#just trust that future u will be so happy and proud of the seed u planted so they're now able to get the fruit of that labor
lovedlovingly · 2 years
not to sound dumb but u literally have to want better for yourself in life for life to get better, and this has ZERO to do with what u originally deserve because u already deserve the world. but as long as u hold on so tight to the idea that u don't, bathe in the misery that u convinced yourself is all u should have, you WILL make sure u miss out on good things in life. not all of it, some will still worm their way into your life because it knows its for you. but like stop pushing the good in life away just because you or someone else decided that a false truth of suffering is safer than anything good life has to offer. literally just WANT better for yourself and see what that means for u. there's so many ppl ready to love u, and i bet a part of u is longing to love yourself anew as well, why is the comfort of known suffering better than the terrifying excitement of the multiple doors to the better unknown, why did u choose to keep this pattern as the once u force yourself to be comfortable with.
and if the ppl around u are the ones keeping u in said misery you have to make sure you do whatever u can to get out, whatever they think they're winning from keeping u down you are not! there is love and support around u and waiting for u, you literally just have to stop shaking it off because it feels different to what you're used to. want better for yourself, find out what that means, and try it even if it means just poking one little finger outside of your comfortable self loathing zone
because at least then it means you're trying, your focus has shifted, and you can then start actively choosing how much better life should be for u and how fast - because it's all waiting for u. stop not wanting it for yourself
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are you doing the character ask meme thing? it would be awesome if you talk about shinso!!
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Hell yes!! It’s been too long since I did my last character meme, and Shinsou is majorly underrated. I love him. (Sorry this took a few days!)
Favorite things about him:
I love how he puts his hand on the back of his neck when he’s flustered, and I love how he’s got a toothy, kinda evil smile. It’s also cute how he plays it aloof and tries to hide his feelings, but Horikoshi draws him with little distress sweats to show he’s actually really nervous. Stoic, this kid is not. And his eye bags are cute. Why do I love characters with eye bags.
I love how, at the end of his Sports Festival match against Midoriya, he’s deeply moved by his classmates’ support (and the whole stadium’s support). It really blows a hole in his “I’m not here to make friends” image when he gets all choked up over being cheered on. Like…he wants acceptance so badly…just let him be accepted as a hero. None of this backhanded compliment “oh wow, with your quirk, you could do anything!” schtick.
His match is especially satisfying because even though he technically loses, it’s basically a victory. Midoriya beats Shinsou because he has people who believe in and support him, and by the time the battle ends, Shinsou discovers he, too, has people who believe in him. Not just friends—total strangers, too, and he can choose to listen to their voices as they cheer him on instead of hearing just his detractors. Plus, one of those supporters is Aizawa, and Shinsou accomplishes his goal for the Sports Festival: to transfer into the heroics course. SO…it winds up being a “failure” that is actually a win in disguise, and I love those.
I love how he has a complicated relationship with his quirk and society. It’s been impressed on him that he’s made for a villain role—and like…it illustrates how bizarre hero culture is in bnha, where some people are just so infatuated with the spectacle of it all to the point they’re like “oh cool! you’d make an awesome villain! don’t make me do bad things, though, okay? okay!”—but despite it, Shinsou has a defiant kind of pride in his quirk. He snarks Midoriya during their fight, being like ~oh you wouldn’t understand, but this quirk of mine is like a dream come true! (Though in the anime, it’s translated more like “even with a quirk like this, I dream of being a hero”?) Shinsou understands he could do whatever he wants with his quirk, and what he wants is to do good things. He’s bitter because like, is it that hard to believe someone might just want to do good? How/why do people have to be so pessimistic that they think someone with his power must abuse it? But at the same time, he gets it, he knows he’s not any better because he would also be dubious of someone with power like his. But also! It’s not fair! Because “heroic” quirks are also potentially destructive, but a kid like Bakugo or Todoroki is told he’ll be a great hero someday, not that he’d make a great villain—and the heroes industry guarantees them a fast-track to pro status at the expense of people like Shinsou or Midoriya.
