#hot dad gregory
doctorsiren · 3 months
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Part 8
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cpyclopse · 1 year
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I'm gonna join a dnd campaign over the summer! Here's my guy!!!
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miles-wrightworth · 4 months
AA culprit AU (TW for mentions of blood and violent murder)
okay so buckle up
Phoenix: when Dahlia tried to poison him, he became interested in chemicals and toxins. he switched his major to chemistry and he now sells concoctions and poisons to anyone who is willing to pay.
he is a little bit insane. he has built up an immunity to poisons after accidentally drinking them and narrowly surviving every time (and cuz he works with toxins so much). at this point, he just tastes his poisons like soup like 'hmmm needs more acetone'
his hands shake and hes gone just a little crazy from the damage the poisons have done to him
he pretty much always has some sort of chemical stain or burn somewhere on him or his clothing.
Miles: Miles is what began this idea because i think he would be ten times hotter if he was a muderer. anyways-
dl6 still happens and everything is the same up to when Miles is about 15 years old and he finds out about mvk killing Gregory. he is pissed asf and apalled at the injustice of the whole situation and how corrupted mvks methods are. he feels the urge to kill him grow stronger every day.
he eventually does snap and plunge his pocket knife into mvk multiple times and gets away with it. Franziska is pissed because he murdered her dad but eventually comes to terms with the fact that Miles' crime has made the world an overall better place.
with no legal guardian, Miles and Fran are put in an orphanage and vibe there until Miles is 18. Fran learns how to make knives and Miles learns how to use them. Fran lives with Miles until she is 18 and moves out.
Miles is like 'hey. im good with knives, i despise injustice, and i have begun to like the sight of blood. i should put that to good use' and he becomes somewhat of a serial killer/vigilante
he picks targets carefully. corrupt people in the legal system, corrupt politicians, any shitty person he can find. he murders them brutally and due to the dl6 incident, he cant hold a gun without trembling, so his go-to method of killing is knives. he loves knives and he has a huge collection of fancy blades and throwing knives. he always leaves his victims crucified on the nearest wall with knives through their wrists pinning them there and bathes the room in their blood. thats how the cops know he did it.
the news dubs him the 'Crimson King' and Phoenix sees that in a newspaper and wants to see this guy for himself because he definitely recognizes that blurred pic the police took in the paper.
basically hes noble but extremely brutal and god thats kinda hot
Fran: Franziska is a bladesmith/black market arms dealer. Miles frequently visits her shop and he gets discounts on her wares. havent thought about her story a lot.
Maya: Maya is a nurse at a nearby urgent care clinic. Phoenix frequently comes in begging her to help him but not tell anyone because he accidentally drank a lethal poison but nobody can know because its illegal to possess. also havent thought too much about her story.
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dariaslookalike · 4 months
Building Houses and Burning Bridges Pt 3: Is he hot, or are you just lonely?
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It seems, oddly enough, that Gregory House lives to annoy you. He takes 'arseholish boss' to the next level. Wake up in the morning, ready to have breakfast, and drive to the hospital where you both work? Nope, you're getting a text that says you're late to his impromptu 4:30 AM meeting where he's had the 'breakthrough of the century' on the team's latest case. Get your hair cut and walk into work, for once feeling confident? Nope, he's saying that he would have done a better job blinded, hands tied and going through Vicodin withdrawals. Finally, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, prove him wrong and attempt to wipe the cockiness off his face? Nope, you're simply slow because you didn't get to your diagnosis quicker and weak-willed because you didn't fight him for it in the beginning. Everything House does infuriates you, and it seems everything you do infuriates him. No wonder you end up pinned to the wall of your apartment and groping him like your life depends on. And knowing House, it very may well.
Warnings: Adult language, mature themes, eventual smut, female protagonist, no reference of y/n
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Current Status: Ongoing
Masterlist: Building Houses and Burning Bridges
Next Chapter: Pt 4
The night is cool, practically verging on freezing, but the bar is teeming with people and chatter. You weave in and out of bodies and follow the three doctors ahead of you. The bar’s within walking distance of your work, so no one has changed. Albeit, their white coats are abandoned. They lead you to a table, set deep into the corner of the bar, and together you squeeze into the tight space. Your thigh is flush with Chase’s and if you stretched out an inch further, you would be playing footsy with Foreman.
Cameron breathes out a sigh of relief and relaxes in the faux leather booth. You try not to cringe when you place your palms down and feel the table is sticky or that the light fixture above you flickers every few minutes. Chase seems like a proud patron of the bar, nonetheless; he folds his hands behind his head and closes his eyes in contentment.
Cameron’s nose is tinged red from being out in the cold air, but she follows suit as you all take off coats and scarves, prepared to bask in the warmth of the crowded bar. Beside her, Foreman smiles and faces you. “So… give us your rundown, Newbie.” He wiggles his eyebrows in a way that obviously mimics House.
You laugh. “I don’t really have much to say.”
Chase chortles to your left. “You managed to get the patient’s complete history when Foreman and I could only get three words outta her. What, no family, or pets or boyfriends?”
“Girlfriends?” Cameron says, and Chase practically sputters, whipping his head to you.
You raise your hand in defence. “At the moment, no one. It’d be pretty hard to do so; I just moved to the city about a week ago. As for family, I’m not really in contact with them.”
“Ohh,” says Chase scandalously beside you. “They didn’t approve of their brainiac daughter becoming a brainiac doctor?” Foreman kicks at his shin and he painfully exclaims “Ow, man! What was that for?” Foreman scoffs. “Don’t ask people stupid questions, man. Do you want her to ask about your dad?” Chase tuts and Foreman replies. “That’s what I thought.”
You scrunch your nose. “Brainiac?”
Chase nods in confirmation. “Yeah! When House told us we had a new doctor, he said they were a real nerd! I mean, he also said he thought they’d get confused between the textbook and the real, living patient, but you seem like you’re doing great so far.”
When your eyes widen, Foreman is quick to jump to your defence. “That’s a good thing, coming from House. He told us he’d rather have a team full of nerds than full of Chases.”
Chase’s jaw drops and he starts interrogating Foreman, who smugly repeats himself. Cameron rolls her eyes at their squabbling. “So, you moved here recently? Whereabouts are you staying?”
You tell her your neighbourhood, and she gasps. “House lives about 15 minutes from there.”
The table erupts in sound as Chase exclaims “How do you know that?!” and Foreman shouts “Oh my god, you’ve been to his house?! House’s house?!”
Cameron flushes darkly and buries her face in her hands. “It’s not like that! Remember when we went on that date?”
Chase gags and wretches like a cat. “Ohmygodpleasedon’ttellusyoufuckedHou-”
“Chase! I did not sleep with him, my god!”
Foreman’s eyes are blown wide like an owl and he faces you as if to say ‘what the fuck is going on?’. You just laugh, “Cameron, you dated House?”
“It was one date. One. And, he’s made it clear there won’t be any more. I think I dodged a bullet.” She still has the faint flush you saw on her cheeks earlier, but you realise you diagnosed her too quickly.
Cameron wasn’t in love with House. She was moving on from him. Slowly, painfully, but one shaky step at a time.
She waves her hands in front of her as if to physically brush away the conversation. “If we’re going to talk about House, I need to be drunk. Let’s order.”
Foreman nods and breathes deeply. “I think I need to be five steps past drunk to hear about you and House.” Chase fake wretches again.
The food you order is the cheapest option, but above all, it’s hot, greasy, and melts in your mouth. It’s heaven after the day you’ve had, running around for House like a lapdog. You sip from your soda, and eye Foreman when he guzzles down his beer.
“What?” He says, putting it near-empty on the table.
“Rough day?”
He huffs and sips again at his drink. “House is just. The biggest pain in my arse. ‘Do this. Do that. No, you did this and that wrong, you should’ve done it like those.’,” he side-eyes Cameron. “I don’t know what you saw in him.”
Chase sips from his own beer and reaches over to grab at one of Cameron’s cheesy fries. She swats at his hand but he puts it in his mouth triumphantly, and he replies for her, still chewing obnoxiously. “Obviously, it was his kind heart and tender words. And massive dick.”
“W-what?” You say, near scandalised.
You pin Chase as a lightweight very quickly (and that was coming from someone who didn’t drink). His nose is rosy, and he laughs loudly before repeating himself. “I mean it! I see the way Cuddy looks at him. For such an arsehole, he’s got to have something going for him, right?” You see his leg shift and he nudges Cameron across the table. “Amiright?”
Cameron scoffs and swipes at his food now, pulling away a chicken tender. “What is it with boys, and their obsessions with dicks?”
Foreman laughs alongside you, and the age-old question is again left unanswered.
The conversation gradually shifts around the table. Foreman tells you of the time Chase had piss thrown on him by a patient. Chase tells you of the time Cameron nearly vomited at the sight of maggots in a wound. Cameron laughs and tells you of the time Foreman did vomit after watching House lick a patient’s swab. Eventually, it returns back to you, when the three doctors are more tipsy and filled with liquid courage.
“So,” says light-weight Chase, who seems to be battling to keep his head steady. “Why do you not have a boyfriend?”
You chuckle. “You’re all doctors. When was the last time you got to go out, meet someone and have time to put in effort with them?”
Chase wiggles his eyebrows back at Cameron and she swats at his arm again. Now, she turns to you and speaks. “Well, you’ve seen the hospital now. Anyone catch your eye?”
Foreman bursts out a laugh. “Just because you want someone to share in your House-being-loveable delusion doesn’t mean it’ll happen.”
You shake your head. “I’ve been around more blood and guts today than people.”
You decide to omit the part where you dropped off patient results to House and a hastily scribbled recipe.
It was nothing. Honestly nothing. You didn’t even know the man. You had a total of three conversations with him.
Despite that, your body had committed a crime when you handed both papers over. A near felony. Your hands had brushed against each other, for the briefest second. And you blushed. Like a goddamn school girl. It was bound to happen. You were almost…pathetic in a sense. No, no that was too harsh, but you still thought there was some truth to it. Studying and working were more your thing than dating or flirting. It had left you, expectedly, alone. Relationships were a far-off fantasy that you let yourself indulge in occasionally. Sex was not so much a fantasy as it was a frantic, feverish desire that ebbed and flow; some days, you could deal with the fact that you had no one to return home to, or to tell about your day or to simply touch and hold. Other days? You were a self-loathing, horny wreck that wanted nothing more than to find someone who would fuck you and stay in the morning for breakfast.
It was bound to happen that one day your body reacted before your brain could. No action in a few years would do that to most people. Make you giddy and blushing over the smallest things.
There was nothing to worry about though. Your blush, your tingling hand, your giddy feelings that had only sprung to life in the flash of a second. They all died when House recoiled and said “Ew. Girl Cooties.”
You shake your head and draw yourself back to the table. Chase is practically making out with his food, and Cameron is watching him with intense disgust while Foreman laughs.
It’s later in the night when you all decide it's time to head home. You barely open your mouth when Cameron shakes her head at you. “We take turns shouting. Tonight’s my go, so it’s on me. No fuss.”
You blink but nod when you see she’s unrelenting. “Okay then. Put me into the roster and I’ll shout when it’s my turn.” Something you would have to set aside money for, but you would get paid in a fortnight- if you made it that far at your new job. The money was far better than what you had previously received, and even though it would pain you to some extent, you’d be able to do your part in the team’s weekly outings.
You walk out of the bar together and stand alongside the sidewalk. Cameron slings an arm under Chase, who nearly topples her with his weight and height. She sighs, but she speaks with a smile on her face. “I’m gonna get him home. He can’t be driving like this.”
Foreman chuckles and nods along. “What was it, Chase? Three beers?”
Chase’s eyes widen and he jabs a finger at Foreman’s chest. The movement nearly throws Cameron off balance, but she steadies him as he slurs, “New record!”
