#justice for Professor Granville please she needs a break
lesbian-honey-lemon · 10 months
do you guys ever wonder how devastated Professor Granville must’ve been after Obake’s accident at SFIT? She obviously blames herself for a decent chunk of it, if not the entire accident. Like, it fucked her up so badly she felt her only choice was to take the fall for it and straight-up resign, even though she obviously loved teaching and loved her other students besides Obake. Do you think she saw herself as more of a parent/really involved mentor role to him rather than a professor? Because I think so.
And then Hiro made the exact same thing that Obake made, it must’ve torn her apart all over again to see her new prodigy, her new protégé who she had been trying to teach limits to because she now knows how important they are, go down the same exact path that Obake did 20 years ago. Like, I am imagining her pain right now, her fear, the sense of failure that she hadn’t been able to save Obake and now she couldn’t save Hiro either (and I have low empathy so it’s SAYING something that I can imagine her pain). And then Hiro lies to her and says he won’t make the amplifier, and she’s relieved, like, maybe she’s actually saved him. Maybe he won’t make Obake’s mistakes
But then of course Hiro actually makes the amplifier and breaks her heart all over again. Also adult Obake showing up and messing with her, pushing the exact button to just destroy this poor woman (“you made me the man I am today”). Like damn, Professor Granville NEVER gets a break in this show.. someone needs to write a fic where she’s happy for once.
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bigherosixfeels · 6 years
Yeah, I'm still not over the Hiro and Callaghan scene. I never will be.
The episode begins with a little girl throwing a coin into a fountain. The water begins to bubble and the kid thinks it's magic, so she wishes for a giant pony. Turns out, the water is actually Globby who's stealing the money from the fountain. Fred (in his super suit) shows up and tells him to drop the change. Globby and transforms himself into a big penny and knocks Fred down. He rolls through the streets with Fred chasing him. He tells the others that he needs backup, but they can't because they're in the middle of class. Granville asks if there's a problem and they assure her that there's not. They tell Fred he has to go solo this time.
Fred is determined to get Globby, but he burns a car, breaks a brick wall with a wrecking ball (a wall that an old lady had been spending her whole life painting on) and knocks the giant crab from Mission Fried Rice down. Globby changes into his regular form and literally catches a bus. He gets away and Fred now realizes all the destruction he's caused.
Later on the news, Bluff Dunder reports about how Fred failed spectacularly while trying to catch Globby. Apparently, this isn't the first time it's happened either. Gogo thinks he shouldn't roll solo again and Honey says he gets carried away when he's wearing his suit. Fred also crashed into someone's house as they were about to take a family photo. Someone has to watch the city while they're at school (and watch Fred watching the city) and Hiro has come up with that solution. Hiro is designing a small robot called Mini-Max to watch Fred while they're in class. Fred shows up and they think he heard about him basically having a robotic nanny, but he's excited because he thinks Mini-Max will be his sidekick! Fred asks when he'll be done and Hiro insists it'll be soon. All he needs to do is use his lab at school to finish the programming for his superhero chip. Fred excitedly leaves the garage. Honey suggests they should tell him that Mini-Max is actually not his sidekick, but because of how happy Fred is, they decide not to.
At night, Hiro and Baymax go to the robotics lab, but his student ID rejects entry inside. The robotics lab is currently closed for maintenance until further notice. Hiro questions who okayed this and Professor Granville shows up to tell him it was her. Hiro is surprised because midterm projects are due, but Granville is giving everyone an extension. The lab is off limits for everyone. She says she's going home and suggests for him to do the same.
Of course, Hiro is confused since the lab was fine yesterday and goes around to enter in a different way. He spots an open window and uses Baymax as trampoline. After a few jumps, Hiro manages to get inside. Baymax attempts to jump, but wasn't designed for that. Hiro opens the door for him and they're both inside!
In his lab, Hiro finishes up Mini-Max's chip. Baymax scans around and detects Granville inside as well. She enters inside a lab and looks around to make sure no one sees her. Hiro tells Baymax they have to get out, but Granville is too occupied with her own thing. She tests out a vocal command which is acknowledged.
