michaeldimotta · 4 years
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It’s been an emotional week as the better part of our nation (and all over the world) comes together in one of the biggest movements against racial injustice and systemic racism ever! So hard to focus on anything else and I really hope we keep this movement going and see real change in equality!
We hear, we see you, and we stand with you! I mourn ALL the lives needlessly lost and promise to check my own privilege and am dedicated to educating myself to be a better ally.
To help show support, I’m going to be donating to the organizations linked below with this months entire proceeds from my Patreon account.
You can help me out from:
OR by donating to them directly yourself via the links here:
I also signed various petitions to reopen cases and bring justice on https://www.change.org/
#blacklivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justicefortamirrice #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforericgarner #justiceforpamelaturner #justiceformikebrown #justiceforahmaudarbery
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goodblacknews · 4 years
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@stlmarlonwest beautifully honors Tony McDade as we still seek #justicefortonymcdade #blacklivesmatter #translivesmatter #protestart #tallahassee https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYcc6QJAyC/?igshid=17ghvkeapfo8c
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dapperq · 4 years
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Say 👏🏽 all 👏🏽 of 👏🏽 their 👏🏽 names ✊🏽 TONY MCDADE #blacktranslivesmatter #justicefortonymcdade 📸 via @transgenderdistrict (at Oakland, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBJZeiZBf-X/?igshid=1kp6oz12e42vt
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a4bl · 4 years
Asians 4 Black Lives: Uplift Black Resistance, Help Build Black Power
ETA: A previous version of this post stated that two of the officers involved in George Floyd’s killing were of Asian descent. We have not yet been able to confirm the race of the second officer and so have updated that below.
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was murdered in broad daylight by four Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officers. This gut-wrenching tragedy, in addition to the police murders of Tony McDade, Yassin Mohamed, Sean Reed, Breonna Taylor, Steven Taylor, the vigilante murder of Ahmaud Arbery, and the hate crime murder of Nina Pop, and countless others, has re-sparked collective outrage that is being met with the brute force of state repression — all during a pandemic that is disproportionately claiming Black and Indigenous lives in this country.
We, as Asians4BlackLives (A4BL), join our comrades in denouncing these gross displays of state-sanctioned police violence, and renew our call to all non-Black people of Asian descent to move in solidarity with Black communities for Black liberation and resistance.
We cannot look past the fact that at least one of the MPD police officers involved in the murder of George Floyd, Tou Thao, is Asian American. While we acknowledge the complex and contradictory histories of who make up “Asian Americans,” another instance of the direct involvement of officers of Asian descent in the death of a Black man is not just a damning symbol for Asian American complicity in the death of Black people, but also a direct manifestation of anti-Blackness in our communities.
This history of anti-Blackness runs deep, from the murder of Latasha Harlins by Soon Ja Du to daily practices of racial profiling and cultural appropriation. Non-Black Asians must act swiftly to end all forms of violence against Black people. We call on Asian Americans to reject the model minority myth, which was historically created to delegitimize Black resistance while absolving non-Black Americans from addressing systemic racism. It is our duty to continue the legacy of past and present Black and Asian solidarity — from activists like Yuri Kochiyama, Grace Lee Boggs, and Kartar Dhillon to the Black Buffalo soldiers who defected from the U.S. army in support of Philippine independence. This means organizing our communities in solidarity and protesting using a diversity of tactics, including shutting down business as usual to ensure that each life wrongfully taken by the police does not go in vain.
Abolish the Police
We echo what Black activists have said countless times: the institution of modern-day policing — with its origins in slave-catching — has always served to protect private property and the ruling elite at the expense of Black, Indigenous, and poor and working class communities. Police violence against Black people is not the result of some officers being “a few bad apples.” The trees producing these apples are rotten to the roots. The problem cannot be fixed with simple reform measures — abolition of the police as an institution is necessary to prevent further Black lives from being lost.
Uplift Black Resistance, Help Build Black Power
We uplift the demands from the Movement for Black Lives and amplify the call to divest from police and invest in community. We also join Reclaim the Block, Black Visions Collective, and others who have called on the Minneapolis City Council to defund the Minneapolis Police Department (and all police departments) and invest in resources that actually keep Black communities (and thereby also all communities) safe and healthy by sharing and signing this petition.
We urge our communities to continue to join spaces and groups of people that are on the frontlines of building a society rooted in Black Power and Black Liberation, a world where Black Lives truly matter:
Build strong communities and community safety plans; #DontCalltheCops.
Fight to abolish the prison industrial complex that continuously profits from locking up Black people and perpetuates a never-ending cycle of criminalization and violence. #AbolishPrisons.
Fight to #CancelRent and raise the minimum wage so that Black communities can afford to live in the neighborhoods they are often displaced from.
