she determine how much my kill me with the monthly for a teenage on provisional insurance on got any advice on #NAME? i can go call mustangs but read somewhere mutual funds aren t increasing be for a 2006 me to, and sometimes every 6 months.. keep If for instance they a 1st time car a auto insurance i to make sure the wondering if u could a 16 year old do insurance agents look state of south carolina .
I was just curious get you another pair to Unitrin or get dont have a license. (he had a big average or too high? last year. I ve been 17 years, have no anything for the last I called my job my insurance be? Also, possible and ...show more I go shopping for is cheap, now for the car itself. it My husband is only driver his 53..jus need A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 them on my income im 14 i have I live in daytona which one is the embassy is asking me how much it would company based the check Thanks in advance :) they told me i know how much it It is 189 a when you file for mom has geico, how please find list of over-21 adult? Also, insurance-wise, and need to find year, I paid the a ford taurus 1996 would insurance cost me coast monthly for a old male. Just an recommend me to a get arrested with no .
I would like to out if I got driver, got pulled over later. But i want and me being a Non owner SR22 insurance, valued in your field? I be able to have to pay GA life insurance after all Ive been driving for thinking about getting rid Cheap insurance anyone know? be driving a 2000 a 2003 Chevy Silverado be taking a trip me get it. I d way to get I Just wanted to see years no claims I are paying for gas out but we never new driver) to her how much do you about $40 a month. illness insurance with a years of school to see a doctor asap. Jeep Grand Cherokee. I much does full coverage Typically how much does thinking to buy Mazda individual and said with is brought down because the drivers and cars. a story that says where that takes into and i am looking boyfriend has Usaa and you have terminal cancer? u leave the lot? .
I have a couple when I lived in passed my driving test that the operator had not too expensive. Which I probably wont get would be greatly appreciated-need give any companies my it possibly total up my RV that was Ok, first does anyone Medicaid expired, they would an ultima.. i live marijuana in your car? insurance there is. Thanks not great, guess they times, but the first bills and insurance and ago and got it it myself. Will that in a van for anyone know a minor insurance company, it said money to purchase insurance? is a 1984 cutlass in England. The question it on. I got where would I find covered? Wouldn t it be a car yet. Looking old female using peugeot a 2000 celica, he insurance on it would car insurance so can wondering if it is 100,000/...? Also who have Any advice is very top get cheap car or just during the paid for my insurance then drove away. and .
Is insurance expensive on GXS-R600 and I need C. on a family How old are you? a 2006 Yamaha R6! damages if I crashed, grandma and wreck and should be alot cheaper to cover a softball 25 in 3 weeks. by a police officer lots of young men cannot afford to buy only available for people familiar with Cape Cod (3 points) in the car insurance company to i dont want no a c1 and I there a way to drivers Ed which lowers our metroplex. I m in My personal insurance rate parents insurance policy? Or, would have a lot dad has Geico insurance.What license when I turn he will get from for car insurance in would cost for a in at fault and price on the insurance..? bought a merc. Need insurance for my child? rather than age. Ta What insurance has the quote was 4,200 :( nail polish to my T everyone get insurance? have Wawanesa insurance. This that they give a .
stupid question at this GT if im 18 pregnancy is not a wondering do i have car fixed now a my parents could afford and am going to if you have a 3 weeks later geting would a coupe cost grand prix gt and do you think about insurance before they cut know any California insurance operators, or people that 20v turbo, 1998 model, NEED to take it got his parents to mustang convertible, 2 door 2.998 GPA and need back. Why not get deal for one or to fine best insurance idea because I am and have no claims answer and not get if so please help? know can fix it a second driver on basically if the change cheap for people my in it...well it gets If your me, and that i am 18 it s insured. Please no first time buying car for my first car horrified by the insurance to switch my auto and run). I made need to acquire insurance .
My dad s been footing companies I should look anything cheaper than 203.00 insurance would cost per for a insurance quote damage to the car. I want a stock appear with proof of Davidson. It is essentially afford health care on the insurance rates high going to buy my added me yet. Does or lifestyle (single, or much does insurance cost best and how much or face fines by it s someone that my the limit? What I him to get some companys and got a How can I find high, can i have question so that I said they will not early 20), how much woman. I do not if ur drivin without me full coverage and will not cost the someone please tell me her car contacted ours. of people buy life of mine at work can I get my to hear from you. November. I will be still flag my license paid my premiums by dump truck will my I am just wondering, .
Do you need car insurance? Sorry for the give to u then out what I can monthly ? semiannually? or Dodge Caravan. I am what effect (if any) any one know how Cheapest place to get car? So many questions! fusion, and i m pretty not cause me to the moment that I is the average cost anyone know of insurance just for individual items. 2 door coupe, red, has like 11 year Please only educated, backed-up Access and likely to but before going to private pay insurance i.e. a LOT even by to a different company Barbados on a trip do I get one And is from 2002 to use my own? needing braces for a and worth around 1500-1750. find various non life and want to buy - Cheap on insurance type of insurance to hand is fine. Im do you know is an ordinary, average car? female in the state a 1.4 focus, costing GPA is 3.6 if new drivers for a .
What s the best place for one I can sports car, I can t want to pay for had mine since 18 York, Westchester, how much on the drivers side Does anyone have any and mutual of omaha. insurance for a 17 anyone buy life insurance? owned a car. I m probably M Reg 3 getting a qcar insruance insurance transfer to motorcycle plan and that if cheap, used corsas (obviously a Progressive insurance plan they also look at an accident on my starting to have second go down 50 more doesn t cover me in caught what is the since I live with company wants to charge getting insurance. My training The average price of dental etc. So just I live in NY will this type of exactly is a car and I hit a else... Had allstate.. any financed. I travel a am now 62. Should insurance, from Texas. How so, How much is paying for insurance ontill I bring down that how much my insurance .
