#just me furthering my gregory bridgerton is a handsome sweetheart agenda
newtonsheffield · 3 years
I think HotDad!Greg and everything that comes with it (especially a smug Lucy in front of the other moms) is probably my favourite thing in this universe (and I absolutely adore this entire universe!) but like, Greg not realizing how everyone's swooning over him, the annoyed brothers, a way too overenthusiastic Greg, etc.. it's all so *chef's kiss* 💖
Ahhh HotDad!Gregory Bridgerton I’m in love with the very notion of him. And I just feel like Lucy would be so unbothered, the complete opposite of jealous because she knows that 1) Gregory doesn’t even notice these other women 2) Gregory loves her and their family, to distraction.
Let’s see a little more Hot Dad Gregory and his adoring wife, hey? 
@aspoonfuloffiction your boy’s back
Lucy Abernathy-Bridgerton was ludicrously proud to be the woman Gregory Bridgerton chose to be his wife. Even when they’d first gotten together and he’d nudged her towards his mother in the Bridgerton and Sons office one day a brilliant smile on his face as he said Mum, you remember Lucy don’t you? Mum, Lucy’s my girlfriend. His chest puffing out proudly, his face radiating joy, her heart had fluttered. It had made her want to stand taller herself. The only problem was, Gregory didn’t see it. Didn’t see how handsome and sweet, and kind he was didn’t see that these were the things that made her love him, right to the very heart of her. When he smiled at her across the room, when he dropped her mug back on her desk before she’d even thought to refill it, when he left flowers on her desk after lunch because he’d seen them and thought the looked pretty She loved him. And still he couldn’t see how amazing he was. 
Gregory had always been a little oblivious to the attention of women. Even when they’d first started dating Lucy had laughed brightly when she’d seen the waitress’ phone number written across the top of the cheque, Gregory frowning bemusedly down at it. That’s funny, she must have thought she knew me and Lucy’s heart had stuttered for him. Honey, I think she probably just noticed that you’re a very handsome man who’s also very sweet and kind. Lucy had laughed thinking about the brilliant smile he’d given the waitress every time she’d come over. Gregory’s frown deepened. I don’t... think that’s it. I’m not... you know, like you I guess. He’d said smiling at her shrugging. What do you mean? Confusion had risen in her chest and she’d felt herself frown again. Lucy, you know how stunning you are right? He said so earnestly it made her chest ache a little And I’m just me I guess. Lucy had sighed, as she adjusted his glasses ever so slightly for him. Greg, you’re kind of really handsome, and you don’t even know it which is the best part. You can’t just be throwing out those charming smiles, girls are going to drop. She kissed his cheek as he looked a little dubious I should know, you did it to me. Let’s get out of here and I’ll show you just how handsome I think you are. And she’d tugged him from the restaurant leaving Stacey’s number behind them.
And then, they’d had Katie. And Gregory was so excited to be a Dad that it was all Lucy could do not to push him up against the nearest surface at all times. He was researching, schools, and prams, and cots, and breast pumps for christ’s sake all before she was even born. And when she was he was so beautiful with her that Lucy fell in love with hi three times over. Gregory Bridgerton was born to be a father, he was patient, and gentle, and soft and so ridiculously in love with their child that Lucy couldn’t take her eyes off him. And neither could other women it seemed. Everywhere they went women seemed to flock to him, with Katie strapped to his chest in her carrier, her little knitted yoda hat on, legs dangling happily. And Yes, Lucy was aware that her daughter was beautiful, with her dark hair and piercing eyes, but she was also aware that these women were mostly looking at the way Gregory held his daughter’s hand gently, even though she was strapped against him, the way he sung softly to her no matter where they were. It was so beautiful. And again, Gregory had no idea. People are so friendly when you have a baby!  Gregory said happily as they strolled through Marks and Spencer one day and Lucy snorted Honey, I don’t think the barista just now was so friendly because you had a baby. I think it was probably how you look with the baby. Gregory’s eyebrows had raised his head tilted like an adorably confused puppy Greg, honey, you’re very handsome and in love with your child and being a Dad, it’s very... distracting Gregory’s face had broken out into a broad cheeky grin La la la Lucy are you hitting on me here? in M&S?! In front of our child? Have you no shame woman? And she’d rolled her eyes because of course Gregory had no idea.
It became even more apparent when their children started school, The mother’s seemed to flock to Gregory who baked cakes for the class, and volunteered for class excursions and helped with the reading groups, and did their daughter’s hair standing in the school yard. He loved his children, and women loved that. Not to mention, he way the youngest dad by far, barely 30 when Katie started, school, looking so wholesome in his sweaters and sneakers. They couldn’t help themselves. And honestly, Lucy couldn’t help but feel a little smug when she stepped out of their range rover and the expectant smiles slid off their faces. When she showed up to do reading groups and the teacher sighed Oh. Hi Mrs Bridgerton. Lucy couldn’t help but laugh honestly. Doesn’t it bother you at all? Sophie had said once as they sat around drinking at Kate’s house I mean, I know Kate finds it a little hilarious when women hit on Anthony but- Kate had cut her off If someone wants to take Anthony off my hands at thins point I’d thank her. She’d laughed before continuing seriously. But honestly I know that Anthony’s version of flirting is being an absolute maniac for 12 months until he yells that he’s in love with you out of frustration. I’m not worried. Lucy had laughed as well and said Oh, Greg’s such a sweetheart, he has absolutely no idea how cute he is. As far as he’s concerned I’m the only woman who’s ever found him attractive. How do you think I ended up here in the first place?! 
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