#just note the video will contains spoilers so watch at your own discretion
A video recapping Leo/need's story up until now has been released!
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theanimeview · 2 years
Goodbye, Eri Analysis (Part One)
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Source: Tatsuki Fujimoto, Goodbye, Eri
By: Beata Garrett | @zhongxia246​
What is there to say about Tatsuki Fujimoto, the creator of Chainsaw Man, Fire Punch, and the devastating one-shot, Look Back? We could dive into so many aspects of his works. I love Fujimoto’s stories because he does ultraviolence in a way that cracks open the shell of humanity. Fujimoto’s work is raw, funny, and gut-punching in turns and sometimes all at once.
I heard about Goodbye, Eri, Fujimoto’s latest one-shot the day before it was released on Viz to read for free (no longer the case, sadly). I was immediately onboard. While Fire Punch didn’t do much for me, Chainsaw Man and Look Back rank amongst my favorite manga. I opened the website, eagerly began, and half an hour later, I was in shock. I didn’t quite know how to feel, which is a very typical Fujimoto feeling.
After processing it more, I’ve been able to start articulating what Goodbye, Eri meant to me. There are many things to take from the one-shot, but I was especially interested in how Fujimoto approached film as a way to remember and memorialize those we love. It’s even more poignant considering this is a coming-of-age manga about a boy who is forced to confront his relationships with those around him and his own insecurities as he grows older.
This is also a one-shot that I could talk forever about. As such, this will be a two-part analysis of Goodbye, Eri, with each part tackling half of the one-shot. Thanks for joining me on this journey and, without further ado, let’s get into it.
[Editor’s Note: Please assume from this point forward that everything–quotes, images, and summaries–in this post, unless cited otherwise, comes directly from Goodbye, Eri (2022). This post also goes into in-depth spoilers for the movie. Thank you.]
Disclaimer: This post contains discussions that may be triggering for some readers. Content warning for suicidal ideation and death of a loved one. By clicking “Read More,” you understand that you may encounter such content. Reader discretion is advised.
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The first page of the manga appears wholesome on the surface: a twelve-year-old boy has just started middle school and is celebrating his birthday with his parents, who pose for his camera. On the next page, the mother asks the boy, “You know how I could die from my illness? How does that make you feel?” She then proceeds to tell the boy, later called Yuta, that she wants him to begin shooting videos of her for the family to remember her by.
It’s a harsh thing to ask a child. Yet I felt some sympathy, and I’m sure others did, for the mother too. But in that instant, something very innocent (the exhilarating discovery of filming something) is turned into a responsibility and something much more serious.
Despite the serious nature of the mother’s request, Goodbye, Eri doesn’t shy away from humor. Yuta captures the best and worst moments of his mother, from family trips to the aquarium to her laughing and telling him to turn off the camera because she’s pooping. These moments make you smile and then you get the classic Fujimoto gut-punch: Yuta films his parents sleeping and says, “I’m keeping watch in case she dies in her sleep.”
As Yuta follows his mother from home to hospitalization, he shows his face only a few times. He also tries to film his father, who laughs and says, “There’s no need to film your dad!” This brings up an interesting question: who gets to be part of the memorialization and what is the right way, if there is any, to remember someone? Was filming the dad a mistake on Yuta’s part or does the absence of him leave something important out of Yuta’s videos?
This idea of erasure continues on the next page as Yuta films himself in a mirror. His eyes are obscured, which erases part of his humanity, and he talks about his feelings as the one responsible for filming his mother. He doesn’t break down or pretend to be super happy, but his reaction is a little ambivalent. At first, he’s not even sure whether he’s sad, but rectifies it, stating, “No…I’m sad. I am.” It’s almost as if he’s confirming it to himself. There is no correct way to grieve or prepare yourself for the death of a loved one, but this uncertainty in oneself is refreshing to see. It eschews any morality (such as the sentiment that “Yuta is bad for not feeling sad!”) and honestly portrays how some people would process this kind of situation.
Through these three panels and the next page, Fujimoto also shows us how film, especially documentaries, requires a level of honesty from the filmmaker. The next page depicts an insect’s carcass being carried away by ants, and it’s a distinctly somber tone compared to the previous pages. In many ways, the visual mediums of manga and film overlap throughout Goodbye, Eri (though there are definitely differences), but there remains an issue of what is shown and, again, what isn’t. Why is Yuta filming this insect being eaten? Why film himself in the mirror instead of directly as we’ve seen before?
Funnily enough, by diverting attention away from his mother, Yuta ends up being the center of attention and his feelings on his mother’s illness come into focus. He is unable to directly face his mother and this is hammered in when he runs from the hospital, unable to film her final moments.
