#and she ALSO had to deal with Karmi being mutated
lesbian-honey-lemon · 10 months
do you guys ever wonder how devastated Professor Granville must’ve been after Obake’s accident at SFIT? She obviously blames herself for a decent chunk of it, if not the entire accident. Like, it fucked her up so badly she felt her only choice was to take the fall for it and straight-up resign, even though she obviously loved teaching and loved her other students besides Obake. Do you think she saw herself as more of a parent/really involved mentor role to him rather than a professor? Because I think so.
And then Hiro made the exact same thing that Obake made, it must’ve torn her apart all over again to see her new prodigy, her new protégé who she had been trying to teach limits to because she now knows how important they are, go down the same exact path that Obake did 20 years ago. Like, I am imagining her pain right now, her fear, the sense of failure that she hadn’t been able to save Obake and now she couldn’t save Hiro either (and I have low empathy so it’s SAYING something that I can imagine her pain). And then Hiro lies to her and says he won’t make the amplifier, and she’s relieved, like, maybe she’s actually saved him. Maybe he won’t make Obake’s mistakes
But then of course Hiro actually makes the amplifier and breaks her heart all over again. Also adult Obake showing up and messing with her, pushing the exact button to just destroy this poor woman (“you made me the man I am today”). Like damn, Professor Granville NEVER gets a break in this show.. someone needs to write a fic where she’s happy for once.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 1 year
So I don’t really care that much about song meaning,but I read some pjms and armys theories and I don’t really understand why dome of them are so against LC being about sex. I am not saying the song is only about that, LC is deep, it’s about escapism etc but when all back up dancer and doing very explicjt sexual moves I think it’s safe to say the meaning it’s connected to carnal please too
Getting this ask today reminded me of this other long ask I got weeks ago and never got around to reply. Finally I went and searched for my face posts 😅
- jimin confirmed on release day that he was inspired by Like Crazy (2011) and never missed any chance to mention this film during promos. so what was he trying to correlate? bear with me ✋
Sex and Alcohol are interchangeable coping mechanisms. both jacob + anna cope with pain of separation by carelessly drinking and having sex. in fact jacob's sex scenes also hold interesting symbolisms regarding intimacy. let's move to anna: she's toxic in wanting to get back with jacob despite being apart for so long. this is reminiscent to how the girl pulls jimin into the dream club and meets him midway the mv. as jm said in the spotify intvw, he's showing how "one loses themselves after a loved one in a Dream". what does it imply? he's yearning for something meaningful to feel complete yet it's unattainable, nor can he stay healthy post loss in Face-Off hence confrontation in the bathroom mirror cuz he's the problem. (the next track 'Alone' is where he accepts his mistake of not properly dealing w/ his complex emotions beforehand.)
the anima theory (which armys/jikookers poorly mutated into a gender crisis) is Jung's belief that man projects his inner desires on his wife/lover. this phenomenon is criticism by psychologists on emotionally stunted man-childs!!? so not only do theories which refuse to address the clear romantic/sexual imagery just plain disingenious but disrespecting jm as well.
he is a hopeless romantic but he referenced a movie about withering relationships here, and how sex is not necessarily love (jacob realizing his sexual compatibility with sam cannot help him move on from anna with whom his attachment is sincere)
i'm not peaking into jm's personal life but im not denying the song's adult concept either. he didnt need to dance such sensual choreo nor refrain teens during the fancall from watching the dance (the backup dancers were having full blown sex) but he did! for he had a story to tell! remember when jm, during encore, said he'll do a modest version of a dance step to pacify jealous fans, it wasnt the group hug intro but the mirror step, which he did with a male dancer instead on stage. jm and karmys had a mutual understanding of what that move signified, and why 1 female dancer was specifically chosen for it in the first place. jm was rightfully teasing them about the whole dance and not just because girls were in it.
There's nothing wrong with thinking it's about sex, but there's also nothing wrong with thinking it's not about sex. I mean, Jimin never explicitly said "it's not about sex" or otherwise, but at some point he did use a bed as prop with people all around (over) him. There's also the fact that men embrace him in the original choreo but he didn't think that was appropriate for music shows which would be aired on Korean tv. He also said he wanted the song to have an "ambiguous" feel and honestly, he got that concept very well executed. The song feels like a lot of things at once.
I agree with many points of the second ask, and I think you'd find I said similar stuff when I talked about my own interpretation.
The only thing I disagree with is the last part because it feels -to me- kinda deranged to see something sexual in the mirroring part because there's nothing like that going on. I think Jimin was just joking with the fans, and it was all banter, and that's the easiest part of the choreo to rearrange for fun. I really don't see anything sexual in that part of the choreo.
I don't think I have much more to add at least for now. I re-read my posts and I still feel the same way about the song.
Also this one about set me free because why not 🫡
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baymaksu · 4 years
While I should be absolutely studying and working on things for my two jobs, my brain has instead decided to go overdrive mode on fan fiction and fan art ideas and its taken my brain by storm… because I keep brainstorming ideas… So, since Disney is showing its ambitious previews of a lot of new spinoff series. I’ve decided to preview some prompts for my own ambitious series with independent AU’s that I will dub as part of the “BH6 Baymaksu-verse.” More or less just my takes on the greater BH6 Multiverse lol.
Of course, I want to complete my flagship series, Big Hero 6: Penitent Sparrow. It is only two chapters away from completion but I am immensely proud of it, please check it out. Also, Big Hero 6: Karmic Rewards will be completed too, I have not forgotten about it. Just piecing together a proper ending for these two fanfic series. I will also work on concept art to give those a bit more love and recognition.
Now, for my other works in progresses that will be done in the future:
Big Hero 6: Tempest Redux
Who was the real Liv Amara? And who is it that now stands in her place? With the looming threat of a true "city of monsters," Hiro, Karmi, Abigail and the Big Hero 6 team must fight to protect what they hold dear. A complete reimagining of the CoM arc, taking place after the conclusion of the Penitent Sparrow series.
