#just realized i forgor to make the ear white
rosemine24 · 7 months
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sonic oc as one of my favorite project sekai - colorful stage album covers
i tried recreating the style the best i could, og under cut ⬇️
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marshmallow-manju · 9 days
due to popular demand I'm putting the WanPre movie plot under the cut
anything that's missing? i forgor. super spoilers for the entire movie.
Starts out with a mysterious egg coming from a computer screen in a laboratory. The egg escapes, glitching, and gets into Animal Town, voicing jealousy over the people taking care of their pets.
The precure find it, try to reason with it because it isn’t a Garugaru. But because it has ears and a tail and can speak, ending sentences in tanu, Wonderful calls it a Tanutanu. It gets angry. Grows giant. Attacks. The girls immediately pull out the Niko-sama full attack. It seems to work, but there’s nothing left when the attack is over. They transform back and, from behind a fence post, the egg sees them and is in awe that Wonderful and Nyammy are actually a cat and a dog. Thinking the fight is over they all head to pretty holic to play a new game they just bought. Satoru and Daifuku are also there and they’re set up with snacks and treats while they explain the premise of the game.
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Essentially, animal crossing looking characters, on an island of tanuki, run races and people from all over the world compete against eachother with their custom animal avatars. Iroha makes a Komugi looking character on her (not switch) and Mayu makes Yuki. Satoru is playing on his pc and makes Daifuku. They all ask the animals how they feel about the lookalikes, and they all approve, even Daifuku through Komugi’s translation. She notes that he sounds as cool today as ever. Cut to the other special two teams of the movie. Ageha makes a little birdie who looks like Tsubasa, to his embarrassment. Mirai makes Mofurun, who is delighted. Haa-chan also thinks it’s super cute, but Riko can’t understand why any of this is fun.
They play a little, and Komugi gets really into watching Iroha and actually jumps at the screen, causing Iroha to mess up and drop the Komugi mascot off a cliff to wander in darkness, which really upsets Komugi...until Iroha promises that they will be together forever and nothing will ever keep them apart.
They are about to start another game when the mysterious Tanutanu egg reappears. It “hatches” splitting into two human sized tanuki. They say they have no need for dogs or cats. Just the humans. And there’s a bit of them trying different ways to persuade Iroha and Mayu to come with them including transforming into cute tiny versions of themselves. They fall for it, and get sucked through a portal. Yuki and Komugi also jump through, Komugi barely making it. Satoru is distraught, since they disappeared before his eyes. And then looks under the table to find that Daifuku is also missing.
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In the game, Komugi is alone. And realizing that she is a weird hybrid of herself. A dog that stands on two legs! The tanuki appear and explain the rules to her. If she ever wants to see her precious Iroha again, she’s gotta win the games. Which is impossible! Good luck! She’s gifted with a ring (the item that anyone under middle school age is gifted upon entry to the movie theater, this year’s light up cheering item) and starts the race! Running to the first arena! First up is a rhythm game. The first Wanderful ed song plays and Komugi does her best to hit the buttons by herself. But she’s told that it’s a two player game and so she’s probably going to lose. She does her best, bouncing from button to button with no misses, until it looks like she’s going to miss one on the far side. Yuki hits it, with style and flair. And they finish the song perfectly.
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They team up for the next arena, the dancing tama-ire. (Note, this is something little kids do on sports day, so it’s definitely an appeal to the small children of the audience).
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The game starts with dancing. Another Precure song. Then the red and white balls drop down and everyone gets to throwing them into the basket. Notably, the avatars for mofurun and Tsubasa are in the mix without much focus. It’s random animals, the red team, against a team of all tanuki, the white team. And there are special balls in the mix. One Tanuki grabs one and suddenly becomes extra tall to block red balls from going in the basket. Komugi and Yuki also find special balls and become their Precure forms! Along with all the benefits they have with speed and agility. The other cure teams playing the game are shocked to see cures in the game. What could that mean?? Also the mysterious game programmer whose computer the egg from the opening bounced out of gasps that she didn’t program these characters…. Back to game. White team is winning by a small margin. Then it’s dance time again. And ball release. Repeat. They win it at the last second because Nyammy picks up like 300 balls and throws them all in at once. Somehow.
The next game involves turning a crank to move an elevator platform up a wall. It’s all tanuki NPC teams vs Komugi and Yuki, back in their animal forms, and the two tanuki who hatched from the egg. They’re asking why they’re trying so hard to save their humans. What could possibly be their motivations. Both animals have flashbacks of when their human partners rescued them. And declare that they’re going to be together forever. No matter what. They pull ahead to the top and win!! They’ve won the games!!