Chase swivels his head to you now, and he drawls out your last name. “You! Pretty lady! Why don’t you take me home? She,” He swings his head back to Cameron, “Slept with House! Yuck!”
Chase detaches himself from Cameron with flailing limbs and races towards you. The rapid movement seems to upset him however because, by the time he reaches you, he bends at the waist and vomits.
You step back, but the damage is done and you stare down at your shoes with disgust.
“Dude!” Shouts Foreman, and Chase wipes at his mouth, before looking back at you. “Preetty ladyyyy. Don’t fuck House.”
You nod along with his drunk ramblings and grab him under his armpits to pull him up. Cameron takes him from you and you can see her contemplating letting Chase drop onto the concrete. But her jaw just twinges. “I am so sorry about him. I hope he didn’t ruin your shoes.”
You shrug and try not to breathe through your nose when the acidic smell of vomit drifts up. “It’s fine. A patient would have done it eventually.”
Cameron smiles, but you can see she still feels guilty. Chase is practically asleep on her shoulder “It was great getting to talk with you. We’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.”
Foreman groans and runs his hands down his face. “Don’t remind me.”
With that, Cameron and Chase hobble off into the night. Foreman turns to you, and breathes a warm puff of air. “I’m getting picked up by a friend.” By the pause in his voice, you’d guess the friend was a bit more than just his buddy. “Are you alright to get home?”
Almost as soon as he’s finished speaking, a car glides up to the sidewalk, and Foreman turns to it. You spy glinting acrylic nails on the steering wheel. He’s torn, however, and turns back to you. You wave him off. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
His eyebrows are drawn together. “Are you sure? It’s a new city and dark and cold and-”
“Foreman. I appreciate the concern, but I didn’t even drink. The worst I’ll have to deal with tonight is cleaning my shoes. I’ll be fine.”
He nods at that, eyes dipping down to your feet before he throws one fleeting glance at you. But then he’s in the car with his ‘friend’ and driving away. You tuck your hands into your coat pocket and begin walking. While the bar was crowded, the streets you navigate are quiet. It’s only the moon and the stars staring down at you now. Their gaze is heavy and you quicken your pace.
The air quickly takes away any warmth you found when you were eating. It nips at your ears, and your nose, and you vow to be more prepared next time you go out this late. Maybe some gloves. A balaclava. A scarf. Anything to add to your coat’s limited warmth.
You make your way back to the bus station near the hospital and blow heated air onto your red fingers, and down your own neck. The metal seat stings when you tuck yourself atop it, and you hiss quietly when the cold sinks into the back of your thighs. You wait for a few minutes, before you decide to do the clever thing, and check your watch. You curse, and it’s loud and angry, and for good measure, you curse again. No one is around to see you, so you allow yourself to scream into your palms. There were no buses now; the route to lead you anyway near your apartment had stopped nearly 45 minutes ago.
You could call a taxi. But that would need a phone, and a wallet, which you realise with a startle, you have neither. You still had to set up a phone with one of the local providers, and your wallet, while thinner than most, was in your bag- your bag that was sitting in the conference room.
“Fuck,” you say and begin walking again.
It begins raining when you’re halfway there, and you decide to run. In spite of your efforts, sheets of rain slide down your spine and freeze your body. Your teeth are chattering, you’re dripping and your hair is plastered to your scalp when you finally reach the foyer of the hospital. Despite the lack of people out on the streets, the hospital is still thriving. It’s different at night, you think, as you step around nurses and cleaners and patients. The lights are dimmer. The halls are quieter. It’s as if the hospital, while still alive, is holding its breath.
You duck into one of the washrooms and cringe as you step out of your shoes. Your socks are soaked and squelch against the floor, but at least it's some barrier of protection. You don’t let your brain catch up with you while you scrub at your shoes. The smell, however, catches up with you and you gag. No matter how much you scrub, the smell resists. Eventually, you’re defeated and relent, drying your shoes with paper towels before slipping them back on.
You get turned around from there and have to retrace your steps twice. Each white corridor seems to mirror each others, but you recognise one floral plant and use it as your guide. Soon enough you find yourself outside the conference room, and you push at the door.
It’s locked.
“Fuck. Fuck.” You say again, running your hands down your face. If you braced outside now, walking all the way, you’d freeze or drown before you even saw your suburb. Fuck, indeed.
A voice startles you. “That’s not very nice language. Didn’t Daddy teach you better?”
You whip around, and your gasp catches in your throat. House is leaning against his cane. He stands next to the very chairs you met him by and raises both eyebrows in shock. "Oh my! I forgot my belly dancing skirt! Again!” He face palms, and you have to breathe through your nose to not snap at him.
“Can you unlock this door? Please?”
He clicks his tongue. “No can do. That’s the janitors job.”
You swallow dryly and try to keep the rising annoyance from your voice. “Please. I forgot my wallet, and it’s in there.”
“Saying please with a pout won't make me say yes any faster. That was stupid.”
Your jaw drops open. “It wasn’t intentional. Haven’t you ever forgotten something?”
His lips purse and he looks off in the distance as if he’s contemplating it. But then his eyes draw back to you. “Nope. If you��re forgetful enough to forget your wallet, how can I know you’ll be attentive enough to give a patient 2ml of medication instead of 20?”
Your eyebrows nearly reach your hairline. He was questioning the integrity of your work, because you forgot your wallet? “Because one of those is something I tucked into a dark corner that no one ever touches, and the other could literally kill someone.”
“Mmmhmm,” House’s eyes scan you. “But you’re also showing back up to work drunk, which says more about your character than any forgetfulness could.”
“You’re. Drunk. Had a little bit too much fun on the duckling’s night out?”
You huff. “I’m not drunk. I don’t, jesus I don’t even drink.”
His lips flatten. “You’re red in the face. You smell like alcohol. You’re stumbling over your words. Therefore, drunk.”
At that, you laugh. And laugh some more. “I’m nearly hypothermic from the torrential rain. Chase threw up his beers on my shoes. I stumble over my words when people accuse me of things I don’t do. For such a great detective, I would think that would be pretty obvious.”
He shuffles forward and leans in. You’re finding it a very annoying and invading habit of his. He stares at you intently, inches away from your face. You feel his breath fan over your cheek, and you shiver (certain it is only the air and cold water reacting on your face. Nothing else). He draws back, leaning onto his cane again. “Fine. Your pupils aren’t blown. You’re off the hook, newbie.”
There’s no use in fighting him and you just speak curtly, “Can you just unlock the door before hassling me more, House?”
His voice turns somewhat serious. “Honestly. The janitor’s job. They lock up everything and then go home for the night. Did they not teach you how to pick locks in all those courses you did?”
You’re reminded of his ‘nerd’ comment that Chase passed onto you earlier, and feel yourself shrink a little bit. Your head fall back against the glass and you slide down the glass until you’re a puddle on the floor. House peers down at you. “That’s not really sanitary. Cuddy was walking through here earlier, and you never know what kind of diseases she’ll track through.”
When you don’t respond, he sighs gruffly, as if he would prefer to be anywhere else. “Why do you need your wallet?”
You blink away tears that suddenly spring up. Foreman was right.
It’s dark.
It’s cold.
It’s a brand-new city.
And you’re entirely alone.
“There’s no night bus routes and I’ll have to catch a taxi. I need my wallet to pay.”
“I’d give you cash, but I just spent it all on drugs.”
“Wow.” You say bluntly. ”I hope you have a great bender.”
House rolls his eyes. “Get up. Really. It’s gross down there.” When you make no movements, he pokes at your leg with his cane. You have the idea to kick it out from under him. Instead, you raise yourself and glare at him. He glares back at you and pokes his tongue out, turning away. He speaks over his shoulder, “Come on. My car’s down in the parking lot.”
There’s a second where he continues walking, not even glancing back at you, and you wonder if you should follow him. You could stay here. Find a comfortable couch or chair. Try to fall asleep to the droning beeps of machinery and hacking coughs of patients.
Instead, you cross your fingers, hoping that curiosity doesn’t kill this cat, and follow him.
He does in fact lead you to the car park and to a blue-grey Dodge Dynasty. It would suit any other doctor; practical, comfortable, and overtly pedestrian. But, for House, you think it an odd choice. There weren’t even furry dice hanging from the mirror.
He unlocks the car with a flick of his keys and turns to you. “Well come on. You’re being slower than the cripple.”
You stare at him confused and he limps towards the driver's side. Across the roof of the car, you raise yourself onto your tippy toes and manage to maintain eye contact with him. “What’s going on, House?”
“I’m kidnapping you, duh. Don’t look now, but I already have a bag and some cuffs in the trunk.” You don’t laugh or even chuckle, and he sighs. “I’m taking you home. Get in.”
Do you trust him? You didn’t know him. Today you had seen him trick a patient and give the medicine she didn’t want, just to confirm his diagnosis. Cold. Dark. New city. What options did you really have?
You open the door and slide in. You tug your soaked coat off, and fold it over your lap, shivering when his AC blasts cold air towards you. House turns towards you, seemingly ready to mock your poor thermoregulation, but instead, he whistles low. “Wow, Newbie. That’s what you wear under those button-ups?”
You follow his gaze directly to your chest and blush madly when you see your laced, black bra visible through your top. His AC pushes a new breeze past, and your nipples pebble and raise even more. You try to save face and scoff at him. “What happened to girl cooties?”
He licks his lips, and faces forward again, muttering a ‘cooties-schmooties’. He peels out of the parking lot rapidly and you can’t make eye contact with him as you mutter your address to him. He makes no move to turn the AC off.
It’s ten minutes into the drive when he looks over at you and sneers slightly. “Stop that.”
You freeze. “Stop what?”
“Bouncing your knee. It’s distracting.”
You look down, not even realising your knee was moving. “Sorry.”
“You don’t have anything to be nervous about. I’m not actually kidnapping you; I think it would make work lunches complicated if you were my sex slave at home.” You huff. “Do you really have to be so inappropriate?”
He flicks his head towards you momentarily. “Do you really have to think that everything to do with sex is inappropriate? Newsflash, your boss gets horny like everyone else.” His eyes dart back to your chest and linger. “I may seem like it, but I’m not a saint.”
Your cheeks were on fire, and you turned to face the window, adamant to not let him see. “Talking about sex is not the same thing as bringing up me being a sex slave for you. And newsflash, most bosses don’t tell their employees when they’ve got a hard on.”
He laughed. “Double newsflash, sweetheart. I don’t have a hard on.”
You turn back to him and your eyes dip to him, “You sure about that?”
You whip back to the window, afraid to see his reaction. But, a streetlight passes by, and the interior is reflected perfectly in the dark reflection. You see House’s head peer down at his tightening pants. He swallows dryly and turns his face back to the road, with a simple “Ah.”
It’s at that moment when Chase’s face springs into your mind. It's vomit-covered, but he slurs the words 'Massive Dick' towards you
You squeeze your legs tightly and try to quiet your breathing, ignoring the sudden coil tightening itself in your stomach. You could reach over. Ask him to stop somewhere. Finally address that decaying hole in your heart that you’ve been avoiding- not fix it with the love and warmth you need, no, but patch it up with lust and sweat and desire. Have him touch you and stroke you and fuck you until you forget everything. But then you remember this is your boss you're thinking of; above all it's House. He had proved himself to be arrogant and rude in the few days you had known him, and you didn't want to put yourself through the same pain Cameron did. You weren't strong enough for that. You simply tuck your hands under your thighs and pray you’re not stupid enough to reach for him.
There’s awkward silence and minutes of absolute stillness. When you’re confident that the tingling in your stomach was just car sickness, your hand finds it’s way to the radio. You flick through all the stations and settle on Country. You see House’s eyes dart to you when you relax back into your seat. “Really? I didn’t take you for a farm girl.”
