#just when I think I've gotten over y'all keep bringing this back and I'm stuck in a loop of salt
barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
Maybe 17 from the fluff prompts with Lup and Magnus?? They are very besties to me <3
17. “The world gets a little brighter when you’re around.”
"Y'know," Magnus said, leaning his head back to look up at the bars overhead. The sun was shining through them, casting a grid pattern down onto Magnus's skin. Next to him, Lup was slumped over, her knees up to her chest. They were both handcuffed to the wall behind them, hands stuck behind their backs. "Out of everyone I coulda gotten stuck in jail with, I'm glad it's you."
"Uh-huh?" Lup asked, glancing at him. "Well, we wouldn't be in jail if I hadn't fucked up that spell so bad."
"Hey," Magnus said, scooting towards her the best he could. The cuffs and chain prevented him from going very far, but he managed to poke at her legs with his shoe. "It's not all your fault."
"I'm the one who took the risk," Lup said, burying her face between her knees. "And I'm the one who got reckless and put the whole thing up in flames-"
"Which was rad, by the way," Magnus said, but Lup shook her head.
"I just wanted to help," Lup said, sounding teary. Oh no. Magnus's go-to comfort mechanism was hugging and his arms were of no help to him here. "And instead I got us stuck in here, with Taako and Barry who knows where! I'm just-" Lup groaned and the chains jerked as twisted in place, frustrated. "I'm so tired of running! And every time I fucking do something to try and help, shit like this happens!"
"Is it me?" she asked, finally looking up at him.
"No, no, no!" Magnus said, trying to scoot forward again. The chains clinked, keeping him in place. "It's as much you as it is me, Lup, and we both know that I've never done anything wrong ever."
Lup let out a little scoff. She lowered her head and Magnus thought she was going to hide in her knees again, but she just wiped the tears off her cheeks with the fabric of her pants. Overhead, a cloud passed, momentarily softening the sun.
"Listen," Magnus said after a moment. "I'm not gonna pretend like we coulda handled that better. Like, going in guns a blazin' wasn't our finest move." Lup snorted. "But you know what? We did get the Light. Even though we're trapped, Taako and Barry are gonna bring the Light back to Capt'n'port and this world will be saved. That includes the great pizza we had last week. And the fucked up butterfly thing that tried to eat Lucretia's hair at the start of the cycle. It'll all be fine.
"What isn't fine," Magnus continued, "is you blaming yourself for all the shitty things that we've been through. That one's completely on the Hunger, I think. John, or whatever. It's not me. It's deffo not you. If Taako started blaming himself, would you let him keep doing that?"
"No, but-"
"What about Barry?"
"I get it," Lup said, laughing. Her voice still sounded a little thick with tears, but she was smiling more now. "No pity party for cha'girl, I gotcha. I-"
Magnus's head towards the bars on the ceiling again. The sun was beginning to come out from behind the clouds now and two shadows fell into the room. One of them had a wizard's hat.
"Y'all in need of some rescuing?" Taako called down. Barry's voice floated down, too, though much quieter.
"No, they're sitting chained to the wall 'cus they wanna."
"Lup is literally right there," Taako said. "Stop being grumpy and help me."
"You're- you're literally not doing anything to break these bars open," Barry said. "You're just watching me."
"Eh," Taako said.
Magnus looked back towards Lup again, who was grinning. She scooted back against the wall as they watched Barry work. A few seconds later, after a round of cursing from Barry and sniggering from Taako, the metal began to melt and dripped down to the middle of the room. Magnus retracted his feet.
"Hey," Lup said, poking him with her foot. "You're a good friend, d'you know that? The world gets a little brighter when you're around."
"I..." Magnus stilled, blinking back a few tears of his own. "Thanks, Lup."
"Thank you," Lup said. Overhead, Barry and Taako were squabbling about the best way to get down to them. "I call dibs on the shower when we get back, though."
"Lup, c'mon!"
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teammagi · 7 years
...I see all these Sin fans complaining how he got the worst ending but like...you people have Sinbad bouken...what do kou fans have? david? nothing. nada. I can name a list of characters who got the short end of the stick
Y'all are just feeding to my salt behind anonymity, aren’t you?
People being upset about Sinbad was predictable. I prepared myself for that. But what I didn’t prepare for was the magnitude of it all and the hypocrisy.
