#just sick of seeing people harassing us and acting like we're asking for anything more than to stop misgendering us
welcometocapitalism · 8 months
im worried that my previous ask is way too aggressive and might make you feel defensive and thats not helpful at all so i just want to explain that im so angry because it breaks my heart to see other people being violently harassed into submission just for saying something that isnt a popular opinion. you are quite literally being gaslit by a bunch of strangers who desperately dont want to have to think that hard about the material consequences of their own behaviors.
they are simplifying the issue in order to make you look unreasonable so that they can completely dismiss your opinion while giving you no way to defend yourself without making yourself look worse. its manipulative and coercive and vile. they have tricked you into condemning your own behavior and reinforcing that self doubt that THEY planted in you in the first place.
they are convincing you that you have to police yourself otherwise they will do it for you and they arent going to be nice about it.
they intentionally misunderstood what you were saying so that they could ignore the point you were making and thus avoid taking responsibility for their personal role in our capitalist society.
they are operating on this us vs them mindset of "good people" vs "bad people" and they think that they are a "good person" and that you are trying to maliciously assert that theyre actually a "bad person." its fascist behavior. they dont want to acknowledge their place in the web of life because then they have to be more careful about how they act and they simply do not want to. they think its their god given right to not have to do anything thats difficult and reflecting on how you are influenced by the oppressive systems you live in is not just difficult but uncomfortable!
you are forcing people to confront some very very uncomfortable truths about themselves and they are reacting the only way they know how: by lashing out at the people around them.
it is a reflection on THEM not YOU. their reaction doesnt say anything about you or the opinion you stated and everything about the experiences and expectations and knowledge that inform the way they think about the world around them.
i just dont feel comfortable standing by and watching this happen to someone else. so i dont know what it means to you but, i completely agree with your original point and i am more than happy to defend it if you dont feel comfortable doing so. i know how scary it can be to face down a mob of people who you know might turn to violence if you dont comply and i know most people dont find it as easy to take harassment as i do. i am more than willing to fight the fight if you cant.
idk just. be kinder to yourself. you cant let these people get to you. i knows it so fucking hard. its so so fucking hard. but you dont have to do it alone.
i hope youre okay.
hey fren, I've seen it all but I'm sorry I'm not gonna respond to all that, I'm very thankful for your kind thoughts and words but it's kinda a bit much 😅
just know we're on the very same track about the whole thing. It's absolutely hilarious what some people wrote to me about an already reworded opinion on pillows, and i can genuinely just laugh about that
this entire thread turned so badly into satire with so many layers that it could almost be considered an artistic expression. after all, this is the internet, which was kinda the original ordeal of the post, and I took it and made it 1000% funnier by writing too quickly and then people came and made it 10000% funnier by becoming embarrassingly entrenched in some random ass online discourse
I like to half jokingly call this kind of behavior 'internet sickness', since as you also noted you can find this kind of behavior all over the internet. people see an entire universe full of people that seemingly get the attention they don't, but humans are fueled with attention, so sometimes you see someone do literally anything for that tiny tad of attention, even if they don't mean it. this may sound familiar from the way I word my posts sometimes, because as I made clear as day, I'm not better than that sometimes.
Admittedly, I also suppose not all of the angry asks and comments would have been so hostile if tumblr would show late reposts with their comments on an original post more clearly, which isn't so easy. This is why I pinned yet another polarizing post about it with a comment about the situation 🤭 some people would rather click to start another shitstorm than click to find out there's no reason for them to freak out. But often in the internet people don't freak out of hostility, but because they realize (but refuse to accept) they identify with something about the cause in some way, so that would be a positive thing I suppose. It's up to each of us individually to grow from that.
i don't get hard feelings about these people, and genuinely as a former Twitter user I'm kinda used to it. it's just an annoyance at some point, but I suppose it's also the attention I was looking for 💁
After all, I get to post this lyrical masterpiece once more in a well fitting context
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Few more things are happening and Charlotte county and they affect a lot of people
-whatever is that the jobs are going away and they're firing people the other is if you show up at the job and they told you you're fired they arrest you on site meaning they see you go on to the ground so they're going to arrest you you drive your car in the parking lot they're going to arrest you if you work to the grocery store they fired you you can't go there although arrest you and we saw them arresting people at Walmart the other day when the sun was almost there and then when he left Non-Stop.