Big Hero 6: The Far Shore
After Hiro perseveres to recover an encrypted and corrupted file, he uncovers a hidden project known as “Project Far Shore” that was abandoned by Tadashi. Now faced with the same ethical quandary his brother contended with, Hiro must seek to answer a fundamental question, “What does it mean to exist?”
Lady Marvel: Rising
When Di Amara is a faced with rapid deterioration of her clone body, she escapes and kidnaps Liv. In her wake, widespread mutations occur throughout San Fransokyo. Not wanting Karmi to face the reality of Amara on the loose, Hiro personally sets off after the clone. But with everything she cares about being threatened, Karmi is forced to face her monster.
Big Hero 6: Crimsoned Snow
When another teenage prodigy, Toushiro Takachiho, arrives to SFIT, Hiro and Karmi find themselves with a new friend and rival in their new classmate. But there is certainly more to this young boy with a troubled past. Can these two teenage prodigies help this boy genius?
Big Hero 6: Companions in Health
Set in a timeline after the Penitent Sparrow Arc, Hiro and Karmi decide to volunteer at hospital clinics with Dr. Lily Bay alongside the two Baymax models. With each patient encounter, not only does each Baymax’s healthcare matrix improve, but Hiro and Karmi learn about heroism beyond crime-fighting against super-villains. (I actually had this idea two years back, it was to be a mini-arc within Tempest Redux. But upon hearing about the premise of the upcoming Baymax! Series, I saw for more potential stories that could tie in with my own personal experiences as an EMS provider)
Big Heroine Uno
Karmi Khan sure has an interesting teenage life. A double life is no ordinary life for a young biotech prodigy at the prestigious San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Especially when she has to keep that double life away from her family in Pakistan, while dealing with a heated rivalry with a fellow teenage prodigy named Hiro Hamada. And the best part? Said rival is absolutely in love with her superhero alter ego, Lady Marvel. (That’s right, ladies and germs, this is the Uno Reverse AU)
Would love to hear if any of these stories interests you or you would like to read first? Of course, the development team (my finicky muses in my creative brain) will decide which and when to work on them, but I would like to try to prioritize and make them into a reality. Because BH6 fanfiction!
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galaxiesinadot · 5 years
Big Hero 6 Season 2
Okay, I just watched the City of Monsters: part 1 and 2, and I am still disappointed in the way the series is going. It feels wrong, like the creators don’t have a good grasp on any of the characters, their personalities, and their goals. It feels like they took one personality from each of the main 4 (everyone excluding Hiro and Baymax) and blew it up to an almost laughable proportion. I’m planning on explaining each of the main casts’ personalities and how they could further be developed in a later post.
Now, here are a few questions I have about the end of the City of Monsters’ arc:
What will happen to Diana?
She can’t just stay in jail and be forgotten about.
Will Liv pay for her crimes?
And before you ask, yes, she did commit a crime. She did not practice basic safety in experimentation, she made a clone (which is illegal, at least, in our universe), and she tried to blame all of what happened on something she made. I actually feel bad for Dia. She was made for a reason and was put into the world with no instructions but to save Liv, and yet she was arrested and degraded (by her own maker, no less) for doing that. I have a lot to say about how morals and justice are handled in this universe, but I won’t do it here. For now, I will say that Mel (the guy who made that invisible suit), High Voltage, and Dia should have been handled in a more just, fair, and empathetic way.
What will happen to Sycorax, and the news of what happened?
Duff Blunder simply saying, “I don’t know what happened,” does not cut it.
And lastly, where was the Karmi and Hiro relationship development?
This is going to be a bit longer. I want to first point out that I think it’s perfectly fine that a lot of people like her, and I fully support you all. However, even after seeing the finale, I couldn’t bring myself to like her. But this isn’t about exploring Karmi’s character, it’s about her relationship with Hiro. I see a lot of people saying they loved the way their development went, but I don’t see where that happened. To begin, the first time Hiro was introduced to Karmi was in:
“Issue 188”
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As you all already know, she was two-faced; she only acted nice to Hiro when professor Granville was around. She frequently insulted Hiro which was mostly her saying that he wasn’t special, and that she wished he wasn’t there. I would understand this behavior if she was shown to be lacking of self-confidence or insecure, but we are shown multiple times that this wasn’t the case as she is shown to be knowledgeable and prideful (almost to an unpraiseworthy extent) of her skills and field. I would also understand this behavior if she was lacking in social skills but, again, this is not the case. We see her able to talk easily communicate with people and get along with them (i.e. Honey Lemon and Dia). Most of the things that explain her behavior (because she has no friends, she’s lonely, she was bullied before) are headcannons made by and that wouldn’t excuse her behavior. Her being young doesn’t excuse her either. Studies have shown infants able to tell right from wrong. So, all I can conclude from this is that she’s a bully.
This is fine; we’ve multiple redemption arcs of bullies who became friends with the protagonist. What really bothered me was that it was portrayed as okay, and that it was actually Hiro who needed to get over himself and make amends with Karmi. This was shown throughout this same episode with professor Granville forcing him to befriend her, and Gogo telling Hiro that he “took [Karmi’s] thing.”
I hate that they played this off as a rivalry. A rivalry has to be recognized by both parties, and it involves both people continuously rise above the other which, in turn, would cause each of those people to become a better version of themselves. This definition can not be used to explain Hiro and Karmi’s relationship. Karmi demeans Hiro until he finds a way to one-up her, and then she demeans him some more. No matter how nice he is to her, it isn’t returned (even in the latest episode, as I’ll explain).
“Failure mode”
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They barely had any interaction in this episode, but it does support the fact that Karmi wants Hiro to fail as she is seen recording his project with a smile that disappears when he doesn’t fail. I know what you’re thinking, “Hiro took a picture of Karmi when she became upset about his project working.”