The streets whip by and rain begins to pour against the rooftop of the car. “I’m not. It’s just the only channel that won’t play ads every five seconds.”
“Ah,” he says, and you’re trying not to think about him groaning it in your ear. “So bad music is better than none?”
You nod. “Yes. It’s either that or I can talk your ears off.”
His only response is reaching for the radio and raising the volume, and you cross your arms, pushing yourself into your chair. He doesn’t say anything when you mumble some words to the songs, and you don’t say anything when you hear him humming along to one of the songs.
You rub at your arms where goosebumps have raised and force your body to not shiver. He seems to know where he’s going, and you’re grateful for that. You’re not confident you would be able to direct him if necessary. Street lamps whizz past and the car is repeatedly illuminated and then immediately left in darkness. Your eyes are drawn to his hands. The tendons flex as he tugs at the wheel.
You look back to your window and focus on breathing steadily.
House pulls up to your apartment soon after, and there's only a slight sprinkling raining down. You unbuckle quickly like the seatbelt is molten metal, and step out. On the pavement, you turn back, more confident with the distance between you, him, and your lustful thoughts, you prepare to bend down and thank him through the window.
His car is already halfway down the street and you stand there, long after his headlights have faded into the night.
You don’t see it, but House reaches into the pocket of his jeans, where his thick, full wallet was digging into his hip bone, and sets it on the, now empty, seat beside him.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
The anon you got about Psycho and TKAM made me laugh a little, because while I would hardly discourage somebody from watching one of the greatest films ever made, I was oblivious to Gregory Peck's beauty for years because of TKAM. I grew up watching it, specifically with my dad—so the first time I saw Gregory Peck in something else, from when he was younger and wasn't playing a Dad™, his prettiness hit me like a ton of bricks. "B-but my dad Atticus can't be pretty!" (I know a lot of people are into the DILF thing, so Anon, if that's you...more power to you ig, lol.) But he IS pretty. So pretty. But if Anon is comparing the two directly, Greg was ~45 in TKAM while Anthony Perkins was just 31 in Psycho!
So may I be a broken record and recommend Roman Holiday or Gentleman's Agreement or Spellbound as a better showpiece for his youthful charm/hotness?
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Gregory Peck vs Anthony Perkins
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
I’m not really sure how to word this? Here’s a prompt for you I guess? Gregory would 100% take a photo in front of his missing poster smiling with a peace sign. Also I think he’s just the type of gremlin to take one of them for himself much to everyone’s exasperation.
Tumblr generated prompt number 4, here we go! Gregory and Cassie are both in their late teens here, in their first year of college. This is pretty slice-of-life-y with no clear connection to any AU other than a generally happy one.
title is a play on the saying “not all who wander are lost”
Not All Who Have Missing Posters are Lost
Gregory pulled out his phone and opened the camera app. Leaning against the telephone pole, he threw up a peace sign and grinned. Satisfied with the picture, he sent it to the group chat. 
image_attachment.87265032 lol good times :) 
He stowed his phone in his pocket, mentally counting down until it started blowing up with messages. Then he carefully tore the missing poster bearing his face—albeit his much younger face—off the pole and tucked it into his laptop bag. 
He walked the rest of the way to the bus stop, letting his phone vibrate every few seconds, and only once he’d sat down did he pull it back out, snickering as he read through the small backlog. 
XD you’re still finding those?? 
oh my gosh pull it down pull it down we do NOT need a repeat of two years ago
who was even looking for you, lol
Roxy! Do not be rude! 
you look so young. so innocent.
yeah but we know better ah dang it, i can feel fazbear’s disapproval from across the plex 
You were such a cute kid! Look at those cheeks!
seriously, though, what part of town is that? if there’s one, there might be more
Oooh! Congrats on adding another to your collection :)
lol nice
Are you on your way home, superstar? 
wee woo, dad alert! you know the rules, no sappiness in the group chat, fazbear
What was sappy about that?
if nicknames count, Roxy, you’ll have to start calling me by my name now 
… fiiiine, i take it back 
XD yes, Ness, I tore it down, and it was on Reed St, but it looked like some other posters had been taken off recently, exposing this one, so i don’t think it’s a widespread issue yes, Dad, I’m on my way back. just got on the bus, should be there in 10 mins 
He stayed on his phone for the rest of the ride, confirming their plans for dinner later. Cassie had finished her final exams the day before, so she’d already been by the pizzaplex to say hi to everyone. 
The bus dropped him off just down the street from the pizzaplex, and though early December was chilly, he enjoyed the bite in the air. There’d be snow soon, he was sure, and he was looking forward to some lazy days with a mug of hot chocolate and a warm blanket. 
Gregory’s first semester of college had been awesome, but he was happy to be home, and even happier to find Freddy waiting inside the side entrance that Gregory favored. He stepped forward into his adoptive dad’s arms, marveling yet again that he was taller than Freddy’s shoulders these days. 
“Welcome home, Gregory,” Freddy said softly. 
“I missed you,” Gregory told him, holding on tight. He sighed contentedly, the remaining stress from exams draining away. 
“Your winter break lasts a month and a half, correct?” 
“Mhm. And I plan on staying here for all of it.” 
“Good. The others have been looking forward to your return.” 
Gregory pulled back and unzipped his coat. “Just the others?” he teased. 
Freddy cleared his throat, which was as good a sign as any of his sheepishness (he’d probably been beside himself with excitement), and followed after Gregory as they descended into the basement, where Gregory had commandeered several rooms for his own use years ago. Vanessa had offered him a room in her house, but he’d politely declined, though he’d slept over there many times over the years. He was just too attached to the pizzaplex and its inhabitants, and also his independence. 
After popping into his bedroom to drop off his bags and coat, he quickly went into his workroom. It held his desk and bookshelves and the different personal projects he’d tinkered with over the years, and it also held his wall of missing posters. 
Freddy chuckled from the doorway as Gregory used sticky-tack to affix it into an empty space. It was almost like wallpaper, over two dozen posters with slight variations plastered edge to edge. Some were black and white, some were in color, and there was a variety of childhood pictures used among them. His favorite was one that misspelled his name as Gegory. That one was carefully framed. His second favorite, also framed, was a homemade wanted poster that Cassie given him for his fourteenth birthday. 
Gregory stepped back and surveyed his wall with his hands on his hips. “Perfect,” he said, pleased. 
“If you are satisfied,” Freddy said, “then we should go meet the others. Bonnie and Chica are relentlessly spamming me with frowny faces because I am ‘hogging you.’” 
“Tell them it’s your dad rights,” Gregory said, even as he bounded from the room, eager to reunite with the rest of his family. “Is Vanessa around? Is she still the junior location manager, or did they promote her again?” 
“She has been fending off a promotion for two weeks now. They reached a stalemate yesterday when she threatened to quit.” 
“They always fall for that,” Gregory snickered. “As if this is the time she’s gonna pack her bags, psh.” 
“They have been getting faster about calling her bluff,” Freddy mused wryly. 
They got in an elevator, and as they went up, they listened to the awful elevator music that hadn’t changed since Gregory was ten years old and running around the pizzaplex for the first time. 
“I am glad you are back,” Freddy said after a few moments. “I know you need to go and experience the world, and I would never want to hold you back from that. But I hope you know you will always have a home here, with us.” 
Gregory shuffled sideways to be tucked into Freddy’s side. “Aw, Dad. No matter how far I go or how long I’m gone, I promise—I’ll always come back. No one’s gonna need missing posters for me again.”
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bisheepart · 6 months
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't punch your face in."
Susie: I'm so underdressed!
William: It would be way too rewarding.
Laura (Mrs Afton): Your fist is so pristine!
Charlie: The scheduled walloping time isn’t for another half hour.
Cassie: My dad specifically instructed me to have a good day.
Gregory: No one's yelled 'World Star!' yet.
Michael: Judge said I'd go to jail if someone punched me in the face one more time.
Simon (Freddy Mask): I took the oath never to get punched.
Andrew: I'm the last of my species.
Jeremy Fitzgerald: When you move in to punch me, I’m going to hold a bucket up in front of my face, and then your fist will just punch the inside of an empty bucket and you’ll look ridiculous.
Evan: Wounding me emotionally would pay much higher dividends.
Cassidy: I'll open my mouth and swallow your whole arm.
Elizabeth: My face is filled with boiling hot water that will shoot out everywhere if you hit me.
Henry: You'll be late to supper.
Vanessa: I'd rather just do it myself.
Marcus (Bonnie Mask): If you're punching me, who's flying the plane?!
Fritz: My teeth are not yet ready to be harvested.
85 notes · View notes
mysticmunson · 2 years
from the script, part 2; eddie munson
sooo my dumbass has to repost this bc i forgot to put any tags
prompt: the preachers daughter decides to help eddie munson study shakespeare to take a glance into the life of a normal teenager. but when they become best friends, things become a tad more complicated
part one
word count: 7.5k
warning: like 30 seconds of smut, angst, mentions of trauma, gross men (let me know if i missed anything)
an at the end :)
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The walk home from Eddie’s felt fast as you recounted the past few hours, engrossed in the idea of his affection. You wished you would’ve kissed him, but you felt completely obedient to his every move, he was making the rules whether he knew it or not. 
“Hi sweetheart!” Your mom called from the kitchen as you walked in your front door, toeing off your shoes and placing them on the rack. You set your backpack down, approaching the voices in the distance. 
Your mom was slicing some fruit as your dad sat at the table, fiddling with a newspaper. Smiling, you walked past them for the fridge, grabbing a water bottle, and stealing a raspberry from the bowl. 
“How was your day at school, kiddo?” Your father asked, tilting the news away from his face to meet your gaze. Keeping your answer short, you said it was good. You could tell by his face he had something to say, pushing his glasses up his nose.
“Good, good. What are you doing tomorrow?” He questioned, your mom smiling at you as you took a sip of water.
“I don’t think anything, just studying, and preparing for Sunday.” You responded, looking forward to your one day off from school and church. The only downside was not having an excuse to see Eddie, but you could live for the weekends.
Your father cleared his throat, “Well, Gregory Marsh had asked my approval to take you out tomorrow, and I agreed.”
You felt your voice plummet to the depths of your gut, trying to mask your true emotions that were bound to show on you shortly. 
“Great, I’ll get a head start on my homework then.” You ran upstairs to your room, hearing your mom make a comment about how you must be nervous for your first real date.
Shutting your door gently, you looked at the pale pink rug on your floor, curling your toes into the plush material. You took a deep breath, steadying your racing chest as you sunk to the floor. Comfort was found in the cool material, laying on your back in hopes you would sink into it. 
But you didn’t. You remained on the floor of your bedroom you’ve had since you were a baby, pale pink walls with cherubs on your dresser. The feeling of being alone weighed on your chest, locking down as tears pricked your eyes. All you could hope for is that the day would go by quickly.
“Wow, you look great.” Gregory commented as you walked away from your front door and towards his car, a 1979 Thunderbird. He opened the door as you thanked him, smoothing out your blue dress on his leather seats.
“I was thinking we could go get some coffee?” He proposed, eyebrows lifting while he buckled up. Agreeing, he began to drive away, putting on a local radio station that cycled through different genres of music. 
Gregory asked you about school, church, and other common courtesy questions that you reciprocated. He told a story of his coworker who accidentally came into the insurance office without pants on, laughing the whole way through.
While the story was amusing, you weren’t interested, finding your mind trailing to other topics. Even mundane issues like if you remembered to put your dirty clothes in the washer or if you turned off the oven after making muffins for your siblings. You only snapped back to reality when you parked and the radio shut off midway through Manic Monday.
The quaint coffee shop had a case full of pastries, small treats, and some pre packaged goodies under fluorescent lights. As Gregory ordered a black coffee with a donut, you asked for hot tea and a croissant, tempted by all the treats. Once you had them, you sat at a table by the window, placing a napkin in your lap. 
