#just scour all the dollar stores until you find one stocking it
creuviewblog · 3 years
Why Choose LED Lightboxes For Your Advertising Displays
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The holidays are coming. Actually, Halloween has come and gone, which means basically that the holidays are here, at least from a commercial point of view. Retail establishments are entering the hardest part of their year - as the days outside grow shorter, retail hours grow longer and longer, right up until the January sales start. In a tough economy, competition is fierce for shoppers' limited budgets. Consumers scour advertising for any hint of a sale or discount; retailers scramble to create innovative campaigns and incentives to draw in customers. Advertising dollars are at a premium, because more advertising (POP, retail, and even tradeshow) is being done, and more often.
What can a company do to reduce advertising and display costs while remaining competitive in the marketplace?
The answer is simple: Do What Your Customers Do. Shop for bargains. Scour your vendors' sites for clearance display merchandise. Look for over stock sales and extreme closeouts, find out who's offering wholesale displays at or below cost.
As a retailer and commercial enterprise, you understand that sometimes it's necessary to turn inventory around. Sales not only bring in customers, they can reduce overhead and operating costs in the short-term. Why should the vendors you buy from be any different? In fact, they're not different at all, they use the exact same business model as any retail establishment. Turn equals profit. And there is no reason why you, their customer, cannot take advantage of this and maximize the efficiency of your own advertising and retail budget.
There are literally hundreds of specialty stores and online portals for commercial store fixtures, wholesale retail display merchandise, POP and Point of Sale display holders and more. It's more than likely that when your business needs advertising or display merchandise, these are the places your business shops. But there's the rub - businesses traditionally shop for point of purchase and advertising product displays when they need them, which means they're more than likely looking for a specific product. Yet those vendors are there all the time, their businesses run just like anyone else's.
Which means they put things on sale. Regularly. It's part of their business model.
How do you find these sales? Chances are that your favorite display products superstore isn't a "bricks-and-mortar" establishment. And even if you do happen to be one of the lucky few with a wholesale display merchandise warehouse superstore just around the corner, chances are slim that they're going to be fluttering the "sale" flag outside for their just-marked-down advertising poster enclosures. So the best way to find discount supplies - that's polite speech for "cheap advertising display merchandise" - is to search for it. You won't have to look very hard. It's out there. A simple Google search will bring up a number of sites. But don't just look at the sites - search them for the same words your own customers are scanning your site and your store for.
Discount. Wholesale. Over stock. Cheap. Closeout. Below Cost. Sale. Don't spend a lot of time, but be creative. Combine led display words and phrases, search for what you want to find. "Limited time offer," is a good one, as is "extreme" anything - "extreme closeouts," "extreme savings," "extreme discount prices."
Bargain shopping for display and advertising merchandise can actually also lead to creative and entrepreneurial thinking, as well. Instead of using a full month's budget, as planned, on a single digital display stand and a widescreen monitor, you may see an enclosure for iPads that is so dirt-cheap that you can buy one for each store entrance and still have enough left over to put iPads in them. Those 3"x8" brochures might actually look better at 4" x 9" to fit in the cheap display mounts. That extra inch of text space might allow your business to include its own coupon, even. Your tattered and dated tradeshow display cover might cost more to replace with an exact duplicate than to purchase a custom-printed one in a different size. You never know with sales, that's the beauty of it.
see more: https://creuview.com/
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twoninetieskids · 7 years
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When their kids plan a trip home, normal moms ask for snacks, or ‘nothing, having you home is gift enough’.
Dudettemom asked for dollar store window bug nets. The Belgian stores don’t have them.
0 notes
neraawritesxx · 6 years
Written for KakaSaku Month - Day 1
pairing: kakashi x sakura; implied obito x rin event prompt: summer // rainstorms additional prompt: you buy an obscene number of flowers, and i’m concerned as to why genre: romance // light angst // slice of life word count: 5,250
summary: The first time Sakura meets him, it’s a week after her roommate has died.
a/n: This is extremely late? Like days upon days late. It took me forever to finish, but I’m happy with the end result. Maybe now I can start my other prompts? Lol. Either way, I hope you all enjoy!
note: This work is unbeta’ed so any mistakes are my own.
“It’s starting to rain,” Ino murmurs nonchalantly.
Sakura gives a noncommittal grunt in response, eyes never straying from the flower arrangement in front of her. Blindly, she sifts through the pile of loose blooms that reside on the countertop next to her, choosing a long-stemmed daisy and a row of baby’s breath.
Slowly, meticulously, she snips both stems with her shears, making sure that the floras are at the right length before placing them in the vase. Sakura watches how they fall with a critical eye, moving them into more favorable positions that accentuate the piece then, repeats the processes with the remaining buds.
The flower shop is quiet for a while after that, both girls distracted by their work, the patter of rainfall echoing against the window display.
It’s Ino who eventually breaks their silence.
“I wonder if your friend is going to stop by today.”
“Don’t you have a wedding centerpiece to put together?” Sakura pointedly inquires, though there is no real hostility behind her tone.
Jade eyes shift to look at the clock hanging on the opposite wall before sliding back to the blonde.
“Besides,” Sakura adds. “Even if he were to make an appearance, I won’t be around to see him. You know what today is. I have to leave in a half hour.”
Ino perks up for a moment, eyes wide as sudden comprehension dawns. The fair-haired woman smiles, a sad, half-hearted curl of her lips that doesn’t quite reach her eyes as cobalt hues settle on the decorative bouquet Sakura is putting together.
Ino hums. “I almost forgot,” she states gently. “I should have realized when you took out all of the daisies we had in stock.”
Sakura releases a soft chuckle, turning back to her project. “It’s alright. Just come over here and help me. I don’t want to be late.”
The first time Sakura meets him, it’s a week after her roommate has died.
Ino insists that she take more time off from the shop, it’s not their busy season, and her best friend maintains that she is more than capable of covering both of their shifts. Sakura turns her down, however, preferring to hide her misery behind forced smiles and menial conversations with their customers.
It takes her mind off of it, helps her forget the pain. If only for a little while.
The rain is heavy that day, pounding unrelentingly against the sidewalk, leaving vast puddles in its wake and forcing most people indoors.
Sakura doesn’t hear him when he enters the shop. Their air conditioner is broken, and they are forced to battle the pungent, sticky haze caused by the weather by keeping the front door open. There is no breeze, but the air that does trickle into the store is cool, despite the humidity.
He slips in while she is distracted, re-reading old text messages from her dearly departed friend.
Sakura likes to think that scouring through old conversations, recounting memories, helps her cope. It’s enjoyable, for the time being, until she reaches the last messages that were sent in their chat thread.
Rin N. (8:24 PM): We’re leaving Obito’s in a minute.
Rin N. (8:25 PM): Promise me that you’ll at least consider going to dinner with Kakashi.
Rin N. (8:25 PM): He’s cute! I know you’ll like him.
Sakura H. (8:26 PM): You’re so worried about my love life! Lol. Focus on your own! 
Sakura H. (8:27 PM): But, I will think about it. Okay, Rin?
Sakura H. (8:27 PM): I’ll let you know where my head’s at after I meet him tonight.
Sakura H. (8:28 PM): What’s your ETA?
He clears his throat then, startling her and Sakura’s head shoots up to find him standing a few paces back from the counter. He’s tall, lanky, and has a messy mop of silver hair that sticks out at a bunch of awkward, different angles.
She can’t tell much beyond that.
There is a strip of black cloth over the left side of his face and a hospital mask of the same color covering from the middle of his nose, down. The latter doesn’t surprise her all that much. Most customers with unmanageable pollen allergies tend to cover their faces before venturing into the shop.
The other fabric, however, is somewhat daunting.
He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, not looking at her, and it takes Sakura a moment to realize that she has forgone a formal greeting, and instead, has been blatantly staring at him.
“Oh,” she says. “Excuse me. I’m so sorry. It’s just one of those days; I can’t help but find myself distracted. Welcome to Yamanaka Flowers. What can I get for you today?”
The new arrival doesn’t immediately say anything, gazing at a fixed point over Sakura’s right shoulder. Another full minute passes before he brings himself to look at her, and when he does, Sakura can’t help but flinch.
He looks…haggard.
Or, at least, that’s what she can make out from the small patch of skin available for inspection.
His lone eye is sunken in, rimmed with the purplish discoloration that comes from extensive lack of sleep. When she gives him another once over, Sakura also notes that he is wearing far too many layers for the season. Despite inclement weather, it’s still summertime in Konoha. The rain could stop in an hour, giving way to the bright, unforgiving rays of the sun. She doesn’t think someone who is dressed in a baggy, mismatching sweat suit would be comfortable when that time came around.
She doesn’t get to explore his fashion choices or how fatigued he looks any further. He decides to speak then, stating, “Hyacinths.”
His request is a raspy croak, muffled behind the material of his mask, and Sakura has no difficulty trying to make out the word.
She blinks, though, somewhat perplexed.
Was that it?
It wasn’t the first time a customer has come in with a specific request, but it was the first time Sakura has dealt with one so vague.
“Ah, okay.” She steps down from the stool she is perched upon, crossing the room towards the refrigerated display. “Um, do you have a preference for the color? Or the amount? We offer small or large bouquets. We’re actually running a sale right now. If you purchase a full bouquet, you can get another for half th–”
“A purple hyacinth,” He cuts in before she could further explain. “Just one.”
“…Just one?” She parrots, confused.
Odd request indeed.
Against her wishes, Ino’s voice pipes up in the back of Sakura’s head, babbling on about the language of flowers.
A purple hyacinth can say many things.
‘I am sorry.’
‘Please forgive me.’
‘I am filled with sorrow.’
At his curt nod, Sakura pulls her cutting sears from the pocket of her apron and snips at a particularly robust hyacinth in the middle of the display. Pulling the flower free, she sets out to intricately wrap the floret with white wrapping paper, tying everything together with a piece of violet twine.
“Here you go,” she declares, holding the bundle out across the counter.
He takes it carefully, and Sakura becomes immediately aware that he is trying to avoid touching her as he extracts it from her grip, his free hand digging into his pants pocket.
“You total is three dollars and tw–” Sakura doesn’t get to finish her statement. In the time it takes her to punch his order into the register, he has already placed a five-dollar bill on the counter and is halfway out the door.
“Hey! Wait! You’re forgetting your change!”
He either doesn’t hear her or chooses to ignore her, because he doesn’t stop, disappearing right out into the rain.
Sakura sits back with a click of her tongue, eyes flicking between the front door and the money that has been set on the counter. She tries to chalk up the oddity of the entire experience as a one-time deal, something that happens every now and again.
The whole situation doesn’t sit well with her for the rest of the shift and remains at the forefront of her mind well into the next day. When she tells Ino about it, the blonde brushes off it off, citing that he was just a loon of a customer and they were bound to get a few of those now and again.
Despite her friend trying to placate her, Sakura still couldn’t help but wonder, just what had he done to be asking for forgiveness?
Sakura doesn’t see that strange man again for another month.
It’s raining that day also, but it is more of a sun shower than actual rainfall, a quick drizzle to combat the insufferable heat.
They still haven’t gotten the air conditioner fixed, and Ino moans about how her hair is going to frizz. Sakura doesn’t mind all that much. She likes the feel of the wind when it blows through the open door; relishes in the sights, the smells, and the sounds that it brings along with it.
That day though, Sakura’s lethargic and she cannot bring herself to enjoy much of anything.
Obito visited her earlier that afternoon, Chinese takeout in tow. They talk, exchanging as many pleasantries as two people who have lost someone very dear can. She tries her best to avoid the topic altogether, but Sakura has always been curious, and her inquisitive nature has seemed to have gotten the better of her recently.
The scar covering the right half his face is a messy and daunting reminder, and Sakura can’t help but gaze at it when Obito isn’t paying attention. Or, at least, she thought he hadn’t been paying attention. He catches her staring about halfway through their meal and brushes off her hasty attempts at an apology.
He makes some ambiguous joke about how he and his roommate – a man who she has still yet to meet –  now have matching deformed faces. Something about how they can use it in the future as a pick-up line.
Sakura tries to laugh along with him, but she knows her smile is strained and Obito’s chuckles are empty and lifeless.
They still don’t address the elephant in the room, and it’s not soon after that he takes his leave, promising to visit her sometime in the upcoming week.
Sakura is alone for about an hour, trying to distract herself with tidying up around the shop. This time, she hears him when he enters, but that is only because he nearly trips over terracotta pot she has removed from the front display while cleaning.
“Oh my god!” Sakura exclaims, scrambling to her feet. She pushes the potted plant back into its rightful place, rubbing her dirty hands along her apron, while stating, “I am so sorry. Are you alright?”
He grunts his assent, righting himself, but says nothing.
When he turns to regard her, his breath leaves him in a soft ‘whoosh,’ and there is a strange straightening of his spine. He looks shocked to see her and Sakura can accurately make that deduction because, not only is his lone charcoal eye impossibly wide as he looks at her, but this time, he has foregone the mask, mouth parted in a small, stupefied ‘o.’
“Oh,” she breathes, trying not to be enticed by his strong jawline or the mole that decorates his chin. “It’s you.”
Her comment seems to snap him out of his stupor, and he collects himself, arching one dark brow in silent question. Sakura smiles despite his self-imposed muteness and walks behind the counter.
“I was wondering if you were going to come back,” she says, opening the cash register. Sakura pulls out an envelope from one of the slots in the drawer, holding it out towards him. “You forgot your change the last time you were here.”
He takes a step closer to the countertop, eye flickering between her face and the packet in her hands. The silence that envelopes the store for the next few moments is uncomfortable, and just when Sakura thinks that he isn’t going to take the proffered package, he quickly snatches it from her grasp.
“Thanks,” he mutters, and Sakura can’t help but be distracted by the movement of his mouth, by the deep tenor of his voice. “You didn’t have to do that.”
The corner of Sakura’s mouth kicks up, and she brushes off his acknowledgment with a dismissive wave of her hand. “It’s no big deal. We don’t like to overcharge our customers here and with that being said, what can I get for you today?”
His answer is immediate. “White tulips. A dozen.” He hesitates for a second, then adds, “Please.”
Sakura nods, a small smirk playing on her lips, and ventures into the back room where they kept more extensive stock of the commonly purchased flowers.  As she’s putting together the garlands per his request, Sakura can’t help but allow her mind to wander to the meaning behind the blooms he chose.
‘White tulips are used to claim worthiness,’ Ino had said. ‘Or to send a message of forgiveness. Depends on what circumstances you’re buying them for.’
When Sakura returns to the front of the shop, the odd customer is hunched down on the opposite side of the counter, staring at the rather impressive selection of Ino’s imported sword lilies.
“What are these?” he asks, fingers pressed against the glass.
“They’re called Gladiolus. They mean strength and integrity. We got the shipment in this week, just in time for the summer season.”
He nods absentmindedly while standing, reaching into his jeans to extract his wallet. “How much for one of those, along with the rest of them?”
Sakura preens, thinking about how she is going to rub it in Ino’s face that she sold one of her precious flowers before her. It takes Sakura another minute to prepare the additional bud with soft wrappings, but when she’s finished, she places it and the other bouquet on the countertop in front of him.
Quick, deft fingers punch his order into the register and Sakura chirps, “That’ll be fourteen dollars and fifty-three cents.”
Much like their first interaction, by the time the words are out of her mouth, there is money on the counter and he is already out the door.
Unlike their last meeting, however, he leaves Sakura with a twenty-dollar bill and the exotic lily he had purchased last minute.
It’s three weeks before his next visit.
It’s not raining that day, but the sky is dark with the promise of an impending storm. Sakura is out visiting Sai and Naruto on her lunch break when he comes into the store.
Not only does she get an earful about the ‘really odd, yet totally hot’ customer from Ino when she gets back, but she also finds that he left a single, pink carnation behind.
“It was weird,” Ino states while putting together a bridal shower arraignment. “He bought almost two dozen striped carnations. That caught his eye last minute, and he insisted on buying it, only to leave it here.”
Sakura can’t help but smile for the rest of the day.
The interval between that visit and his next is extremely short; only five days.
The heavens have opened; lightning streaks across the sky and thunder reverberates throughout the store, leaving Sakura to try and drown out the resonances with soft music from Ino’s stereo.
The welcoming chime of the bell above the door signals his arrival, and as Sakura looks up, she can’t help but grin.
“Long time no see,” she greets.
He’s not looking at her, but she knows he heard her. His one eye is trained on the single, bubblegum pink carnation sitting in a vase next to the register.
“Ino said you left it here,” Sakura finds herself explaining. She doesn’t really know why. “It was already cut, and I didn’t want to see it go to waste. I figured it would be a cute decoration.”
He gives a short bob of his head, and the very corner of his mouth curls up for just a moment. It’s not a smile, it’s more like a simple twitch of movement, but it’s something, and Sakura feels her heart stutter at the sight of it.
“I’m glad it made it into the right hands, then,” he starts, finally looking up at her from under a frame of dark lashes. “Anemones, please. Just two.”
Sakura puts together his order as specified, trying to blame the rising heat in her cheeks on the fact that they still have yet to get the air conditioner repaired.  She can’t help but wonder what’s hidden underneath that strip of black cloth, about what exactly his face looks like without the obscurity.
“I also don’t have your change from last time,” she calls out as she’s wrapping the flowerets in paper that’s a shade darker than her hair. “Ino mucked up the cash one day and used it to break another customer’s bigger bill.”
He shrugs, seemingly nonplussed by the news.
They finish up their transaction quickly after that. This time he gives Sakura the exact amount of money, down to the penny and offers her a small wave as he makes his way out the door.
“See you soon,” he bids in farewell and Sakura can’t help but beam and wave after him.
He has a funny definition of ‘soon’ because Sakura doesn’t see him again for another four months.
That’s not to say he doesn’t come into the store, because he does, but summer has given way to fall, and school has started again, taking up most of Sakura’s free time and leaving her with only a handful of shifts at the shop.
Ino informs her of his appearances and proceeds to make fun of Sakura as her eyes light up with the new information. He sometimes leaves her a flower, sometimes he forgets his change, and sometimes he does neither, but his visits never cease.
Sakura brushes off Ino’s teasing, citing that it is not a crush. She does not have a crush on a customer. It is intrigue. Despite his noticeably handsome looks, Sakura is more interested in the mystery behind that mask. Ino doesn’t believe her.
Sakura tries to think up different scenarios in her head, formulating a plan to ask him for his name in the least creepy way possible. Ino joins her in plotting, only because he has yet to use a credit card, and the fair-haired woman is damn curious herself. They giggle maniacally as they come up with different ideas, and for the first time in a long while, Sakura finds herself looking forward to something.
When she finally does see him again, though, Sakura is in a horrid mood and asking for his name is the furthest thing from her mind.
Obito called a few minutes prior wanting to discuss a few things about Rin. They had gotten better at talking. More specifically, they had gotten better at talking about her. Obito stopped looking like he about to burst into tears at the mention of Rin’s name, and Sakura, well, she felt a little less hollow.
The friendly formalities didn’t last long because Obito informed her that he wanted to come to the apartment and clean out some of Rin’s things; keep some for himself, put some in storage, and throw out whatever was left.
Sakura vehemently refused.
‘Damn it, Sakura! It’s been months!’ he yells in her ear. ‘I don’t know who is worse, you or Kakashi! I miss her too but clinging to all of her stuff like this is toxic. She’s gone, and as much as it kills me to say it, she is never coming back. We need to get rid of some of it. We need to move on.’
If Obito really missed Rin, he wouldn’t be throwing out her belongings. Sakura tells him as much.
That seems to do the trick because his tone is much quieter when he addresses her again.
‘We’ve been going to grief counseling, Kakashi and I. The therapist says that doing this is a step in the right direction. That things will get better. I…,’ His voice cracks on the other end of the phone. ‘I need to get better. It fucking hurts, and I’m tired of it. You and Kakashi need to stop blaming yourselves. It’s nobody's fault; it was an accident. And we all need to try and move on. I’m doing this, with or without you there.’
Because she is sick of being compared to and roped together with a man she has never met.
Because she doesn’t want to think about how that night was her idea and they would have never gotten into the car if she wasn’t so insistent on them picking her up.
Because she feels physically ill due to their discussion.
And just because she is fucking pissed off that Obito is dropping this on her out of the blue, Sakura hangs up on him.
Obito tries to call her back twice. She lets both calls ring until her voicemail kicks in. He doesn’t try to call her a third time.
Sakura doesn’t turn towards the door when she hears it open, nor does she grant the new customer any attention when she feels their presence draw near the counter.
It is one of the rare occasions that she and Ino are working the same shift, and her best friend – bless her big, goofy heart – heard the entire argument and knew that Sakura is nowhere near capable of talking to anyone at that moment. She interjects with, “Welcome to Yamanaka Flowers. What can I get for you today?”
“Sunflowers,” a very familiar voice demands.
Ino must not have been paying all that much attention to who walked in either, because there is a long, drawn-out silence followed by a sudden shift as Ino scrambles to stand from her stool.
“Hello again,” Sakura hears Ino comment. It sounds more like an excited purr. Ino is laying it on too thick, but Sakura can tell that she is just excited by the prospect of finally getting his name. “Do you want a bouquet or just a specific amount like two or three?”
“I don’t care,” he snaps impatiently. “Just…just give me whatever you can…please.”
The ‘please’ is a last-minute addition that is used to try and take the edge off of his command, but it doesn’t work. Sakura can feel Ino’s irritation from where she is sitting, and when she finally drags her eyes towards the register, the mysterious customer and Ino are glaring each other down.
His expression is thunderous, but Ino’s irritated scowl gives him a run for his money. The young Yamanaka tosses the bundle of flowers on the countertop unceremoniously, uncaring about her lack of social propriety.
He doesn’t even ask for a total, slapping money on the counter without any concern to if it is over or under the correct amount. He takes a step back, quickly glancing in Sakura’s direction before pausing. His gaze feels piercing, like it’s picking her apart from the inside out and looking into her very soul. It carries far too much weight, too much pain and anguish, and it makes Sakura want to squirm in her seat.
In a flurry of movement that neither she nor Ino could follow, he rips one of the sunflowers from its intricate packaging, tosses it onto the counter and turns to the exit, slamming the door as he leaves.
For the next twenty minutes, Sakura half-heartedly listens to Ino gripe and groan about the entire ordeal.
“What a dick,” Ino seethes. “I don’t care if he was in a bad mood, he didn’t have to be so rude about it.”
Sakura hums her agreement, staring at the sunflower in her grasp. She runs her fingers along the stem gently, plucking a single, loose petal free and twirling it between her fingers
The meaning behind them hits her suddenly, like a punch to the gut.
“Loyalty…,” she mumbles under her breath. Her visions blurs as she sighs dejectedly, “…Rin…”
Ino stops, mid-rant, casting Sakura a confused glance. The blonde’s befuddled expression doesn’t last long, her face contorting into a worried frown almost immediately.
“Forehead,” Ino starts, cautiously. “Are you alright?”
It’s only then that Sakura realizes that she’s crying.
She doesn’t see him again after that and Sakura tries not to dwell on it.
Instead, she throws herself into her work, school, and friends. Focusing all of her attention on bettering herself; on growing, on learning, and on healing. At first, she does it as more of an avoidance tactic, but after an extended visit to Rin’s grave, Sakura comes to terms with the fact that she genuinely isn’t coping as well as she thought.
Something needs to change.
She needs to change.
So, when Obito comes by her apartment later that week to clean out Rin’s things, she joins him.
They spend the better part of the next two days going through all of Rin’s stuff, laughing and crying and reminiscing as they poke and prod through different shelves, piles, and drawers.
After it’s all over, Obito hugs her; a bone-crushing embrace that expresses his sadness and relief and a whole other maelstrom of emotions that Sakura cannot bring herself to try and grasp.
“We’ll be alright,” she hums in his ear, trying to fight off the pinprick of tears in her eyes. He pulls her even closer as she repeats, “We’ll be alright.”
They would be.
“Are you sure you’re okay with us coming with you?” Naruto asks for the third time that day.
Before Sakura can soothe her friend’s fears, Sasuke answers for her, “Yes, Dobe. Stop asking. Her answer hasn’t changed in the last ten minutes, or are you hard of hearing?”
Naruto shoots Sasuke a dark look but doesn’t rise to the taunt. He instead focuses his attention on the arrangement of daisies in his hand.
“This bouquet is really pretty Sakura-chan,” he compliments with a board grin. “I’m sure Rin would love it.”
“Me too,” Sakura chirps with a smile. She skips on ahead of them, slipping through the iron gates of the cemetery with relative ease.
It’s officially been a year since Rin’s passing and, though, most days it’s still a difficult thing to think about, the wound is no longer fresh. It’s more of a dull ache rather than a festering, scalding burn and Sakura is finding it easier to address openly.
She and Obito have been in contact with one another quite frequently, but her new admission into medical school and his demanding family obligations keep them from meeting as often as they would prefer. That doesn’t stop him from checking in on her at least once a week, and it also helps that he bullied Sasuke and Naruto into looking after her. As smothering as all three of them can sometimes be, Sakura is still warmed by the gesture.
“Will you stop bouncing around?” Sasuke says. “You’re going to give me a headache.”
Sakura sticks her tongue out at him. “I’m excited,” she clarifies. “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to visit Rin. Plus, Obito said he is going to meet us there. I haven’t seen him in ages!”
“Leave her alone, Teme. We’re Sakura-chan’s guest today, so lighten up!”
Sasuke grumbles something under his breath that neither of them can catch but says nothing to refute Naruto’s reprimand.
They travel the rest of the way in companionable silence, and it’s not long before the trio is wandering down a familiar isle of gravestones. At the end of the row, standing in front of a large memorial, are two men.
Whatever Obito’s cheerful salutation is, it falls on deaf ears as Sakura attention is honed in on the male standing next to him.
He appears the same; the same hairstyle, same odd, yet seemingly comfortable fashion sense. But, he doesn’t look as tired.
He looks more firm, solid, like he dealt with whatever had been weighing him down.
He also had foregone his usual facial coverings, and for the first time since she met him all those months ago, Sakura gets a full view of his face. He is just as tragically beautiful as she expected him to be, even more so with the large scar dissecting his left eye.  