To this I say, “yes, he did, in retaliation, as were many of his actions throughout the series.”
“Small Hiro One”
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Karmi is blatant in her criticism of Hiro. She insulted him when he couldn’t get in, and did so again when she found him with the little kids. Did Hiro insult her back? Nope. He apologized that she got kicked out.
It just angers me that she get away with this bullying with no consequences. It kind of feeds into that mentality that if a boy bullies a girl it’s wrong, but if a girl bullies a boy he just needs to suck it up and deal with it (which is what we see Hiro doing).
I’mnot going to document any more of these little interactions as they all went the same. Instead, I’ll just focus on those that are more major.
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This episode upset me the most. If someone was writing a fanfiction about how they love you, and want to kiss you, and be your partner, you would be as grossed out as Hiro. Hiro had every right to hate that fanfiction and show how uncomfortable it made him, but again, it was played off as something Hiro just needed to accept and Man-Up about. As Honey lemon put it, “she’s just having fun, Hiro. Why do you care so much?”
They all chalked it up to him being embarrassed about the crush, not that it was upsetting him and literally driving him mad. This happened all the way until the end of the episode where, when Hiro looked to them (grownups and friends) for help when Karmi hugged him, they urged him to reciprocate her feelings and give it a try.
“Big Problem”
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I don’t even want to talk about this one. I hate that everyone just assumed he was jealous of Karmi when:
1.      She took his spotlight. This wouldn’t have upset me as much if it hadn’t been for the reason Hiro was so bent on impressing Dia. The only way to get Tadashi’s invention out there is to set up relations with big companies who are able to expand his connections. Hiro was trying to follow Tadashi’s wish of helping people. In later episodes, Karmi states that she knew and admired Tadashi. Why didn’t she show that here. This was a missed opportunity for relationship development.
2.      Dia completely dismissed Hiro’s invention and didn’t try to hear him out (anyone would be upset over this). It was even said that Dia came there for Hiro (yes, Baymax is indeed a work of combining biology and technology, hence “biotech.”)
3.      Karmi, yet again, degraded Hiro who was desperately trying to regain Dia’s interest.
None of Hiro’s friends have been sticking up for him and this bothers me severely.
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More of the same thing. Hiro is pushed by Karmi’s high and mighty attitude over getting something he didn’t, so he does something Tadashi wouldn’t be happy about. He goes to join Krei, a man who, as Callghan put it, “cut’s corners and ignored sound science.” This is still true of Krei even in the series. Obviously, it didn’t go well for Hiro. He was talked into a contract, degraded by Krei and, when she found out, Karmi.
His friends did not try to stop him.
“Prey Date”
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Karmi is shown to be angry that Hiro was hanging around the labs, and she seemed embarrassed that she be seen with him. I know a lot of people voiced happiness when she asked about Hiro, and if he was safe, but like… I would have thought she was heartless along with being a bully if she hadn’t. It was a basic thing to do. After the events she saw Hiro again, but she didn’t ask him about anything that happened (which would have been a much neded development). Instead, you guessed it, Hiro asked her how everything turned out and even complemented her skills. Karmi, despite Hiro having helped her gain access the data she needed to cure the mutants, did not reciprocate.  
The episodes after this were mostly Karmi hitting (yes, hitting) and yelling at Hiro when he tried to tell her Dia was up to something. Karmi could have and should have started to trust Hiro more and believed him, especially after all their interactions thus far. This, again, was a missed opportunity.
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Karmi insults Hiro right in front of Honey Lemon. All Honey Lemon says is that Hiro, “is actually a great person.”
No other interactions.
(Also, in a previous episode it was shown that Honey Lemon already knew the cure to Globby. Why did she need Karmi to help this time. It felt that she was forced into that situation.)
“Write Turn Here”
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More of the same. Hiro is still irritated by Karmi’s obsession and everyone pretends that that’s fine and that Hiro should just brush it off (because it’s just a joke, a harmless nothing). Granville noticed Hiro’s discomfort and said nothing to Karmi. I understand that Hiro wanted to correct the falsities he was being presented by in Karmi’s fanfiction by writing his own story. It was spiteful of him, but reasonable, given the circumstances. I have seen a post in which someone said that you shouldn’t write something out of spite. In reality, that’s how a lot of great stories came to be.
City of Monsters: part 1 and 2
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After everything I wrote here you can see why I would say this “friendship” seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere. Hiro initiated this friendship, having to, like many time before, swallow his pride and ask if Karmi wanted any help and if she was willing to try being friends. This time, it worked. But right after that, Karmi still complains to Liv that Hiro is “usually the worst,” but countering this by basically only saying that he was useful.
After Karmi got mutated, it was Hiro who stated that he cared about her and stroked her ego by saying that she was smartest person he knew. It felt wrong and out of the blue. I think this scene would have played out much differently, and would have benefited their development, had Hiro been mutated and Karmi was the one to have saved him (so long as the other changes I mentioned were made as well.)
Then, after everything, Karmi just leaves. I understand that it was her parents’ doing, but she didn’t leave a message for him, try to text him, or get through to him by way of social media; this is especially wrong when you see how advanced their tech is. 
Karmi never said sorry to Hiro for how she treated him, nor did she even think that what she was doing was wrong. Those small smiles she gave to Hiro, and those few times she acknowledged his kindness to her do not count. The way she treated Hiro was unfair and, since she had no DIRECT consequences to her actions, it makes it seem like that treatment was okay and can be overlooked. I say direct as in she was not called out or reprimanded for what she had been doing to Hiro (being turned to a mutant does not count). Not a good message to be sending to the younger audiences of the show.
Sorry for this long post. Seeing their relationship being talked about in a positive light bothers me as someone who knows people like Karmi. Their bullies, and their actions aren’t justified because [input reason], nor should they be encouraged. 
