#just plop them down somehwere okay
Gonna be real this was originally meant to be smut but then it sort of took on a life its own and became just tooth rotting fluff so enjoy!
Taglist (Ask if you’d like to be added) @auxiliarydetective
Leta Middenlocke was many things, a liar, a cheat, a murderer and a soldier, but she never considered herself a fool, until this very moment.
They were on a moon, a small village named Kinsgard to be exact, and she had spent her wages on a dress, an actual dress and for what? To stand awkwardly in the room Ibram had been granted by the mayor of said town as a thank you for saving it from total annihilation? She examined herself in the mirror, the dress was pretty, a lovely shade of maroon that had a sweetheart neckline and reached her knees, once upon a time it would have suited her a lot more than it did now, a shaved head, bruised legs and guard issue combat boots were not this summers sought after accessories. 
Ibram would laugh at her no doubt, speaking of which where was the grumpy bastard? It was almost midnight and meetings never ran this late. 
She heard the beep of a keypad, speak of the devil and he shall always appear, and so he did, walking through the door backlit by the hallway lights, she’d know his silhouette anywhere, the cap, the coat, she’d committed it to memory.
“There you are.”
“Sorry I’m late darling..I ran into Corbec outside the pub on the way back, he and the boys were having a celebratory drink..”
 He turned and hung up his cap, then removed his coat
“And one drink became two and then two became three..” He chuckled “You know how Colm can be.”
“Aye I do.” She replied with a smile “When someone else is paying.” 
“On the house, us being heroes and all..” He turned to face her, a smile on his flushed face. “Whats this?”
“A surprise..” She twirled in the dress, he’d never seen her in anything besides her uniform before, she’d even spent ages shaving her legs with a straight razor, somehow she didn’t cut herself, a miracle. “Do you like it?” 
“Wh-Where’d you get it?”
“Bought it, with my wages..Had some saved up, since..well I don’t exactly need to buy much..” 
He was staring at her, she felt self conscious, she was right, she looked stupid, her days of dress wearing were far behind her.
“Silly really…I mean…when am I gonna wear it?” She shrugged, feeling like a burst balloon “Just..I guess…Forget it.” 
“Hey..” he walked across the room to her and put a hand under her chin “You look beautiful.” 
“You always say that.”
“Because its true.”
“I guess I just..I wanted to remind you that I’m a woman..”
“I know that, Princess.”
“Do you? Because I forget sometimes..” 
She ran her hands along the skirt of her dress, it was soft, she’d forgotten what soft clothes felt like.
“I’m just Middenlocke..”
“No, your Leta.” 
“Only you ever call me it, and even then only when no one else is around.”
“You’re Leta Victoria Middenlocke..” 
Her name had never sounded so perfect as it did coming from his mouth.
“All though, I do hope you’ll become Leta Victoria Gaunt..”
Her eyes widened, her eyebrows very almost reached her hairline.
“I took so long out because I was getting something..”
He walked back to his coat, and when he returned he had small box in his palm
“And I had a whole plan about how I was going to suggest we take a walk and then I was going to propose under the moonlight..” He laughed, a rare sound coming from him “And then Colm went and buggered it all up by getting me drunk.” 
The ring was a gold band, simple, the only adornment was the Imperial Eagle etched into the center, Leta’s heart felt she had just survived a near death experience, she was used to that feeling, she’d had a lot of them. 
“But..How?” She asked “You…us…”
She knew from the moment she’d first kissed him, all those nights under the stars that they could never be anything official, no grand wedding, no children, no growing old together and planting tulips in a garden, that just wasn’t possible, Too many rules, too many differences between them.
She was the lowly penal legionnaire, he was the Colonel-Commissar, it just didn’t happen, not on this side of infinity.
“Ibram..I can’t be your wife.”
“Who says?”
“Literally everyone, love.” She scoffed “It would be career suicide for you and quite possibly actual suicide for me.” 
“It doesn’t have to be anything huge, I just..I want there to be a record of us somewhere…Some proof that..” He paused. “If either of us died, I’d want there to be evidence that this happened, That we loved each other.”
In all likelihood it was her who would die, that truth haunted every waking moment they spent together, a specter clawing at their happiness with ice cold claws, it would wait, a predator seeking its prey, as random as lightning striking the ground but it would come, they both knew this.
Leta Gaunt did have a ring to it.
“You have to ask me properly.”  
He smiled, and sank to one knee, Ibram Gaunt bowed to know one but the God Emperor, But he could make a exception in Leta’s case.
“Leta Victoria Middenlocke…would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”  
“Yes, Ibram, I would.”
He took the ring from the box and slid it on to her ring finger, it fit perfectly. 
He kissed her and then picked her up, he spun her around, the skirt of her dress spread around like the petals of a blooming flower and she laughed, for a moment, a fleeting moment they were just like any other newly engaged couple.
And by the Throne they would cling to this moment of happiness until the next one came along.
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burninglilys · 4 years
Sarawatine and the 29th prompt please and thank you? 💖
Hi lovey!!! Thank you for the ask! ❤️ Here's a lil ficlet taking place somehwere between 2gether and still2gether.
“Isn't this, like, illegal?”
“Most probably,” Sarawat nods with the conviction of a man about to do anything but something 'most probably illegal', still holding Tine by his wrist behind him as he looks everywhere to make sure that the coast is clear. 
“Wat!” Tine hisses, which only causes Sarawat to pull him further. “We don't have to do this right now!”
Abruptly, Sarawat comes to a stop, causing Tine to collide with him, headfirst. 
Sarawat lets out a small ‘oof’ before steadying them both with his hands. 
“Tine.” Under the pale light emanating from their phone torches, Sarawat looks a little too ethereal, too beautiful, his bright eyes reflecting the night sky. 
Tine, bewitched as always, is unable to do anything but smile at him in response. He can't help it, he loves Sarawat so much that he feels unable to contain it, those words making themselves home right underneath his tongue, ready to escape every time he sees Sarawat. But he can’t say it here, especially not now, even when those words are eager to slip away. 
Tine leans forward and kisses his cheek, once. 
Sarawat's features soften immeasurably before he trails his hands down Tine's arms and intertwines their fingers together. 