-there's a huge number of people who they arrested yesterday who were talking about bja and some of them were his people they're going on and on but how they harass our son and they took notes down and they said this we're going to harass you to death you're a freaking piece of s*** you're mad they're mad because their son gets angry and he can't help it it's too many of those idiots and too much of the stuff they don't do anything right and he says why are you even here your people can't attack because they can't do anything cuz you're here they have dumb excuses so they jot it down what they're saying and what you're doing they're really asking people for being complicitous it's a big list of people to arrest and they're sending out buses to put you in and arresting you and you get fired from a job and they have buses at the job sites waiting for you to come back and arrest you they said you were told not to come back or you be arrested
-is a giant number of factories that are firing at least half their people today it's all warlock and it's Macklemore luck and they're getting the hell out of there but for real it's a lot of people and if they don't take them away they're going to be running around so it's real hot out and they just have to sit outside on the ground or Haven pavements if they if you complain they take a side and shoot you so really people are sick of you we're sick of you and we don't care how we treat you pieces of s*** and that's too bad for you you realize what it is good for you f****** loser if you're told a million times
-there's a giant number of people who want all of you gone and some of them are coming in and they are going after you occasionally they connect and it's going to help you need to be shut down you're so damn dumb
-it's a few more things here the courts are up and running today and they have 50 more cases in the group actions mostly they're against John remillard bja Jason plenty against him Brad tons he's got the most and his sister and other women who are complete assholes to our son are being sued by Max mostly for everything they're worth including stuff outside stuff that's not listed and aliases and they're suing to take it all it's a real lawsuit you're going there you're at risk of being killed you don't go in there they arrest you throw you in prison you'll die and they'll burn you they don't care what level you're at anymore is there issuing tons of stupid orders and it's your day to stay here and croak we don't want you here
-other things that are happening like that they are arresting you for jaywalking for spitting on the sidewalk for saying the wrong things and for acting odd they're putting in the mental hospital as their son's suggested and we are and start doing that last month and we've been taking over the hospitals including the one across from that jerk stan and more or less ready yet and if he wants to go there he can keep saying he's going to put it on Son there cuz we don't want to hear it and instead of just now. Stan wants to flow in and take it over and says the warlock will too and no they won't we're using Force so if you want to go to the hospital keep opening your mouth is that English oh you want me out of your apartment I'll start looking again today so they can lick your ass as you say I never get it right a****** that was our son talking to the inept a******. This other just start looking for an apartment and they'll fire him and they are and they get fired too and we are also going to sue the s*** out of him and really we need to lay down the law on that turd big time he's completely out of control of the stupid attitude.
-it's a massive problem here in Charlotte is that the landlords are a bunch of evil morons and we're taking over properties by suing them and that's how we're taking the houses here now we're taking millions of houses all over Florida and apartments and it's from landlords to are doing things illegally tons of stuff that's wrong so much it's easy most warlock judges award in our favor cuz it's like a lock there's so many crimes against people humanity animals against the facilities against the town acts of terrorism if the judge signs with them they'll probably go to jail for being someone who supports terrorists and terrorist activities and that's what the judge said the other judges says these people support these people put them in jail aiding and abetting terrorists
-we are going to war with you here but the max have declared that you are enemy combatants and you are not to be treated well and you have to be arrested and harassed and pulled in whenever possible for gathering information on devices all around the world they're all going on it now and there's a couple more things
-it's a huge huge name calling experience happening with these idiots calling people names running around town and yelling stupid things that people and they're being arrested for it on spot you're trying to incite people and they go and arrest you and put you in jail and probably go to prison and you'll probably die and get burned
-the mental hospitals are full and the overflow is jail that's where they're putting you idiots and they won't put our son in either and a lot of people are helping to make that not happen and you're sitting there trying to get him in there the whole time now you're going there and you're dying
That's good for now we have a couple more things regarding your showmanship here meaning your asinine act they're saying it will discontinue cuz they're going to arrest you for doing it because of what it is and what it says it's treason the other is the treatment of our son it's deplorable. The city going to enforce it they never really do they don't even do it for Mac and they're laying and lame and Max is mad and her son's mad and they should do something and just these f****** assholes that don't do their job they're not going to win anything they're half ass too we have to do the job and he keeps saying to they're forcing way too much stupid things to happen and now they're doing it to me I've had enough of it
Thor Freya