“So what do you think about senior year? Almost done, hm?” He spoke, taking a sip from his mug that seeped with steam. He placed it back on the circular table, decorated with shards of glass in cement, almost like a stained window on the walls of a place of worship. 
“It’s good, a lot of work, but I’m glad I’m getting A’s.” You replied, toying with the flakes that broke loose with every bite on your plate. The warm bread melted on your tongue that you almost moaned, it had been crafted by someone with talent or pulled from a freezer and reheated. You didn’t care which at this point as you took another bite.
“Well, can’t say I’m surprised, you’ve always been so smart.” He acknowledged, feeling your own cheeks warm with flattery. 
“Thanks. How are you enjoying being a real adult?” You asked, taking a small sip of your hot tea. It was a bit strong so you grabbed some honey and creamer, stirring it in with a small spoon.
“Better than high school.” He chuckled, “I enjoy what I do, just ready for the next step I suppose.”
The daunting next step loomed over your head as the words left his mouth, but the dark cloud had been there for a long time. He was established and now seeking a wife. He didn’t have to vocalize it, you knew, but you could only sulk for so long when you saw a whiff of familiar brown hair.
Why Eddie was at this exact coffee shop at this time was unknown, but you chose to focus on the guy in front of you who was recalling another mundane story. Trying with every fiber of your being to be intrigued, questioning why you couldn’t feel strongly towards him. He was what every parent would want for their daughter, but you wondered if all these girls really wanted them. 
After you were sure Eddie was no longer in your presence, you had doubts that the hair belonged to him, it was like he was never there at all. Swallowing the warm drink, you excused yourself to the restroom, hoping to splash some cool water on your face to make you snap back to reality.
As you passed the bathrooms in the hidden corner, an arm grabbed to pull you in, recognizing the feeling of the rings immediately. Turning your head around, you saw his boyish smile as you stood stunned, heart racing quickly from the sudden change in direction. Every possible sense picked up on him; The way your back was held to his chest, watching his hands fall to your hips, smelling like cigarettes and cologne so intoxicating your head could spin, but what lacked was taste.
“Sorry, saw you across the street on your date with your ‘husband’, I couldn't help but think about you yesterday.” He rumbled against the shell of your ear, “Thought about my face between your thighs, when you made all those pretty noises for me.” 
The lights flickered briefly as he spoke, his fingers trailing up your skirt to find your panties that were not yet soaked, but he felt as you relaxed into him. 
“Eddie,” You whispered, eyes closing, “Will you kiss me, please?”
A chuckle rang through your ear as two fingers danced across your bundle of nerves, a gasp climbing from your lungs. Lifting one leg with his spare hand to gain more access, he felt how wet you were becoming.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart, kind of impolite to kiss someone else on a date. Call me a prude, but I think he may want to do that without tasting me.” His breath was ragged as he felt you wiggle against him, head thrown back like no words he just said actually resonated. 
“Fuck, you’re so cute,” He began, nibbling on your ear lobe as his fingers worked you closer, “Look at you, spreading your legs for a man while on a date with someone else. A damn adulteress for a preacher's daughter.” 
While the words were meant to spur you further, you ceased all movement. The simple word that left his lips last brought back the feeling of sitting in church, cross legged in mary jane shoes. Listening to the 1,000th sermon from your father about nuclear family dynamics, a man and wife.
As a child, you were taught that cheating was on the same playing field as murder, no matter the circumstance. When the phrase left Eddies mouth, you felt like you had murdered someone cold blooded, despite not even being Gregory’s beau.
“Stop.” You weakly called, his arms immediately leaving your body. He looked at you with care, beginning to ask if you were alright as you looked at him with an aghast expression. The images of being in church, hearing of these vile women who went against what was taught flooded your senses that Eddie had occupied moments ago.
“I…” Voice falling short, you walked hastily to your table, grabbing your purse. Coming up with an excuse of feeling sick, Gregory offered to drive you home, but you insisted you needed fresh air. Your feet took off, coming to a run once out of eyesight of the cafe and into the forest. Within the maze of trees, you found a small pond with tadpoles swimming in earthmade wells. 
Crouching down to the ground, your finger lightly skimmed the cool liquid, watching the small creatures move to the edge. You pulled away your hand, trying to focus on anything, but the growing knot in your belly.
You looked around to see a fallen tree by the outskirts of the water, sitting on it and allowing yourself to cry freely. So much time was spent containing your emotions that you rarely cried, but they invaded your eyes, leaving a trail of black mascara.
You heard your name being called as Eddie came into view, disheveled hair and huffing chest. You turn towards him, backing up slightly before looking out across the water.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you or do something you didn’t want-” He anxiously rambled, walking closer and taking a seat beside you. Your throat contracted as you opened your mouth, deciding shaking your head would have to work for the moment. His hand went to hold yours that rested on your knee, his thumb stroking it in comfort.
He waited patiently as you recollected as much as possible, “Eddie, please kiss me.”
“I don’t think I should.” Giving a poker face, he visibly swallowed hard.
“Why not?” You whispered, all the fears of what his response could possibly be intruding into your brain. You started to wait for his response, but couldn’t stop yourself, “Eddie I don’t like Gregory the way I like you.”
The admission made his face go slightly pale, thumb seizing the calming rub on your knuckles while your chest tightened. You couldn’t get a read on his exact emotion, silently praying he would finally speak.
“I’m not what you need, you need someone like Greg.” He stated, his hand going to his own lap as he stood, beginning to pace.
His admission made your skin crawl. What was so different from what you had already done to each other to his lips against yours. You thought of how sex was such an enigma your whole life, only knowing things like condoms existed through health class. But a kiss was a display of affection or love to you. Wedding after wedding that your father hosted all sealed with a romantic kiss that you assumed made them weak to the knees.
Everything you and Eddie had endured together was unknown, it was thrilling to feel his hands touch your body, finding areas of pleasure you didn’t know existed. Purity resonated within you in these moments, you didn’t feel dirty or used, you felt respected. Where was the line drawn in intimacy that made it become the daunting, deflowering that was prompted for your wedding night.
Lips against lips was a declaration of devotion, one that you craved from the man before you. The demure emotions that you displayed held a case of unsteady ones, determined to plow through at any moment. You stood up sharply, dusting the dirt off your bottom as you let out a sarcastic laugh. He turned around with a confounded look, leaves rustling against his shoes.
“My whole entire life, I’ve been told what to do by everyone. Don’t be like them, Eddie, please.” You spoke, nerves igniting within you that you didn’t realize were there. 
“I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry,” He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck, “I just want the best for you, he can take care of you and all the shit that you want.”
He didn’t get it. 
While the town of Hawkins resented him for his clothes, attitude, and music, they only accepted one version of you. You had no choice, but to conform to what was expected of you, it was conditioned by judgment from others since birth. Feelings always felt so black and white to you until you met Eddie, he was an unknown color that didn’t have a name yet, but it was your favorite now. 
Ears burning with anger, you pressed your lips together to contain yourself. 
“Do you want me to drive you home?” He tentatively asked, throwing his thumb over his shoulder to the left. Shaking your head, you turned to walk in the opposing direction until you no longer felt his gaze. 
Wishing this was like a romantic movie where he would run up, suddenly understanding every ounce of trauma you ever endured, kissing you passionately while the skies opened up. But this didn’t happen. There were no footsteps behind you, just the noise of a bird singing above you.
When Eddie walked into English class on Monday to see your seat empty, he assumed with the rest of the class that you were in the bathroom or running errands for a teacher. It was only when the bell rang for the next period did he realize you had been gone the whole time. The last you had spoken to him was Saturday, having to see your tears and leaving you distraught.
All throughout Sunday, Eddie was trying to formulate his emotions into a sensible response to you. That even though his desires burned on the deepest of levels, that it could never be enough for what you deserved. He couldn’t hold you back from everything you were capable of, as badly as he wanted to be all you needed and more. 
Through his time of thought, he knew he needed to open himself up just as you had done amongst the tadpoles. To open his heart for the first time in a long time and let someone know how much he cared, despite how much he doubted himself.
When he asked a church friend where you were, she was astonished by his curiosity, saying you hadn’t been at the service the day before either. That you were staying at your friend Danielle’s due to her having a personal emergency on Saturday afternoon. With that explanation alone, his stomach sank with worry. 
On Saturday afternoon, you devised a plan on a whim, calling your friend Danielle to cover for you and say you were at her house if asked. She wasn’t as straight edge as your fellow friends, only agreeing if you called her every so often to confirm your safety. 
Running inside your home, you wrote a quick note explaining your friend had an unknown predicament and that you had to go immediately. You threw some clothes into a duffle bag with some other necessities, grabbing a walkman with some mixtapes and flying off on your bike. You sped down roads for hours, not knowing your end destination, just that you needed to get out.
You found yourself at a location outside your hometown, calling your parents on a payphone as they ridicule you for having to miss church tomorrow for the first time since 4th grade when you had the flu. You played the act of distress, having them eventually buy the bit before you could hang up.
Legs worn out, you knew it was time to find somewhere to stay, but your stomach growled. Grabbing as much ice cream as possible and some soda from a five and dime, you wandered to a motel, buying a night. As you sat alone in the dimly lit bedroom, you felt numb to the influx of emotions felt mere hours ago, a shallow shell. 
Taking a quick shower, you cleaned yourself with your hands, allowing a thought of Eddie’s own fondling you once more. Feeling yourself still pent up from the lack of release at the coffee shop, you felt too mentally drained to continue. Pulling on some pajamas, you finally ate the frozen treat that had begun melting and drinking a Coke.
The TV buzzed with static as you clicked the buttons, settling on Growing Pains, focusing your attention to the charming Kirk Cameron. You stifled a laugh or two, but spent the night within your own head. It began to rain outside, distracting you from the heartthrob on the tv, back to reality. 
Rain trickled down the window, making the streetlight and parking lot appear as an oil painting. Rain was similar to sadness where it made even mundane objects or things feel poetic or remarkable. Flailing on the stiff sheets, you let out a screech into the pillow beneath you, a laugh track taunting you from the device in the corner.
You weren’t sure when you exactly woke up, but it had to have been midday. It didn’t matter as the whole day was spent either crying, screaming into a section of the bed, or biking to a convenient store to buy cheap ramen and Skittles. You kept yourself busy by organizing the candy into color groups, starting with your least favorite flavor, grape, and finishing with the supreme, strawberry.
It was only when you turned the television on again when you recalled it was a Sunday, finally checking the time after your small excursions. It was already dinner time, yet the growing frustration of the situation filled you up.
You realized how pathetic you felt asking for permission to go away even at 18 years old, only justifying it, mentally, by living under their roof and still being in high school. But not everything was as definitive.
Everyday was a deed made for those around you. Wearing clothes that were approved by your parents, studying relentlessly to appease the idea that you would actually go to school and not just play housewife like the congregation expected you to, and even meeting Eddie began as a favor for a teacher.
You had tried to forget him, but the heart has more strength than the brain, finding yourself drifting off to the idea of him beside you. His arm slung around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your head, hair tickling your nose as he shifted in his sleep. He ambushed every waking moment and it was ruining you, knowing the feelings aren't reciprocated. 
So the following day when Eddie was leaving school in a panic at your sudden disappearance, you found yourself at a small bar, eating fries while watching a random hockey game. Did people actually come to bars to watch hockey? It was fairly empty so probably not. 
“Hey kiddo, you okay?” A woman asked, making your gaze go from the ice to her. You looked a bit thrown off until you realized leftover reminisce of your mascara still coated your undereyes.
“Men are the worst.” Is all you could muster as she guffawed, signaling a bartender to grab two beers on tap. He set the cool mugs down before she slid one in front of you, nodding in approval as you thanked her. Never having a sip of alcohol, you coughed after one sip, but went back for more.
