#just the freaking intimacy of allowing yourself to laugh like a dork after you’ve experienced such intense heartbreak
djsherriff-responses · 8 months
The reason I bring up “Dolph has issues expressing emotions normally” in my last post is because I think it’d be an interesting conflict in his relationship with Bullfrog, a character whose very expressive and open with his feelings in contrast
Until season 2 comes and says otherwise, I’m pretty sure this car scene (minus Pey’J, rip) is how the beginning of their relationship will function in casual setting: Awkward silence and very short , blunt conversation
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That is until Dolph finally gets the courage to open up to Bullfrog and shows his vulnerability (even if it’s just small pieces, baby steps), while Bullfrog in turn will learn to read Dolph’s emotions better and be able to make better guesses on if Dolph is ticked off or just being broody
And I think what would be really sweet is if the turning point for that to happen, was if Bullfrog made Dolph laugh
Not to undermine his depth and badassery, but Bullfrog is a goofy character just by concept of being a frog assassin with the cutest anime eyes around, so it’s not hard to imagine he’d be able to get a chuckle outta people
Dolph however, as we established, rarely allows himself to express his feelings fully (besides anger maybe) so it’d be a miracle to see the man smirk, much less laugh at anything , as part of his brooding bad boy anime image
I think it’d be really adorable if Bullfrog made Dolph laugh and smile, and that was the moment that really kick started the two into becoming closer after so much time unable to read each other (bonus points if whatever Bullfrog did was unintentional and seeing Dolph be happy gave him butterflies in his stomach)
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