They try to do stuff but they haven't worked through these basic problems and it still hurt we can't come in and arrest people we have to have them do it to each other and it's a nightmare and it's too dangerous that's not what you said to do and I'm going over it and it's not what we said to do but I do see what you're saying it's like a Ride along we have like two of them and two of us and two of the minority warlock and you go in and you see them arresting each other and arresting the clones and that's how you do it cuz it'll be a control and whether the minority will act like it or not if we occasionally have to wrestling and then go running out of jail anyways and you're going to get into it with him and we are just doesn't have to be hot and heavy and you track him to Miami in this foreigners there and the foreigners cut them down so I agree and things are changing but they're putting his boss and stuff through it and he gets angry and finds out the truth and it really doesn't help us these people so blasphemous it's a good idea though he says we need more police cars and he says they're driving around me pulling up on me with Ford explorer saying I'm a cop so we should confiscate those cars and trucks and whatever and we're going to do that cuz I see them doing it to you what you're saying is oh it's a brand new one and what they're trying to do is say they're plain clothed. So yeah we'll have the right to confiscate their vehicle they're impersonating an officer and we're going to start doing that and we need more personnel that's a good idea and it's like being NATO and these guys are good at it so we're going to start that
These are solutions that we need and our son and daughter sympathize and don't want to get mad but they say they're not really forcing us to do stuff like they're forcing you to it's very rude what they're doing and it is and it's intolerable so thank you but today did a good job you got mad for the right reason but our people have to be thought of too and he did. He's reminding me it's awful here and you turned into prison and he wants me to understand that I don't follow that 100% even though I explain the whole thing I'm going to start to say this this is a prison cuz we can't do certain things and first I have to get into it so I'm going to do that and we have things for controlling and things for making happen and he says that happens in every prison the prison atmosphere the food the daily meals all that other things that he made happen and they still do and their other things that happened within those confines and the tons of stuff here that's like a prison it makes that way so you can't tell Frank Castle is horrible and stuff and stand sometimes it's okay but really they turned it into a prison and nobody is going to react differently than I am to a place like this if I see what he's saying it feels taste and sounds like a prison cuz it is one and we're going to have to listen to it that way now you start doing that is trying to assess it that way cuz he's saying that people are missing the fact that he's under extreme duress and that they're holding him here hostage and then our people are under massive duress massive and he says that the DNA of the priests will prove that they're not days kids are mine and Hera's. That'll give the turd something to do and I want to enacted so I know what he's saying I get moving on this and hire and we're going to force people to do it means we have to get ours out of the way to run the stupid key thing so we can survive
Thor Freya
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What trans people are actually saying to transphobes if you’d be so kind as to stop twisting it/shoving words in our mouths/literally contradicting what we’ve already actually said
Basically it’s this: When transphobes on Tumblr talk about justifying misgendering trans people on the basis of not wanting to date someone with a certain set of genitals, and try to invalidate other non-transphobic straight and gay people’s orientations on the basis of the fact that many would date, have even sought out, have dated, or are dating trans people, I always see it coming down to them acting like trans people are saying that the only way to not misgender a trans person is to fuck them... Like they act as though some trans person has actually come up to them and said “fuck me, or you’re a transphobe,” and okay, you can make up whatever bullshit you want, but I just don’t see it happening. I see trans people saying “just because you don’t want to fuck someone doesn’t mean that their gender is invalid.” Y’all act like we are trying to say you can’t say “no,” when, IDK about other trans people, but I feel like being able to say “no” for *ANY* reason, and have it respected is fucking important. If how I should have been able to say “no” to my ex wife when I wasn’t in the mood without guilting is a fucking issue, you should absolutely be able to say “no” to someone you’re not even in a relationship with without it being dissed. The problem is y’all act like some trans person actually came up to you, and was like “you like *insert gender*, and I’m *insert gender,* so you have to fuck me, which would be a ludicrous expectation regardless of whether a person was trans or cis no matter what their gender was (even if entitled cis dudes often do seem to act like it should be that way with straight women, but yay, the joys of misogyny...) all you said was “no,” and they flew off the handle and got all pressuring and rapey at you, and acting like you have to fuck them, otherwise you’re being a violent transphobe, when we all know that’s not what happened. I can’t even imagine such a scene, it’s such a stretch of the imagination. We all know you’re just pissed that someone you aren’t into has the audacity to identify as the gender they are without having the bits that the binary says define whether or not a person is “allowed” to be that gender. I’m not gonna act like no trans person has ever expressed interest in a transphobe and been rejected, but here’s the thing: When you reject a trans person, and choose to go further and intentionally misgender them, like legit say to a trans woman “No, I don’t date men,” (Read “ No, You’re a man.”), or to a trans man “No, I don’t date women,” (”No, You’re a woman,”) which *is* something that actually happens, first off, that trans person is immediately going to lose interest, so taking literally anything they say after that point as though there were any interest remaining at all is a *huge* misinterpretation. Literally nothing a trans person says after you misgender them is coming from a place of interest or attraction. If they naturally respond by correcting your misgendering, you shouldn’t read a trans woman’s “Excuse me, but I’m a chick,” or a trans man’s “I’m not a woman, you ass,” as “But you should date me,” because that is not the intended meaning at ALL, you should take it as “Wow, you’re an ass and you literally did not have to misgender me to say ‘no thanks, I’m not interested,’ ‘no thanks, you’re not my type,’ or literally any other version of ‘No’ which would not be violent.”
