lpa6zn · 1 year
English: Every March 24, the National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice is commemorated in Argentina, as a way of remembering the victims of the last coup in Argentina, which began on March 24, 1976.
It lasted 2,818 days
20,000 factories closed
340 clandestine detention centers were created
external debt multiplied ×6
more than 200 banned songs and movies
over a 100 banned books, including children's books
increased poverty from 4,4% to 37.4%
30,000 people missing
more than 4,500 people were murdered and tortured in ways so disturbing that I cannot speak here
Español: Cada 24 de marzo se conmemora en Argentina el Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia, como una forma de recordar a las víctimas del último golpe de estado en Argentina, iniciado el 24 de marzo de 1976.
Duró 2.818 días
20.000 fabricas cerraron
Se crearon 340 centros clandestinos de detención
Se prohibieron y censuraron más de 200 canciones y películas
más de 100 libros prohibidos, incluidos los de clasificación infantil
aumento de la pobreza del 4,4% al 37,4%
30.000 personas desaparecidas
más de 4500 personas fueron asesinadas y torturadas de formas tán perturbadoras que no puedo hablar aquí
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Escena de la película Enola Holmes 2 (2022)  💕 💕 💕
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electronica-1 · 2 months
Al fin alguien hizo justicia... Un argentino creó una herramienta para intervenirle el parlante a su vecino cada vez que pone Reguetón.
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shotofstress · 3 months
Sebastián Piñera, criminal internationally known for been the president of Chile two times as well for been a clown, is death and all over the world, but especially in Chile, his image is gonna be wash of all the blood. He not only robbed a bank and was a fugitive, he also was corrupt as fuck and did money laundry, scammed, trafficked babies, children and teens for upper class adoption from foreign europeans, gringos and other places, but also for sexual abuse as well for Organ Trafficking, he even had as his right hand an "ex" mossad agent, Hinzpeter who helped him to bring literal tons of cocaine to the country and then keep the traffic and micro traffic working and use south american emigrants that were in extreme poverty to traffic so then he could blame them of been the responsables of the huge drug addictions and narco violence here. He also allowed false flag terrorism to keep the occupation of Mapuche territory, their killings and stealing of lands and resources. Between his political assassinations we can count beloved upper class TV face and show host Felipe Camiroaga, who had said on TV during student protests movement (for food on schools and free education and stop the corruption at educational institutions) that if the youth was protesting, Piñera had the obligation to hear them bc the people was right and was his duty as president. Under Piñera's orders Hinzpeter killed Camiroaga with other 20 people on board of an helicopter, a C-212 Aviocar of the Chile's Air Force, that was heading to help people of the Robinson Crusoe Island in the Juan Fernández Archipelago because the destruction cause by the infamous 2010's massive earthquake that moved the Earth from her axis. Piñera even let Hinzpeter to inform the crime as an accident and this fucked even paraphrased in the live media TV and radio the words that Camiroaga said to Piñera on his program calling him to be a good president, putting together phrases to mock and refer to his death.
And if u think that he already was a monster for this, let me tell u that in Octuber 18th of 2019 and the next months se did a dictatorship in which he declared on national transmission that the state (he) was in war against the people (who were literally just people, civilians all with no weapons bc here we dont own weapons), and the military and police went to the street and houses to kill. The motive Piñera had to begin this? That school teens evaded the payment in the subway as a form of protest for the constant rise of the ticket price in a country in which most of us are poor and the using transportation for 1 month cost at least 1/3 of the minimum wage.