The next day, we're at Fred's mansion and he's super excited to meet Mini-Max. That's right! We're at the Mini-Max comic-con preview! The second Mini-Max is active, he flips in the air. He introduces himself and says that he's a defender of justice. Fred already sees them as a classic duo. Fred thinks he'll be the serious and logical one while Mini-Max will be the comic relief. He goes to pat his head, but Mini-Max flips him over and pins him down. Fred explains what he was going to do and Mini-Max apologizes and allows him to do the affectionate gesture. Baymax scans his hand and tells Fred he has a minor abrasion on his wrist. He turns on the cooling system in his hands and tells Fred to ice it ten minutes twice a day. Baymax and Mini-Max look at each other and introduce themselves to each other. Mini-Max is programmed to assist and protect his fellow heroes, thwart villainy and be a champion for justice. Baymax states that he's a personal healthcare companion and Mini-Max says, "We all serve in our own way."
Honey Lemon starts a movie (The Mermaiden's Tale). Fred is showing Mini-Max a Captain Fancy comic book. Mini-Max has knowledge on who that is. Fred also shows him Captain Fancy's sidekick. Mini-Max tells him that he doesn't have internal organs.
Wasabi is happy that Granville gave them all extensions on their midterms since he needed more time. So of course they're watching a movie instead of working. Honey states that The Mermaiden's Tale is so much more than a movie. Wasabi adds that you're dead inside if you don't cry when someone throws herself in front of a harpoon.
Hiro, holding the old yearbook he found back in Small Hiro One, walks up to everyone and asks if they ever wonder about Granville. Hiro tells them that she lied to him last night when she said she was going home, but went back inside the lab to work on something. Gogo reminds him that he did the same thing, but argues that he had a good reason for doing so. Hiro thinks that Granville is up to something bad, but everyone (including Mini-Max) laughs it off. Hiro's being serious and wonders why she'd mysteriously stop teaching twenty years ago, only to return now.
We cut back to a scene all the way back from Baymax Returns that shows the alloy Obake wanted. Hiro thinks it's weird that she kept a super rare conductor on her desk as a paperweight. Wasabi thinks Hiro is letting his personal feelings get in the way. Everyone knows how hard Granville is on him and that she gives him a lot of attention. Hiro knows something isn't right and him and Baymax leave. He's going on to discover the truth about her.
Later that night, Hiro and Baymax follow Granville, whose going down Good Luck Alley. Hiro and Baymax have to go undercover. Hiro has his hood up with sunglasses and Baymax is wearing a hat, mustache, shirt and coat. Through the alley, Baymax accidentally bumps into someone and checks to make sure they aren't injured. They're not and Hiro drags Baymax away. Hiro and Baymax continue to follow Granville, but Hiro bump into Yama, accidentally getting pizza all over his freshly dry-cleaned track suit.
Yama orders his goons to go after them. Baymax's coat falls over them. By the time they're uncovered, Hiro is on Tadashi's moped with Baymax in his carrier. He's speeding through the alleyway, but Yama's goons are now chasing him on motor vehicles of their own. Hiro reaches a dead end and Baymax tells him there's no exit. Hiro states they'll have to make one and he begins going directly for Yama's goons. He pushes a button on the moped which activates rocket boosters. He goes flying, we get a slow motion "Oh no" from Baymax, and Yama's goons fall into a dumpster. Hiro and Baymax drive off.
Meanwhile, Fred and Mini-Max are scanning around for trouble. Mini-Max has his own super suit and he looks so cute! Fred doesn't see any signs of illegal activity, but Mini-Max does. They go off to take care of the illegal activity which is Globby stealing money from parking meters. Mini-Max and Fred show up and Globby (in a Cockney accent) says he doesn't know who he's talking about. Fred is definitely not fooled by Globby in a ski mask since you can see the rest of his body. Fred then does his best Cockney accent and Mini-Max says both their accents were highly inaccurate. Globby says he's never been to Cockney and the ski mask is because he heard it might snow. He turned himself into a giant snowball and rolls down the street.
