#just reread the first section and immediately remembered that the only fan interaction we really see is a kid saying the exact opposite of
suckishima · 1 year
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Living the dream...
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writelively · 7 years
So you’re nervous about leaving comments on stories!
(From someone who has written over 150 stories online.)
First I’m going to give some tips for people with anxiety or those who are just nervous about offending a writer! You can skip this though and go straight to the second part if you like. 
The second part (look for the 2′s) will be actual comments that you can copy and paste into the comment section of any story!
Something is better than not commenting at all, I promise!
I get it, it’s hard to come up with things to say that sound genuine and won’t waste the writers time. Well, the good news is: Comments take seconds to read and if you’re not being nasty, it’s never a waste of time!
So I can write a short comment and they won’t be upset?
I don’t know about other writers, but (very) short comments are almost all I ever get. And they still make me smile and my heart flutter. Comments are what drive me as a writer! Short ones still make me happy, so don’t worry about it, if that’s all you can manage!
Isn’t it a bit shallow to ‘write for comments’?
What else am I writing for, buddy? I am writing for the fandom, not just myself! I write because there’s a sense of community and it’s fun to talk about the things I love and to make people feel !!~EMOTIONS~!! is the best feeling I get with my writing! It’s what has made this hobby take up so much of my life for a decade and a half.
But what if I want to give constructive criticism? 
Will the person be okay with that? Good question. One good way of telling if they’ll be okay with what you say is: Did they ask any sort of question in the author’s notes? If they did, they are definitely trying to hear your voice, so don’t be afraid to speak your mind!
If you want to give advice or say something that bothered you about a fic, you can say 2 positive things before the negative comment and 1 positive comment to wrap it up. This way, they have lots to be happy about and are more likely to take your negative comment as good natured.
IE:  “Wow, your characterization is so on point! I loved the way you described Frodo’s eyes! I didn’t feel like the fight scene with Legolas really fit the tone of the story, but the part when he rests his head on Gimli’s shoulder was both adorable and hilarious!”  
As a writer, a comment like this would tickle me to death! I would literally go back immediately and reread the parts you talked about. (Ok, I’ve never written LoTR fanfics, but you get my point.)
But I’m not that good with specific writer things like ‘tone’ or ‘characterization’?
Also fine! How about this:
IE: “More of those kisses and cuddles plz! :D Ahh Captain Kirk was so cute! The story could use more dialogue, but I love all the fluff!”
Totally okay to use emojis, keysmashing and text talk. They just further show how you’re feeling and we LOVE that!
But I hated it, disagreed with its content, the pairing, etc? 
Time to read something else, buddy! It’s not worth the stress on your body to give attention to something you hate. If someone was passionate enough about something to write about it, you won’t change any minds. Give your attention and passion to what you love and support the writers who write your interests! It’s better for everyone. I’ve been in fandoms for 15 years now and I can tell you that you will NOT be changing anyone’s mind. For yourself, move on.
I only felt ‘meh’ about this story, do I still have to comment?
Depends! Did you read the entire thing? If you did and still aren’t super ‘into’ it, but also didn’t hate it, maybe just write a simple single line like the ones I have listed below. If it was SO meh, that you actually regret reading it, don’t comment negatively. It could be a new writer and we don’t want to discourage new writers from writing!  You could leave constructive criticism like above, or something small like below.
This writer is clearly very popular / the story already has comments.
Before you decide that a writer has ‘too many comments’ or ‘too many notes’ remember that on sites like Ao3, replies and replies to replies count as ‘comments’. If the writer replies to most of the comments, the number is going to look like it’s double what it actually is. And we always appreciate every comment!  On tumblr, ‘liking’ something counts as a note. Reblogging with out tags or comments also counts as a note, but it’s better than just a like. 
Remember, we love attention. We love to hear what you have to say. I’ve never seen a writer put in their bottom notes ‘Please don’t comment, I don’t care.’
If something has 400 comments or is super old and you think that the author probably won’t care, it doesn’t hurt to write something small! Just give it a shot! Even if they don’t reply, they still might see it.
I see people commenting on my work from 10 years ago and though I barely remember the fandom, it still makes me giggle. I love it!
But in the end, the judgement call on whether or not you’ll comment is yours to make.
I want something to happen in a later chapter, can I tell you that?
You can, but do not demand or expect that someone will steer the story line off where they were going for you. You may want to word in a way that makes it seem like you HOPE it will happen, rather than you ASKING for it to happen.