"Tine," he says again, his voice soft. 
"Wat," Tine replies, pressing their fingers together. 
For a moment, Tine even forgets why they are here, meters away from the rooftop, where Sarawat wants to break in because apparently, “the view at night is simply exquisite,” and he simply can’t wait for the morning. It strikes him then, what they’re about to do, but Sarawat simply steps in closer and presses their foreheads together. 
“Do you trust me?” Sarawat whispers, as though he doesn’t know just how gone Tine is, for him. As though he doesn’t know that Tine would do just about anything for him. 
“Obviously,” Tine scoffs. 
“Okay,” Sarawat nods, pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
“If your fifth-month anniversary gift for me is getting us both arrested,” Tine says, as they move towards the door that leads them to the rooftop swimming pool, “then I will never forgive you.” 
Sarawat huffs a laugh, bumping their shoulders together. “Your brother will kill me if that happens,” he says. “I wouldn’t have asked you to accompany me had I not known the stakes, Tine.” 
Sarawat pulls them to the door, and with sheer efficiency, he breaks into the rooftop, without tripping any alarms, or alerting any authorities. 
(Fuck, Tine realises, this isn’t the first time that Sarawat is doing this.)
Sarawat looks nothing but smug as the door opens to the rooftop, extending his arm, and saying ever so softly, “After you.” 
Tine is a little… shocked, that Sarawat is able to efficiently break-in, somehow more impressed than he’d ever thought he’d be. 
Dim lights flood all over the rooftop. Tine is able to locate the pool and is able to look at the stars above. 
Tine stands there, awe-struck, looking up at the stars with poorly concealed delight. 
The stars are barely visible from their home, deep in the city, but here, here there seems to be an abundance of them. The night sky is clear, moonless; Tine is going to be able to swim under the starry sky with his boyfriend. Worries of being caught (and subsequently arrested for trespassing) are soon forgotten. 
Sarawat plops his chin on Tine's shoulder, holding him from behind. “Do you like this?” he whispers, causing the hair on Tine's nape to rise up. 
Tine presses into Sarawat, putting his arms over Sarawat's. “I love it,” Tine says. “It is so beautiful here.”
Sarawat presses a kiss on Tine's cheek. “Yeah,” he says, “Yeah, it is.”
The water is cool enough to contrast the blistering heat of the day. Neither of them know how to swim, making them wade towards the shallow waters, clinging onto each other despite knowing that they won't drown here. 
“This is my second-favourite place ever,” Sarawat says, his head sagged against the fold of his hands at the edge of the pool. “Coming second to being in your arms. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Tine echoes, reaching out to him. He rests his face on Sarawat's shoulder, pulling him in his arms. 
“Thank you,” Tine says after a while.
Sarawat hums, inquisitive and low, prompting Tine to say, “Thank you for taking me to your second-favourite place ever.”
From this angle, it is awfully convenient to press his lips near Sarawat's ear. 
Sarawat turns around then, the smile on his face radiant, dazzling, entirely fond, even under the faded lights of the rooftop. “Thank you for being my favourite person ever,” he says in a soft voice that is reserved for Tine.
And here Tine feels it again, this bubbling ferocious need, right behind his ribs. The need to scream just how much he loves Sarawat from this rooftop, the need to drown those words in his water — pulling them both with it, the need to whisper those words in his ears, knowing that they'd remain in the liminal space between them, private, certain, words that he'll always come back to. 
Instead, Tine presses their foreheads together, and traces those words with the tip of his thumbs on Sarawat's cheeks. I love you, he writes. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Sarawat plants a kiss on both his thumbs, as though he understands the depth of those words falling freely out of him. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. 
One day, he thinks, one day he'll feel brave enough to say it. 
For now, he presses their lips together, hoping that it tells Sarawat just that. 
(send me a prompt + pairing if you want!)
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whatthe-tuckb · 3 years
The Tornado Trio | Discord Para
with: @carofms, @beckhcm when/where: the night of the tornado/ Tucker’s Truck
tucker turned the key to start his truck, the engine coming to life and luckily so did his heat and winsheild wipers. The rain that soaked his clothes made him shiver, or maybe it was the fact that the adrenaline from moments before with caroline were still racing through his mind causing his whole body to tremble. Reaching forward he turned on the heat, "You okay?" he asked looking over at her, a small smile finding his lips. "I haven't heard from Beck.." Tucker said pulling out onto the road which now had more than an inch of water. "I'm worried he usually hits me back quick..." he chewed his lip as he drove turning up the wipers another speed. "You up for a rescue mission?" he turned to her, a twinge of a smirk peaked the corner of his mouth. She was his adventure partner. "I'm going to drive down some streets check some places he could be. I hope he's already at Blue's party but part of me feels like he's off being the main character somehwere knowing him."
getting into the car was the first time caroline noticed she was freezing. the south carolina heat didn't have much of a match on the cold rain that soaked her clothes, and she mirrored his shiver in the car. a smile was tugging at her lips but for some reason she couldn't make eye contact with tucker right now. "i'm good," she responded, lifting her hands to the heat. finally she lifted her eyes to look over at him, concern growing on her face at the mention of beck. "you know me. of course i'm up for it. let's go find the idiot." she responds jokingly, shifting her gaze to the front window and throwing her feet up on the dash. she stifles a laugh at his comment. "i wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. he's probably -- wait, stop the car, i think i see him!" she shouts, pointing at a figure that resembled their friend.
beck is walking back and forth on the curb as he watches a tow truck take away christian's car.  he's going to kill him, plain and simple. he's going to kick him out of the apartment and then kill him on the streets for wrecking his 'baby'. and then there's the mess with leo.... beck shakes his head trying to put all of that on the back burner.  if he's ever going to deal with that it will be with a help of a licensed professional.  out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of tucker's truck. he hears caroline's voice and feels a weight lifted off his shoulders, at least he won't be walking home alone in the middle of a tornado- that's one win out of a million loses. he runs up to the truck too afraid to look back at the mess he made. beck gets in without saying as much as hello, wrapping his arms around his body making himself small. there's a deep breath, followed by small wines, and before he realizes it he's crying.