The act of saying “no” isn’t what’s transphobic, not being interested is not what’s transphobic, and none of us are trying to imply that it is. The act of misgendering is what we are saying is transphobic.
Even when you choose to misconstrue a statement as simple as “It’s normal for straight men and lesbians to be attracted to trans women,” you’re entirely missing the meaning and tacking what you *want* it to mean on so you can *act* like trans people are saying you’re not allowed to have a preference as to which men or women you do or don’t want to date, when that’s not being said at all. It’s not even remotely intended to mean “You are a lesbian or a straight man, so you should be attracted to every trans woman on the planet, or else you’re a transphobe,” it is intended to mean: “Hey, sometimes when cis people are attracted to a trans person, they freak out when they find out we’re trans, because society told them that it’s not normal, or even for example, makes them gay if they’re a man attracted to a transgender woman, and choose to respond to us for their attraction with violence that sometimes even ends up in trans people getting murdered because society taught them that it’s not normal, so we’re affirming that it is normal, so that less instances of a cis person being attracted to a trans person of the gender they are attracted to will end up in someone being subject to an act of violence like being misgendered, outed, beaten, or even murdered for a normal attraction that’s not our fault, or a ‘lie’ or a ‘trick,’ or a ‘trap,’ and would kindly appreciate if you would stop reinforcing the idea that a cis person *should* feel ‘tricked’ or ‘lied to’ for finding a trans person attractive, by saying that our gender *is* a lie, so that trans panic murders and beatings, and other violent responses to instances of a cis person being attracted to a trans person could, you know, stop happening.”
Is misgendering a trans person the same as murdering a trans person? No, but it’s still an act of violence. You’re attacking that person’s identity and personhood. You are outing them to other people around who may commit physical violence as well, but even in the absence of physical violence, social violence is still violence as well. It’s literally an intentional addition to the exisiting societal pressure to try to convert trans people out of our authentic genders and into the gender you want us to be in order to make the world fit your cut and dry false binary of penis = man and vagina = woman.
You want to talk about conversion therapy? Cool. Creating an environment of constant misgendering is literally one of the primary aspects of attempts at transphobic conversion therapy. My parents pulled that shit on me. Literally any time you misgender a trans person, you are attempting to convert them out of being trans, you’re literally just another brick in the transphobic wall that tries to keep us from transitioning, or even simply living in our identities authentically without finding them under constant assault. Trying to convince a trans woman that she is a man, or a trans man that he is a woman is a direct act of violence, and a denial of the fact that their gender is valid. It’s a psychological assault on someone who’s already spent an entire life being told that their body makes them a different person than who they are inside, and had to work past year upon year of transphobic indoctrination to finally be able to accept themselves, and not fear being themselves. It’s an attempt to shove them back into the closet and dictate who they are “supposed” to be for your transphobic “comfort.” Trans lives are more important than whether or not a cis person feels discomfort at realizing they are attracted to us.
