#seeing Karmi get hurt must’ve fucked poor Professor Granville up all over again
lesbian-honey-lemon · 10 months
do you guys ever wonder how devastated Professor Granville must’ve been after Obake’s accident at SFIT? She obviously blames herself for a decent chunk of it, if not the entire accident. Like, it fucked her up so badly she felt her only choice was to take the fall for it and straight-up resign, even though she obviously loved teaching and loved her other students besides Obake. Do you think she saw herself as more of a parent/really involved mentor role to him rather than a professor? Because I think so.
And then Hiro made the exact same thing that Obake made, it must’ve torn her apart all over again to see her new prodigy, her new protégé who she had been trying to teach limits to because she now knows how important they are, go down the same exact path that Obake did 20 years ago. Like, I am imagining her pain right now, her fear, the sense of failure that she hadn’t been able to save Obake and now she couldn’t save Hiro either (and I have low empathy so it’s SAYING something that I can imagine her pain). And then Hiro lies to her and says he won’t make the amplifier, and she’s relieved, like, maybe she’s actually saved him. Maybe he won’t make Obake’s mistakes
But then of course Hiro actually makes the amplifier and breaks her heart all over again. Also adult Obake showing up and messing with her, pushing the exact button to just destroy this poor woman (“you made me the man I am today”). Like damn, Professor Granville NEVER gets a break in this show.. someone needs to write a fic where she’s happy for once.
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