looking over at care he nods, knowing the heat is good for her he feels his own body start to warm contradicting the coolness of his clothing causing goosebumps on his skin. at her comment tucker chuckles and nods, indeed let's go find this fool he called a a best friend. scanning the streets he was looking off at something when his attention was called to wherever caroline had spotted someone who was either beck or resembled him. Tucker didn't think it would be this soon but to his dismay the familar figure of his friend came out of the shadows. "Well I'll be damned.." he said shaking his head with the lightest chuckle. Stopping the truck instantly he slowed down to a stop, reaching back and unlocking the door. Before he even said anything and busted his ass about how he almost sent the natonal guard to come find him he looked at beck, then over at caroline- locking eyes with her before turning them back to Beck. "Hey man. You okay? What happened out there? I figured you were off being a main character or some shit and having your moment in the rain but what- what's going on.." he asked not sure if he wanted to talk all that much.
caroline noticed the tow truck before realizing it was beck's car on the back of it -- and it looked bad. as soon as she felt the car door open, her head twisted to look at the blonde, sitting in the back seat, sulking -- as anyone would. but shock washed over her when she heard cries coming from him. she never thought she'd ever see that from him. her eyes met tuckers before watching him comfort his best friend. "was that your car on the tow truck?" she asked for clarification once tucker finished speaking.
the back of the car echoes with his cries, each one getting louder than the last.  he doesn't know where all of these feelings are coming from. he is fine. "no!" he screams between sobs,  rubbing at his eyes so hard he can see stars "itschristianscarandhesgonnakillme" he wails so fast he doubts either of his friends can understand what he's saying.  it's getting harder for him to keep a steady breath as a year's worth of built-up emotions pour out of him, "andialmostkilledadogandifeellikeafuckingidiot" frustrated with everything he throws himself across the backseat, burying his face in the seats crying everything out just to get the theatrics over with.
tucker just sits and listens, the calming tapping of rain against the tin roof of his truck pitter patter in the silence that fills the void inbetween beck's sobs. he somewhat made out what he was saying, beck's words jumbling together in a run on sentence. Tucker sucked in his bottom lip in thought before knowing what to do, taking the truck he moved off the side of the road into an empty parking lot nearby. Putting the car in park he climbed into the back with Beck, stepping between the seats and plopping down next to him. Looking up at Care he nodded for her to come join them. Not saying anything Tucker wrapped his arms around his friend and just held him, not saying a word but squeezing. "You're not an idiot man and a car is a car. It can be replaced you know what can't? You." he said confidently. "And I'll fuck up anyone who makes you think differently." he said his language bold- piercing- but true. "You're a brother to me. I mean that." he leaned his head against beck, wrapping his arms around him and meeting caroline's on the other side. "Who do I need to beat up? Tell me?" he tried to lighten the mood.
as soon as she got the signal to join the pair, caroline followed suit and climbed to the back, taking a seat on the other side of beck. upon instinct, her hand went to his back, resting it there for added comfort. sure, they annoyed the living shit out of each other — but she didn’t like seeing him like this. the girl allowed tucker to give him the pep talk; who was she to interrupt a couple of best friends having a moment? she gave a soft smile when his arms wrapped around the both of them, joining them willingly in the group hug. “and i may not be a good physical fighter, so i’ll leave that one to tuck, but i’m willing to bully someone if they try to fuck with you.”
he supposes all of this affection is supposed to make him feel better however it only makes him cry harder. mostly because he knows tucker is a man of his word. he said  he would go to war for him and meant it,  but how is he supposed to tell him that the person he needs to beat up is beck himself.  because once again he dug his own grave and is now bearing the consequences. he looks up at caroline, brow raised in confusion. she cared about him. that was definitely new but not unpleasant.  he sits up slightly, his weight still resting on the other blonde before he looks up at tucker.  "i can't fucking stop" he cries, "knock me out. sedate me. do something!"
(beck in a gif rn : here) 
tucker still has beck wrapped in his arms, feeling caroline's arms joining him he was glad that she climbed back to support beck in his time of need. Reaching his hand over to her free hand he found her hand and squeezed it almost as if to say ' thank you for doing this for him for me' and in another way to say I didn't forget about what happened between us only minutes before and that if she was in her head this would get her out of it. Despite all the crazy that was going on with him it was good to be the reason to calm someone else. He'd do anything for Beck and he knew that he knew that. A foster kid, an orphan he had nobody even close to a brother who felt the way Beck did to him or meant that much. He was family. Swallowing he nodded listening to Beck speak, "I hate to do this Beck- forgive me." he grimaced and raised his hand to slap his cheek. "Snap out of it man. You'd want me to do this if you were in a better mindset so don't come for me." he clarified grasping Beck by the shoulders. "Pull yourself together man. Remember who you are. You're not this guy. You're gonna figure it out and fuck Care and I will come after those who don't agree. So tell me. What. Do .You. Need." he blew on his face like you blow on a baby who is crying so hard they need to catch their breath. A cheeky smile crept onto his mouth. "You need too feel but you also need to breath. What happened? How bad is the damage? What do I need to do? Help you hide a body just tell me."