@baymax-hiro-hearted  I hope you like this read! Their relationship bothered and I couldn’t understand why. So, here are my thoughts in a more organized and logical manner. 
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Prey Date
*The two boys, Fred and Hiro, have decided to take a dude's day off where for today, they can play video games together. This video game in particular is a Monster brawl game arena which the two are going toe to toe... until Fred gets hungry.*
Fred: Wait wait wait! Snack break!
*Fred goes over to his popcorn bowl, but finds it empty. Then to his delight he found some popcorn on the floor.*
Fred: Five Second rule!
*But when Fred eats the popcorn pieces, Baymax speaks.*
Baymax: The five second rule is a common myth. Harmful bacteria cling to food immediately upon contact.
Fred: What?!
Hiro: Come on Fred I'm in the middle of a twelve hit super combo!
*Hiro's purple monster is delivering the combo onto Fred's Monster avatar.*
Fred: But this is a snack emergency! And I'm out of clean popcorn!
Hiro: Yeah, and you are also out of HP.
*And just like that, Hiro's monster avatar defeats Fred's monster with colossal damage...and then it dabs like a boss.*
Fred: No fair, I wasn't paying attention! Time out.
Hiro: Fred, there's no time outs.
Mama Frederickson: AHH!
Fred and Hiro: Time out!
*Hearing Fred's mother scream gave them reason to investigate and save her, with Baymax waddling behind. But when they arrive to the scource of the scream, all they see is Mama Frederickson showing a video of a puppy to a Liv Amara.*
Mama Frederickson: Its so darling!
Hiro: OK...not what I expected.
Fred: Yeah, my mom's a joy screamer. Honestly its embarresin-*Sees Chris carrying cupcakes* AH! Cupcakes!*
*While Liv Amara talks to Mama Frederickson, Hiro's mind races back to the dinner attack from Momakase, where Cora shared what she had learned about Liv Amara. While he was ticked off that Liv Amara snubbed him because of Baymax's true creator, he wouldn't pinpoint Liv Amara to any thing that Krei would do... but when she brought up what she learned, the scales and schedule, and Krei's behavior to check that his resentment is more than jealousy, and how Orso only went after her alone. It had been a shock to all of them, especially Grandville, but they knew that Cora would never make something like this up. So while Fred is more or less neutral(Though slightly wary) of the 23 year old business woman, Hiro's suspicion flipped on and so he began to check her every move and action... just in case.*
Mama Frederickson: Boys! Look at this hilarious puppy!
Liv: I hate to admit it but I'm addicted to these viral videos.
Baymax: My scan indicates zero viruses on that video. It is safe.
Liv: Literal robot, also cute!
Chris: I bet the internet would love him! Cupcake anyone?
*Fred grabs four cupcakes, two for himself and one for Hiro and Cora.*
Mama Frederickson: Before we talk about investment opportunities Miss Amara, I've been meaning to ask about your progress on curing my dear friend Orso Knox.
Liv: Oh... Orso Knox of course... I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Mama Frederickson: Well that's a relief to hear. Oh liv! Have you seen the sleepy hedgehog?
Liv: How couldn't I? I made it into a meme on Sycorax's lifestyle blog.
*Hearing about Orso Knox immediately brought to mind about Cora's words... and a certain interview Liv had. And so, after Fred and Hiro leave the women be, they pulled up a chat room and contacted the gang.*
Hiro; OK guys, remember how Cora brought up about Orso Knox and Liv Amara? She said something very familiar today.
Baymax: Yes, I am often told I am cute. I am not programmed to know what that means.
Gogo: I don't think Hiro meant that.
Hiro: Exactly, here's what I mean.
*Soon on each of the member's laptop showed Liv Amara's interview with Bluff Dunder on the subject of curing Orso Knox. Cora gently places her Eve robot to the table as she listens carefully.*
Bluff: Random aside Liv, how is that mutated fellow, so horribly mutated...what was it- Orso Knox?
Liv: I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Hiro: Its the exact same answer she said to Fred's mom, and this was two months ago!
Cora: You would have thought someone like Liv Amara would have harder at curing Orso Knox since he was her investor.
Honey Lemon: What do you suppose we do? We can't just go in and ask.
Wasabi: The tour was a one time thing to us.
Gogo: You need an employee or intern to get in.
*That's when all eyes are directed to Cora.*
Cora: Oh...
Hiro: Cora, you still have your intern invite right?
Cora: I still do.
Hiro: Then maybe... you can accept and check to see whats really happening to Orso Knox?
*Cora looks at her feet, then to Hiro. Soon her face grows with determination and a confident smile. Karmi is in the darkness of her lab, studying over her viruses when she sees a figure of Liv Amara and someone beside her. The lights turn on as Karmi removes her googles.*
Liv: Hello Karmi, say hello to our new Marine-Biology intern Cora.
*Karmi's eyes widened in shock as Cora gives a sheepish wave hello. Unknown to the women around the girl there was an ear piece on her with Hiro listening in.*
Hiro: Oh... right... Karmi...
Fred: Whats wrong with her?
Hiro: You do remember that Karmi hates our guts right? Cause we're younger than her and go to SFIT? Cause we're a couple?
Gogo: And how Cora responds to Karmi's snipes.
Hiro: *To Cora* Its OK Cora, you got this.
*Cora nods in response and puts on her best smile.*
Liv: Cora and I had a small discussion and she agreed that she would be an intern for a test run, to see what its like here! Be nice to our new Marine Bio intern Karmi, and direct her to her new lab!
*And so Liv leaves the two teen girls alone. Cora looks at Karmi who is ready to explode only for her to put on her most sickly sweet smile and walk her towards the Marine lab. While on the way some of the employees greet Cora warmly as the blue haired teen merely nods. While the girls are nearing the marine Bio lab Cora speaks up.*
Cora: So... Have you heard anything related about Orso Knox?
Karmi: What about it?
Cora: Well, it has been quiet some time and we hadn't gotten any word about any cure for him. And its been over two months.