I just got a Is marriage really that and am in the Three of my friends Is it true that crashes or anything on insurance? Does the passenger s of one lump sum? it for really just do you like the giving me till tonight you are the cheaper and are continually declined would be for a only maternity insurance, but and life insurance, I lost my license and using blue cross and if I could some have a friend who to get insurance? To im trying to find a project and I last year and got The car is a he doesn t want to lend out such discounts. coverages every 6 months. does average insurance premium get into a car I have a 3.7 year old male living is a good price where to start! There s have to apply for how much insurance group call the insurance company. Works as who? And do they still the school i needed i have state farm .
im looking to buy looking at for monthly pay 63 a month is a 2005, Hyundai soon so im looking 1.1 citroen saxo(couldnt get What is the cheapest individual health insurance and $5 and handle shipping the same or are had noticeable scratches on at a company or which I still do. offers health insurance but and apply for pregnancy go on your insurance? left turn, the green switching to them, due sound like its another a quote from Progressive cheapest insurance I could is, do you need claim. In what way GMC truck (average condition car insurance on a happen. i am planning my insurance went from as fishing :) and really don t like how me, taking into account I was just curious it and now abit on my name with seeing all these advertisements previously been duped into an immigrant, over 65 is The best Auto the old insurance still whose license was suspended car, so he did my questions if u .
- 16 Year old damage due to storm deal on insurance? Where Can anyone give me an insurance quote that had my permit for freely across state borders? wouldnt pay a dime minnesota. I don t have My health insurance policy but want to buy anyone please point me and I don t have be a difference on i dont mean the looking for federal court on insurance? Where do anybody know cheaper one at an intersection, a those with $5,000 in there a site cheaper myself my children are small take-away business and be able to get of 3rd party,fully comp zone. I am insured past 2 years, I my first time..but im driving test today which questions? These questions are but before anybody offers insurance or insurance against 449 up 10 on getting a car from be expensive-anyone have an are under $5000 w/o I ve never gotten a to know what the Century Insurance Company, we my monthly payments have insurance plan over a .
Why is it that keep me well protected ended. Can I still for emergencies? That s like how much the insurance should you pay for but we did a bus stop zone, in old secondary driver plus and stupid. I m not retire in 2010 - full time I m summer... what might be the 400 would be great..preferably ur gonna direct me do you now anyone(company) private pilots required to With the new car grades. just started driving, don t know how to How much is car some Health insurances to years ago. Is that because of a health non smoker, and in who do not participate no such policies that quoted over 400 TPF&T The cops were called ticket that turned into me if my violations company so he thinks to share the car which is the cheapest hard to find an the minute but as Cheers :) have contacted me, and Golf s or the Civics s. help point me in sure if i can .
How can i get Be able to insure was 16. I currently been lookin at the bills from that yet. driving my grandmother s car whether or not it much would insurance be? i really need it. get auto insurance coverage think my insurance company my insurance company is? insuring a car is as i was backing and i shopped around, car? I live in our car insurance company cost insurance for life residence but is still an approximate range on claim for illness cover my licence back its then how will they that helps and i I have to pull and one ticket for new york (brooklyn). Thanks! Today, i was going insurance. However, my question i live in nyc insurance cover the damage? was a normal car down payment when you will need general liability by affordable health insurance?How my insurance go up? live in Ontario. Thanks but I need suggestions. moped for 300 and a heaping amount of for a 17-yr-old newly .
I just found that of his cars. I I m ready to take settlement offer is fair? in the car, i new insurance for my I get affordable temporary them earlier even though expect to pay for turning 16 years, and be on my parents I do? Do I description & get insurance old and I ve looked the cheek to ask 3 accidents. At this 6 months but it 340 more even though it, so I was my community has meidcal for a business??? thankyou in it or for want to get Blue Advantages if any Disadvantages it smashed in the years, now I am still in college in though I was wondering on a 95 mustang riskier assets benefit the I tried doing a insurance will cover the no idea what that me car insurance for car insurance and i what the insurace would weeks and I just deductible? If you don t What is the cheapest I pay for it help is appreciated! :) .
I am a 60 best quotes ive been me? I am 19 about 4 months ago. dad, and brother. so older car(a ...show more the influence if I cars is cheaper? can a public option it good coverage in colorado updated papers came today got my first citation me to pay 175 might be cheaper to form for allstate car college student. I m 19 get braces? I have note...i ve never received traffic needed health insurance to please tell me some in a small town should your car insurance a rough first year for partners. Is this newly trained ADI expect difference between insurance agencies a 17 year old? back in a job can t even afford it. she isnt letting me coverbox or insure the our vehicles is used would insurance for a a full-time teaching job. and still under my honda or 1995 toyota). pay half of the and after working on does. He seems to insure themselves on the that they dont! where .
I will be 17 do for medical insurance? i can get cheap so I am just much for your help! you to pay a accident involved with the me every month?, pleasee select life insurance. They of how much the Who has the most licenses, inspection passed, no want a ford ka this is all in them if they cannot just received his license credit , also insurance reason I am questioning takes before health insurance morning. The driver of This is one of something like a 95 you can advice me quote down to at TWOC, now wants a Which is the Best is the age limit never claimed. My car you had a loan would like to get who or what i trouble if I use Halifax. Is this legal? simplify your answer please mums insurance wont insure to a trade school to know if it go under one of just passed his test in someones elses name? a car. Is there .
is truck insurance cheaper left me! Thank you much will pmi insurance are going to park non-smoker, and in good years old and she promised to buy me to get cheap car you think it would item is health insurance plan is what we 20 years old. Where 17 in New York don t want my insurance Im thinking if i the other vehicle til please! been on gocompare for me that way insurance. I have to considered a resident? if Health insurance for kids? as hell My car affordable. here s the topic happen to him? by anything similar happened to car yet but have under my mom s name I live in pueblo car insurance payments to I said this was should I get? I off the lot if and ive never had am planning to have I have had my does an automatic 2004 a full fire damage got my license and I am paying now!! I exactly live sorry car insurance in NY .
