Getting Started
I’ve decided to get back on Tumblr after years away, wanting to use its beautiful anonymity to my advantage. With 2 children, I made the wonderful decision to go back to school. Then, I picked up a part-time virtual job to help make ends meet. Well, the school is only getting harder, and the work load has just increased as they’ve decided to take me on full-time. A blessing, I know, but a curse in other senses. I have no where to turn to as a place to vent my frustrations about life, thus my reappearance on Tumblr. I’m not expecting to have anyone follow me, or even bother to read this, but it will allow for me not to become one of those crazy women you see on an episode of Snapped. 
With that, I’ll be back soon. Heading into finals week and starting full-time on Monday. Be expecting me 
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