They’re allowed into the room with no exits that Friendy and Lillian have been trapped in with the NPC tanuki trying to make them feel better by turning into Komugi and Yuki (badly), and offering them fancy juice drinks and fanning them with leaves. The girls are overjoyed to see their pets again, happy hugging reunion. And then the boss tanuki appears. He’s huge. He’s wrapped in a green scarf. Intimidating. He offers to let them all live here in his game world forever. Never getting older or changing. Just being there to love and cherish the many tanuki, and also Komugi and Yuki since they won the games and proved themselves.
Satoru has been trying this entire time to get in contact with the game creator with Meimei cheering him on. The game creator has been typing codes into her computer, until the big tanuki, Mujina, appears. She recognizes him immediately, but calls him something else… He seems like hers very nice, until they refuse. Asking to be let back home to their families. He chose them because they love animals. Things seem at an impasse when suddenly. A very manly voice comes from behind the doors to the goal room.
It’s Daifuku.
In game rabbit form.
But now we can hear him speak and everyone is shocked. He is indeed as cool a character as Komugi has been telling us all this time. Mujina agrees to let the girls play one more game. The winner can get any wish granted that they want. The game is a tournament style balloon pop. Where everyone has a ball on their heads and a bat to pop it with. Except? It’s the 4 cures and daifuku against a full army of Tanuki NPCs, and Mujina on a throne. It looks hopeless. The cure teams watching feel like it’s hopeless…but maybe they can help? The mahou girls cast a Cure-up rapapa to try to get in there to help and send—
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Mofurun!! By himself!! The game starts and he very cutely casts a little cure up rapapa of his very own to pop all the balloons in one go. (I was really hoping for cure Mofurun, but….) Winning the whole game at once! Everyone cheers, and he disappears as his job is done. Daifuku pops the final ball on Mujina’s head. It’s over. Mujina is upset but allows the girls their wish. They’re transported to a blank space full of stars, where a weird Tanuki made of constellations offers to grant them their any one wish. Daifuku murmurs that he wishes he could have done more on his own powers and.
Flash of light, it cuts to everyone standing around staring at Daifuku. Hes shocked because he didn’t mean to take the wish, and says that he isn’t suited to being a human. We still haven’t seen him. But Nyammy opens her compact for him to see his reflection…. He is still a rabbit. Nothing happened. The wish was a fake and Mujina never intended to let them go.
Then, finally. The mysterious programmer and Satoru manage to get messages to them in the game! The game creator, Natsuki, has been working to program a portal out of there. But they only have a few minutes to make it work. And Mujina has figured out that he’s being betrayed from the outside. He’s powering up, growing bigger and bigger. The cures (friendy grabs Daifuku) run to make it up the unnecessarily complicated winding staircase that Natsuki made for their escape. Being stopped by the NPC Tanuki and using the kirarin fox to turn into matching Tanuki along the way to escape. They get to the final staircase, and Mujina is a giant swiping at them, clawing and grabbing the footholds and desperately trying to get them. The girls wonder why he’s so desperate. What’s the reason he wants to keep them here so badly? They get to the top and reveal the ticket to getting out of there. The tanu-key. (Terrible pun, it was great).
Mujina attacks again, and the key flys out of Wonderful’s hands. It lands in the air, cracking the border edge of the game world and sticking in the crack. Wonderful makes a dive for it. Crashing through the border and disappearing into uncoded territory. Natsuki is horrified. There’s minutes left to unlock the portal and she has no idea what is beyond the game world that she coded.
Komugi wakes up in total darkness in her game-dog form. She can see a light from the crack and starts walking toward it. An illusion of Mujina taunts her. Why is she trying so hard to get out. He’s offering her everything. The chance for nothing to ever change. For Iroha to never leave her side. But Komugi refuses. She wants change. A stairway appears. She starts climbing up it. Running. She trips. Mujina keeps taunting her. But she gets up again. Running and running. Declaring that change is wonderful and everyday brings something new and someday she and Iroha will be old ladies together!!!
She breaks out, Wonderful again! Key in hand! For the 5th time in the movie they beat the clock by one second!!!! Unlocking the portal with their Friend RIngs.
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They make it home! But they’re not the only ones out of the portal. Mujina has also escaped and gone full youkai form. A sleek spectral tanuki made of black energy, still wearing the green scarf. He sniffs. And bolts off. He’s looking for something.
The girls chase after him, leaving a relieved Satoru on the porch of Pretty Holic. And also a boy with gray hair that looks suspiciously like rabbit ears. Satoru knows him immediately and tells Daifuku that he’s so happy he can finally talk to him. They chase after the cures together.
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The action really starts from here. Somehow we end up at Minato Mirai (like almost all the Allstars movies do!!) Mujina is running rampage, destroying things on his run until he finally slams into the red brick warehouses. The hirogaru girls make their entrance and pull off some great attacks, and also combo with the wonderful girls. Mujina gets away again, and this time the mahou girls come in and do the same thing. Everyone poses and does a signature attack. It’s exactly what we’ve been waiting for with the crossover.