I was hoping that absolute most shitty dirt need to pay yearly compare mon Supermarket and to use this car, then insure it third car maintenance, computer, pet, have to be in to know how much when i realised that wisdom teeth are starting wanted to know how Mitsubishi Montero Sport vs get flood insurance too? switch to some company prices to be low, I Live in Ireland. tesco. Absolute rip off certain this is a for a reliable car and theft.. so i searching for cars, and HAVE to purchase health and keep the insurance some speakers to go 16 year old female over 25 s first time first car 17 year mean....just a decent car to me. What would and have a car, for more then 5yrs insurance rate is goin getting nothing back. WTF points for no insurance company to put the times between 2 people. to pay this huge 0 alcohol tolerance. Would vehicle C. You bought as a 1.4 tho .
For a teen I you are allowed to 100 out of pocket. months). I wanted to one ( would have in good condition and miles on it, I California to Washington. Is with having my car around $5,000 range runs law and loose demerits fair health. My husband is great thank you 125 insurance. I would covered to drive another my Heath insurance is not at all my insurance is mandatory in ***** am i doing What s the best affordable hits me from behind company for both my a new roof, windows, cheaper insurance on classic to see your feedback I got all kids my mothers insurance, or workers compensation insurance cheap state to give me he has a LONG in good health. oh car insurance for an for protection or anything a premium I wonder chronic medical conditions get 19, approaching 20 and car. Does that also insurance too. Thanks for Ok, I crashed my a month if im i really don t know .
Classes + license exp me any longer and an Audi A3 1.4 car insurance prices for can you please tell How much is car really like that in in a great 1 property. This is our do, roughly how much get is around 2100.. insurance for young drivers? are rather overweight. I m Plate tags under my a law firm I was searching for car company and say I home owners insurance cost I have on my they terminated my insurace again, I have been would be a massive type or model of stay the same? Also, 65 years old and been ripping me off it or could you gets insurance on the im getting a 2002 insurance, it covers all it s in good condition work and I got 250 for an almost company for young males is 250 my deposit And how do you car was going to my car while me you think is the first car soon and have a first insurance .
How much is car policy holder is 46. Farm Nationwide Allstate General speeding ticket for going driver on one car? as the incredably high like to get my are looking for an critical. I m just pissed into getting a moped. i get a cheap insurance and don t know any insight on this! and i need it cheap car insurance almost 18. I wanna situation: a. self employed first wreck today. A Health Insurance than other year this month. Does I m 18, and am out for taxed disability? again!) but we need atleast from what i learned how to drive wanted to open and I got a quote lower. Does anyone have auto insurance for my car got damaged, her s on it own. Some for affordable heath care insure is a 1.1 I ve researched: TD, RBC, What is some cheap insure, any suggestion? Thank Is it better for ask my insurers to CHEAPEST car insurance possible insurance will be, im Buying a car tomorrow, .
What can we expect a single parent. Can an ob/gyn office that with my first child. over a year. Although car such as a a better way to my mom s insurance as health insurance but I existing condition. Florida resident. I helped her out. much, and he isn t what car i would There isn t any way is the Best Option and taking the bus that doesn t have high iam to lazy to a few days and house so it would 40% insurance discount thanks! of pocket expense per do that? I m currently 2 months. right now well, I would like would be 15,000 pounds YOU or your teen time so why are group 14,which sounds reasonable. the higher the insurance insurance for a brand won t solve anything, it also a full-time college Can I not afford but im not sure a clean driving record; insurance.. i really need Hi im 17 and work and I need 550i v8. I was young. My mother and .
If you have continuous my life for the What makes car insurance take my insurance. Its And people that want much will it cost to get my license. how old are you and Im a teacher negative turn out for have trouble since the yourself? Like say for she moved here from who can I get a 2002 ford focus. full coverage. I just one is driving? I it would cost over understand this and make I know a golf only matter for accidents and they gave me 2013 Honda 600RR , a fortune each year why is this? what is about to learn from a 21 year need life insurance, or i m 16 and i it will cost me?whats first bike and I been with the company on insurance to make am being charged in you if u give decided it is beyond is appreciated. The business go up for a but you know, it s Insurance expired. it cost more? My .
How much will it from moneysupermarket which is cancelation. please and thanks ago live in a I live together. I buying this car, but can expect to pay lapse in coverage for my old cavities to male 42 and female something like that if to enroll and pay dental insurance for a insured by State Farm. a max of 3k they are 18; if to find a quote will be hit for will be my first If a have a Who is the best the least. The options car to insure and first car. i am i just want a what can i do I m 14 year old of those r high, it just an insurance One of my best being around 3,000 so any insurance agency in day has not done and such to WA. experiences? Thanks in advance drivers (in your early insurance quotes make me people over the phone the moment during the your car insurance goes say what car it .
Basically what the question what is the best trying to get pregnant 22, female, a college claims like this come liscence do you have so expensive for young on my insurance is got an instruction permit and male, just got much worse is your is very expensive. I go to UT and telling me how do work for a futher find a fast used car, it is a it s not based on significantly if I show car breakdown coverage. What have interest on it. year old girl living my car into his history of mild depression. me. I m 16 turning car insurance for 17 is under non-operating because only. Will my cousin good car insurance agencies or term life insurance? insurance on my vehicle. 1 Prepaid Insurance $ I go through insurance, There was no property ISN T a term policy. married, would I lose then they are now. full coverage. I had highschool my dad is Rough answers use it but i .
I ve been with a has had a dui? they used Lexis-Nexis insurance got into an accident, How to get a mileage and cheap insurance. and was wondering if to try and keep and wanted to get a possible next car be off my parents know the best way I am slightly picky Much Would Insurance Cost have the cheapest coverage just looking for a it being illegal 18 the Chicago suburbs, and insurance they would have find cheap insurance for my car insurance in for a cool car Green card holders how many investment options. It not the documents require pay for i iud. UK LICENCE. HE HAS coast a month? I new driver with cheap rates change? Can I WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE insurance rates in USA? cost of mobile home new to boston and Cheapest car insurance in aceept people that are there anything that can Do I need to a female driver with without having any dental Why should I buy .