( see attached image for reference of how tucker/care were looking at eachother in this moment : here ) 
her mind was still racing from what happened earlier with her and tucker -- so many thoughts about what this meant and if he was thinking about it, too. but the look he gave her put her mind slightly at ease and allowed her to compartmentalize that until she knew beck was feeling more at ease. watching them together made her smile -- it reminded her of her friendship with blue. just as their sweet buddy moment was at it's peak, caroline's eyes widened and she backed away just as tucker's hand met beck's face. sitting in shock, she couldn't help but crack a smile. "remember, beck, as much as i hate my parents... they do have the funds to help you out. i'm sure i can pull a few strings and cover some of the cost of the damage."August 21, 2021
people who knew how to deal with shit in a healthy way, this would be the part where they hugged and talked about their feelings. instead, beck raises his hand and returns the slap, striking tucker across the face "ouch!" he complains rubbing at his face, " but thank you." he says sounding more like himself. if there was any dignity left in him he would feel embarrassed about the show he just put on but right now all he feels is exhausted. he rubs his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and turns to caroline, "no need to call the big dogs. i'll work it out myself"  a pause,  "i always do."  beck appreciates his friends, honest, if they hadn't found him on the street he probably would've jumped into the ocean and let the tide take him away. however, their proximity is starting to suffocate him, he shifts uncomfortably in his seat and looks down at his hands, "i don't need you to hide a body. i need you to get me a drink."August 23, 2021
he didn't know what hit him. quite literally and metaphorically. when beck raised his hand tucker's face felt a sting then heat before his eyed widened and he looked at caroline then back at beck. taking a deep breath he held his cheek then started to laugh softly. "Okay." he nodded a smirk of all things finding his lips. "feel better?" he asked at this point fully laughing and rubbing his cheek. "damn bro I didn't know you got that much power behind you." he smiled. Tucker took a breath and grabbed his friends shoulders. "Listen dude. You don't need to. That's what we're saying here. I know you're capable of doing this shit on your own but sometimes people- believe it or not- want to be there for their friends and help take a load off. So you don't have to go all lone ranger on this one okay? Just think about it alright?" he asked, giving his shoulder a loving tap before crawling back into the drivers seat. "Now that...I can do, and quite frankly need after this." he looked over towards Caroline. "Co-pilot?" he nodded his head towards the seat as if to gesture her to come up. Turning over the ignition he started out of the empty lot  "Alright Beck, you're on aux but don't make me regret it." The rain had somewhat calmed down enough that the road to blue's was manageable and luckily the party had not gone too long without them.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi so i saw that you're okay with writing blurbs (totally fine if you're not up to it tho) i just wanted to ask about the homebound au, you mention that jimin has a tough love relationship with y/n so can you elaborate more on that?? like how their relationship is? tysm and i love ur writings :((
homebound: tough love
Tumblr media
pairing: best friend!jimin x y/n
glimpse: jimin has a tough love relationship with pit stop crew!y/n, and you’re very determined to get him to smile :D
wordcount: 3k
notes: thank u so much baby!!! ur cute and i love you
this is an in-depth take of jimin and y/n’s friendship from homebound, the racer!yoongi fic and in there originally jimin is sO annoyed by u hehe but there iS this piece as his redemption arc // gif isn’t mine!!
in your very humble opinion
first impressions in first days in literally EVERY setting possible last for a lifetime
yeah sure time and influence would change these relationships built on first days bUt of course they matter!!!!
that would be the first memory someone’s ever gonna have of you and that shit’s crazy if u really think about it
you didn’t really pay mind to first impressions at first because you really thought that it’s whatever the other person makes of you,,, for being yourself
but then jungkook happened
it’s both your first day for work but for different teams and the two of you could still be up on each other’s throats buT it’s just via text
update: jungkook bought FOUR boxes of donuts all in different flavors and that’s just for his fellow crew members
for his crew chief, he deadass bought him a dozen for himself AND jungkook even made a crepe cake for the guy!! from SCRATCH
for jung hoseok the racer? tiny cups of ice cream cake packed in a little cOOLER he specifically bought for this reason alone
even sent pictures of those two large bags with him that he’s gripping in one hand alone....
your heart warms that oH look a selfie that a smiling koo sent AAAAAAAND he’s flipping me off :))
no worries tho you came fully prepared
you’ve baked red velvet crinkle cookies!! just two of em stacked and in the middle is cream cheese icing that tastes sO heavenly
although only 1/4 of them you did yourself because they looked like they were the only good ones from the two batches you’ve made hehe
the rest of those you just ordered and gODDAMN were they v delectable and scrumptious
now min yoongi the racer couldn’t be here for the first day because uh from what you’ve heard, he’s uh somehwere in malta with his girlfriend and the flights out of malta are cANCELLED aha
that just means you have to pour your all to your crew chief
a separate box of red velvet crinkles
get this
a large tupperware you had to buy,,
filled with different types of pstries and bREAD
cream puffs and pretzels and blueberry muffins then buttered croissants and basically everything else that u could check out with a reasonable expiry date
a little sticky note right in the muddle
“let’s get this bread :D”
bread meaning dubs and dubs meaning wins aHa get it?? get it?? do u get it
you’re really aiming to give it to mr. park jimin himself
you’ve actually never met him but you heard his name a handful when you were still a trainee
park jimin sounds so much of a dignified name it’s absolutely intimidating
much more so when you’re knocking at his door and there’s a gentle hum from inside the door and you’re so nervous to differentiate whether that was a signal for you to come in or dON’T
spoiler alert: you came in at what you assume is the middle of the call your crew chief was making and oh-
he’s young!! even looks like he’s just in the same age as you are and you can’t really tel because WOW
you honestly thought mr. park jimin was just an old sack of rice or something
like maybe even fermented rice wine old
you didn’t knOw mr. park jimin is THIS
ok jimin’s peeved because uh that him clearly meant no but also curious at the same time because who r u
he was in the middle of a call with yoongi who’s called him in his office phone which is why he’s sped all the way here, hence why you haven’t seen him in the gathering downstairs
he also acts as yoongi’s manager besides being his crew chief and he’s unknowingly fit into the position
it’s like when a professor groups you and there’s no assigned leader but eVERYONE knows who the leader is even if so
now he’s kinda in the middle of berating yoongi because he should’ve came home tWO days ago but he wanted to extend alright and now look who won’t be coming home for another three days :D
suddenly the door bursts open and he sees an unfamiliar face peeking through and???
“.... can i help you?”