Sin had lost his body chapters ago, cmon people. You should’ve expected this. So I was a bit taken aback by the amount of complaints, when it was clear as day, Sinbad was never coming back into his human form and pretend he wasn’t gonna screw everyone over to become god.
Arba gets a lot of criticism because she got away with all the murder (which is valid), but by the same people who overlook Sinbad abandoning his generals, selling his soul to David, and wanting to kill everyone so he could become god and rule everything. But he flip flopped once he realized David was mean and wanted the throne to himself? Bitch, please.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain, isn’t that the saying?
I’m gonna say about Sinbad the same thing I said when I got in trouble for throwing a calculator at a kid in school: he had it coming.
Sinbad’s end has a moral value, at least. That you should be satisfied with what you have. That certain things are out of your control, like the ultimate destiny, and you should make peace with it. Sinbad also had forgotten he was just an ordinary human being, not some messiah to establish New World Order. Sinbad’s death had meaning. 
Please make peace with it, and be grateful your favorite character made a contribution to the storyline of Magi in the best possible way, while many other significant characters got absolutely nothing. 
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fullbushfemme · 3 years
Meeting the Mayans
word count: 1,804
summary: You thought you were prepared for anything. Growing up with four brothers, you had been bitten, beaten, thrown out of trees, concussed, stabbed, practically any violent act you could possibly think of, you had endured. For a kindergarten teacher, you were tough. You had the scars to prove it. That was, of course, until the day you met the Mayans.
unnamed mayan x fem!reader
warnings: brief mentions of blood, hostage situation, and a shooting.
author's note: I've had this idea in my head for ages now and I'm tempted to make it a series. The only issue is that I can't decide which Mayan I want to star (since they aren't named in this fic). I'm tempted to use this as a jumping off point for multiple fics, writing different stories from this initial incident involving different Mayans, but I'd love to hear any thoughts y'all might have :)
-I also haven't written anything outside of academic works in years so go easy on me <3
Santo Padre Septembers were always your favorite. It was sticky and hot, enough to make anyone want to jump into a pool fully clothed, but school was back in session, which meant you got to meet a new hoard of bright-eyed, eager five year olds. You had spent the last month preparing your classroom for their arrival. Nine am to one pm every day for four weeks was dedicated to decorating your classroom, making name cards, making sure every student had all the supplies they needed. Inside every desk you placed glue and markers and pencils and workbooks and scissors...everything a little kid would need to express themselves. And all of it out of your own pocket. You took it upon yourself to spoil these kids rotten.
Two weeks into class, you already knew everyone’s names, their favorite color, their pets, and whether or not they were allowed to watch TV after six o’clock. You knew who was friends with who, who couldn’t eat peanut butter, and who was most popular. This year’s class was going to be great, you just knew it.
It was a humid Friday afternoon. The room smelled like Elmer’s glue and pencil shavings, with stray scraps of construction paper strewn about the floor after the kids decided this week’s art project was going to be making dinosaurs out of construction paper and glitter. You were staying after class to clean up and vacuum, and to take the class rabbit home with you since no one had signed up to care for him this week, when you heard a knock at your door.
You looked over to the open door, squinting into the sun, trying to make out who it was. But no one was standing in the doorway. “Forget something?” you called out, thinking that a student must’ve left a lunch box or notebook and was feeling shy.
“Not exactly,” a deep voice responded, sending a twinge of fear through your body. You knew that voice. “I was hoping my baby sister could help me with something.”
A lump had formed in your throat that you tried to swallow, to no avail. “What are you doing here?” you choked out, standing from where you were picking up paper scraps.
“I need you to help me hide. Quickly.” Your older brother stepped into the classroom, gun in hand, pupils wider than you had ever seen them. He must’ve been high, you thought, panicked. What had he gotten into now? All four of your brothers were known to be trouble-makers to varying degrees. A few had been to prison for petty crimes, but the brother that stood before you had gotten wrapped up in drug trafficking years ago. He scared you the most. They had all promised your parents that they would keep their lives separate from yours, that they would never put you in harm's way. But it didn’t last. It felt like every other week you had a bruised or beaten brother on your doorstep, begging for help or a place to stay. And today, it was to ask you to hide them.
Your eyes flitted to the large windows overlooking the grassy courtyard where a few children sat waiting for their parents to pick them up. Hide. Hide from what? Who was coming after him? Would they hurt the kids?
