#just trying to find a fulfilling outlet thay I can do
brewerssupplies · 1 year
Man. I have the want to do so many different projects and pursue so many different art forms. I want to do it all at once and since I can't, I don't do any of it.
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The Erotic, Carnal Festivities Are Not Without, And Other Erotic/Carnal Musings, Poetry, Erotica, Autobiography, Commentary And General Writings (Also Of An Erotic Nature)
1. The Fucking Festivities Are NOT Without: A Carnal Lamenting Poem
Without the great, high-fenced, golden-walled, circumvallatory and mighty city am I, wishing to come in.The grand, brass-fastened, iron-hinged wooden door; the great gate of the entering in of the city, this portal is closed and shut fast and tight.Yet, beyond its thick, xyloidal fastness, I hear the faint tones of truly dulcet music,and those noises of carousing……And, even fainter than the almost inaudible pulsation of rhythmic, saltant sounds,comes the evermore dulcet and mellifluous, influential noises of grand, uninhibited sexuality.And the romps thereof…The city is the abode and origin and treasure-house of great sex,it is the only place in the entire world whereat is this practiced;And, I am left alone, without, with no one to love or even fuck me.*It is a grandiosely glorious city of pornographic achievement and fulfillment and abandon and I cannot get in.The festivities are not without.*
2.A Lamentation; Of The Yearning And Plea For Understanding of The Would-Be Sexual Adventurer: Of The Absolutely Dire Necessity For A Viable Entree To The World of Sex (Of Which Presently He Is Without)
It is a shame that I can’t, apparently, use my inexperience, eagerness, want/desire/need, willingness, lustfulness, insatiability and/or erstwhile unfulfillment and dissatisfaction as an entree to a world of unlimited, unfettered, uninhibited, satisfying sexual expression, fulfillment, exploration/experimentation, delight, enjoyment, adventure, playfulness and revelry-of which I desperately want to be a part-due to the seemingly cliquey, expectant nature of this quasi-caste system. It is a world wherein only the experienced gain more experience; the already sexually adventurous gains more sexual adventures; the sated receive and achieve satisfaction; the fulfilled get fulfillment; it is the club where everybody already knows everybody and no one new is ever admitted-the old hand, the expert, the diehard get more. Experience level, apparently, determines everything and, unfortunately, the whole thing boils down, ultimately, to the little more than a kind of a primarily sexual sort of gluttony and selfishness. Owing to the seeming fact that roughly 90% of the sexually playful, the sexually adventurous and the sexually exciting and theatrical and fun are ultimately little less than sexually uncharitable and stingy, apparently; the would-be, hoped-for, up-and-coming sexual adventurer-the neophyte and tyro to the wonderful world of sexual adventuring-must seek for the rare and inestimably priceless boon of much-needed sexual generosity (as well as patience and understanding) among an apparently very limited, ever-diminishing few. They are few, they are far-between, they are fleeting and they are rare: the rarest of the rare breeds: the sexual adventurer who, when it comes to sex, is still essentially self-involved and gluttonous, but who also possesses knowledge, patience, understanding, generosity, kindness and charity-at least, of a predominantly sexual variety. I am of the very unfortunate class and clan of those who are struggling, striving for some form of true sexual achievement, but yet who are sexually inexperienced, sexually poor, sexually honest, and who wish, in time, to become sexual adventurers and have loving, friendly, patient, instructive, sharing, XXX-minded, sexy outlets for all their sexual creativity and antics. It is hard, it is very difficult, to be this person, unless relatively young, for none of your fellow (yet far more advanced) sexual adventurers take you seriously, and, worse yet, most seem to be patently indifferent as to your plight. Among other things, they are apparently deficient in certain kinds of sympathy, understanding and empathy; and they have, most of them, little to no desire to help the sexual sufferer, who, but for the entree to their sexually stimulating, boundless world and life, would be not only a grand sexual adventurer, and always up for and open to the task of sexual adventuring, but perhaps the greatest fuck and fucker of all time! Because, somewhat sadly, even lacking most of the majority of the life sexual, I find that, in the end, the very best thing about being an adult is adultery/fornication!
