cringefailnarwhal · 1 month
what if I start bawling my eyes out at the psych's (which is already mortifying) and then have to go face my father who drove me there after work. I hate showing emotions in front of him even more than my mother.
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brewerssupplies · 1 year
Man. I have the want to do so many different projects and pursue so many different art forms. I want to do it all at once and since I can't, I don't do any of it.
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fartagungus · 3 months
bare minimum or actual observations🤔
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hoserthoughts · 1 year
Question to fellow gamers, when you get in a losing slump and nothing you do seems to help, what’s the go to thing that gets you out of the “I know I’m gonna lose”,depressing, dopamine deprived mindset?
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happybunnykat · 1 year
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bog-horse · 2 years
yeah, it WOULD be snowing the morning i need to leave CO to go home 🙃
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My boyfriend completely forgot that we were doing Valentine's Day on the twelfth. This is the second time he's forgotten Valentine's Day in our seven year relationship
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dreamed-for-not · 2 years
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palms-upturned · 2 years
[pulls back shower curtain] Dude do you ever— stop screaming it’s me. Do you ever think about how Cunoesse feels about the “I love you Cuno” mural? How it would have felt to see that and know she wasn’t included? How it feels to look at it after Cuno leaves Martinaise with Harry and she’s left behind? You know that one empathy check where Harry asks Cuno why he forgives him and Cuno says it’s bc he doesn’t give a fuck but empathy says it’s really because “he doesn’t have anyone else in the world”? Cunoesse doesn’t have anybody, either. She’s ten years old. Does she wish she’d told Cuno she loved him? I just think— [gets sprayed by the shower head]
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sunlightera · 1 month
i thought maybe i was just having allergies and now i am thinking. i might actually be sick pray for me
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k3yreviewer25 · 9 months
stuck in makeup store, send help
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king-of-havoc · 5 months
I rallyy do lovr you.... i feel this love all the time evern when not drunk I prommy. I love you all so much i have made so mamy great friends on here and i love you all, even if we like NWVER talk
I am just drunkkkkkkkk but I really do mean itg I promise on my life and my mother's life and on Danny's life (hi Dannt YUHJDC) and on um,mmmm.... on EVERYONE's life i promise i love you. you are so improtant. i fucking rpromise eveyrhting will get better if it seems bad. i promise so badly. i love you
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nobodyproblematic · 7 months
I hate all of you.
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obeserabbit · 4 months
Uugghhh I need him to get off to my belly😩😩
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hamausagi · 4 days
uugggghhhhh immm ssssoooo huuunnngggrrryyyyyyyyy and i wanna eat out so baaaadddddd but i know its so expensive ajnd i just quit my jobbbb but im craving food and i wanna order it but i cantttttt idk what to coooookkkkk
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red-velvet-0w0 · 13 days
...uugggghhhhh i need to reach out to a good friend of mine whose been drifting apart from me because she and I just never have a chance to see each other to ask her for a favor but im scared for literaly no reason and cant bring myself to reach out
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