Fred assures Mini-Max that he's all over this and Mini-Max states that he's all over Fredzilla. While Fred tries to stop Globby, Mini-Max stops Fred from causing destruction. He prevents another car from getting burned and the wrecking ball from hitting the old lady. Globby hits a dead end. When Fred breathes fire at him, Globby turns himself into fire and swallows Fred's fireball. He knocks Fred down, but Mini-Max is there to help. He extinguishes Globby until he returns to his usual form and makes another getaway. Mini-Max is pleased to have stopped all Fred-related disasters. Fred comments on how that's not really a superhero type of line, but praises Mini-Max for how well he did. He still thinks they make a great team and before he knows it they'll be finishing each other’s sentences. Mini-Max doesn't finish it. He then asks for a Mini-Maximum fist bump that sends Fred flying off-screen. He asks if they can do a Mini-Medium fist bump next time.
The next day in the nerd lab, Hiro comes in and announces to his friends that Granville is totally up to something. He tells them that she had a mysterious visit to Good Luck Alley. The others are now a little confused by this and wonder why she'd go there. Hiro tells them that he and Baymax were chased away before they could find anything out and discovers something else in the yearbook. He's found someone that could have answers.
Later on, Hiro arrives at a prison and we immediately cut to him meeting up face-to-face with Robert Callaghan. Callaghan tells him that Granville was an excellent teacher and the way she left was a shame. She was in the lab after hours when an incident occurred. Officially, it was known to be a pipe burst, but rumors went around that an unsanctioned project went wrong. She ended up resigning and the matter was not pursued any further. That's all Callaghan knows. Hiro thanks him for the information and turns to leave, but Callaghan calls out to him. He thanks her for saving Abigail. He also tells him that he never set out to hurt anyone and apologizes for what happened to Tadashi. Hiro says that Tadashi would have wanted Hiro to forgive Callaghan and he hopes that he can someday and walks away. Chills. Chills everywhere.
That night at the school, Hiro sneaks into the lab through an air vent. Unfortunately for him, he's caught by a spider-like robot that considers him a threat. Two more of these bots show up and surround Hiro, but before he can do anything, Granville shows up. Hiro asks if the killer spider robots are what she's been up to. She tells the bots to stand down and explains that they're a part of the schools' new security upgrade. San Fransokyo has had a rise in criminal activity lately and is sure that Hiro has noticed. Hiro lies and says he's been so focused on his studies.
Granville takes Hiro to the main area where the brains behind the bots are. She's programming them to detain intruders (like a reckless student breaking in after hours). Hiro tries to come up with either an excuse or lie, but Granville tells him to save him and that they'll deal with his punishment in the morning. As that conversation is going on, Obake hacks into one of the bots. He reprograms the bot to see Hiro as a threat again. Granville commands it to stand down, but it doesn't recognize her authority. She tries to override it, but can't. The other bots then detect Granville as a threat and Hiro tries to fix the code. The bots then attack them and Hiro and Granville make a run for it.
They run into a classroom and Hiro sneaks behind a desk to call the others for backup. They see that him and Granville are in need of help, but are concerned that they'd be recognized. Wasabi points out that no one recognizes them in their gear, but Gogo thinks that she would. Looks like it's up to Fred and Mini-Max! Mini-Maximum justice!
The new duo makes it onto campus and goes down a sewer drain. Mini-Max has a 'glow mode' which basically makes him a nightlight. They look around until they stumble upon a few of the bots. Fred avoids them since he's afraid of spiders, but Mini-Max steps up and manages to take down all of them by himself! I gotta say, Mini-Max really comes in handy. Get it? Because he used his hand to-ah forget it.
Meanwhile, Granville and Hiro are alone and she asks why he's been spying on her. He laughs it off and assures he hasn't been spying on her, but Granville knows he followed her when she went to Good Luck Alley where she was purchasing parts for the security bots. Hiro admits he has been spying and confesses that he knows she used to teach at SFIT before and talked to Callaghan to figure out why she left. Granville realizes she has to work harder to gain his trust and decides to tell him what happened.
Twenty years ago, there was a young genius at the school and she believed that without any limits, he'd achieve great things. She granted him free access to the lab at all times. However, she was unaware that his experiment was extremely dangerous. The boy barely survived the incident. Granville covered for him and told the authorities it was her work. She believes in a way that it was and that she had failed as a teacher. She understands now that students need limits...even geniuses. The door they were blocking off gets pushed by a few security bots. Hiro is luckily not detected, but Granville is and she's stuck. Hiro doesn't hesitate to jump on the bot. It prevents the bot from attacking Granville, but now Hiro is in trouble.