3.Raunchy Requests, Decadent Directions: A XXX Love Poem Erotica
Spit upon my phallus, my love that thou might make it sufficiently lubricious for the pleasureable proceedings, the adventuresome,frolicsome sexcapades to follow; Rub that succulent and salivary,taut and stony, pulsing phallus with thy fisted hand;wherewith the up and down, side-to-side motions thou shalt make shall excite me,my love, and prepare me for the strenuous sexual exercise to come; Open wide thy loving, wet, glossy, soft and supple mouth to receive this, my rock-hard penis;Let me fondle thy womanly parts:thy rich, full, proud, firm breasts; and the juicy pinkness in and around your shaven nether region;Let that selfsame become moist so that……
4. What I Want To Get Out of Life (And This Site): Basically, I just want to get to know someone and discover what brings them joy and try to work together with them to reach a goal to satisfy each other’s needs.That’s just basically it.
5.Help Fulfill My Host of Sexual Fantasies……
Please help fulfill my host of sexual fantasies…….especially if you look like Kianna Dior, Jayden James, Alektra Blue, Luci Thai, Annie Cruz, Lisa Ann, Mika Tan and/or Ava Devine! lol. I mean: I am a bit of an amateur and a bit inexperienced, I want to do this as a means to broaden my sexual horizons, spice up my lackluster/nonexistent sex/love life, experiment and explore, to wallow, bask, REVEL in my sexuality, my heterosexuality-and to do XXX/pornographic stuff! lol) Like, within the XXX/pornographic/heterosexual realm, I am open to and willing to do almost anything…..and I do mean ANYTHING! ;) I just hope I can find some similar-minded, willing, open, uninhibited, passionate, XXX-minded, pornographic, sexy local women, Asian or not, who can help me live out my fantasies and make my sex dreams cum true! :)
6.With The Yearning Of An Over or Undersexed Teenager:Of The Town To Which Lovelorn Men (And Women) Repair And, Ephemerally, Reside In- An Erotic, Essayistic, Explanatory Prose-Poem:
When one has found that they, perhaps by the reckoning of some cynics, have shortsightedly fallen in love and lust with she with whom they want to be, she whom is perfect for them and who seems, in every way, made for them, predestined and meant-for-each-other, fated to and needing to be together;And some ironic and horrid twist of fate occurs, and someone or something (and/or some cruel and vile and ironic yet temporary fickle turn of mind occurs) interferes and proves to be a stumbling block to that near-perfect arrangement, which, in time, would become perfected, legitimized and fully realized (and all that is now tampered with and ceased); and when this train is dreadfully, drastically, ephemerally derailed,from the smoking, mangled mass one crawls forth, cradling their bloodied and dislocated limbs, and is saddened and bereft of true love; and then, for better or worse, somewhat unfortunately, the only to fill up and expedite the interim before which they might see and be with and love each other again, is to have an extended layover in * Fuck Town!
*Speaking of The Great City of The Power and Ensnarement Of The Pleasures Of The Flesh (The Great Prison-City): A Practice In Biblical/Poetical/Historical/Prophetical/Homiletic/Legal Summary Writing:
I do not lock myself up in the great prison that is also the grand city of the wretched and damned, neither do I do so willingly nor with thought of action of plan to account the days spent lodged therein and thereat as being justly counted from this day unto time indefinite; It is a temporary abode, this stately, vast and many-castled, walled and palatial city of imprisonment. I estimate that it is a snare; even so do I appraise and surmise it as a marshy city of possibly perpetual ensnarement. (Or, failing that thereof, peradventure ‘tis a city of enslavement, whereat is practiced the profane and abject “ideal”-the false and wicked ideal-of servile reverence and enthrallment to the power and magnificent entrancement of the pleasures of the flesh.) The city is the city, verily, of the utter folly of the pleasures of the flesh, and an ensnarement; a veritable ensnarement and entrapment; yet still do I wish to gain admission into it, this august and pleasuring city, and but for a little while, during the time of my bereavement of love and lovelornness, dwell therein, carousing and rejoicing with it’s damned and cynical denizens.