So I love that Shinsou is this idealistic figure: he could do evil, but he won’t. His quirk enables peaceful deescalation of hazardous situations. It’s ideal. But it’s ideal because it is such a classically villainous quirk—a power that weaponizes communication, turns people’s trust against them, and exerts total domination to rob people of their autonomy. So very quickly, that inspiring interpretation of Shinsou being able to choose what he does with his quirk is easy to second-guess. The line between hero and villain doesn’t seem so distinct when both professions are distilled down with such brutal precision. Shinsou wants to use his quirk to help people, but the questions of which people he helps and how he helps them are the distinction between a hero and a villain, and it’s not as neat as the hero ranking would imply. His dialogue with Monoma about how they do unheroic things to accomplish heroic goals makes me hopeful that’s a seed Horikoshi planted for future exploration.
So…Shinsou sets up some interesting challenges, and that’s a major reason why I’m interested in him. I’m curious to see how his story unfolds.
One last thing I love about Shinsou. There’s a scene where Midoriya spots Shinsou in the hall and cheerfully calls out to him, and Shinsou’s only response is to rub the back of his neck and go “uh huh.” But! Later on, Shinsou has a flashback to this exchange, and he admits that he was actually really excited to face Midoriya again, and it’s like oh my gosh. You were secretly so pleased he recognized you, huh? You were so happy he remembered seeing you around and wanted to talk to you, and you wanted him to acknowledge how far you’ve come. But you’re a dumbass who couldn’t summon anything to say other than “uh huh.” D u m b a s s. But I like him for it. He tries so hard to be mature and collected that he really comes off as such a teenager.
Least favorite things about him:
Ok we both know he doesn’t get enough screen time, that can’t count as my least favorite thing. Hmm. Can I commit heresy and say that I think his hair looks pretty dumb?
Tbf though, Shinsou��s shortage of appearances is especially difficult because he’s fairly indirect and you can’t take what he says at face value, particularly because he aims to provoke. He’s also appeared almost exclusively in combat situations, so it’s hard to gauge how he behaves in more mundane circumstances (for example, in contrast to Mirio and Tamaki, who are fairly direct and who we see off the battlefield enough to get an overview of Mirio’s good-naturedness and Tamaki’s insecurity). I really dislike this uncertainty.
Other than that, it’s disappointing how, during the cavalry battle, he brainwashed all of his teammates. That leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Eliminating their brainpower definitely made them a weaker team, and I get the feeling he did it because he wanted to feel like he got to the final round from his own skill and not because he was relying on teammates with heroic quirks (which makes it ironic he taunted Midoriya about Ojiro’s “honor”). But I guess I get it, since he didn’t want to reveal his quirk to anyone and it would have been hard to persuade any of these strangers to team up with him.
Favorite line:
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Ch212 – Brainwashing Midoriya to save him from blackwhip.
I just love how like…in the Sports Festival, Shinsou wasn’t trying to fight Midoriya as an equal, he was fighting Midoriya as a bitter underdog with something to prove. Then during this Class A vs B fight, even though Shinsou has inferred that his transfer to the heroics course depends on his performance, he’s happy to battle Midoriya again because he’s proud of how far he’s come. He’s discovered the shounen “let’s fight because we’re friends!” mindset, and I think it’s sweet.
And! There’s also this!
Monoma: “I like you, Shinsou. I really do. In order to survive, you too need to embrace your darker side. We’re much the same.”Shinsou: “No thanks.”
Aizawa. Aizawa all the way. 90% of the Shinsou-centric fic I read is about a tired son and tired dad. 