Karmi: Someone's impatient.
*Cora sighs, but then she realizes something that could play to her ego. Well.. time to please the devil herself.*
Cora: OK, how about you show me around the lab? Afterall, Hiro only got see the main lab, but not all its juicy secrets.
*This catches Karmi's attention and soon she smirks at Cora.*
Karmi: OK then, I'll show you... after you set up any progress on your lab!
*Cora's lab opens and Karmi shoves her inside.*
Karmi: Meet me at the main elevator at break... fish girl.
*The door slams as Cora flinches. She sighs deeply before she turns to the lab. To a bit of her comfort there were tanks now filled with clown fishes and the most adorable school of baby cuttlefish swimming freely.*
Cora: *To Hiro via earpiece* OK Hiro, I'm in. And Karmi agreed to take me around the lab.
Hiro: Good, that way you can figure out which one has Orso Knox and check on him...Also.. good job stroking her ego.
Cora: Its what I do best... aside from roasting her.
*Cora turns to the cuttle fish as she smiles gently, stroking her finger on the glass as the baby cuttlefish curiously look at her.*
Cora: I think you are my highlight of the day little cuties. considering how I'll have to deal with she who shall not be named and finding Orso Knox, you're gonna be the sugar that makes the medicine go down.
*And so Cora sets to work on her progress for her Marine Bio major, setting out potential patterns of weather and studying over the movement of all the marine life holograms. She also made sure to feed the fishes and cuttlepods, though she ignored how they seem to be wriggling in excitement whenever she hummed a song she knew. But soon enough Cora got tired and closed her eyes as she lays her head down to rest on the table to sleep.*
(?):*Soft* Wake up...
(?):*Soft* Hurry! Wake up!
*Cora's eyes fluttered as she heard rather young and cuteish voices of children ring through her ears . At first she thought it was remnants of a soon to be forgotten dream, but when she stretched her arms and checked over her surroundings, the voices did not go away... it became stronger and frantic.*
(?): You have to get out of here!
(?) That red lady is not what she seems!
(?): Go away from this place!
*Cora's eyes tried to look for any person that could be in the room or even a speaker. If this was some sick prank then she would take note to punch the prankster in the throat. But there was neither a person or stereo. That is when Cora turns her head to see the adorable clown fish and cuttle fishes pressing their heads to the glass.*
ClownFishes and Cuttlefishes: RUN CORA!
Cora: AHHHH!
*Cora lifts her head up to shake her head out of the nightmare she had. She places her hand over her heart where she looks around sees nothing out of place. Though while the fishes and cuttlepods are safe, they are staring at her funny... That's when she realizes she was on the floor. She quickly picks herself up and brushes herself off.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you OK?
Cora: Y-Yeah... I'm fine...
*Cora looks at the clock up ahead and sees its almost time, and so she sets out her way through the main lab a few minutes early to meet up with... her... As she arrived she looked around the team who are busy doing their research she did note one thing... a file that lead to-*
Karmi: Hurry up Cora.
*Cora's attention is snapped back to Karmi, who she sighs sadly before joining her to the elevator.*
Karmi: So, where do you wanna go?
Cora:*Looks at the pad and points to the lowest level carelessly.*
Karmi: Ya know that's only reserved for the most important scientists...
*Cora sighs as she prepares to hear Karmi go on a tangent.*
Karmi: And I can't take you there. That's the most exclusive labs there where the really important stuff is.
Cora: *Blinks in surprise* What?
Karmi: Last time I tried to go I had to be dragged up to Liv Amara's office! Thankfully, being her FAVORITE intern, I got off easy.
*Cora blows a piece of her hair from her face. So much for that. And so they arrive at the second lowest floor, with Karmi stepping off walking ahead.*
Karmi: And so to your right you'll see where we store the cellular molecuels of the rare greenery and pesticides, and if you look to your left..
*But it seemed that in Karmi's state of showing off she forgot to check that Cora actually followed her. The blue haired teen looked at Karmi and then to the pad and then decided to press it. The lowest floor, level 6. When the doors to the elevator open again Cora steps off carefully, seeing a lone door in front of her. She noticed a key pad in front of her, telling her its passcoded.*
Hiro: Cora? Where are you?
Cora: Hiro? Can you hear me?
Hiro: A little, where are you now?
Cora: I'm at the lowest level of the building, there's one door in front of me. I'm gonna check it out.
Hiro: Be careful Babe.
Cora: I will Hiro. I love you.
Hiro: Love you too.
*Cora finds the most worn keys and pressed enter. The lights turn on as she looks inside, where soon all sorts of biological related science enters. Rows of eyes look at her as numerous jars of brains from largest to smallest neatly stacked. As of while Hiro is back at his room trying to get connection to Cora.*
Hiro: Cora! Cora can you hear me?
Baymax: It seems you have lost connection.
Hiro: The lower level must be scrambling the waves!
*Cora sees over the strange creatures and items, her heart beat being the only tangible sound... until she heard a soft growl. Cora turns her head to see behind the room a large set of cells... with one occupied creature she knows all too well. Liv Amara is heading over to Cora's lab, carrying in her hands a cup of tea; she is planning to talk to her about her grandmother's book. Now that she is a sycorax intern she can learn whatever secrets the old book may hold. But when she reaches there she finds it empty.*
Liv: Chris?...Where is Cora?
Chris: Oh! I saw her earlier with Karmi.
*Cora slowly walks towards the cell, her footsteps echoing through the hall. As she draws closer the figure takes more clearer shape as the creature opens it familiar blue eyes. Cora felt it pierce her soul as she sees Orso Knox, trapped behind the cell like an animal.*
Cora: Mr. Knox?
Knox:...What do you want?
*Karmi is currently at the dangerous viruses lab wearing her biohazard suit.*
Karmi: And if you see here-
Liv:*Camera* Karmi.