NOT this:  Please let them kiss in the next chapter!!  DO this:  Aaaahhh, I hope they kiss, the tension is killing me! NOT this: Make Harry ask Luna to the dance. DO this:  Luna keeps staring at Harry, and he keeps noticing. I see what you’re doing thereeee~ SIDE NOTE: Demanding any sort of smut/kinks/AUs/pairings/etc that the writer might be uncomfortable with and haven’t been brought up in the story is probably not okay. If you want to make a request like that, make sure the writer is OK with requests and if they are, request a completely different story.   
If you’re worried a request might freak them out, try and do a little research. 
Remember, tons and tons of teens and kids (underagers) write fanfics. Many of them may be writing things that are above their age grade. If you accidentally read one of these, just back away and don’t interact. It is illegal.
If you ARE a minor writing things like smut, remember: It’s still illegal. If you have any more questions about this, feel free to ask. But remember, always keep it SFW when you’re talking to an adult. If an adult knows you are underage and still wants to talk to you about / show you / RP smut and the like, back away. That is predatory and real kids AND teens have gotten hurt in this way.
OKAY! If you have more comments or suggestions, feel free to reblog and add them!   Now for the copy and past part of our topic here!
Simple one-liners that you can use and reuse when you’re too nervous to write something yourself! Like I said above, writers will love anything! Just pick one (or more if you like) comment from below that you like, copy and paste it into the comment box on other sites or put it in your tags or ‘reply’s on tumblr! 
No need to mention you used the list AND you can customize them as much as you like!
Many of these are based on comments I have received in the past, that have made me smile! I am not adding numbers, so that they are easier to copy and paste. Feel free to save this in your drafts, if you want easy access in the future!
Here we go:
This is really cute and I would love it if you continued.
This is really good! I like this idea. If you are still thinking about updating it I would be excited to see this story progress.
Awesome :D really hoping you'll continue
This was sweet and I would very much like to read more!
I can’t wait to hear more about __________ !
Love this so much!
Very interesting start. I look forward to reading the next chapter.
I'm already hooked... It's very well written :D
I was already hooked by the summary and I was ready for more by the end of the chapter. 
To put it quite simply I loved it, and I hope you write more chapters.
This is really interesting, you have yourself a new fan. Update soon? 
I can't wait to see where you go with this story!
_______ was my favorite line. love it.
You write beautifully, I love how you describe emotions!
This is interesting! I would like to see how you could make your short story ideas into a full story.
I like the character's interactions with each other, very interesting dynamics.
Ohh, please, update soon. Seems interesting and cool.
This looks very promising! 
You kept me on the edge of the seat, but sadly it ended!
Will you update this? I wouldn't mind reading more of this!
I'm into this story already! Please update soon! :)
I started to read this out of curiosity, kinda thinking 'What? This can't possibly work!' and the next few minutes of my life were spent squeeing in joy.
You have converted me into a shipper!
UGH THE PAIN! You’re so evil, my heart hurts! (And I love it!)
I just started reading this as a sort of masochistic dare with myself... Dammit, why does this pairing just... work? 
You're gonna turn me into a shipper, I swear to God.
I beginning to love this couple and it's all your fault!
Thank you, this is really cute!
I freaking love this pairing and it sucks that it isn’t more popular! Thanks for adding to it!
This was fun to read!
They are such an adorable couple
So few views?! That’s just wrong, this was so awesome!
Hmmm well now I kinda like this pairing...
I like this, it's sweet :') think you should continue it!
I would very much be interested in reading more if you were willing to write it. I like your set up in this chapter.
I would like to read more
S’good! And cute!
Brilliant! Please post more soon!
I can hardly wait for an update! :)
The way the characters are written is fantastic and believable, keep it up!
By any chance are you going to continue with this fic? It's quite good.
I hope your thinking of continuing this! I seriously love it!
This is honestly one of the best _________ stories that I’ve ever read.
Your stories are pretty good I must say, but this one really sticks out at me.
I beg you to continue your story if you have more to tell!
Should you post more I will definitely read your updates.
Please post more, I NEED to know what happens!
alsdjalksjhdkja chd aksjdh alksjhd
The part with ______________ was really clever!
Oh, no no no! You can't leave it like this! It will haunt me forever!
Love this story! Even though the chapters were short, your story had a lot in it!
It was never lacking mystery and had me on edge waiting for the next chapter.