I think Shinsou and Ojiro, once they get past the initial animosity, could be good friends. I know I mentioned that during the cavalry battle, I think Shinsou didn’t want to rely on teammates blessed with heroic quirks, he wanted to earn his own way. Similarly, Ojiro quit the Sports Festival precisely because he felt he didn’t earn his spot in the final round (something Shinsou provocatively dismissed as a sign of being a spoiled hero student who can afford to waste opportunities). I definitely have a weak spot for relationships that start off rocky and then, to the surprise of the idiots involved, they’re like wait we’re not that different…we might even be friends…? Anyways, Ojiro probably the number one Class A student I want to see Shinsou interact with more. I’d like to see him be Shinsou’s top critic at first, especially since Ojiro is generally such an easygoing nice guy.
On the other end of the spectrum, I love Monoma as Shinsou’s #1 fan. Their canon interactions cracked me up, and I like the balance Monoma strikes with Shinsou between his extravagant persona who’s all noise versus slipping him some thoughtful, barbed observations. Also like…Monoma emphatically embracing Shinsou as a member of the group is different from what Shinou’s learned to expect from people, so it’s funny to see him struggle with how to react. Shinsou has already said that he’s discarding any concept of good sportsmanship and so on, so I think having Monoma as someone to talk about how to fight dirty without being dirty would be a valuable friendship. …but mostly these two crack me up and I want more.
Okay, though Ojiro is the student in Class A I’m most curious to see Shinsou interact with, there’s also so much potential for humor with Kaminari or Aoyama. Kaminari’s little pep talk was really cute and I’d love to see him follow up on it by trying to befriend Shinsou while Shinsou is secretly pleased, embarrassed that he’s pleased, and unsure what Kaminari wants from him anyways. And Aoyama…LOL. Now, I dunno how these two would become friends, but imagine Aoyama trying to convince Shinsou to do something about his hair, about his eye bags, about his posture, about his dour inflections…meanwhile Shinsou suffers through it with his cool I don’t care attitude, gradually picking up on Aoyama’s hidden side. I can also imagine Aoyama and Shinsou being super passive aggressive to each other, ha.
I feel like Shinsou and Jirou could also get along pretty well, since they’re both pretty low-key. But I also feel like they might get along a little too well…I like pairs with a little more drama and tension. It’s easy to imagine them sitting in companionable silence, Shinsou listening to Jirou’s playlist while Jirou acts like this is no big deal. Or maybe Shinsou notices Jirou’s crush on Yaoyorozu and/or Kaminari, and Jirou is stuck seeking his opinion on matters he’s the opposite of an expert in…
I’d love to see Shinsou be subjected to Nejire’s relentless questioning. “Oh wow, hey! You look really tired! Are you really tired? Or are those shadows under your eyes just a side-effect of your quirk? Hey hey, wait, I recognize you. Aren’t you the brainwasher firstie? What do you say to people to brainwash them? Do you like, swing a pendulum in their face and tell them, ‘You are getting very sleepy’? You could do that to—oh! Can you brainwash yourself? Cuz then you could brainwash yourself to get more sleep! But…if you brainwash yourself, then who’s in control? How do you know you haven’t brainwashed yourself already—”
My favorite Shinsou ship is shiniida! This pic is what first put them on my radar, and the generally cute, funny fanart and fic got me the rest of the way invested. I like how on the surface, the two make an odd match, because you have Iida, who’s so by the book the bylaws are practically printed on his skin, and Shinsou gives a much more defiant, devious impression. But actually, Shinsou is surprisingly pure of heart, and Iida is someone who assumes the best of people, and it would be nice for Shinsou to find someone who implicitly believes he’s a good person. (…this is also something I like about Monoma.) Just the image of Iida fussing over Shinsou, and Shinsou being at a loss for how to deal with someone so well-meaning, respectful, and shameless about expressing his concern for Shinsou’s wellbeing. It’s intrusive but so sincere, I can imagine Shinsou getting pretty flustered.
It’s also interesting because Iida is from such a hero lineage with the sort of heroic quirk Shinsou begrudges for having it easy. I can see him being pretty caught off-guard by how seriously Iida dedicates himself to his dream to be a hero. Iida might have it easy compared to Shinsou, but that sort of determination isn’t something that can be scoffed off.