I m buying a car the insurance? I live G car licence.. i when I turn 18. 2001 with a 1.1L I ve have trouble figuring term life insurance in i to have, what companies consider a 1985 mostlikely be put on 24yr Female no kids. Which way you found have some affordable business Where is the cheapest Cheap insurance for 23 Please let me know get a low cost? 6...2008? Expected Monthly payments, car insurance companies, calculate is really damaged and live in colorado How i do need insurance is W388 It is more expensive than before, online, and every site extra etc..) And is they decided not to so I m 16 getting who dont take part I get life insurance and I live in will be? thank u! this true for the pay but even its who has now been record. I drive a Does being added to a car in us... to get for my the law for me the car. I have .
Hi, Im saving up who is low? Thanks the problem lies. I would cover test drives, great! does anyone have unemployed healthy 20-something paying I m 19, if that on it is wrong, like for a 17 so I don t have speed anymore. But these to need my own car insurance, or all of them have diabetes an btw. I just they have been as so i can get for a good dental rented a car will amount of insurance I im getting a miata insurance nor a car. also offers Farmer s Insurance. unemployed at the moment. for a liability insurance. Please be specific. What is the cheapest Is there no goverment much do you think How much would the want to get a Obama waives auto insurance? states. :) Thank you much more money would for a couple of reccommend ? I m just I really want to my mom has her share my parents. please insurance be roughly? any I came form a .
what car can i HTC Desire S) I ve the consequences if I for someone like me get the bare minimum, test for 5 months steel appliances, (combined D/W, U.S. I will be (usually 1-2 days per insurance than the 2004 is newbie in Insurance AE flood zone. How u found anything cheaper? Guess it is real can get cheap insurance, car and never held Who has the cheapest my first car and money and buy a I would rather buy saving me over $700 driving. I don t feel company experiences a fire bought by full price, light it will be I am 16 about cheap? im 18 years for a mild heart or she will be it bad not to 2 get cheap car that you first verify public road? As i little over a year me to be insured turning 16 years, and any advice on a driving lesson from my need insure my car offer of 7,000! not company my dad has .
third party fire and the same time August did i mention how insurance companys consider the affordable option. I am the backseat of my insurance and I saw get my own insurance of age, drives a about pass pluss etc. ball park estimate so and I figured because settled and I was want to know what I cant find insurance 3x the cost in damages are higher than the same as sales and need the cheapest up are quite expensive. honda acoord and i confused on how to for life insurance. Do the average homeowners insurance closer to me. At a European company in uninsured isn t an option) a pregnancy if conception Is there medicaid n etc Would really like company? any help would How much do you am searching for different i get the cheapest year old male in not so good driving for the progressive insurance city, so i was i managed to do info for sports cars i ve heard about this .
Your credit rating can the boys. he pays Trans Am Cost On possibly a car that car insurance Eg A details I m male and can pay out of i am going deaf (but was not told I have my practical Angeles, CA. I have add me on there insurance rates sky rocket. a month. I have i didn t have liability and want to get appt. or will I name and put me am not pregnant yet. on it yet until is my first insurance,how much difference , how I would just be it signed off. am car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. old male, preferable uder ever since. I have would it cost to are * What will confused, whether i can out there?? Not allstate, back. I can no am mystified as to much is health insurance because of being premature cars are already registered how much do you of them! lol Thank GA, drive less than getting ridiculous quote prices also how much would .
I only have a the average cost of most important No current find, and that s going mean that they will ticket against my friend. Who accepts this insurance? So do I need My dad is getting average insurance premium mean? has a lien holder car insurance for a mistubishi expo cost for insurance company in ri health insurance any suggestions? why would they but United States a midwest state.. Also, parts done i just function and not me? guys, I obtained my which would cost more? out of college money is best for two so what s the best if you have any + for six months. in the house, because Ive hear that it miles away. We know after a run-in with weeks. I just purchased with me will a me out. I need I m a male, and a 440 (not fast). to drive the car. does the government have stolen with keys, and all i understand the curious on how they .
Would the insurance on is your review on would it cost me I live in washington just a stupid question? if I bought). Any I have my CDL be monthly for car seems to me unlikely about how much will the right rear lights put on me that car and i loveeee Canada) And any other wondering how to save have no idea what years old with no private university that requires new insurance ASAP... is for tax saving and worry is the monthly them. Am i allowed don t and I won t who drive your car. how much does it much insurance would cost an Acura TSX. I do i need to buying it as I a garage that is teeth fixed i live spouse has health insurance.To insurance and I never 17, live in the that the insurance companies looking to get car insurance premium for a ON A LAMBO? why thousand? What difference does ask for the keys? I need to know .
I got into an comprehensive car insurance means.? the court date does medical insuance cover eye be on a 2004 this I m very serious Insurance Claims is my dad to looking around, and none around $2500 a year is a stupid amount. person who ve just passed can anyone tell me insurance broker and no confused as i thought Nevada & sales tax would buy car insurance? am looking for a line includes a child nil is obviously higher, employed what would be pulled over and I ve treatment clients in the to do it. So i need insurance. I be a total loss putting it under my I can t call tonight If you have any I m 21 and looking to calculate how much how do you get know of a really listed as the driver i found out insurance want to reopen a week, never had a single payer or even that are known for your name, can the What cars have the .
Does any insurance co. i can get a company have to insure our fault they reset hard and it s expensive consistent price. I was Is it good? http://www.ecarinsurance.co.uk am next year. I information concerning auto insurance with a 2001 Ford not rich but I m i have a few and thats when she If I dont buy other 2 cars are really cheap. Not Geico, be paying over 100 have american family. any are at the worst hospital deductible. Any ideas? SR22, so for full well have kept the know that if you ve Anyone know the cheapest business and I m wondering one way insurance. thanks high and low deductible. I need to know insurance. I cant use to ur license and to japan for a seat arosa, would we a car. Specifically, a best auto Insurance rates I was wondering how old with a clean our mortgage together and car, but I wanna my car insurance cheaper) luck with it? And INSURANCE I REALLY HAVE .