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As he runs away from the hospital, the scene becomes blurry and we wonder how Yuta is holding the camera. Then it pulls away to show him clearly, running towards the camera. The hospital explodes and it’s revealed that this is a movie. The character of “Yuta” in this movie yells, “Goodbye, Mom!” as he runs away, watched by an audience full of students.
This is the first meta layer of Goodbye, Eri and I especially love how “Goodbye, Mom!” echoes the one-shot’s title. As I’ll talk about later, Eri and Yuta’s mother are very intertwined for him and are the two women who influence his life the most.
Unfortunately for the filmmaker, the audience is disgusted by the movie. Ironically, the expressions of shock mimic many people’s reactions to Fujimoto’s works. It definitely mirrored mine towards Fire Punch. It’s made worse when the title of the movie is revealed to be Dead Explosion Mother, a satirical poke at Fujimoto’s violent and simplistic titles.
What’s unusual is that the movie continues. Outside of the movie that is. Yuta captures the reactions of his classmates, who laugh at him and call the movie garbage, and then the individual reactions of those who saw it. Many of them see the movie as insensitive and as a mockery of his mother’s death.
One of the teachers asks him, “Why did you go and turn it into a movie?” and becomes physically violent when Yuta says the explosion was awesome at the end. The question of why we make movies, why any art is made, is an interesting one. Especially in the case of “unpalatable” art. I don’t think Fujimoto provides any clear answer to this question except for two, one of which is “to remember.” The other, which I’ll get more into in Part Two is, is for catharsis.
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I believe that it is up to every individual to decide what they deem worthy of remembering. Fujimoto expresses this agency and desire to remember strongly in Goodbye, Eri. After interviewing his audience, Yuta films himself about to commit suicide by jumping off the roof of the hospital where his mother died. He asks his father to show the video to those that made fun of him for the movie and tells the camera (and us), “This world is filled with death. Memento mori.” Like his mother, Yuta wants to exist and live on in someone’s memory. There is also a power in remembering “memento mori,” remembering that you will die, and choosing to accept it and show your most vulnerable moments.
Despite asking his father to take the video, Yuta takes the camera with him and is about to jump off with it. This is a somewhat bizarre move that I’m still reflecting on: does it mean the movie ends only with the filmmaker? That despite wanting to be remembered, Yuta simultaneously wishes to be erased and punish himself? Or is it to heighten the emotions even more as we see his final moments from his perspective? I’m not sure.
The next few pages build dread as we watch Yuta climb the stairs and see the houses and parking lots below him. Any panel now, we could see him falling and it’s very effective. But suddenly, the camera focuses again. And we meet the star of a new movie, a girl named Eri.
This is the end of Part One of the analysis for Goodbye, Eri. Rereading Fujimoto’s one-shot has only made me certain of how talented he is at writing and composition. Every panel adds something interesting to the story and the inner world of its characters, and his reveals are still shocking even though they’ve been done before. Fiction that comments on making movies through movies is nothing new, but there’s a simplicity in Fujimoto’s writing that emphasizes the beauty and horror of his works.
The first half of Goodbye, Eri leaves many unanswered questions to be pondered upon in the next half, and, like a good movie I’ve already seen, I look forward to experiencing it again. Goodbye, reader!
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Imagine...Breaking Dean’s Nose
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Brother!Dean x Sister!Reader; Brother!Sam x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Mild Angst, some fluff (I think), minor back story, first fic written since [spoilers] Dean’s Death in 15x20 (spn finale)[spoiler].
Summary: The siblings have a minor disagreement that leads to a fist fight. And ends with Dean getting a broken nose and a realization, he has to let her grow.
Mobile Masterlist
a/n: I write and edit all my works, hope you enjoy. This is my first time back writing Dean since the Finale.
Y/N sat in the back seat of the impala as they drove back to the bunker from the hospital. Sam driving his brother in the passenger seat, his nose swollen, a black eye swelling his eye.
The two siblings were at a disagreement.
Ever since she joined the brothers, it was after she lost her family. Nothing weird about their deaths. But state officials did DNA tests to find any family relatives. Turns out she’s related to Sam and Dean, as their half-sister.
The pair disagreed on something simple. Going out, but their sister was always careful. But since there was a project due soon and it was a group project. She had to sneak out, without Dean or Sam knowing. And came back to a pissed off Dean. Dean then got on her nerves, hovering over her, always concerned about her over the simplest of things. But she was still 13 years old.
Sam pulled into the garage, parking it and killing the engine, they weren’t as fast as Y/N to get out of the car. She had walked quickly to her room, locking her door.
The next morning, Y/N got up early to shower, and make Dean a big breakfast, Sam too for putting up with their crap. She may not have any idea how to cook, but to anyone’s famous last words before burning down a kitchen, how hard can it be?