Meanwhile, I can’t think of any example of homophobic conversion therapy trying to use “Okay, you like women? Date this trans woman.” in order to “get the gay out,” which would be *incredibly* illogical considering that the goal of conversion therapy is to get gay people to date cis men if they’re women, or cis women if they’re men, or that a trans person tried to say that lesbians should try out cis men, or gay people should try out cis women. Come to think of it, I can’t think of a time that a trans person has tried to say that people who like women have to date trans women, or that people who like men have to date trans men regardless of whether they are gay or straight, just that it’s normal to be attracted to us, and we’d appreciate it if y’all could learn how to say “no,” without having to add a misgendering on top of it to justify it. You don’t have to justify it. You literally can just say “no.” “But, I said no and I got pushback! (They asked ‘why’ or were like ‘but come on...’ or any other example of pressuring.) ” Okay... That makes the *individual* you’re rejecting an asshole, regardless of gender, and has nothing to do with them being trans. Some women are assholes. Some men are assholes. Doesn’t matter if they’re trans or cis. You still don’t have to misgender them. You can say “I’m just not interested.” You can say “No means No.” You can even just say “What the fuck’s you’re problem, I’m not interested, and I don’t owe you a reason, now fuck off!” If they keep pushing it, they’re, again, being an ass, and you have every right to act like they’re being an ass, but this doesn’t include misgendering them, or otherwise being violent. If someone won’t go away or leave you alone, you have a right to be left alone, get help. If someone invades your space, that’s fucking violent, and you have every right to defend yourself. None of that requires misgendering. The problem isn’t that trans people are trying to force anyone to date/fuck us, we aren’t saying that anyone at all has to, not to mention that plenty of people are already dating/fucking us regardless of your disinterest. The problem isn’t that you’re not allowed to say “no,” you fucking *SHOULD* say no to anyone you’re not attracted to, even if it’s just because you don’t like something about their face, or the way they laugh, and wouldn’t be able to stand dealing with it every day. The problem is that transphobes just aren’t interested in any change in behavior which requires them to stop misgendering us in order to stop being a part of the problem. Y’all act like saying “no” to trans people requires being able to misgender us. It doesn’t. You’re just a transphobic prick who wants to be able to misgender trans people in the hopes that we will convert to being cis. Ain’t gonna happen. Not sorry. Trans women will continue to identify as women. Trans men will continue to identify as men. Plenty of people who like women will continue dating trans women. Plenty of people who like men will continue dating trans men. Be as pissed about it as you want, it’s not your life. Reject as many trans people as you want, you’re a transphobe, you’re literally saving us from making a mistake. Just quit acting like you have to misgender us in order to say “no,” and yeah, expect us to get indignant at being misgendered when you make the choice to misgender us, but if you think that indignance is coming from a place of trying to pushback at your rejection once you’ve made it clear that you’re a transphobic asshole, you’re delusional. No trans person wants to date a transphobe, we just want you to quit misgendering us. You can make a choice not to misgender a trans person without having to date or fuck them. It’s really not that hard.
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Ocean Eyes - Part 12
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A/N - Finally an update!! i promise to not leave it as long for the next part.
Please like/comment/reblog, it gives me incentive to write quicker if i know people are actually enjoying my madness 💕
"You okay?" Chris asked suddenly making me jump, i thought he was asleep! He was currently wrapped around me acting as the big spoon.
"Jesus christ! You scared the crap outta me!" I chuckled quietly feeling stupid that he made me jump so bad.
"Sorry dahlin" he chuckled close to my ear "but are you okay?".
"Yeah just can't sleep, I've got so much going through my head i can't switch off"
"Its not because you're in here with me is it?"
"No of course not, this is actually just what i needed. I've missed laying in your arms...." I had caved and agreed to stay in Chris's room tonight, no funny business just sleeping. I felt Chris smile before pressing a kiss to my neck.
"I've missed this too. So what exactly is it keeping you awake beautiful? Talk to me..."
"Honestly? The whole thing with Brian.... how did he find me here??".
"I have no idea, but its very creepy!.... then again we shouldn't really be surprised, he had a habit of always knowing where you were. I got bad vibes off that guy the second i saw him".
We had called the police to report Brian but they couldn't do much about it as he technically hadn't done anything wrong, they said to call them again if we saw him around anymore.
"I don't understand why he's doing this! Its not like i led him on or anything, I've never shown that man any interest. I barely even talk to the guy!"
"He's clearly unstable"
"It scares me Chris...."
"Hey, i won't let him hurt you.... i already warned him to stay away...." Chris said through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter...."
I turned in his arms so i was now facing him "yes it does, what do you mean you warned him to stay away?"
"The day Scott and I came to get you and Mason to bring you here, you remember how he kept going on about where you were going and when you were coming back....then he asked you to dinner?"
"Oh yeah, you kinda snapped"
"Yeah.....I told him nicely to stay away from my family, that you were unavailable and uninterested.... that he should move on. I said if i found out he was harassing you still id make his life hell" he looked a little sheepish as he confessed to what had been said between the two of them.
"Well I'm guessing he didn't like to be told to stay away huh?"