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nightrainlily · 6 years
we’re old pros now. we woke up early and caught the train at three bridges to Victoria, then beelined to the Victoria tube line, took that to Green Park, then took the Piccadilly line to Leicester Square, then walked to Covent Garden. if you can keep up with all that, you’re a local.
we stopped for breakfast and finally coffee. we haven’t had coffee since we left Sweden, and we became really caffeine dependent on the dark, smooth Swedish blends during our stay there. going cold turkey was hard, and Joelle and I were feeling it. we each got our favorite drink (a latte for Jo, a cappuccino for my mother, and an americano for me), and were absolutely overjoyed when they arrived at the table. I had strong crema. I knew it was going to be a good day.
my breakfast was also delicious (I’m going to talk about food a whole lot in this post, so if that’s not your thing, you might want to skip to day eight). I had a broiled grapefruit and granola, which may sound simple but really was just so very satisfying. side note: some people say that almond milk tastes like dirty water and that it’s terrible, but honestly I could drink it by the gallon. it’s so creamy! and smooth! and delicious! Joelle had coconut yogurt with pistachios (we all agreed pistachios are a seriously underrated yogurt topping) and this croissant that I could actually hear flake when she bit it. Joelle loves croissants—she gets excited thinking about how good the croissants are going to be in France—and my mother and I are encouraging her to start a croissant blog, the content of which will be ratings of croissants by flake, butter content, taste, cost, pull value, size, golden brownness, etc. she tells me this one was an eight out of ten; too much pull and too little flake, but the coloring was a perfect buttery bronze. once our caffeine kicked in, we were in high, high spirits. way up there.
the three of us are fond of quieter, cleaner spaces, like Kensington and Covent Garden. we walked through tea shops, parfumeries, and chocolatiers. the rows of stalls of the jubilee market stand on the outskirts of the square, where artisans and merchants sell their wares. I bought a tiny stamp of an “a” in the art deco style to use on my letter seals. oh, the things I do for my pen pals.
back to the topic of perfume: the word itself is derived from latin which translates to “through smoke.” Romans, Persians, and Arabs each developed their own versions of the latin original. what we call perfume in the states is actually a range of products which include eau de cologne (seven percent concentration), eau de toilette (ten percent concentration), eau de parfum (fifteen to twenty percent concentration), and actual perfume (forty percent concentration). I gravitate towards clean but also spicy scents; the one I’m wearing the most right now is coipaba balsam, palo santo, and cyprus. I found three blends today that I liked: a bergamot, oudwood, and birchwood one; a bergamot, agar wood, and geranium one; and a lemon, camellia leaves, and iris one. I only recently started to appreciate perfume and the niceness of a scent. I’m a musician, so when I think about art, I most often think of sound, but of course visual art is the most prominent form, and performance as well. only recently have I realized that the sense of smell can also factor into artistic expression as well; in the same way that a chef crafts a sensory experience, someone who crafts smells is also an artist.
after we felt we’d fully explored the Covent Garden area, we walked to the British Museum. we sort of came around the side, and then suddenly it was looming over us, stretching on for city blocks. its architectural influences include the greek revival style, which manifests in huge portico with forty four columns overlooking the street. the entrance opens onto the great court, a circular space in the center of the museum that is five stories high, centered around the reading room. the light filtering in from the cloudy sky today gave the marble room a gray cast, which seemed to me perfect museum-viewing weather.
some of the British Museum’s most renowned pieces are from ancient Greece, which include The Thinker and remains of the Parthenon. the only other public viewing opportunity for the Parthenon is in Greece, where the rest of the pieces still remain. the figures especially are exquisite—the folds of dresses fluttering in the wind, the detail of facial hair, the realness of human anatomy and movement. the ability to turn stone into figures that feel truly alive is something to witness and appreciate, if you ever get the chance.