She began making the pancake batter, cracking some eggs, adding some oil, and she began cooking them. Flipping them was a whole other story, some looked perfect circular, golden pancakes. But others would look over done or under done. The under done ones, she played the safe card and threw them away. Next were the eggs. She cracked some eggs in the skillet, flipping them once the whites were solid enough, making them over easy. Giving each brother 3 pancakes, 2 eggs over easy. Next was bacon for Dean. Dishing up their plates, giving Dean and Sam their morning coffee’s, and Sam some O.J, she put them on trays and sat them in their rooms just moments before their alarms went off.
Dean woke up to the smell of food in his room, Sam woke to his alarm with the combo of good smelling food. Both with notes from their sister. 
Sorry for being a pain. Was written for Sam.
And the other note, reading, Sorry for breaking your nose. For Dean.
She cleaned up the bunkers kitchen, cleaning the dishes, and then bolting to hide in her room for the rest of the day.
Dean knew she wasn’t backing down, not really. Not entirely.
Their argument, he knew he was stopping her from getting a homework assignment for school and getting it done. But he didn’t want her out where he couldn’t protect her.
“You can’t always protect her Dean.” Sam says. Knowing full well about their argument. Well, he practically, unwillingly, had front row seats to the screaming match and fist fight.
“Just watch me.” Dean challenged.
“Dean.” Sam says in a knowing tone. “She’s got a school project, due Monday, it's Saturday. And she’s going to fail it if you don’t let her go.” Sam explains.
“But what if something happens?” Dean asks. “Like, what if one of the kids is a shifter trying to get at us. Or a werewolf, or a vamp kid, or even--”
“Dean, just stop. We taught her everything she needs to know about hunting. And she knows what to do.” Sam says.
Dean just sat back in his chair, with folded arms, grumbling to himself. But after about five minutes of thinking. Sam’s right. Dean doesn’t want to get in the way of his sister's education. She’s 13, about to go into high school next year. Those next four years are going to be important to her. And she has shown she'll kick his ass if he gets in her way. 
He lets out a heavy sigh. “Fine.”
“Let me go talk to her.”
“Yeah, talk. No yelling. Okay Dean.”
Dean simply waves him off.
He walks to her room, farthest from either of them. And gives it a few knocks. But gets no response. He tries to open it, it’s unlocked. So there’s something. He pokes his head in her room.
She's on her bed, with her wireless headphones on, playing some loud rock music but one ear piece is off her ear and sitting behind it. Doing her homework on her laptop.
“Guys, I gotta go.” She says to the laptop.
“Okay, but thanks for your help on the project. We’ll let you know if we need more info.” Her classmate says from the laptop.
“And, Y/N, go easy. I live with my older brothers too. And he’s just trying to protect you. He’s doing the best he can.” said another one of her classmates. Seeing her nod at them.
“You can do it girl, see you in class on Monday." They said. She gives a small friendly wave, and ends their video call. Taking off her headphones, she gets off of the bed.
“I’m sorry, I really had to get my portion of the project done and to the rest of my team.” she said to Dean, casting her gaze down. Waiting for him to yell at her.
“It’s okay, that’s what I was coming in here to talk to you about.” He says.
She looks up at him, not saying a word.
“I can’t protect you from everything out there. Not even life or the supernatural itself. Deep down, I sure as hell don’t want you hunting.” He explains.
That’s why he doesn’t let me out on hunts. She thought.
“I want you to live the normal life. I want you to get an education, a job, a life you are happy with to call your own.” He continues.
“But what if you guys need help?” she asks.
“Cas can always lend a hand. Same for Jack. but you are off limits. You’re 13, you have a long life ahead of you. And I want you to live it.” he says.
She nods.
“Are you almost done?” he asks.
“Almost, I just have to write my research down so we’re ready to present it on Monday.”  
“Well, finish up. I say, you deserve some you time in the Dean Cave.” He says. She smiles, he never lets her do whatever she wants in the Dean Cave. She has the same gadget and tech know-how like Sam. And with her XBox One, she always wanted to play it on his big screen TV in the Dean Cave.
“Just, put everything back the way you found it. You know how I am with technology.” he says. Making her giggle.
“Sure Dean.”
“Oh, and Uh, thanks for breakfast. The eggs were a bit over hard, and the bacon wasn’t quite done. Maybe one of these days I’ll teach you how to cook.” Dean tells her.
“Okay.” she smiles.
She went back to writing her research essay and he went to his room to chill out. And once she was done she hooked up her console to his TV in the Dean Cave and binge played Fallout 4.