“mr. park!! oR should i call you jimin?? should i call you doc like from cars the movie because i thOught that’s what usually happens???”
who are you
who ARE you
you’re so nervous that you went down the cars movie spiel and that’s jUNGKOOK’S move and maybe you’ve been spending too much time with him that you’re morphing into one person
of all the traits you could absorb it really had to be the nervous cars talk :(((
“i’m y/n y/l/n, a crew member!! i was recruited to be a trainee back in uni and i went straight to here and i heard sO much about you-“
..... hmmmmm
either you really did hear about jimin and his name makes up for some news
or you’re a liar
if he’s being frank, jimin’s only started out as crew chief like a year and a half ago
yes he knows he’s young!!!
much more young compared to the stereotypical balding crew chief with the mustache and the sun spots
there’s still some talk on to how he shouldn’t be crew chief at all because he doesn’t have like 100 years of experience like these dinosaurs do bUT HE KNOWS HE’S STILL QUALIFIED
he may be not as experienced but he knows the math!!! he knows the logistics and he knows the statistics
jimin’s smart and agile and he knOws he could handle being a crew chief!!! yeah although yoongi himself is like two years older than him and bossing him is hilarious at times lol
“-and i just wanted to give you this!! y’know... for the official start of my career and a little goodie bag!!!”
he knows what you’re doing
first impressions amirite
he doesn’t care for this shit at aLL because if he may brag.,., people are immediately whipped for him and all he needs to do is smile to their direction
that’s it
oh you’re kinda embarrassing yourself in his opinion lmao but ok
“oh. i usually find red velvet too sweet.”
cool cool
now you get that not everyone is as passive-aggressive as yOU are and how you’d much rather wait to let that person pass before you talk shit
but jimin is really straightforward as you could tell
“it’s okay because there’s bREAD!!”
who doesn’t like bread :))
not uNLESS jimin hates bread or is allergic to eat it because then that means you officially have butchered your first impression
“... huh... whole container.. filled with bread...”
he’s not even feigning his expression
he looks severely underwhelmed and you wanna suck it up because if you’re gonna look tragically displeased with me boss ATLEAST do it behind my back :(((
anyways jimin stands up from his seat and outsretches his hand and that’s your cue to shake it and then leave
one problem though,,,
you see you’re wearing some rings
and he’s wearing some long-sleeves
and you are gracefully unaware that there’s a loose thread by the cuff of it and jimin over here is sporting sweater paws.,..,.
the handshake’s over but yOUR RING IN HIS CUFF ISN’T
“oH i’m so sorry sir let me just-“
you’re tugging your hand off aND FUCK
“no y/n i’ll just-“
jimin tries to be the one to pluck it out from your ring that’s stuck but that’s too late for it now
and it’s now bunched up and when loosened :))) the thread’s already ran :))) and is very visible on jimin’s slightly expensive shirt :)))
yours and jimin’s dynamic...
it’s uh
it’s unlike no other
jimin is repulsed by you
he finds that you irk him very easily and you don’t know wHY jimin finds you to be in his nerves when you literally do nothing to him
he joins in the team drills to boost morale and let the crew know that not only is he the one heading it, but he’s also with you along the way
“do you want ice cubes in your drink?”
jimin’s sunglasses are perched up just nicely on his nosebridge as he sips on his water that came from the jug
honestly the weather is just sO humid and slightly iced water just won’t cut it
“yeah sure”
he outstretches his hand for you to take the cup and put ice in it but you dON’T
you don’t take it away from him!!!!
jimin sees you plopping down a handful of ice cubes in his cup with your bARE hands
b-buy you’re holding the cooler there mUST be some tongs in there
“they r clean and besides!! friends do that!!”
“who told you that we’re friends?”
he is the one who halts all your plans
“stop snacking” is his signature line for u whenever you’re by the pit
and yoongi isn’t even near the box yet wHY can you not snack???
you can’t even protesy because jimin already has his palm open so he coulf confiscate the gummy bears with the promise that “yea sure i’ll give you them when the race is over hmmmm yea”
of course he isn’t gonna stuff it in his pocket
he just plops them down on the table and when you ask him for them????
they’re all hot and melty and disgusting because they were accidentally left in the sun to disintegrate
“do you want some coffee?”
and then he met jungkook
he’s a bit of a brat but eh jimin finds him more tolerable than you
you’re all done with the workout and your trainer sehun is just sO unforgiving like would another eight second break hurt????
you’re kind of passed out by the bench and so is everyone
“i didn’t have any kids ask me for a picture today :((“
typically after the race some people would ask for your photograph!! along with the other pit stop crew members and they just make your day!!!
yoongi isn’t the only superstaer here ok :((
“well maybe if you did your joob good, they’d actually want to be in the same frame as you are.”
jimin snorts in reply without skipping a beat and ahhhh everyone knows the two of you are gonna start fighting again
usually you just roll your eyes but-
“jimin i don’t kNOW what i ever did to you for you to hate me so much and i’ve literally done nothing but to try and be kind and patient with you!!!”
oh they’re just gonna leave collectively now
“i already know you find me insufferable you dON’T have to rub it in my face every single time.”
you just combusted actually
you’re so over with jimin treating you like a loose thread on his shirt and he discards you every TIME like so
you can’t catch a break and it’s as if you’ve never done anythint good for him ever in your whole career
you don’t make conversation with him not unless it’s for work
you don’t offer him your food
you don’t throw him a smile
he bought a box of red velvet crinkles but then you didn’t even get a piece :((
jimin is shitty at apologies and the guilt’s been eating up at him because yeah he admits that he’s crossed a line there
and most of the times it’s always intentional so that’s even more guilt-tripling
then THE incident happened
and you left
he felt the most apologetic and shitty for that because gOD you’re just so good to everyone and to especially him!!!
he’s treated you so badly and you don’t waver for a single second because up until the last minute, you were still adjusting for him!!!
you were still considering his possible promotion and him in general when he knows to himself that you could’ve easily pinned the blame on him
but you didn’t
you covered for jimin and didn’t want him to be jeopardized by yoongi’s outrage.