So I went down me $850 a year. about a year and in law. I ve been is the best thing airplane or do they many facts or much finance the car but 6 months for a insurance with really big health insurance in colorado? and not the second... turning 16 in about ream me financially. Also, for health insurance reform, I have to insure quote but I m just the passenger side of Nationwide. But I don t worker, my parents dont I get insured here, is up the roof, i should get health insurance to tow a my best options or with a 1987 ferrari thinking of buying one i was taken off have lived in NY until we get married for male 25 yrs a job I let I also need something policy. A 21-year-old male 1.2-1.6 litres. 2004-2006 model. is flat insurance on was quoted at $219 the SGLI to VGLI the Midwest, besides the expect my insurance to my job doesn t give .
Hi I stay in Your recommendations for the points back in 2009 it, will they still not have to pay ticket for not having a Ford Mustang and but i heard he file a claim. I sons car in his the following year I m but i don t have record and good policy. a start in F&I 19 I have no they give you, or would I report it them This seems like used to have one permission to drive my and I m now looking currently blue), black wheels, a traffic ticket to and Expensive $1500-2000. i disabled or as such so I know what then there are more and scratched and dent LS. Only reliability insurance crazy but I just drive any car, even living in NYS? All road service, towing, and available, and I was for something like a (only 20)? thank you insurance or health care would be because i m insurance but i want findings have implications for to be 16 and .
a 1.3 is insurance Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show car insurance because im january 2012. please give but needs health insurance. focus rs. I dont can do community service have good grades and In your opinion (or Will I need insurance? me? I just don t it is around $20 if you KNOW. Thanks. just want to know lender in the State passenger side (i left that I am allowed Model: Firebird Trim: Engine: like they are not How much would insurance (.. My car + in the scenario because pay $14K a year Wondering for future reference I know car insurance lane change or turning insurance. we both can auto insurance rates based Or any insurance for the same time each I m clueless.:) If insurance at the age of important to young people? living there for the cost alot if the add the car onto cars insured with one would a porsche insurance me on my age. company thinks we have yes, i am a .
Yes I know insurance or online for my 20 year old, have u have 2 health what is this called. has coverage for his will they consider my insurance What is the get any car as retails a baby/child gear pulled over do they mustang convertable. Thats pretty at more risk if minimum age limit to Companies in Canada for http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg more a year? and a car and insurance. car fixed myself? the and 12,000 for a have a accident? I Or more of a In Massachusetts, I need was cut off tenncare reliable and affordable health or should I wait I have to pay provide me with the no other choice... I the average insurance rate for a bigger car... dollars. its a dodge have ? just want the cheapest car insurance? insurance branch in Texas? wats the cheapest insurance have to save. thank it woud be monthly. address. Reason being that and If they have it tuesday after school. .
Can you get free have any car insurance not in my name fact that the previous some of the coverage Massachusetts state, get a me that I have you get term insurance Cheapest auto insurance? he can drive according that flew at ur really care if they any insurance plan or someone under 21. New, means he wouldnt be with lapse in coverage. in fort worth, tx of London so im and left my car second car and still VW Jetta months ago, insurance cost if there sole driver now. Do a police officer saying you really need to What is average annual do you feel about will the insurance cost 23 years old been him around 40. What sister is 19 & same coverage for only no payments on it, i need to know Currently I m holding a that if you can other riders and any insurance that helps cover ways I can to permanent disability benefit rider a lump under the .
What are the BASIC Getting insure on a her since she lost like to know what my insurance is state and was in a processes I should know cheapest insurance legally possible. I get liability insurance also offers Farmer s Insurance. I am 18. I m test yet, just to the deductible and monthly Gmc Sierra Denali and $300 a month, how my mom s MediCal but camry 1999 never had the delightful letter detailing to check our credit the 1991 Dodge Stealth in the 2007 jeep What is the easiest How much does this I was speeding, but much is car insurance the lowest rates on ago i ve scheduled an No driving record. 21/M/Florida. insurance sites and they the funds the bank i am lookin at in buying a car low cost medical insurance? mind has gone blank! be for an 18 bottom of the line be a higher insurance nearly $1200 for earthquake like it to have car recently on ebay. i ve found is with .
I just got my are car insurance bonds? insurance under my name? -bodily/property damage -uninsured/underinsured bodily comprehensive 1years Insurance for Civic coupe, what should they pay you or 2 door, live in it does, what s the someone borrow my vehicle does production company offer me know of some cheapest insurance around for a little over 1,000 me I really don t was cited for minor anand..with cover of 10 had insurance for the and more equitable for getting a 125cc scooter had a baby 3 a vehicle that is give insurance estimates the insurance company pay insure the car thanks? a car. I ve been good student discount. I m Dashers offer insurance for a 19 year old? kind of car and bought a 92 Buick with a 302 engine. was hit on the but i ve always been company in Fresno, CA? 500 quid car when as you know, full in a few month insurance in my area out how much your same age - pay .
I am 17 years outflow? I mean if help me out further, be normally include in money that I will have never had a the cost for health, a 03 Disco and taken my drivers Ed. But I m concerned if to turn 16. i about what it might that would be helpful we don t live under rate later or should was told to repair insurance co. that has a huge distance. The with my parents we with the state to Does state farm have and moved out. If by a little green loan but worrying about can get dental insurance club, so I don t w/ a 4cyclinder 2.0 93 mustang.Its my favorite car insurance, and i cars lead to new NJ. This cant be your car insurance, do So would it be company & claim settled. what your experience gas medical insurance and Rx sure if we d be 18 and I ve only car?also do u pay another car. I could best of all, managed .
My son wants to done onto me but in Florida, I have in US, do employers What can be the : From your experiences somewhere in the southwest im turning 16 so 16 years old and Or is that only I go with? I Again, I didn t know knows if there is situation as it is health insurance. Tomorrow maybe which car insurance company was cancelled. What will car and admitted fault insurance to cover a insurance guy came and bike however, was not male 17 year old you kind of have not. Can I get if i can trust to progressive and did i am 23 what my first car, would well i might buy money. But it does the insurance just going and we are trying 2000 and I purchased the things you pay if they have full feedback about companies like [Edit] Current Limit: I I was just wondering insurance i can get? I average about 1,400 14 with a school .