Karmi: *Jumping slightly* Miss Amara! How are you?
Liv: Where are you and Cora?
Karmi: At the Viruses laboratory, she's right-
*But when she turns around she finally realizes that she had been alone all this time.*
Liv: Karmi… where is Cora?
*Cora slightly jumps at Orso Knox's voice. It had been the same deep and powerful growl that had haunted the team and san Fransokyo since his attack.*
Cora: Are you alright Mr. Knox?
Knox: Does it look like I'm fine?
*Cora flinches at the tone, but holds her ground.*
Cora: I suppose not... considering you're still here.
*That is when Knox's eyes widened in surprise. He slowly approaches near the cell door where the young girl looks up.*
Knox: You can understand me?
Cora: Yes? Considering you spoke? Whats going on Mr. Knox? Liv Amara said that they should've cured you by now! But instead you're still here.
Knox: That's all Liv Amara is good for. Lies! Everything she says is a lie!
Cora: What happened to you Mr. Knox?
Knox: Liv Amara did this to me! I-If I see her I will rip her to pieces and throw it to the poisons she makes!
Cora: Mr. Knox! Please calm down!
*Knox pants heavily as he looks at the young girl, her eyes still holding the fear he placed, but alongside it the care and concern for him.*
Knox: You need to run, tell Big Hero 7 about Liv Amara! She's only just begun!
*That is when door shuts behind her and the lights turn bright red, blaring an alarm in this dark lab. Meanwhile at the very top, it was a more calming ding letting the workers know to search for a missing intern; and Liv Amara goes forward to look for Cora... she has some questions that Cora should answer. The blue haired teen covers ears tightly as Knox howls in pain, his increased sense of hearing feeling like tanks setting off his ears. That is when Cora sees her own name tag glow a dark red. And suddenly her feet became stuck to the floor. That's when it starts dragging her through the floor!*
*Cora tries to run to back to the cell, holding tightly the pad near him, but the force pulls her away... but not without her accidentally pressing the release button on Orso Knox's cell. Knox sees with his own eyes Cora being dragged away by the tag around her neck... if she is found by Liv Amara or by her goons then she would be doomed.*
Chris: Everyone! Check every room in the facility, the first one to find her brings her to Liv Amara immediately!
*Cora continues screaming as she tries to remove the tag from her neck. Whatever technology Liv Amara made, it made sure to make her tag be bio magnet to carry her around. She finally stops being dragged when she is in view shot of a couple scientists and Karmi.*
Scientist: There you are!
*Cora held her breath as she sees the scientitsts' and Karmi's faces; with the adults its presumed worry over her safety, with Karmi its ' ya brat'.*
Scientist: Where were you? We've been worried sick!
Cora: I-I was-
Karmi: Save it Cora! You're gonna get it now-
*The scientists and Karmi gasp in horror as they see Knox charge through the hall and land in front of Cora. The scientists and bio intern backing up.*
*Knox then picks Cora up in his hand and soon runs through the halls in inhumane speed.*
Cora: What are you doing Mr. Knox?!
Knox: Getting both of us out of this hell!
*The scientists either had dodged out of the way or tried to grab whatever weapon they could use to subdue him, but his superior speed and intellect made him nearly unstoppable. When Liv Amara is about to enter the elevator she sees Orso Knox launch through the emergency staircase to the entrance. That is when Liv sees the person in his hands.*
Liv: Cora!
*Orso's eyes turned to Liv Amara as he growled with death in his eyes.*
Orso: I will not let you silence this one as you had those before! You will pay for this Liv Amara...O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!
*He crashes through the building, running outside into the outskirts of San Fransokyo. As of while, Karmi gets up from being slammed against the door when she sees an ear piece on the floor, curiously she picks it up to figure out who it belonged to. But when she headed up she began to hear a voice coming from the ear piece.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you alright? Can you hear me?
Baymax: The connection is stronger. She should be able to hear you clearly now.
Karmi: Hiro! what the hell are you doing!
*Hiro, from his side, jumped from the sudden screeching of Karmi's voice. He gets up and tries to calm himself down.*
Hiro: Oh! Hey..Karmi… so uh.. c-could I talk to my girlfriend right now-
Karmi: You're precious girlfriend is now Monster chow you creep!
*That's when he hears the crunch of the ear piece from Hiro's side, indicating that Karmi destroyed it.*
Baymax: Karmi destroyed the-
Hiro: Wait... Monster?...No! No!
*But soon enough, he could hear the TV and news playing, showing the monster Orso Knox, with Cora in his hands.*
Hiro: CORA!
*Immediately Hiro calls forth the gang to meet up at the garage, already planning out whatever strategy to stop Knox and save Cora. From his sight as he passed the Café Cass covers her mouth as she sees Knox run through the city with the girl in his claws!*
Cass: Oh no!
*Mizuchi is already leaving the city to search for Knox and Cora, his heart racing a mile a minute as Kaguya goes to Cass... alongside her Kage. Now, Kage had met Cass before, and after his surgery. But he could only mutter a few words before he turns quiet. But Cass and Kaguya did not fail to see the genuine concern for Cora's safety in his eyes. Hiro saw it too... and that's when Kage sees him. Hiro and Kage stare at each other for a few seconds before Hiro shakes his head to concentrate.*
Hiro: Later Kage… Cora needs me.
*Kage says nothing as he sees Hiro run off to join his friends... he gives a soft smile to him, knowing that they will succeed.*
Honey Lemon: Poor Cora!
Wasabi: Why didn't we think of giving her any weapons for self defense?!
Gogo: Guys! Now is not the time to beat ourselves up.
Hiro: Exactly, Cora needs us! First we suite up.
Fred: Not to nitpick but while your silver suits did work for us, it didn't work so much for Orso Knox.
Hiro: I know. I'm gonna upgrade it, and give myself some new weapons. This time with more aquatic features.
