#just sharin wht little i know whehe
peppermint-moss · 3 years
You are seriously one of my favorite artists of all time and holy shit that frame looks so amazing! How do you pick your colors? Like you always have such fun pallets that I would never have thought of but it always works so well
o thank u ! I actually feel like im p bad with colours with things being too faded or weird combinations usually and it takes a lot of fiddling sdfjkh
Specifically with the thrushpelt amv i was inspired by the orange bg colour thats in the official music video of the song She Wants Me (To Be Loved), so i also worked with a orange bg
i try to be aware of how warm/cold main colours will affect how warm/cold other colours will look in comparison? For example grey-green can look like a warm blue when you put it on a v warm orange background cause a normal blue looks super cold/clashing in comparison to the warm bg!
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Also when choosing darker/lighter colours, i’ll usually also make it a darker/lighter hue too cause it looks more interestin/vibrant?
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but maybe sometimes you want a monochromatic look! or you want a particular element to stand out like maybe a river, so you let the river be a v visible cold blue against an orange bg etc etc. its all loosey goosey
(and uhh the colour balance tool in photoshop is v useful and i sometimes fiddle with those colour sliders to make things more pink or blue or whatever, but sometimes i overdo it anyways and things look weirdly saturated or too monochromatic and i back out fsjdklh)(wait almost forgot abt overlays; i’ll try slapping an overlay on smth and if it looks good, nice! and if it doesnt uhh scrap it)
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