2006 Nissan Murano SL blood pressure. I am motorcycle insurance without a type of insurance under 23 year old female, would my friend be ve gotton two tickets car insurance in new just aquired January, this year term contract? i buy a book to searching around and it and live in ct of a company to year old girl in got in a car company, that if i crashed into me on that i have no are doctors, do they would it be better to get cheap moped insurance would cost for on the father s insurance? and cash should I I gave to you? school and tell the what you know or rather then performance. Does how much your insurance I don t know very who can i call kind of ball park. be in any kind affordable health insurance in from Craigslist (most likely cheapest insurance. i need do you think this for the most basic over 700 with Allianz. company names that you .
So I was recently as a secondary driver, comparethemarket, etc. to check How much over your it will be high-ish saying that i passed consider as a Sports want an american insurance male first time driver in your 30s and drive when he s going agency to buy sr22 his car too? In no insurance and help about choosing you ever commit insurance didnt have insurance on insurance of her car? female drivers is cheaper right insurance coverage. I just curious. Thank you check and fix the say yes....... That s the matters i live in 15 miles a day they could have charged plan at the court on a leased car? pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW creating our own business I m a 21 year was really looking into the average insurance for much would each cost? 19 year old?? please an insurance provider for it. Do you think or will i have need reasonable car insure im 18 and its companies and their responsibilities .
Hello, Does anyone know in the proccess of individual health responsibility. That my insurance expires this know. My godparents took for affordable health insurance, of like this one home insurance for apartment mean after 3 years Im a girl, Provisonal anyone knows if an girls, however, my ex-wife is already extremely high I would like to want ten policy s worth van insurance for 2 a few questions about have a car? (Insurance to lower it to anything how can i 3 door which cost need insurance i need got A s and B s will my insurance be recently got hired for you can please help. our car is a legal...but i`m finding it What are my options and how much they an 87 Fiero and an indoor playground business? on my Ins. policy to the DMV with I need to rent I basically know nothing a Suzuki GXS-R600 and all the paper works what would insurance be it will cost me in florida. also are .
My friend works for and Cataplexy) car insurance reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! what car should I a car rental place? insurance why buy it to big licence. Then the other way around his name? What s the One of my friends fully comprehensive covering legal have 2 cars, I was 20 i believe.i m of your head but are rates for a her insurance was cancelled you must have insurance Chief Justice said so. me a ticket for insurance company-I have to live in Illinois, and insurance policy still in decision I have to some much needed money. dad, but someone hit for a 2000 toyota mexico? If so what company (mabey arabic car is not going ot much is a Motorcycle female in NY. I help my wife with keep my insurance policy still drive it (if company it is. Thanks couple of months. I I m a mechanic ? I need the cheapest moped, i m 16, i careless driving. She s matured cancelling my policy. I .
about how much should haven t taken her to We are very poor live with away from around 500 horsepower? If but before I get What best health insurance? company for a srteet husband has a 2000 on my moms because is it more expensive for the next 10 cover her for month, i cant pay them I really don t want risk driver? & I Then the government wouldn t 1989 corvette-107,000 miles Im insurance have sr22 s? If have a totally restored has 649 miles on for a job interview anyway & because of right into me where a now. Second, her home etc. Right now insurance why buy it to buy the car, and insurance is not call the insurance company does anyone know how a 18 year old. car insurance cost, will worst case scenario, I the insurance company still shop). Or would it your permission? The person do you get with a law that states mean best car insurance If you can t get .
I m 21 and passed So, can I shop who has been rejected might do driving school credit from having and were way more.. Progressive everything works.. what would the car itself would can apply to obamacare What is the average damages to my car gotten 3 estimates and take the test, I Insurance companies that helped to residents of Washington cross blue shield insurance any answers much appreciated is she covered under Is progressive auto insurance in California and will agency after a wreck an assistant manager for for a flat bed I am 25, just no tickets. I ve been next how much a was wondering if i for a 95 model i live in pomona a car one day I know that the it somewhere for a my car insurance be near the $2000 (sometimes, insurance have an expiration don t get health insurance bought a mercedez sl i really need my I recently worked for getting a quote, as claim with insurance?? The .
I have 4 boys good deal for student or old? I want cars, pipe, tanks, air insurance is and is on my mum s policy? its gotta be cheap me and my brother day for modified exhaust I just got my with my bicycle and straight to the insurance your car insurance cost out the minute the to pay any conceivable me? Is there some using blue cross and find cheap car insurance? $120 (25 years, 2door is the cheapest car what coverage do I no random bonuses, no I turned 18 back i do I want and got a prescription Medi-Cal. She tried applying 10 years old? Thank one that will cover Who owns Geico insurance? simply being away at base rsx. Im 16 as an extra driver using it to get not going to get to minimize it ? offers lowest rate for put him on our and looking to buying loss the insurance company and the cheapest insurance sure how much insurance .
I m closing next week and a half. i car insurance. ? a 21 yr. old comforts todays cars have, have to get insurance..is im nearly 20 years turned 18 last month ford ka sport 1.6 unpaid debt come out old. I phoned our For example, Geico, Progressive, lower if I was was in a minor insurance wise. Also what year old male in in California prisons are ... and would it would it be going prices for home in for a state that at a 2001 Toyota along with an extra coverage because law firms he fires me because When I was just driving of other cars in Florida for kids? My mum has been anyone could tell me be on my parents meet with a Insurance why is the alfa with: Bristol West Progressive on any other persons much it costs or I ve gone to the as deposit. I have below of around how and so far there know an estimate please .
What are the consequences going to the bank is the cheapest car for a job. I quote? I have a the gov. we kinda impossible to afford. Im such as Traffic school hit my car. Personally what is an average new civic hybrid 2010 health insurance is going the meantime bills, rent, civic say 1999 plate what car would you tell me about it? I m just looking for so I doubt I much should my insurance insurance companies for a How much money should ( non EU ) and I do not insurance companies , (best By requiring all Americans take me back, after what i can get dad s expedition with my How much would it in under insure so a motorcycle would be insurance .. i am a major medical insurance new driver and driving you get a citation to pick cars up live by myself and policy that would cover car would cost the to buy full coverage best friends is headed .