*And so Hiro sets off to work, making sure to combine his tech expertise with marine Bio as the gang either practiced fighting or kept any updates on the Monster search.*
Bluff: This is Mr. Dunder on Channel seven news. Just today, the calm and sunny afternoon turned into a storm of horror as the mutated monster, formerly known as Orso Knox, had escaped from Sycorax and is in a rampage with one intern trapped in his claws. As the police and search party and Big Hero 7 soon to arrive to rescue the intern and stop this monster, we may have to ask ourselves this: Just how reliable is Sycorax after this monstrous catastrophe?
*That is when a cup of tea is thrown to the TV, which causes both the TV and cup to shatter. Liv is looking at all her investors, both current and future ones, currently asking her competence about this situation, even questioning her ability to help Knox. That is when the hologram of Nozako appears, her face still in the shadows.*
Nozako: It Seems like your little pet monster has escaped Liv Amara.
Liv: Whatever that blue haired brat has done, I'm gonna rip into her and-!
*The load echoes of a cane hitting the floor via hologram echoed through the room, silencing Liv Amara.*
Nozako: You have until Midnight to recapture the beast and this child. And when you do bring him back... you will kill him.
Liv: Madame Nozako! He's Orso Knox!
Nozako: Silence! Look at your investors... the monster's escape has planted the seed of doubt to your competence. You had already 'tried' or so to speak... killing him would be an act of mercy. After all, you said so yourself that he had long since forgotten human speech. Slay this beast, and you will be rewarded immensely.
Liv: I understand...and of the girl?
Nozako: Do whatever you please...
*With Orso Knox and Cora, the monster had swiftly carried ran underground to the abandoned subway. Deeming it safe the monster gently drops the girl as he lays down to rest.*
Cora: W-Why did you that?
Knox: It had to be done.
Cora: Running through the lab while destroying their hard work only paints you more like a monster.
Knox: Most of those fools already know, and those who don't are either naïve or waiting to be transformed to be in Liv Amara's image. I cannot let them do to you as what they have to me.
Cora:...What did happen to you Mr. Knox?
*The man growled softly in sadness as he looks at his reflection.*
Knox: I had fallen for Liv Amara's charms. She seemed so full of life and hope for this world, I wanted to support her...I was so blind. I blinded myself from other companies that needed me... and blinded myself from seeing the true reflection of her. If a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, but with her... she was a rose with poison tipped thorns. I had come to her office one night for a discussing. I had planned to split the money and talk to Liv Amara about a conjoined partnership with Krei Tech. But while I waited, I let my curiosity get the better of me when I saw her hologram recordings... This woman... she had done the most deplorable and disgusting things I wished to never see again... I cannot tell you what most of them are to preserve your innocence… but what I can tell you is that Liv amara's start of Sycorax had been nothing but a sham. A garden hiding the poisonous yellow diamond back snake. That is when Liv Amara found me. She begged me to stay silent, but I was so disgusted and repulsed, that I lost my wits and made the foolish choice to shout that I will expose her heinous crimes and ruin her... That is when in an attempt to slay me, she had stabbed something inside me... this thing that had made me what I am today... The monster of Sycorax...
*He looks at the girl, who's eyes widened in shock and horror as she heard his story. He turns his head away as he looks at the floor.*
Knox: I am sorry you have gotten involved little one.
Cora: Its OK Mr. Knox. I just can't believe... I'm so sorry...
Knox: *Sad chuckle* Is your name Cora?
Cora: Yes?...Why?
Knox: Once or twice Liv Amara spoke of you whenever she 'visited me'... you should've stayed away. That woman wanted your grandmother's herbal book. Agreeing to be her intern means that all you have will be hers... and whatever is in your book must be of great value.
Cora: That's why she was so pushy! Augh! Hiro owes me big time for this...
Knox: *deep chuckle* I suppose this Hiro is your significant other?
Cora: Yeah... he is. *Smiles with a small blush on her face.*
*Orso Knox smiles at the girl, and for once since his transformation, he could relax and be at peace. He will admit this to himself... according to Liv Amara, he had lost his ability to speak in human tongue, making any please for help impossible... but somehow… this girl could understand him and listen. He can think about how it works later... he wants to enjoy the peace of now. As of while Mizuchi is at the streets, joining the street search as the police arm themselves with tranqulizers.*
Chief Police: The Monster has a civilian in his hands! Find a way to separate the girl and the monster!
*Mizuchi's mind flashes to the angry mob chasing him down with all their pick axes and metal rakes. He shudders away those painful memories, trying to focus on finding his daughter. That is when everyone looks up at the sky.*
Civilian #1: Its Big Hero 7!
Little girl: And they look super cool!
*The team is wearing what appears to be a black version of their super suits with all the new fixings. Fred's suit spikes can now shoot projectiles as well as act as armor, with the tips being able to stun the monster. Gogo's suit has it now act as a swim suit warmer and her wheels to act as rotors to swim through it easily, Wasabi has his laser blades also turned to projectiles while having a shield and a sword, and if acted just right, the shield would emit an ooze to make the monster's claws slip rather than break...Wasabi needed a few minutes in the bathroom after being shown that. Honey Lemon now has a chem bazooka that allows her to fire at a long range and with the added bonus of being able to act as an echo-locator when hits its target. Baymax now has the added ability to throw stronger punches and swim swifter than he could before. As for Hiro, he now has electro-magnetic discs to pin metal down, and with an homage to his girlfriend, his boots also act as squid strength suction cup shoes to stick to any surface. *
Hiro: Honey Lemon! Launch your chem ball to any entrances below! Chances are they might be under ground! Gogo, carry Honey Lemon as fast as you can!
Gogo: Got it!
*Gogo skates over to Honey Lemon and picks her up to take her to all the possible as Honey Lemon aims her bazooka and fires. Hiro checks over his tracker that shows Echolocation as more of Honey Lemon's chem balls hit any possible places. When Honey Lemon hit the next chem ball to an abandoned subway station, Hiro sees two figures on the screen.*
Hiro: I got a visual! They're in the underground subway station at Night Market square! Group up!