Fred and Mini-Max break into the lab that controls the bots. Mini-Max punches and stomps on a few of them. He then tells Fred to distract the bots while he destroys the CPU. Fred tells himself they're just killer robots and not spiders, but questions if that's any better. Mini-Max gets pinned down by one of the bots and tells Fred to continue heroically without him. Fred doesn't know if he can, but Mini-Max tells him to believe in himself like he does.
Fred wonders how to take down the bots since they see everything as a threat. He then states that threatening him is a threat to the school because he's here to protect it. So, to defeat all threats to the school, the security system has to fight itself. Two bots then end up fighting each other. Fred then thinks that fighting itself is also a threat, so it should fight the part of itself that's threatening that's not a threat. The bots are becoming confused and start to malfunction. He's confused the bots so much that he's overloaded the system and they all break down.
Mini-Max is pleased with how Fred got them to terminate themselves and tells him that he's a great hero. They share a much more pleasant fist bump and laugh in victory. Oh yeah, they're an iconic duo.
The next morning, Granville is in the lab she was using for the security system and cleaning up the mess. Hiro comes inside and comments on how crazy it was. Hiro tells her that he does take risks and that she thinks he's reckless (he says as he trips and knocks over a beaker). He assures her that he's not going to end up like her former student. She tells him that they're done and goes back to sweeping. Hiro smiles at her and turns away to leave. As the door closes, she turns to smile at him.
Unbeknownst to her, Obake is spying on her and he is not very happy with her.
Mini-Max is an adorable character! I love that he’s meant to keep an eye on Fred, but Fred sees him as a sidekick. He’s definitely going to be a lot of help. I honestly didn’t expect him to be as powerful as he is, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Hiro knows how to make some awesome robots and Mini-Max is amazing! He’s also super adorable in his super suit. I’m really looking forward to seeing more of him and his adventures with Fred in future episodes.
I liked that this episode addressed how they can’t always be looking out for the city when they’re in class. Luckily, Fred isn’t a student so he can help when the rest can’t, but he does need help and Mini-Max is a great way to not only help with fighting, but also with keeping Fred from accidentally destroying the city in the process.
Professor Granville. I love her. From the beginning, she’s been tough on Hiro, but for good reason. In this episode, we finally get a better understanding of the reason. She acknowledges that she made a mistake with teaching in the past and now knows that students need limits. I thought that conversation between her and Hiro was really good as well as the one at the end where he assures her that he won’t end up like the former student. Granville is truly an amazing professor. She does worry about her students and keeps an eye on Hiro in particular due to past experiences. Their student-mentor dynamic has really been a treat to watch since Baymax Returns and I love how well it progressed in this episode.
Obake was briefly in this episode, but what we got from him was interesting as always. If it wasn’t obvious that he was the former student that Granville had, I think it’s safe to say that it’s obvious now.
I love the background music in this show very much. Specifically, I loved the music that played when Hiro and Baymax were following Granville down Good Luck Alley. It was so good!
This episode currently holds my favorite scene of the show so far. The scene between Hiro and Callaghan was incredible. I don’t think there’s a word that can describe just how amazing it truly is. I can’t begin to imagine how difficult it was for Hiro to see him again and he was so neutral the whole time. He didn’t become furious or anything around that. He was visibly uncomfortable, but remained civil and thanked Callaghan for giving all the information about Granville that he could. And then…the best part happened. Callaghan thanks him for saving Abigail and even though he knows it’s not enough, he apologizes for what happened to Tadashi. That itself was emotional, but Hiro’s facial expressions and his voice cracking to where you know he’s about to cry is what made this scene so heart wrenching. He feels that Tadashi would want him to forgive Callaghan and all he can say after that is, “Someday I hope I can”. I loved that. I love that he didn’t forgive him. He’s clearly not ready and it showed with every expression and how his tone was from the beginning of the scene. Hiro was just so amazingly mature in this scene and I’m still blown away with everything. Ryan Potter and James Cromwell did a fantastic job with this scene. I’m so happy that James was able to come back to voice Callaghan. This scene for many reasons is the closest I’ve been to shedding tears so far. I loved every moment of it.
On a scale of one to ten…I’d rate Mini-Max a 9.2!
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