I also love todoshin, which I talked about here. One thing I didn’t talk about in that post, though, is that both of them in some way consider(ed) their quirks “evil.” Their complex relationships to their quirks are something else they might bond over, plus the fact that they’re both closely tied to the idea of self-determination, and I’m a weak-ass ho for free will as a theme so there you have shipping material galore in my book.
Shinoma is another ship I’ve read. I like this ship since it opens up different avenues of closeness between Shinsou and Monoma than between Shinsou and someone with a “heroic” quirk, but I think they’re more of a brotp for me. Kamishin, too—I like kamishin fluff/comedy, but I wind up gravitating more towards the platonic dynamic.
I haven’t read much shindeku, but it looks cute. I love the scenes where Midoriya greets Shinsou in the hall and Shinsou is too awkward to respond.
Hmm…not really. Big multishipper here, I’ll ship anything I see nice content for.
Random headcanons:
There’s a fanfic where adult!Shinsou has a cat named Nyazawa, and Aizawa hates being a namesake. I approve heartily.
Though I also get a kick out of imagining that Shinsou likes cats, but he’s allergic.
I love this fic’s idea that Shinsou was once mistaken for Aizawa’s son, and ever since Shinsou has had a running joke where he annoys Aizawa by insolently calling him “dad.”
Shinsou has barely trained his quirk because he needs people to practice on, and, prior to Aizawa’s tutelage, he didn’t have any volunteers and he couldn’t quite find the nerve to ask people to be brainwashed.
Shinsou’s always wondered what it feels like to be brainwashed. Sometime after the Class A vs B training battle, Shinsou asks Monoma to copy his quirk and show him.
Shinsou could have gotten in to a different hero school, in their heroics program instead of entering general studies. I imagine some hero schools, unlike UA, must specialize in less flashy quirks. But Shinsou had enough of a chip in his shoulder that he wouldn’t settle for less than UA, the very best hero school in the country, because he so badly wanted the affirmation and endorsement that he can be a great hero.
Unpopular opinions:
Don’t get me wrong, I love reading fic where Shinsou has a crappy home life, is in foster care, etc. Angsty dadzawa and shinson is always a win. But the vibe I get from canon is that his home life is okay. His flashback sequence showing how people always think the worst of his quirk was sad, but it could’ve been much worse, so I think his life isn’t as terrible as it could be. Whew. (Though…it’s also a shame because he might get more in-story focus if it were bad…)
I like fic where Aizawa is a little harsher on Shinsou than the standard dadzawa fare, usually because he sees himself/Shirakumo in Shinsou, and that’s a good thing, sure, but it’s also an ordeal because it’s painful and difficult to reopen old wounds. This sort of internal conflict is one of the interesting things that differentiates Aizawa’s dynamic with Shinsou from his dynamic with Midoriya or his other students.
…I don’t really like erasermic+shinsou? Idk, Yamada never really feels like he fits into the dadzawa/shinson dynamic. He can be helpful for moving the plot along, but I’m not sure I’ve ever found a fic where I was emotionally invested in his role. Maybe now that there’s more canon content for him, I’ll take more of a liking to this trio.
Songs I associate with him:
I agree with this post that Mad World has a very Shinsou feel to it. I Surrender by Colleen D’Agostino reminds me of him too, since Shinsou seems like someone who tries to be cynical and detached but underneath he can’t help what his heart truly wants.
Favorite pictures of him:
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Ch183 – zombie!Shinsou and terrified Kaminari!! I’d love to see Kaminari trying to revenge scare Shinsou.
(And seeing Mineta terrified is a different sort of satisfaction.)
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Ch198 – Shinsou’s shock when Monoma ambushes him. He looks so awkward with his hands held stiffly at his sides.
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Ch214 – why is he so cute. how did this happen.
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Ch216 – This is the moment he loses to Midoriya a second time. I love the mix of emotion on his face.