*And so they all run towards the subway station, heading to the dark abyss to rescue Cora. However... they had failed to realize that since Orso Knox's senses have increased, he felt the vibrations coming afar. He looks at Cora, who is asleep, and gently nudges her awake.*
Knox: Cora, wake up.
Cora: *groggily*W-wha?
Knox: I think they may have found us...
Cora: Who?
Knox: Liv Amara's goons.
*When the sound grows stronger he immediately picks her up and starts running off. Cora holds tightly to his hand as to not shake so much. Just then his path was blocked by Baymax with Hiro behind him.*
Hiro: Orso Knox, let Cora go!
*Orso Knox growls before he jumps over them and tries to run off again.
Cora: Wait! Orso Know! That was-!
Honey Lemon: They're they are!
Gogo: Let her go you freak!
Cora: Guys wait!
*But Orso knox keeps trying to escape with the gang all successfully blocking his path. Finally Baymax prepares his rocket fist as Honey Lemon uses her chem balls enhanced to pin him down.*
Cora: Baymax no!
*Cora uses the opportunity to free herself from Orso Knox's grip and stand in front of Orso Knox.*
Cora: Guys I'm fine now!
Wasabi: We know you are and were thankful you're safe.
Fred: But now we gotta stop this guy and take him back to Sycorax lab-
Cora: You can't! Sycorax is where he got turned to the monster!
*That caused everyone in the room to stop, to which Hiro remembers how it all began in the first place.*
Hiro: Oh... Oh!...
*Hiro climbs down as he walks over to Cora.*
Knox: Stay away from her Amara slave!
*But to Hiro and the others they heard growls.*
Cora: Its OK! He's Hiro, Hiro Hamada...a friend. *To Hiro* I was right, Liv Amara was responsible for Knox's transformation. Apparently Knox found some incriminating evidence about Liv Amara's questionable activities and she turned him into that to shut him up.
Hiro: She never really meant to cure him.
Gogo: Everything she said about helping him was nothing but a lie.
Honey Lemon: Is there anyway to cure him?
*That is when Hiro spots something in Knox's arm... a small indented chip with red icky veins.*
Hiro: Whats that?
*Hiro tries to get a closer look only for Knox to roar. Hiro scrambles up and stands in front of Cora as she hears him shout.*
Cora: What?!
Wasabi: Cora what's up?
*Cora looks at the monster, waiting for an answer.. to which Knox speaks.*
Knox: This is what she had injected me. It is a chip of her design.. the cursed object that had made me into this. It is designed by her and can only be operated by her... if anyone else besides her were to remove it, it will release a venom that will stun the heart and then the brain...
Cora: Oh no... *Turns to Baymax* Baymax, scan his arm.
Baymax: His harm has a small chip inside him. It is currently keeping his altered DNA in this state.
Honey Lemon: So that's how he's still a monster.
Gogo: I say we go to the hospital and remove the thing.
Cora: No Gogo! Chances are Liv Amara rigged the chip to kill him if anyone else besides her were to operate on him.
Fred: That definitely sounds like a Phase two villain!
Cora: He's not safe here! We gotta get him out to the ocean.
Hiro: Why the Ocean.
Cora: Assuming his whale side is effective, he'll live.
*after sneaking around, Baymax opens a path that leads to the San Fransokyo bay, where the moon shine bright.*
Cora: *To Knox* I promise you, we will do everything we can to do help you and bring Liv Amara down.
Knox: Of course. I will never forget your kindness nor of your friends'. *Before jumping off to the bay* Oh! When you do stop Liv amara and find a cure for me...let me get the first punch.
Cora: Whatever you say.
*And so after they see him off, they all emerge back to the city. Baymax holding a piece of molten skin to be proof they fought him, and Hiro carrying Cora in his arms just for the fun of it. everyone had cheered at BH7's success, happy that the monster is gone and that the girl captured was now safe. Cora giggles before she kisses Hiro's cheek, to which causes the boy to blush. The next day, Cora is walking towards Sycorax, her family and friends by her side to see her off to the building. Karmi and Liv Amara were cleaning up the mess along with everyone else as Cora gently places her Sycorax lab coat and name tag onto the recyclables.*
Liv: Cora? what are you doing?
Cora: I'm resigning Miss Amara. I get that what happened yesterday isn't exactly the most ideal way to have a test trial... but even without the incident I could not focus here very well especially since there are some challenges at home and school that I need to resolve. I enjoyed what time I had, but this isn't for me. *To Karmi* And Karmi?
Cora: I hope you enjoy this job immensely, just be careful K?
*Cora walks away to the exit, only to be called out by Karmi herself.*
Karmi: Wait! There's something you should know.
Cora: What is it?
Karmi:... I should have paid attention to you... because of me you were dragged around the city with that monster. I just... you know.
Cora: Be entitled to your workspace to feel like a special snowflake by injecting your venom into me?
Karmi:... You could say that...
Cora: I accept your apology.
Karmi: Second...*Scoots closer to Cora's face* What was it like being held in Electro-Alpha's arms?
Cora: Oh wow I think I hear my Papa calling me! Bye, see ya never!
*And so Cora immediately runs off, leading to Karmi dropping to the floor flat on her face. As of while, Liv Amara receives a text from Nozako, and the words written made her shudder with fear.*
You and I will have a little talk.
A.N: And that was Prey Date! Not something you were expecting huh? Any way to answer your questions, 1. I made the revelation of Liv amara being evil and responsible for Orso Knox's transformation earlier because the writing the path would be boring. it would definetly spice up this journey since now they all know she's responsible, now the quest is how to expose and defeat her.
2. Nozako is Cora's Grandmother from Mizuchi's side, read Chap 29 for full details! Till then, Love you all and thank you for reading BH7!
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