“I hear ya. Names Patsy.” She quipped, sticking out a hand that you reciprocated, sliding over the bowl of fries with the free hand. She cocked an eyebrow as she took one, smiling kindly under red lipstick. 
Patsy was unlike any woman you had met in Hawkins. She was covered in tattoos, worse fake eyelashes that reached her eyebrows, a small piercing in the hairs and gorgeous brown hair held back by a bandana headband. 
You began friendly banter, eventually spilling more secrets as the night went on, she talked of her two ex husbands and her work. She pointed at a shiny black motorcycle outside that was hers as you sat in awe of a girl riding a bike like that.  The sky was completely dark as you reached the result of what brought you here, airing out your dirty laundry to a woman who you knew nothing but everything about.
“Damn, kid, that’s a tough break,” She sighed, drinking another beer and licking the foam from her top lip, “My family was like that, I was a preacher's daughter too.” Her revelation made you feel light, that someone could break through the confines to find true originality.
“I’ll let you know something though, don’t let these guys make you feel bad, okay? My dad made me feel like shit for every mistake I made, but you gotta find your own way. Doesn’t mean you have to lose your faith, lose yourself, or run away. You just gotta find what's good for you, not anyone else.” Patsy proclaimed as you nodded along, feeling seen for the first time in yourself as a regular woman, not in accordance with your relation to someone.
“You think this kid, Eddie, is what’s good for you?” She questioned, popping a fresh fry in her mouth that she had ordered as you followed suit. 
“I think so.” You muttered, staring at your black, hightop Converses that rocked against the beam of the stool.
“Then go for it, babe. And if that doesn’t work out, you got the rest of your life to figure that shit out. The love of your life is probably not named Gregory who worked in insurance. Just like mine wasn’t named David who was a used car salesman, never date one of those.” You laughed at her advice, but took it to heart, taking another swig of your second beer. 
The small bar and its dance floor began to fill, loud music playing that flushed out your once intimate conversation. She excused herself as you bid farewell, finding yourself drinking a third beer. You had walked around in the small place, watching women and men dance with one another, surprised to see this place so active for a Monday night. 
The casual jeans and tight, revealing shirt you wore made you feel more comfortable amongst the crowd, letting the alcohol flow through your tired body. The thoughts of worry, shame, and guilt dissipated with every sip. 
“Hey! I’m Matt.” A gruff voice came from behind you, his hand reaching the small of your back. Too drunk to care much, you introduced yourself, leaning further into his touch. He offered to buy you a drink and you agreed, watching from the floor as he ordered a pretty glass. 
Matt was probably six foot, wearing business casual clothes that made him look like a true adult, dress shoes that had to have been shined recently, and a shiny watch that reflected on against the dim lights. Your drunken haze made you confident you could marry this man right now, especially after downing the clear, brown liquid, choking at the stinging sensation.
“You ever had whisky before?” He yelled over the music, amused at your intense reaction as he moved to the beat. 
“I drank for the first time tonight so no!” You grinned, arms raising to dance and embrace the sweat and intoxication flowing through the room. His hands pulled you closer to him as you swayed to a Prince song, finding more drinks reaching your grasp as every song continued.
He moved his head to try and catch your lips, but you’d shy away with a shriek. Alcohol had apparently made you a bit aloof and carefree, “I don’t kiss on the first date.” Your words were sewn together as he smirked, your ass pressing against his front while your arms lifted to behind his head. 
You occasionally thought of engaging in this activity with the metalhead, but shook it off, he didn’t care. You could make yourself busy, tonight didn’t have to end until you think it should.
Concurrently with your adventure, Eddie couldn’t stop thinking of you, driving all over to find any clue of where you had run off to. He drove past the obvious spots like your house, the library, the woods near the cafe again, but to no avail. He wouldn’t be able to sleep until he knew you were safe, feeling guilty for not conveying his true affections.
He had found your friend Danielle through a call to Gareth, who confirmed that she was the same girl he kissed in third grade under the slide. There were only so many Danielles that he took a shot in the dark and rode to her place of work, a pet store near the city's center. He wished he had the mental capacity to look at the kittens meowing his direction, but his gaze was set on the girl before him.
He didn’t allow her time to introduce herself as he asked where you were, hands resting on the blue crate as she sorted through dog toys, labeling them.
“I don’t think I should tell you, she told me not to-” Danielle asserted, clear with the intent to stay locked down. That was one thing about girls who had strict parents had in common, they could be sneaky as hell and keep a secret like a safe.
“Listen, I just want to make sure she’s safe, she never misses church or school.” Eddie sighed, making Danielle freeze for a brief moment before continuing with her stickers.
“She’s fine.” Her response was not as solid, lip between her teeth as she peeled a decal from the fuzzy material of the toy. He kept his gaze unwavering towards her until she looked at him. Danielle knew you were a tad unstable at the moment, she secretly wished she would tell Eddie, but she also knew it wasn’t her information to unveil.
“Eddie, right?” He nods, “I get you want to make sure she’s safe, I’ve been telling her to call me every few hours to make sure she is. I don’t even know exactly where she is.”
Thanking her briefly, he stomped out in a hurry as the sun dimmed. He clenched his steering wheel and let the metal music blast from his speaker, screaming for a moment till riding out of the parking lot. He realized he should probably check the outskirts of town, going in the direction of your house. 
He listened to three whole mixtapes before driving past a grungy bar, not paying much attention until he saw your bike. He knew it was yours due to the peeling barcode left on from when you bought it, he made fun of you for never remembering to pull it off. You now insisted it was part of the ‘essence’ of the bike, that you had to leave it on. He swung into a u-turn, trying to glance in to no avail. The lights were dim and smoke coated the insides. 
He got out, shrugging off his leather jacket to leave him in an Iron Maiden tee with a small hole at the lower right side, a result of messing with a loose string too much. 
“Hey! Your name Eddie?”
His head whipped to see the same brunette woman you spoke to hours ago, perched on a black motorcycle, wearing sunglasses, and smoking a cigarette. He walked up to her, breathing deep with uncertain emotions.
“Yeah, who are you?” His voice was harsh as she turned stern, stomping out the bud, standing up to be about his own height. 
“Patsy. Had a chat with a girl here tonight, talked about an edgy boy who seemed too similar to you to be a coincidence.” She breathed, cracking the strain in her back as she leaned downward. He couldn’t tell if he felt comforted that he found you here, about 20 miles from city lines, about 30 miles from your home. 
“Shit, yeah, I’m the asshole. But I’m just trying to find her.” He exclaimed, running a hand through his hair as he stood up straighter to take another look into the windows. 
“Well, I’m just out here to make sure she got out of her safe.” This made the boy tense his eyebrows together, cocking his head as she lit another cigarette from her breast pocket. He took note of her cool jean jacket with various metal band patches, much like his own in the van.
“I’m not here to be the Pope or anything, but I understand her struggles, felt like I could give her a bit of advice. But some of these dudes, ain’t no good.” She took a huff of her cigarette, blowing smoke into the black sky, “I left, but turned around. Wanted to wait till she left or someone came for her.”
This was the first time she moved her sunglasses from her eyes, getting a good look up and down at Eddie. He stood tapping his foot nervously, hands on hips. His rough exterior made his jittery movements seem adverse, but she nodded and straddled her bike.
“Make sure the kids' home safe, got it?” She commanded as he nodded, watching as the motorcycle purred underneath her. 
“Thank you for looking out for her.” Eddie called as she gave a wink, putting her black frames in front of her eyes and driving off into the darkness of the unfamiliar town. He stood in place until he heard echoes of Madonna from the inside, Papa Don’t Preach sending him to the front doors. His height did little to assist the mission of finding you, sandwiched between varying bodies. 
You started to lose track of drinks, body moving absentmindedly to the rhythm cascading the whole atmosphere. Matt stayed glued to your side, feeding you fruity drinks and trying to get any words out above the music. 
The man around you wasn’t just hoping you’d have a fun time drinking as he felt you up, cooing incoherent words in your ear which you always giggled at, mostly due to the tickle of his facial hair against your neck. 
“Let’s get out of here.” 
The words caught the brown haired boy’s ear as he looked to see Matt leading you out. Stumbling over heels and downing a shot, falling into his chest. Eddie got up and marched right up to you grabbing your hands then hung around Matt’s neck loosely. 
“Eddie!” You sang with a grin, giving you a soft smile, mostly due to the relief of finding you safe. The other man gave him a dirty look, but he just shrugged, wrapping you closer to him in fear you’d fall. 
“C’mon sexy, I thought we were heading to my place, so you’ll finally kiss me.” Matt placed a hand on your shoulder that was almost immediately met with a cryless wail, shoving your face further into Eddie’s warm and familiar chest. Too drunk to remember this was the same boy who left you heartbroken two days ago, just the positives stayed at the moment.
Matt mumbled an insult as he stormed out, knocking over a glass on the way out. Eddie ignored his temper tantrum, attempting to walk out by guiding your feet, but realizing it would save significant energy to just lift you. Your legs promptly wrapped around his waist, making incoherent noises.
“Fuck, how much did you drink?” He groaned, not expecting an actual answer, but was given one anyway after he sat you down, running to throw your bike in the back.
“I think 13, I should probably have another one cause that numbers uneven and some come with a little umbrella.” You hiccuped as he buckled you in, rubbing hands over his face at the severe amount you had, knowing you hadn’t touched a drop previously.
“Where did you sleep last night?” Dodging the aforementioned answer, she giggled, pointing to the right to a straight road lined with lit up restaurants and stores.
“I got a motel and watched TV and had ice cream. My bags there with my money, Kirk Cameron was there too.” You babbled, pulling the hotel keys from your pants pocket. He snatched it to your protests, looking at the name of the place and driving towards it. He realized the side of this town you found yourself at wasn’t exactly safe, grateful that he had just found you drunk and not harmed. 
As you pulled into the same parking lot that was covered in rain the night before, he went to your side to open the squeaking door. He held your face in his large hands, looking you over as your expression was blank. 
He gently coaxed you from his van, wobbly getting out and accidentally stepping on his boots that he loved. He was preoccupied grabbing his own overnight bag he had stored with extra clothes in case he ended up driving somewhere, he just thought it would be more drug related and not following you to a random bar related. He hadn’t even realized you had stepped on him until he heard you weeping, covering your mouth.
“M’so sorry Eddie.” You started heaving as he panicked, deciding to just carry you, again, into the small bedroom. A mantra of apologies flooded the room, “I didn't mean to step on your boot, m’so sorry!” He tried shushing you, hugging you close to his chest, stroking your hair. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay, I’ve got ya.” His murmurs helped soothe you, breathing regulating to a normal tempo before he slightly pulled away, guiding you to the bathroom to change. As much as you probably needed a shower, it would’ve resulted in an injury at your state.
He grabbed your shirt and shorts set on your bed, a random pair of underwear from your bag, and placed it in your hands. He found some wipes to clean your face, waiting as you opened the door to the tee on backwards. 
He smiled as you walked straight into his chest, looking up at him with big eyes, blinking, like a thought had never been behind them. He gently held your face steady so he could wipe off the mascara and lipstick. 
“T’feels good.” You smile, eyes shutting as he tossed the dirty cloth in the bin. He found a way to get you to your bed, tucking you in as you yawned. He yawned right after making you erupt in girlish laughter. 
“Alright, giggles, sleep.” He said, taking the pillows from the left side of the bed to make a space for him on the floor. He went to the bathroom to put on some flannel pajama pants, shrugging off a shirt, he was hot enough with the trousers. It was only when he had finally laid down that the whining began. 
“Eddieee.” You whispered, peaking your eyes from the mattress, seeing your hair fall as he looked up at you. 
“What.” Sighing as he stretched his back, trying to get comfortable on the very firm carpet. 