“N-no,” you stammered, taking a step backwards. You couldn’t risk putting any kids still on campus in danger. “You can’t hide here. You have to go. You have to go right now.” You could feel a pit in your stomach begin to form as your brother took slow, long strides toward you.
“No?” he spat, completely dumbfounded by your refusal to help him. You had never turned him down before. He was family. You never said no to family.
You swallowed hard before repeating yourself. “No,” you responded, with more conviction this time, although you knew he could see right through you.
You took another step back, but ran up against your desk. Your phone was in the top drawer. Could you reach it fast enough? If you even could, who would you call? The police? That was a good way to get murdered and leave a teacher-shaped stain on the floor for the kids to come back to on Monday. Gripping the edge of the table so hard your knuckles turned white, your brother broke the ominous silence before you could.
“I’m not asking you again, hun,” he spat, now so close you could smell him.
“I can’t,” you whispered, your eyes welling up. “The kids…”
He furrowed his brow for a moment, shocked at the idea that you could actually turn your own flesh and blood away. You had always helped him, no matter how many times your parents told you not to, no matter how many times your life was put in danger. He couldn’t grasp the idea that you would put your foot down when it came to endangering other people, when it came to endangering your kids.
“They’ll kill you, you know,” he seethed, looking back over his shoulder towards the open door. There was a low rumbling growing louder and louder, but that wasn’t to whom he was referring. He was talking about your other brothers. “I told them I’d go to my baby sister, that she’d help me. She always helps me. Why would she flip on me now? Why wouldn’t she help family?” His grip tightened around his handgun as he leaned in to threaten you. “If anything happens to me, they’ll know to come to you first. They’ll know you couldn’t protect your own family.” His breath was hot against your neck. “Now,” he sighed, “Help me hide. And tell them you haven’t seen me in months.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” a man shouted from outside, causing your brother to grab hold of your arm. Those tears you had been holding back finally fell down your cheeks as your brother pulled you in front of him, placing you between the stranger and your brother. You could barely make out any details of the man from outside because of the blinding sun, but you could tell he had a gun. And that gun was much bigger than your brother’s. As the man moved into your classroom, at least five more men appeared and followed him in, all with guns pointed at your brother.
At this point, you were frozen. The lives your parents had so desperately tried to keep apart were crashing together, their worst nightmare coming true. The two of you were stuck, with only one way out. And he knew it. He gripped your arm tighter, making sure your body could be used as an effective human shield. The barrel of his gun was shoved into your ribcage, his face buried into the back of your hair.
“See what you’ve done?” he seethed. You looked at all of the men placed around the room. Leather-clad men on top of a backdrop of crudely painted rainbows and dogs. You hadn’t brought these men here. You didn’t anger a group of gun-toting men. And yet somehow, this was your fault.
“We’re only here for you, kid,” a low, rough voice called out, a different one than before.
But he wouldn’t let them take only him. He was bringing you down with him. He was willing to sacrifice his own family to keep from going down alone.
The seconds ticking by felt like hours. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, desperately trying to break free. But you could do nothing besides stand still. All you could do is hope and pray that these men that had followed your brother here had enough decency not to kill a kindergarten teacher caught in the crossfire. But your brother refused to give them that opportunity.
“If I go,” he yelled, raising his gun to your temple, “she goes too.”
These words would haunt your every thought for the rest of your life. But in that moment, all you could think about was the weapon pressed against your skin. Your brother wasn’t just willing to bring you down with him, he was willing to kill you himself. And the thought of it made you sick. It made you want to curl up into a ball and scream on the top of your lungs. You opened your mouth to cry out, but your brother hit you across the head with the butt of his gun before you could.
The men opposing your brother yelled, harsh words were exchanged, but all you could hear was a ringing in your ears. Tensions rose. Guns were raised. Blood dripped down your face and mixed with your tears. Your senses were betraying you, one by one, blending every sensation into one incomprehensible nightmare.
And then, a single gunshot rang out, making you acutely aware of the severity of the situation once more.
A scream escaped your chest as you fell to your knees, free from your brother’s death grip. You brought your hands up to your ears and squeezed your eyes shut, hoping it would all be over.
