#just straight gay club bops like ok yeah sure
sexygaywizard · 2 years
I asked Spotify to play Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) and then it started playing whatever/algorithmically recommended songs afterwards and it’s really like the Spotify algorithm was like. Oh, so you’re gay, huh? You’re fucking gay?? You want that gay shit????
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spacecharr · 5 years
Black Rose Sesh Report V
i think it’s number five at least.
Here we go again:
fuck having a bum shoulder. again. seriously, fuck it. right in the asshole.
the trip back wasn’t an odyssey so much as it was a revelation-filled romp.
also chillhop music makes me seriously so lyrical. it’s... it’s like I’m helpless, but I’m also scared that people might see me as a pretentious bitch or something, but I also recognize that maybe this is just my anxiety or some shit? 
thought looops, like frooot loops
oh yeah!
one: holy fuck I am so fucking bi.
there was this couple heading back -- WAITTTTT
how could I almost forget Oliver?!
People I met on the romp back:
(wait tags)
(ok, back to here - but ow, fuck)
Eric, Lisa, and Oliver the Dog.
amazing neighbors who’ve lived in the area for a long ass time. also Oliver is cleverly named due to the location.
the black cat that I thought was a little girl twin of my handsome boy? nope! He’s an adorable little psychopath named Merlin! he loves people, is adorable, vocal, cuddly, his owners are this amazingly punk rock lady and this guy who could be like a secret badass punk nerd from accounting or something. And he’s a bit psycho ‘cause he does the whole “snuggle up to your leg to purr and cuddle you, ask for belly rubs, then will attack your hand”. My Zi doesn’t do that at all. He will give you maaaaaany warning bops with his back legs, no claws, before he begins to lazily warning bite you.
Alright, ok. 
one: I am so fucking bi.
there was this couple heading home from a run. both of them were HELLA FINE. I mean, of the two I’d prefer the dude, but if I could have both of ‘em, then hell yes I would.
I have the preference namely because the lady was wearing matching pink shirt and scrunchie - and that get up on a wavy blonde made me think of that character from the Arnold the Armadillo show and I don’t like her as much.
they were wearing matching running tights, the girl was wearing pink and the guy was wearing orange (my favourite colour).
Both probably within my age range, maybe in their 30s.
The guy was super in shape, bony, broad, muscled shoulders and a runner’s taper. 
Gal was thicc and had a face that looked like Denaerys Targarean (idk how the fuck to spell that name rn)
two: I’m living in my dream neighborhood, basically, and living my dream.
where I’m at, I just went out for a walk to a park - it felt like I was at a lake. 
there’s dogs everywhere, and friendly people who own those dogs. people with stories to tell, who are happy to sit down and chat.
there’s beautiful people where I live. All sorts of beautiful people. (see revelation one: I am hella bi - and for any biphobes out there, remember that bi means i find more than one gender attractive. think about that for a sec, I’ll wait.)
there are couples in their 30s with no kids, so this place is fairly childfree.
there are people leading alternative lifestyles all around me, mixed in and living side by side harmoniously with neighbors who are more traditional. including couples even who are made up of a “normal” looking person and someone visibly living that alternative lifestyle.
today has been filled with so many LGBTQ encounters of other LGBTQ people living visibly out - whether they’re living out to prove a point, living out because it’s right for them, living out despite the fear, living out because it’s fun to, etc, etc. - that it makes me so happy to see.
there was a dude in this really fancy sports car - likewise somewhere in this 30s - which almost everyone at the intersection had to turn their heads to appreciate
there was this guy with a beard (beards are so attractive) balancing on this fancy looking road bike (god, I love bikes) - makin’ that choice for whatever his reason is, but it’s one I love because we need more bikes and less cars
on my way home, and this ties into the point below, I passed under a balcony where several ladies where having a girl’s night and discussing things.
and it turned into this awesome look on feminism in a way because they were talking about I think female genital mutilation (these are all ladies in their late 30s or older - lots of talk of husbands, etc) and how there’s so many women still having it done to them.
one of the ladies mentioned how some man in her life somewhere (she mentioned how she knew, but there was a dog I was distracted by when she explained, so I didn’t really catch it) was talking about how less girls get mutilated than boys or something. And she was like “well i don’t know the numbers for boys, but even if it is higher, that’s still six--(some ridiculously large number like 600 million or something, or 600 thousand...) and then that means there’s even more children being mutilated than that because the boys get mutilated more often.” 
like, holy shit, a man engaging in “oppression olympics” when a woman was just trying to express her shock that any children are being mutilated - and that he was being excited for winning a gender competition for “whose gender is mutilated the most as young, helpless babies?!”!
anyways, that little aside aside
holy fuck my shoulder hurts
I was thinking I could do this part as part of the stream of conscience further down, but I don’t think I can hold out that long.