“C’mereee” Words slurring against the foam mattress, inching further off the edge. 
“No, sleep.” He mustered up as much sternness as he could at being this tired, it was also arduous to be angry at you.
The room went quiet as he shut his eyes, surprised that his attempt had succeeded quickly. This lasted a few seconds before he felt your finger start to trace his nose, scrunching it to derail your route. But you persevered in his hair, racking your fingers through it. 
“I like your hair.”
“Go. To. Sleep.” He persisted, gritting out each word with eyes shut, turning to his side.
The room went quiet once more except for the slight buzz of the street lamps outside, but that too was joined by another noise. 
“Eddie, please, I’m cold!” You plead, shuffling against the white sheets, restless.
He tried his best to ignore your words, still not very coherent, but you clearly needed him with you to shut your eyes for a minute. 
“Can I sleep down there with you?” You reasoned, rubbing your hands over your tired eyes. 
“Sleep.” Flatly saying it, but your begging continued softly, hearing a few sniffles followed by his name. 
“Christ. Fine! Fine!” He broke, a joyful squeal coming from the mattress above him before he stood. 
“Alright, little lady, no funny business.” His eyes squinted at you as he set the pillows on the opposing side, walking around to his side. He laid down beside you while you instantly latched onto him. 
“I promise.” You mumbled against his chest, shoving your pointed pinkie finger in his face. 
“Don’t take out my eye!” He dodged the attack, met with your simper. 
“What if I wanted your eye? What if I was dying and needed it?” You berated, still slightly ineligible due to the drinks and being against him. 
“Could I give you, like, a camel’s eye or something? Cause I kinda like my eye.” This was met with your gasp, setting your chin on his clothed peck to see him. 
“I don’t want a camel’s eye!” The actual sad look on your face made Eddie’s heart leap, the silly situation warranting it making it easier to swallow than the last time he saw it. 
“Go to sleep, giggles.” He chuckled, instinctively wrapping you closer as you melted into his grasp, hands respectively at your mid back. 
“You can put your hands anywhere.” You hummed with shut eyes, cheek squished against him as he rolled his own eyes. His hands stayed still as he waited for you to drift asleep in his arms, finding his own rest shortly after.
Waking up to the sound of someone throwing up reminded Eddie way too much of his party days. He groaned, rubbing his face to gain consciousness until he realized he was in a motel. The memories of the night before locked in as he stumbled to the bathroom.
He grabbed your hair in a ponytail as you threw up, crying a bit from the intensity. No one forgets their first hangover. He rubbed your back, sitting on the edge of the tub right next to the toilet you were hunched over. 
“You’re okay, just let it out.” He murmured tiredly, wincing at the clear pain you were in. He waited until you had stopped vomiting for a few minutes to help you sit against the wall, shoulders relaxing as you breathed deep. 
“Drinking’s not very fun.” You grumbled, rubbing your own forehead as he chuckled, standing up to walk to the first aid kit at the top of the cabinet. Finding some ibuprofen, he got a cup and filled it with water, sitting next to you. 
“Ah.” He vocalized, signaling you to open your mouth as he cupped two pills in his hand, helping you lean back to let them fall in. He cautioned you to drink slowly to avoid throwing up again. 
It was quiet as you came down from your nausea, he opened his arms to let you rest on his shoulder which you obliged, head pounding less and less as the medicine kicked in.
“I’m sorry for thinking I knew what was best for you,” Eddie breathed, “I don’t know what’s best for you, hell, I barely know how to keep myself alive.” You softly smiled, slowly nodding, relieved that if anything, he just began to understand your situation more.
“Thanks Ed’s. Thank you for taking care of me last night. I’m sorry.” Slightly embarrassed at how much you drank last night and throwing up in front of him, but he looked at you with kind eyes when you peered up. 
“Don’t be sorry, you had every right to go away. I just wanted to make sure you were safe, was scared something bad would happen.” Nothing bad did happen, but Eddie couldn’t ignore the slight ache he had when he saw you with someone else. 
When you were able to stand, you opted for a shower, grabbing your bag and shuffling in. Any quick movement left you a bit dizzy, steadying yourself against the countertop, hearing Eddie ask that you just leave it unlocked in case you fell. 
“What if I fall on purpose?” The suggestive words left your mouth before thinking twice. 
“I’ll leave you there if you do that.” He joked, tidying up the space. 
Finding your toothbrush, you cleaned thoroughly until your gums were about to bleed, finally getting in the shower. As you stood under the warm water, the feeling of sickness was overcome by the intensity you felt through your chest these past few days. You knew you had to go home, but how lovely would it be to be a stranger.
Going to a bar, meeting fellow strangers that had no idea if you were lying or telling the truth. Being a stranger made you whoever you wanted to be for a few moments, oftentimes finding your true feelings as you release. An audience’s response that only matters for the time, leaving to never see them again. You hoped you’d find Patsy again though.
As much as your heart ached for the boy on the other side of the walls, you tried to imagine how the night would have gone if he hadn’t come. Had he not given a shit and just played guitar in his bedroom, shrugging off the news about your absence in English class. 
The night behind you was hazy, but you remembered Patsy, the greasy fries, the sweet drinks, and Matt. You only remembered Matt due to his bad breath that was masked by the vodka in his system and your own, how he kept trying to kiss you. You knew he hadn’t kissed you cause you distinctly remember him dragging it out, making it a big deal that you wouldn’t kiss a random man. 
The water became slightly cool as you finished, wrapping up in a towel with gold embroidery scattered across it. You went to open the door to grab your bag, but it was placed right by your feet, yelling a thank you in response.
“This room is, maybe, the size of a closet, you don’t have to scream.” He replied just as loudly as you stripped with the door shut. You found a cream sweater and blue jeans, putting those on as they stuck to your wet skin. 
You entered the main room to Eddie watching MTV in his clothes from the day before, the band tee showing glimpses of his tattoos. “Man, this channel sucks during the day.” 
You laughed, placing the strap to your bag over your shoulder, sitting on the bed next to the phone. Your blood ran cold when you went to reach for it, dialing your home number to your worried mother.
“Honey! Why didn’t you call yesterday? Is Dani okay? Are you okay?” She rushed, hearing the rustle of papers from the other side, slightly relieved that worry triumphed over anger. 
“I’m good mom, so’s Dani,” You shared, twirling the cord as Eddie laid back to set his head in your lap. Your hand went to scratch his head until he started fake moaning sexually. Your hand clamped over his, but he continued excessively, the skin not doing much to muffle his loud voice. 
“I’ll head home soon, love you!” You peeped, slamming it off before standing up, Eddie’s head falling against the covers as he laughed. 
You shoved your face in your hands before smacking his chest, a loud noise of skin against skin emitting sounding oddly erotic. “Well that didn’t help!”
Grabbing your bag, you covered your ears, mimicking the same thing he did to you just a few days ago in his trailer. “La la, can’t hear you!” 
A serious face came to him as he stood on the bed, holding his arm as if he had a sword, swishing it, “You must listen to Eddie the Banished, Miss Rocky.”
“What? Did you hear something?” You played along, hands still covering your ears as you looked around, but Eddie was in your personal space quickly, trying to pry your hands away. 
“Miss Rocky can’t hear you, sorry!” You shrieked as you shook loose of his grasp, your back hitting the wall with a thud. You stood bashfully as he sauntered over to you with a playful glare, arms planting besides your head. 
Lips met lips as he kissed you gently, hands dropping from their intimidating stance to your cheek and hip. He helped guide your hesitant movements, pulling away to look at you,
"Do you hear me now?"
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an; hi everyone, thank you for all the love with this series and my other works. it's been so therapeutic to write some personal emotions into this, and i'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying it as well :)
feedback is always appreciated!
also for some reason it’s not letting me tag new people so i apologize if it didn’t go through :(
taglist: @masterofmunson @downbythebay4 @wicked-wordy-witchy-witch @femalefilmaker @wiltedwonderland @yourthebrokengirl @jessyballet @iheartyouyou @gloryekaterina @missscarlettangel @variety-fangirl @wigglywoos59 @imsuchafriggensimp @thegirlblogstuff @lovelyladymayyy @strawwberrry @ktjmac @dovesnrosesnreblogs @fknemily @spn-obession @diaryofthedoll
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the-fiction-witch · 8 months
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Media Wolf Hall
Characters Gregory Cromwell & Rafe Sadler
Couple Gregory X Reader X Rafe
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day 19
Kinktober Concept threeway
I hummed my little tune as I stood in the stables sweeping the horse's hay, a seemingly endless job as any time I swept the hay with the old broken broom across the cobblestones, the hay simply broke into smaller pieces littering themselves across the floor as I swept but I suppose it gets me out of any other work in the house. 
I heard the door so I glanced over seeing a familiar sight at the door “hiya master Cromwell” I smiled 
“Ohh Hi y/n” He smiled with a slight blush, “Just Gregory you know that by now”
“Sorry” I blushed “Did you want to take sam out for a ride?”
“Ohh no, that’s okay y/n. I uhh just came in to get away foir a while 
“Oh, alright then, did you want me to go?”
“No you can stay if you want too.” 
“Alrtight then” I giggled and continued with my work as gregory sat on one of the little wooden benches we chatted on and off for a while until I finally asked 
“Gregory, what are you really doing here?” I glared
“Oh uhhhhh” he blushed 
“Come on tell me”
“I uhhh… I’m uhh I’m kinda hard.”
“Oh?” I blushed hard glancing down a little
“Yeah- my rooms next to my dad’s office so he has a habit of coming to check up on me- so I come in here sometimes, it’s like the only place in the house knowone ever comes”
“That’s true, it’s why I like working in here.” 
“Yeah I was little annoyed you were in here actually” 
“Did you want me to go?”
“No it’s alright”
“I don’t mind you doing so in the corner”
“No thanks y/n”
“well if you like I could help out” I giggled
“what do you mean?” he asks little confused 
“what do you think Gregory?” I smirk 
“do you mean that?” he asked and I nodded “Uhhhhh sure” He happily smiled getting up from his bench and coming over to where I stood I smiled and put my broom away in the little cupboard and stood with him beside the stone wall “So…”
“so” I smirk moving a little closer and rubbing my nose on his “shall we?”
“Yes please” He nods 
I smirked and closed the gap kissing him rather hard, he kissed me back almost instantly very eagerly meeting my energy and wrapping an arm around my waist to tug me a little closer to him, after a few hot passionate kisses I pulled back giving his nose a little kiss before I got down on my knees and undid unlaced his pants letting him lean on the stone wall as I tugged down his pants to his ankles and was met with his erection 
“Ohh my Hello Gregory” I smirked peppering him with little kisses 
“Uhhh” he gasps 
So I changed over licking from base to tip 
“Ughhhh... I was - I was thinking about you” he moans 
“Were you? when?” I giggled as I pulled away 
“When I got hard, I almost always am.”
“Humm are you saying I make you hard Gregory?” i giggled taking his hilt in hand pumping into my mouth as I licked his head 
“Ughhhhhh yes! Yes you do! You always do” 
“How very sweet” I giggled “such a lovely complement for a girl, to hear she makes her master hard when he thinks of her”
“Ughhhhh y/n please-” 
I smiled and moved so I could take every inch of his cock in my mouth and began sucking and licking him, his moans filling the stables tall wooden roof I made sure to suck hard, learn where he loved my tounge and moving my head back and forth to make sure he felt as pleased as he could be I was being fueled by Gregory’s moans and groans every so often his hand would tug on my hair as a silent plea for more sometimes I allowed him and sometimes I slowed to tease him more 
Suddenly the door slowly swung open! 