But it wasn’t over. It wouldn’t end. No matter how hard you prayed, you were still on the floor of your kindergarten classroom. Your brother was still prepared to kill you if he felt threatened. Someone was shot...someone was shot but you couldn’t bear to look. You wanted to look, you had to look, to see if it was your brother that was shot. But before you could muster the courage to open your eyes, two arms wrapped around you and pulled you into an embrace. It couldn’t have been your brother, it was much too gentle. But if it wasn’t him, then who?
It took a moment to open your eyes, but when you did, you looked up to see who was holding you. His face was kind, with dark brown eyes filled with worry as he looked down at you. He opened his mouth to say something to you, and he probably did, but you couldn’t hear him over the pounding in your head. He was a stranger to you, and yet he clung to you to keep you from seeing the mess behind you. Like he truly cared for your wellbeing. He pulled you in closer to him, placing his chin on top of your head the way your father did when you were young. It felt...safe. And all you wanted to do was collapse into him and allow yourself to feel safe. You let your head fall into his chest. You let your head fall into this stranger’s chest. And just as you did, two white patches on his left breast caught your eye. Two patches that read: Mayans, Santo Padre.
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Tough Love
After what happened to Sammy's girlfriend we decided to pay our respects to her. I could hear the birds chirping as Sam, who is wearing a suit and tie, holds a bouquet of various flowers excluding roses. Me and Dean watched from afar as he walks through an otherwise deserted cemetery. From what I could see Sam sighs and stops next to a gravestone. It reads "Jessica Lee Moore, Beloved Daughter, January 24th 1984 - November 2nd 2005."
"How did she die?" I ask Dean, after a few minutes of silence.
"....She died in a fire."
"I know that...but what caused it?"
"A demon...the same one that killed our mother."
".....I'm sorry....." Dean glances over at me and puts an arm around my shoulder.
"You have nothing to be sorry about....besides, we'll get the son of a bitch." I give him a small smile, then focus back on Sam. I spot a small picture of Jessica grinning that's set into the stone above her name, then a black-and-white picture of her leaning against the stone between a white teddy bear and a wooden box with a crucifix leaning on the picture. Sam looks between the gravestone and the flowers. "I, uh..." I heard Sam laugh. "You always said roses were, were lame, so I brought you, uh..." Sam looks at the picture set into the gravestone, then looks away, choking back tears. He steps closer to the gravestone. "Jess...oh God..." Sam kneels to set down the flowers. "I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth."
I look over at Dean who is just staring at him. Pain was shown across his features, I could tell Dean did not wanna watch this. After Sam put flowers on his girlfriends grave, we went back on the road again. I was sitting in the back while the boys were in the front. Sam was asleep, at least until he jerked awake and sighs as he hears "Hot-Blooded" is playing. Sam rubs his eyes and Dean looks over, concerned.
"You okay?" I questioned, Sam glances back and then away.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Nightmare?" Dean chimes in, Sam clears his throat, signaling he doesn't wanna talk about it.
"You wanna drive for a while?" Sam laughs.
"Dean, your whole life you never once asked me that." I grin and lean forward.
"Hold on, so you've never driven the impala?"
"No, but it's ok. I'll be able to drive it one day." Dean glances over at Sam.
"Yea, still gonna kill you for that little stunt Sammy, letting her drive baby into a house. But uh....I just thought you might want to....Never mind."
"Look, guys, you're worried about me." Sam replies "I get it, and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay."
"Mm-hm." Dean agrees knowing Sams not okay, Sam grabs a map.
"All right, where are we?"
"We are just outside of Grand Junction I believe." I say. Sam folds down the map, which is of Colorado and has a large red X labeled 35-111.
"You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Sam admits.
"Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you wanna find the thing that killed Jessica-"
"We gotta find Dad first." Sam interrupted Dean.
"Not to be nosy but...you still didn't tell me how she died?" I ask.
"Y/n now's not the time." Dean says while looking at me through the mirror.
"....Jess, my girlfriend died stuck to the ceiling with a stab wound in her stomach while being burned.....She was killed by the demon that killed my mother."
"How can a monster be capable of something like that?"
"I don't know, but our mother's death was the whole reason dad started training us."
"Yea..which your dad kinda helped ours with the whole 'how to kill monsters' thing." Dean smiled. "If it wasn't for Y/D/N, Dad would've probably been dead by now." Sam nods in agreement.
"So..with your dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after so many years, it's no coincidence. That's for sure." I pointed out.
"Dad will have answers. He'll know what to do."
"It's weird, these coordinates he left us. This Blackwater Ridge." Sam replies.