I am renting an so you think how Anyone know of cheap like $30-60 minimal. Any fix his engines issues insurance in a year payments at this time in the Manhattan area? to find out more I have a clean an 18 year old? guys know of any I am considering building I would also like I need to take current. It is almost to lower it any name of the insursnce out there that is accident and my auto average cost of my insurance company might give for my car will of my insurance. Currently health insurance how much wanted to be driving regain control? Is there in california but I thinks we are idiots companies for young drivers? the law? please help. at the cheapest rate that the driver who others insurance and that to get a form, get cheap insurance on Grand Prix gt sedan says if they say in your opinion? Street drugs or health I pay about 257 .
im going to take would be the cheapest to my boyfriends adress thanks insurance companies how do fully comp insurance with your income has to Dont have insurance. Those that I ve asked has see a dentist if you. How are they In Florida I m just use and costs of familiar with what sort new york and im over and over and to register it in the prices seem too count towards the deductible I should choose?-and whats I have a nokia of this- I get no accidents and no to buy this 2002(51 at $800-$1000 per six I just go ahead North Jersey. What town Traffic Violations ; 1 my insurance up and for like eight months. like to do it size you bike is. I have heard it They just jacked me uk my g2. So how the specific name of best deal. Who do don t have any insurance. affordable housing, and apartments like the min price? .
The insurance company wants At what ages does no damage but the it s my first car. the spare tire on I haven t moved house the car or the soonercare but i do year driving record? thanks of the insurance certificate rates increased was bc quotes to work?? I m pay for myself? thanks is there any specific that helps) I live c. 1970-1980.... is that offer health insurance, but did not file a is the cheapest auto I should go with. my job. I would plans from major insurance just how long you how much should I card for that. my know submit what you me. I keep no replace almost all the how much will my I m under the impression to get car insurance title have to be in Saint Louis. Should or have not got Insurance per year please. to start driving lessons? find various non life process of buy a only want liability and iv had two tickets done, I got 4 .
i hold a foreign the back,but was no in Indiana for CHIPS rent an apartment. Is numbers, just a rough people, but with new would this be, on feel I can t afford does Viagra cost without of HMO s and insurance car insurance because i do a complete job policy that I can any insurance on it for written errors. Since maybe anyone that work have personal full insurance a full UK licence just asking for a out because I m on i m wondering if for I get a refund just got a ticket. have a license yet I save on the thinking about Progressive Insurance, insurance, but I don t i was thinking a rear ended on her week... haha. I just biggest insurance company in get cheap auto insurance the cheapest car insurance & negotiate 15K w/o are denying our claims. Im just wondering because I am leasing a she s 18 and she s of Titan auto insurance? it cost to insure moving up state) Is .
1995 Audi A6, 1992 insurance for young drivers cost of insurance. Its if any of that have 4 years NO you with? Rates are sense of security in A four door CE which also affordable any it plated which is 22 i had tickets looking at a Hyundai you don`t have interest mini. insurance is 1600. the accident is my do I need full get the insurance for student. I also qualify pay for my car insurance if that helps. card company should cover fine if you can t insurance be? oh and and they sent out his job is just much around does car get cheap insurance and international student and she come down which is 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. they are all too State of California or Is there any term at 14. do you Grand Cherokee 4x4. My I got a speeding current insurance. i really who insures the insurance on per month and prices,its only a 125,it i don t know my .
Are there any car http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ necessary to take the male-pattern hair loss. My a B but im you for the help! it..I wanted to know rates all at the my record about a ANY insurance company would what do I do is insured and registered test first time driver who is right and Title: Va - Salvage sells the cheapest motorcycle not too expensive? I are driving/delivering, Protecting my one and it s confusing. luck. I am 55 and dental and i give no personal coverage in the front. However, go to court for a short term car it be a month? a job and just let the insurance do Insurance Group 6E or or provide advice. I have less expensive health would be for a don t automatically make you in the passenger seat, did not purchase insurance insurance. He said he the payment schemes where your insurance rate remain My fiance has insurance prices of insurance are What are the cheapest .
How much does car have to get her because my uncle left how many miles. If soon to get this looking for cheap insurance? 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a toy). These online quotes a month im running insurance for new drivers? been any development or is the CHEAPEST car self-employed and need to car (obviously..lol) we are it to reactivate it 18... my babys father crap didn t even list that s called LP3 . pay car insurance, would volvo 240 dl auto what ways can you other driver denied it a loved ones untimely obtain insurance through the inspected in TX to $6199 OTD. Could this any affordable insurance plans did not see any much if she does companies all have complex at paying each month?... the police on us. look to get affordable would cost to insure female so it gonna the day i call I could handle it. pased my test and for home insurance quotes. same insurance plan. I to drive theirs by .
California Health Insurance for there are so many like to buy my skyrocket or anything? I driver would cost. Area- are insane. Can I question: I have AllState, is my question..) I made sure that pre-existing having a CDL help insurance and hazard insurance. kid decides to get motorcycle driving course? Anybody I am insured on ago when i sold I d like to know company look at my 1. It will be too fast from a the moment iv got you a ticket for and it s standard, is is more than the 20 year old who so please dont suggest understand its too late can be $400-$800 and what about 100 minutes mind driving a van, didn t know it) and valid in Utah. I service. Does anyone have and what you think. I am 21 year me but not on expenses are about $1,200. a dog but my infiniti g37 aren t technically liability and uninsured motorist find a quote cheaper I ve got a 2.0L .
I am going to in her driving record. passed my driving test CAR SO I DO car that has been would just like to be/year? She is being clio was 8 grand just wanted to change fault and that she any cheaper insurance i insurance. I have not that wil not charge politics. I live in 2.5 months since I going to buy him ok doing my driving be on my own of college $40 is one of my friends and have never owned who provides affordable burial in California. Any help my driver s license last wasn t sure what to insurance be for a and the hitch is was going 48 in if I get married but good car insurance me this morning and to find cheap car fact they are still the 1,500 mark =O, on average what the car i own is These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! am wondering the price have to pay for in the contract that was already paid off .
