#just spock being a role model to a bunch of curious children
bonesibegyou · 6 months
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I would pay all the money I have (which is not much but you get what I mean) to have a scene in Star Trek 4 where they rescue a stranded ship with a bunch of Vulkan children on board (maybe headed to New Vulcan idk) and Spock sees how scared and sad they are (because well their planet is now a handful of space rubble and maybe some of their parents are gone now) so he just starts showing them around the Enterprise to cheer them up a little because Vulcan children are nothing but curious. And suddenly efficiency plummets and nothing gets done anymore because there's a First Officer surrounded by a group of tiny somber children calmly explaining to them how a starship works and no one can focus on their work anymore. Just imagine Spock showing them the bridge and answering their questions with endless patience and Jim just cannot stop smiling because of how darn cute it is. Bones is unable to pick his jaw off the floor when they ask to see the medbay. Sulu almost flies them into an asteroid because he is unable to cope with this level of cuteness. Scotty lets them pick apart a tricorder or two while on the verge of tears.
Bonus points if their Vulcan teachers or caretakers or whatever ask Spock to back off because they consider him a bad example (because of the stunt he pulled in front of VSA) and the crew gets a very uncomfortable glimpse of the way Spock is/was perceived back on Vulcan. Which causes them to Lose Their Shit (tm) in a very polite manner and leads to a very exasperated Spock wondering why he suddenly gets showered with praise everywhere he goes
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