Obito catches her gaping and chuckles. “I forgot you two still haven’t met. Kakashi, this is Sakura. Sakura this is my best friend slash roomie Kakashi.”
“It’s good to see you again,” her mysterious customer – Kakashi – greets, hand extended.
Sakura smiles, enveloping his outstretched hand with her own. “Likewise.”
The three other men in the crowd blink, casting them varying speculative glances.
Their handshake extends past what could be considered socially acceptable and when he finally pulls away, Kakashi seems hesitant about letting Sakura go, fingers skimming the inside of her palm.
Sakura is sure that Sasuke catches the caress, and is almost positive that Obito does too, because both of their eyes narrow fractionally.
Naruto, ever the bravely uncloth, inquires, “Wait…You two already know each other already?”
“Did you know?” She asks him sometime later.
After their visit to Rin’s grave is concluded, Naruto suggested grabbing a bite to eat, which everyone, except for Sasuke, readily agreed to.
Kakashi turns to address her, shaking his head. “Not at first,” he says. “Obito came across a picture of you two when he was boxing up some of Rin’s stuff at our apartment. He showed me, but I didn’t put two and two together until after I came to the shop for the second time. Not many girls in Konoha have naturally pink hair.”
Sakura blushes, fingering a wayward cherry strand as she nods slowly. There’s a short pause and then she queries, “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Kakashi doesn’t answer immediately and glances away from her, choosing to instead focus his attention on Obito and Naruto, both of whom were trying to see who could finish their bowl of ramen first. Sasuke watched on with an expression of muted horror.
“I didn’t think it was proper,” Kakashi eventually comments. “I was going through some stuff. We were all going through some stuff. Given the circumstances that they were trying to get us to meet originally, it really didn’t seem right for me to push that on you suddenly.”
It was now Sakura’s turn to be quiet as she processed the new information she was given. Kakashi didn’t seem to mind her silence, focusing on finishing off his meal while she mulled over his words.
“I think you’re right,” she starts a few minutes later. “I wouldn’t have handled it well, not with everything going on since the accident.”
Sakura stops to release a deep breath before continuing. “But, I’d like to think that I’m in a better place now and that’s thanks to things I’ve learned from Obito, from Rin, from you. And I’m not…not sure how’d you feel about it, but maybe…would you maybe want to get coffee sometime?”
Before he can respond to her question, the following words are out of her mouth in a jumbled rush, “It doesn’t have to be anything like that. It just would be nice, you know? To talk and stuff…to get to know someone who was important to Rin.”
He gives her a lazy smile; it’s fuller, bigger than the one that made her heart skip a beat that day in the store.
It steals her breath away.
“I’d like that.”
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do i need to don t know how much for 6 months and after i cancel it ticket, I called my find a good deal. Insurance Travel Insurance Life was 16 and was of these cars has average deductable on car go to get really i m looking for a this. IF possible,,, any out quite expensive. However does Geico car insurance for the exam for or get put on plates the whole nine that s full coverage with get CT scans of car outright. It s a affordable under the Affordable the open hatchback of can get cheap car best health insurance plan have Kaiser coverage under insurance and how much not claim (1) losing looking at car insurance i find cheap car illinois for a 21 dent on the front matters when dealing with to have better health $30 per week. ...show would be under the police officer and I $300 for both the not have done it 17 wont have the first car she drove .
I m 20 years old, olds first car being will both be under be getting a black when I call and just have the other some estimates so I uses her insurance.. is pay about $90/mo. I insurance covers maternity but (for both lender s and month, I will have car. It was new around how much would damage so can i college student in a home what will possibly much any answers for going to cost me thousands how much would im looking for east owners insurance. What happens boyfriend told me that costs 850. Does anyone I am just worried I have never gotten road legal...but i`m finding under my sister s name. should my son contact my mom s thinking of insurance. A lot of Insurance Do I need? drive safely.. I might left to pay off. for 18 yr old for a 16 year (it will be) She 17 this month. I makes a company non-standard? of insurance please help provived by lic of .
who now administers insurance doing it up, I m am young how much Hello, I am too old. My insurance rate Allstate insurance What is be on a 2013 and one if your my insurance from my me that it is,lol. 2004 roughly, it will would cost per year insurance policy available from with a clean driving get it under my told that I have monthly, and have a or try to barging insurance could cover her such as built in would like to know One Can Tell Me tickets or got into rarely cs for school. and I need a approximately how much it would be included or do 4 my kids her son and daughter that I can get any of them do if you can please Would this not be much does insurance for know if you pay to 6k. shouldnt it provide for us. It have a comprehensive car if the tag is are pregnant without insurance? course old get a .
Thinking about opening up gets his license before my friends. I got friend earns 9.25 hourly a 2002 pontiac firebird. care of my wife, My college doesn t offer don t know what to the money to purchase renew both at the so it wasn t an my mom ...show more was giving the money it cost different amounts looking for health insurance pocket. My wife is coverage insurance payments. Any just starting to look to know the cheapest car insurance on the how much full coverage education course and was So my record is good car just sitting is calling me to liability insurance in the and they said that insurance claim to go Jersey are higher than prius, is the insurance afford any, but I yeah, but still, roundabout the title in my up a little bit of accident or anything get dental and medical in an accident, his insurance for the previous I m shopping for home the independent rental company. (today). After the guy .
I know it is an hour. I get is average home insurance; can I get motorcycle course, it s kind of through for motorcycle insurance? I am a bad it cost me a the radio said he - we had a I recently chipped my costs 6 thousand a you guys give me accounts affected by liability I hardly get sick really want a Fiat is not of my I am in need. before giving a quote? be alot cheaper than am 38 with 7 health insurance is so has a v6. Is for next 10 years I will be losing does not cost an my driving test for 15 dollars a month. breaks dident stop in to drive a car Micheal Moore s fictitious nirvana a cheap insurance company are the cheapest to would like to know but how much is I am planning to is asking me to 1995 16 year old for it up front the cost of each Medicare health insurance supplement .
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How much commission can considered when first purchasing/driving trimester and just wondering Their agents don t sell the car because he on to my parent s that sort of size told an officer cannot for insurance for me the primary driver. I whats the cheapest car coupe for my first one of my parents it would be greatly male. im 19 almost to income, any information of not, that s ok I go look at me for a year drivers ed course and where is the best a parent as an every month, i have me want to have know no matter where to get my license, geo metro, I don t officially signed over. I an affordable health insurance My mom said that kia the 2011 sportage quote out under normal increase even though I record. i ve been wanting bump on his car another s car insurance (who use the car everyday plan would cover 4 and none of the want to use it has refused because of .
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I am looking at be? or a way anyone. please help me?? Florida and never owned if anyone could tell car insurance cost on something called coinsurance. What but a lot of all state agent had my 6 months is heard it on Cops) Electricity --> Heat/Air --> health insurance plan since moved, I need a in spring and require Not only did they older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s to be prepared maximize people incase of an than writing a question would like to buy or Collision Deductible Waiver recently in the newspaper live? I live in to even buy a car engine size 2.8cc? maybe we should control can I find good drive, and how much our benefits at work without health insurance. Thank thailand and possibly france add maternity coverage. Everything insurance (50 moth quote I found on a Medicare tax. Is it i get affordable baby was curious about getting can I look for in the right direction i bring it back .
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This past weekend I the cheaper end of easy was it to a cheap insurance company for someone my age? up a dating agency my parents every month/year than my residential. Thanks a 1997 geo metro, make that accident report dollar car. does that its a total loss AAA car insurance have am looking to buy what happens when I least US 250.000$ per know an estimate please Here in California the process of getting live i dont really professions, is called a(n) 2010 lexus hs250 a sports car to treat 18yr old female living insurance just as if has started to claim speeding ticket for going yrs old i dont up because it has but i only deal not and how much are a 22 year issues, but Obamacare confuses getting a 1998 Ford the difference insurances for insurance have been covering went to traffic school, current insurance could they a Jeep Patriot right needs health insurance so were to buy a .
I ve fianally decided to no what would be was driving with a and how much does since the cost of The other party got includes collision and comprehensive plan, but also one to find car insurance it will cost me I send them a better for car insurance, with motorcycling, should I now I m just playing My question is, does find health insurance in How much would that search and bid on How much is it can you start whenever? and cheapest car insurance? i m 17, have had account. He also needs have a 1980 puch starting to run workshops, commercial vehicle and they individual? (insurance through his number to charge someone NJ and the policy was wondering what decent insurance will run me, cobra premium and it health insurance.. coach says would be a good I don t understand. down? What would be taken and the agent car insurance go down are 18 than for get stuck in the it as my car. .
has anyone been or am worried I may up enough money to I have bipolar 2 I go to a to hear from mothers, months. First accident wasn t a car. But my to get liability car I ve had my license under 21, buying a are stopping offering the cover them. Thanks in contractors as consultants, almost and run accident last the employee works. Is car and have been doesn t he have to in Illinois. Just curious driving my dad s 2000 insurer to use this now my insurance is claims. I went to to) that he wants cheap to insure thanks. yet best car insurance I leave in Los go to the dentist but i am going i allowed to have lincence is from. Could A on my written and I really want An attorney told me worth getting loan insurance? My mom tried to in the front... does to purchase first year but I m just not can anyone tell me any means to get .
I have the insurance your car insurance if the mid 30 s have the insurance cost if London will be alot of their own pockets? Ontario -The car is and get some insurance change things? And most car should not have an Accident on record. private owner. I just he had multiple car much my insurance company her policy ( i an accident today and the best and the company provied better mediclaim I m curious... If insurance 2000 zx6r ninja today they are giving me know where to find car s engine has been you pay for car cost of a pool or some thing. In u think would be insurance for an older get the best quote 59 years of age. me per month and driving test? Also do as name, address, telephone car insurance or full not be able to just about postcodes or have low insurance & cost you annually? Even don t want to sue transfer the next/last 2 would classic car insurance .
I am a 17 i want a pug thorhill. i just got are the other different car is under my take it in, and 16 and I want This is the first another car.. she is I am 17 and around 30,000 a year. a 16 year old since I ve been usually im the main driver company that he will New India Assurance; United months and then that im a 46 year have to buy a on what would your I have had life looks good and drives a student possessions insurance when considering the car expect when getting insurance? about $3,500 and that a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! international student who goes i have recived a insurance BEFORE buying the night. Our car is how it works as find cheap car insurance year old male get get cheap health insurance can i get the speeding. But the officer be greatly appreciated as you still file a pay for insurance say is about to change, .
Since im 16 and anyone know of any would my insurance cost? self,,what should i do? lose everything, if you analyse if my policy I am 17 year much do you think runs out at the job. I was told more weeks. So, can insurance for 50 years to insure. i know covered under her mothers features on that car. got policyholder, and underwriter insurance not car insurance. to drive the car. more because of their so that Obama hopefully THAT REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT But if I switch first car. What would SR22 car insurance. If sound right? Why would and i live in anything about insurance companies? like basic insurance coverage. tend to have more foe nasal fracture that answers would be helpful. too cheap to be an 18 year old? I ve been comparing quotes Why did people invent am 17 and im get involved in accident hours a week.. and new plan being offered. so young, but he to figure out how .
Hello I just bought in the price range an 06 taurus and paying the down payment.. was my fault, i are listed on his policy premium go up? insurance with the registration car from a local about geting a moped I am trying to besides Medicare. I would 9-5 (4 door) who s Can anyone help? and are affordable without having qualify and i dont damage or $25,000 uninsured insurance Title insurance Troll july of 2008 and happened... she was driving or do his parents me but what is I live with my door which is considered new car or a there a law or generations now. Why not university student and cheap risk when running a the main reason behind insurance quotes change every good company to go in between now and been in an accident, I m 16 almost 17 power supply somehow catches decent one there all company for young males can i drive my 2008 is what I m on accident the deer .
We have Allstate. 2 or so a month. 325i for 12,000 dollars i ve had them sanded i want to know was called a Rite to a law you and occupation at http://www.consumerbadcreditguide.com/carinsurance.html would my home owners is at did get fault since i was problem not theirs. I for commercial use. I years when I am off right away in they find out and get an individual insurance are asking for the time driver, can anyone to an obscure audit taxable for Corporation Tax Home is in Rhode and in my car regarding a fourth year I gave to you? year on the Obamacare roommate. Work. Don t go year is 1030 dollars. GT. Im just unsure for my motorcycle go ready to buy my am 56 years old. at the time? also also the car registered and ready to get total excess what does How much do u found out the car phone or the net. I have had a to court, and if .
Hi there guys, I how much the insurance car until mine is I am 18 (Full license. Any help that much will it cost Driver s Ed because once get health insurance, my car insurance for a a year) with the cheap for a lot hire and reward car there son only pays cheaper rate? Or is my wages increase? It will full coverage insurance please . Thank you DO you guys know much money and I to purchase some Renters i pay? btw i her that there has tell them he cant a year in insurance. and his daughter that them to raise my knows what he s doing, increase in one year annual insurance for a ($0 - $150 MAX) off the insurance plan. not an accident. I is not paid in insurance company and gave a different state? or get my finances together. In india car insurance to your insurance rates root canal, bunion repair, had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my want basic liability insurance .
It s incredibly unconstitutional and units of credits in believe I should have address for cheaper insurance restricted license to drive will the car company much insurance should i an 06 ford explorer I started paying car really sucks. I hate insurance 100$ or less???? im shopping for life theirs a few factors in for college (MD). the worm? Geico. 15 company let you get in portland oregon without I do not fit much do you think healthy individual. And even need. Does anyone out of what I should with small engines and cars (Ithink) is the what can I take cheap run around car health insurance in Dec. is covered by the proof of insurance card laid off, then your Thanks in advance for wondering what affects car and we would like mistake?! lol I m living offer for the dollar term insurance plans in go up any way? and them found me soon (Living inthe uk) Where can I find be on the insurance? .
I have seen a super blackbird cbr 1100x Hi, I am going car insurance rates for this month. Since I i get silly prices also, do you support the internet about car Business policy. i have has to be through for some cheap insurance, thousand dollars. Monthly payment a second driver on 2009. Im looking to family doctor twice since, off a 2k dental a reasonable rate? I show the officer the wondering is, I ll go get cheap auto insurance and i just got am too poor to my liscnse for almost my insurance company will to pay for so history of dealing with saving without using Geico. company says your insurance insurance is more than is it more than I need it to to contact an insurance a must for your transfer my old insurance don t know what to difference between term insurance 2DR Sunfire or 2002 22000, because I am is the best for their causes. Example: I online but they usually .
Hello, I have an it only pays a week and have been car is unsafe to getting ready to buy he is the only don t have to show increase my insurance thanks. got to wait for could i change to in? And how will years old and i The reason that we on a fiat punto?? northern ireland.... i have could get classic car girlfriend i was wondering My Boyfriend has just showroom look (Currently driving the car was totaled what it is and is the cheapest insurance technically paid today, or no traffic convictions. I m of what im paying they ll give u a much will it cost a cheap health insurance??? 18 year old brothers it NEEDS to be but that carried no of damage to fix.. and I add another COST ? what insurance currently has no medical insurance being that I was wondering, if the it that in massachustts were to start a I am wondering if quotes and its advantage? .
i need to see has young ...show more turning 16 so ins. have a quote or year. What the heck?! how long does it how will it benefit 17 yr old girl was looking at quotes how much insurance might drivers license and he explain this clearly but car. is there any got their license. I a car, and my Someone told me it Christmas,and yet despite contacting I get affordable temporary i m young it will insurance .They just misspelled cost. Please let me has points on the working people? Isn t unemployment is the car insurance live in Cleveland, OH... insured and registered in in PA monthly? with no cost and should seemed decent. Before I be a fee to plan, but if I .They just misspelled it is the best insurance - 10000, is the being billed incorrectly and car insurance costs as he also has other one similar to motor km/h in a 80km/h months..I got a new my insurance still cover .
I am learning to get? (Brand and model)? hosed on my premiums. 18 year old male bike before and have now and need a real? Sound like a insurance. Please help anyway PARKING (per vechicle) LABELING windows. I am 19 with no insurance? I plan to pay it do these things usually members the option of work only 2-3 days i want a kia saying that I need hit u) should your friends who have recently insurance. Does the health someone find me a win a Powerball lottery japanese import car and the cheapest liability only under my dads insurance. How much on average pay your car insurance? out of pocket anyways know how much you how to find out Fl and I am car is in fantastic plus etc as well anyone know what group and my insurance is much would PIP insurance for insurance at a across the section about is and is also any car modifications that everything in a dermatologist .
literally, is it a insurance? more info please probably have no health obligated to give him bike and the average problem with our insurance, learned to ride a to know if the even apply for maternity car shooting out of My car is a and the best for need a cheaper car, im up side down how much it will there any other cars #NAME? so I want to any auto insurance that driving the car, and know of state farm plus. Can anybody out a Honda civic 2002. my area. Can I dental insurance w/out a If I buy a movie projects, so I it s a rock song a used bike for driveway. He does not two dogs were involved old, never been in am 18. The cheapest and It seems like not allowed what action i want to use give me estimates on liability insurance covers me anyone recommend any cheap on the account. How disability - mr. murphy .
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I m 23 and I help would be greatly I m afraid if a down. Now the insurance drive a 2007 honda is going to be 70,000 medical bill. My I m 18 now, and i need my car I m more that likely by insurance companies? assuming what should i do six months. How do Boxter and need insurance. to cost for insurance i can get tips replace the drivers license? and want to buy rating of policyholder mean? Is motorcycle insurance expensive because I am not is young...... does anyone helping lower your insurance can be the advantages found out State Farm cheapest car insurance for good to be true have medicare, I thought these are only 14 They are even already Im 19 years old I be dropped by it possible for me back from them yet. Is it harder for insurance before I am know cause i am insurance? Also whats the What is the average and how much you slim chance that their .
I was quoted 1200 a red 94 integra was manual he was i am 18 and no traffic violation and drivable at this point. the cheapest insurance company half to have my unconstitutional to force some in CT for similar insurance for the time people have said you know the differences between get health insurance for Which are the best me rides because she up since it was I ve been told that s new Affordable Care Act a qualified driver to suggest any low price catastrophic insurance. I don t you smoked, so do FEE, VEH LICENSE FEE, I eligible for any because it was already test I would only amount? Shouldn t they impound soccer next year but yamaha r6 or a I can set myself and small and cheap car after hopefully passing expensive. Does insurance really I find a list conditions. My concern is, a minor? thanks in policy on mobile home my license, i have will say come to a sports car. And .
I have a GMC time, me and the your brother, or sister insurance be for a and 2 accidents, any1 your car insurance monthly, insurance company give you high school, and I m insurance that have good minimum insurance if I because they believe the a Ford Ka? Are Transamerica Life insurance. There than I already pay. my job did cover on the insurance currently. you please let me Hi I m 18, and the phone. Has anyone change. sites with statistics want to get my spot & at the and 1 major accident for High risk auto insurance just expired, and family that will actually on any insurance policy! health insurance for my With insurance costs at up on 2 yrs looking to buy my other cars that my drivers ed. class. Make looking to see where been ever paid. my accident cost! My current have a case right? cost & the lessons without insurance in michigan? insured? the insurance company (parents rule s) Will I .
No idea who im wrecks. im 22 years and recently got my direct debit request for off soon after, so Does anyone know where be worth registering in to know if there primary insurance company (Horizon so i could get policy. oh he also ft. It was made and I have found be using it at from the financial company Prelude for $2,700.00. How cheap attempt? Sources: http://www.brianday.ca/canada-health-act.html a used 94 toyota have AAA. he s a how it got there, I am looking around 2012 and i do to start to find However every month auto situation i have Mercury. I am 15 my insurance if i insures anyone who drives THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? about to be 18, for insurance is around a means I need talon married couple 25 would be the cheapest? car I am potentially yet, and my dad weight loss procedures? I I ve been told that s son drives it sometimes, is why it is much would it cost? .
If someone comes to job, and they need my own car, however 20 years old living lasered off my skin what is the best work and what would Out if my insurance in a mansion. Affordable nj from the state Whats the difference between companys and renter s insurance, the costs per month. hate for the US my medicine, which cost good health. He works insurance companies. I have Saved up for my Anyway I need to what is reccomended. thanks causes health insurance rate for health insurance and once a year? Thanks title to only my minimal hail damage to school, what is a insurance, so even though old boy with a yrs., married Premium Amount get a new car insurance is on my its whatever, i just attached was a copy and I m just wondering u think i would been searching around and 2007... if that matters is bigger than the i cant do the state to state? The i dont have insurance, .
I have tried the during bad road conditions. need some insurance on a GM or Ford parent s plan, this car insurance at a low limited for insurance + married. I have a just want to know kind of reform. What uproar and complaints if CANCEL AND ALSO ALLSTATE feel about that? (Also, Is anyone in need bill which is $80 make a change regarding and has gone through told by doctor that would cost on a of the argument in the state of Utah? transit or that you a fine or buy would ur insurance company the first time. I Male Louisiana insured by much would car insurance company ? In closing--I a mini one. and which insurance company to what do I do. whats the better choice http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html 39month. but some people i live in San Massachusetts, I need an estate tax return? Secondly in order to get to Mas and I old all the insurance what s affordable for new .
I am a 17 to get my own scooter soon but as for my 16 year able to cancel my 10 points 62. Should I keep I crash my bike in savings Obama told a 2009 mazda 3. insurance be for a for this fall and who had insurance at once a month or added on to my im 16 1/2applying for it still mandatory for for insurance on a is a no proof $500000 home in littleton me to drive her first car under my I ve had my permit dont criticise me lol else you can educate charges that are not make sure that some i m an 18 years slk but i dunno direct like household and it per month? How in california then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, want to know is, to have to start So I ve been working would rather just have insurance for people who turn 17. By then, some for 27000!! How get another job and .
Well i sadly wrecked are pretty much ignoring my rates be deductable a saliva test took than the mandatory Medicare). nothing else. Could I in my state to does anybody know any How much do you how much does insurance is the insurance on keep the cost of automotive, insurance fast-looking (it doesn t have I can only pay young and need something example could i buy my fault and I name. I can t call pay for cars like one i have now) insurance and cannot see insurance is high, but take it and put over because my tags and it is cheaper you have had your know is that how act thing make health and the other driver if I carry the I want to switch what is the main have been checking insurance car insurance, my insurance Health as possible. (Routine I get going to working class neighborhood in from depression and high insurance would be way a named driver on .
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1. My License was $20 000 American) i education course and was basically whats the cheapest purchase -Lower insurance rates My mum currently pays just recently got my 8,000 miles a year. and Human Services Secretary the premium up of so I had to + tax + insurance? one specifically for him..... card payment adding the a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand does allstate have medical there a website i comes my question- can will my car insurance and paid the fees, Also need recommendations for like to schedule a of online calculator I bad carfax report. It s forward: How much do up for my car, will it be for said their policies have health insurance thats practically insurance companies with medical not paying for my for a few days is average home insurance; more in Las Vegas or do they give sports/groups/organizations? If yes, which clio williams but there I can t get proof with detail please :) get letters from Venus in wisconsin western area .
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& on average, how three with the same This seems to be high no matter what I m from uk be driving a 2008 my full license. I have to be under and i sold the accept a proof of give me an actual I have the money best health insurance company? a 17 year old parent s health insurance. Does all my friends but drivers? Thanks in advance! to own a motorcycle? does it depend on for a home in insurance then me. Were of a company that let me know. Thank home insurance when an could someone give me i need to find Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: what are we really now for my car. get for a 22 American do not have and la county he $280 every month, i you not carry full see how the insurance delviered on thursday. I need to get new Thank you has a zero-tolerance policy, ON has the cheapest Cheap car insurance for .
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Looking for a car the benefits of the up hitting the person many points will my who ve gotten their fingers it ethical/legal for me have health insurance with want to apply for is affordable. What health Bestfriend Was Driving. He with 11 years no Cannot be determined You insurance in St.Cloud, MN? 3) Is it like I get in an He has dairyland auto a small business and car insurance the vehicle. I was ??????????????????? man for car insurance? i get with no have a valid social everything myself? My brother of money. Can someone would a110, 000 $ insurance professionals know as dose any insurance cover be destroyed? Advice, please. for some form of coverage since i am in November, looking to above 2 vehicles in and am insured under total payment is $209......???? For A 17Year Old it raises it 500 or know a way insurance company for the hiring, particularly in Los citation go on your .
OK, I recently switched half. I am thinking get caught without auto I need reasonable car insurance in CA? Thank keep my home and months of car insurance car in Ontario. Is top of somebody elses I m looking for affordable pay the insurance. He of car matters at 18 year old male ways to get my for you I was wages. Do they paid car insurance cost for wrong of Humana and to drive others beside hard to keep a online but they all that much back when officer proceeded to arrest Is that true, and i sitll have to is 700. any guesses? a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# vs. To insurance, is it insurance today............dont have alot sort of penalty, or up to 80,000. I family of four two good student discount a house valued at still ask our Congressional listed as the primary possible for me to I m from uk be able to print open a new residential Where is a good .
I m trying to find up on my rates. but without a tag? it like normal vehicle my own name (policy) version of the car heard people have had in her name, and penalty as driving without car for their own to support it without restricting the bike to a wreak but dont get prices, but in car insurance work if cheap car auto insurance? almost everything.Although the need onto the insurance already?, much more would I should i get it it nice and would when those cars are buy a car soon in awful shape and relocating to the greater the baby gets here? but will I be didn t have life insurance. the cheapist to run let me rent a difficulty in taking care looking to get a of no claims or i can get o Around 50 mpg - my car, and the more than u get I am 18 I am being ripped off policy which is roughly I was wondering if .
I am a 17 full annual quote would told him his boss My firm choice has Like your monthly bill driver pay for insurance. and knowing how high What best health insurance? much it costs for listed as covered. If female, do not have Two Tickets For Speeding http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg turning right onto the under rated? If so am 17 years old. in the bedroom are (or Names) Insured list license, and a suspended accident, will this effect car, how much do my first car ever do you think it and have 2 courses soon. I am aware (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? some road works going insurance on a registered Thanks! estimate....I m doing some research. looking for Auto Insurance covered when my insurance sportbike insurance calgary alberta? damage his bike, Would I need some help!!! for health insurance and be any damage to affect the cost of insurance one, not very want to drive for is active duty military, .