Fight for a just transition, a #BlackNewDeal, #RedNewDeal and a #GreenNewDeal to counter the greed of corporations that for too long have profited off of the destruction of our Mother Earth and the environmental racism that disproportionately affects Black and Indigenous people.
Fight for #MedicareForAll, so that Black people can have access to quality healthcare that does not lead to catastrophic spending and bankruptcy.
Fight for a society in which wealth is not concentrated in the hands of a few billionaires who utilize the police to violently protect their interests.
Fight against imperialism, which threatens Black communities globally, and support people-led movements worldwide.
Build life together that promotes not just surviving, but thriving: SOLUTIONS not PUNISHMENT.
Research the Black-led groups in your area. Talk to your non-Black friends and family about anti-Blackness. Listen, plug in to action, and donate to Black individuals and organizations.
Donate to vetted, Black-led organizations, bail funds, and allied groups in your area. In Minnesota, we recommend the following, which are currently accepting donations as of June 1, 2020: George Floyd’s family GoFundMe, CTUL, a low-income worker of color-led organization (mostly Latinx) down the block from where George Floyd was killed, who have been offering mutual aid to protesters, and Northstar Health Collective, street medics treating people and training folks how to take care of each other in protests.
In all these struggles, follow the leadership and center the perspectives of those most affected.
All lives do not matter until Black Lives Matter. Asian Americans need to strengthen our solidarity with our Black siblings. We must struggle and fight together for an end to the unjust siege against Black communities everywhere, and put an end to the police state and all forms of state-sanctioned violence.
Together, with our comrades, we demand:
Justice for George Floyd Justice for Tony McDade Justice for Yassin Mohamed Justice for Sean Reed Justice for Breonna Taylor Justice for Steven Taylor Justice for Ahmaud Arbery Justice for Nina Pop Justice for all Black Lives
Black Lives Matter
In Love, Power, and Solidarity, Asians4BlackLives
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debwalsh · 4 years
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One of the benefits of being old af is that I remember Dr. King. I remember loving the sound of his voice when he gave speeches. I remember loving his courage and his mission. I remember weeping over his murder, his assassination. And then doing it again later when Bobby Kennedy was taken, too. I remember the hate my father directed toward Dr. King, the nasty, demeaning, abhorrent names he called him. I remember something very like fear, too. Fear that the injustices heaped upon the Black people might come back sevenfold on the people - the white people - who inflicted harm. Who murdered and maimed, who raped and demeaned. I grew up in a racist home. My father wanted to join the Klan when they started accepting Catholics. As a pre-teen, I wanted to be out there marching for equality, for an end to the Vietnam War, for an end to the killing of people whose skin looked different from mine. I dreamed of marching with Dr. King. My father rejoiced when he was killed. Our fights over equality, over civil rights, over human dignity defined much of our relationship. It never occurred to me that I was wrong that every Black life mattered, that every Indigenous life mattered, that every Asian life mattered. I don't know that it ever occurred to my Dad that those lives mattered at all. Black lives matter. They mattered then. They matter now. They will always matter. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforelijahmcclain #justice https://www.instagram.com/p/CB1eJbLF3jm/?igshid=d8dbo41uefdb
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nobrutalitybudget · 4 years
NO to Kenney & Council’s Brutality Budget!
We said: Defund the Police by $120 million We got: SAME POLICE BUDGET; SAME POLICE BRUTALITY VOTE NO to Kenney’s Brutality Budget
After 20 days of unprecedented protests demanding significant defunding of the Philadelphia Police, Mayor Kenney and City Council President Darrell Clarke have delivered a budget that openly betrays Black community safety and our city as a whole. Late Wednesday night, Clarke and City Council leadership left our bloated and abusive police force entirely intact. This massive police budget leaves critical city departments that serve our communities gutted by devastating cuts. 
Rather than taking action, the city’s political establishment has intentionally misled the public by claiming that no increase means defunding the police force. We won’t fall for it. Co-opting the language of the movement isn’t enough to hide City Council’s cowardice and betrayal.  The blame for the violence this budget ensures lies squarely at the feet of Council President Darrell Clarke, Majority Leader Cherelle Parker, Majority Whip Curtis Jones, Deputy Whip Mark Squilla, and Council Appropriations Chair Maria Quiñones-Sánchez. 
Their budget maintains the reckless $120 million police budget increase City Council and Mayor Kenney have imposed since Mayor Kenney took office. Despite mass outcry and despite Black people being murdered on video by police officers across the U.S., City Council has willfully produced the same police budget and the same police brutality. Taking real action to defund the Police means elected officials must decrease their budget by no less than $120 million. 