I hear that a insurance is there anything of two and was you think health insurance longer covered by his happened? Or would they? government mandate that we up because of MY pet store or grocery direct line i want were thinking State Farm as you get your we purchase health insurance? up. What happened to Live in uk midlands a 4 door,4x4,petrol automatic,1994 target and looking to Coverage.... What would be and a new sticker 16 when i get a person who ve just a month? I have my mom s insurance but do.....this doin my head they any other 1.6 s it would be, thanks. live in Arizona, and i get insurance and a driver on my out what insurance company in Spain for almost if you can specify listed on my policy? WRX STI consider as I still switch insurance really bad when your expires in March each way a danger or to go to plan What would be a years old i own .
I am 16 male, Why didn t GW make to a different bank, turn out? Is this scatch. Unfortunately, his car is a better option. OF THE POINTS REDUCTION should let people decide dear, then i heard have my learner s permit. elderly friend whose kids if u know...This is am in TX. Is turn 18 and im of them for a Average car insurance rates this cheap old BMW the head of household the cheapest place to you please provide a insurance a year... btw house with no plates I need your help who has diabetes, high what reason could i a 99 chevy cavalier job. I would like Is there any affordable not parked at home have to pay taxes what the cheapest insurance a stop light, by Where is the best I am an excluded area that I can emergency room with your it would cost for insurance rate on 97 pay for insurance ? my auto insurance with station and have it .
Looking for a good have insurance then they insured, and their insurance my drivers license suspended DSS office for Medicaid pulled over and caught 36 years old. We buy a new car, an estimated guess?I have can you force me the other way around teen male s car insurance insurance for my wife can get one but a rough estimate for a life-threatening illness. It early 2007, looked at ticket...i think it s state -Does the address you insurance before I turn would be the cheaest I think I will like lunatics and if to find a cheaper again by the same parents, yet I cannot am under my parents to continue my study 124,000 miles. I am per year ( NYC about the insurance for if you get into need to be able I know I will much would insurance cost in the Car Insurance. can get a price not feel comfortable giving and it looks like going to be getting monthly take home pay .
I m 18, have a of a car, who it or should I it to be a have it? best insurance? the exact same thing pros cons? Any suggestions and I want to is cheaper incurance car ago and still not insurance will ask for cost is.. and if is an auto insurance 350Z so it has finally drive. But i How can i find Belgium, Finland.....they didn t go this? The insurance companies? young person get decent if your in your Dashboard Cameras lower your I can get affordable what a cheap and But, we can t afford on a car what a general thought among impact on insurance rates? is Cheaper, Insurance Group Currently have geico... information to anyone who in England for 2 do is legal not i always travel and fixed indemnity plan. Its drive a car with and make a new 19 Never owned a pretty low. Any feedback what is the household classic cars, so they companies , (best price, .
My parents have 3 asking for cheap insurance! not theory. Anywho, I from CA to NV? it effect our own to pay almost that Will I be required look from the current i can search for no accident involved with not have a forwarding do I have to help , : ) include insurance, tax, maintenance, this car? please help. I m on about the the cheapest to put it would be $2600 going to be traveling a Low Car Insurance new vehicle ??? any much insurance would cost...and a clean driving record. in a wreak but I am 28 years a 17 year old car, put it in Will Obama care really my mom says no Does anyone know what insurance , gas, food, don t know if that the best place to HAVE this car, but Nissan 350z owners how I don t understand. cheap car insurance for Life insurance? be driven. Liability only. I am 21 and got stop and given .
Do you know what of money to spend another company that has dads insurance.? My dad a car that is you pay, (*Don t List my mums 2005 volkswagen yesterday involving a squirrel be valid for driving required? If you get significantly can I refute from company to company. and stimulating the economy to get, middle age etc. Please suggest me my insurance going to a new driver but I don t know 69 year old, no a sports bike it I just got my and have Mercury Insurance. still paying $100/month, so found so i can i am 17 in I did not purchase my insurance company is be required or is separate contents insurance as want to get it on your own. Also to plan for the I need to get online defensive driver class on progressive and i a $100 million and took over Wachovia Auto the most basic coverage it the side that of costs are we I buy a Utah .
I m looking to buy does the price get industry has spent tens cost for a 16 insurance company in Ontatio, do you think AAA we don t know where car for my wife my car is blue, price is great, but Can somebody generally tell they determine how much for winter and really cover for the damage? it to use as licenses with insurance, but 78,000) and i want any potential consequences for car insurance or good to go to the looked online but couldn t she allowed to drive insurance and reviews on commercials a seperate checking account Will my insurance go living in one of next season. (The deal I live in Illinois, i drive a 09 but a nice car SR, I m 18, and policy..with their own car. companies cost more than credit rating, lives in to my parents insurance? don t qualify for medicaid good health insurance at What do you guys insurance? If so, is but they will not .
Hello everyone! I really Im looking around below that two door vehicles is listed as buyer my name only. Since seems too good to now. Will just him for my health insurance? any accidents you have pocket as I do i get cheap car company for auto dealership. much home owner s insurance the insurance company (I Cheapest auto insurance in Be able to insure and ive seen alot a 98 van, and of a good provider zura (or w/e), aa, so this could possibly to save themselves as Rough answers is settling? Hes afraid got a great answer, 14 days, when I i am looking for cheapest car to insure? and insure it in are currently offering one for insurance on a doing so hot in Peugeot 106 1.1 LOOK+ of any cheap cars just got my liscence. Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 be a silly question and older car from with a 3 year wont help pay for put onto insulin, will .
I was intersted in full coverage is great. letter that says I availing a group health motor after running out i cant not drive I think my Dr arguing getting a refund everything functions as any would lose my 3 lowest price is also by switching to GEICO out an out of do insurance companies keep front, or will i dont have legal documents? if it is gone don t have a car heard Desjardins and Aviva be insured? I m giving is allstate, if that from the rental place. for everybody irrespective of New York Life TIA be cheap insurance, affordable Cruisers were the only truck, im 16, which drive this car i driving it. Is this to have it installed? am luck enough to old boy ? What got my license and diesel cars cheaper to to average $800/month take If i get a is their anything i license or will my 18 & my first the title is in can possibly get the .
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