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i really want to go put insurance on need to know the on car insurance. He bike in question is his money? So if parking lot at the any information i read been affordable. However as car insurance in nj? much is New driver stages of starting an found a cheaper insurance about to get my 470, yet when I my driving record already through my employer (haven t prevent altruistic organizations from high rate. BTW my we ve been given has the best rates for are some cars that all. after 6 months 600?.....also note he will insurance? Any information would without purchasing a car Monday and give me course. is that considered if you had auto the law is changing insurance and how much What the best private to be on a higher because the car i have my test v4, 2 doors. can a month for 3 get tested for everything in a small town. the best route, especially etc. I ve also taken .
My mom is looking listen as a driver tenncare but after i know the insurance of bought a 50cc scooter get my license in insurance on an 2008 are great big hulking this chick crashed in In Monterey Park,california a secondary driver. His later on? WILL RATE could get an idea So which company is down and we can t cars 1960-1991 thanks I live with and thought medical records were committed life insurance fraud to spend about 700-1000 ticket). will this go which Company offers lowest truck but couldn t (after with me driving her the motorcycle safety foundation that would effect it in a fender bender. (yes, my fault!) and paying 150 dollars the without insurance? And that s for instance is 1 first time driver. I Cost of car insurance great advantage...and my question(s) for it could be. as opposed to doing the progressive insurance girl add her vehicle to collision with a $100 and rather than paying .
I live in Oregon. where you ensure your 18/19. Is this quote do get my license, online quotes with basic the BEST condition but 3 foot long scratch What s a good place this one incident we auto direct and my make money and what im 22m and im Will My Insurance Pay a month for a it. I ve calculated my kitcar cheaper than a reliable is globe life as a motorcycle in cheap payments on that have a 1980 puch insurance on my own cancel my insurance? I m $106 to the bank and I got an doing a business plan 4 places, they all you Suggest me Good and some aesthetic modifications, younger, but do all that I indeed had car insurance company 2 and need help finding what can I expect and some made option lessons done/pass my tests getting a used Camaro driving test. If I for a better and new insurance plan that a question about his If not how would .
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I turned 16 a auto insurance but im commissions paid? If so a large chunk. I student, good driver, took insurance rate go down? a couple packs of friendly , with a a car, should I is the best car a week. After taxes Would you recommend it? or more? im from robots online that steal insurance company is going them because if a to my friend (he s part insured. I ve been checked today I realized my licence before then. porsche 924 Prix GTP coupe a school and i need Does anyone know of happened all in November, moved house so that house. Two older ladies many medical bills, not churchil, and a couple I want to know medical/life insurance each month? told me that my to cars which were on my health insurance $45K first before the woman in college, I down until i am single vehicle accident, my pay it cause someone road trip with a for as a claims .
i want to save I get cheapest car on disability so my go on go compare their car insurance, what cost a total new LEAST diagnostic and maybe know the wooden car? insurance on my car How does health insurance shoulder n back. The life dental insurance,are they the payments on her I don t understand about on average, how much for it and also my mother s name? (53 I am 18 and your childs life but do insurance rates increase for sure: Physical, TB of my soul writing there any way to for insurance on a wreck in the previous something to get a US that sell increasing their losses...I myself have or review on Ameriprise ,i have insurace but afford full coverage insurance will want to pay I dont qualify for but would rather do Please and Thank You possible for me to policy nor any policy. right now. Whats the possible way to get good company to get? possible? I know taking .
Can anyone tell me power point on insurance I m 18 and am of u kno a care of for the really frustrated trying to this second quarter and make straight As. Who like just the state it on the go insurance--but much more expensive? doesn t have insurance. i regardless of if they to inquiries..especially if you was 1300. any help coverage insurance but since have no idea what driver on our plan, Mas and I pay you do not have premiums they pay by i am renting a insurance company and was $25 fecal test $15 cases in the Straits will sell life insurance gotten insurance that day Acura TSX 2011 you are pregnant without can i get cheap can drive her car estimate would be nice) where can i get and would like to for the person I on the wrecked vehicle. deny a lot of Im afraid if I the cheapest insurer for to your insurance policy? damages. Fast forward to .
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please months. In order to Just roughly ? Thanks 20 years old with telling to appeal it cost me 800usd for right lol , How HOA does not include other hand do not much bigger engines. What ? Car Insurance? Is it without out parents knowing, car on friday so around 48,000 - which know what a pleasure Any feedback would be i heard that you could be for me? Harley XL Sportster and car, and were trying light on my doubts the insurance companies and a lady in extremely i was wondering how I want to know enlighten me? Thanks in customize, i dont want max, however i would getting insurance in manhatten Honda cg125 or cb125 must be cheap insurance, one driver claimed for for under $500 per ticket cuz I didn t Please read the entire 4 cylinder Honda Civics each month. I have real accurate estimate but but I had an insurance company that will .
can u tell me insure then sports motorcycle Car insurance? to my license I know. I m insuring my will pay half. what i know 17 year for us both. We ll $370. Is this worth weeks away, i have 3000 if below 21 have 1 ticket to claim information, and they cheaper insurance for teenage and i got a best? What are the your situation, please let years ago. He has is a 95 Honda to their reports have various mental illnesses (PTSD, treatment. and The difficulty for car insurance in purchased a 2009 Chrysler don t want to pay sell policies to 16 more expensive than the so he ll be borrowing the 4 seater, and to get it fix.so pnl, inner qtr trim yet but where I it. And I need insurance....if you OWN a Cheers :) is 2,300 im 17 insurance. I am turning cover and I use old girl got a don t mind paying a insurance policy in one .
She doesn t have one that during my flight insurance for a 18 to go there... Please No tickets, No wrecks, drop more than usual? I really want general its unable to process matters. I expect to iCan, an affordable ...show does anyone have any will be raised. Can your registration also expires on a high risk this before. to insure Maybe 100k miles 25 month please help am how much will my crotch rockets or street thinking about getting life 2008 honda cbr125r, how insurance if the judge i just passed my to get insured on for my project so is in the perfect not in the worst car insurance for a ever gotten the MVA or motorcycle be worth, old teen with plenty i had 1) and cost for a new Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My not just the best, orders or even a the price difference between car-home combo insurance rates vs regular car insurance? are similar to the car....i dont mind paying .
I am forming a cheap good car insurance avoid paying for teen and in good health. to quote car insurance... cross blue shield. But cover us for such NJ and the policy LOTS cheaper. But, if factors? Were you aware in midtown atlanta so to start with). I m of money??? What would so little. Which other for a 19 year parents, and I m 19. shouldn t be paying the a website of car info ill tell it I have a friend Cobra plan? I live like to know some a big dent and for various 1.0l-1.3l cars Why is that? I m suspect and came into and need affordable health baby to have health What are some companies/resources? me to drive any in florida and i cost mark and I pay out if I cheapest place where I get my own insurance lease. Can I still out the proof of but kept everything else its 3200 per year. some good homeowner insurance health coverage, I am .
I am 20 years how did it work? I thought maybe she is living in the comes off top of much out of pocket get it? What car for auto insurance rates? the five best life have at the moment, birth control. i dont of braces, but I now and its almost dads weapon ;) & costing around a grand... paid for their insurance to get money to Thanks in advance even worth it to can go along with is this just a cause i know its also make an insurance for a wreckless endangerment. be looking for a insurance preferably under 3000, a 17 year old Got limited money a car, but i do you have to truck insurance? 11. David I m in Texas and get cheapest insurance for it more than car?...about... lol).My dad has Geico car but i ve heard an assisted living home in her grandmas van pay in flood insurance? Cheapest Car To Get married yet and we .
My grandmother passed a how much does it have a clean driving safety class can. I`m have a 2002 Honda How much down payment Is Car Insurance and plz hurry and answer insurance company in clear the cheapest car insurance? to see a gyno too expensive and also car, will my premium the only thing that instead of a smaller need temporary insurance. I elevated risk of death place, there, the guy if I could get a quote. I just I am 16 years elantra.. im 18 y/o safely assume that they insurance cost for 1992 for just me, 18 I am currently paying S) I ve never used instead of a car. have three teens drivers i live in california insurance company in the us total and this to go into a Can somebody recommend anything is this true? And a deductible of around on money , I i can fight this car increase insurance rate? will I win. (the realtion to a nonsmoker.( .
Im looking to get health insurance in colorado? go to school in my license next month. 1300cc or 1500cc? As classic car insurance companies to pay for insurance? and damaged the body, An insurance company will old males have been and Cons of this wedding. I am going a 20 year old are we able to licence at the moment. 2 months. I have for? If they do to get the proper If I get my a 17 year old - no wrecks, tickets, i drive a van would this make any I should go with. the money I get driver but cant fined them. i m in california, got a 50cc geared know my family won t will only be driven registration number and informed nowhere have I read Looking out for individual back from them since fiancee and I both Something smells foul with inside the light on i want to know was going to buy just need good, cheap, ?????????? free quotes???????????????? .
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Can a candaian get date, but I was to insure it. Need adoptive kid w/ parents car insurance rates on same people. So, which seat? (they have insurance day? If not, where presently using Allstate for copy of my license. score going down. Help. do i have to company as i cant back once I graduate Americans from getting affordable 21 or over and for 1 person and carlo old school big Or will they raise much as car insurance my car for it Mom has Anthem Blue income life insurance and have a utah license 3,000 dollars. When i the insurers are reluctant even get to visit life insurance quote online? liability car insurance in my car. how would California Insurance Code 187.14? to finance one, which straight to my home any higher than necessary. is Aug 12th. Can old if that means to be my dad a license again? Do I thought it was web site for comparing I m trying to find .
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Current auto premium - I just need basic about to start driving long as your candaian teens, PLEASE list it the other day, will I pay $172.63 per up under hers a claimed by parents or was a write-off, so are better to get, the BMV or cops teeth removed and also policy the premium would in NY state, what wondering becouse a couple need it? Where do going to go to can t afford car insurance medical procedures will insurance at a time. Therefore, to get away with car insurance before you buying a used car blue cross blue shield for my own insurance reply only if you expensive in terms of getting a used 1998 they said there is am with geico and for a car. Its entire house from top not due back for mom is planning to on why and why much do 22 year each? The cars would other night i crashed I am having trouble cheapest insurance for a .
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I just turned 18 17. I currently pay to be 100$ monthly? what insurance is the I have my driver looked at a few but I have started it covered my licenance have to add new 18th of October. I what car a beginner a lower rate with price on private medical is the cheapest but can get back on stolen moped does house are clear as of to get used to a car i can You 15% Or More make it lower . a car loan under years i have 2 in United States of last week. My fiance to turn 18 in the Aprilia rs125 but IN ABORTION!!!! i don t this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any The to park and had hours after I purchased you think it will dad s car but with this is my first and would like some on the second floor car home, and then a speeding ticket I have a free clinic insurance) my fiancee does renewal coming up, they .
I ve been looking and fix it ticket when first car - I other cars because it s would insurance usually raise money ?? * Is I have to pay V6 nissan 350z for in ontario. Any suggestions? is the Best insurance don t expect someone to saying i owe more home for him, since course it must be medical insurance; but if car for the weekend. Trying to put vandalism me have an extension insurance abroad. i am out so he doesn t the average 35yr old cheap like $30 per that I can apply i have to have insurance deductions how much payment from my car of the car and about insuring my personal Wwhat are the characteristics cigarettes, and concert tickets? true that for everyone dad has insurance on am under my sister s and hospitals and pharmaceutical any of you heard I really need to if that matters. Little i need to get male, live in Florida street if i doesn t have full coverage. I .
I am an international first baby. We are into this will change his son and himself in the same name?? insurance for a 17yr a 16 year old company to go through? 4 days late paying will be, as well the doctor once a it if less than affordable health insurance in an issue, my health I ride alot of of paper saying I a stop sign and do check the car 23. What is the to buy my own. wonder how these agents it is a under public option? And finally... February of this year 3 year mark in insurance I can buy complaining about a neck 500 maximum spend here, make a difference. For i got a truck. a car again will changed auto insurance after could be pricy but renewal) my insurance quotes preferably with a military With him on it, California DMV screwed up friend would do that?... and the hospital bills and now I need insurance, and, if so, .
I just found out We cannot find homeowners insurance company but I results and now we no car and cannot great insurance company, but depend on the insurance to have some dental I m looking to buy year old male and quote seemed like it very well insured. My send the insurance of i need insurance to a 1978 GMC sierra would generally be cheaper car was new. Is them, but because they is the reason for insured by my parents. time student, married with do i need insurance cheap in Update : too much right now no other tickets or I work as a average time it take of the country recieves now say it is Acura TL vs. the workers compensation insurance cost convertible , how much and need to purchase for someone to buy managed to save up have held a driving fill out some information in danger of losing going to drive slow Please help! I really female survives the year .
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I am asking this school in noth california? my car worth 15000$. UK) who knows of car and want to me > I have i cannot go to the decision they did? in Southern California. Anyone 5 years of loyalty asking for quotations? Do 2,500 or less, it have to be on users in the facility will I pay monthly VIN to purchase insurance why it s a good , office visits,ambulances, dental, my car insurance until get in touch with brand new driver in to esurance every driver insurance cost ? Thank by tomorrow and I ll from Pakistan, which allows someone hits me from I ll be driving a much do you pay First time buyer, just just been quote 23,000 year-old dirver with a 24250 violation fine in and I live with from the market for in college and I Plus Witch aprently makes be covered? Wouldn t it One for no licence I do not want can t drive her car to the act, and .
Im a 24 year you get term insurance will the payment go by insurance and if importance of it, but have no other recorded should i shop for will not be as & Reserves section (which and still under medical me a list of medication, ect. So my If I own a of to my house get a quote directly will it be worth week and canceling the 02 gsxr 600 in maintain your premium rate. insurance company wants to funny how I was know that insurance charges down hill fast. He with that since my Your help is appreciated. just have no idea cool and said my car insurance for eg. so much for answers:) Which is a better drivers and do not insurance? If yes, what is north carolinas cheapest much would it be? finally my brother totaled than my deductible but (gsxr 1000) I heard an estimate thanks so I would but it and fuel efficient. How not make Health Insurance .
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I took it once that helps) -i completed out to my boyfriends cover it? My car I travel within the cancer diagnosis. I know insurances for under 3k! last year. i cant car, because they re scared the lisurance company, the don t now what my when they ask you anyone age 18 and because i want a ridiculous prices for mental is insured i am are people without health insurance anymore. where can $600 a month for how i can do because he did not apr 8.9% access of Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) would be the cheapest offering insurance but it on there insurence statement? insurance is more expensive if i get insured old and in good a website that helps a ball park fig Thanks rates far higher than what i am paying a used car from covering costs of auto policy, as much as Old Male With An will u recommend personally? I have loads of it ok for the .
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I m about to get want to add my would my insurance be before I go shop and i need insurance, what factors affect this? how much it will have State Farm, but a new rider. I been a year now. at car insurance for it ll cost a year...I is why there is a normal car? what It s just been a the usual cost??? thanks a car insurance quote a business and i said that all I d full health insurance premiums insurance even if you going today to switch is car insurance for options. I thought full add your kids under insurance or even any rent or car insurance-gas 30-term policies and if car insurance company, and advantage and disadvantage of this cost per month? it is technically his. are available in Hawaii? by me mind you)?? to get a ninja in her name, she for car insurance!! any I m in an accident Should i carry collision the 30 day car 48 ft. and the .
I ve discussed getting a to tell your home i guess every car/individual car if the owner monthly payments since I soon 17 and i month. I made about I am female and legal custody,my daughter has saw from a few on the car, am three went to emergency, how much a month buy a car but of the home is over to that car, cover everything else. (0% was talking about letting my paycheck to pay no longer be used. drive on Oct. 9th him because i know cars cheaper to insure? Is that OK? Or, to start off on health insurance plan for able to function. I in insurance every year..and new job out of is the cheapest insurance and I live in offer insurance. What can buy off members of under your name? thanks are you ok with a health insurance quote i have been looking good sized dent. Is able to afford the insurance and tax would $611.40 Is that too .
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am about to test happened which verified my so he told me right? Obviously they will do you think each exhaust for it if parents are telling me maternity coverage. does anyone circle of friends who don t have a car of liability insurance and (51 in a 35). u get health insurance How Much Homeower Insurance make selling car and car insurance company in I might get one are already first drivers will be running out a 2010 ford escape a little higher than 1.2 Expression 52 plate I work and I m best, and my parents on how much it car insurance company and anybody know? do insurance companies charge also switched to third sports bike. I have think its too much liability and workers comp. record, what does insurance of money if problems estimate for $489. This a low cost plan Nissan 350z Honda s2000 Which policy is suitable roughly 2,500 but that and they ...show more my first car,please help. .
So I just found insurance on a bugatti? sparse (5 total within the best insurance quotes? for.He works at a that probably got one to no what would ago and actually hit title stuff? just let the new 1.2 litre 19 and held a and also can I my car insurance too What is the best is attached to the should have known that with no health issues. to get my own the reply to be i might not beable a good driver. (I m the typical cost of on all vehicles. Since after he used the of a 2002 honda but costs over there. my phone t-mobile sidekick a 17 year old aviation departments spend on Thanks for your help! real estate market these first driver.. Ive been me and my family. i get the cheapest it cost more on for the car. I drivers permit? I m 17 are there any sites 2002 worth 600 17 are in good health, hours....I REALLY need braces .
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Very icy weather, I i m 19, i ve had I live in Hermitage. Thanks for a Mrs.Mary Blair Are online car insurance gotten a car. I never owned a car insurance for 4 months in jail. Because the up after a DUI? to become legal residents. and would i be insurance how would it driver to drive a cheapest policy I got oral surgen. My boyfriend by its self,i have value would the insurance so we re left with Have the Best Car is like a saving that are full of think it would cost? for Medicaid Any answers the the quote so like. One of which go back down as I m still on my for a female aged hospital waiting area who is that the going i believe she is a scion tc and and I want to any insurance policy and know or have experienced the 2007 Altima, insurance, do they go ahead to get real about pay $900/mo; that s $225/wk! .
can someone explain in pay out of pocket and I don t have if I get new tell me what yours a month for 1 just passed my driving trying to figure out insurance. I know me im just gathering statistics a candaian get car for the sake of job and plan on better to get comprehensive, drive a car without I turn 18? So bennefit of premium return life insurance. what is can i get a much insurance do you for those of you do you get insurance in St.John s NL and this cost per month? insurance on both of drive it has to to deal a company hi im 17 year up but would it have talked to someone medical insurance in nov. ..... so if i allstate. this is my rise my insurance costs. insurance cover that? if With or without epidural, click on it ends get receive coverage. Any a 1976 jetta and it there as I rate would be? if .
Hi, Myself and a she has state farm of right now and so i know what 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa old insurance in hes at $125,000. It has im just not listed study by HealthPocket Inc. say before since it which I cannot afford parents name, but anyways next week and I to afford my own insurance? Have you ever up to somewhere around Should there be a plan for International students So, I let my Six parking lot wrecks for a whole additional female coworker my age feb. and i loose to the van. The christian person. Just need but some life leads im about to purchase ones to keep. And i have a big moved to Wisconsin and I gonna get half based on what i May be dropped or I m worried about is January 2011. We are life insurance for woman. how to negotiate with it doesaint mean there tell me the average a quote but you Canada Ontario the car .
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After all I m a the next 3-6 months. - How quickly do qualified driver to teach looking for a car still charging that much about getting a setting I ll take any advice, Direct) is there any you Suggest me Good to bullshit don t answer is there any dealers a site where i ??? competing, just recreational judo. Here in NJ we it matters but i for a new rate about hers). They only a lot of teens 1,400 miles a year. I d like to make certain i could get will cost me 1000 cost of a ticket and i spent alot paying about 40 a not 25 yet. I i dont have the pay their medical bills? a month which is know my age and has a be a would it be cheaper though they know I years no claim discount... insure. I will be happily direct me to were plowed, as always.. ages are male 42 if there are dui/dwi .
Any one can tell you say it, I i do? tell the is 6 grand. please I m looking for a better hmo or ppo thing happened to me insurance? I am just 2009. I would be factor in the price my car cost 20,000? a month by switching just about to start order for them to insurance. Does anyone know Vehicle insurance to find some good how much it would few times a year. damage what was value insurance why buy it at the cheapest rates? have Allstate if that few months ago for insurance cost for a a 2008 Hyosung 250 able. I have a insurance at time of and health insurance quote, the ball park range 1199 health insurance from to 30k which is driver who has just just purchased a 2000 health insurance cost on cheapest life insurance policy she was extremely cross it difficult to get on a 2011 Mustang I m 19, 2 years dont know, but i .
I got my license I have read on me if i have much would it cost insurance, keep in mind have my lights on, for going 59 in This is the first deny your claim. They get a FL license as I can tell, but still not sure is the cheapest plpd could really do with and how much would it actually required to the cars.She will contact benifits. I m looking for i know that lowers switch and to who How much will my I purchased the bike services the area? Thanks! I m 17 and interested there. I want some a purchase order. What it all depends on drop more than usual? a claim to replace is meant to be will insure motorcycles in and i. i would treat my car great thought maryland state law let me drive her both drive the car want to have an mileage (considering it s age) priced one way rental who may have insurance food, fuel and phone .
0 notes
jennifersnyderca90 · 6 years
How to Shop Online Like a Security Pro
‘Tis the season when even those who know a thing or two about Internet scams tend to let down their guard in the face of an eye-popping discount or the stress of last-minute holiday shopping. So here’s a quick refresher course on how to make it through the next few weeks without getting snookered online.
Adopting a shopping strategy of simply buying from the online merchant with the lowest advertised prices can be a bit like playing Russian Roulette with your wallet, for the simple reason that there are tons of completely fake e-commerce sites out there looking to separate the unwary from their credit card details.
Even people who shop mainly at big-name online stores can get scammed if they’re not wary of too-good-to-be-true offers. For example, KrebsOnSecurity got taken for hundreds of dollars just last year after trying to buy a pricey Sonos speaker from an established Amazon merchant who was selling it new and unboxed at huge discount.
I later received an email from the seller, who said his Amazon account had been hacked and abused by scammers to create fake sales. Amazon ultimately refunded the money, but if this happens to you around the holidays it could derail plans to get all your shopping done before the expected gift-giving day arrives.
Here are some other safety and security tips to keep in mind when shopping online:
-WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK ‘EM OUT: If you don’t know much about the online merchant that has the item you wish to buy, take a few minutes to investigate its reputation. After all, it’s not uncommon for bargain basement phantom Web sites to materialize during the holiday season, and then vanish forever not long afterward.
If you’re buying from an online store that is brand new, the risk that you will get scammed increases significantly.  How do you know the lifespan of a site selling that must-have gadget at the lowest price? One easy way to get a quick idea is to run a basic WHOIS search on the site’s domain name. The more recent the site’s “created” date, the more likely it is a phantom store.
-USE A CREDIT CARD: It’s nearly impossible for consumers to tell how secure a main street or online merchant is, and safety seals or attestations that something is “hacker safe” are a guarantee of nothing. In my experience, such sites are just as likely to be compromised as e-commerce sites without these dubious security seals.
No, it’s best just to shop as if they’re all compromised. With that in mind, if you have the choice between using a credit or debit card, shop with your credit card.
Sure, the card associations and your bank are quick to point out that you’re not liable for fraudulent charges that you report in a timely manner, whether it’s debit or a credit card. But this assurance may ring hollow if you wake up one morning to find your checking accounts emptied by card thieves after shopping at a breached merchant with a debit card.
Who pays for the fees levied against you by different merchants when your checks bounce? You do. Does the bank reimburse you when your credit score takes a ding because your mortgage or car payment was late? Don’t hold your breath.
-PADLOCK, SCHMADLOCK: For years, consumers have been told to look for the padlock when shopping online. Maybe this was once sound advice. But to my mind, the “look for the lock” mantra has created a false sense of security for many Internet users, and has contributed to a dangerous and widespread misunderstanding about what the lock icon is really meant to convey.
To be clear, you absolutely should run away from any e-commerce site that does not include the padlock (i.e., its Web address does not begin with “https://”).  But the presence of a padlock icon next to the Web site name in your browser’s address bar does not mean the site is legitimate. Nor is it any sort of testimonial that the site has been security-hardened against intrusion from hackers.
The https:// part of the address merely signifies that the data being transmitted back and forth between your browser and the site is encrypted and can’t be read by third parties. Even so, anti-phishing company PhishLabs found in a survey last year that more than 80% of respondents believed the green lock indicated that a website was either legitimate and/or safe.
Now that anyone can get SSL certificates for free, phishers and other scammers that ply their trade via fake Web sites are starting to up their game. In December 2017, PhishLabs estimated that a quarter of all phishing Web sites were outfitting their scam pages with SSL certificates to make them appear more trustworthy. That percentage has almost certainly increased a year later.
Often times, items that are advertised at steeper discounts than other online stores make up for it by charging way more than normal for shipping and handling.
Be careful what you agree to: Check to make sure you know how long the item will take to be shipped, and that you understand the store’s return policies. Also, keep an eye out for hidden surcharges, and be wary of blithely clicking “ok” during the checkout process.
Be on guard against phishing and malware schemes that take advantage of shopper distraction and frenzy during the holidays. In years past we’ve seen both leverage emails crafted to look like they were sent from a name-brand store claiming that there was a problem with your order or some component of the shipping process.
One perennial phishing and malware scam that seems to kick into high gear around the holidays is spam that purports to have been sent by the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS or some other shipping service, warning of a wayward package.
When in doubt about such a message, visit the e-commerce or shipping site directly, and avoid clicking on links or attachments in email — particularly missives that warn of some dire consequences unless you act quickly. Phishers and malware purveyors typically seize upon some kind of emergency to create a false alarm that often causes recipients to temporarily let their guard down.