They police and the military murdered, wounded and did systematic mutilation and torture as psychological warfare learned by training with Israeli military and mossad. They practiced beforehand shooting to students in the university of professors here, they (as always) go inside with no order nor justification to shoot us with shotguns to the face with war weapons like teargas cans and special bullets. Piñera sent the police and military to pillaged the supermarkets and burn them and blame the people and the left, they even use the burning buildings to hide the corpses of people they killed, probably there were alive ppl too. They tortured, raped and mutilated people not just in their police and military quarters, they also used underground stations/subway stations as torture houses, something that they are familiar with bc Pinochet's dictatorship. The Piñera dictatorship had never been called dictatorship in anyplace, specially in the TV bc he and all his family and friends own the media (all the TV channels and 99% of news paper like El Mercurio, La Nación, Las últimas Noticias, The Clinic, etc etc). We still have Disappeared detainees and they are not recognised as such, and also not every torture survivors is recognised as such, we have tons of people that lost their ocular globes partially in sight, totally, or the globe was totally destroyed and they are not recognised as victims of the genocide attempt. Piñera wasn't destitute as president, he didn't even faced justice, nor the national justice nor the international one, even when there was hundreds of pictures, videos, audios and other evidences of his crimes, he wasn't even called criminal, dictator or anything. He was accused of Crimes against Humanity and yet national and international law did NOTHING. His crimes in Chile were so many that representative (diputado) Jaime Naranjo read 1300 pages of some of Piñera's crimes for 15 hours straight and had a full live streaming.
So when your media and journalist tell you that Piñera was a good president, please remember this post (that don't even have all his crimes nor in detail) and remember that he was a monster that die without a thing to worry about in his life that face zero justice and that all the world let him go out scot-free. Don't belive in news nor even in chileans or other south americans that tell you that Piñera was good and that "the left" were terrorists and shit like that bc we here barely have something like a left wing and even if we had, no one did a shit to stopped the massacre.
Don't believe that Chile and Piñera are lovely, here is just full of blood thanks to right wing and the stupidly of the left and the liberal bourgeoisie.
Likes don't help to spread this post, ppl. REBLOG IT FOR FUCK SAKE
And if u are a boot licker the the fuck out of my blog and if u comment some bullshit I'm gonna block u and report u. Fascists, specially chilean fascists DNI.
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carabanchelnet · 4 days
GOLPE MEDIATICO Saben que no pueden dar un golpe de Estado como ya lo dieron, por eso ahora lo hacen sin armas, pero es igual de efectivo. Escucha a @manuelrico Video publicado por Ana 🔻☂️@Zapatista72
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viejospellejos · 3 months
Un familiar protesta tras la violación brutal y extremadamente sádica en grupo de su sobrina pequeña de 14 años por un grupo de magrebíes en Cataluña.
A estos individuos se les juzga solo por ‘acoso’ y han protegido sus identidades.
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theozzcl · 4 months
La justicia llegará el día en que leas mis palabras, y tú pecho se apriete al saber que empujaste a un alma más al abismo de la amargura. La justicia llegará cuando tus ojos se inunden al ver que no solo cambiaste un corazón por dinero, sino que destruiste un amor sincero. La justicia llegará en el momento que te des cuenta que tu decisión no valió la pena, que destruiste a alguien en vano, y que tu deuda quizás jamás sea saldada.
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elkoko · 1 month
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El quiero y no puedo del juez Pedraz y Telegram
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nubis84 · 25 days
Uno de los proɓlemas de las redes sociales es que nos sentimos responsables. Creemos ser responsables de cada opinión que leemos, surge un sentido del deber de hacernos cargo de cada cosa que suceda allí.
Es de locos.
No tenemos porqué sentirnos responsables del mundo.
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lobato-estepario · 14 days
–¿Qué es justo? La justicia nos la inventamos a nuestro antojo, de eso nos damos cuenta cuando comenzamos a criar un dictador en miniatura al que le entregamos nuestra voluntad casi por entero. A cambio, él nos castiga con una sonrisa que nos hace sentir que todo está bien, mientras una ola de mierda nos lleva hasta el fondo. ¿Creés que eso es justo, guevón? Nada, lo es, pero así funciona el mundo.
Cristóbal, y sus delirios filosóficos.
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ferranhumor · 1 month
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View On WordPress
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hereticalhowler · 2 months
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Justicia panels from her debut a while back <3
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Manténganse firmes, ceñidos con el cinturón de la verdad, protegidos por la coraza de justicia, y calzados con la disposición de proclamar el evangelio de la paz— Efesios 6:14-15
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melloncollie05 · 1 month
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El tener una posición más alta que otros no le da derecho a nadie de tratar a los demás como basura o seres inferiores. Al final del día, todos somos seres humanos y sí bien ahora estás en la cima, nadie sabe si mañana seguirás ahí.
Sorata Ayumi
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