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He gets away again. He’s a tanuki on a mission. Except. He’s distracted by a guy walking and petting his dog in a display of human to animal affection. Mujina is pissed.
Satoru and Daifuku show up exactly then, running to try and save the guy and doggie. Wing sees this and makes a dive to save all of them. Flash of light. Both our bunny boys are in cure (?) form and save the day. Daifuku comments that it’s pretty alright to be like this and Satoru agrees.
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Once again the tanuki gets free and climbs a building. It’s clear he’s going to Natsuki and she knows it too. She’s on the roof of a building, waiting for him. Everyone chases after and he finally stops, growling, facing her. And she calls him something like “pon-chan” or another generic Tanuki name that I’m forgetting and goes into flashback mode. As a child she had no friends. But one day she met a little tanuki in the park near her school. She would stop and talk to and play with him every day, and it was the highlight of her days. She confided in him that even though she didn’t like school much she loved her programming class. One rainy day she gave him a green scarf and promised that she would be back tomorrow and the day after and the day after forever. Until one day the park was under construction and being dug up by big machines and she never saw him again. She instead threw herself into programming her first game character so she could remember her friend forever. One of the NPC looking Tanuki but with a green scarf. She went on to make her game, get a grant, and a contract with a company to make it a reality. But she never forgot her friend.
She was sad because they could never talk and she couldn’t say goodbye. She wondered if her friendship was one sided. But the wonderful girls assure her that even if her tanuki friend couldn’t speak real words to her. The warmth she felt when she was with him and the memories she cherished were proof that they were friends. The animal girls go on to say that before they were cures it was the same for them. Even if you can’t speak the feelings come through. Mujina sparkles and turns into the programmed character Natsuki made all those years ago. And shimmers into the sky. They come down off the roof and say goodbye. The animals turn back into animals and Tsubasa reveals he’s actually a bird. Meimei appears and tells Natsuki that she’s not to repeat this to anyone at all ever. They invite her to animal town someday to play.
The ending theme plays and has stills of everyone going on a picnic and having fun, Daifuku is back to being a regular rabbit, but Komugi and Yuki are in human forms mostly. But there’s a few stills of them as animals with Mofurun and Tsubasa and Elle all being small and cute together. Final scene, a bush rustles and a tanuki steps out. He looks just like Natsuki’s old friend. Everyone laughs as the camera pans to the sky.
The end.
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destroyabez · 1 year
A son for a son right?
Chapter three, Rutxe rä'ä tung fìfya 'eyt 'i'a
(The title for this chapter is 'Please do not allow this to be the end' or in other words 'Please don't let this be the end' also I forgor to mention Spider is gifted in this au so he can breath Pandoran air!)
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The waves came crashing down on the rock that held a family
A family....
And a boy
Eywa will make them pay
It hurts so bad, it burns. It feels like fire is licking at my chest. I thought what the machine did to me hurt but Eywa-
My thoughts were interrupted by a cry, I looked up with panic and immediately hissed in pain
I thought I would see Kiri but I only found a reef clan girl "Tsireya!" Lo'aks voice rang in my ears
Tsireya. What a pretty name, I wonder what's she's like "I-Is thi- Cough- y-your girlfriend?" I hated how I sounded, I had meant to have a joking tone but with the blood in my mouth it sounded so bad
"Y-yeah! She is! And your gonna get to know her bro" I hate it when Lo'aks voice goes like that, I hate when he is sad in general but his voice
"L-Lo'ak-" I reach and grab onto his forearm with all my strength, I had to be there for him
I attempted to say something else but strong calloused fingers took me from Lo'aks, Neteyams, and Tsireyas hands
I looked up and found the panicked face of Jake "S- Cough- sir!" I didn't like that look on his face, it meant something bad happened. I refuse to believe that it's about me
"Spider! Don't talk, save your energy" Jake's voice was soft but firm as he took me further onto the rock and checked my back
"Goddamn it there's a exit wound..." My heart skipped a beat, that was bad. Norm told me about it... it would be fine I'm going to be fine
"Ma Jake! What has happened?" Neytiri's voice was the only reason I noticed her, I attempted to get up but it hurt so much that my vision went white and I let out a strangled cry
Jake swore and more blood gushed out of my mouth, all I smelled was it and plastic
The mask I wore was pressing down on my face too much, I needed it off. I didn't care that they would find out I just had to get it off
My hands shakily went up to the straps and began taking them off, I tried to take off the mask but the large hand of Jake pressed down on it
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Neytiri yelled in question at m- wait Neytiri? That couldn't be right... it didn't matter now I needed the mask off
I hit her hand and managed a meek "I-its o- cough- okay! P-please-" I tried again to take her hand off the mask and was finally able to when she faltered
I tore off the mask and grimaced at the screams that surrounded me but it was off and air had never felt so good
I breathed in and my chest started to relax "What the fuck?!" I tried to laugh at Jake's reaction but I immediately started coughing up blood again, the pain went searing again and I couldn't deal with it
I felt Lo'aks hand on my forearm and I grabbed it as I let out heavy breaths with blood red coughs
It hurt so much I want to scream but also never talk again, not even whisper
"Spider it's okay Kid! Its gonna be ok!" I felt Jake grab onto my shoulder
"I-I want to g-go- Cough Cough- Home!" I managed to get out those few words in between the worse of the coughs but it still hurt so bad
"We're gonna go home Spider, we're gonna get you back to Hells gate don't worry kid-" he sounded hurt but I couldn't help the "NO!" That came out "I w-wanna go- Cough- back t-to the f-forest! Home!" It felt horrible to admit to him but I can't care right now
I looked around and found Neytiri with tears streaming down her face as her hand went to her mouth, Neteyam was leaning into her as he sobbed. I saw Lo'ak with Tsireya, his hand still on my forearm as Tsireya leaned onto his shoulder. I realized Kiri wasn't there, neither was Tuk
"K-Kiri!-" It hurts, so much pain make it go away Please please 
"Kiri will be here soon kid you just gotta stay alive until then ok?" Jake's voice sounded so wounded, I attempted to say something but the words caught in my throat and came out as a pitiful cry. 