"What about it?" Dean asked.
"There's nothing there. It's just woods." Sam puts down the map. "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere?"
"Sam it's not the place, it's the monster. Just like in Jericho there could be a monster we have to fight, right Dean?" However Dean stays silent and just keeps driving. For the next few hours no one says anything. I decided since it was quiet that I could get some shut eye and after a few minutes I fell asleep with my cheek planted against the window.
When I wake up, the Impala comes to a stop and is parked next to a sign that says "RANGER STATION Lost Creek Trail, Lost Creek National Forest". I follow the boys out of the car, still tired. Sam smiles at me "How did you sleep?" He asks.
"Fine, I guess."
"I think you slept more than the both of us combined." Dean jokes.
"Well see if someone would let me drive-."
"Nope never again!" Sam laughs at our little feud and we keep walking.
"So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote." Sam says as he looks at a 3D map of the national forest, paying particular attention to the ridge labeled "BLACKWATER RIDGE" as Dean looks at the decorations. "It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place."
"Dude, check out the size of this freaking bear." Dean fantasizes, me and Sam look over. Dean is looking at a framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear. Me and Sam go to stand next to Dean.
"Eh I've seen bigger bears." I say.
"There's no way." Dean says.
"My dad used to take me hunting, it was part of my training." I laugh. "I took down my first grizzly when I was nine."
"Well there's a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure, at least we have an expert with us." Sam says, I just roll my eyes. A forest ranger, walks up to us when he speaks, the three of us whip around.
"Y'all aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The ranger wonders.
"Oh, no, sir, we're environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper." Sam laughs a little. Dean grins and raises a fist.
"Recycle, man." Sam's eyes flick to Dean, who doesn't move.
"You're friends with that Haley girl, right?" The ranger asks, Dean considers.
"Yes. Yes, we are, Ranger-" Dean checks the ranger's nametag. "-Wilkinson."
"Well I will tell you exactly what we told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the twenty-fourth, so it's not exactly a missing persons now, is it?" Dean shakes his head. "You tell that girl to quit worrying, I'm sure her brother's just fine.".
"We will. Well that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?"
"That is putting it mildly."
"Actually you know what would help is if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know, so she could see her brother's return date." Dean suggests and Wilkinson eyes Dean as Dean raises his eyebrows. After we get the permit we leave the ranger station. Dean is holding a piece of paper and laughing.
"What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?" Sam jokes.
"What do you mean?"
"The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?" The boys stop on opposite sides of the Impala.
"Maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?" I suggest.
"Pretty smart." Dean agrees.
"Since when are you all shoot first ask questions later, anyway?" Sam wonders.
"Since now." I laugh as me and Sam get in the car
"Really?" I hear Dean say and he gets in as well.
"Could you guys drop me off at the metro store? I need a new phone." I ask.
"No need." Dean smirks at me, and goes through the glove box. Then he leans back and hands me a small flip phone. "There, so you can call us if you get in trouble."
"Thanks..." I take it from him but sigh in sadness, I miss my dad, I thought.
"What is it?" Sam worries.
"I just miss my dad...I mean I left him a letter telling him I was ok but..."
"Hey, cheer up, you'll get to see him soon. Besides everyday we get closer to dad, you'll see him before you know it." Dean smiles and begins to drive away.
Deans Pov-
After we got to the motel, I asked Y/n if she wanted her own room, she just shrugged and said she didn't care. So I originally planned on getting her own room but in all honesty...I don't want her to die like Jessica. So we got a two bed room, she'd have to sleep with one of us. I put my duffel bag on my bed and sigh, Sam does the same. Y/n was outside calling her dad, letting him know she was ok but she had a time limit so he wouldn't track us.
"We'll isn't this place homey." I comment.
"Yeah...so what do you think of Y/n?" Sam asks.
"I've gotta be honest..She's not suited for this."
"C'mon she isn't that bad."
"Are you kidding? Sure she's smart, and pretty, and helpful..." I smiled to myself, lately I've been having weird feelings around her. "She's...badass."
"Dean, kinda getting off topic."
"Right uh, sorry. Anyways, she's never done this before, I don't think she's ready for this."
"Her dad trained her for this, just like our dad trained us. She maybe haven't done this before but she's been a lot of help. When we were facing Constance, if it wasn't for her I would have probably died."