"Apparently not. But lets not worry about  him right now, you need to sleep"
"Ive been trying...."
"Come here" Chris said and rolled onto his back pulling me close until i was laying with my head on his chest, his hand stroking up and down my back. Back strokes were my weakness and he knew it! "You'll be asleep in no time" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head. And he was right, with the steady thumping of his heart and his fingers stroking my back i was a goner.
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I woke up alone, the bed already cold meaning Chris had been gone for a while. I reached for my phone on the bedside cabinet, it was nearly 10am!! I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and check how bad i looked. Once i was done i headed downstairs to find Chris, Mason and Scott.
"Hey" Chris smiled at me as i entered the kitchen, he was sat at the dining room table in front of his laptop.
"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked too peaceful, besides you didn't get to sleep til late"
I nodded walking over to kiss him "thank you" i smiled running my hand over his bearded jaw "you're the best".
Chris pulled me down into his lap and deepened the kiss until i had to pull back enough to catch my breath and we both laughed.
"Where's Mason?"
"Walking Dodger with Scott, i gave him breakfast and helped him get dressed before they left"
"He wasn't any trouble was he?"
"Not at all. He's like the best behaved kid I've ever met"
"He has his moments don't be fooled" i chuckled thinking back to some tantrums id witnessed over the years.
"I don't believe you, that kid is an angel"
"You just wait and see Evans" i laughed before getting up and walking into the kitchen so i could get a coffee and some toast.
"So um, I've got to do an online interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon" Chris followed me into the kitchen.
"Okay" i nodded.
"I just thought id let you know i'll have to disappear for a while"
"Thats fine, Mason will probably be in bed by then and i'll just stay in the living room watching a movie with Scott"
"Now i feel left out" he pouted.
Later that day we all went outback and played some Wiffle Ball to pass the time, Chris and Scott getting competitive again.
"Mom I'm tired" Mason said wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up against me.
"You wanna go take a nap before dinner buddy?"
"Come on then" i picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder "guys Mason needs a nap, i think you've worn him out"
"I think i need a nap too!" Scott laughed.
"Well I'm gonna make a start on dinner, you have time for a nap if you wanna"
Walking back up to the house i started struggling with Mason, he was getting too big for me to carry around now! My baby was growing up too fast!
"You want me to take him?" Chris suddenly asked, i nodded and come to a stop before passing a sleeping Mason over to Chris.
"Thanks, he's getting heavy" i said sadly.
"No problem"
"I hate that he's getting too big for me to carry him when he's tired"
"I know but its okay, I'm here to help now"
"Who's gonna carry me? Im exhausted!" Scott added making us laugh quietly so we didn't wake Mason.
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The evening flew by, we all had dinner then sat and watched Toy Story with Mason. When it came to bedtime Mason insisted that Chris read him a story and of course he couldn't say no. Once he was asleep Chris headed to his office to get ready for his interview while Scott and I headed to the living room to find a movie to watch.
"Sooooo....." Scott said dragging it out to sound scandalous as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"What?.... don't you what me Missy! I know you spent the night with Chris! So come on spill the tea sister!"
"You're ridiculous you know that?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at how comical he looked right now.
"Like i care" he shrugged "come on! Tell me what happened"
"Sorry to disappoint but nothing happened we just slept"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we're taking things slow"
"And who's decision was that?"
"We both said we don't wanna rush it"
"But you suggested it right?..... hey I'm not judging you for that" he quickly added when he saw me look away sadly.
"You're scared you're gonna get hurt again aren't you?"
"Wouldn't you be? I just wanna make sure we're gonna be okay, that its more than just sex. We were always good at that, the emotional stuff.... not so much"
We were halfway through the movie when Chris rushed in asking Scott to join him for a game that Jimmy Fallon wanted them to do.
"Really? I can't just leave Y/N on her own....."
"Go i'll be fine" i chuckled.
"Sorry dahlin, i hate leaving you on your own.... we wont be long though 15/20 minutes tops.
"Go do what you gotta do, I'm fine here watching this" i nodded to the TV.
While they were off doing the interview
I texted my mom and Hannah to check in, they were doing good all things considered. I quickly settled back in to watch the rest of the movie but was interrupted again by multiple message alerts on my phone. I looked to see it was Hannah blowing up my phone.
When i opened the thread i gasped, my heart was racing so fast.... i felt sick as my eyes landed on one thing in particular....... the headline!
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
If your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you.
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