“i’m sorry for being an asshole to you all the time.”
the moment the season ended, he’s immediately made his way to kim kradle to apologize to you
again and again
again and again until he wore himself out and cried and you had to stop him sternly just to assure him that you’re not angry at him
he looks out for you in his own ways
jimin’s not very vocal nor showy on how thankful he is to have you as a friend
it’s to when you order a chocolate chip smoothie and then the barista gives you a matcha one and you aBSOLUTELY hate matcha
and u already paid and you don’t want to cause a scene or anything like that
“i thought you hated matcha?”
jimin’s confused because since when did you develop a love for this green thing you’ve vividly described as soggy grass after a rainstorm that tastes like soil and phlegm
“oh i sTILL do!! lmao the barista got it wrong but it’s ok i’ll-“
“absolutely not.”
and then jimin’s immediately taking your cup and the receipt on the table and he’s gOING for the counter and won’t back down even if you’re tugging at his sleeve
not only was your order replaced, you ALSO got a complimentary cookie as the manager’s apology because whew jimin could be scary
it’s when you’re cooking lunch at kim kradle and u are mighty afraid of oil splashes because who wouldn’t????
jimin would nudge you to the side and he’d wordlessly take over for you
you would fall asleep on the floor and he’d prop a pillow underneath your head quietly
if he’s in the mood he’d give you another one underneath your arms
he may call for yoongi to carry you to the couch but ok fine he carried you one time and he’ll never speak of it
he’d let you believe that a ghost carried you there or something
sometimes jimin is just his usual grumpy self and he’s always been that wat
it’s tough love
jimin really drove to kim kradle at 7 in the evening which is out of his way and out of schedule because he should’ve done this errand at the opposite part of the city,,,
but here he is
with some fever medicine and a blanket from your place (he has a spare key) because you’ve been feeling homesick with all the back and forth from kim kradle and yoongi’s place :((
“thanks, minnie. lol if only i don’t love you platonically and u weren’t an asshole to me, you would’ve tOTALLY be my boyfriend rn”
yoongi would like to make it known that HE IS HERE
he IS the boyfriend
“you guys know that i’m-“
“totally. if only i didn’t find u annoying and a bitch, we could be married right now!!”
yoongi just wants to-
jungkook pats yoongi’s head in amusement
lol he too is a lil jealous because yOU’RE his best friend but anyways
“let them be, yoongs.”
aish he’s right
it’s heartwarming to see
jimin’s only warm to a couple of people and that’s including yoongi
he’s not the most open nor affectionate person in the world but he’s trying ok and that’s good enough!!!
“i TOTALLY would’ve been the godfather to their child though lmaooo”
jungkook snickers for a side comment that’s too LOUD and he’s only half-joking if he’s being honest and-
quick question
is that a flying wRENCH
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Wait, you survived? ( II )
// You and Steve survive the plane wreck and end up seventy years in the future. Everything’s different and the only person that understands the confusion and pain of losing your entire world is your now dead husband’s best friend. When the two of you are forced to adapt to the world around you, things can get complicated. //
~  Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread; 
         they may satisfy appetite for the moment,
                but there is death in them at the end.  ~
  The two of you settled into modern life as best as you could. Certain aspects of night life were too intense for you both, so you spent a majority of time at home watching movies and catching up on everything you missed. The nights always started the same, you'd finally decide to go to a local bar, get a couple drinks, and slowly mold into society. However, the men were much less polite than they used to be. It was on more than one occasion that Steve had to pull your bar stool closer to his to send a subtle message to the very loud people you've come into contact with.
This night was no different, you'd found a kickin new bar within walking distance of the apartment and agreed to try it out. Six o'clock was when the two of you normally decided to go, people were normally still at home after getting off work, and the crazies usually didn't come out till much later. You'd tucked in your black silk tank into your black ripped jeans, securing the outfit with a "designer" belt. Dressing nice every time you went out was one habit Steve and you couldn't shake. You'd see people everywhere wearing all sorts of interesting outfits, tried to go out in something similar, and never made it out the door. Old habits die hard, huh?
Steve opened the door for you as you walked into the bar, smiling down at you with his sweet smile, you'd get him a date one of these days, you just knew it. The two of you chatted, talking about inventions, medical discoveries, and how great modern cars were. You were admiring a 68' shelby cobra mustang with Steve as you heard a loud 'THUD' in the seat closest to yours. You continued to talk about how innovative it was to put such a powerful motor in such a light car when you heard somebody clear their throat very loud, and too close to your ear. Your eyes dart towards the seat next to you, checking your surroundings before engaging was second nature at this point, noticing a tall, large man staring holes into the side of your head. He was slouched over a dark beer, clumsily wiping foam from his lips as he cleared his throat again, clearly trying to get your attention.
"Can I help you?" You said, annoyance filling your words as you spoke. Even in the 40's, you'd always been very, aggressive when it came to unwanted attention. Watching his pupils dilate slowly as he attempted to take all of you in.
"IIIIIII've gotta say miss, you are tooooo pretty to be here. Waddya say we get outta here, get you somehwere nicer, easier on your back?" He winked, or at least tried to, what he actually did looked more like the beginning of a stroke than anything else. You opened your mouth, ready to tell him off when another booming voice came from behind you.
"I think the lady is fine just where she is, pal." Steve didn't understand why men always had to talk to you. If they were making actual conversation he'd leave you alone, but they always tried terrible one liners that always referenced sexual encounters. Steve pulled you and your seat close enough to his that your thigh was gently resting against his.
"Hey buddy," the drunk man started, swaying as he spoke. "If the lady didn't wanna be tawked to, she wouldn't have worn such a sexy outfit, ain't that right, sugar?" Steve jumped out of his chair, getting in between you and the now very startled man.
"The lady can wear whatever she wants too, and creeps like you get to leave her the hell alone." Steve was tense, his shoulders and back puffed and flexed, bowing him out and making him looked twice as intimidating as usual.
"I don't have to listen to you golden boy, she wants me to feel her up, I can tell just by lookin at the bitch." Steve's eyes widened at the blatant disrespect, insulting a woman because she wasn't interested? What happened to flirting, courting, dates? He expected you to hear one sentence and sleep with him? It rattled Steve's brain. He pulled back immediately, ready to use his strength to knock the fat loser on his ass when you stepped in front of him. Chest to chest, he lowered his fist to look down at you.
"Steve, love. That won't be necessary." You said, ruby red lips turned up in an innocent smile.
"See tough guy, little lady can't wait to get a chance at me." He winked, or maybe had a second stroke, you'd probably never know actually.
"Oh you're right, I can't wait to get a chance at you." You enunciated the 'T' roughly, smiling up at the drunk man who felt entitled to your attention, winked, and uppercutted him straight on his ass. You shook your hand, surprised that the impact didn't hurt more. "Softy." You chuckled and tossed back the rest of your tequila shot. The other patrons at the bar, who were already watching the scene unfold, laughed as the man laid unconscious on the ground after a single punch. Steve huffed, rolling his eyes at the fact that he didn't see that coming. You were always ready to fight, so it shouldn't have come as a surprise that you'd stop him from knocking somebody out, only so YOU could do it.