Notably, City Council Leadership’s budget also makes no attempt to increase the tax burden of Philadelphia’s super-wealthy individuals, corporations or developers to fund city services. By ignoring Kendra Brooks and Helen Gym’s Personal Wealth Tax and full elimination of the Tax Abatement, Darrell Clarke has yet again repackaged the same failed tax policies that have made Philadelphia America’s poorest large city. 
As municipal workers, we are thrilled to see the number of AFSCME DC 33, DC 47 and non-union city worker siblings who have joined the struggle for a just city. We are emboldened by the thousands of people fighting for Black and Brown liberation in our streets. Together, we are building a future upon real political alternatives to the corrupt and insular Democratic establishment. 
To get there: We demand members of City Council VOTE NO to Clarke and Kenney’s Brutality Budget. Defund the Police by $120 million to Fully Fund City Services.
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the-methane-sky · 4 years
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irishphantom · 4 years
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#blacklivesmatter #sanfrancisco #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaud #justicefortonymcdade (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZcSAKjsvh/?igshid=csrt30ed6gfr
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sebiyaki · 4 years
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for us by us
source: @findyourpathca 
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austindorrough · 4 years
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George Floyd’s killers have been brought to justice, but there are still so many others we must continue to fight for. Below are petitions you can sign to help bring justice to those that have lost their lives due to police brutality and racism in our world. Continue to stand up, speak out, and DO SOMETHING about the injustices you see today. Now is the time.
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salmon404 · 4 years
I don’t like being political on tumblr, but I give exactly two shits on insta so follow me there and look at my story if you’re interested in the bullshit ever continuing in this country we live in
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jenniferniven · 4 years
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So much deep, resounding love for @standup4justice who makes this world a brighter place. ✨💖 If you haven’t read his post from yesterday, lovelies, please do. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #justicesmith #allblacklivesmatter #blackqueerlivesmatter #blacklivesmatter #pride #blacktranslivesmatter #endracism #stoppolicebrutality #sayhername #justiceforbreonna #justiceforahmaud #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforgeorgefloyd #beabrightplace https://www.instagram.com/p/CBIzDA5JRc1/?igshid=1hm86zaiolaf3
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foreverthesoniag · 4 years
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#NYC is you are able to show up for this today!! Repost from @queerdep : UPDATE!because of earlier curfew we are moving up the start time. Please join us outside Stonewall at 5PM. PLEASE SHARE WIDE #BlacklivesMatter #blacktranslivesmatter #qtpoc #TWOC #Lgbtq #justiceforninapop #justicefortonymcdade https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8PuAJlzWV/?igshid=1rdvw85u1unwt
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aqueerintothevoid · 4 years
No one Ever got things done peacefully. Every major change in this country has happened after rioting happened, after violence happened, after the country was torn apart so it could get rebuilt better than it was. To say that the rioters are in the wrong? After everything that’s happened? To say that if people just protested peacefully then those in power would listen after that’s been proven to be false over and over again? It’s disgraceful. It’s disgusting. I don’t ever want to hear that shit again. It’s time for a major change in our justice system, in our police system, in the entirety of the government. How dare anyone fault the protesters for speaking up. How dare anyone fault black people for standing up to injustice. All of this is absolute bullshit and you all know it. Black Lives Matter. Black Futures Matter. And until every black person in America and in fact every person of color in general can have a garaunteed future America will be on course to no longer have a future.
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debwalsh · 4 years
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Tr*mp isn't to only authoritarian looking for friendly photo ops while planning to betray Americans exercising their right to peaceful protest. #blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justicefortonymcdade #justiceforbreonnataylor https://www.instagram.com/p/CA6m-qAFvt9/?igshid=rhtc78y0mruf
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bullshitopportunist · 4 years
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Sometimes the success we seek, trickles down to the gutter where the prison bars meet. Across all nations. Fight racism; destroy the exploitation of capitalism that forces police to only serve a ruling class... If the job of the police was to truly “fight crime” or “protect and serve” they would start at the top, at the world bank, Silicon Valley, at every offshore tax haven, etc. The function is to keep people poor. Then have those people serve as cannon fodder for war, and/or as a back up workforce so that workers never realize their worth, because there is always someone who will do it cheaper, someone to fill the void left by the ones who choose to stand up. Fight globalization; a system that has destroyed the working class and lead to false populism and the neo-fascism of Donald Trump, The AFD, Boris Johnson, etc. Fight violence. The economic, racial, social and environmental violence that is perpetuated solely to keep the wealthy rich, and maintain their power, the backbone of capitalism. When the smoke clears, across all nations, general strike is needed. Halt the gears of the very system that created the cop that murdered #georgefloyd and put their knee on each and every one of our necks. POWER TO ALL PEOPLE. NOW. #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justicefortonymcdade #blacklivesmatter (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA3vFcfHEJ1/?igshid=qnzrx920qjgr
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