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Ch216 – His face when Aizawa announces Shinsou will almost certainly be approved for transfer
I’ve also answered these questions for Todoroki, Bakugo, Uraraka, Endeavor, Sir Nighteye, and Amajiki!
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pimby · 7 years
1-92 ??
honestly it’s been a boring night. thanks for keeping me busy!
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?Nope2. You talked to an ex today, correct?Nope!!3. Have you taken someones virginity?Nuh uh4. Is trust a big issue for you?Nah. If I bother hanging out with someone, I usually trust them.5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?Nope6. What are you excited for?My Hindi class!! I like the people there.7. What happened tonight?I’ve been watching anime and blogging.8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?Nah.9. Is confidence cute?Yes!! Know you’re good and own it!10. What is the last beverage you had?Water, the source of all life.11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?A lot! I have primarily guy friends. I also trust my brother.12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?Those are like the only pants I own.13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?Here I am living my ideal.14. What are you going to spend money on next?Bedding, I think. Mine has a stain and I found a cute replacement!15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?I r r e l e v a n t16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?Boy i hope so17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?My sister Lee and wr3h and towneater and well!!!! Many people, I guess. Friends.18. The last time you felt broken?:/ Today19. Have you had sex today?Nope!20. Are you starting to realize anything?Life is a continuum of realization. If you don’t realize it’s not real life.I realize. I comprehend. I process. Analysis: I want beans.21. Are you in a good mood?Lukewarm. Cruise mode.22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?Sure why not.23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?I???? Avoid looking my dad in the eyes and I just realized this????24. What do you want right this second?To be with people that want to be around me!! I want that so much.25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?Nothing. It’s okay.26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Yep. Caramely.27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?Hell no. That’s nasty.28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?Myself. I was panicking while driving trying to squeeze into another lane and singing a song about it to hear the sound of my own voice, then caught myself and realized how stupid I sound. There’s that Realize.29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?At this point I miss my retail boss that yelled at me all the time. at least I was getting attention. I shit you not I had a dream I went back to that godawful job last night. That’s what we’re at; I would take anybody.30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?I think for some actions, one of the consequences is ostracization. Severe crimes fall under that. It makes sense that your victims wouldn’t be able to trust you.31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?Nah.32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?One does, one doesn’t.33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?Yep! Not worth how it makes me feel.34. Listening to? Cherry Coke - Don’t Kill My Vibe. Okay did you know I always lie to this question because I just have a random playlist on shuffle but I go through it and find one that fits my current mood??? A trickster.35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yeah, but it’s not preferable.36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?No. They were from a past life or another dimension and I have no memory of it.37. Do you believe in love at first sight?Yeah I’ve experienced it!! 38. Who did you last call?My mom.39. Who was the last person you danced with?Wow, fuck. Probably some stranger, years ago??40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?I didn’t.41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?Over a year D:42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?Nope43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?How dare you ever think I do otherwise.44. Do you tan in the nude?No lad I have other skin concerns I’d rather battle.45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?D....efinitely......46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?Nope! I don’t usually leave em hanging and say good night.47. Who was the last person to call you?My....mom.....48. Do you sing in the shower?Nah I have roommates.49. Do you dance in the car?YEAH BUDDY!!!!50. Ever used a bow and arrow?Yeah and my dad offered to buy me one and stuff but I only want an elvish recurve. I don’t want this useful nonesense.51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?A couple weeks ago! They’re super cute; I am one hot tamale.52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?Well yeah, but I can enjoy some cheese.53. Is Christmas stressful?It’s the most peaceful time of the year I think!!! Wait shit I just had flashbacks to all my former Christmases no it’s not.54. Ever eat a pierogi?Don’t ask me that if you aren’t gonna feed it to me.55. Favorite type of fruit pie?Boysenberry56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Master thief! Thanks, Sly Cooper, for the terribly unrealistic dream. 