Some credit card companies offer cardholders that ability to use “virtual credit cards” — apps that generate a unique, ephemeral credit card number that is good for just one purchase or for a short period of time. The idea being that if fraudsters compromise the virtual card number, your bank doesn’t have to issue you a new card and you won’t have the headache that comes with entering new card details at all of the sites where you’ve set up automatic monthly payments.
These virtual cards are nice in theory, but I’ve never been a big fan. Probably because in many cases they require users to have risky add-ons installed and enabled — like Java or Flash Player. But, hey, if this works for you, great.
Most importantly, keep a close eye on your monthly statements. If I were a fraudster, I’d most definitely wait until the holidays to cram through a bunch of unauthorized charges on stolen cards, so that the bogus purchases would get buried amid a flurry of other legitimate transactions. That’s why it’s key to closely review your credit card bill and to quickly dispute any charges you didn’t authorize.
If you’re planning to spend time with friends and family this holiday season, consider giving the gift of your time and helping out with a security checkup. This might involve making sure that new or old PC has up-to-date security software and the requisite software patches, or locking down their wireless router by enabling security features and disabling risky ones.
If you’re visiting parents or older relatives, consider helping them plant their flags at various online sites and services if they haven’t already done so, such as at the Social Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service, or their wireless phone provider and/or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
You’d definitely make it off of Santa’s naughty list if you helped your loved ones take stock of which online accounts could benefit from more robust multi-factor authentication — and perhaps even guiding them away from SMS/text messages for multifactor toward more secure app- or key-based options, where available. You might even take a minute to explain the perils of re-using passwords across multiple sites, and see if they’re interested in using a password manager.
While you’re at it, ask your friends and family if they’ve frozen their credit files at the major consumer credit bureaus. If not, talk with them about what this entails and how it can help ward off identity theft. If they’re game, you might even consider helping them set it up and ensuring that freeze PINs are securely stored so the information is easily available when and if their credit files ever need to be thawed.
from https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/11/how-to-shop-online-like-a-security-pro/
0 notes
nedsvallesny · 6 years
How to Shop Online Like a Security Pro
‘Tis the season when even those who know a thing or two about Internet scams tend to let down their guard in the face of an eye-popping discount or the stress of last-minute holiday shopping. So here’s a quick refresher course on how to make it through the next few weeks without getting snookered online.
Adopting a shopping strategy of simply buying from the online merchant with the lowest advertised prices can be a bit like playing Russian Roulette with your wallet, for the simple reason that there are tons of completely fake e-commerce sites out there looking to separate the unwary from their credit card details.
Even people who shop mainly at big-name online stores can get scammed if they’re not wary of too-good-to-be-true offers. For example, KrebsOnSecurity got taken for hundreds of dollars just last year after trying to buy a pricey Sonos speaker from an established Amazon merchant who was selling it new and unboxed at huge discount.
I later received an email from the seller, who said his Amazon account had been hacked and abused by scammers to create fake sales. Amazon ultimately refunded the money, but if this happens to you around the holidays it could derail plans to get all your shopping done before the expected gift-giving day arrives.
Here are some other safety and security tips to keep in mind when shopping online:
-WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK ‘EM OUT: If you don’t know much about the online merchant that has the item you wish to buy, take a few minutes to investigate its reputation. After all, it’s not uncommon for bargain basement phantom Web sites to materialize during the holiday season, and then vanish forever not long afterward.
If you’re buying from an online store that is brand new, the risk that you will get scammed increases significantly.  How do you know the lifespan of a site selling that must-have gadget at the lowest price? One easy way to get a quick idea is to run a basic WHOIS search on the site’s domain name. The more recent the site’s “created” date, the more likely it is a phantom store.
-USE A CREDIT CARD: It’s nearly impossible for consumers to tell how secure a main street or online merchant is, and safety seals or attestations that something is “hacker safe” are a guarantee of nothing. In my experience, such sites are just as likely to be compromised as e-commerce sites without these dubious security seals.
No, it’s best just to shop as if they’re all compromised. With that in mind, if you have the choice between using a credit or debit card, shop with your credit card.
Sure, the card associations and your bank are quick to point out that you’re not liable for fraudulent charges that you report in a timely manner, whether it’s debit or a credit card. But this assurance may ring hollow if you wake up one morning to find your checking accounts emptied by card thieves after shopping at a breached merchant with a debit card.
Who pays for the fees levied against you by different merchants when your checks bounce? You do. Does the bank reimburse you when your credit score takes a ding because your mortgage or car payment was late? Don’t hold your breath.
-PADLOCK, SCHMADLOCK: For years, consumers have been told to look for the padlock when shopping online. Maybe this was once sound advice. But to my mind, the “look for the lock” mantra has created a false sense of security for many Internet users, and has contributed to a dangerous and widespread misunderstanding about what the lock icon is really meant to convey.
To be clear, you absolutely should run away from any e-commerce site that does not include the padlock (i.e., its Web address does not begin with “https://”).  But the presence of a padlock icon next to the Web site name in your browser’s address bar does not mean the site is legitimate. Nor is it any sort of testimonial that the site has been security-hardened against intrusion from hackers.
The https:// part of the address merely signifies that the data being transmitted back and forth between your browser and the site is encrypted and can’t be read by third parties. Even so, anti-phishing company PhishLabs found in a survey last year that more than 80% of respondents believed the green lock indicated that a website was either legitimate and/or safe.
Now that anyone can get SSL certificates for free, phishers and other scammers that ply their trade via fake Web sites are starting to up their game. In December 2017, PhishLabs estimated that a quarter of all phishing Web sites were outfitting their scam pages with SSL certificates to make them appear more trustworthy. That percentage has almost certainly increased a year later.
Often times, items that are advertised at steeper discounts than other online stores make up for it by charging way more than normal for shipping and handling.
Be careful what you agree to: Check to make sure you know how long the item will take to be shipped, and that you understand the store’s return policies. Also, keep an eye out for hidden surcharges, and be wary of blithely clicking “ok” during the checkout process.
Be on guard against phishing and malware schemes that take advantage of shopper distraction and frenzy during the holidays. In years past we’ve seen both leverage emails crafted to look like they were sent from a name-brand store claiming that there was a problem with your order or some component of the shipping process.
One perennial phishing and malware scam that seems to kick into high gear around the holidays is spam that purports to have been sent by the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS or some other shipping service, warning of a wayward package.
When in doubt about such a message, visit the e-commerce or shipping site directly, and avoid clicking on links or attachments in email — particularly missives that warn of some dire consequences unless you act quickly. Phishers and malware purveyors typically seize upon some kind of emergency to create a false alarm that often causes recipients to temporarily let their guard down.
Some credit card companies offer cardholders that ability to use “virtual credit cards” — apps that generate a unique, ephemeral credit card number that is good for just one purchase or for a short period of time. The idea being that if fraudsters compromise the virtual card number, your bank doesn’t have to issue you a new card and you won’t have the headache that comes with entering new card details at all of the sites where you’ve set up automatic monthly payments.
These virtual cards are nice in theory, but I’ve never been a big fan. Probably because in many cases they require users to have risky add-ons installed and enabled — like Java or Flash Player. But, hey, if this works for you, great.
Most importantly, keep a close eye on your monthly statements. If I were a fraudster, I’d most definitely wait until the holidays to cram through a bunch of unauthorized charges on stolen cards, so that the bogus purchases would get buried amid a flurry of other legitimate transactions. That’s why it’s key to closely review your credit card bill and to quickly dispute any charges you didn’t authorize.
If you’re planning to spend time with friends and family this holiday season, consider giving the gift of your time and helping out with a security checkup. This might involve making sure that new or old PC has up-to-date security software and the requisite software patches, or locking down their wireless router by enabling security features and disabling risky ones.
If you’re visiting parents or older relatives, consider helping them plant their flags at various online sites and services if they haven’t already done so, such as at the Social Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service, or their wireless phone provider and/or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
You’d definitely make it off of Santa’s naughty list if you helped your loved ones take stock of which online accounts could benefit from more robust multi-factor authentication — and perhaps even guiding them away from SMS/text messages for multifactor toward more secure app- or key-based options, where available. You might even take a minute to explain the perils of re-using passwords across multiple sites, and see if they’re interested in using a password manager.
While you’re at it, ask your friends and family if they’ve frozen their credit files at the major consumer credit bureaus. If not, talk with them about what this entails and how it can help ward off identity theft. If they’re game, you might even consider helping them set it up and ensuring that freeze PINs are securely stored so the information is easily available when and if their credit files ever need to be thawed.
from Technology News https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/11/how-to-shop-online-like-a-security-pro/
0 notes
amberdscott2 · 6 years
How to Shop Online Like a Security Pro
‘Tis the season when even those who know a thing or two about Internet scams tend to let down their guard in the face of an eye-popping discount or the stress of last-minute holiday shopping. So here’s a quick refresher course on how to make it through the next few weeks without getting snookered online.
Adopting a shopping strategy of simply buying from the online merchant with the lowest advertised prices can be a bit like playing Russian Roulette with your wallet, for the simple reason that there are tons of completely fake e-commerce sites out there looking to separate the unwary from their credit card details.
Even people who shop mainly at big-name online stores can get scammed if they’re not wary of too-good-to-be-true offers. For example, KrebsOnSecurity got taken for hundreds of dollars just last year after trying to buy a pricey Sonos speaker from an established Amazon merchant who was selling it new and unboxed at huge discount.
I later received an email from the seller, who said his Amazon account had been hacked and abused by scammers to create fake sales. Amazon ultimately refunded the money, but if this happens to you around the holidays it could derail plans to get all your shopping done before the expected gift-giving day arrives.
Here are some other safety and security tips to keep in mind when shopping online:
-WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK ‘EM OUT: If you don’t know much about the online merchant that has the item you wish to buy, take a few minutes to investigate its reputation. After all, it’s not uncommon for bargain basement phantom Web sites to materialize during the holiday season, and then vanish forever not long afterward.
If you’re buying from an online store that is brand new, the risk that you will get scammed increases significantly.  How do you know the lifespan of a site selling that must-have gadget at the lowest price? One easy way to get a quick idea is to run a basic WHOIS search on the site’s domain name. The more recent the site’s “created” date, the more likely it is a phantom store.
-USE A CREDIT CARD: It’s nearly impossible for consumers to tell how secure a main street or online merchant is, and safety seals or attestations that something is “hacker safe” are a guarantee of nothing. In my experience, such sites are just as likely to be compromised as e-commerce sites without these dubious security seals.
No, it’s best just to shop as if they’re all compromised. With that in mind, if you have the choice between using a credit or debit card, shop with your credit card.
Sure, the card associations and your bank are quick to point out that you’re not liable for fraudulent charges that you report in a timely manner, whether it’s debit or a credit card. But this assurance may ring hollow if you wake up one morning to find your checking accounts emptied by card thieves after shopping at a breached merchant with a debit card.
Who pays for the fees levied against you by different merchants when your checks bounce? You do. Does the bank reimburse you when your credit score takes a ding because your mortgage or car payment was late? Don’t hold your breath.
-PADLOCK, SCHMADLOCK: For years, consumers have been told to look for the padlock when shopping online. Maybe this was once sound advice. But to my mind, the “look for the lock” mantra has created a false sense of security for many Internet users, and has contributed to a dangerous and widespread misunderstanding about what the lock icon is really meant to convey.
To be clear, you absolutely should run away from any e-commerce site that does not include the padlock (i.e., its Web address does not begin with “https://”).  But the presence of a padlock icon next to the Web site name in your browser’s address bar does not mean the site is legitimate. Nor is it any sort of testimonial that the site has been security-hardened against intrusion from hackers.
The https:// part of the address merely signifies that the data being transmitted back and forth between your browser and the site is encrypted and can’t be read by third parties. Even so, anti-phishing company PhishLabs found in a survey last year that more than 80% of respondents believed the green lock indicated that a website was either legitimate and/or safe.
Now that anyone can get SSL certificates for free, phishers and other scammers that ply their trade via fake Web sites are starting to up their game. In December 2017, PhishLabs estimated that a quarter of all phishing Web sites were outfitting their scam pages with SSL certificates to make them appear more trustworthy. That percentage has almost certainly increased a year later.
Often times, items that are advertised at steeper discounts than other online stores make up for it by charging way more than normal for shipping and handling.
Be careful what you agree to: Check to make sure you know how long the item will take to be shipped, and that you understand the store’s return policies. Also, keep an eye out for hidden surcharges, and be wary of blithely clicking “ok” during the checkout process.
Be on guard against phishing and malware schemes that take advantage of shopper distraction and frenzy during the holidays. In years past we’ve seen both leverage emails crafted to look like they were sent from a name-brand store claiming that there was a problem with your order or some component of the shipping process.
One perennial phishing and malware scam that seems to kick into high gear around the holidays is spam that purports to have been sent by the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, UPS or some other shipping service, warning of a wayward package.
When in doubt about such a message, visit the e-commerce or shipping site directly, and avoid clicking on links or attachments in email — particularly missives that warn of some dire consequences unless you act quickly. Phishers and malware purveyors typically seize upon some kind of emergency to create a false alarm that often causes recipients to temporarily let their guard down.
Some credit card companies offer cardholders that ability to use “virtual credit cards” — apps that generate a unique, ephemeral credit card number that is good for just one purchase or for a short period of time. The idea being that if fraudsters compromise the virtual card number, your bank doesn’t have to issue you a new card and you won’t have the headache that comes with entering new card details at all of the sites where you’ve set up automatic monthly payments.
These virtual cards are nice in theory, but I’ve never been a big fan. Probably because in many cases they require users to have risky add-ons installed and enabled — like Java or Flash Player. But, hey, if this works for you, great.
Most importantly, keep a close eye on your monthly statements. If I were a fraudster, I’d most definitely wait until the holidays to cram through a bunch of unauthorized charges on stolen cards, so that the bogus purchases would get buried amid a flurry of other legitimate transactions. That’s why it’s key to closely review your credit card bill and to quickly dispute any charges you didn’t authorize.
If you’re planning to spend time with friends and family this holiday season, consider giving the gift of your time and helping out with a security checkup. This might involve making sure that new or old PC has up-to-date security software and the requisite software patches, or locking down their wireless router by enabling security features and disabling risky ones.
If you’re visiting parents or older relatives, consider helping them plant their flags at various online sites and services if they haven’t already done so, such as at the Social Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service, or their wireless phone provider and/or Internet Service Provider (ISP).
You’d definitely make it off of Santa’s naughty list if you helped your loved ones take stock of which online accounts could benefit from more robust multi-factor authentication — and perhaps even guiding them away from SMS/text messages for multifactor toward more secure app- or key-based options, where available. You might even take a minute to explain the perils of re-using passwords across multiple sites, and see if they’re interested in using a password manager.
While you’re at it, ask your friends and family if they’ve frozen their credit files at the major consumer credit bureaus. If not, talk with them about what this entails and how it can help ward off identity theft. If they’re game, you might even consider helping them set it up and ensuring that freeze PINs are securely stored so the information is easily available when and if their credit files ever need to be thawed.
from Amber Scott Technology News https://krebsonsecurity.com/2018/11/how-to-shop-online-like-a-security-pro/
0 notes
goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/black-friday-2018-smart-home-deals-google-home-hub-facebook-portal-apple-homepod-alexa-gadgets-and-more-3/
Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
November is a time of tradition: Colder weather, football, turkey feasts with friends and family — and, of course, scouring the web for the best Black Friday deals.
Sure enough, here you are! And, if it’s deals on smart home gadgets that you’re after, you’ve come to the right place. They’ve been some of the hottest Black Friday sellers in recent years, especially now that big names like Amazon and Google are essentially all-in on the connected home. With Black Friday just 3 days away, expect more of the same in 2018, with lots of deals on Alexa and Google Assistant gadgets, smart thermostats from names like Nest and Ecobee, connected lighting kits, video doorbells, app-enabled robot vacuums… you name it.
To that end, here’s a running list of all the upcoming deals we’ve spotted thus far. We’ve kicked things off with deals from Amazon, then followed suit with brick-and-mortar bargains from Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Lowe’s and Home Depot. We’re keeping our eyes peeled for online deals from names like Newegg and Dell, too. And yep, some of these bargains are available right now — including a number of notable Amazon bundles on Echo speakers that bring the price-per-device down below the individual Black Friday prices.
Other stores are sure to follow as Black Friday draws near, and we also expect to see plenty of online deals direct from the manufacturers themselves. As soon as we spot any new offers or price drops, we’ll update this page, so keep it bookmarked. (Last updated Nov. 20.)
And remember the usual caveats: Most of the deals won’t actually be live until Black Friday, Nov. 23, and CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page. And click that gallery above if you just want to see our 10 favorite smart home device bargains of the season. I’ll keep that updated as new deals come in, too.
(Oh, and if you’re looking for the best smart TV deals, or deals on smart appliances and kitchen gadgets like the Instant Pot, we’ve got those listed in separate posts. Just click the links to see the full rundowns.)
Got it? Good. Now let’s get to the deals.
Abode Iota All-in-One Smart Security System for $259 (save $70)
It was back at CES where we got out first glimpse at Iota, an all-in-one security system from Abode. Along with a night vision camera, it includes built-in Zigbee and Z-Wave hubs that let it connect with things like smart lights and smart locks. Plus it promises to work with Alexa, Google Assistant and — eventually — Apple HomeKit, too.
The Iota starter kit also comes with an open/closed sensor for your front door and a key fob to arm and disarm the system at the press of a button. Originally priced at $329, the kit is currently marked down to $259 as a Black Friday special and expected to ship out on Dec. 17. Note that you’ll need to pay extra if you want to add 24/7 professional monitoring or a cellular backup.
See at Abode
Read more on CNET
Amazon Echo (second-gen) for $69 (save $30)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon’s fleet of Alexa-enabled smart speakers goes on sale starting Thanksgiving Day, and that includes a $30 discount on Alexa’s flagship, the second-gen Amazon Echo. That discount brings the price down to $69, more than $100 less than the original Echo sold for. And note that the popular Product Red Edition Amazon Echo is now back in stock — that one will cost $69 on Thanksgiving, too.
That price looks like it’ll be available elsewhere, too, including at Target and at Best Buy — and also Kohl’s, where you’ll get $15 of in-store credit for every $50 that you spend on Black Friday, meaning that you could buy the Echo for $69 and get an extra $15 to put toward something else. Hmm…
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Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $24 (save $26)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon has a relatively aggressive discount in store for the new, third-gen Echo Dot, too. At just $24, you’ll be able to get it for more than half off (and a dollar cheaper than its rival, the Google Home Mini, which I’m sure is just a coincidence). And yep, like a lot of these Echo deals, you’ll find the same price at major retailers like Target, Best Buy and Kohl’s, all starting on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition for $50 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
It usually costs $70, but starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will sell you the Echo Dot Kids Edition in any color for $50.
If you’re looking to buy in bulk for a couple of kids, you can save even more starting now, as Amazon is now offering a three-pack of kid-friendly Echo Dots for $100. That brings the cost for each one down more than 50 percent, and saves you a total of $110.
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition and Kids Edition Fire Tablet for $100-$180 (save up to $90)
Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon is offering discounts on the Echo Dot Kids Edition bundled with a Kids Edition Fire Tablet. You’ve got three options depending on which tablet you want:
For my money, I’d probably go with the Fire HD 8 bundle.
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Amazon Echo Dot (second-gen) for $20 (save $10)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon already cut the price of the last-gen Echo Dot down to $30 when the new one came out last month, but the company is marking it down by another $10 for Black Friday, bringing the price all the way down to $20. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just pay the extra $4 for this year’s model, which offers a noticeable uptick in sound quality, but hey, maybe you’re just going to connect the thing to an external audio setup anyway. In that case, this might be the deal for you.
Expect to see this deal elsewhere, as well. For instance, it’ll be available at Best Buy starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
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Amazon Echo Look for $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a very steep price cut for the Amazon Echo Look, a smart selfie camera with onboard Alexa voice controls and the ability to offer fashion or shopping advice based on your personal style. It usually sells for $200, but you’ll be able to nab one for just $50 starting Thanksgiving Day.
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Amazon Echo Plus (second-gen) for $110 (save $40)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Also $40 off: the just-released, second-gen Amazon Echo Plus, which you’ll be able to get for $110 for Black Friday. It takes the Echo and adds a slight improvement in sound quality, plus a built-in temperature sensor and a Zigbee radio that can connect directly with things like smart lights and smart locks. Amazon will even throw in a free Philips Hue White LED with purchase. Starting Thanksgiving Day, look for the same deal — free bulb included — at Best Buy, as well.
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Amazon Echo Show (second-gen) for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
If you’d like an Alexa device that comes with a touchscreen, then the second-gen Echo Show is your newest option. You can save $50 on it on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22). Best Buy will have the same deal available in-store starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving, too.
Bonus: As of now, Amazon will sell you two Amazon Echo Shows for $340, which is $120 off of retail. At $170 each, that’s $10 cheaper per Show than the official Black Friday deal.
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Amazon Echo Spot for $90 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another Alexa touchscreen option: the semispherical Amazon Echo Spot, which might rightly claim to be the smartest alarm clock ever. You can score it for $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, a savings of $40. Best Buy and Kohl’s are offering the same deal.
If you’d like to double down, Amazon is now offering a two-pack of Echo Spots for $160. That’s a savings of $100 — and $10 less per Spot than the Thanksgiving sale price. You’ll see the discount once you’ve got the Spots in your cart.
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Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250 ($80 off)
Here’s a deal that’s available right now as an early special — buy the new Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250, a savings of $80. Just do me a favor and check if this two-Echo-speakers-for-$100 deal from QVC is still live first — if so, it’s actually cheaper to do that and then add in the Echo Sub at its full price of $130, bringing your total to $230.
Another option — upgrade to a bundle with the Echo Sub and two Amazon Echo Plus smart speakers for $320. That deal is also live right now on Amazon, and it’ll save you $100.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Fire HD 10 with Show Mode Charging Dock for $145 ($60 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. As of right now, you can get the two packaged together for $145, which saves you $60.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting now, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
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Amazon Smart Plug for $5 with purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Picking up a new Echo Dot, or any other Echo gadget on Black Friday? You can tack an Amazon Smart Plug on to your order for just $5. Plug it in and plug something like a lamp or a space heater into it, and you’ll be able to tell Alexa to turn it on and off via your new Echo gadget. And if you’d rather shop at Best Buy, it looks like it’ll be offering the same deal.
See at Amazon
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Anova Wi-Fi Sous-Vide Circulator for $100 (save $60)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It usually sells for $160, but right now, Best Buy will sell you Anova’s Wi-Fi-equipped sous vide circulator for $100. It’s a great way to cook meats to the exact temp of your choosing, and the Wi-Fi lets you monitor the cooking remotely on your phone, even if you aren’t at home.
See at Best Buy
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Apple HomePod Smart Speaker for $250 (save $100)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a rare discount on the Siri-powered Apple HomePod, available at Best Buy in either white or space gray for $250, a savings of $100. The deal begins Thanksgiving Day at 5 p.m.
See at Best Buy
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August Smart Lock for $120 (save $30)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Starting Thanksgiving Day and ending Cyber Monday, August will offer its third-gen August Smart Lock for $30 off, bringing the cost down to $120. That edges out the current sale price on Amazon by a few bucks. The larger August Smart Lock Pro gets a Thanksgiving discount, too, bringing its price down to $179 and saving you $50.
See at August
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Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits, and the deals are all live right now. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
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Blink XT Indoor/Outdoor Security Camera Systems for up to $150 off
If you’d rather get a Blink camera system that you can use outside, then you’ll need to hold out until Nov. 21, when the weather-proofed Blink XT systems go on sale. Here are your options:
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Brewie Plus Beer-making Machine for $1,499 (save $1,000)
It’s not often that you get to save $1,000 on a single smart home gadget, but that’s exactly what you’re getting if you buy the Brewie Plus direct from Brewie this Black Friday (Nov. 23). The Wi-Fi equipped beer-making machine helps you monitor and control the entire brewing process to help ensure better tasting homebrews. It usually costs a hefty $2,499, but Brewie is marking it down to $1,499 for Black Friday only.
See at Brewie
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Chamberlain MyQ Garage Hub for $60 (save $20)
Chamberlain’s MyQ Garage controller lets you open or close your garage from your phone, and it works with a bunch of popular smart home platforms. On Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer it for $60, saving you $20.
See at Best Buy
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Cree Connected LED for $12 ($3 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s the smallest discount in this roundup, but hey, nothing wrong with saving a few bucks per bulb if you plan on filling your home with automatable Zigbee smart lights like these. And, despite the fact that they’ve been out for a few years now, Cree’s Connected LEDs, which work with Zigbee controllers like the Philips Hue Bridge and the Amazon Echo Plus, are still some of our favorite bargain bulbs. 
Look for them on sale at Home Depot this Black Friday — both the soft white and daylight versions, I might add.
See at Home Depot
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Ecobee4 Smart Thermostat and an Amazon Echo Dot for $199 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Ecobee is discounting a couple of its connected thermostats for Black Friday this year, including the current-gen Ecobee4. That model comes with a separate room sensor that lets you track the temperature away from the thermostat, which is really handy if your bedroom runs a little too warm or a little too cold at night. It also has Amazon’s Alexa built right in. 
It usually sells for $249, but you’ll find it for $199 online at Amazon and on Ecobee’s website right now. That said, the best place to buy it is at Best Buy, where you’ll also get a brand-new Amazon Echo Dot thrown into the deal for good measure. That’s a fantastic offer, and it’s live on Best Buy’s website right now.
If you don’t care about using your thermostat as an Alexa access point, you can save even more by going with the previous-gen Ecobee3 Lite, which Ecobee is currently offering for $139, or $30 off. Like the current-gen model, it works with remote sensors and with Google, Siri and Alexa for voice controls. The only real difference is that it doesn’t have Alexa built in. By the way, you’ll find that same $30-off deal listed on Amazon.
See at Best Buy
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Ecobee Switch Plus for $79 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
If Alexa in your thermostat sounds interesting, then how about Alexa in a light switch? Ecobee pulled it off with the Ecobee Switch Plus, a smart, in-wall light switch that works with all of the major voice platforms, and also includes built-in microphones and a speaker to let you talk with Alexa. It’ll be marked down by $20 wherever Ecobee thermostats are sold, and the deal appears to be live already on Ecobee’s website. Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot and Lowe’s have deals of their own going as well, to varying degrees. 