It was the end, I could feel it. It hurt but it was going numb now, black spots filled the sides of my eyes and I panicked
I had to live, I had to see Kiri again but the spots got bigger. Voices blurred together and I knew I had to say something
"J-Jake- D-dad I-"
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julystruck · 2 years
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Oh, my friend, you've got a friend in me // Let's go and make more enemies
More versions and extra info under the cut ♡♡
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No flowers | No text and no flowers | No text
Hi <3 I'm gonna talk about my art because I put a lot of effort into it and arg. I need people to NOTICE things.
Redrawing of this art ♡. It's been about a year, give or take a couple months, so I wanted to redraw it with the shock character designs, because that's the "one year later" story arc.
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Staring with Keys. She got longer hair and more piercings. The flowers around him are red, pink, and white Camellias. Red is for passion and romance, pink is longing, and white is innocence or like. adorable-ness?
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Finny and OP!! Op's design hasn't changed much tbh. They gets washed and better taken care of, but bun insists that their torn ear remains the same. Finny also doesn't change a lot. The big thing is adding patches to star's jacket as the story progresses. Unfortunately, I did not have the space for everything I wanted to get to. We have the Moon sleeve for lux's space powers, and tentacles for Kraken. Flowers and rocket are there because I vaguely remember them being on Kep's jacket. The anatomical heart is for Sweet, and I wanted to include a lock and an orange for OP and Keys. Around them is Ivy for friendship <33
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Bunny!! I am just realizing I forgor to put finger joints but its ok. Ignore it. Her flower is lavender, symbolizing distrust. The cuppy cake in her hand is a ref to the Baby Sweet and Bunny story Kep wrote <3
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Lambent!!! I'm trying to branch out a little more with dark academia fashion for them, but a small square doesn't show much. I do kinda feel guilty bc I gave them the most static pose :(( but I didn't really know what to do, and it is the one who is most likely to follow the "stay in frame" rule. It had two necklaces, blue and yellow, for Depths and Madelyn. The flowers around them are baby's breath and blue asters, both for brotherly love.
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Static! I accidentally swapped his eye base color and hair base color here, but I kinda like the lighter hair for him. He gained an extra pair of eyes!! Because indulgence. Also I put him in something that was NOT a suit. A collared shirt/sweater vest combo still seems kinda formal, but slightly more comfy, and he is supposed to be working on control issues, so I feel like he'd stop constantly wearing full blown formal attire. There is less flowers around him and Bronze bc Sweet doesn't really like either of them. His flowers are black dahlias :D They are meant to be betrayal and death.
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Bronze!! I changed the scaring on her body to sheets of metal. I feel like he'd change the burnt skin to metal because. She also has issues with showing weakness. I also updated the metal streaks in her hair so they look more metal-y. Her flowers are lily of the valley, which represent two things. The first is pain due to death. I feel like that's very fitting for EL, but is more of a generic deity thing. The second is "return to happiness". This is more directed towards Static's story, but it's because she is returning, and they both are healing and being happier.
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Last but not least! Sweetheart!! my girl!! In the sketch I had her hair in pigtails but I feel like that looked dumb so I took it out. The whole art piece has really been leaning into the plants and flowers, and that's because she is expanding her flower and plant abilities. Her plant is pomegranates. Because uh, Persephone. Also they mean death and sanctity! which I also thought was fitting. Just ignore they also mean fertility we are picking and choosing our meanings here.
Anyways! I think that's it!! if you read to this point thank u sm for sticking around
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