"She's reckless, she drove baby through the side of a house."
"It was the only way to stop her! I probably would've done the same thing."
"What about the dent that suddenly appeared while we were at the bridge?"
"That was Constance-"
"No, if it was Constance then Y/n would have gotten hit. That....That was something entirely different, and besides that she didn't even talk to us for an entire three hours."
"She was scared-"
"We don't have time to be scared!"
"Dean that was her first hunt, look she did pretty well in the end."
"Yeah well...."
"Well what?"
"We have to take her home...."
"Dean come on."
"No!" I stand up and point a finger at him. "You were the one who was angry at me for bringing her into this. Now that I want to take her out your upset?"
"...I-I...Why don't we let her stay a while longer?"
"Dean she was gonna learn about this sooner or later, might as well be now. And if she wasn't here we would still be stuck in Jericho. How bout this, if she gets hurt or acts immature we'll take her home but for now she stays." I stayed silent, thinking about my next move. Should I really let her stay? What if she gets hurt or even worse...dies. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the door open and close, quickly I put a smile on my face and turned to Y/n. Although she wasn't smiling, she was....heartbroken.
"Y-Y/n?" I called out, and with those sad E/C eyes, she looks at me.
"....I'm no longer welcome home."
Y/n's Pov-
*10 minutes earlier*
This was it, the moment I would call my dad after almost a week. Slowly I pressed in the numbers and the phone began to ring as I put it up to my ear.
"Hello?" A gruff voice said, it was dad, my dad. He seemed sad, and instantly I was filled with regret.
"Hey dad...."
"Y/n!? Where are you?!"
"I'm safe dad....it's ok."
"No it's not ok, me and your mother have been worried sick! If I find you with Dean-"
"Dad please I'm just help-"
"No don't give me that bullshit, you are just being rebellious because I was strict on you."
"No I'm doing this because you wouldn't help Dean find John!"
"I only said no because I don't trust Winchesters! And neither should you! They only care about themselves, not anyone else. Everyone they know dies around them!"
"I haven't died-"
"Which is a miracle, but it's only a matter of time. You better come home this instance or I'm sending out a missing person's add. And when they find you with a twenty-six year old man-"
"Your bluffing, even if you did that they would escape."
"Your not safe Y/n-"
"I never was! No one is every safe in this world! Besides you were training me for hunting my entire life so what's the big deal?!"
"Your only seventeen that's the big deal!"
"Well I'm not going home unless they make me."
"They? Who-Please don't tell me John is there!"
"No it's not John, it's Sam."
"Sam? You mean Sam from Stanford? That's even worse! Y/n you have to get out of there! Something...Something is wrong with that boy!"
"There is nothing wrong with him or Dean, I'm staying here whether you like it or not."
"Then you better stay gone cause I'm tired of a disobedient brat like you! If you don't come home right now I-I'll disown you!" Those words, we're like knives, they went straight into my heart. Tears ran down my cheeks as I realized....I would never be able to go home...
".....Wow.." I say after a minute, "...you say you don't trust the Winchester's, more specifically John....but your just like him." And with that I hung up, what else was there to say? If dad wasn't gonna support me helping someone in need then...there's no point of going home. I have to finish what I started, silently I entered the motel room. I could feel the boy's staring at me.
"Y-Y/n?.." Dean called out, slowly I meet his gaze and say "....I'm no longer welcome home."
"What do you mean no longer welcome home?" Sam questioned, for the last ten minutes I had been crying my heart out in Dean's chest. I told him how the conversation played out, and by the end both of them were furious.
"I knew Y/D/N had a little anger issues, but to go that far?....That's just low." Dean said.
"Don't worry Y/n...you'll always have a home with us." Sam soothed, making me smile.
"Thanks guys....for the record, if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change my decision."
"Well I'm glad." Dean smiled and kissed me on the forehead, making me instantly blush. "Cause I wouldn't want you to change it either." No one said anything after that, we just continued with our mission. Later after we got settled in our motel, we drive to the girls house. We stand at the door and it opens to reveal Haley Collins.
"You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean, this is Sam and Y/n, we're, ah, we're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. He wanted us to ask a few questions about your brother Tommy." Haley hesitates.
"Lemme see some ID." She says. Sam pulls out his fake ID with the name 'Samuel Cole' and held it up against the screen. Haley looks at it, then at me and Dean, then opens the door.