See at Ecobee
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Emerson Sensi Smart Thermostat for $89 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another smart thermostat option getting a Black Friday price cut: the Emerson Sensi, one of our favorite budget picks. The Sensi isn’t anything fancy to look at, but it still does the job admirably well. It also works with both Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit. Starting Nov. 22, you’ll be able to score one from Newegg for just $89, saving you $40. 
See at Newegg
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Eve HomeKit Gadgets for up to $20 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Formerly sold under the Elgato brand name, Eve’s smart home gadgets all work with Apple HomeKit, with sensors that let Siri keep track of things like temperature and air quality in your home. There’s also a HomeKit-compatible smart light switch and connected contact sensors that can track when doors or windows are opened or closed. Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will offer sales on all of it.
Eve’s team calls these “Likely Promo Prices,” so the actual numbers are subject to change, but here’s the list:
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Facebook Portal (10-inch) for $150 (save $50)
James Martin/CNET
It’s brand-spankin’-new, but the Facebook Portal video chatting hub is getting a Black Friday discount at Best Buy that starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. You’ll be able to get the smaller, 10-inch version for $50 off. You’ll find the same deal online on Amazon and, of course, on Facebook.
See at Best Buy
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Garadget Smart Garage Door Controller for $65 (save $34)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Chamberlain isn’t your only option for smart garage control — this little doodad called Garadget can get the job done, too, and it works with Alexa, IFTTT and Google Assistant. Newegg will have it marked down to just $65 on Black Friday, which is a steal.
See at Newegg
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Geeni Switch and Charge Wi-Fi Smart Plug for $15 (save $5)
We haven’t tested this specific smart plug, but my ol’ pal David Priest reviewed an earlier version of Geeni’s Wi-Fi smart plug and came away impressed, giving it a four-star review. This one adds in a pair of USB charging ports, and looks like it won’t block adjacent outlets. Plus, it works with Alexa and Google Assistant to let you turn anything plugged into it on and off using voice commands. 
At $15, it might make a great stocking stuffer — and the deal is live right now on Home Depot’s website as an early, pre-Black Friday special.
See at Home Depot
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Geeni Outdoor Smart Wi-Fi Plug for $20 (save $5)
For an extra $5, you could upgrade to Geeni’s weatherproofed outdoor smart plug, which would be a really thrifty way to help automate your holiday decorations. 
Here’s what Dave Priest had to say when he reviewed the Energi early last year: “The Geeni Energi stands out as one of the best affordable smart plugs on the market. When further integrations are added, it’ll be a fantastic product.” Now, the things work with Alexa and Google Assistant, so it sounds like it might be a great time to give Geeni a shot.
At any rate, $20 for a well-connected outdoor smart plug is a heck of a deal — comparable models from names like iDevices typically sell for at least twice as much. And, like the other Geeni switch, this deal is available online right now as an early special.
See at Home Depot
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Google Home Hub for $99 (save $50)
Chris Monroe/CNET
It’s only been out for less than a month, but that didn’t stop Google from discounting its new voice-activated touchscreen by 50 bucks for Black Friday. Small but mighty, the Home Hub’s Google Assistant smarts are a great fit for your kitchen countertop, and you’ll be able to score one for just $99 at Target on Black Friday, or from Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s or Lowe’s starting Thanksgiving Day. Want to buy it even earlier? Jet will offer the same deal starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET.
US Cellular says it’ll be offering a Black Friday deal on the Home Hub, too, and while it isn’t saying what the actual discount will be just yet, I’m guessing it’ll be the same $50 off that we’re seeing everywhere else. One nice thing: If you spend at least $120, US Cellular will let you spread the cost out over 12 months with no money down and no interest.
No matter where you get it, $99 is $80 less than what you’ll pay on Black Friday for its rival, the Amazon Echo Show. The gloves are off, Alexa!
See at Target
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Google Home Mini and C by GE Bluetooth Smart Bulb for $25 (save $30)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The Google Home Mini smart speaker will be available for $25 on Black Friday at outlets like Target, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Lowe’s, where the same $25 will get you the Home Mini packaged with a free C by GE Bluetooth smart bulb. This combo is designed to work right out of the box, so as soon as you screw the bulb in and turn it on, it’ll automatically pair with Google Assistant for voice controls.
See at Lowe’s
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Google Home Mini smart speaker for $25 (save $25)
James Martin/CNET
Like most stores that carry it, Walmart is offering the Google Home Mini on its own for half off starting Thanksgiving Day. It doesn’t come with a free bulb so it’s not quite as good a deal as you’ll find at Lowe’s, but Walmart does have the new aqua-colored version as an exclusive, which is why I’m giving it a separate mention here.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and Chromecast Bundle for $45 (save $29)
Walmart is also offering the Google Home Mini packaged with a Chromecast media streamer for $45 total, which is about 30 bucks off the combo’s usual price. These two are a good pair — plug the Chromecast into your TV and you’ll be able to tell the Home Mini things like, “OK, Google, play The Great British Baking Show on Netflix,” plus other nifty tricks.
Walmart calls this deal an exclusive, but Jet.com is offering this same bundle at the same price, and you’ll be able to get it starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET. That’s a bit earlier than Walmart, for what it’s worth.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and 30-piece Tasty Cookware Set for $99 (save $131)
Walmart calls this bundle an exclusive too. In it, you’ll find the Google Home Mini packaged with a 30-piece cookware set from Tasty that includes ceramic, nonstick pots, skillets and frying pans in red, copper or blue, all for just $99. The combo usually retails for $230, so this might be worth it for the cookware alone.
See at Walmart
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Google Home for $79 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Prefer a smart speaker with a little more oomph? The full-size Google Home gets a Black Friday deal, too, with a $50 discount available basically everywhere it’s sold bringing the price down to $79. Look for it at Target, Best Buy, Dell and Kohl’s starting Thanksgiving Day.
See at Target
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iRobot Roomba 890 for $350 (save $150)
Target has a bunch of vacuums and robot vacuums marked down for Black Friday, but the biggest discount we’re seeing is the $150 you can save on an app-enabled Roomba 890. That discount brings the price down to $350, which is about as low as we’ve ever seen a current-gen smart Roomba sell for.
Willing to spend a little more? Right now, you can get the top-of-the-line Roomba 960 direct from iRobot for $499, which is $200 off the regular price.
See at Target
iRobot Roomba 675 for $200 (save $100)
You can get a smart Roomba for even less by going with an earlier-gen model. Best Buy will offer the app-enabled Roomba 675 for $200 starting on Thanksgiving, which saves you $100 off of the retail price.
See at Best Buy
iRobot Braava Jet 240 for $170 (save $30)
Want a robotic floor cleaner that can mop? iRobot’s Braava Jet is one option, and it works with iRobot’s app for automated cleaning controls. You can get $30 off right now as an early Black Friday special on iRobot’s website.
See at iRobot.com
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JBL Link View Smart Display with Google Assistant for $200 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Newegg is the only outlet I’ve seen so far that’s offering a Black Friday discount on the JBL Link View, a voice-activated, Google Assistant-equipped smart display that impressed us when we tested it out. 
That said, the $199 sale price isn’t anything exceptional. I’m currently seeing the same price as a non-Black Friday deal from a number of other outlets — and if I were buying a Google Assistant touchscreen on Black Friday, I think I’d much rather snag the equally smart Lenovo Smart Display or the Google Home Hub, which will each be available for $99. 
Still, a deal’s a deal, and this is one you can buy right now if you’re so inclined.
See at Newegg
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Lenovo 8-inch Smart Display for $99 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
We’ve tested all of the impressive new Google Assistant smart displays this year — Lenovo’s was the first, and I think it’s still my favorite. Best Buy has the 8-inch version marked down by a hundred bucks for Black Friday, bringing the price down to $99. That’s the same price as the Black Friday deal on the smaller Google Home Hub. 
Best Buy made this deal live as an early online special for a few days, but that window is closed, so you’ll have to wait until Black Friday for another chance at it. Some might want to hold out to see if Lenovo’s larger, 10-inch version of the Smart Display gets marked down, as well. Best Buy has that model included in the “up to 35 percent off” section of its Black Friday ad, but no final discounts or sale prices have been announced for any of those yet. If it gets marked down by the full 35 percent, that’d bring the price down to $165. I think I’d still rather spend $99 on the 8-inch model, but it’s still something to keep an eye out for.
See at Best Buy
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Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Switch for $40 (save $10)
Chris Monroe/CNET
As connected dimmer switches go, this Leviton Decora model isn’t the fanciest-looking, but it is more affordable than competitors from iDevices, Lutron and WeMo, it needs no hub, and it works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Nest. You can knock an extra $10 off of the price at Home Depot on Black Friday.
We haven’t tested this one, but we did test a separate, nearly identical Decora switch that’s designed for use with Apple HomeKit (and Apple HomeKit only). Doesn’t look like that one will be on sale for Black Friday, but between the two, I prefer this non-HomeKit version’s versatility. And if you don’t need the lights to dim, the cheaper, non-dimming version is ++st:%7B1002374963%7D:st+cnn:%7B0:0%7D+oos:%7B0:1%7D+qu:%7B1002374963%7D:qu” target=”_blank”>$10 off on Black Friday, too.
See at Home Depot
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LG ThinQ WK9 Xboom Smart Display for $199 (save $100)
James Martin/CNET
LG just released its own Google Assistant smart display to compete with Lenovo and JBL (and, y’know, Google). And good news! Here at launch, it’s already marked down by $100 to fit in with the Black Friday crowd.
The bad news? LG’s full retail price for the thing is a hefty $299, which means that the sale price is $199 — $100 more than you’ll spend for Lenovo or Google’s smart displays this Black Friday. We already like those, and it’s very hard to imagine that the LG version will be $100 better than either of them. (Let alone, y’know, $150 better after Black Friday passes. Yeesh.)
Anyway, a deal’s a deal, so I’m including it in this rundown, but this one feels about as skippable as Black Friday gets.
See at LG
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Lifx Multicolor Wi-Fi Smart Bulb for $40 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer both the standard-size and floodlight versions of the current-gen Lifx LED for $40 each, a savings of $20 per bulb. That’s a good price on good smart bulbs that are brighter than comparable bulbs from Philips Hue.
See at Best Buy
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Meater Plus Wi-Fi Meat Thermometer 2-pack for $110 (save $19)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meater Plus is a wireless Wi-Fi meat thermometer — just stick it in whatever hunk of meat you’d like to cook, pop it in the oven, and track the temp from an app on your phone. We were impressed when we tested it, and starting Black Friday (Nov. 23), you’ll be able to save 15 percent on two of them on Amazon, bringing the total cost of the bundle down to $110. A single Meater Plus usually costs $99, so that’s a pretty decent deal considering you could give one as a gift and keep the other for yourself.
See at Amazon
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Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
I’m not seeing it in Best Buy’s Black Friday ad, but the team at Nanoleaf tells me that the retailer will have the Nanoleaf Rhythm starter kit for $50 off. They tell me you’ll find the same deal at Home Depot (we’re still waiting for that retailer’s ad). No matter where you get it, that’s a good deal on this weirdly likable smart lighting kit, which includes nine triangular, color-changing LED panels that stick to your walls, plus a microphone-equipped Rhythm accessory that syncs lighting changes with whatever music you’re listening to.
Just keep in mind that new, square-shaped Nanoleaf Canvas panels are scheduled for release in early December, so you’ve got new options coming very soon that might be worth waiting for.
See at Best Buy
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Buy a Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit, get a free Nanoleaf Remote
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Black Friday, Nanoleaf will toss in its unique, 12-sided Remote accessory when you purchase a nine-panel Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $230 direct from the Nanoleaf website. The Remote is truly one-of-a-kind, letting you switch between color-changing scenes by rotating different sides to the top and it can trigger Apple HomeKit scenes, too. It usually costs $50 on its own, so this is a decent deal, and right on par with the Best Buy offer as far as value is concerned. Just decide whether you want the Remote or not, and go from there.
See at Nanoleaf
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Nest Cam Indoor for $129 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart security cameras are all pretty solid picks, but they don’t come cheap. Fortunately, you’ll be able to score a pretty sizable $70 discount on the original Nest Cam Indoor at Target this Black Friday, bringing the cost down to $129. It’s not the newest model, but it’s still a worthy pick, especially at this price. And by the way, if you don’t want to wait for Black Friday, you’ll find the same deal available at Lowe’s starting Nov. 22, and on Jet starting Nov. 21 at 10 p.m. ET.
One other note — Best Buy claims it’ll have Nest gear marked down by up to $70 starting on Thanksgiving Day. No specifics on any of those deals yet, but I’m guessing they’ll be the same ones that I’ve posted here. Keep an eye out, though.
See at Target
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Nest Cam Outdoor for $149 (save $50)
Prefer Nest’s weatherproofed outdoor camera? The rugged, weather-proof Nest Cam Outdoor typically sells for a steep $199, but you’ll be able to pick it up for $50 off at Lowe’s and Kohl’s starting Nov. 22.
See at Lowe’s
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Nest Learning Thermostat (third-gen) for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart thermostat is basically an icon of the smart home at this point. If you’ve been holding out for the right price to make the upgrade in your own smart home, then perhaps this $70 Black Friday discount from Target will do the trick. And yep, Lowe’s will have the same deal starting on Nov. 22, as will Newegg and Kohl’s.
If you want the absolute best bang for your buck, then I’d actually suggest getting it at Kohl’s, since the store is offering $15 of in-store credit for each $50 you spend. As a result, the $170 Nest deal would yield you an extra $45 to shop with on top of the savings.
See at Target
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Nest Thermostat E for $99 (save $70)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The plastic-bodied Nest Thermostat E costs less than the stainless-steel Nest to begin with, and it’s just as smart. Target will offer it for $30 off on Black Friday, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Dell, where you can score one for $70 off starting on Nov. 21. That’s the best price on this thermostat that I’ve ever seen.
See at Dell
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Nest Hello Video Doorbell for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a terrific deal on Nest’s excellent video doorbell, which our camera and doorbell pro Megan Wollerton called “the smartest video doorbell available today.” $70 off is about as much of a discount as we’ve ever seen on it — look for the deal in-store at Lowe’s and also Kohl’s starting on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22. Dell will also offer it online starting the day before Thanksgiving. And again, the in-store credit offer at Kohl’s will net you an extra $45 to shop with.
Kohl’s says that some Black Friday specials will be available online starting today (Nov. 19), so if I see this one live early, I’ll update this space and let you know.
See at Lowe’s
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Nest Protect Smoke Detector for $99 (save $20)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s not the biggest doorbuster I’ve ever seen (especially for a piece of tech that’s been out for a few years now), but hey, here’s Nest’s smart smoke detector marked down by $20. Dell will have the same deal online starting on Nov. 21.
See at Target
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Netgear Arlo 3-Camera Starter Kit for $189 (save $110)
Joshua Goldman/CNET
Netgear’s battery-powered Arlo security cameras are a popular pick for home security, and Newegg’s offering a good Black Friday deal on a first-gen, three-camera starter kit that’ll save you over a hundred bucks. 
The deal starts on Nov. 21 — if you miss it, look for an almost-as-good deal at Walmart, where the three-camera Arlo kit will sell for $199. On Black Friday, you’ll also be able to score discounts on refurbished Arlo starter kits and add-on cameras at Fry’s.
See at Newegg
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Netgear Arlo Pro 2 4-Camera Starter Kit for $580 (save $220)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meanwhile, Best Buy has the newer version of the Arlo cameras available in a four-camera starter kit for $580. That sounds like a lot, but this kit usually sells for $800.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance 3-Bulb Starter Kit with Remote for $120 (save $70)
This Philips Hue starter kit includes three color-changing bulbs, a wireless remote that docks on the wall like a light switch when you aren’t using it, and the all-important Philips Hue Bridge that needs to stay plugged into your router in order to control the lights from your phone or sync them with Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. It usually costs $190, but on Black Friday, Best Buy will sell it for $120. That’s a terrific deal — $30 less than you’d typically pay for just the bulbs.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue Lightstrips for $60 (save $30)
Colin West McDonald/CNET
If you’ve already got a Hue Bridge and just want to expand your system, these Hue Lightstrips look great beneath cabinets and behind TVs, and $60 is about as low as they ever sell for.
See at Best Buy
Read CNET’s first take
Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance Smart Bulb for $40 (save $10)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Just want to expand your existing Hue setup with an additional color-changing light bulb or two? On Black Friday, Best Buy will sell them for $40 each, a savings of $10.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue White LED four-pack for $40 (save $10)
If you don’t care about the colors and just want to fill out your home with automatable white light, this four-pack of plain, vanilla Philips Hue White bulbs will sell for $40 at Best Buy on Black Friday. This four-pack usually sells for $50, which is already a pretty good deal.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Buy a Philips Hue 4-Bulb White and Color Ambiance Starter Kit, get a free $50 Target gift card
It isn’t marked down, but if you buy a four-bulb Philips Hue White and Color Starter Kit from Target this Black Friday, the retailer will throw in a free $50 gift card. If you were so inclined, you could turn around and use that card to pick up a bonus bulb for your new setup.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit for $169 (save $30)
It usually sells for $199, but on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will mark the Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit down to $169, saving you $30.
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Ring Floodlight Cam for $199 (save $50)
Ring Floodlight Cam
Looking for a smart security light to hang above your garage? You could do a lot worse than this floodlight from Ring, which packs a built-in night vision camera and motion sensor, plus the ability to customize those motion alerts using “activity zones” within the camera’s field of view. Look for a $50 discount on it at Lowe’s between Nov. 22 and Nov. 25.
See at Lowe’s
Read the CNET review
Ring Video Doorbell 2 and Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $139 (save $110)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Here’s one of the best smart home deals we’ve seen this year: the Ring Video Doorbell 2 with a new, third-gen Amazon Echo Dot for a total of $140. The Ring on its own usually sells for $200, so this is a particularly good value if you’ve been itching for an upgrade at your front door.
Like a few of the other deals listed here, Best Buy initially listed this online as an early special, but that offer is over now. You’ll get another chance at it starting Thanksgiving Day. 
Note that you’ll find the same deal available on Amazon. And if you just want the doorbell and don’t care about the Dot, Fry’s will offer the Ring 2 for $129 on Black Friday only.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Ring Video Doorbell Pro for $179 (save $70)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Fry’s is also offering a Black Friday discount of $70 on the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, which offers a slimmed-down design and 1080p video.
See at Fry’s
Read the CNET review
Sengled Element 3-Bulb Starter Kit for $30 (save $20)
If you’re looking for a good deal on smart bulbs, you might consider jumping on this Sengled Element starter kit, which will be available at Best Buy starting Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, for just $30. With three bulbs and the Zigbee hub that controls them, that’s cheaper than the two-bulb starter kit usually sells for.
See at Best Buy
Sensibo Sky Air Conditioner Controller for $89 (save $29)
If the turn toward colder weather already has you thinking ahead to next summer, then maybe the time is right to score a deal on a smart air conditioner controller. If so, you’re in luck because the Sensibo Sky, which smartens up dumb AC units to let you automate them as you come and go, will be available for about $30 less than usual this Black Friday. Along with app-enabled automation, Sensibo lets you control the cool with voice commands using Alexa or Google Assistant. And yes, you can use it to automate a heater, too. 
Bonus — you can pay a slightly lower $83 each if you buy a Sensibo three-pack ($249 total), but you’ll have to buy directly from the Sensibo website. 
See at Amazon
Read more on CNET
SimpliSafe Home Security Systems with SimpliCam for $170 (save $200)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Best Buy’s also offering nice discounts on SimpliSafe home security packages, which usually start at $270 but will be available starting at $170 this Thanksgiving. On top of that, Best Buy will throw in a free standalone SimpliCam with your purchase. At the start of November, Best Buy was also offering a free video doorbell with these kits, but they seem to have yanked that deal away and replaced it with the SimpliCam for Black Friday. Damn. 
Still, that’s a lot of value for a very strong security system that’s won multiple Editors’ Choice Awards here on CNET. Typically, a baseline SimpliSafe kit and SimpliCam would cost you about $370.
Another option available right now: Ordering direct from SimpliSafe’s website, where all kits and accessories are 25 percent off through Nov. 21. That includes full systems and standalone add-ons like the SimpliSafe video doorbell, which would be a nice addition to the discounted kits that you can get at Best Buy.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Sonos One Smart Speaker for $175 (save $25)
Sarah Tew/CNET
With built-in Alexa controls and Google Assistant controls coming next year, the platform-agnostic, premium-sounding Sonos One hits the smart-speaker sweet spot at its usual price of $200. Scoring one for $25 off at Best Buy sounds just fine to me.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Sonos Beam Soundbar with Alexa for $350 (save $50)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Best Buy is also offering the Sonos Beam, an Alexa-equipped sound bar, at a savings of $50. Like most of Best Buy’s deals, the sale starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug two-pack for $23 (save $17)
You’ve got plenty of good smart plug options, but at less than $12 each, these TP-Link plugs might be the cheapest ones I’ve seen that include real-time energy monitoring of whatever’s plugged into them. They work with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice controls, too.
We haven’t reviewed these exact models, but we tested the mini Kasa smart plugs and came away satisfied with the experience. These bigger versions use the same hardware and the same app, so they should work well as a cheap way to expand your smart home setup.
See at Newegg
Read the CNET review
Vayyar Walabot Home for $99 (save $150)
Walabot Home is a smart home device from Vayyar that uses radar to detect falls — a useful precaution for older relatives who live on their own. We’re still waiting for a chance to test it out, but if you’re interested, you can score a $150 discount on it now through Cyber Monday if you buy direct.
On top of that, Vayyar will knock $50 off the asking price of Walabot DIY, a nifty scanner that sees through walls to help you locate studs, pipes or even pests. Just $49 through Cyber Monday.
See at Vayyar
Read more on CNET
WeMo Dimmer, WeMo Mini and more up to 35 percent off
Best Buy’s ad lists several smart home gadgets that’ll be discounted by “up to 35 percent” on Black Friday (here’s the list). Those devices include the WeMo Dimmer light switch and WeMo Mini smart plug, two popular Wi-Fi gadgets that let you automate your lights and appliances. Both work with Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT and Apple HomeKit, too.
Now, the team at WeMo confirms to me that each product is indeed getting the full 35 percent discount, which will bring the WeMo Mini down to $20 and the WeMo Dimmer down to $50. Both are good deals that you’ll be able to score starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Now playing: Watch this: Tricks to score extra savings on Black Friday and Cyber…
Black Friday 2018 deals in each category
Black Friday 2018 deals by store
Black Friday 2018: CNET’s complete coverage
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fesahaawit · 8 years
9 Things I No Longer Do With My Money
9 years ago I blogged about how people who like to “split the check” aren’t my friends anymore. I had totally forgotten about it, but the memories flooded back when I received the following comment on it just this week :)
I know it’s not entirely fair. BUT COME ON, it was only 3 bucks dude. After reading your article, it seems like you are the cheap person there. You had a good time, then just let it go! Chill out dude.
Haha… Fortunately these days I do just “chill out” whenever stuff like this happens (though I’ll still ask for separate checks w/ larger parties! Takes forever trying to pay those bills!) but it was a great reminder of how far I’ve come since first starting this blog all those years ago… Now I’m more likely to “split the check” myself, or pay for the other person’s meal entirely because it’s just a nice thing to do!
But in honor of hitting my 9 year Blogiversary last month which I accidentally skipped (oops), I thought I’d share 9 other things I no longer do either since my early days of paying attention to money.
Hope it helps in some way!
#1. I no longer obsess about money anymore
It helps having more money than I used to, of course, but somewhere along the line I’ve moved way from dreaming about millions, to dreaming about having a great LIFE instead. Which, big shocker, you can actually have with or without gobs of money! Now unfortunately it takes just as much time and energy to figure out how to set this up as it does your finances, but hey – it’s a valiant pursuit :)
#2. I no longer track every last penny
Someone on Twitter just asked me if I thought I’d be where I am today without tracking my money every month, and the answer would be an affirmative NO. I’ve tracked my net worth for over 110 months in a row now, but it was really those first couple of years that were most transformative. Paying attention to where all your money is coming and going is HUGE when you’ve never done it before – it totally opens up your eyes! But once you get a good grasp of it, tracking every last penny isn’t *as* game changing as it is in the beginning.
Now it’ll certainly save you more cash than not tracking it, I guarantee that, but once you’ve got your rhythm down you get the beautiful decision of whether or not it’s worth the trade off of time anymore. If it is, great! You’ll be saving more than me! But after a few years and seeing the same rough expenses over and over again I decided to just stick w/ my net worth which gives me that overall picture I need without driving myself too crazy. Then I’ll just pop my head into the nitty gritty anytime something major happens, like moving or new kids popping up ;) Another big difference between now and 9 years ago – I’m now a daddy, crazy!
#3. I no longer hustle 24/7
In my efforts to improve upon #1 up there, I realized that in fact working more does NOT make me that much happier despite our culture (and entrepreneur friends) telling us it does. In the last 4 years I’ve gone from priding myself in working 20 hour days down to working about 9-10 ones depending on how efficient I am or not. It’s still a lot more than I want – my target is to stop working nights and weekends! – but you know, one step at a time… And it was again those babies that really put all this into perspective because I was on the train straight towards Workaholicsville and couldn’t get off!
#4. I no longer chase credit card deals or the best interest rates or even the hottest stocks
I’ve since learned that I value simplicity far more than I do an extra percentage point on one of my accounts – so long as I have “good enough” (or, 80% for any of you Pareto Principle lovers out there). It means not having every last one of my dollars maximized, but it also means feeling more at peace with myself/wallet and not being so frantic all the time scouring the web for the next hottest deal, or worse – stock. And believe me, even if people can tell you the latest trending stock, they sure as hell can’t tell you when to cash out of it in time!