"You know what (Y/N), I could've done that for you." Steve said, half hurt he didn't get to fight somebody. It had been seventy YEARS. The dumbass in Steve was itching for a bad decision.
"Yes, but what fun would that have been for me?" You say slyly, lightly punching him on the shoulder as you both sit back down at your seats. Steve orders another round, shaking his head and laughing, if Bucky could see the two of you he'd be racking his brain as to how the two of you always caused so much trouble when you were together. The pure mention of you two being left alone together made Bucky's dumbass alarm go off.
"This round's on the house, enjoy your double ma'am." The bartender slid your drinks towards you.
"Miss!" You half yelled as she walked away, "Miss! I only ordered a single."
"Oh I know, the first one's for hitting the dude, the second shot's because you looked so good doing it." She batted her dark eyelashes after she spoke, a deep blush creeping into your cheeks.
"W-well thank you." You squeaked out, men complimenting you was boring, but when a also pretty women compliments you, it hits differently.
"You cold?" Steve glanced over, noticing your slight shiver.
"Only a little." You were always cold, constantly, which is probably why Steve looked at you so indignantly. He shook of his leather jacket, draping it gently along your shoulders.
"Yes, thanks." The two of you continued to talk until eight, both of you knowing it was time to leave before you ran into more crazies. The walk home was quiet, you walked along the streets, in awe of how much New York has changed, it still felt the same, but everywhere you looked were tall glass buildings, skyscrapers that went beyond the clouds, and cars that appeared to be straight out of a sci-fy movie.
Once you were back home you plopped onto the couch.
"Steeeeve, please?" You held your foot up revealing the four inch heeled boots you'd been wearing the whole night, begging for Steve to take them off.
"Is this all I am to you? A glorified shoe remover?" He said as he crouched down and unzipped your left boot.
"No, you're also my jacket provider." You giggled as you wrapped the oversized leather jacket over your entire torso.
"You know I'll get it back." Steve was thankful you hadn't been too affected by the ice. You were still the fun, carefree, badass you'd always been and continued to lift his spirits with little moments like this. He couldn't help but smile looking at you wrap your arms protectively around his jacket, further burrowing yourself into the couch.
"Never!" You yelled as you covered yourself with a pillow, giggling as he attempted to get it from you. You and Steve moved quickly, wiggling free from the others grasp over and over again, each of you attempting to keep the jacket. You flipped behind the couch, landing lightly on your feet.
"Try as you may, we both know who's quicker on their feet, Stevie." You threw a blanket at his face and ran to your room, avoiding his blind grab.
"You really are a child, you know that!." Steve yelled out as he followed you to your room, quietly looking for a sign of where you hid.
You stifled a laugh from behind the door, watching him stalk about your room, quickly turning corners and checking under the bed.
"Oh no, I guess you're nowhere to be found. Guess I'l just have to wait in the living room for your- SURRENDER!" He screamed as he aggressively opened the door you'd had hidden behind.
"Gotcha." He lifted you up over his shoulder and ran to the living room, ducking under the doorframe as he went from room to room. He threw you on the couch, already bent over in laughter as you looked up shocked at him, you forgot he was actually strong underneath that dorky demeanor.
"Wow, those german steroids really did work, huh?" Another smile, and a head shake from Steve before he plopped down next to you on the couch.
"I thought me throwing a car at the Polish Hydra base would've made that obvious." He quipped back.
"Nah, that car barely weighed anything. It was a very light car, doesn't count."
"A light car? you're kidding right, you did hear the words that came out of your mouth?" More laughter erupted as the two of you talked and joked, a sense of ease overcoming the room. You were happy you had Steve to help you with all this. The being frozen in one time and thawed out in another, it was a lot, but having Steve with you made it less lonely.
"Yeah yeah okay Steven." You yawned, glancing at the time. "Steve! We almost forgot about our movie!" You jumped up for the remote, turning it on with a surprising quickness as you browsed the Netflix for a movie. "AGH! There's too many, you pick, I'm gonna get out of these clothes." You tossed him the remote and turned towards your room, suddenly remembering what you'd found at target earlier that day.
"Oh, and I've got a surprise for you, you're gonna LOVE it." You suppress a laugh, trying not to make it obvious about what you'd found.
Steve eyed you curiously, knowing you were up to something, and he was definitely NOT going to love it. You pranced away before he could say anything.
You ripped the clothes out of your bag, laughing to yourself as you pulled out the tank top and shorts, looking them over with pure glee as you thought about Steve's reaction. It was a blue tank top with a shield on the front reading 'My shield is no match for your heart' a weirdly accurate image of Steve and his shield, and grey shorts with red, white, and blue stars. You threw them on, and pulled up the matching knee high socks covered in the shield and stars. You walked through the long hallway.
"I found a movie, Austin Powers? It might be informational about the 60's, and the 90's. Looks good, don't know how much it will really-" Steve's words were forgotten as you strutted into the living room. You had to be kidding.
"What the hell is that?!" He asked, half annoyed, half flattered. You looked good, and were covered in, well, him. That doesn't sound right, but he knew what he meant.
"Oh, this? I'm embracing my country with open arms Stevie, get with the program!" You laughed as you sat down next to THE Captain America.
"He's a living legend, you know. Captain America, the heart and soul of this country. What every American should aspire to be. He saved us from the Nazi's and Hydra single handedly, never resting until he knew we were safe." You clutched your heart dramatically, fake fainting into his lap as you spoke.
"What would this country ever do without him?!" You tossed theatrically, clutching your imaginary pearls, trying to keep a straight face.
Steve didn't know whether to laugh, or fake throw up. He had been the talk of the town since he unfroze, thankfully SHIELD didn't give out your address, or you'd be swarmed with reporters just like they were every morning. Everything was Captain America now, cups, dog collars, car stickers. There wasn't a single thing he could think of that they hadn't added his face too. NOw they had this, Steve wouldn't be surprised if they Captain America themed lingerie.