So ok, I separated the AC joint (or something like that) in my right shoulder from some bungled board breaking I did during a parade with my karate club. Boards got rained on and my student and I still broke them.
I bungled this break only in that the first two elbow attempts didn’t work - the board was way too wet and it bounced both the elbows back. So I resorted to  hammer fist to break it and boooooo. I wanted to elbow it.
But yeah, turns out I’m hurting.
But I’m not sure if I am or not. Again, this is probably anxiety? or maybe another revelation.
But like, I’m confused. Would a separated shoulder take 48hrs to fully onset in terms of the pain and symptoms? Cause I felt like I was sore, but still able to do thinsg. Then when I went in yesterday to see my chiro for a scheduled appt from way before the parade, I mentioned my shoulder pain.
he ran two quick assessments on me and diagnosed me with a separated AC joint. it’s on the mild side, but it’s still a separated shoulder he said. and since them I’ve been way more conscious of it and I wonder - is it because he told me something’s wrong and I’m “pretending” because I’m hyper-aware of any sensation in the area? Or did it really just take until now for it to start being so bothersome?
--- another aside within aside within aside: I’m starting to feel suuuuper sleepy.
but then also, I’m high. I’m high on 50mg edible THC and 1/2 a 210mg joint. I should be pretty medicated by now, we can all agree. And I do feel a familiar stoner feel from the indica. Nice heavy body feel. But through it all, my neck, shoulder and lat are just screaming at me occasionally.
Especially my neck. 
And my shoulder when I go to use my right arm - reaching, etc. OHHHHHH!!!! It hurts more today than yesterday because I did karate this morning!!!!! And I pushed (but didn’t hurt) myself a bit because I wanted to train with our guests.
I get it now.
I’m not crazy, it legit hurts. I’m not being a wuss, I’m being realistic. Okay.
Dammit, guys, weed really is a therapist. 
Have I even told you guys I’m a relatively new stoner? Like, just since it got legalized in Canada, and like, in November? So a lot of those like random “crazy-ass” stoner stereotypical phrases that I used to make fun of and think were like “oh, hurr durr, only stupid stoners who can’t think straight think like that” - they’re TRUE!!!! holy fuck, guys.
Hm, also, I think I am definitely going to be able to ride along and let the shrooms take me where they will next weekend. I’m ready for it. I’m excited for it. I feel like there will be so many more breakthroughs.
OH! yes, returning.
So, those ladies and talking about not even feminism, but just out in the open, within earshot of people on the street (fair, they’re just having an open air convo on their own personal balcony - everyone else is on the public sidewalk, the acoustics in this area are just very conducive), talking about statistics about women.
It’s so awesome that I live ina  place where that can happen.
That I live in a place where a trans woman and her lesbian girlfriend can walk through the park. Where an openly lesbian couple, an openly gay couple, two best dude friends (and or maybe another gay couple, it’s not like they were dressed in rainbows or held hands or anything), a single dad with two kids, a single stoner, and all sorts of straight couples can just all exist alongside each other without anyone feeling pressured or attacked or anything.
It’s awesome.
Ok. My shoulder is really hurting. I know I’m not being a wuss with this now.
Though I have to say, as much as this fucking sucks, I still wouldn’t trade it for my experience as a martial artist. Now I know for next year, and I can protect my younger students now since I know that wet boards are so harsh on even my body - it’d tear out the shoulder of some of our younger kids. And I can experiment with drying the boards a bit more so they’re more brittle and won’t bounce back. 
I think if I had been doing a single break in a controlled setting like a dojo instead of needing to set up in as few steps as possible and break and move on quick so you don’t hold up the route, I could have broken it. But as it was, it’s not possible for me to courteously summon up the concentration for a break like that on a parade route.
I’m gonna just relax for a while. Probably find some anime to watch. I wanted to draw, but I don’t think my shoulder’s up for it. I’ll have to try to remember the imagery.