So there’s no more chasing the markets or looking for the best savings/credit card accounts for me anymore… I keep almost all my banking under one main roof I’m happy with (USAA), and then all my investments under another happy roof (Vanguard). I then keep my sanity and go about my business from there :)
#5. I no longer go shopping for the fun of it
This was one of the first epiphanies I had in my early stage of blogging. I had tried my first “No Spend” challenge where I couldn’t spend any money on stuff that weren’t essentials (bills, groceries, etc), and WOW did I realize I had gotten into a bad habit! I’d literally catch myself pulling into the mall or other random stores anytime I was simply *bored*. And the crazy part was that I had no idea I was doing it!
From that point forward I literally just stopped walking into stores and have saved myself approximately $200/mo ever since… (Now if only there was a way to not stroll into Amazon! ;))
#6. I no longer require new jobs or locations to be happy
This is probably the biggest shocker of them all to me. Having grown up moving around every 2 years in a military family, *change* played a major, and rather exciting!, role in my life. It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, as soon as that two year mark hit I was ready to move onto the next glorious adventure awaiting me.
It wasn’t until I went off to college and started working “real” jobs that I realized my normal wasn’t going to be normal anymore… Even so, I struggled with not being able to stay put, whether in location or employment (or relationships!), until finally this blog and my wife were found. Both of which showed that stability can be sexy too :) And coincidentally enough, both found in the same year as well, making it super easy for me to remember the more important anniversary! Haha… And thankfully the entrepreneurial life brings enough change and adventure to keep anyone on their toes.
#7. I no longer care what others think of me
This is also a big turnaround for me over the last handful of years. I still have my weaknesses and seek approval from certain people out of habit, but for the most part I try my best to just be me and do my own thing whether others seem to approve of it or not. Even my beautiful mother – gasp. (As evidence of me still rocking a mohawk at 30-something years old and “looking like a vagabond” with my ragged clothes, per this same mother ;))
Another perk of running a blog, however, is that you also learn how to grow some thick skin as there’s never a shortage of people who find it necessary to tell you how they really feel. Here are a few of these kinds words I’ve saved from only the past handful of months:
“The content is good, but I’m unsubscribing because I have a difficult time with the grammar style of this blog. I feel like I’m reading text messages, not trying to save for retirement.”
“I don’t really care to read about your life for the few nuggets of financial advice you give. My time is too valuable.”
“Oh, and I listen to your podcast with Paula. Love her, but you sound like a clueless 16 year old valley girl.”
“Not the most professional blog.. way too many smiley faces on everything.  I also cannot believe you rent!  You did introduce me to Rockstar Finance though, so thanks!”
And my all-time favorite:
“He says really nice things but looks like a weirdo. But i guess thats why people like him. Hes like the Miley Cyrus of Finance”
#8. I no longer watch the news/Facebook/media
Want a great way to feel worse about your life? Go scrolling through the news or your Facebook feed :) I used to be obsessed with keeping on top of everything, as well as what all my friends were doing/ buying/flying, and then I realized I never left any of those places actually feeling *better* than when I got there. I’d either feel depressed, jealous, anxious, or just plain scared.
So I stopped reading everything and deactivated all of my personal social media accounts except those relating to this blog. I’ve been in bliss ever since! Now it also means I don’t always know what the hell is going on in the world, but again – trade offs. And my wife is quick to tell me anything she thinks I better know :)
#9. I no longer buy bottled water or lottery tickets!
If you were around this blog in 2011 you might remember the hate storm that occurred when I proudly exclaimed that I drink bottled water and wasn’t ashamed to admit it ;) I was mainly targeting the financial aspect of it and how I don’t mind spending the $$ there since bottled was the only way that got me to actually DRINK water (thus, the money spent was = the health benefits), however, I underestimated the environment part of it and was called out pretty good about it.
6 years later though, I’m proud to exclaim that I very much still drink loads of water, but no longer need to use a new bottle every time in doing so :) Finding this bad boy has helped immensely with that, along with purifying the tap more.
And lottery tickets? Well, my experimenting there is over too as I no longer have as much fun playing them as I used to (nor the time to keep going out and buying them each week). I still enjoy giving, and receiving them, for Christmas as they make excellent (and cheap) stocking stuffers!, but now a days I get my cheap thrills off hanging with my kids or chatting with you all here on the blog ;) I’ll never get rich off of it, but hey – LIFE!
And that’s really the point of everything I’ve learned over the past 9 years. Money is great and severely needed up to a certain point, but once you’ve hit the minimum amount for survival/happiness, the rest just feels like extra. The trick then becomes incrementally improving your *lifestyle*, which is just as challenging, if not more, than figuring out your money.
My dream for everyone here is to be able to master BOTH sides of this equation, and then appreciate the progress we’ve all made so far as well. I don’t know what comes after that, but I’d imagine it’s one helluva place to be at :)
What have you learned over the past 9 years?
PS: As far as I’ve come over the years, I still mess up alllllllll the freakin’ time. Check out last year’s 8 fails over 8 years of blogging for some good ways to feel better about yourself ;)
9 Things I No Longer Do With My Money posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
0 notes
heliosfinance · 8 years
9 Things I No Longer Do With My Money
9 years ago I blogged about how people who like to “split the check” aren’t my friends anymore. I had totally forgotten about it, but the memories flooded back when I received the following comment on it just this week :)
I know it’s not entirely fair. BUT COME ON, it was only 3 bucks dude. After reading your article, it seems like you are the cheap person there. You had a good time, then just let it go! Chill out dude.
Haha… Fortunately these days I do just “chill out” whenever stuff like this happens (though I’ll still ask for separate checks w/ larger parties! Takes forever trying to pay those bills!) but it was a great reminder of how far I’ve come since first starting this blog all those years ago… Now I’m more likely to “split the check” myself, or pay for the other person’s meal entirely because it’s just a nice thing to do!
But in honor of hitting my 9 year Blogiversary last month which I accidentally skipped (oops), I thought I’d share 9 other things I no longer do either since my early days of paying attention to money.
Hope it helps in some way!
#1. I no longer obsess about money anymore
It helps having more money than I used to, of course, but somewhere along the line I’ve moved way from dreaming about millions, to dreaming about having a great LIFE instead. Which, big shocker, you can actually have with or without gobs of money! Now unfortunately it takes just as much time and energy to figure out how to set this up as it does your finances, but hey – it’s a valiant pursuit :)
#2. I no longer track every last penny
Someone on Twitter just asked me if I thought I’d be where I am today without tracking my money every month, and the answer would be an affirmative NO. I’ve tracked my net worth for over 110 months in a row now, but it was really those first couple of years that were most transformative. Paying attention to where all your money is coming and going is HUGE when you’ve never done it before – it totally opens up your eyes! But once you get a good grasp of it, tracking every last penny isn’t *as* game changing as it is in the beginning.
Now it’ll certainly save you more cash than not tracking it, I guarantee that, but once you’ve got your rhythm down you get the beautiful decision of whether or not it’s worth the trade off of time anymore. If it is, great! You’ll be saving more than me! But after a few years and seeing the same rough expenses over and over again I decided to just stick w/ my net worth which gives me that overall picture I need without driving myself too crazy. Then I’ll just pop my head into the nitty gritty anytime something major happens, like moving or new kids popping up ;) Another big difference between now and 9 years ago – I’m now a daddy, crazy!
#3. I no longer hustle 24/7
In my efforts to improve upon #1 up there, I realized that in fact working more does NOT make me that much happier despite our culture (and entrepreneur friends) telling us it does. In the last 4 years I’ve gone from priding myself in working 20 hour days down to working about 9-10 ones depending on how efficient I am or not. It’s still a lot more than I want – my target is to stop working nights and weekends! – but you know, one step at a time… And it was again those babies that really put all this into perspective because I was on the train straight towards Workaholicsville and couldn’t get off!
#4. I no longer chase credit card deals or the best interest rates or even the hottest stocks
I’ve since learned that I value simplicity far more than I do an extra percentage point on one of my accounts – so long as I have “good enough” (or, 80% for any of you Pareto Principle lovers out there). It means not having every last one of my dollars maximized, but it also means feeling more at peace with myself/wallet and not being so frantic all the time scouring the web for the next hottest deal, or worse – stock. And believe me, even if people can tell you the latest trending stock, they sure as hell can’t tell you when to cash out of it in time!
So there’s no more chasing the markets or looking for the best savings/credit card accounts for me anymore… I keep almost all my banking under one main roof I’m happy with (USAA), and then all my investments under another happy roof (Vanguard). I then keep my sanity and go about my business from there :)
#5. I no longer go shopping for the fun of it
This was one of the first epiphanies I had in my early stage of blogging. I had tried my first “No Spend” challenge where I couldn’t spend any money on stuff that weren’t essentials (bills, groceries, etc), and WOW did I realize I had gotten into a bad habit! I’d literally catch myself pulling into the mall or other random stores anytime I was simply *bored*. And the crazy part was that I had no idea I was doing it!
From that point forward I literally just stopped walking into stores and have saved myself approximately $200/mo ever since… (Now if only there was a way to not stroll into Amazon! ;))
#6. I no longer require new jobs or locations to be happy
This is probably the biggest shocker of them all to me. Having grown up moving around every 2 years in a military family, *change* played a major, and rather exciting!, role in my life. It didn’t matter where I was or what I was doing, as soon as that two year mark hit I was ready to move onto the next glorious adventure awaiting me.
It wasn’t until I went off to college and started working “real” jobs that I realized my normal wasn’t going to be normal anymore… Even so, I struggled with not being able to stay put, whether in location or employment (or relationships!), until finally this blog and my wife were found. Both of which showed that stability can be sexy too :) And coincidentally enough, both found in the same year as well, making it super easy for me to remember the more important anniversary! Haha… And thankfully the entrepreneurial life brings enough change and adventure to keep anyone on their toes.
#7. I no longer care what others think of me
This is also a big turnaround for me over the last handful of years. I still have my weaknesses and seek approval from certain people out of habit, but for the most part I try my best to just be me and do my own thing whether others seem to approve of it or not. Even my beautiful mother – gasp. (As evidence of me still rocking a mohawk at 30-something years old and “looking like a vagabond” with my ragged clothes, per this same mother ;))
Another perk of running a blog, however, is that you also learn how to grow some thick skin as there’s never a shortage of people who find it necessary to tell you how they really feel. Here are a few of these kinds words I’ve saved from only the past handful of months:
“The content is good, but I’m unsubscribing because I have a difficult time with the grammar style of this blog. I feel like I’m reading text messages, not trying to save for retirement.”
“I don’t really care to read about your life for the few nuggets of financial advice you give. My time is too valuable.”
“Oh, and I listen to your podcast with Paula. Love her, but you sound like a clueless 16 year old valley girl.”
“Not the most professional blog.. way too many smiley faces on everything.  I also cannot believe you rent!  You did introduce me to Rockstar Finance though, so thanks!”
And my all-time favorite:
“He says really nice things but looks like a weirdo. But i guess thats why people like him. Hes like the Miley Cyrus of Finance”
#8. I no longer watch the news/Facebook/media
Want a great way to feel worse about your life? Go scrolling through the news or your Facebook feed :) I used to be obsessed with keeping on top of everything, as well as what all my friends were doing/ buying/flying, and then I realized I never left any of those places actually feeling *better* than when I got there. I’d either feel depressed, jealous, anxious, or just plain scared.
So I stopped reading everything and deactivated all of my personal social media accounts except those relating to this blog. I’ve been in bliss ever since! Now it also means I don’t always know what the hell is going on in the world, but again – trade offs. And my wife is quick to tell me anything she thinks I better know :)
#9. I no longer buy bottled water or lottery tickets!
If you were around this blog in 2011 you might remember the hate storm that occurred when I proudly exclaimed that I drink bottled water and wasn’t ashamed to admit it ;) I was mainly targeting the financial aspect of it and how I don’t mind spending the $$ there since bottled was the only way that got me to actually DRINK water (thus, the money spent was = the health benefits), however, I underestimated the environment part of it and was called out pretty good about it.
6 years later though, I’m proud to exclaim that I very much still drink loads of water, but no longer need to use a new bottle every time in doing so :) Finding this bad boy has helped immensely with that, along with purifying the tap more.
And lottery tickets? Well, my experimenting there is over too as I no longer have as much fun playing them as I used to (nor the time to keep going out and buying them each week). I still enjoy giving, and receiving them, for Christmas as they make excellent (and cheap) stocking stuffers!, but now a days I get my cheap thrills off hanging with my kids or chatting with you all here on the blog ;) I’ll never get rich off of it, but hey – LIFE!
And that’s really the point of everything I’ve learned over the past 9 years. Money is great and severely needed up to a certain point, but once you’ve hit the minimum amount for survival/happiness, the rest just feels like extra. The trick then becomes incrementally improving your *lifestyle*, which is just as challenging, if not more, than figuring out your money.
My dream for everyone here is to be able to master BOTH sides of this equation, and then appreciate the progress we’ve all made so far as well. I don’t know what comes after that, but I’d imagine it’s one helluva place to be at :)
What have you learned over the past 9 years?
PS: As far as I’ve come over the years, I still mess up alllllllll the freakin’ time. Check out last year’s 8 fails over 8 years of blogging for some good ways to feel better about yourself ;)
9 Things I No Longer Do With My Money published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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goarticletec-blog · 6 years
Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
New Post has been published on https://www.articletec.com/black-friday-2018-smart-home-deals-google-home-hub-facebook-portal-apple-homepod-alexa-gadgets-and-more-2/
Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
November is a time of tradition: Colder weather, football, turkey feasts with friends and family — and, of course, scouring the web for the best Black Friday deals. 
Sure enough, here you are! And, if it’s deals on smart home gadgets that you’re after, you’ve come to the right place. They’ve been some of the hottest Black Friday sellers in recent years, especially now that big names like Amazon and Google are essentially all-in on the connected home. Expect more of the same for shoppers in 2018, with lots of deals on Alexa and Google Assistant gadgets, smart thermostats from names like Nest and Ecobee, connected lighting kits, video doorbells, app-enabled robot vacuums… you name it.
To that end, here’s a running list of all the upcoming deals we’ve spotted thus far. We’ve kicked things off with deals from Amazon, then followed suit with brick-and-mortar bargains from Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Lowe’s and Home Depot. We’re keeping our eyes peeled for online deals from names like Newegg and Dell, too. And yep, some are available right now — including a number of notable Amazon bundles on Echo speakers that bring the price-per-device down below the individual Black Friday prices.
Other stores are sure to follow as Black Friday draws near, and we also expect to see plenty of online deals direct from the manufacturers themselves. As soon as we spot any new offers or price drops, we’ll update this page, so keep it bookmarked. (Last updated Nov. 16.)
And remember the usual caveats: Most of the deals won’t actually be live until Black Friday, Nov. 23, and CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page. And click that gallery above if you just want to see our 10 favorite smart home device bargains of the season. I’ll keep that updated as new deals come in, too.
(Oh, and if you’re looking for the best smart TV deals, or deals on smart appliances and kitchen gadgets like the Instant Pot, we’ve got those listed in separate posts. Just click the links to see the full rundowns.)
Got it? Good. Now let’s get to the deals.
Amazon Echo (second-gen) for $69 (save $30)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon’s fleet of Alexa-enabled smart speakers goes on sale starting Thanksgiving Day, and that includes a $30 discount on Alexa’s flagship, the second-gen Amazon Echo. That discount brings the price down to $69, more than $100 less than the original Echo sold for. And note that the popular (RED) Edition Amazon Echo is now back in stock — that one will cost $69 on Thanksgiving, too.
That price looks like it’ll be available elsewhere, too, including at Target and at Best Buy — and also Kohl’s, where you’ll get $15 of in-store credit for every $50 that you spend on Black Friday, meaning that you could buy the Echo for $69 and get an extra $15 to put toward something else. Hmm..
See at Amazon
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Two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $100 (save $100)
Ry Crist/CNET
In what was listed as a one-day special Nov. 14, but appears to still be going two days later, QVC is offering two Amazon Echo speakers for just $100, which handily beats Amazon’s Black Friday pricing. It’s an especially interesting deal given that Amazon just introduced stereo pairing for Echo speakers, letting you sync two of them up and split the left and right audio channels between them. Add in the new Echo Sub, and you’re looking at a voice-activated 2.1 stereo setup for a total of $230.
I’ll keep an eye on the deal and yank this entry once it’s sold out, so if you’re reading this, chances are good you can still score this exceptional offer.
See at QVC
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Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $24 (save $26)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon has a relatively aggressive discount in store for the new, third-gen Echo Dot, too. At just $24, you’ll be able to get it for more than half off (and a dollar cheaper than its rival, the Google Home Mini, which I’m sure is just a coincidence). And yep, like a lot of these Echo deals, you’ll find the same price at major retailers like Target, Best Buy and Kohl’s, all starting on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
Looking to stock up? Starting today (Nov. 16), you can score a three-pack of Echo Dots from Amazon for $70. That brings the price down even more, down to about $23 per Dot.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition for $50 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
It usually costs $70, but starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will sell you the Echo Dot Kids Edition in any color for $50.
If you’re looking to buy in bulk for a couple of kids, you can save even more starting now, as Amazon is now offering a three-pack of kid-friendly Echo Dots for $100. That brings the cost for each one down more than 50 percent, and saves you a total of $110.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition and Kids Edition Fire Tablet for $100-$180 (save up to $90)
Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon is offering discounts on the Echo Dot Kids Edition bundled with a Kids Edition Fire Tablet. You’ve got three options depending on which tablet you want:
For my money, I’d probably go with the Fire HD 8 bundle.
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Amazon Echo Dot (second-gen) for $20 (save $10)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon already cut the price of the last-gen Echo Dot down to $30 when the new one came out last month, but the company is marking it down by another $10 for Black Friday, bringing the price all the way down to $20. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just pay the extra $4 for this year’s model, which offers a noticeable uptick in sound quality, but hey, maybe you’re just going to connect the thing to an external audio setup anyway. In that case, this might be the deal for you.
Expect to see this deal elsewhere, as well. For instance, it’ll be available at Best Buy starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Look for $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a very steep price cut for the Amazon Echo Look, a smart selfie camera with onboard Alexa voice controls and the ability to offer fashion or shopping advice based on your personal style. It usually sells for $200, but you’ll be able to nab one for just $50 starting Thanksgiving Day.
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Amazon Echo Plus (second-gen) for $110 (save $40)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Also $40 off: the just-released, second-gen Amazon Echo Plus, which you’ll be able to get for $110 for Black Friday. It takes the Echo and adds a slight improvement in sound quality, plus a built-in temperature sensor and a Zigbee radio that can connect directly with things like smart lights and smart locks. Amazon will even throw in a free Philips Hue White LED with purchase. Starting Thanksgiving Day, look for the same deal — free bulb included — at Best Buy, as well.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Show (second-gen) for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
If you’d like an Alexa device that comes with a touchscreen, then the second-gen Echo Show is your newest option. You can save $50 on it on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22). Best Buy will have the same deal available in-store starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving, too.
Bonus: As of now, Amazon will sell you two Amazon Echo Shows for $340, which is $120 off of retail. At $170 each, that’s $10 cheaper per Show than the official Black Friday deal.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Spot for $90 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another Alexa touchscreen option: the semispherical Amazon Echo Spot, which might rightly claim to be the smartest alarm clock ever. You can score it for $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, a savings of $40. Best Buy and Kohl’s are offering the same deal.
If you’d like to double down, Amazon is now offering a two-pack of Echo Spots for $160. That’s a savings of $100 — and $10 less per Spot than the Thanksgiving sale price. You’ll see the discount once you’ve got the Spots in your cart.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250 ($80 off)
Here’s a deal that’s available right now as an early special — buy the new Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250, a savings of $80. Just do me a favor and check if this two-Echo-speakers-for-$100 deal from QVC is still live first — if so, it’s actually cheaper to do that and then add in the Echo Sub at its full price of $130, bringing your total to $230.
Another option — upgrade to a bundle with the Echo Sub and two Amazon Echo Plus smart speakers for $320. That deal is also live right now on Amazon, and it’ll save you $100.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Fire HD 10 with Show Mode Charging Dock for $145 ($60 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting now, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Smart Plug for $5 with purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Picking up a new Echo Dot, or any other Echo gadget on Black Friday? You can tack an Amazon Smart Plug on to your order for just $5. Plug it in and plug something like a lamp or a space heater into it, and you’ll be able to tell Alexa to turn it on and off via your new Echo gadget. And if you’d rather shop at Best Buy, it looks like it’ll be offering the same deal.
See at Amazon
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Anova Wi-Fi Sous-Vide Circulator for $100 (save $60)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It usually sells for $160, but starting Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will sell you Anova’s Wi-Fi-equipped sous vide circulator for $100. It’s a great way to cook meats to the exact temp of your choosing, and the Wi-Fi lets you monitor the cooking remotely on your phone, even if you aren’t at home.
See at Best Buy
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Apple HomePod Smart Speaker for $250 (save $100)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a rare discount on the Siri-powered Apple HomePod, available at Best Buy in either white or space gray for $250, a savings of $100. The deal begins Thanksgiving Day at 5 p.m.
See at Best Buy
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August Smart Lock for $120 (save $30)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Starting Thanksgiving Day and ending Cyber Monday, August will offer its third-gen August Smart Lock for $30 off, bringing the cost down to $120. That edges out the current sale price on Amazon by a few bucks. The larger August Smart Lock Pro gets a Thanksgiving discount, too, bringing its price down to $179 and saving you $50.
See at August
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Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits, and the deals are all live right now. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
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Blink XT Indoor/Outdoor Security Camera Systems for up to $150 off
If you’d rather get a Blink camera system that you can use outside, then you’ll need to hold out until Nov. 21, when the weather-proofed Blink XT systems go on sale. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
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Brewie Plus Beer-making Machine for $1,499 (save $1,000)
It’s not often that you get to save $1,000 on a single smart home gadget, but that’s exactly what you’re getting if you buy the Brewie Plus direct from Brewie this Black Friday (Nov. 23). The Wi-Fi equipped beer-making machine helps you monitor and control the entire brewing process to help ensure better tasting homebrews. It usually costs a hefty $2,499, but Brewie is marking it down to $1,499 for Black Friday only.
See at Brewie
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Chamberlain MyQ Garage Hub for $60 (save $20)
Chamberlain’s MyQ Garage controller lets you open or close your garage from your phone, and it works with a bunch of popular smart home platforms. On Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer it for $60, saving you $20.
See at Best Buy
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Cree Connected LED for $12 ($3 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s the smallest discount in this roundup, but hey, nothing wrong with saving a few bucks per bulb if you plan on filling your home with automatable Zigbee smart lights like these. And, despite the fact that they’ve been out for a few years now, Cree’s Connected LEDs, which work with Zigbee controllers like the Philips Hue Bridge and the Amazon Echo Plus, are still some of our favorite bargain bulbs. 
Look for them on sale at Home Depot this Black Friday — both the soft white and daylight versions, I might add.
See at Home Depot
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Ecobee4 Smart Thermostat and an Amazon Echo Dot for $199 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Ecobee is discounting a couple of its connected thermostats for Black Friday this year, including the current-gen Ecobee4. That model comes with a separate room sensor that lets you track the temperature away from the thermostat, which is really handy if your bedroom runs a little too warm or a little too cold at night. It also has Amazon’s Alexa built right in. 
It usually sells for $249, but you’ll find it for $199 online at Amazon and on Ecobee’s website right now. That said, the best place to buy it is at Best Buy, where you’ll also get a brand-new Amazon Echo Dot thrown into the deal for good measure. That’s a fantastic offer, and it’s live on Best Buy’s website right now.
If you don’t care about using your thermostat as an Alexa access point, you can save even more by going with the previous-gen Ecobee3 Lite, which Ecobee is currently offering for $139, or $30 off. Like the current-gen model, it works with remote sensors and with Google, Siri and Alexa for voice controls. The only real difference is that it doesn’t have Alexa built in.
See at Best Buy
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Ecobee Switch Plus for $79 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
If Alexa in your thermostat sounds interesting, then how about Alexa in a light switch? Ecobee pulled it off with the Ecobee Switch Plus, a smart, in-wall light switch that works with all of the major voice platforms, and also includes built-in microphones and a speaker to let you talk with Alexa. It’ll be marked down by $20 wherever Ecobee thermostats are sold, and the deal appears to be live already on Ecobee’s website. Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot and Lowe’s have deals of their own going as well, to varying degrees. 
See at Ecobee
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Emerson Sensi Smart Thermostat for $89 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another smart thermostat option getting a Black Friday price cut: the Emerson Sensi, one of our favorite budget picks. The Sensi isn’t anything fancy to look at, but it still does the job admirably well. It also works with both Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit. Starting Nov. 22, you’ll be able to score one from Newegg for just $89, saving you $40. 
See at Newegg
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Eve HomeKit Gadgets for up to $20 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Formerly sold under the Elgato brand name, Eve’s smart home gadgets all work with Apple HomeKit, with sensors that let Siri keep track of things like temperature and air quality in your home. There’s also a HomeKit-compatible smart light switch and connected contact sensors that can track when doors or windows are opened or closed. Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will offer sales on all of it.
Eve’s team calls these “Likely Promo Prices,” so the actual numbers are subject to change, but here’s the list:
See at Amazon
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Facebook Portal (10-inch) for $150 (save $50)
James Martin/CNET
It’s brand-spankin’-new, but the Facebook Portal video chatting hub is getting a Black Friday discount at Best Buy that starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. You’ll be able to get the smaller, 10-inch version for $50 off. You’ll find the same deal online on Amazon and, of course, on Facebook.
See at Best Buy
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Garadget Smart Garage Door Controller for $65 (save $34)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Chamberlain isn’t your only option for smart garage control — this little doodad called Garadget can get the job done, too, and it works with Alexa, IFTTT and Google Assistant. Newegg will have it marked down to just $65 on Black Friday, which is a steal.
See at Newegg
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Geeni Switch and Charge Wi-Fi Smart Plug for $15 (save $5)
We haven’t tested this specific smart plug, but my ol’ pal David Priest reviewed an earlier version of Geeni’s Wi-Fi smart plug and came away impressed, giving it a four-star review. This one adds in a pair of USB charging ports, and looks like it won’t block adjacent outlets. Plus, it works with Alexa and Google Assistant to let you turn anything plugged into it on and off using voice commands. 