"Come on in."
"Thanks." The door swings open as Haley catches sight of the Impala.
"That yours?" She asks.
"Yeah." Dean says proudly, Sam looks back at the Impala.
"Nice car." Haley leads us into the kitchen, where a boy is sitting at the table on a laptop. Dean turns his head to mouth something to Sam, who rolls his eyes. We show her the permit but she just scoffs and leaves the kitchen.
"So if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something's wrong?" Sam asks. Haley comes back into the room with a bowl she places on the table. "He checks in every day by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos-we haven't heard anything in over three days now." She answers.
"Well, maybe he can't get cell reception."
"He's got a satellite phone, too."
"Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in? Maybe it dropped in the lake or something." I say.
"He wouldn't do that." The boy at the table says, I eye him, but he looks away. Haley comes back putting more food on the table and says. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other."
"Can I see the pictures he sent you?" Sam asks.
"Yeah." On the laptop, she pulls up pictures.
"That's Tommy." She clicks twice and another picture comes up, then the still frame opening the latest video.
"Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." I spot something on the video however, it was like a shadow.
"Well, we'll find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing." Dean smiles.
"Then maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning, and I'm gonna find Tommy myself." Hayley confessed.
"I think I know how you feel."
"Hey, do you mind forwarding these to me?" Sammy asks.
"Sure." We smile and leave, departing from them.
After the meeting with Haley, we decided to go to the bar, after I got a fake ID. Now I was Y/n Dixon, a twenty-five year old female. The three of us were sitting down at a table.
"So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers, mostly. But still, this past April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found." I mention as I was using Sam's laptop, he told me I'd probably get better luck if I'd try to find information. Sam was opening John's journal, searching it for clues.
"Any before that?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack. And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936. So every twenty-three years, this thing comes out. Okay so since Haley sent Sam the video, watch this." I put the laptop where both of the boys can see go through three frames of the video one at a time. A dark shadow, like the one I saw earlier crosses the screen.
"Do it again." Dean says. I repeat the frames.
"That's three frames, a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move."
Dean hits Sam.
"Told you something weird was going on."
"Yeah you were right." Sam smiles.
"The only thing that I know that can move that fast is a werewolf." I state.
"That's what I thought to." Sam says. "However I got one more thing." Sam hands over a newspaper article. "In 'fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive." I nod and the hand it to Dean who looks at newspaper.
"Is there a name? Uh...Oh here, Mr. Shaw." Dean reads.
"So then we go talk to him now, right?' I ask.
"That should be the plan." Sammy says.
"Ok what's up with your hair?" Dean asks.
"It was just H/C now it's yellow, is it like some kind of special hair dye?" I grab a lock of my hair, and he was right, it was bright yellow.
"No I haven't dyed my hair since I was fifteen."
"Ok something is definitely going on with you. First dad mentions you, then you somehow put a dent in my car without touching it and now your hair is yellow." The moment he said that my hair changed to purple.
"See there it goes again!"
"I...I don't know." My heart starts beating faster by the second, what's happening to me me?
"Dean I think you scaring her. Maybe we should call Y/D/N.." Sam suggests but Dean shakes his head.
"No screw that guy, look we'll figure it out. For now try to...keep it one color."
"You think I have control over this?"
"Maybe it's connected to your emotions?" Sam says grabbing his laptop and starts typing.
"W-What are you doing?"
"Keeping notes. Maybe if we keep track of what's happening to you then we can figure out what's going on. So purple is fear, then that would mean yellow is joy and when your hair is H/C it means you are experiencing no emotions."
"Well, other than this magical weird...stuff. What now?"
"To the store, we need to get you a business suit, then to Mr. Shaw." Dean says.
"A business suit? What for?" I wonder, but Dean only smirks.
Finding the perfect suit was hard, it wasn't until I walked out of the dressing room for the 5th time. This time both of the boys smiled, and Dean looked away blushing a bit. It was like a coat that went halfway down my thigh, however you could see my cleavage a little bit.
"How bout this one?" I ask.
"Y-Yea yea, that's good. Nice and formal." Dean stutters.
"Good, now I guess we buy this and then we can be on our way."
After we bought the suit, we went to go see Mr. Shaw. He talks to the three of us while leading us inside his house. He has a cigarette in his mouth, I coughed a little from the smoke.
"Look, ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents got mauled by a-" Sam interrupts.
"Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Shaw takes a puff of his cigarette, takes it out, and nods.
"The other people that went missing that year, those bear attacks too?" The room went quiet. "What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing? If we knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it." Dean says.
"I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make." Mr. Shaw sits down with a sad look on his face. "You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did...."
"Try me."
"I said no and that's final." He huffed, I knew he wasn't gonna tell us. I hesitantly sit down across from him.
"Mr. Shaw, what did you see?...I know you think we won't believe you but your our last resort. If you help us, I promise you we will get revenge for your parents." He looks at me like I was lyin, but sighs in defeat.
"Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like...no man or animal I ever heard."
"It came at night?" Shaw nods. "Got inside your tent?"
"It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door. It unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up till I heard my parents screaming."
"It killed them?"
"Dragged them off into the night." He shakes his head. "Why it left me alive...been asking myself that ever since." Shaw's hands go to his collar. "Did leave me this, though." He opens his collar to reveal three long scars. Claw marks. Sam and Dean look at them. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon."
The three of us walk the length of a corridor with rooms on either side. "Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls." Dean says.
"So it's probably something else, something corporeal." I state.
"Corporeal? Excuse me, professor."
"So what do you think?" Sam chimes in.
"The claws, the speed that it moves...could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog"
"No it looked more human...what about a Wendigo? I don't know. I can do some research when we get to where ever were goin next." I offered.
"Where were goin next is our motel." Dean says. We drove back to motel, and I get out of the car as Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the weapons box, and props it open with a shotgun. He puts some guns in a duffel bag as Sam leans in.
"We cannot let that Haley girl go out there."
"Oh yeah? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?"
"Yeah." Dean looks at Sam.
"I may not know much about monsters Sam but that is probably the most stupidest idea." I intervene. "Besides her brother's missing, Sam. She's not gonna just sit this out."
"Then we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend." Dean says picking up the duffel.
"Finding Dad's not enough?" Sam slams the weapons box shut, then the trunk. "Now we gotta babysit too?" Dean stares at Sam in annoyance.
"Nothing." He throws the duffel bag at Sam and walks off. I follow in pursuit, when I walk through the door Dean looks at me and Sam who is behind me.
"So Y/n, you have to sleep with one of us tonight since there's only two beds."
"She can sleep with me." Sam offered.
"Well I mean it's up to her."
"I don't care, you two do rock, paper, scissors shoe whoever wins gets the bed to themselves."
"Alright seems fair enough." Dean says and holds out his hand in the formation. Sam rolls his eyes and throws the duffel bag onto one of the bed then gets into formation.
"Ok one, two, three!" I count down and both of them go, Dean chose rock while Sam chose paper. Dean smiles but quickly hides it and enters the bathroom.
"Is it just me or is he happy that he lost?" I ask making Sam shake his head.
"That's a first, though if he tries anything let me know. I'll let you sleep with me."
"Eh if he tries anything I'll break his hand." Sam chuckles.
"That's our girl."
Later that night all three of us was in bed. I couldn't sleep though, I still kept hearing my dad's words over and over. "I'll disown you", how could he say something like that to me? Tears began to form, I cover my mouth trying to keep quiet but Dean heard me.
"Y/n?" He quietly calls out. "You ok?"
"Is this about your dad?...." Slowly I nod and Dean pulls me closer.
"It's gonna be ok, ok? He didn't mean it, he probably just said that so you'd come home....if you ever wanna...don't hesitate."
"But you said once I'm in this-"
"And I was wrong, your just a kid, you don't deserve this life...." I could hear the sadness in his voice, I look up at him. Those big green eyes stare down at me, making me smile.
"Neither do you...."
"...It'll be ok, I promise." He gently puts a hand on my cheek and caresses it with his thumb. I felt that urge, I wanted to kiss him, it was the perfect moment. It was like a moment in a movie where everyone is waiting for that kiss, waiting for the love to blossom. I slowly lean in, while staring into those beautiful forest green eyes. He doesn't move, which makes me nervous and my hair turns purple.
"Why are you scared?" He asked. "Was it something I said?"
"No I just....No it wasn't you....well I guess I'll let you sleep. Goodnight Dean." Quickly I move so I'm facing away from him, my cheeks are burning. Did I really just try to kiss Dean?
The New Hunter Masterlist
@samsgirl93 @nani-gram @eliwinchester99
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