I tried to move away but Gregory had his eyes closed so didn’t see the door and tugged my head closer preventing me from moving away and I saw another familiar figure in the door way I pushed his hand off and moved away wiping my mouth 
“Master Sadler” I gasped 
“Ohh shit-” Gregory gulped 
“What’s this then? A snuggle in the stables?” Rafe smirked 
“We uhh we weren’t doing anything-” Gregory began
“Ohh please I saw her with your dick in her mouth.” He chuckled “I should really go and tell your father” 
“No rafe please don’t, He’ll kill me” 
“Please No Rafe, Master Cromwell would fire me if he found out” I begged 
“Well… I could be convinced to keep my mouth shut” He smirked shutting the door locking it and coming over getting on his knees behind me and grabbing my breasts through my dress “Hummm such a pretty girl, go on then” He smirked in my ear 
“Yes Sir” I giggled “Shall we Sir?” I smirked stroking his shaft with my finger
“Yeah go on y/n” Gregory smirked so I happily took Gregory back into my mouth continuing as we had been “Ughhhhhh!”
“You sound so good for him y/n. You like having Gregory in your mouth?” he asks and I nodded “humm well Don’t tire yourself out though I want a turn in that pretty mouth too” Rafe smirked 
“Ughhhh fuck- you’ll get your turn just wait” Gregory snapped
“I can’t help being excited watching her work so hard, maybe our cute little girl needs some pleasure too for doing such good work for us” He smirked moving away a moment to lay on the floor, he pushed my dress up to my waist exposing my ass which he happily spanked before he pushed my legs apart and moved under my legs starting to kiss and gentle lick my clit as I hovered over him, making me moan as he was so skilled and precise with his tongue, I made sure to deep throat Gregory to try and hide my moans but both of them knew how much I enjoyed it, but as I knew Gregory was getting closer I moved my spare hand not wrapped around Gregory's cock to move to rafe gently palming his erection though his tight pants which made him often gasp or moan giving me moments of respite from the pleasure, but I smirked a little and moved my head more aggressively on gregory and slipped my hand into rafes pants taking him in my hand 
“Ughgghhhhh! Fuck how did you get so good at this-”” Gregory says struggling between his moans 
“I’m starting to think we’re not the first boys she’s snuggled with” Rafe laughs 
“I think so too” Gregory smirked moving his hands to cup my breasts 
“Hummmm maybe our cute little y/n’s sneaking around alot” Rafe smirks 
And I quickly shook my head 
“No?” Gregory smirked
“Humm, then she’s must just be our little whore.”
“Ughhhhhh! Ughhhh ughhhhhhhhh! y/n!” Gregory moaned as he buried himself deep in my mouth I happily swallowed and licked him clean giving his tip a little kiss as I pulled away
“Umm my turn” Rafe smirked moving out from under me trading placed with an exhausted gregory, rafe unlaced his pants and excitedly pulled out his erection “Come on darling, You’ve got room for me too don’t you?”
“Of course sir” I giggled taking him into my mouth and holding his hilt in hand it took a moment or two to find rafe’s favoured pace but he liked hard and fast which was family easy with very little tongue so I made sure to go deep and fast letting him hold my hair 
“Ughhhhhh fuck you are good-”
“I told you she was,” Gregory cooed as he cuddled me grabbing my breast with one hand and slipping his fingers inside me with the other making me moan “This really is a dream come true for us, you have no idea how much Rafe and I talk about your beautiful body and all the things we’d do to you if we ever got you alone” Gregory growled 
“All of which normally revolve you on your knees for us” Rafe smirked “Ughhhh little more y/n I’m close-”
“She is too she’s so tight” Gregory smirked speeding up his fingers and using his other hand to rub on my hardening nipple through my dress I did my best not to scream but I knew I was so close 
“Uhhhhh! Ughhhhhh y/n! Y/N!” Rafe groans throwing his head back and burring himself deep in my mouth I happily swallowed what I could even if I little leaked out my mouth as only a few seconds later I hit my own moaning down his cock as I tightened around Gregory’s fingers which he quickly stopped moving when he felt I had reached it.
I was utterly exhausted moving back and collapsing on the stable floor gasping for breath my dress still around my waist my dripping pussy exposed Rafe’s seed dripping out my mouth, my mouth hung open as I gasped and from just being too tired 
“Aww look what we did to her?” Gregory smirked 
“Humm she does look good” Rafe smirked as the two came to lean over me  “I have an idea” he smirked which he then whispered to gregory who seemed to agree as he smirked widely 
“What Idea?” I asked slightly nervous but neither answered me “What are you doing?” I asked trying not to panic 
“Grab her arms” Gregory told him 
“What are you boys-” I began the moment rafe lifted his foot I tried to get up but rafe grabbed my arms holding them level with my head as he stood behind me letting me lean my head on his shoulder gregory took my ankles both boys holding me slightly above the floor meaning if I wanted out of their grips as they stood I’d have to fall to the floor, rafe wrapped my arms around his neck and gregory wrapped my legs around his waist both of them far enough apart I hard to lay but close enough I had no chance of escape then the boys both began to tickle me 
“Ahhhhh! Boys let me go!” I squealed between giggles 
“Aww but we’re just tormenting you, like you do us everyday” rafe smirked 
“Yeah come on y/n” gregory smirked 
Rafe grabbed my breasts ripping my dress to expose me completely making me squeal “Awww yeah, look at you pretty little girly” he growled fondling them and playing with my nipples tugging on them to make them hard 
“She really is beautiful” Gregory smirked as he grabbed my inner thighs pulling them apart to expose and separate my pussy as much as he could causing it to drip down onto the floor “Whoa… she must be so horny, don’t worry y/n we’re about to make sure this is taken very good care of” Gregory smirked stroking my pussy… 
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hearts401 · 5 months
m.may i hear about yuor thoughts abt vanessa fnaf (hcs, analysis, or just general opinion)
She is so silly omg
Tired girlboy butch lesbian who struggles with anxiety and depression from her shitty dad and this asshole rabbit twists her to his will and even after all that she still has the capacity to love and care for gregory.
She takes him home man she loves him. she finally gets to settle down and live the life she missed. shes been controlled her whole life to hurt people (her dad controlled her and lead to her moms death, then glitchtrap made her kill kids, ect) and now she has the choice to do what she wants and she chooses kindness
i love her. so much. she deserves soup and hot cocoa and a warm blanket
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ntls-24722 · 9 months
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@akikothefuzzball he would still love Comet, partially because if Comet was a fish, he would be a cool-ass fish
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really stupid idea: because the animatronics in security breach have charging stations, in the rubberhose au(?) petroleum is the animatronic equivalent to alcohol, and using green energy is like. being sober.
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mainly inspired by a scene i had in my head where Sun is really down on his luck with Gregory and going against his programming and is drinking petrol like crazy, so DJ offers him a glass only for him to smack it onto the floor the moment he pours it because "We transitioned to using green energy years ago" and THEN he starts to ask what's up. It makes no sense and I don't even know what the proper animatronic version of alcohol would be, but man there is the opprotunity for going green energywise being a euphemism for sobriety with cartoon robots 💀
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Deluxe! Drawn again because I very slightly changed the spider he's based off of into Habronattus orbus.
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That spider just perfectly happened to have all the features from Habronattus I wanted to add to Deluxe with the facial markings to the fuzzy yellow underarms. As much as I characterize Deluxe to being the Dippy Fresh to DJMM, he's a lot more different. DJMM is his dad that he desperately wants the approval of, more like.
Also, peep his weird liquidey irises! Everything about him is based off of Beta DJMM because Deluxe was made specifically on the demand that they wanted classic DJMM back, so they not only remastered him but also added older details
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And finally, this DJMM teapet because i wanted to visualize the experience of dousing the character i love most in scalding hot water
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thekatebridgerton · 10 months
Kate is so doting to poor little Gregory, treating him as her child. Glaring daggers at his ‘cruel father’ AKA Anthony.
She is so sweet, gentle, kind to sweet poor Greg. Gregory asking her with puppy eyes if she would become his new mother and that’s how Kate gets convinced into wedded Anthony to mother this poor, loveless child. The bee sting was an excuse for Anthony to be a shameless rake and suck on her boobs.
This is from the Gregory pranks Anthony au
And let’s just say that Gregory lays it on thick with Kate, because he’s been victimized! He’s been ignored! and denied by his own father!. His aunts and uncles all act like he’s their little brother,  But now Kate knows the terrible secret of his birth that Dadthony has been trying to hide.
And I love how unhinged this au is because Anthony, for once is innocent, but Kate is treating him like a total criminal, also the Bridgertons are treating this like a secret they only shared with Kate ‘because she’s special’ and imagine what scandal it would be if it got out. Lady Whistledown and even Violet, when she comes back from Scotland, at one point seems to be in on the joke. Mostly because Violet is acting like nothing is wrong with Gregory going around pretending to Anthony's son. And because the LW column starts talking about Anthony’s ‘fatherly qualities’ and ‘what a shame it would be if his chosen bride didn’t love kids’ all because Penelope (and Colin) are getting a kick out of Anthony’s progression into insanity. And Violet is adamantly refusing to help Anthony clear his name from what she calls a ‘harmless prank of his little brother’ also because Kate looks like Viscountess material. Look how well she gets along with Gregory.
It gets funnier, because out of everyone else, it’s Edwina who believes Anthony isn’t Gregory’s dad. (‘Hey Benedict, is Anthony really Gregory’s dad?’ ‘Absolutely not, but we’re going along with it’ ‘oh, okay, thanks for confirming’)  But Edwina knowing Greg is Anthony’s little brother, just makes Kate think that her sister is being taken advantage of by some smooth talking crook, because his convincing powers are too great, and that if Edwina accepts Anthony’s courtship, poor Gregory will have to live a life where he goes unacknowledged by his father’s wife. That poor child, Kate will fight for his rights as an heir.
Gregory meanwhile is plotting to get himself a new overprotective sister in law, who will defend him, and nag Anthony about fatherhood for the rest of his life. Dropping very heavy hints that if she wants to save him from injustice so much, she should marry Anthony, because Gregory wants a step mother who will love him * dramatic puppy eyes for Kate*
And look the Bee thing was 100% an accident, Anthony just wanted to have a normal adult conversation with this maddening sexy woman who was driving him insane and things just…happened. Not that he regrets it. But he would at least have liked for Gregory and Hyacinth to not have been hiding in the bushes when Lady Featherington and Violet caught them in the garden Ok!!
And that’s the hot tea
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hailaxyart · 5 months
My FNAF lore hot takes if anyone wants em
Cassidy, Charlie, Crying child & Mike did not rest after fnaf6
The post it room in sb is either between Elizabeth and Charlie or Cc and Charlie
Glamrock Freddy is most likely posessed by Michael (He does show signs of posession)
Gregory might be a robot, and he might be posessed by cc
Cassie's dad is the bonnie mask bully
The Vanesa we see in sb might be a robot replica of her posessed by Elizabeth, pretending to be her
Vanesa might have been planned to be an afton in games
Andrew is just another representation of Cassidy in the books, just like it happened in the film
Cc's soul ended up splitted in the endosqueleton, golden freddy AND the plush.
The golden duo are Cassidy and Cc
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rafent · 4 months
♡ for Gregory (or Griss, if you're not afraid of the therapy bills from that kid)
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Dragon ♀ / Sage ♀
Pure concentrated genki. Sweet, agreeable, and friendly, but has her hot-headed moments. Likes to fight and thinks victory is thrilling. Does not like to lose
Stylish! No daughter of Rafal and Gregory is going to run around looking like a street urchin. Wears and treasures the outfits the latter makes
Strong sense of justice and doing what's right, absolutely cannot stand by when people are getting hurt, and is willing to suffer pain for that ideal. A torch bearer to both parents' sense of self-sacrifice
Grew up isolated and sheltered, but loved. Adored by her fathers who give her the love they never received from their own parents. Lived in the forest together with them where they honored 'a quiet life' for a time (i.e., Gregory's ending)
One day everything changes...the country girl must enter the big city...
