#just not what gina needs
goginaporter · 2 years
just had a rina epiphany of sorts. @blues-valentine was talking about the canoe scene and how the way ej phrases it makes it sound like the fireworks are their destination. “maybe we can sit here and paddle away until the fireworks go off.” there are a few layers to this scene. the first I want to talk about is the fact that ej involves the canoe in his metaphor, suggesting that they go towards the fireworks. these fireworks, both metaphorical and literal in this situation, are not where pw are in that moment. also, given that the canoe is in the middle of the barn, they can’t actually move anywhere. they’re stagnant, just like their relationship. they aren’t going backwards, but they aren’t going forward either. of course, the core symbolism of this scene is the fact that we watched fireworks go off for ashlyn, but not for them. the spark that flamed their relationship is gone, if it was ever there in the first place. finally, this would not be my thoughts on this couple if I didn’t bring up rina. in 3.03, as ricky and gina are walking back to their tents for the night, ricky says something fascinating. “it’s the journey, not the destination.” I think these two scenes present an interesting contrast in how ej and gina have interacted and how ricky and gina interacted. ej is fighting for the musical and the documentary to go well so that he can stay in salt lake and stay with gina. however in fighting for their future, fighting to reach the fireworks, he is neglecting her in the present, a problem even more clear in the fact that gina has all but begged for ej to spend time with her at shallow lake like he promised, not only when they arrived to camp and he wasn’t director, but also in 3.02, when he tells gina he is not worried about their relationship as it relates to his directing responsibilities. ricky, in contrast, has literally shown up (ej’s words, not just mine) and stayed around and been supportive of gina the entire summer. she claimed that this was supposed to be a “summer of fun” just like ricky did in that ep, and he has all but ensured that for her; being a good leading man, making her laugh, holding other cast members accountable for how their actions impact gina’s show, listening to her issues and offering support, being at her side for color war the entire time, and even helping her with a promposal to her boyfriend. ricky doesn’t have some ulterior motive, a “destination,” if you will, in mind with gina. he just wants to support her now in every way he can. the journey, important to both him and gina, is what he prioritizes. I’m not trying to come down hard at ej for being a bad boyfriend, because there’s nuance to that statement. he is doing good things, but at the end of the day, not what gina asked of him and what he promised her. he’s not being a good boyfriend for gina.
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ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 28: made you smile ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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rinaforreal · 7 months
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The moment he knew they were soulmates. And he was going to love her forever.
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She had always known he was her soulmate this was just the confirmation.
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elemental-plane · 6 months
this theory is coming completely out of left field bc i'm tired and making no sense but i wonder if madam glask is cursed too just because that seems to be a running thing with this circle. maybe specifically something to do with wealth like midas and the gold touch? idk this is probably so wrong but going off the theory she's new money trying to fit in and she's overcompensating and always wearing gloves... idk man. idk. it'd just be cool as hell for her to NOT be the only normal one but it'd be funny if she was
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rosalie-starfall · 4 months
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Sally Phillips & Erik Thomson
How To Please A Woman - 2022 "It is a remote-control internal vibrator. So you wear it inside. It's movement controlled. Bluetooth enabled. It's amazing."