the other section where we spent the most time was the Asian exhibit. our highlights from those rooms were the Chinese pottery, incredibly well preserved and incredibly detailed, pieces from South Asia centered around Hinduism and Buddhism, and the life-size model of a Korean scholar’s home. whereas the Greek rooms were mostly white marble, the Asian art was vibrant in both design and coloration. I saw the sculpture of the god Shiva, dancing in a ring of flame which conveys the Hindu belief that time is cyclical. some postage stamps in the modern section of the room show Kazi Nazrul islam, a Indian poet during the Indian revolution. the special room of jade sculptures had pieces ranging in size and delicacy, but all were beautiful and reminded me of the small gifts my grandfather used to bring home from Korea.
I didn’t even talk about the Rosetta Stone, but you get the gist of that. it was amazing. I felt like I was in the presence of a god.
I keep a list of professions I would pursue if I could live infinitely and money were no object. it includes: florist, music producer, magazine editor, professor, and now, museum curator. I love organization and the process of finding beautiful or interesting things. my blog, I suppose, is a form of curation, and my playlists definitely scratch that itch as well. to become an expert on something, to know more about it than almost anyone in the world, is a gift which gives you the power to enrich peoples’ lives. in his book The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell discusses three types of people: connectors, mavens, and salesmen. I would like to think I’m a maven, because I so enjoy learning about things and then disseminating that information to specific outlets that will most appreciate it. I think I get it from my mom, who reads the newspaper and clips articles for the people she loves. I take that concept to the next level. and being a museum curator would be the next next level.
although we didn’t get through every room, or even every floor, of exhibits, the museum was set to close and we were dead on our feet. we set off towards a row of restaurants, and as I looked around on the map, I saw a By Chloe. I’ve wanted to eat at a By Chloe for literally years, but the locations in L.A. and New York never quite made it into the family vacation itinerary. by the time we got there we were so hungry we could hardly stand, but just seeing the menu rejuvenated me. a lot of people ask me if being vegan is hard because I miss certain foods, but restaurants like By Chloe really fill the gap. I ordered a spicy Thai salad (on brand much?) and a side of mac and cheese, because I feel like if you’re a vegan offered mac and cheese and you don’t take the opportunity to at least try it, you’re probably doing it wrong. my mother got the same salad as me and a cauliflower soup, and Joelle got a taco salad (also on brand. another side note: Joelle’s list of her favorite foods does not include any Mexican dishes, but she’s ordered it consistently when we’re out and says that’s what she’s missed most since leaving home. this girl loves her Mex). and we got sweet potato and regular fries. with beet ketchup. and chipotle aioli. basically, we were feasting and I was in heaven. I’m always grateful when my friends and family compromise and eat at vegan restaurants, so thanks for fulfilling my dreams, guys!
then we stopped for gelato, and although I didn’t get any I’m going to talk about it anyway because it looked really good: my mother got coffee and dark chocolate, and Joelle got cheesecake and dark chocolate (another one of Joelle’s favorite, most beloved foods: cheesecake). there are gelato shops, and good gelato too, on every corner in this city. we love that.
and although we were in an unfamiliar area, we walked a block or two and found an underground station, read the map, and took it home. the London underground is by far the easiest public transportation system I’ve ever used, and I so appreciate the frequent stops, clean trains, logical signage, and ease of access to other lines. we’ve been able to get around entirely on our own, without any major mishaps. like we haven’t even gotten lost once. I count that as a victory.
today was rich. I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re feeling full-up of art, culture, and good food.
signing off,
1. Dedicated to the One I Love - The Mamas and the Papas
2. But Not for Me - Chet Baker
3. Something Soon - Car Seat Headrest
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
Many Thai sex workers say they are happy in their jobs
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WHEN the issue of sex workers in #Thailand is brought up, any discussion is usually characterized with words of ‘exploitation’, ‘coercion’, and ‘human trafficking’.