Wow... what's going to happen? *_*
I love it and I hate it, it’s so awesome, but it hurts and I hate it and I love it. WHY.
ok. I wasn't expecting that. That was really really really sad....
I  cant believe you ended it that way!
MORE! MORE! MORE!...Ahem... sorry... I absolutely loved it. Please write more!
The little sinister things are what intrigue us to move onward. So keep writing! I'll be waiting for the next chapter with anticipation!
I think it was an adorable chapter, maybe a little OOC, but still cute nonetheless. :)
Wow, what an unexpected ending!
gah this is beautiful ❤
I love everything you write!
Holy shit dude yes
Everything. Literally everything about this. Just... yes. 
I love this, it’s really good!
You’re a fantastic writer.
I can’t believe you were nervous to post this! I’m so glad you did.
Bless you man. This is lovely!
The characters, the set up, the descriptions, the dialogue... All of it was perfect!
You write them exactly as I see them! Thank you!
Characterization was perfect, holy crap.
Great now I’m all bothered~
*wipes away sweat* wow that was hot
*wipes away a tear* oh my god....
Such good content to stumble upon, thank you for writing and sharing!
Woah. Just... woah.
My heart is shattered :’(
Holy shit that’s gonna keep me up at night....
Excuse me while I go find a shoulder to cry on!
I need a hug after that!
That is all I have time for today. I may add more in the future and you can always feel free to add some if you like too! 
END NOTE: I wrote this up because I see a lot of posts from writers talking about how hurt they are that no one bothers to comment and people retorting that they’re too nervous to post. So I made this to make it easy!      99.99% OF WRITERS WILL LOVE YOU FOR COMMENTS!
Writers can’t do commissions like artists can, so this is the best way to support us! (Yes, I understand commissions are POSSIBLE, but it’s very difficult and in most of the instances I’ve seen people try it, someone is always disappointed. Most of us just want you to talk to us!)
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hanwooz · 7 years
170819 KCON LA Fanacc
hi hello the whole experience is still so surreal to me but i'm going to document as much as i can in this post while it's still fresh in my memory :^) note: i didn’t reread this since i’m literally just rambling everything and trying to recollect what happened HAHA read... with discretion?  - FAN ENGAGEMENT - so this was my first time at kcon and i was super confused with everything, but luckily i went with a friend who already had experience from going previous years (@ftwonwoo HI TRACEY). we were lucky enough to get three seventeen audience passes from the vouchers that came with our concert tickets (( WHICH ARE COMPLETELY RANDOMIZED I MIGHT ADD )). i reaaallly wanted hitouch and was willing to pay up to maybe $50 for it but seventeen was in high demand so every offer i found was $100+ OTL. i mean i was able to afford it, but i didn't think it was worth buying for, maybe, 40 seconds of interaction ;_;. waiting in line was like a blur to me i just remember thinking it was hot because we were told to stand in line outside with no shade at all. i was straight up sweating buckets and also screaming internally because i was going to look like a mess in front of seventeen AHAHAHAHA. i kept admiring some of the fans in line who made the effort to have really nice rose quartz serenity outfits while i was wearing like......black lmfao good job kellz what the heck were you thiNKING. the only rose quartz i had on me was my phone case and this headband i made that said 최한솔 (chwe hansol) on it which i’m 120% sure vernon didn’t see it Bye
okay so all hell broke loose while seventeen were coming onto stage one by one, and unfortunately i missed them walking onstage since there was this girl in front of me―who i thought was a fansite bc she had a camera with detachable lens―holding up an ANNOYING AS FUCK POSTER THAT BLOCKED MY ENTIRE VIEW. i told her to put it down (several times actually) and when she did, i immediately counted the members and noticed hoshi wasn't there?? i was a little disappointed for a sec but i understood he needed his rest so it was for the best, so props at pledis for not letting him attend for the sake of his health ;_;. they first introduced themselves and oh my god Y'ALL hearing "SAY THE NAME, SEVENTEEN!! hi, we are seventeen!" is so goosebump inducing lol i've heard them say their signature greeting so many times through my laptop screen but it's a whole different level hearing it in person. okay fast forward my memory kind of gets broken here but they basically answered a few questions (i remember them naming s.coups as the dad and jeonghan the mom of the group) and they also had a mission every time they rolled a dice. dino - random dance to dnce's 'cake by the ocean', seungkwan - favorite pop song (he sang adeles's 'when we were young' OMG THIS BOY'S VOICE IS HEAVENLY I NEED A FULL VER ASAP), seokmin - random dance to big bang's fantastic baby (before he danced, he threw the dice into the