57. Do you believe in ghosts?Ya they watch me take a piss58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?Really commonly lately.59. Take a vitamin daily?No I bathe in my nutrients.60. Wear slippers?Never ever im a barefoot beast61. Wear a bath robe?I wear a sleep robe and it’s SPICY62. What do you wear to bed?That robe or a night shirt. Never pants. Too hot.63. First concert?Never been64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?Wal-Mart. I don’t have any airs about me. No dignity to save.65. Nike or Adidas?Fuck em I won’t fall for their feet prison complex.66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?Peanuts68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?Tumblr said she isn’t good and I must obey.69. Ever take dance lessons?Life is the greatest teacher.70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Pussy eater.71. Can you curl your tongue?Nah72. Ever won a spelling bee?My biggest accomplishment actually. I’m unduly proud of that fact.73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?All the time.74. What is your favorite book?The MIsts of Avalon75. Do you study better with or without music?Without music but I won’t do it unless I have music.76. Regularly burn incense?Nope77. Ever been in love?Always!78. Who would you like to see in concert?Marianas Trench79. What was the last concert you saw?Calm down abt the concerts maybe.80. Hot tea or cold tea?Hot tea u sick fiend.81. Tea or coffee?Tea82. Favorite type of cookie?No bakes. Those ones that are THICC83. Can you swim well?I can stay afloat.84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?There are people that can’t? v:85. Are you patient?Externally yes. Internally no.86. DJ or band, at a wedding?This is a real problem real people face and debate about? Tell everybody to put headphones in and play their own music and don’t talk to each other.87. Ever won a contest?One time I sewed a pillow and it won a ribbon at the county fair.88. Ever have plastic surgery?No babe it’s natural89. Which are better black or green olives?Neither.90. Opinions on sex before marriage?I don’t know what that is I’m sorry91. Best room for a fireplace?The throne room.92. Do you want to get married?Sure.
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adityasg18 · 5 years
 In this special day i would love to give you some notes about life. Idk if you are going to read this, but yeah let me write this all for you. Cause love its not just about the romance thingy, for me it's more about to lifts up each other in every aspects of life. That's how I define my love. And that's why I'm too sucks about romance, you know this😅 I'm sorry for that!
  As I've been through a lot of things in my life, I learned many things which I would like to share it some with you. Don't worry i won't 'act smart' like you said to me last time when i put that 'run me dry' in my status in Pimd. You were questioning me about that and asked me like 'don’t act smart now' 😁
do u still remember that ? Cause i will never forget that 😆
  First thing first. I want you to know that i really want you to be success in whatever you're doing.
  Idk what's success meaning in your life as every person have their point of view about things, and please note that i won't force you to have same picture as me. I'll just give you some ideas, and my point of view for you to refer.
 But what i learned from you so far, you really take an interest in cars, and to have that all beautiful cars, babe.. you need money, to earn money you need efforts.
 And yes, to achieve that level of success you need to do hella lots of efforts, you need to strive for it babe, and please don't ever put give up in your dictionary. You need to go all in.
  One of effort that is very important to do is to create a plan for your goal, for your future. Don't ever go somewhere without having a plan with you cause you need a direction to go. I don't want you to waste a time, cause you know that we can't turn back the time, right? The problem with people nowadays that they always think they have time. Please always have your planning more than your action. The good percentage at least 70% plan and 30% action. So whenever unexpected things happened in your journey, u will not get distracted by that, as you already have your Blue Print of your future plan. It's like building a house right? Can't u imagine building a house or an apartment without having a blue print? You knew this more than me. 🙂 and one more thing, you always need to put a timeline in every goal you wanted to achieve, cause time flies baby, we sometimes did not realize that we've spent too much time on one thing. Remember this, if any of your plan does not work please change your plan but never the goal.
  Let me tell you something, don't ever scared to fall and make mistakes babe. Make mistake as much as you can since you're still young, so that you can learn a lot by having that experiences. That's how you will grow up, and scale up your game. Cause sometimes you Win and sometimes you Learn. You will never lose if you take that as a lesson for yourself, and develop it to be a better version of yourself.