However this is only part of the story. Not all feel suppressed and that they are undertaking a degrading occupation. Some of the girls interviewed felt that sex work was a means of emancipating themselves economically, and as a consequence felt more optimistic about their futures. If one visits some of the many bars, karaoke joints, and massage parlours around Phuket, Bangkok, and Pattaya, and listen to the many stories from the sex workers themselves, feelings of exploitation, depression, and coercion are not always necessarily the stories you hear. For many within the group, sex work had been an adventure of moving around and trying different things, to eventually finding a place to work that best suits their needs. The more adventurous ones who have been able to pick up a smattering of foreign languages tend to ‘settle’ in the areas where foreign clients predominate over  locals. “Sometimes the customers aren’t so good to us, we have a hard time, but the money is great.” Those who have travelled through the tourist areas of Thailand and spoken to sex workers will find that most of the stories they hear have common themes and elements to them. Many girls come from Issan, a vast rural area northeast of Bangkok, or up-country from Bangkok all the way past Chiang Mai into the highlands. They often from areas that don’t have education or employment opportunities locally. University and vocational education in Thailand is not free. The girls are either very young, unable to continue schooling or go to university, or from broken marriages, usually with a child who the family looks after. Some come from broken families as well. Their journeys are primarily in search of an income, and to get out of the home environment they have been brought up in. They travel to particular places on advice and recommendations of others who have made the trip before them. A few see the journey as a chance to find a ‘farang’ (Western) partner, while others see it as a means of earning an income. As ‘Dow’ said during one of the interviews, “Coming to Bangkok is a way I can look after my parents at home by sending them some money every month”. They travel with the responsibility and hope of being able to support their children, parents, and siblings still at home, having the dream of being able to build a better house and maybe even buying some land for the family to farm. Stories from the mature sex workers vary in their life successes. Many have been able to build a house back home and buy up more land. Some have brought home a foreign husband to their village who has built a home, while a select few have gone to the country of their spouse to live. https://bangkokjack.com/2018/11/04/truth-about-thai-prostitutes/ Out of those who leave Thailand, some continue sex work in their new countries. Often, these sex industries are structured differently, focusing on short time clients, where a girl may service up to 30 clients in a single shift in the brothels, many face great psychological trauma. They get introduced to drugs to help them cope, and discover gambling as an outlet, physically and emotionally going downhill. Some send money back home and if a sister or mother invests it well, bring great benefits to the family. Others find out their hard earned money has been squandered on alcohol and gambling in the village by the parents. A number of sex workers contract hepatitis or HIV and end up returning home to die, or going off to some remote temple with carers to help them pass away peacefully. HIV is the tragedy of sex work in Thailand. “Coming to Bangkok is a way I can look after my parents at home by sending them some money every month.” Some don’t have the luck of finding a partner, or saving enough to return home, and thus end up in jobs like a masseuse until they are in their 60s. They may travel down to Malaysia, Korea, or Singapore to do short time work in many of the massage parlours springing up in the region. It’s not a great option, as ‘Lily’ told the writer, “Malaysia is full of police ready to arrest us, if we are not lucky” The successful sex workers appear to share a thrill of earning relatively easy money. Some of the young savvy sex workers told the writer that in good times they are able to earn up to 4,000 baht (US$113) per day by taking three to four short time clients daily. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/05/20/truth-about-prostitutes-vietnam/ Others like to build up a list of regular clients, who holiday in Thailand at certain times of the year and become their companion for the duration of their stays. They develop friendships, which in some cases allow them to travel and feel some luxury. ‘Dow’ said, “Sometimes the customers aren’t so good to us, we have a hard time, but the money is great.” However the majority struggle, earning anything between 2,000 to 4,000 baht per week, if they are lucky, taking whatever clients they can get. The status symbol for the sex worker is the type of mobile phone they own, with iphones being highly prized. A prevailing attitude that came from the sex workers interviewed suggested that they feel better being paid for the sex they provide, rather than providing sex to a husband in a dead end relationship that they get nothing for. This was most prevalent in those who had been married before. To some, this justified what they were doing. Some even talk about providing sex as helping clients with a basic