#just using ai to create a cool ilustration
paulythide · 1 year
The Primordials!
As many of you will know, those who read my Fanfic crossover of My Hero Academy and Overlord would know that the guardians there play the role of the "Big Evils" of the world, called The Primordials.
I made them be this big, terrific, ancient, and nightmarish evil, so first is Mare, our cute little Dark Elf!
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1-The Primordial of Earth, Seas and Heavens (Mare's disguise)
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2-The Primordial of Death, Blood and Sin. (Shalltear)
Now, Shalltear! (I know, in the fanfic, she used her white dress and white mask outfit from the anime, but I decided to change it to something more thematic, just like Pandora's Actor wanted it to be.)
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3-The Primordial of Destruction, Doom and Ruin (Demirgue)
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4-The Primordial of Beasts, Monsters and Hunt (Aura)
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5-The Primordial of Penumbra, Fate and Deceive. (Pandora's Actor)
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6 and 7- The Primordials of War, Slaughter and Strife (Cocytus and Rubedo) (Rubedo is going to play two roles in history as a Primordial and Galadriel's older sister, fun for everyone!)
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8- The Primordial, One Above All and the Chained One. -(Galadriel, she choose that name, because it made her sound cool.)
So, there they are! The Primordials, I do hope you guys like it; I try to make it more... Bloodborne or something like that. They are World Enemies in the My Hero Academy world, so I wanted to show it like that.
Also, I will re-write chapters 23 and 22 of Boku No Overlord when they appear in order to change things out and make them in tune with this art. So please, wait for it!
Also, if you wish to support me, please donate to my PayPal account. It will allow me to keep updating my work and keep writing! It does help me a lot and allows me to keep the updates coming!
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Another Amazing Kickstarter (Chronicles of a Wererabbit by Michelle Zeman —Kickstarter) has been published on http://crowdmonsters.com/new-kickstarters/chronicles-of-a-wererabbit-by-michelle-zeman-kickstarter/
Welcome to the Kickstarter for SNOW ISLAND, the third book of Chronicles of Wererabbit—a hopeful young adult paranormal/fantasy series about a girl who can shift into a rabbit and her journey to become a hero. The book contains themes of self-empowerment, environmentalism and finding the hero inside each of us.
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A mysterious island with a dark secret…
Vampires, werewolves, unicorns, pterodactyls, and other creatures from myth or brought back from extinction
A deadly monorail with an insanely cheery AI that really doesn’t like anyone who does not have a ticket…
A vampire queen with an evil plan
A fortune teller’s frighteningly accurate prediction of death
And Snow the only rabbit shifter in the world, is about to face it all… 
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YA Fans
Science Fiction and Fantasy fans
Animal lovers
Nature lovers
People who love Star Wars, Star Trek and Disney movies 
People who love rooting for an underdog.
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Set in the modern world where vampires and werewolves live side by side among humans, Chronicles of a Wererabbit is set to be a seven book YA Science Fiction/Fantasy series about a girl rabbit shifter and her journey to become a hero. Each book is another step on that journey. There is also an overarching story involving her father’s evil vampire sister that spans the series. 
The first two Snowball and Snow Bunny were published last year to great reviews. Snowball reached number one in the “Coming of age” category on Amazon on its debut. You can read the first chapters free on Amazon’s “Look Inside” feature.
Snowball on Amazon
Snow Bunny on Amazon
This campaign is for the third book, Snow Island. It is finished and at the copy editor’s now. Jason Moser, my wonderful illustrator, has already created the cover and four B&W illustrations for the inside. You can see his beautiful artwork for Snow Island in the book trailer. He colorized them for the trailer! 
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Snowball lives with James Lima
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  I always wanted to create a new female superhero. Snow is a true underdog. She has an ability that is not powerful: she shifts into a rabbit. She was not born with a great destiny but a very bad one: to live and die as a laboratory experiment.
She has to forge a new destiny for herself. She is also still grappling with the question: who am I? Why am I here?
Most heroes’ journeys begin when they are given a task or when they obtain super powers. I want to explore what makes them who they are to begin with—the kind of people (or animals) they are. Where do their values come from? 
That’s why the first book begins with Snow’s childhood when she learns about the world and develops her values. When Snow does get her strength at the end— it comes from inside herself rather than the result of a power or event. 
She finds out that everyone has a hero inside them.
Like George Lucas, I am a fan of the Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell which describes the portrayal of the hero’s journey throughout time and used it as one of my references. 
The series does touch on many serious themes and issues but is overall hopeful. It has more in common with Star Wars, Star Trek, Narnia and superhero movies like Superman and The Avengers. 
Other influences range from James Bond and Raiders of the Lost Ark to the books of H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, Michael Crighton, Rick Riordan, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, J. K. Rowling, James Dashner, Tolkein and C.S. Lewis.
My favorite comparison is to the movie Guardians of the Galaxy “because it has humor, action and heart.” 
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  Ilustrations by Jason Moser from Snow Island
I love illustrations in books like The Dark Tower series by Stephen King and Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan. I believe with the advent of ebooks they are, sadly, becoming a lost art form.
Jason Moser, who designs my covers creates five beautiful b & w illustrations for each book. Four are included in the ebook and a bonus one in the paperback version.
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Something I’ve always been very passionate about is the way we are all connected (humans-nature-animals) and dependent on one another. An ongoing theme is the need to protect our environment and care for animals. Many species are endangered and on the verge of extinction. Scientists estimate that a quarter of the world’s plant and vertebrate animal species will face extinction by 2050 if something is not done about it. Snow’s father has made it his life’s work to catalog and preserve the DNA of all species so that this does not happen. Book four and future books will also deal with topics such as climate change.