  Baby, another thing i want you to remember is please never put yourself in your comfort zone. Cause i know you deserve so much more in this life. I am actually very proud of you that you started hit the gym🙂 so keep it up babe, and pls always put yourself uncomfortable and i promise you, you will get the result in the future.
  Do you know one of the reason what i love about you?  Cause i found you are a very warm-hearted human being especially to your Mom, Dad, Granny, and your brother. Babe, if you know one of my favourite story from you is when you talk about your family. So please i really want you to always take this with you, always listen to your parents advice cause at the end of the day they are the only ones who want the best for you and will be there for you no matter what. I will love you for that. 🙂
  Sweetheart, i know this part would be pretty hard for you, we had some discussion about this for quite number of times, but seriously listen to me, please save money. Save money lil bit babe. Start to write down all your expenses everyday, and make a financial report of yourself, and analyse it every end of the month; what's your biggest expenses in each month and cut unnecessary things on the next month. Try to overcome the problem so you will save more. If you save money today, they will save you tomorrow, have u ever heard about this? So please babe listen to me this time.
  This is the most important thing that I wanna share it with you is to always have a good mindset, Sweet. I've learned that our character, our thinking, and our beliefs are a critical part of what determines of our success. Cause what's under the ground it creates what's above the grounds. If you want to change the fruits, you will have to change the seeds, isn’t it? Do you know there is a process of manifestation; thoughts will leads to feelings, feelings leads to action, action leads to result. So it is very important for you to put and set your mindset in the right one in order to get the right result. Your mind is a weapon babe, so please keep it loaded.
  But all these long lesson story will be useless if you can't take care of your health, baby! This is the most crucial thing that I want you to really concern. It would be waste of time if you work hard as much as you could but end up to spend all the money for medication bill or hospital bill. Please acknowledge that your body immune is pretty low. So please always take care of what you eat, have enough sleep, and do exercise at least few times in a week. Your health is the best investment that you will ever make for yourself, baby. Trust me. 
  Lastly, despite everything that I wrote above are very important, to be grateful for what you have is actually the key of success and the master key of happiness. There was such an attempt to achieve those things and to keep going that you lose sight of the people and the blessings that you have around. You’re so focused on the next success, the next step in your carrier, the next check, whatever it is, and you forget that you have these things that seem small if you're looking that way, but if you looking this way, you're realize they're the only thing that matters; and that's your mother, that's your family, that's love. Absolutely do what's in your heart, say what's on your mind, speak what's in your heart and how you really feel. When you’re trying to be something else, when you're trying to fit on what's going on, it's like you kind of stray away from your path a little bit, and sometimes you wanna expand yourself and grow, that's all good babe, but please never veer too far from who you are as a person. Please always appreciating what you do actually have, like hey babe you got a nice hoodie, you got a cool motorbike, you have many people loves you, you have a warm family, you're in Pune the most developing city in your country, you're a good looking guy, you're good at approaching girls, and am sure you got maybe a sweet partner too in the future. There are a lot of things to be grateful for. So please.. Love Yours, baby.
    So this is it. I'm really sorry if it is too much for you to read, I'm not sure if you are going to read all of this though😅 It just that I really want the best for you, and we ended up too fast so i don't have time to share more things with you. Umm so yeah.. See you on top, baby. I love you so much. As I always said I've got your back. Please have no limit for your vision & dreams. Many people loves you and want the best for you. Do your best for your future. Take the risk. Make a commitment to yourself. I believed that you are one of the man who could change the world, and I'm sure your dearest Dada will b really proud of you for that in heaven. And please don't forget to always Love Yours, babe. Be grateful. Good luck in everything! *sending you virtual bumps*
    Happy Diwali, Sweetheart. May this Diwali come with beautiful beginning, fresh hope, bright days, and new dreams for you. Wish your entire family a very Happy Diwali too from me❤
Sunday, 27th October 2019
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