need, which in a way shows the compassion behind some of the hardness that develops over the years. What was most common with those sex workers who had been prudent financially, was a satisfaction with their career as a sex worker. It was not about the sex, however many enjoyed some of the fun party times they had. Some of the mature workers even proudly took out old photos of when they were young. They spoke of relationships they had with ‘farangs’, and the good times they occasionally had. It was about what their work brought for them in life. Equally, they spoke of what they managed to do for their families. None overtly showed any regrets, some even saying they would have started younger if they had of known how lucrative sex work was when they were young. ‘Katz’ said, “….I remember the days I was beautiful with long flowing hair, and the money came in”. Almost universal among the sex workers interviewed was the feeling that they had fulfilled a sense of duty in bringing up a child, caring for an ailing parent, sending a sibling through school, or building a family home. It’s the chance of having the above successes that seems to lure young girls to Phuket or Pattaya in the hope of being able to make it too. They see the successful ones returning home with gifts, having the latest iPhone, and proudly building a house in the village. It’s an alternative to going to university, or working in a factory, which may not be possible still in many rural parts of Thailand. Until sound economic and educational opportunities exist at village level, the drift to the tourist areas in search of a livelihood through sex work will continue. This is just one cross-section of the sex industry in Thailand. Not all are as lucky as this group. Sex workers still come from the poorer rural areas of Thailand both because of need and hope. There is no denial that trafficking and coercion does exist for others. Education and employment opportunities in Thailand are still not available to all, keeping sex work as a viable alternative for many. Facilitating economic and educational opportunity at the village level should be a major objective. - AsianCorrespondent This article is based on conversations with more than 20 active and former Thai sex workers held over a 6-month period. The article refers to narratives collected as part of a research project undertaken in conjunction with a Thai University. – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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bangkokjacknews · 5 years
Many Thai sex workers say they are happy in their jobs
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WHEN the issue of sex workers in #Thailand is brought up, any discussion is usually characterized with words of ‘exploitation’, ‘coercion’, and ‘human trafficking’.
However this is only part of the story. Not all feel suppressed and that they are undertaking a degrading occupation. Some of the girls interviewed felt that sex work was a means of emancipating themselves economically, and as a consequence felt more optimistic about their futures. If one visits some of the many bars, karaoke joints, and massage parlours around Phuket, Bangkok, and Pattaya, and listen to the many stories from the sex workers themselves, feelings of exploitation, depression, and coercion are not always necessarily the stories you hear. For many within the group, sex work had been an adventure of moving around and trying different things, to eventually finding a place to work that best suits their needs. The more adventurous ones who have been able to pick up a smattering of foreign languages tend to ‘settle’ in the areas where foreign clients predominate over  locals. “Sometimes the customers aren’t so good to us, we have a hard time, but the money is great.” Those who have travelled through the tourist areas of Thailand and spoken to sex workers will find that most of the stories they hear have common themes and elements to them. Many girls come from Issan, a vast rural area northeast of Bangkok, or up-country from Bangkok all the way past Chiang Mai into the highlands. They often from areas that don’t have education or employment opportunities locally. University and vocational education in Thailand is not free. The girls are either very young, unable to continue schooling or go to university, or from broken marriages, usually with a child who the family looks after. Some come from broken families as well. Their journeys are primarily in search of an income, and to get out of the home environment they have been brought up in. They travel to particular places on advice and recommendations of others who have made the trip before them. A few see the journey as a chance to find a ‘farang’ (Western) partner, while others see it as a means of earning an income. As ‘Dow’ said during one of the interviews, “Coming to Bangkok is a way I can look after my parents at home by sending them some money every month”. They travel with the responsibility and hope of being able to support their children, parents, and siblings still at home, having the dream of being able to build a better house and maybe even buying some land for the family to farm. Stories from the mature sex workers vary in their life successes. Many have been able to build a house back home and buy up more land. Some have brought home a foreign husband to their village who has built a home, while a select few have