It’s like, space-sci-fi dystopia future-wave sort of thing but with lower tech and more slum-like. cartoony. cel shaded. primariy colours: orange-brown, blue/purple like vaporwave, red, orange-orange, maybe some yellow/yellow-white.
guys, weed is magical. I love weed. I mean, I’m a highly functioning member of society. I live a frugal lifestyle, but I kill it at work, I’m becoming highly involved in my community, etc. 
it’s crazy how there’s that stoner stereotype, but honestly I’d say that’s just the entertaining minority. the minority we all like to smoke along with. XD
ok, that’s a wrap on this part. maybe more, maybe not. dunno.
in anycase, fuck bum shoulders, stay chill, and see ya in space.
...srsly should I do audios?
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madathockey · 6 years
You Were Never an Island
characters: OMC/OMC fandom: Hockey RPF tags: drag queen hockey player, College Hockey, Original Character(s), Internalized Homophobia, Homophobia, Jace Chandra (OC), Liam White (OC) (ao3) Chapter 1/? Summary:  Jace lived a simple life. He worked hard, loved the game, and kept his head down. On the weekends, after the games were over, he’d get dressed up, pull the tape out, and put the makeup on. He’d turn into Allie X and head to a local gay bar. Ok, maybe not so simple. 
Jace started to strip out of his gear. The team had dropped a series against the top rival, putting everyone in a particularly sour mood. Jace played for the Freeze, a team that had a long history of success, but recently started to slip downwards. The game they played against the Bobcats was a rough one and he could feel a bruise starting to blossom on his side. He was a bit upset because he didn’t think his performance later that night would be the same from it. Not like he could say anything like that to his teammates.
For all his teammates knew, he was a normal and straight guy that just liked to stick to himself.
He felt a ball of wadded up tape hit his lap. He looked up, shaken from his thoughts, and saw Brad grinning at him.
“You coming out with us? We are going to hit up a bar on the other side of town.”  Jace looked down at his feet quickly, trying to come up with a good excuse.
“Or you don’t have to. Just would be nice to have you come with us for once.”
He knew he had blown off a few nights out, he just didn’t realize they were catching on. He nodded at Brad, thinking that he could probably get ready in less than an hour if he took the heavy bang route.
“Yeah, for a little bit. I made plans with a friend for later though.” Jace felt the lie was based in more truth than anything. He did have plans and he was friends with some of the other queens.
He quickly showered and got dressed. He had a spare change of clothes that were club appropriate, so he tossed those on, stashing his suit in the suit bag. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to get as many of the knots out as he could. His long black hair was pretty thick and on performance nights, he preferred to leave it down. Tonight he’d have to deal and brush it later. As he was leaving the locker room, he told the guys he’d meet them there. He quickly ran his suit to his apartment and ran a comb through his hair.
As he was leaving, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
>You on your way?
Jace quickly grabbed his drag bags and tossed them in his trunk. He wasn’t sure what he was going to wear yet, but there were a few choices in there. This wasn’t his preferred way of getting ready for shows, but he had no choice. He just had to hope no one mopped his things while he was on stage.
When he finally got to the club, the guys had a table occupied in the back. He made his way through the crowd and over to them. Brad clapped him on the back with a grin.
“Didn’t think you’d actually come.”
Jace winced a bit, but hid it with a shrug.
“Well, here I am.”
The music was loud and pounding so hard the tables vibrated a little bit. Jace scanned the crowd, seeing a few of his teammates picking up. He wished he could be so bold, but this wasn’t the time or place for that.
He went out on the floor with some teammates, dancing around like fools. He knew he had a few moves, but he didn’t want to show up the guys. He just bopped around moving his head to the music. As he was getting back to the table to check the time, he looked across to the bar and caught a guy staring at him. He shrugged it off and started to grab his things. He had about an hour and half until he had to be on stage.
He made his rounds to say goodbye and then left for the Cherry Pit.
On the way over, he finalized his three songs for the night. He figured he’d rock it to When Doves Cry, a trap version of Wrecking Ball, and Van Vogue. When he got to the club, he grabbed his things and darted inside the back entrance and settled into the last spot available to do his makeup. As he was baking, he heard the the other girls talking about the crowd. A group of hockey players had shown up watch and they were being a bit disrespectful.
Jace started to panic. He hopes it wasn’t his teammates.