Character Arc: Undertakes a coming of age, Samurai Champloo-esque journey and scours the entirety of Elyos looking for her missing parents. 'Have you seen the pale dragon that smells of sweets?' Rafal being a Fell Dragon and Gregory being a fell disciple with Griss' face means that persecution of their child is inevitable. Love is not only staying close, but staying away to keep her safe. This lonely little princess waits for the day she can give them a piece of her mind
Chronically messy hair despite her best efforts. Two clueless first time dads means she had to learn the in's-and-out's of girlhood all by herself
Army Superlative(s): Most likely to lie and be caught, brightest smile in the army, the one who talks out loud the most when thinking
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
SB prompt for ya since it’s almost Halloween!
Gregory for Halloween goes as Freddy and Freddy absolutely goes loses it. I’m just imagining Gregory in the full outfit with shoulder pads, a cute little headband with ears, and face makeup quoting Freddy saying “way to go superstar!” with a huge grin and Freddy just melts.
The mental image of Freddy walking beside a small mini him around the plex is so cute. You can’t tell me Freddy wouldn’t scoop him up and get as many pictures of the two of them as possible.
Also the others would be good natured and jokingly talk about how it’s favoritism and Gregory would just go “well he is my favorite” and cause Freddy’s system to crash.
Here’s tumblr generated prompt number 13! I’m so glad this one got picked, so I can at least say I wrote a belated Halloween ficlet! This is pure fluff! 
Double Trouble
“Hold still!” Cassie complained, not for the first time. Gregory, prone to wiggling, gripped the chair tightly to keep from fidgeting too much. He didn’t actually want to cause problems, for once. 
He desperately wanted to ask if she was done yet, or at least close, but talking would mean moving, and he really was trying to be on his best behavior. He’d asked for this, after all. 
After another few agonizingly long minutes, Cassie leaned back with a pleased smile. “Done! And looking fabulous, if I do say so myself.” 
Gregory leapt from his chair and skidded to look in the mirror. “Cassie!” he cried, beaming. “It looks amazing!” He turned his face this way and that, admiring her work. “I’d ask if you want any help with yours, but…” 
She snickered, tucking herself close to a smaller mirror on her desk to start on her own makeup for her Halloween costume. “You’d mean well,” she allowed, “but I’ll pass, thanks.” 
As she preformed some witchcraft to keep her lines straight and even and symmetrical, Gregory finished getting dressed. He was overly careful not to smudge the Freddy makeup—the blue was a perfect match, honestly, he didn’t know how Cassie did it—thankful that he at least had already put on his shirt. He snapped on the bracelets and slid on the headband with the fuzzy ears and little black top hat hot-glued at a subtle angle. The bowtie was carefully safety-pinned to his shirt, nice and straight. 
The shoulder pads—and Cassie had agreed with him on this—were actually the hardest part of their costumes. They were a little too big and heavy to be clipped, pinned, or glued to their shirt shoulders without them slipping or tugging on the fabric in a way that just didn’t look good. 
Cassie’s dad had solved their problem: backpacks. The shoulder straps were much sturdier and could easily support the foam shoulder pads’ weight. Plus, it made it super easy to take them off without damaging the rest of their costumes. 
Their backpacks were waiting by the front door with their boots. Gregory’s were snow boots covered with foam to mimic Freddy’s feet and the red part of his legs. Cassie’s were just the same, only with Roxy’s purple and black animal print. 
Another bit of practicality, curtesy of Cassie’s dad, who was pretty good at arts and crafts. Gregory’s costume wouldn’t look half as awesome without his help. 
Cassie finished her own makeup (much faster than she’d done Gregory’s, and that wasn’t only because he needed more) and hopped up to finish putting on her own costume. Arm bands, wolf ears—complete with earrings, just like Gregory’s—and fuzzy wolf tail. She blew her green lock of hair out of her eyes. 
“That’s gonna annoy you all night,” Gregory half teased, half warned her. 
She conceded with a disgruntled huff and went to stuff a few spare bobby-pins in her pocket. Pushing him over to the tall mirror hanging on the back of her bedroom door, Cassie squished them together so both their reflections fit. “How do we look?” 
“Awesome. Duh.” 
“Are we missing anything?” 
They each critically examined each other’s costume. Luckily, they weren’t too complicated. 
“Yours looks good to me,” he said. 
“Yours too.” She grinned widely. “They’re gonna freak.” 
Gregory snickered. “This’ll knock ’em both out, for sure.” 
“Perfect,” Cassie said, eyes glinting mischievously. And people thought Gregory was the only troublemaker between them. 
Cassie’s dad took a few pictures once they finished getting dressed up before driving them over to the pizzaplex. The Halloween party was in full swing by the time they got there, and thanks to their special VIP wristbands, they got to skip past all the lines. And bless Mr. King for never asking any questions about how or where they got the wristbands. He just followed along behind them with his own average VIP pass until he split off from them with a reminder to be good, stay together, and text him if they needed anything. 
Unleashed, Gregory and Cassie meandered through the festivities for a while, accepting donuts and cider from one of the many treat tables set up in the building. There were some games scattered around, a few face-painting booths, and reminders for the evening’s activities plastered on every other corner. Almost everyone was in costume, even the employees and some of the STAFF bots roaming around. 
“Oooh,” Cassie said, tugging at Gregory’s arm. “They turned the Fazer Blast arena into a haunted house!” She gave him a pleading look, cheering when he obligingly set off in that direction.
• • •
The annual Halloween party was, at the very least, a pleasant change of pace. It was one of the busiest nights of the year, but Freddy could not bring himself to mind how exhausting it was, not when all the children were in such high spirits. 
The costumes were perhaps his favorite part, though the pizzaplex’s decorations were a close second. They were all so creative and fun to look at. There were costume contests scattered throughout the event, separated by age groups or themes or group costumes. The animatronics were not judges of the contests—they did not have opinions as robots, obviously—but they were expected to attend each one and give out the prizes once the judges had deliberated. 
There was even a contest specifically for all the children who came dressed up as members of the band (with a few of Sun or Moon, or even more rarely, the DJ). One particularly memorable past winner had been accompanied by a service dog wearing a simple homemade wet floor sign bot costume. 
Freddy became increasingly distracted as the night carried on. Gregory had promised to visit during the party, but there had been no sign of the boy yet. It was a large building, and there were many activities to participate in, and so it was most likely that Gregory was having fun elsewhere—he was logically aware of that, of course. 
But that wasn’t helping his patience. 
Gregory had mused about what he wanted to do for a costume since before October had even begun. Freddy had tried to veto all the gory suggestions, though he was still not sure if Gregory had meant them sincerely or was simply messing with him. Last he had heard, Gregory was mostly settled on a character from his favorite video game. 
This was necessary information to better explain the way he short-circuited from surprise when he saw Gregory cross the stage during a costume contest. Specifically the one for kids dressed as them. 
A warning flashed on his HUD that he was in danger of overheating, though he hardly noticed. His friends were all snickering around him, less subtle than normal, as they were safely at the back of the room. 
Gregory did a jaunty spin to show off his Freddy costume—more than one system in Freddy’s body had to reboot, stalling out from pleased shock. 
Roxy elbowed him in the side, grinning, some pointed remark surely on the tip of her tongue, when her jaw dropped open as if the hinge had suddenly broken. 
On stage, Cassie, in a similarly styled Roxy costume, joined Gregory. The announcer was saying something about them being a pair, and both of them were smiling widely as Gregory twirled Cassie under his arm. 
Roxy’s body visibly locked up, and her the lights of her eyes flickered wildly. Beneath his frantically whirring fans, Freddy felt a bit appreciative of karma’s quick turnabout. 
You were saying? he asked pointedly over a private channel. 
Shut—shut up, she sent back. 
They had seen dozens, hundreds, of children dressed as them over the years. They had gotten used to it, and though it was sweet, they did not really feel anything from it anymore. It was nearly comical, then, how these two particular children made him and Roxy feel so much. 
Distracted with trying to regain his composure and stop being on the verge of involuntary shut down, he failed to notice Gregory and Cassie’s approach until the two of them were standing right in front of him and Roxy. 
Given Roxy’s choked little sound of surprise, she had similarly been caught off guard. Curse Monty and Chica for sidling away and not warning them. 
Gregory and Cassie grinned up at them knowingly. “Like our costumes?” Gregory asked, his eyes nearly glowing with mischief. 
“I know you probably see tons just like them,” Cassie said, faux shyly, tugging at the crop top layered over her gray shirt. “Or even better ones. But we did our best!” 
Roxy twitched. Freddy’s attempts at internal damage control were not going well. 
“Yeah,” Gregory said, not nearly as good at playing bashfully innocent when the slant of his smile warned of the one-hit knock-out verbal punch he was about to deliver. “You’re our favorites, after all, and we wanted to be just like you.” 
The punch landed. Freddy’s systems flashed a brief warning before he went into a soft reset. The last thing he registered was Roxy crashing simultaneously with him, which made him feel only marginally better. 
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localfandomweirdo · 5 months
More FNaF S.B. incorrect quotes
-None are mine-
-Cameron and Nox are 2 of my OCs-
Sun: Cameron likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
Nox: Sun, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong? Sun: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before? Nox: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
Moon: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Sun,with 1 brain cell: How many vampires do you think have been hit by a car backing up in a parking lot because the driver couldn’t see their reflection? Chica,also with 1 brain cell: I’ve never considered it but you’re really shining light on what’s probably a very serious issue.
Vanny,wearing sunglasses: Rule one of destroying the Pizzaplex.
Vanny: You gotta look good while doing it.
-FNaF 6-
Mike: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait. Helpy: You and me! Mike: tearing up Ok.
Gregory: I love hearing Vanessa shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
-Past!Afton AU-
Mike: Bro- Chicamask bully: No, no, hold up, rewind. Chicamask bully: My tongue was down your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
-I still haven't decided a name for the Chica Bully,right now it's between Noah,James,and Liam-
Chica: Roxy and I are no longer friends. Roxy: CHICA THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Freddy: What do you think Moon will do for a distraction? Eclipse: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. Building explodes and several car alarms go off Eclipse: … or they could do that.
Eclipse: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Moon? Moon: … No. Sun: I do! Eclipse: I know, Sun. Sun: I’m sad! Eclipse: I know, Sun.
-Before the events of S.B.-
Chica: Hey, Freddy? Can I get some dating advice? Freddy: Just because I’m with Bonnie doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Freddy: Okay, but what if we went to get ice-cream not as friends this time? Bonnie: AS ENEMIES?! Freddy:
-FNaF 2-
Foxy,sweating: Mangle, there’s something I need to ask you- Mangle: Finally! You’re proposing! Foxy: How’d you know? Mangle: Foxy, you dropped the ring five times during dinner. Mangle: I even picked it up once.
Vanessa: What are you two arguing about this time? Roxy: He's always using common phrases incorrectly! Monty: Cry me a table, Roxy.
Sun: How would you like your coffee? Moon: As dark as my soul. Sun: Got it, one cup of milk with extra sugar coming right up!
Gregory: One time I went to hand Cassie a bowl of soup. I wanted to say “Careful, it’s hot!”, and “Here’s your soup!”, so instead I blurted out “Careful it’s soup.”
-I don't know when this would happen-
Cassidy, gesturing to Michael: Guys, look what you did! You made Dad upset! Gaberiel: Dad, please don’t cry, we’re sorry! Fritz: I’m sorry Dad… :( Michael, near tears: I DON’T REMEMBER WITNESSING THE BIRTH OF ANY OF YOU!
Vanessa: What’s your biggest fear? Freddy: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone. Roxy: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back. Gregory: Zombies. Roxy: … Freddy: … Gregory: BUT they can open doors.
Bye :)
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