Sam was just happy there was some peace in the bunker, not just that day, but the days throughout.
Did you like it? How’d I do? Comment, Like, send an ask, feedback is fuel that keeps me going!
Dean Tags:
@luci-in-trenchcoats​, @supernatural-jackles​, @becs-bunker​, @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @mlovesstories​, @winchest09​
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 11/28/2020
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woundedheartwithin · 6 years
Party Banter Part One - The Judge
Just a quick warning, this video does contain SPOILERS about secondary characters (and possibly main story, I don’t think I included any of that but I’m warning you anyway in case I missed any), so watch at your own discretion.
All The GfHs interactions with The Judge.  Each one has two banter dialogues with one another.  The location is in the video, but it’s called Roughneck’s Crag and is about 960 meters northeast from Prosperity’s front gate (using a waypoint set over the marker), up against the mountains.  
Location at 0:10 Note from Grace at 0:15 Nana and The Judge at 0:26 Pastor Jerome and The Judge at 2:06 Hurk and The Judge at 2:53 Carmina and The Judge at 4:22 Gina and The Judge at 5:08 Me fucking around and being mean to The Judge at 6:07
Part Two will be one of the other companions' interactions with the others.  I haven't decided on whose yet, but if there are any in particular you want to see, let me know!
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adriyanibelikov · 7 years
Mystic Messenger - V Route (Another Story) Prologue Bad Ending #1 and #2
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If you want to watch the YouTube video guide instead, just click on the link below!:
【Mystic Messenger】 V Route Prologue Bad Ending #1 and #2
Hi~! ♥
This post serves as a guide towards achieving the bad ending for the Prologue of V’s Route (Another Story). It’s actually very easy to get the bad end for this part (Very. Like, anyone can nail it, perhaps even a 10-year-old kid) so I know there’s really no need for me to post this stuff, but meh~, I’m posting it anyway. This is my blog so I can post whatever I want, right? ^^ ♡
I divided the prologue into three parts:
MC (main character) chats with Unknown; 
VNM (Visual Novel Mode)
Start of the game, where MC gets to chat with the “A.I.” RFA members
There are two (2) kinds of bad endings for the prologue, and you will get either bad ending #1 or bad ending #2 depending on the answer you choose on the final selection. These bad endings appear on the second part of the prologue (VNM), so I will no longer post the selections and answers for the third part.
Basically, all you’ve got to do is decline Unknown’s offer of testing the “game” he developed.
The answers I selected which led me to the bad ending are in BOLD FONT. 
(Note: Answers on this part don’t really matter, so it’s alright to choose whatever answer you like.)
Who are you? Where am I?
Hey ya howdy doodle doo
Why are you emphasizing the word ordinary…? It’s making me even more nervous
You’re the developer of this app?
I’d like to chat with a handsome/pretty guy right now.
Is there something I can do for you?
What’s this app for?
What is it?
I’m not buying it.
I’ll do it!!
Doesn’t sound that interesting…
Why don’t you test it out yourself?
Messenger game app?
For free?
No thanks. Not my style.
Dunno about fun but if there’s no reward…
OK! I’ll try it.
Do I just need to choose one and date?
Fine. I’ll try it out.
NOTE: At the beginning of the VNM, you will receive an incoming call from Unknown. You will be given an option to either answer the call or decline the call, but selecting any of those two is fine. Your phone will automatically answer the call even if you choose to decline Unknown’s call.
How did you know my number?
You’ve got the wrong number.
I can barely recall.
Yes, I remember.
Is that short for Ramen Filled Aristocrat?
Are there any merits in gathering more guests?
I can just choose guests however I like?
So it’s something like the currently trending e-boyfriend thing.
I want to know what the hourly pay is.
Alright, fine, I’ll do it.
Where’s here?
Just send me the file.
No, I’ll just pass.
Fine. As long as if it doesn’t have to be my home address.
It’s not even real and I can’t bother to even go there.
If it’s something only I can do, I guess there’s no other choice.
Can I pursue you?
I don’t need it. No thanks.
Paradise? Now what’s that about?
Unknown will keep on calling you for the next three days. It’s up to you whether you want to answer or decline his call. On the 4th day...
Wait for him at the cafe. (Bad Ending #1)
Report to the police. (Bad Ending #2)
And there you have it! You have achieved the bad ending of the prologue! Easy, right? ^^ 
IMHO, I think bad ending #1 ain’t so bad, especially if you’re a huge fan of Ray/Unknown. It’s actually kind of a good ending for me. And I consider any ending where I end up with Ray/Unknown as a happy ending. ♥ ♥ ♥ Haha!
If you have any questions, feel free to comment/message me. Don’t forget to follow me, too!
Thanks for reading! ^_^
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