gone to the country of their spouse to live. https://bangkokjack.com/2018/11/04/truth-about-thai-prostitutes/ Out of those who leave Thailand, some continue sex work in their new countries. Often, these sex industries are structured differently, focusing on short time clients, where a girl may service up to 30 clients in a single shift in the brothels, many face great psychological trauma. They get introduced to drugs to help them cope, and discover gambling as an outlet, physically and emotionally going downhill. Some send money back home and if a sister or mother invests it well, bring great benefits to the family. Others find out their hard earned money has been squandered on alcohol and gambling in the village by the parents. A number of sex workers contract hepatitis or HIV and end up returning home to die, or going off to some remote temple with carers to help them pass away peacefully. HIV is the tragedy of sex work in Thailand. “Coming to Bangkok is a way I can look after my parents at home by sending them some money every month.” Some don’t have the luck of finding a partner, or saving enough to return home, and thus end up in jobs like a masseuse until they are in their 60s. They may travel down to Malaysia, Korea, or Singapore to do short time work in many of the massage parlours springing up in the region. It’s not a great option, as ‘Lily’ told the writer, “Malaysia is full of police ready to arrest us, if we are not lucky” The successful sex workers appear to share a thrill of earning relatively easy money. Some of the young savvy sex workers told the writer that in good times they are able to earn up to 4,000 baht (US$113) per day by taking three to four short time clients daily. https://bangkokjack.com/2019/05/20/truth-about-prostitutes-vietnam/ Others like to build up a list of regular clients, who holiday in Thailand at certain times of the year and become their companion for the duration of their stays. They develop friendships, which in some cases allow them to travel and feel some luxury. ‘Dow’ said, “Sometimes the customers aren’t so good to us, we have a hard time, but the money is great.” However the majority struggle, earning anything between 2,000 to 4,000 baht per week, if they are lucky, taking whatever clients they can get. The status symbol for the sex worker is the type of mobile phone they own, with iphones being highly prized. A prevailing attitude that came from the sex workers interviewed suggested that they feel better being paid for the sex they provide, rather than providing sex to a husband in a dead end relationship that they get nothing for. This was most prevalent in those who had been married before. To some, this justified what they were doing. Some even talk about providing sex as helping clients with a basic need, which in a way shows the compassion behind some of the hardness that develops over the years. What was most common with those sex workers who had been prudent financially, was a satisfaction with their career as a sex worker. It was not about the sex, however many enjoyed some of the fun party times they had. Some of the mature workers even proudly took out old photos of when they were young. They spoke of relationships they had with ‘farangs’, and the good times they occasionally had. It was about what their work brought for them in life. Equally, they spoke of what they managed to do for their families. None overtly showed any regrets, some even saying they would have started younger if they had of known how lucrative sex work was when they were young. ‘Katz’ said, “….I remember the days I was beautiful with long flowing hair, and the money came in”. Almost universal among the sex workers interviewed was the feeling that they had fulfilled a sense of duty in bringing up a child, caring for an ailing parent, sending a sibling through school, or building a family home. It’s the chance of having the above successes that seems to lure young girls to Phuket or Pattaya in the hope of being able to make it too. They see the successful ones returning home with gifts, having the latest iPhone, and proudly building a house in the village. It’s an alternative to going to university, or working in a factory, which may not be possible still in many rural parts of Thailand. Until sound economic and educational opportunities exist at village level, the drift to the tourist areas in search of a livelihood through sex work will continue. This is just one cross-section of the sex industry in Thailand. Not all are as lucky as this group. Sex workers still come from the poorer rural areas of Thailand both because of need and hope. There is no denial that trafficking and coercion does exist for others. Education and employment opportunities in Thailand are still not available to all, keeping sex work as a viable alternative for many. Facilitating economic and educational opportunity at the village level should be a major objective. - AsianCorrespondent This article is based on conversations with more than 20 active and former Thai sex workers held over a 6-month period. The article refers to narratives collected as part of a research project undertaken in conjunction with a Thai University. – You can follow BangkokJack on Instagram, Twitter & Reddit. Or join the free mailing list (top right) Please help us continue to bring the REAL NEWS - PayPal Read the full article
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