He quickly got dressed and heard the five minute warning. He double checked his tights to make sure they were in good shape and slid into the his blue and purple corset. The corset was covered completely in rhinestones and he paired it with a flowing emerald cape made of tulle. The wig he had chosen was pink, purple, and blue. He had it styled in a large pile of curls that stood about 5 inches high off his head. The ringlets fell around the face framing the smokey eye and pink lips.
He heard his name called and stepped up on stage. The music started and he quickly scanned the audience, not seeing any teammates there. They must have left. He jumped into his lip sync, and as he was getting to the height of his song, he met eyes with someone that looked like the guy from the club. He wasn’t too sure though.
When he went to the back after his number, he quickly got out of the corset get up and slid into some leather pants, a purple leather corset that had a white blouse spilling out of it. He switched into a pin straight black wig, completing the look. He switched out of a pair of clear heels and into a pair of knee high purple boots. This was one of his favorite outfits since it matched the song perfectly. He went to the side of the stage to watch the current queen finish up her song and looked into the audience. He saw that guy again, this time sure it was the same one. He was pretty damn cute. He had brown hair that had a silver streak in it.
One of the queens tapped him on the shoulder.
“They’re calling for you hun.”
Jace hustled to get on stage, shaking away from his thoughts. This was always one of his best numbers and he had to focus.
He heard the opening guitar riff and he slid into the sexy movements he typically makes while doing this songs. When the lyrics about kissing started up, he looked directly at the guy in the audience. He walked by him and seductively took his tip, tucking it into the blouse slowly. He made his rounds during the guitar parts to get the rest of his tips, but he couldn’t shake the feeling he had about that guy.
As he was heading off stage, he saw that his teammates were, in fact, there so he quickly got to the back and dug around in his bag for a mask. He usually didn’t wear one for this number, but he didn’t need his teammates finding out who he was.
He shed out of the boots, corset, and blouse and quickly switched into a pair of nude pumps and an emerald green flowing top that he tucked into the leather pants. He put a matching green beret down on top of the wig and pinned it into place. He slid the mask on and got ready to go back out for the last song of the night.
Van Vogue was starting to filter through the speakers and he stepped out to it, ready to move fast. He started to vogue through the crowd, grabbing his tips and tossing them back on stage as he went. By the time the second verse rolled around, he was down, duckwalking right in front of his teammates. He heard Brad yell above the crowd.
“Only ugly girls wear masks!!” He had turned to high five the rest of the team and Jace saw the mysterious guy walk over to tell them to knock it off. The team settled down and Jace just kept trucking along with the song. When he was finished, he grabbed his tips off the stage and tried to get off stage. As he was leaving he bumped into someone and dropped a few of his tips.
He saw that he had run into the mystery man. He was holding out the dropped tips for Jace to pick up.
“Hi, my name is Liam.”
Liam had a smile a mile wide and Jace was flustered. He just grabbed his tips and went to the back to get de-dragged.
The next morning when he was going through his tips, he saw a slip of paper that had Liam’s name and number on it. He figured he’d text him after practice.
Practice was hard. The drills coach had them go through were draining and Jace was exhausted from the night before. Across the ice he could hear Brad and Carmen laughing and talking about the night before. Jace had no intention of telling the boys that he did drag on the weekends. Doing so would mean that he’d be coming out of the closet to them.
Jace wasn’t having any of that noise after hearing some of the things he has heard Brad say on the ice.
He lined up for the next drill, ready to take off down the ice for the next round of suicides. He came to a stop in front of the goalie Rowan, spraying some ice by accident.
“Whoops, sorry there.”
Rowan looked up and pulled his mask off his face.
“No worries dude. It was fun seeing you out last night.”
Jace grinned and took off down the ice again. Coach was really riding them hard for the dropped series but Jace was getting into a rhythm for the suicides. Skating had always been a release for whatever was on his mind. When practice finished up, Jace took a quick perfunctory shower, figuring he’d take a proper shower when he got home.
As he was about to leave, he grabbed his phone and typed out a message to the new number he had in his phone.
>Hey, sorry for darting out like that last night. I got scared lol
He heard a quick vibe from his phone and he swiped it open.
>No worries Jace. I didn’t think you’d actually text me, but I’m glad you did”
Jace tossed his phone and rushed out of the locker room wondering how he knew who he was.
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