"Haha, very funny (Y/N)." He looked down at your smiling face, thanking God he had somebody from the past.
"I know right?" You turned towards the TV, being too comfortable to actually change positions now. "What did you decide on again?" You said, yawning halfway throughout your question.
"Austin Powers. Let's see if you actually stay awake for this one." Steve chuckled, remembering how easily you fell asleep when the two of you watched movies.
Steve pressed play and started the movie. It was very confusing. He was sure the bad guy and the good guy were the same person, but somehow nobody said anything? And why was freezing and coming back apart of this movie? Did it just come out? Was this because of the two of you? The time changed too, and were they in London, was that really what London was like in the 60's? By the time Steve got any answers you were softly snoring in his lap, hands on top of the other under your head. He watched your chest rise and fall, admiring how peaceful you looked as you slept. He curled your hair behind your ear, eyes lighting up as you smiled in your sleep. Steve spent the rest of the movie half watching you, barely understanding the movie even though you would definitely be asking about it tomorrow morning. He couldn't help but think how tiring this must be for you. You had always been the caretaker, even out on mission you were constantly tending to the team, emotionally and physically. Some wounds never healed, but you always did your best, and the guys loved you like family for it. Steve knew this was no different, even if you hadn't been frozen, life after the war, losing Bucky, life would've taken a toll on you eventually, and though you were skilled in having others open up, talking about your emotions was not your strong suit. He knew this was weighing on you, having to adjust to such a different world. You were burying yourself in learning the new ways of the world and helping Steve adjust, that you never took time to grieve your old life.
Steve turned the tv off, he wasn't really paying any attention to it anyways. He wrapped an arm around your legs and your neck, carrying you down the  dark hall to your room. Smiling softly as you curled up into him, barely protesting the sudden change of position. He pushes your already open door wide enough for him to slip through. He bent down slightly, pulling your perfectly made sheets down low enough to slip you into them. He tucked you into bed, making sure you had an extra pillow for your arm, and made you comfortable. Steve turned to leave, but was quickly stopped by a sudden pressure on his arm. He was alarmed at first, but as he looked down, he saw your small hand on his forearm. He turned back, finding you groggy, but awake.
"Don't go, please." You pleaded, half awake you was braver than fully awake you. "I- The nightmares, I don't wanna deal with 'em tonight." You were always so happy during the day, so it pissed you off that at night you were kept up with terrifying nightmares, PTSD from the war, Bucky dying right in front of your eyes, freezing and being woken up seventy years later. You dreams were always a horrid mix of all the trauma you've endured, recently at least.
Steve couldn't say no to you, who knows the next time you'd actually ask for help. He placed his hand on top of yours, trying not to make it weird by overreacting. With his eyes crinkling at the corners, he motioned for you to scoot over. He pulled the covers back once again, sliding himself into bed next to you. To Steve's surprise you curled up right next to him, head on his chest and hand over his stomach, and began snoring almost immediately after he laid down. He closed his eyes, slowly drifting of to sleep too, he couldn't quite name the emotion he was feeling, but it sure was lovely.
Steve didn't wake until you started shaking. You were jerking in your sleep, body and head twitching in opposite sides as you mumbled various words to low for Steve to make out. He watched as your entire body tensed, convulsing as you attempted to fight an imaginary enemy, arms reeling. You're expressions bordering on being in pain, Steve wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. He dodged a couple of rouge punches and a very concerning headbut, but eventually he had entangled himself enough in you that you weren't able to fight him. He kissed the top of your head and rubbed your shoulder.
"Shhh (Y/N), you're safe. You're okay. Nothing's gonna happen to you while I'm around I promise." He repeated himself a number of times, trying to console your sleeping mind as best he could. He knew how to help, he knew what to say, he knew you wouldn't remember his help unless you woke up. You had them more often than you realized and Steve was always there for each and every one.
"Everything's okay (Y/N), you're safe, it's just us, I promise." Love exuded out of every word he said, you were his lifeline, and he was going to make damn well sure you'd be okay.
You woke up in the middle of your nightmare. Mind still racing from the horrific scene you'd dreamt, bombs, screams, explosions, the team crying for help, you fought like hell trying to save them, but failed every time. You could still hear the sounds, even wake you could hear them in the background as you fought an already defeated enemy. You froze, feeling strong arms around you, you tried to fight, you tried to free your arms, use your feet, anything you could think of until you heard his voice.
"S-Steve?" Your voice was barely a whisper, low and frightened, you were sure Steve wouldn't even hear it.
"Yes (Y/N), I'm here, it's okay, you're okay." He squeezed you harder, giving your paranoid mind a rest as you buried your head into his shoulder. You cried, practically soaking his shirt with your terrified sobs. The dreams were always so real, and never the same. You never knew if it was going to be torture, or Bucky screaming that he never loved you. Regardless, they were always terrible and never came with a happy ending. You were relieved to have Steve there, he was warm, which is always a plus, and comforting. The two of you laid there until you ran out of tears.
"S-sorry." You wiped your nose, sniffling as you apologized for being so emotional. You tried so hard to keep everything to yourself, that when it slipped a little, everything comes tumbling down all at once.
"Nothing to be sorry for, just won't be wearing this shirt for the rest of the night." You felt Steve chest shake as he chuckled, warming you up from the inside out. You moved off of him so he could change, but he ended up just taking the shirt off and laying back down.
"You should be thanking me for not keeping that in your bed much longer." He teased. "Pretty sure I heard it dripping." You wiped the remaining tears away, grinning as his stupid words created a small amount of joy in your heart.
"Shut up." Was all you could manage to say. Thinking ill thoughts about Steve was difficult in general, but with his arms wrapped around you, holding you while you cried, playing with your hair, it seemed damn near impossible.
// I’m having so much fun with this concept and have so many ideas on where to take this, you’re gonna love it! Shoutout again to @lunathepettuna for being an awesome human being and inspiring me to write this, love you!!
Let me know what you guys think, what you’d like to see, and some crazy vocab words and I’ll write accordingly, thanks for the read, and may Odin bless you in all your endeavors! //
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