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Delta from Wonderland Rabbit Rescue
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   Real science facts are woven in with the science fiction for a few reasons. It grounds the story in reality. Since girls are not often encouraged in math and science, it is important to me to have a female heroine who is interested and excels in science. Finally, some science facts are just plain cool! Like the fact that rats do laugh. They just do it at a higher frequency than humans can hear!
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Snow has two dads. Even though there have been great advances in LGBT rights over the past decade, there are very few gay characters and even fewer gay parents in YA and middle school literature. I believe it is very important for books to reflect the modern family and one of the only ways that children will grow up knowing that it is perfectly normal is to include it our literature. In the series, her father being gay is not dealt with as an issue. It is simply a fact.
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Matthias from the Bun Hatter
    What seems to be a fun Jurassic Park type island holds a dark secret that will place Snow in more danger than she has ever faced before. This trailer includes color versions of the illustrations from Snow Island. 
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The first book, Snowball sets up the world and follows Snow as she grows from a baby to a fourteen year old and the moment when she first discovers her inner strength and ability to fight as she saves a werewolf. 
Theme: is learning to love and accept yourself.
Snow Bunny back tracks for a few chapters to let readers get to know Josh (the werewolf she saved) and learn about werewolf society. It was important to keep all information about him out of the first book so that when Snow decides to save him she is all the braver for saving a stranger. The rest of the book follows their budding romance and winds up in giant action finale.
Theme: the importance of family and the fact that it is not necessarily made of those people you are related but those you choose to be with.
Snow Island begins five months later with Snow, now 15, receiving an ominous prediction from a fortune teller. She travels to a mysterious island with Josh, her dads, her friend David (a werewolf who can not shift) and Charlene (a mouse) to find out what happened to the creatures and werewolves that have been disappearing. 
Theme: Snow is looking outside of herself wondering about the big questions like does fate exist? Is destiny set or something that can be changed?
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Signed Paperbacks; ecopies of all three books; signed postcards and refrigerator magnets are all available. And as an extra special treat: a crochet mouse, bunny and unicorn handmade by my Mom!
Also you have the chance to include a photo of your pet at the end of Snow Island in a section called ‘Snow’s Friends’.
If that isn’t enough you have the chance to a name a character. In Snow Road Snow and Josh travel across country and receive help from people along the way. One of those people could be you or someone you love! 
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If you don’t see a reward combination that you are interested in – let me know and I’ll be happy to work with you to create a custom reward!
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    It will be used for beautiful illustrated cover and inside sketches; professional copy-editing and proofread.
Any money above the goal will be very gratefully used for ISBN and Library of Congress number; printing and formatting cost for paperbacks; paperbacks to bring to Northeast Bunfest and other fairs. Marketing and advertising the book. It will also enable me to have time to continue writing book four and the series.
STRETCH GOALS to be Announced
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Here is your chance to join this adventure with me and help to bring Snow and her friends to life! 
Every backer will also receive emails during the campaign to keep you updated. I will also share some trivia, anecdotes and a sneak peek at Snow Island.
I hope we can go on this amazing journey together as Snow learns that one person can make a difference because we are all connected. We are the hope for the world. 
And every single one of us, no matter how small or furry has a hero inside.
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BIG THANKS to all of the fabulous bunnies who modeled in the photos above! 
Snowball lives with James Lima. She is one brave bunny as a survivor of both kidney stones and cancer!
Dusty is available for adoption at Wonderland Rabbit Rescue along with her twin sister Delta. The two bunnies traveled all the way to Michigan from Louisiana when their rescue flooded. If you can give them a forever home contact Wonderland Rabbit Rescue.
And thanks again to everyone for taking the time to visit.
  INFORMATION PROVIDED BY Kickstarter.com and Kicktraq.com VISIT PAGE SOURCE
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paulythide · 1 year
The White Lion of the Red Keep
Galadriel Baratheon, first of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men. Holy Princess and Lady of the Seven Kingdoms. Protector of the Realm. The Blessed Queen and Divine of Westeros.
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She is known as a Queen of the People, revered by all for her unwavering commitment to doing what is right. Her gentle soul is filled with love and compassion, and her divine beauty is matched only by the purity of her heart. She is a shining example of grace and virtue. A genuinely blessed being by the Gods. A cherished and loved Queen.
-But what does lie underneath her compassionate face? When no one is looking?
What type of person she is?
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Perhaps, not knowing would be better for everyone.
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paulythide · 1 year
Dragon Age (My Grey Wardens!)
-Here watch my cuties!-
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>My Dwarf - Lofrag Aeducan
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>My Noble Human- Catherine Cousland
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My Dalish Elf - Lyna Mahariel of the Sabrae Clan
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My Alianage Elf - Kalian Tabris
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My human Mage - Elia Amell (In my head canon, she is young)
Next time, I'll post the Hawk triplets!
-Also, if you wish to support me with anything, please donate to my Paypal account. Your donations help me with continuing my work and keeping a constant update of chapters to all of my works.
And about my other One-Shot, please keep telling me about it!
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paulythide · 1 year
Ashara Dayne and Elia Martell!
-These are chapter designs for my fanfic, The White Wolf of Winterfell!
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(Ashara Dayne)
I try to make her as the books describe her to be. I hope I did a good job.
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(Princes Elia Martell)
Again, I tried to do my best to illustrate Elia's beauty. A nice mix of gentleness and fierce Martell's heritage.
Tell me what you think!
-Also, if you wish to support me with anything, please donate to my Paypal account. Your donations help me with continuing my work and keeping a constant update of chapters to all of my works. And to those who have donated to me in the past and still do. Thank you! From the bottom of my heart! Thank you, you truly are amazing!
See you all soon!
Also, I don't claim to be an "artist", nor will I put these images on other pages. Only here for them to serve as a character design for my works and nothing more.
Thank you again!
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