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thstarsofsilver · 1 year
watching hsmtmts for portwell is so dangerous because...what if it doesn’t end well then what do i do huh
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ginaporterr · 10 months
do jenn & mazzara have return tickets from new zealand
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 1 year
The most right thing to do with Ricky Bowen was decide he didn't need a romance to be happy and leave him single for the rest of the show
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dayas · 2 years
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#there's all this talk in the show about the power he had over people but none about the women who had power over him#note im not saying that it excuses his shit either im just saying the eshow never really holds the women accountable#as a woman that annoys me#esp as one with a mom who has often made me feel worthless#i also found the writers to get way too insecure in s5 about how people viewed their main character that they felt the need to double down#give mc a sympathic backstory and will feel bad for him what were they expecting?#heck i felt kinda bad for beatrice and i dont hate her but her dad sucked you cant help but pity her esp as an old lady#angela diaz#scary women#she was so damn convincing#for a show about accountabiity its justall on one mans shoulder and it just doesnt feel like it was that fair shrugs#dont believe me?#ana his publist sexually assaults BJ#this is ignored and brushed off as if it never happened#beatrice his biggest abuser next to his father is given the sad old lady treatment that he acutally ends up being kind too#diane fucks pb who is with pickles and is mostly absolved of any wrong doing on her end#pc agrees to work with vance gets bj to a doc that gives him the opiums and does nothing to stop him from hurting gina#angela is gay the whole time and still fires herb then berates and offers a man who is mentally unstable more alchhol#it also felt tacked on in ep 10 of s5 to me like it came of super insecure#oh he def did shitty sshit that is unforgiveable but it felt like they were just throwing a bunc of random x//a/s to double down
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airenyah · 4 months
so as i already mentioned, yesterday i sat my mom down for mafia the series and at first my mom said she wanted to go to bed fairly early tonight and didn't wanna watch more than one episode. we ended up watching two episodes after all. needless to say i WON'T be forcing mafia the series on my mom bc she WILL be watching all 10 episodes with me willingly. and happily so
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aletheialed · 6 months
why am i making so many headcanons for barok despite having seen so little of his actual dialogue.................. i have a PROBLEM gamers ;~;
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meredithbeckham · 2 years
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gina martin // the 100
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titansarmy · 2 years
ricky just stomped over anyone saying he was out to steal the girl. he got his chance to have gina, not even steal her bc she point blank told him she just broke up with ej, and he did not go for it. he loves her so much and understands her so well and he knows its not the time to be piling something like that on her.
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zaine-m · 2 years
Sorry I'm rewatching and like Gina's mad at EJ like he's choosing to leave and isn't literally doing everything in his power to stop.
But yeah it would've been so horrible for him to decide to leave and only tell Gina last minute. Not like any other character has done that, not like Gina literally did that to Ashlyn.
I'm just watching these episodes and feeling like Gina used to care about EJ, now she seems to literally only care about them spending time together so they can have fun and she doesn't seem to give a shit about any of his feelings or when he's struggling.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
I will sincerely apologize for the person I will become in the 27th of July. HSMTMTS is coming back!!!! And the season will focus on EJ!!! I love him, he is my second favorite fictional male character.
Okay, most of mutuals, we weren't mutuals last summer, so you are all gonna see me geek out over my other obsession ship that is not Gastina for the first time.
They were clearly painting a love triangle again, but we got a really small Rina scene, which basically focused on EJ seeing them. If Rina actually is going to happen they wouldn't had the EJ walking shot there. And Portwell literally kissed in the trailer and we did not see any reaction from Ricky.
I am still not personally buying the fact that he ever even liked Gina. I mean in S1 he was always after Nini and when EJ said he liked Gina, Ricky little bit questioned it, but then just didn't react at all. He went on to help Seblos and move about Nini again. Portwell kissed in fort of Slices, he probably saw it.
The bottom line is that I think Porwell will get through something similar to S2 Gastina. They start out happy, then have some conflict, Ricky is going to be Xavi and EJ and Gina will get back together in the end.
It is gonna be just misunderstanding and miscommunication. EJ has learned from his mistakes with Nini, and they don't have phones so he can't steal any. I hope he and Ricky will end up talking and becoming gal pals. I wanna see Ricky become the biggest Portwell shipper.
Also I am not worried about Big Red or Seb, they're not gone. They just didn't go camping for 2 weeks because they had family business obligations.
So here were my thoughs... hopefully no one will come after me for them. And if Portwell is not endgame... I will be mad but I'll survive. I am used to my ships not being endgame and needing hc their eventual endgameness. I'll be fine if Oxfors won't come in again
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