#just to clear up some confusion that I've been seeing from qsmp people
the-final-sif · 2 months
The union that is threatening to sue QSMP is Solidaires Informatique, they are a real french union in the tech sector, and have been actively going after poor labor conditions in the gaming space for awhile now, they have also actively sued Erisium for poor labor practices.
They have previously sued and won against Quantic Dream, a french game development studio, AND managed to sue Ubisoft, a case that has literally resulted in the arrest/charging of 5 people working at Ubisoft.
They really aren't a group to play games with, and they are well versed in how they are required to operate under french law and what their obligations are. Americans in particular may find some of how they handle things odd, but it's a different country and different laws and norms apply.
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un-bean-lievable · 10 months
Bringing this to Tumblr cuz I keep seeing people talk about it on Twitter but I'm not making a fucking thread right now.
Anyways, personally I just think it's a little weird how suddenly a bunch of the non English/poc qsmp members are under scrutiny for doing horrible things, to the point of people literally calling for their removal from the server, yet I have not seen a single person give any legit sources to prove these claims. Plus the accusations are never specific it's always "I think they maybe did [insert vague action] thing that's really bad" or "I've heard they did something horrible and they need to loose their platform.
Literally anytime I've seen someone ask what happened the replies have been VERBATIM, "several members have been found to be racist/homophobic/antisemitic/transphobic in the past." Like y'all can't even decide what you're even accusing them of might as well just chuck in every horrible label you know! I'm surprised misogyny isn't in there? Oh wait! That's right! These same people people are also calling for the only women on the server to be removed for things that are literally fucking harmless such as, attending the wedding of a person some people don't like, or, explaining their home country has flaws. So I guess accusing OTHER people of being sexist would be hypocritical of them.
Like no damn wonder Quackity hasn't addressed anything you guys cant even decide what needs to be addressed in the first place, just that everyone that's from a different culture than you (and sometimes even people from the same culture the way I've seen people talk about Bad and Jaiden is actually sickening) is somehow a horrific individual who is terribly bigoted. I've been watching this server almost every day for hours on end since it launched and I haven't seen anything from anyone that can't be quickly summed up to be a cultural difference or small misunderstanding that people are blowing out of the water. Like, if someone legit did something bad then it deff needs to be addressed, but that's if that thing happened less than a year ago, (especially not if it's from when they were A CHILD. Like people are trying to cancel Roier for shit he said when he was 13! 13! I'm the same age as him and I can promise that if you took shit I said from literally the same timeframe it wouldn't be pretty either!) If they haven't already apologized for it and moved on with their lives, or if it is something that is legitimately hurting people and not just something you find personally distasteful.
The qsmp is really fucking cool and it's clear that the creators involved have a lot of respect for each other so it's so disappointing that some of the fans don't have the same amount of respect. It's incredibly shameful and it makes me feel horrible just to be associated with some of these people. The whole point of this server is to break barriers and to make friends across cultures where there wouldn't have been an opportunity beforehand, and so many people are instead trying to sabotage that.
Especially from the English speaking community. We have the privilege of being an incredibly diverse and culturally complicated community (which isn't to say other communities aren't I think that ours just is especially here is the USA), and while the exposure of more cultures leads to more misunderstandings and unfortunately more straight up bigotry, we still have more exposure to diverse groups then other people do. If anyone should be understanding and welcoming it should be us! But some of you people are out here acting like fools. Once again, if someone legit did something bad, they do need to be held accountable for their actions. But way to many of you confuse being held accountable with having their entire lives upended. You also confuse "did a bad thing they need to take responsibility for." With, "they did this thing out of a lack of understanding and have since apologized, learned better, and moved on, but I'm still gonna bring it up again and hurt everyone involved because I think that making a mistake is grounds for being publicly ridiculed!" If there was something bad going on, and if people had legit proof that it IS INFACT happening because said person is a bigot and not just misguided, then I'll be behind it 100%, but after watching this dance over and over again I can't help but feel that instead of people actually being concerned that horrible people are in places of power, they're instead making up horrible accusations about normal people that are just trying to do their jobs. It really feels like there isn't an effort to actually understand where other people are coming from and instead to judge them and make them conform to your definition of socially appropriate, it's not fucking cool.
Us English speakers as a community should be holding ourselves to a higher standard because this type of behavior doesn't just make one person look bad, it paints a bad name for all of us. And please for the love of God dont immediately believe every fucking rumour you hear, and especially don't believe it if you can't find any evidence, and ESPECIALLY don't go and harass the person the rumors about! Like, I don't even know if some of the examples I used here are legit cuz I haven't seen sources/ cant find any for them, but even if they did have sources they would be total bullshit accusations anyways! Think for once instead of jumping on some hate train with all the other brainless idiots out there holy fuck.
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