At $15, it might make a great stocking stuffer — and the deal is live right now on Home Depot’s website as an early, pre-Black Friday special.
See at Home Depot
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Geeni Outdoor Smart Wi-Fi Plug for $20 (save $5)
For an extra $5, you could upgrade to Geeni’s weatherproofed outdoor smart plug, which would be a really thrifty way to help automate your holiday decorations. 
Here’s what Dave Priest had to say when he reviewed the Energi early last year: “The Geeni Energi stands out as one of the best affordable smart plugs on the market. When further integrations are added, it’ll be a fantastic product.” Now, the things work with Alexa and Google Assistant, so it sounds like it might be a great time to give Geeni a shot.
At any rate, $20 for a well-connected outdoor smart plug is a heck of a deal — comparable models from names like iDevices typically sell for at least twice as much. And, like the other Geeni switch, this deal is available online right now as an early special.
See at Home Depot
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Google Home Hub for $99 (save $50)
Chris Monroe/CNET
It’s only been out for less than a month, but that didn’t stop Google from discounting its new voice-activated touchscreen by 50 bucks for Black Friday. Small but mighty, the Home Hub’s Google Assistant smarts are a great fit for your kitchen countertop, and you’ll be able to score one for just $99 at Target on Black Friday, or from Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s or Lowe’s starting Thanksgiving Day. Want to buy it even earlier? Jet will offer the same deal starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET.
US Cellular says it’ll be offering a Black Friday deal on the Home Hub, too, and while it isn’t saying what the actual discount will be just yet, I’m guessing it’ll be the same $50 off that we’re seeing everywhere else. One nice thing: If you spend at least $120, US Cellular will let you spread the cost out over 12 months with no money down and no interest.
No matter where you get it, $99 is $80 less than what you’ll pay on Black Friday for its rival, the Amazon Echo Show. The gloves are off, Alexa!
See at Target
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Google Home Mini and C by GE Bluetooth Smart Bulb for $25 (save $30)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The Google Home Mini smart speaker will be available for $25 on Black Friday at outlets like Target, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Lowe’s, where the same $25 will get you the Home Mini packaged with a free C by GE Bluetooth smart bulb. This combo is designed to work right out of the box, so as soon as you screw the bulb in and turn it on, it’ll automatically pair with Google Assistant for voice controls.
See at Lowe’s
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Google Home Mini smart speaker for $25 (save $25)
James Martin/CNET
Like most stores that carry it, Walmart is offering the Google Home Mini on its own for half off starting Thanksgiving Day. It doesn’t come with a free bulb so it’s not quite as good a deal as you’ll find at Lowe’s, but Walmart does have the new aqua-colored version as an exclusive, which is why I’m giving it a separate mention here.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and Chromecast Bundle for $45 (save $29)
Walmart is also offering the Google Home Mini packaged with a Chromecast media streamer for $45 total, which is about 30 bucks off the combo’s usual price. These two are a good pair — plug the Chromecast into your TV and you’ll be able to tell the Home Mini things like, “OK, Google, play The Great British Baking Show on Netflix,” plus other nifty tricks.
Walmart calls this deal an exclusive, but Jet.com is offering this same bundle at the same price, and you’ll be able to get it starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET. That’s a bit earlier than Walmart, for what it’s worth.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and 30-piece Tasty Cookware Set for $99 (save $131)
Walmart calls this bundle an exclusive too. In it, you’ll find the Google Home Mini packaged with a 30-piece cookware set from Tasty that includes ceramic, nonstick pots, skillets and frying pans in red, copper or blue, all for just $99. The combo usually retails for $230, so this might be worth it for the cookware alone.
See at Walmart
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Google Home for $79 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Prefer a smart speaker with a little more oomph? The full-size Google Home gets a Black Friday deal, too, with a $50 discount available basically everywhere it’s sold bringing the price down to $79. Look for it at Target, Best Buy, Dell and Kohl’s starting Thanksgiving Day.
See at Target
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iRobot Roomba 890 for $350 (save $150)
Target has a bunch of vacuums and robot vacuums marked down for Black Friday, but the biggest discount we’re seeing is the $150 you can save on an app-enabled Roomba 890. That discount brings the price down to $350, which is about as low as we’ve ever seen a current-gen smart Roomba sell for.
Willing to spend a little more? Right now, you can get the top-of-the-line Roomba 960 direct from iRobot for $499, which is $200 off the regular price.
See at Target
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iRobot Roomba 675 for $200 (save $100)
You can get a smart Roomba for even less by going with an earlier-gen model. Best Buy will offer the app-enabled Roomba 675 for $200 starting on Thanksgiving, which saves you $100 off of the retail price.
See at Best Buy
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iRobot Braava Jet 240 for $170 (save $30)
Want a robotic floor cleaner that can mop? iRobot’s Braava Jet is one option, and it works with iRobot’s app for automated cleaning controls. You can get $30 off right now as an early Black Friday special on iRobot’s website.
See at iRobot.com
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JBL Link View Smart Display with Google Assistant for $200 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Newegg is the only outlet I’ve seen so far that’s offering a Black Friday discount on the JBL Link View, a voice-activated, Google Assistant-equipped smart display that impressed us when we tested it out. 
That said, the $199 sale price isn’t anything exceptional. I’m currently seeing the same price as a non-Black Friday deal from a number of other outlets — and if I were buying a Google Assistant touchscreen on Black Friday, I think I’d much rather snag the equally smart Lenovo Smart Display or the Google Home Hub, which will each be available for $99. 
Still, a deal’s a deal, and this is one you can buy right now if you’re so inclined.
See at Newegg
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Lenovo 8-inch Smart Display for $99 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
We’ve tested all of the impressive new Google Assistant smart displays this year — Lenovo’s was the first, and I think it’s still my favorite. Best Buy has the 8-inch version marked down by a hundred bucks for Black Friday, bringing the price down to $99. That’s the same price as the Black Friday deal on the smaller Google Home Hub. 
Best Buy made this deal live as an early online special for a few days, but that window is closed, so you’ll have to wait until Black Friday for another chance at it. Some might want to hold out to see if Lenovo’s larger, 10-inch version of the Smart Display gets marked down, as well. Best Buy has that model included in the “up to 35 percent off” section of its Black Friday ad, but no final discounts or sale prices have been announced for any of those yet. If it gets marked down by the full 35 percent, that’d bring the price down to $165. I think I’d still rather spend $99 on the 8-inch model, but it’s still something to keep an eye out for.
See at Best Buy
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Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Switch for $40 (save $10)
Chris Monroe/CNET
As connected dimmer switches go, this Leviton Decora model isn’t the fanciest-looking, but it is more affordable than competitors from iDevices, Lutron and WeMo, it needs no hub, and it works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Nest. You can knock an extra $10 off of the price at Home Depot on Black Friday.
We haven’t tested this one, but we did test a separate, nearly identical Decora switch that’s designed for use with Apple HomeKit (and Apple HomeKit only). Doesn’t look like that one will be on sale for Black Friday, but between the two, I prefer this non-HomeKit version’s versatility. And if you don’t need the lights to dim, the cheaper, non-dimming version is ++st:%7B1002374963%7D:st+cnn:%7B0:0%7D+oos:%7B0:1%7D+qu:%7B1002374963%7D:qu” target=”_blank”>$10 off on Black Friday, too.
See at Home Depot
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Lifx Multicolor Wi-Fi Smart Bulb for $40 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer both the standard-size and floodlight versions of the current-gen Lifx LED for $40 each, a savings of $20 per bulb. That’s a good price on good smart bulbs that are brighter than comparable bulbs from Philips Hue.
See at Best Buy
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Meater Plus Wi-Fi Meat Thermometer for $84 (save $15)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meater is a wireless Wi-Fi meat thermometer — just stick it in whatever hunk of meat you’d like to cook, pop it in the oven, and track the temp from an app on your phone. We were impressed when we tested it, and starting Black Friday (Nov. 23), you’ll be able to save $15 on it on Amazon, bringing the total cost down to $84.
See at Amazon
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Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
I’m not seeing it in Best Buy’s Black Friday ad, but the team at Nanoleaf tells me that the retailer will have the Nanoleaf Rhythm starter kit for $50 off. They tell me you’ll find the same deal at Home Depot (we’re still waiting for that retailer’s ad). No matter where you get it, that’s a good deal on this weirdly likable smart lighting kit, which includes nine triangular, color-changing LED panels that stick to your walls, plus a microphone-equipped Rhythm accessory that syncs lighting changes with whatever music you’re listening to.
Just keep in mind that new, square-shaped Nanoleaf Canvas panels are scheduled for release in early December, so you’ve got new options coming very soon that might be worth waiting for.
See at Best Buy
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Buy a Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit, get a free Nanoleaf Remote
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Black Friday, Nanoleaf will toss in its unique, 12-sided Remote accessory when you purchase a nine-panel Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $230 direct from the Nanoleaf website. The Remote is truly one-of-a-kind, letting you switch between color-changing scenes by rotating different sides to the top and it can trigger Apple HomeKit scenes, too. It usually costs $50 on its own, so this is a decent deal, and right on par with the Best Buy offer as far as value is concerned. Just decide whether you want the Remote or not, and go from there.
See at Nanoleaf
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Nest Cam Indoor for $129 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart security cameras are all pretty solid picks, but they don’t come cheap. Fortunately, you’ll be able to score a pretty sizable $70 discount on the original Nest Cam Indoor at Target this Black Friday, bringing the cost down to $129. It’s not the newest model, but it’s still a worthy pick, especially at this price. And by the way, if you don’t want to wait for Black Friday, you’ll find the same deal available at Lowe’s starting Nov. 22, and on Jet starting Nov. 21 at 10 p.m. ET.
One other note — Best Buy claims it’ll have Nest gear marked down by up to $70 starting on Thanksgiving Day. No specifics on any of those deals yet, but I’m guessing they’ll be the same ones that I’ve posted here. Keep an eye out, though.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Nest Cam Outdoor for $149 (save $50)
Prefer Nest’s weatherproofed outdoor camera? The rugged, weather-proof Nest Cam Outdoor typically sells for a steep $199, but you’ll be able to pick it up for $50 off at Lowe’s and Kohl’s starting Nov. 22.
See at Lowe’s
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Nest Learning Thermostat (third-gen) for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart thermostat is basically an icon of the smart home at this point. If you’ve been holding out for the right price to make the upgrade in your own smart home, then perhaps this $70 Black Friday discount from Target will do the trick. And yep, Lowe’s will have the same deal starting on Nov. 22, as will Newegg and Kohl’s.
If you want the absolute best bang for your buck, then I’d actually suggest getting it at Kohl’s, since the store is offering $15 of in-store credit for each $50 you spend. As a result, the $170 Nest deal would yield you an extra $45 to shop with on top of the savings.
See at Target
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Nest Thermostat E for $99 (save $70)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The plastic-bodied Nest Thermostat E costs less than the stainless-steel Nest to begin with, and it’s just as smart. Target will offer it for $30 off on Black Friday, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Dell, where you can score one for $70 off starting on Nov. 21. That’s the best price on this thermostat that I’ve ever seen.
See at Dell
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Nest Hello Video Doorbell for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a terrific deal on Nest’s excellent video doorbell, which our camera and doorbell pro Megan Wollerton called “the smartest video doorbell available today.” $70 off is about as much of a discount as we’ve ever seen on it — look for the deal in-store at Lowe’s and also Kohl’s starting on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22. Dell will also offer it online starting the day before Thanksgiving.
Kohl’s says that some Black Friday specials will be available online starting Nov. 19, so check back that Monday to see if you can score this doorbell deal early. And again, the in-store credit offer at Kohl’s will net you an extra $45 to shop with.
See at Lowe’s
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Nest Protect Smoke Detector for $99 (save $20)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s not the biggest doorbuster I’ve ever seen (especially for a piece of tech that’s been out for a few years now), but hey, here’s Nest’s smart smoke detector marked down by $20. Dell will have the same deal online starting on Nov. 21.
See at Target
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Netgear Arlo 3-Camera Starter Kit for $189 (save $110)
Joshua Goldman/CNET
Netgear’s battery-powered Arlo security cameras are a popular pick for home security, and Newegg’s offering a good Black Friday deal on a first-gen, three-camera starter kit that’ll save you over a hundred bucks. The deal starts on Nov. 21 — if you miss it, look for an almost-as-good deal at Walmart, where the three-camera Arlo kit will sell for $199.
See at Newegg
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Netgear Arlo Pro 2 4-Camera Starter Kit for $580 (save $220)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meanwhile, Best Buy has the newer version of the Arlo cameras available in a four-camera starter kit for $580. That sounds like a lot, but this kit usually sells for $800.
See at Best Buy
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Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance 3-Bulb Starter Kit with Remote for $120 (save $70)
This Philips Hue starter kit includes three color-changing bulbs, a wireless remote that docks on the wall like a light switch when you aren’t using it, and the all-important Philips Hue Bridge that needs to stay plugged into your router in order to control the lights from your phone or sync them with Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. It usually costs $190, but on Black Friday, Best Buy will sell it for $120. That’s a terrific deal — $30 less than you’d typically pay for just the bulbs.
See at Best Buy
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Philips Hue Lightstrips for $60 (save $30)
Colin West McDonald/CNET
If you’ve already got a Hue Bridge and just want to expand your system, these Hue Lightstrips look great beneath cabinets and behind TVs, and $60 is about as low as they ever sell for.
See at Best Buy
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Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance Smart Bulb for $40 (save $10)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Just want to expand your existing Hue setup with an additional color-changing light bulb or two? On Black Friday, Best Buy will sell them for $40 each, a savings of $10.
See at Best Buy
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Philips Hue White LED four-pack for $40 (save $10)
If you don’t care about the colors and just want to fill out your home with automatable white light, this four-pack of plain, vanilla Philips Hue White bulbs will sell for $40 at Best Buy on Black Friday. This four-pack usually sells for $50, which is already a pretty good deal.
See at Best Buy
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Buy a Philips Hue 4-Bulb White and Color Ambiance Starter Kit, get a free $50 Target gift card
It isn’t marked down, but if you buy a four-bulb Philips Hue White and Color Starter Kit from Target this Black Friday, the retailer will throw in a free $50 gift card. If you were so inclined, you could turn around and use that card to pick up a bonus bulb for your new setup.
See at Target
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Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit for $169 (save $30)
It usually sells for $199, but on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will mark the Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit down to $169, saving you $30.
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Ring Floodlight Cam for $199 (save $50)
Ring Floodlight Cam
Looking for a smart security light to hang above your garage? You could do a lot worse than this floodlight from Ring, which packs a built-in night vision camera and motion sensor, plus the ability to customize those motion alerts using “activity zones” within the camera’s field of view. Look for a $50 discount on it at Lowe’s between Nov. 22 and Nov. 25.
See at Lowe’s
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Ring Video Doorbell 2 and Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $139 (save $110)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Here’s one of the best smart home deals we’ve seen this year: the Ring Video Doorbell 2 with a new, third-gen Amazon Echo Dot for a total of $140. The Ring on its own usually sells for $200, so this is a particularly good value if you’ve been itching for an upgrade at your front door.
Like a few of the other deals listed here, Best Buy initially listed this online as an early special, but that offer is over now. You’ll get another chance at it starting Thanksgiving Day. Note that you’ll find the same deal available on Amazon.
See at Best Buy
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Ring Video Doorbell Pro for $212 (save $38)
Chris Monroe/CNET
If you just want the doorbell, Home Depot is offering a Black Friday discount of nearly $40 on the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, which offers a slimmed-down design and 1080p video.
See at Home Depot
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Sengled Element 3-Bulb Starter Kit for $30 (save $20)
If you’re looking for a good deal on smart bulbs, you might consider jumping on this Sengled Element starter kit, which will be available at Best Buy starting Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, for just $30. With three bulbs and the Zigbee hub that controls them, that’s cheaper than the two-bulb starter kit usually sells for.
See at Best Buy
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Sensibo Sky Air Conditioner Controller for $89 (save $29)
If the turn toward colder weather already has you thinking ahead to next summer, then maybe the time is right to score a deal on a smart air conditioner controller. If so, you’re in luck because the Sensibo Sky, which smartens up dumb AC units to let you automate them as you come and go, will be available for about $30 less than usual this Black Friday. Along with app-enabled automation, Sensibo lets you control the cool with voice commands using Alexa or Google Assistant. And yes, you can use it to automate a heater, too. 
Bonus — you can pay a slightly lower $83 each if you buy a Sensibo three-pack ($249 total), but you’ll have to buy directly from the Sensibo website. 
See at Amazon
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SimpliSafe Home Security Systems with SimpliCam for $170 (save $200)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Best Buy’s also offering nice discounts on SimpliSafe home security packages, which usually start at $270 but will be available starting at $170 this Thanksgiving. On top of that, Best Buy will throw in a free standalone SimpliCam with your purchase. At the start of November, Best Buy was also offering a free video doorbell with these kits, but they seem to have yanked that deal away and replaced it with the SimpliCam for Black Friday. Damn. 
Still, that’s a lot of value for a very strong security system that’s won multiple Editors’ Choice Awards here on CNET. Typically, a baseline SimpliSafe kit and SimpliCam would cost you about $370.
Another option available right now: Ordering direct from SimpliSafe’s website, where all kits and accessories are 25 percent off through Nov. 21. That includes full systems and standalone add-ons like the SimpliSafe video doorbell, which would be a nice addition to the discounted kits that you can get at Best Buy.
See at Best Buy
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Sonos One Smart Speaker for $175 (save $25)
Sarah Tew/CNET
With built-in Alexa controls and Google Assistant controls coming next year, the platform-agnostic, premium-sounding Sonos One hits the smart-speaker sweet spot at its usual price of $200. Scoring one for $25 off at Best Buy sounds just fine to me.
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Sonos Beam Soundbar with Alexa for $350 (save $50)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Best Buy is also offering the Sonos Beam, an Alexa-equipped sound bar, at a savings of $50. Like most of Best Buy’s deals, the sale starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
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TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug two-pack for $23 (save $17)
You’ve got plenty of good smart plug options, but at less than $12 each, these TP-Link plugs might be the cheapest ones I’ve seen that include real-time energy monitoring of whatever’s plugged into them. They work with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice controls, too.
We haven’t reviewed these exact models, but we tested the mini Kasa smart plugs and came away satisfied with the experience. These bigger versions use the same hardware and the same app, so they should work well as a cheap way to expand your smart home setup.
See at Newegg
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WeMo Dimmer, WeMo Mini and more up to 35 percent off
Best Buy’s ad lists several smart home gadgets that’ll be discounted by “up to 35 percent” on Black Friday (here’s the list). Those devices include the WeMo Dimmer light switch and WeMo Mini smart plug, two popular Wi-Fi gadgets that let you automate your lights and appliances. Both work with Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT and Apple HomeKit, too.
Now, the team at WeMo confirms to me that each product is indeed getting the full 35 percent discount, which will bring the WeMo Mini down to $20 and the WeMo Dimmer down to $50. Both are good deals that you’ll be able to score starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Best Buy
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Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
Nov 19
Black Friday 2018 console deals now live: PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch bundles start at $200
Nov 19
Black Friday 2018 Pixel 3 deals: Free Pixel 3, $600 Pixel 3, $800 off Pixel 3 XL
Nov 18
Black Friday 2018 Amazon deals now available: Fire TV, Roku, Recast DVR, Fire tablets, Blink cameras and more
Nov 18
Black Friday 2018 deals at Sam’s Club start Thursday: Fitbit Versa for $150, 55-inch Vizio TV for $450
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Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
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Black Friday 2018 smart home deals: Google Home Hub, Facebook Portal, Apple HomePod, Alexa gadgets and more
November is a time of tradition: Colder weather, football, turkey feasts with friends and family — and, of course, scouring the web for the best Black Friday deals. 
Sure enough, here you are! And, if it’s deals on smart home gadgets that you’re after, you’ve come to the right place. They’ve been some of the hottest Black Friday sellers in recent years, especially now that big names like Amazon and Google are essentially all-in on the connected home. Expect more of the same for shoppers in 2018, with lots of deals on Alexa and Google Assistant gadgets, smart thermostats from names like Nest and Ecobee, connected lighting kits, video doorbells, app-enabled robot vacuums… you name it.
To that end, here’s a running list of all the upcoming deals we’ve spotted thus far. We’ve kicked things off with deals from Amazon, then followed suit with brick-and-mortar bargains from Target, Best Buy, Walmart, Lowe’s and Home Depot. We’re keeping our eyes peeled for online deals from names like Newegg and Dell, too. And yep, some are available right now — including a number of notable Amazon bundles on Echo speakers that bring the price-per-device down below the individual Black Friday prices.
Other stores are sure to follow as Black Friday draws near, and we also expect to see plenty of online deals direct from the manufacturers themselves. As soon as we spot anything, we’ll update this page, so keep it bookmarked. (Last updated Nov. 16.)
And remember the usual caveats: Most of the deals won’t actually be live until Black Friday, Nov. 23, and CNET may get a share of revenue from the sale of the products featured on this page. Oh, and click that gallery above if you just want to see our 10 favorite smart home bargains of the season. I’ll keep that updated as new deals come in, too.
Got it? Good. Now let’s get to the deals.
Amazon Echo (second-gen) for $69 (save $30)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon’s fleet of Alexa-enabled smart speakers goes on sale starting Thanksgiving Day, and that includes a $30 discount on Alexa’s flagship, the second-gen Amazon Echo. That discount brings the price down to $69, more than $100 less than the original Echo sold for. And note that the popular (RED) Edition Amazon Echo is now back in stock — that one will cost $69 on Thanksgiving, too.
That price looks like it’ll be available elsewhere, too, including at Target and at Best Buy — and also Kohl’s, where you’ll get $15 of in-store credit for every $50 that you spend on Black Friday, meaning that you could buy the Echo for $69 and get an extra $15 to put toward something else. Hmm..
See at Amazon
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Two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $100 (save $100)
Ry Crist/CNET
In what was listed as a one-day special Nov. 14, but appears to still be going two days later, QVC is offering two Amazon Echo speakers for just $100, which handily beats Amazon’s Black Friday pricing. It’s an especially interesting deal given that Amazon just introduced stereo pairing for Echo speakers, letting you sync two of them up and split the left and right audio channels between them. Add in the new Echo Sub, and you’re looking at a voice-activated 2.1 stereo setup for a total of $230.
I’ll keep an eye on the deal and yank this entry once it’s sold out, so if you’re reading this, chances are good you can still score this exceptional offer.
See at QVC
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Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $24 (save $26)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Amazon has a relatively aggressive discount in store for the new, third-gen Echo Dot, too. At just $24, you’ll be able to get it for more than half off (and a dollar cheaper than its rival, the Google Home Mini, which I’m sure is just a coincidence). And yep, like a lot of these Echo deals, you’ll find the same price at major retailers like Target, Best Buy and Kohl’s, all starting on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
Looking to stock up? Starting today (Nov. 16), you can score a three-pack of Echo Dots from Amazon for $70. That brings the price down even more, down to about $23 per Dot.
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition for $50 (save $20)
Sarah Tew/CNET
It usually costs $70, but starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will sell you the Echo Dot Kids Edition in any color for $50.
If you’re looking to buy in bulk for a couple of kids, you can save even more starting now, as Amazon is now offering a three-pack of kid-friendly Echo Dots for $100. That brings the cost for each one down more than 50 percent, and saves you a total of $110.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Dot Kids Edition and Kids Edition Fire Tablet for $100-$180 (save up to $90)
Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon is offering discounts on the Echo Dot Kids Edition bundled with a Kids Edition Fire Tablet. You’ve got three options depending on which tablet you want:
For my money, I’d probably go with the Fire HD 8 bundle.
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Amazon Echo Dot (second-gen) for $20 (save $10)
Ian Knighton/CNET
Amazon already cut the price of the last-gen Echo Dot down to $30 when the new one came out last month, but the company is marking it down by another $10 for Black Friday, bringing the price all the way down to $20. I don’t know why you wouldn’t just pay the extra $4 for this year’s model, which offers a noticeable uptick in sound quality, but hey, maybe you’re just going to connect the thing to an external audio setup anyway. In that case, this might be the deal for you.
Expect to see this deal elsewhere, as well. For instance, it’ll be available at Best Buy starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
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Amazon Echo Look for $50 (save $150)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a very steep price cut for the Amazon Echo Look, a smart selfie camera with onboard Alexa voice controls and the ability to offer fashion or shopping advice based on your personal style. It usually sells for $200, but you’ll be able to nab one for just $50 starting Thanksgiving Day.
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Amazon Echo Plus (second-gen) for $110 (save $40)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Also $40 off: the just-released, second-gen Amazon Echo Plus, which you’ll be able to get for $110 for Black Friday. It takes the Echo and adds a slight improvement in sound quality, plus a built-in temperature sensor and a Zigbee radio that can connect directly with things like smart lights and smart locks. Amazon will even throw in a free Philips Hue White LED with purchase. Starting Thanksgiving Day, look for the same deal — free bulb included — at Best Buy, as well.
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Amazon Echo Show (second-gen) for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
If you’d like an Alexa device that comes with a touchscreen, then the second-gen Echo Show is your newest option. You can save $50 on it on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22). Best Buy will have the same deal available in-store starting at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving, too.
Bonus: As of now, Amazon will sell you two Amazon Echo Shows for $340, which is $120 off of retail. At $170 each, that’s $10 cheaper per Show than the official Black Friday deal.
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Amazon Echo Spot for $90 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another Alexa touchscreen option: the semispherical Amazon Echo Spot, which might rightly claim to be the smartest alarm clock ever. You can score it for $90 starting on Thanksgiving Day, a savings of $40. Best Buy and Kohl’s are offering the same deal.
If you’d like to double down, Amazon is now offering a two-pack of Echo Spots for $160. That’s a savings of $100 — and $10 less per Spot than the Thanksgiving sale price. You’ll see the discount once you’ve got the Spots in your cart.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250 ($80 off)
Here’s a deal that’s available right now as an early special — buy the new Amazon Echo Sub with two Amazon Echo smart speakers for $250, a savings of $80. Just do me a favor and check if this two-Echo-speakers-for-$100 deal from QVC is still live first — if so, it’s actually cheaper to do that and then add in the Echo Sub at its full price of $130, bringing your total to $230.