crowd which was sO funny and unexpected, i didn't see where it went but he had his hands together afterwards and looked like he was apologizing LOL also s.coups was literally on the floor dying of laughter), joshua + jeonghan - aegyo, mingyu - sexy dance to justin timberlake's 'sexy back' (he was really into it at first doing body waves and then he got shy, it was so cute LOL), wonwoo - i think he also got favorite song? he sang 'see you again' and it was nice hearing everyone in the room singing along with him!! i was worried that they'd be tired from flying in from chicago hours before the event started, but they were all really energetic and lively and cute. after this segment ended, it was time for the hitouch and it was so interesting seeing how each member interacted with fans since it... really reflects their personality if that makes sense?? i think s.coups, mingyu, and vernon probably had the best fan interaction. they never wiped off the huge smile they had on their faces and s.coups was legit CLASPING each fan's hand instead of giving high-fives alfkjalskfjaljsk. the hitouch went by really fast and on the screen, it showed their faces one by one and i remember fans screaming the loudest for jun omfg he is sooooo handsome;; well all of them looked really handsome tbh and i really liked jeonghan and woozi's chokers :^). minghao had a really cute smile the whole time too!! after they left i went outside and really just sat there letting it all sink in that i saw them.... me.... with my own two eyes.... seeing their adorable faces and laughs and interactions with each other and then suddenly realizing i probably won't be able to experience this again LOLLLLLLLL okay no need to be dramatic onto the next part - SATURDAY CONCERT - it was unannounced that vernon, joshua, and s.coups would be the MCs in the beginning so it was the biggest surprise of my LIFE i think i went a little overboard with the screaming at times rip but vernon was such a natural at emceeing!! his english was flawless omg and joshua, s.coups, and mingyu did a really good job too! the concert stage was set up as.... i guess you can call it a 360 stage? so sometimes the artists entered in from the sections where audience was sitting. i knew they were coming from between section 110 and 111. 110 was the section i bought for combo saturday and sunday tickets, but i sold it for saturday's concert because i found better seats, but it was still the section i had for sunday's concert, which seventeen didn't attend AHAHAHA wow is this what i get for being greedy and purchasing closer tickets just for saturday??? ehhh it's okay, the seats that i had were far on the right and they entered in the aisle on my far left so i wouldn't be able to see them anyway LOL. seventeen's first performance had unit stages, which went in this order: performance unit - swimming fool > vocal unit - 입버릇 > hip hop unit - check in. and then there were other artist stages afterwards, but they came back to perform other tracks (don't wanna cry, rock remix, and aju nice). the vcr kcon played before seventeen’s second performance was amazing, it was quite similar to the kcon japan vcr, except for LA they had a different logo which i'm sure a lot of you have already seen lol. i think some fans were calling it a hearbeat logo which is genius imo it's an actual representation of what my heartbeat looks like when i see or hear anything seventeen related!!!!!!! throughout their performance i remember seeing jeonghan, seokmin, and s.coups coming to my side of the stage the most. they were so cute always waving to fans are i practically walked out of the venue a jeonghan stan. ((( i’m joking vernon’s forever my number 1 but JEONGHAN GAVE SUCH GOOD FANSERVICE ))) s.coups was also a really eye-catching performer. the way he vibed during check in was out of this world I FELT SO BLESSED TO BE ABLE TO SEE IT PERFORMED LIVE INSTEAD OF WATCHING 394839 FANCAMS OF CHECK IN PERFORMANCES AND ALSO during tock remix, there was this part in the choreo where they look up after vernon / seokmin’s part and the lighting in the venue shined down on the stage floor, coups looked completely like an anGEL and don’t even get me started on vernon because i felt like losin’ my goddamn mind whenever he appeared on the big screen    i know i might sound biased but i think seventeen were the best performers out of attending artists;; they really engaged the whole audience, from having everyone chant 'seventeen' in unison before they even performed to having everyone do the mansae move with them during their random play dance / pinata time;; it was an amazing experience and it honestly felt like a mini seventeen concert LOL. i had to hop on a flight four or five hours after sunday's concert with barely any sleep;; my flight consisted of nothing but listening to the Al1 album OTL post-concert depression is already hitting me hard HAHA i really hope in the future i can see them at one of their tour stops one day ugh i love seventeen so much;;;;
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