Another option — upgrade to a bundle with the Echo Sub and two Amazon Echo Plus smart speakers for $320. That deal is also live right now on Amazon, and it’ll save you $100.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Fire HD 10 with Show Mode Charging Dock for $145 ($60 off)
David Carnoy/CNET
The Show Mode charging dock basically transforms your Fire Tablet into an always-on, Echo Show-style smart display. Starting Nov. 16, you’ll be able to get the two packaged together for $145.
Already have a Fire HD 10 and just want the dock? Starting now, Amazon’s knocking $10 off of the price, bringing the dock’s cost down to $45.
See at Amazon
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Amazon Smart Plug for $5 with purchase of any Echo device (save $20)
Ry Crist/CNET
Picking up a new Echo Dot, or any other Echo gadget on Black Friday? You can tack an Amazon Smart Plug on to your order for just $5. Plug it in and plug something like a lamp or a space heater into it, and you’ll be able to tell Alexa to turn it on and off via your new Echo gadget. And if you’d rather shop at Best Buy, it looks like it’ll be offering the same deal.
See at Amazon
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Anova Wi-Fi Sous-Vide Circulator for $100 (save $60)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It usually sells for $160, but starting Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will sell you Anova’s Wi-Fi-equipped sous vide circulator for $100. It’s a great way to cook meats to the exact temp of your choosing, and the Wi-Fi lets you monitor the cooking remotely on your phone, even if you aren’t at home.
See at Best Buy
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Apple HomePod Smart Speaker for $250 (save $100)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a rare discount on the Siri-powered Apple HomePod, available at Best Buy in either white or space gray for $250, a savings of $100. The deal begins Thanksgiving Day at 5 p.m.
See at Best Buy
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Blink Indoor Cam Systems for up to $116 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Amazon bought smart home camera startup Blink late last year — this year, it’s offering big discounts on Blink Indoor starter kits, and the deals are all live right now. Here are your options:
Don’t ask me why a single add-on cam costs more than the one-cam starter kit, which also includes the system’s hub. 
See at Amazon
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Blink XT Indoor/Outdoor Security Camera Systems for up to $150 off
If you’d rather get a Blink camera system that you can use outside, then you’ll need to hold out until Nov. 21, when the weather-proofed Blink XT systems go on sale. Here are your options:
See at Amazon
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Chamberlain MyQ Garage Hub for $60 (save $20)
Chamberlain’s MyQ Garage controller lets you open or close your garage from your phone, and it works with a bunch of popular smart home platforms. On Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer it for $60, saving you $20.
See at Best Buy
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Cree Connected LED for $12 ($3 off)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s the smallest discount in this roundup, but hey, nothing wrong with saving a few bucks per bulb if you plan on filling your home with automatable Zigbee smart lights like these. And, despite the fact that they’ve been out for a few years now, Cree’s Connected LEDs, which work with Zigbee controllers like the Philips Hue Bridge and the Amazon Echo Plus, are still some of our favorite bargain bulbs. 
Look for them on sale at Home Depot this Black Friday — both the soft white and daylight versions, I might add.
See at Home Depot
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Ecobee4 Smart Thermostat and an Amazon Echo Dot for $199 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Ecobee is discounting a couple of its connected thermostats for Black Friday this year, including the current-gen Ecobee4. That model comes with a separate room sensor that lets you track the temperature away from the thermostat, which is really handy if your bedroom runs a little too warm or a little too cold at night. It also has Amazon’s Alexa built right in. 
It usually sells for $249, but you’ll find it for $199 online at Amazon and on Ecobee’s website right now. That said, the best place to buy it is at Best Buy, where you’ll also get a brand-new Amazon Echo Dot thrown into the deal for good measure. That’s a fantastic offer, and it’s live on Best Buy’s website right now.
If you don’t care about using your thermostat as an Alexa access point, you can save even more by going with the previous-gen Ecobee3 Lite, which Ecobee is currently offering for $139, or $30 off. Like the current-gen model, it works with remote sensors and with Google, Siri and Alexa for voice controls. The only real difference is that it doesn’t have Alexa built in.
See at Best Buy
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Ecobee Switch Plus for $79 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
If Alexa in your thermostat sounds interesting, then how about Alexa in a light switch? Ecobee pulled it off with the Ecobee Switch Plus, a smart, in-wall light switch that works with all of the major voice platforms, and also includes built-in microphones and a speaker to let you talk with Alexa. It’ll be marked down by $20 wherever Ecobee thermostats are sold, and the deal appears to be live already on Ecobee’s website. Amazon, Best Buy, Home Depot and Lowe’s have deals of their own going as well, to varying degrees. 
See at Ecobee
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Emerson Sensi Smart Thermostat for $89 (save $40)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Another smart thermostat option getting a Black Friday price cut: the Emerson Sensi, one of our favorite budget picks. The Sensi isn’t anything fancy to look at, but it still does the job admirably well. It also works with both Amazon Alexa and Apple HomeKit. Starting Nov. 22, you’ll be able to score one from Newegg for just $89, saving you $40. 
See at Newegg
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Eve HomeKit Gadgets for up to $20 off
Chris Monroe/CNET
Formerly sold under the Elgato brand name, Eve’s smart home gadgets all work with Apple HomeKit, with sensors that let Siri keep track of things like temperature and air quality in your home. There’s also a HomeKit-compatible smart light switch and connected contact sensors that can track when doors or windows are opened or closed. Starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will offer sales on all of it.
Eve’s team calls these “Likely Promo Prices,” so the actual numbers are subject to change, but here’s the list:
See at Amazon
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Facebook Portal (10-inch) for $150 (save $50)
James Martin/CNET
It’s brand-spankin’-new, but the Facebook Portal video chatting hub is getting a Black Friday discount at Best Buy that starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. You’ll be able to get the smaller, 10-inch version for $50 off. You’ll find the same deal online on Amazon and, of course, on Facebook.
See at Best Buy
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Garadget Smart Garage Door Controller for $65 (save $34)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Chamberlain isn’t your only option for smart garage control — this little doodad called Garadget can get the job done, too, and it works with Alexa, IFTTT and Google Assistant. Newegg will have it marked down to just $65 on Black Friday, which is a steal.
See at Newegg
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Geeni Switch and Charge Wi-Fi Smart Plug for $15 (save $5)
We haven’t tested this specific smart plug, but my ol’ pal David Priest reviewed an earlier version of Geeni’s Wi-Fi smart plug and came away impressed, giving it a four-star review. This one adds in a pair of USB charging ports, and looks like it won’t block adjacent outlets. Plus, it works with Alexa and Google Assistant to let you turn anything plugged into it on and off using voice commands. 
At $15, it might make a great stocking stuffer — and the deal is live right now on Home Depot’s website as an early, pre-Black Friday special.
See at Home Depot
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Geeni Outdoor Smart Wi-Fi Plug for $20 (save $5)
For an extra $5, you could upgrade to Geeni’s weatherproofed outdoor smart plug, which would be a really thrifty way to help automate your holiday decorations. 
Here’s what Dave Priest had to say when he reviewed the Energi early last year: “The Geeni Energi stands out as one of the best affordable smart plugs on the market. When further integrations are added, it’ll be a fantastic product.” Now, the things work with Alexa and Google Assistant, so it sounds like it might be a great time to give Geeni a shot.
At any rate, $20 for a well-connected outdoor smart plug is a heck of a deal — comparable models from names like iDevices typically sell for at least twice as much. And, like the other Geeni switch, this deal is available online right now as an early special.
See at Home Depot
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Google Home Hub for $99 (save $50)
Chris Monroe/CNET
It’s only been out for less than a month, but that didn’t stop Google from discounting its new voice-activated touchscreen by 50 bucks for Black Friday. Small but mighty, the Home Hub’s Google Assistant smarts are a great fit for your kitchen countertop, and you’ll be able to score one for just $99 at Target on Black Friday, or from Walmart, Best Buy, Kohl’s or Lowe’s starting Thanksgiving Day. Want to buy it even earlier? Jet will offer the same deal starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET.
No matter where you get it, that’s $80 less than what you’ll pay on Black Friday for its rival, the Amazon Echo Show.
See at Target
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Google Home Mini and C by GE Bluetooth Smart Bulb for $25 (save $30)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The Google Home Mini smart speaker will be available for $25 on Black Friday at outlets like Target, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Lowe’s, where the same $25 will get you the Home Mini packaged with a free C by GE Bluetooth smart bulb. This combo is designed to work right out of the box, so as soon as you screw the bulb in and turn it on, it’ll automatically pair with Google Assistant for voice controls.
See at Lowe’s
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Google Home Mini smart speaker for $25 (save $25)
James Martin/CNET
Like most stores that carry it, Walmart is offering the Google Home Mini on its own for half off starting Thanksgiving Day. It doesn’t come with a free bulb so it’s not quite as good a deal as you’ll find at Lowe’s, but Walmart does have the new aqua-colored version as an exclusive, which is why I’m giving it a separate mention here.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and Chromecast Bundle for $45 (save $29)
Walmart is also offering the Google Home Mini packaged with a Chromecast media streamer for $45 total, which is about 30 bucks off the combo’s usual price. These two are a good pair — plug the Chromecast into your TV and you’ll be able to tell the Home Mini things like, “OK, Google, play The Great British Baking Show on Netflix,” plus other nifty tricks.
Walmart calls this deal an exclusive, but Jet.com is offering this same bundle at the same price, and you’ll be able to get it starting the day before Thanksgiving at 10 p.m. ET. That’s a bit earlier than Walmart, for what it’s worth.
See at Walmart
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Google Home Mini and 30-piece Tasty Cookware Set for $99 (save $131)
Walmart calls this bundle an exclusive too. In it, you’ll find the Google Home Mini packaged with a 30-piece cookware set from Tasty that includes ceramic, nonstick pots, skillets and frying pans in red, copper or blue, all for just $99. The combo usually retails for $230, so this might be worth it for the cookware alone.
See at Walmart
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Google Home for $79 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Prefer a smart speaker with a little more oomph? The full-size Google Home gets a Black Friday deal, too, with a $50 discount available basically everywhere it’s sold bringing the price down to $79. Look for it at Target, Best Buy, Dell and Kohl’s starting Thanksgiving Day.
See at Target
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iRobot Roomba 890 for $350 (save $150)
Target has a bunch of vacuums and robot vacuums marked down for Black Friday, but the biggest discount we’re seeing is the $150 you can save on an app-enabled Roomba 890. That discount brings the price down to $350, which is about as low as we’ve ever seen a current-gen smart Roomba sell for.
Willing to spend a little more? Right now, you can get the top-of-the-line Roomba 960 direct from iRobot for $499, which is $200 off the regular price.
See at Target
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iRobot Roomba 675 for $200 (save $100)
You can get a smart Roomba for even less by going with an earlier-gen model. Best Buy will offer the app-enabled Roomba 675 for $200 starting on Thanksgiving, which saves you $100 off of the retail price.
See at Best Buy
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iRobot Braava Jet 240 for $170 (save $30)
Want a robotic floor cleaner that can mop? iRobot’s Braava Jet is one option, and it works with iRobot’s app for automated cleaning controls. You can get $30 off right now as an early Black Friday special on iRobot’s website.
See at iRobot.com
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JBL Link View Smart Display with Google Assistant for $200 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Newegg is the only outlet I’ve seen so far that’s offering a Black Friday discount on the JBL Link View, a voice-activated, Google Assistant-equipped smart display that impressed us when we tested it out. 
That said, the $199 sale price isn’t anything exceptional. I’m currently seeing the same price as a non-Black Friday deal from a number of other outlets — and if I were buying a Google Assistant touchscreen on Black Friday, I think I’d much rather snag the equally smart Lenovo Smart Display or the Google Home Hub, which will each be available for $99. 
Still, a deal’s a deal, and this is one you can buy right now if you’re so inclined.
See at Newegg
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Lenovo 8-inch Smart Display for $99 (save $100)
Chris Monroe/CNET
We’ve tested all of the impressive new Google Assistant smart displays this year — Lenovo’s was the first, and I think it’s still my favorite. Best Buy has the 8-inch version marked down by a hundred bucks for Black Friday, bringing the price down to $99. That’s the same price as the Black Friday deal on the smaller Google Home Hub. 
Best Buy made this deal live as an early online special for a few days, but that window is closed, so you’ll have to wait until Black Friday for another chance at it. Some might want to hold out to see if Lenovo’s larger, 10-inch version of the Smart Display gets marked down, as well. Best Buy has that model included in the “up to 35 percent off” section of its Black Friday ad, but no final discounts or sale prices have been announced for any of those yet. If it gets marked down by the full 35 percent, that’d bring the price down to $165. I think I’d still rather spend $99 on the 8-inch model, but it’s still something to keep an eye out for.
See at Best Buy
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Leviton Decora Smart Dimmer Switch for $40 (save $10)
Chris Monroe/CNET
As connected dimmer switches go, this Leviton Decora model isn’t the fanciest-looking, but it is more affordable than competitors from iDevices, Lutron and WeMo, it needs no hub, and it works with Alexa, Google Assistant and Nest. You can knock an extra $10 off of the price at Home Depot on Black Friday.
We haven’t tested this one, but we did test a separate, nearly identical Decora switch that’s designed for use with Apple HomeKit (and Apple HomeKit only). Doesn’t look like that one will be on sale for Black Friday, but between the two, I prefer this non-HomeKit version’s versatility. And if you don’t need the lights to dim, the cheaper, non-dimming version is ++st:%7B1002374963%7D:st+cnn:%7B0:0%7D+oos:%7B0:1%7D+qu:%7B1002374963%7D:qu” target=”_blank”>$10 off on Black Friday, too.
See at Home Depot
Read the CNET review
Lifx Multicolor Wi-Fi Smart Bulb for $40 (save $20)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Thanksgiving Day, Best Buy will offer both the standard-size and floodlight versions of the current-gen Lifx LED for $40 each, a savings of $20 per bulb. That’s a good price on good smart bulbs that are brighter than comparable bulbs from Philips Hue.
See at Best Buy
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Meater Plus Wi-Fi Meat Thermometer for $84 (save $15)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meater is a wireless Wi-Fi meat thermometer — just stick it in whatever hunk of meat you’d like to cook, pop it in the oven, and track the temp from an app on your phone. We were impressed when we tested it, and starting Black Friday (Nov. 23), you’ll be able to save $15 on it on Amazon, bringing the total cost down to $84.
See at Amazon
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Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $180 (save $50)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
I’m not seeing it in Best Buy’s Black Friday ad, but the team at Nanoleaf tells me that the retailer will have the Nanoleaf Rhythm starter kit for $50 off. They tell me you’ll find the same deal at Home Depot (we’re still waiting for that retailer’s ad). No matter where you get it, that’s a good deal on this weirdly likable smart lighting kit, which includes nine triangular, color-changing LED panels that stick to your walls, plus a microphone-equipped Rhythm accessory that syncs lighting changes with whatever music you’re listening to.
Just keep in mind that new, square-shaped Nanoleaf Canvas panels are scheduled for release in early December, so you’ve got new options coming very soon that might be worth waiting for.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Buy a Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit, get a free Nanoleaf Remote
Chris Monroe/CNET
Starting Black Friday, Nanoleaf will toss in its unique, 12-sided Remote accessory when you purchase a nine-panel Nanoleaf Rhythm Starter Kit for $230 direct from the Nanoleaf website. The Remote is truly one-of-a-kind, letting you switch between color-changing scenes by rotating different sides to the top and it can trigger Apple HomeKit scenes, too. It usually costs $50 on its own, so this is a decent deal, and right on par with the Best Buy offer as far as value is concerned. Just decide whether you want the Remote or not, and go from there.
See at Nanoleaf
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Nest Cam Indoor for $129 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart security cameras are all pretty solid picks, but they don’t come cheap. Fortunately, you’ll be able to score a pretty sizable $70 discount on the original Nest Cam Indoor at Target this Black Friday, bringing the cost down to $129. It’s not the newest model, but it’s still a worthy pick, especially at this price. And by the way, if you don’t want to wait for Black Friday, you’ll find the same deal available at Lowe’s starting Nov. 22, and on Jet starting Nov. 21 at 10 p.m. ET.
One other note — Best Buy claims it’ll have Nest gear marked down by up to $70 starting on Thanksgiving Day. No specifics on any of those deals yet, but I’m guessing they’ll be the same ones that I’ve posted here. Keep an eye out, though.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Nest Cam Outdoor for $149 (save $50)
Prefer Nest’s weatherproofed outdoor camera? The rugged, weather-proof Nest Cam Outdoor typically sells for a steep $199, but you’ll be able to pick it up for $50 off at Lowe’s and Kohl’s starting Nov. 22.
See at Lowe’s
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Nest Learning Thermostat (third-gen) for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Nest’s smart thermostat is basically an icon of the smart home at this point. If you’ve been holding out for the right price to make the upgrade in your own smart home, then perhaps this $70 Black Friday discount from Target will do the trick. And yep, Lowe’s will have the same deal starting on Nov. 22, as will Newegg and Kohl’s.
If you want the absolute best bang for your buck, then I’d actually suggest getting it at Kohl’s, since the store is offering $15 of in-store credit for each $50 you spend. As a result, the $170 Nest deal would yield you an extra $45 to shop with on top of the savings.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Nest Thermostat E for $99 (save $70)
Chris Monroe/CNET
The plastic-bodied Nest Thermostat E costs less than the stainless-steel Nest to begin with, and it’s just as smart. Target will offer it for $30 off on Black Friday, but the best deal we’ve seen comes from Dell, where you can score one for $70 off starting on Nov. 21. That’s the best price on this thermostat that I’ve ever seen.
See at Dell
Read the CNET review
Nest Hello Video Doorbell for $179 (save $70)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Here’s a terrific deal on Nest’s excellent video doorbell, which our camera and doorbell pro Megan Wollerton called “the smartest video doorbell available today.” $70 off is about as much of a discount as we’ve ever seen on it — look for the deal in-store at Lowe’s and also Kohl’s starting on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22. Dell will also offer it online starting the day before Thanksgiving.
Kohl’s says that some Black Friday specials will be available online starting Nov. 19, so check back that Monday to see if you can score this doorbell deal early. And again, the in-store credit offer at Kohl’s will net you an extra $45 to shop with.
See at Lowe’s
Read the CNET review
Nest Protect Smoke Detector for $99 (save $20)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
It’s not the biggest doorbuster I’ve ever seen (especially for a piece of tech that’s been out for a few years now), but hey, here’s Nest’s smart smoke detector marked down by $20. Dell will have the same deal online starting on Nov. 21.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Netgear Arlo 3-Camera Starter Kit for $189 (save $110)
Joshua Goldman/CNET
Netgear’s battery-powered Arlo security cameras are a popular pick for home security, and Newegg’s offering a good Black Friday deal on a first-gen, three-camera starter kit that’ll save you over a hundred bucks. The deal starts on Nov. 21 — if you miss it, look for an almost-as-good deal at Walmart, where the three-camera Arlo kit will sell for $199.
See at Newegg
Read the CNET review
Netgear Arlo Pro 2 4-Camera Starter Kit for $580 (save $220)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Meanwhile, Best Buy has the newer version of the Arlo cameras available in a four-camera starter kit for $580. That sounds like a lot, but this kit usually sells for $800.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance 3-Bulb Starter Kit with Remote for $120 (save $70)
This Philips Hue starter kit includes three color-changing bulbs, a wireless remote that docks on the wall like a light switch when you aren’t using it, and the all-important Philips Hue Bridge that needs to stay plugged into your router in order to control the lights from your phone or sync them with Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. It usually costs $190, but on Black Friday, Best Buy will sell it for $120. That’s a terrific deal — $30 less than you’d typically pay for just the bulbs.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue Lightstrips for $60 (save $30)
Colin West McDonald/CNET
If you’ve already got a Hue Bridge and just want to expand your system, these Hue Lightstrips look great beneath cabinets and behind TVs, and $60 is about as low as they ever sell for.
See at Best Buy
See it on CNET
Philips Hue White and Color Ambiance Smart Bulb for $40 (save $10)
Tyler Lizenby/CNET
Just want to expand your existing Hue setup with an additional bulb or two? On Black Friday, Best Buy will sell them for $40 each, a savings of $10.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Philips Hue White LED four-pack for $40 (save $10)
If you don’t care about the colors and just want to fill out your home with automatable white light, this four-pack of plain, vanilla Philips Hue White bulbs will sell for $40 at Best Buy on Black Friday. This four-pack usually sells for $50, which is already a pretty good deal.
See at Best Buy
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Buy a Philips Hue 4-Bulb White and Color Ambiance Starter Kit, get a free $50 Target gift card
It isn’t marked down, but if you buy a four-bulb Philips Hue White and Color Starter Kit from Target this Black Friday, the retailer will throw in a free $50 gift card. If you were so inclined, you could turn around and use that card to pick up a bonus bulb for your new setup.
See at Target
Read the CNET review
Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit for $169 (save $30)
It usually sells for $199, but on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22), Amazon will mark the Ring Alarm 5-piece Starter Kit down to $169, saving you $30.
See at Amazon
Read the CNET review
Ring Floodlight Cam for $199 (save $50)
Ring Floodlight Cam
Looking for a smart security light to hang above your garage? You could do a lot worse than this floodlight from Ring, which packs a built-in night vision camera and motion sensor, plus the ability to customize those motion alerts using “activity zones” within the camera’s field of view. Look for a $50 discount on it at Lowe’s between Nov. 22 and Nov. 25.
See at Lowe’s
Read the CNET review
Ring Video Doorbell 2 and Amazon Echo Dot (third-gen) for $139 (save $110)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Here’s one of the best smart home deals we’ve seen this year: the Ring Video Doorbell 2 with a new, third-gen Amazon Echo Dot for a total of $140. The Ring on its own usually sells for $200, so this is a particularly good value if you’ve been itching for an upgrade at your front door.
Like a few of the other deals listed here, Best Buy initially listed this online as an early special, but that offer is over now. You’ll get another chance at it starting Thanksgiving Day. Note that you’ll find the same deal available on Amazon.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Ring Video Doorbell Pro for $212 (save $38)
Chris Monroe/CNET
If you just want the doorbell, Home Depot is offering a Black Friday discount of nearly $40 on the Ring Video Doorbell Pro, which offers a slimmed-down design and 1080p video.
See at Home Depot
Read the CNET review
Sengled Element 3-Bulb Starter Kit for $30 (save $20)
If you’re looking for a good deal on smart bulbs, you might consider jumping on this Sengled Element starter kit, which will be available at Best Buy starting Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 22, for just $30. With three bulbs and the Zigbee hub that controls them, that’s cheaper than the two-bulb starter kit usually sells for.
See at Best Buy
See it on CNET
Sensibo Sky Air Conditioner Controller for $89 (save $29)
If the turn toward colder weather already has you thinking ahead to next summer, then maybe the time is right to score a deal on a smart air conditioner controller. If so, you’re in luck because the Sensibo Sky, which smartens up dumb AC units to let you automate them as you come and go, will be available for about $30 less than usual this Black Friday. Along with app-enabled automation, Sensibo lets you control the cool with voice commands using Alexa or Google Assistant. And yes, you can use it to automate a heater, too. 
Bonus — you can pay a slightly lower $83 each if you buy a Sensibo three-pack ($249 total), but you’ll have to buy directly from the Sensibo website. 
See at Amazon
See it on CNET
SimpliSafe Home Security Systems with SimpliCam for $170 (save $200)
Chris Monroe/CNET
Best Buy’s also offering nice discounts on SimpliSafe home security packages, which usually start at $270 but will be available starting at $170 this Thanksgiving. On top of that, Best Buy will throw in a free standalone SimpliCam with your purchase. At the start of November, Best Buy was also offering a free video doorbell with these kits, but they seem to have yanked that deal away and replaced it with the SimpliCam for Black Friday. Damn. 
Still, that’s a lot of value for a very strong security system that’s won multiple Editors’ Choice Awards here on CNET. Typically, a baseline SimpliSafe kit and SimpliCam would cost you about $370.
Another option available right now: Ordering direct from SimpliSafe’s website, where all kits and accessories are 25 percent off through Nov. 21. That includes full systems and standalone add-ons like the SimpliSafe video doorbell, which would be a nice addition to the discounted kits that you can get at Best Buy.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Sonos One Smart Speaker for $175 (save $25)
Sarah Tew/CNET
With built-in Alexa controls and Google Assistant controls coming next year, the platform-agnostic, premium-sounding Sonos One hits the smart-speaker sweet spot at its usual price of $200. Scoring one for $25 off at Best Buy sounds just fine to me.
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
Sonos Beam Soundbar with Alexa for $350 (save $50)
Sarah Tew/CNET
Best Buy is also offering the Sonos Beam, an Alexa-equipped sound bar, at a savings of $50. Like most of Best Buy’s deals, the sale starts at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
TP-Link Kasa Smart Plug two-pack for $23 (save $17)
You’ve got plenty of good smart plug options, but at less than $12 each, these TP-Link plugs might be the cheapest ones I’ve seen that include real-time energy monitoring of whatever’s plugged into them. They work with Alexa and Google Assistant for voice controls, too.
We haven’t reviewed these exact models, but we tested the mini Kasa smart plugs and came away satisfied with the experience. These bigger versions use the same hardware and the same app, so they should work well as a cheap way to expand your smart home setup.
See at Newegg
Read the CNET review
WeMo Dimmer, WeMo Mini and more up to 35 percent off
Best Buy’s ad lists several smart home gadgets that’ll be discounted by “up to 35 percent” on Black Friday (here’s the list). Those devices include the WeMo Dimmer light switch and WeMo Mini smart plug, two popular Wi-Fi gadgets that let you automate your lights and appliances. Both work with Alexa, Google Assistant, IFTTT and Apple HomeKit, too.
Now, the team at WeMo confirms to me that each product is indeed getting the full 35 percent discount, which will bring the WeMo Mini down to $20 and the WeMo Dimmer down to $50. Both are good deals that you’ll be able to score starting Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 22).
See at Best Buy
Read the CNET review
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