#justified nine nine
shih-coulda-had-it · 2 years
ok i’m doing a reread of my hero academia (and trying to redraw at least one pose per chapter), and i’m just thinking. are there any fics where all might gets de-aged (either physically, or mentally AND physically) temporarily to junior high age during the ten months he’s training izuku?
izuku, only a third of the way through the American Dream plan: all might? all might please tell me you remember me. i’m supposed to be training as your successor.
toshinori, looking age 14 and totally ignorant: you’re my what??
izuku: OH NO
toshinori: hahaha, just joking, young midoriya! :D i remember you perfectly. just as i unfortunately remember this quirkless body of mine--oops.
izuku: q-quirkless??? you were quirkless?!?
bonus points
Toshinori is resigned to asking Gran Torino to assume guardianship rights.
He asks Izuku how Aldera is, gets a vague answer, and then schemes to infiltrate Izuku’s very class. Very confidently, he announces he is Quirkless at the very first day. Results vary.
Gran Torino reviews the American Dream plan. He looks at Toshinori and Toshinori looks anywhere else. In the spirit of teamwork and Quirkless camaraderie, Gran Torino makes Toshinori follow an even harsher plan to match Izuku’s stress level.
izuku, seeing toshinori doubled over and retching: ??!?!?!?
gran torino: doesn’t that make you feel better?
izuku: NO
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rapidhighway · 8 months
Everyone's talking under my Nine screenshots ab how the Paradox Prism made him insane or whatever no noooo stop don't you think that the fact that what is basically a dissection of the characters splitting them into different parts of each other is just unhinged and capable of doing unspeakable things because he thinks it's right or deserved or is just seeking justice and revenge through violence don't you think it's more interesting dont you think this is so much better
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000marie198 · 8 months
Angy boys
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So angy
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lolligaggin · 3 months
Raylan watching Boyd do something annoying: Ugh, I can’t believe I’m gonna sleep with him.
Tim: Well, you don’t have to …
Raylan: No, I’m gonna.
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cairavende · 10 months
Worm Arc 14 thoughts through 14.7 (there is too much for one post, I mean I could probably get four to five posts from 14.11 alone):
The team figures out Siberian's whole "is a projection" thing pretty quickly. Good for them.
I really want to know who ripped out page 325 for the "how horrible of a thing have I done that I don't want shared" check. I strongly lean Trickster but I'm not sure. I want more details on the Travelers and TiaV dammit!
Amy is having a bad day. Probably really a continuation of a bad few days. She probably didn't really need those fingers right?
Skitter criticizing Amy in her head for not being "creative" enough with her power is so on brand. Of course my daughter has already detailed out the complex ways she would use a power she doesn't even have. I love her.
I really wish the Undersiders/Travelers combo would stop splitting the fucking party. If they had just sent everyone after Siberian I bet the could have gotten the dude.
I do have have Skitter has gotten to a point where one of her "start of combat" actions is to just make a fuck ton of bug decoys. Almost without thought at this point.
Have I mentioned how much I love the "writing words in the air with bugs to communicate with people"? Cause I do. It makes sense. It would work. It lets her communicate long range. But it's also very silly to imagine. Very Silver Age in the best way.
Then it gets even better! Skitter makes a full blown animation to tell Amy that Siberian is trying to drop a building on her. Absolutely fucking perfection.
Tattletale maybe misjudged ever so slightly in what she revealed to Siberian. The combo of Siberian just flickering out of existence and everyone being like "oh fuck" was very good.
Amy trying to do her bullshit again and Tattletale having none of it, just destroying every argument before Amy even makes them until Amy agrees to come and help. More than makes up for any mistakes Tattletale made with Siberian.
The relay bugs are super neat.
Fucking high speed mutant dog/car chase. Absolutely fucking AMAZING. I loved every part of it. Ending with Sundancer just dropping a 50 foot wide sun on the road.
Tattletale trolling the shit out of Piggot and the heroes gives me life.
Also, Piggot's phone conversation with Tattletale was basically a villain monologue. For Piggot. Just all the shit about why she was doing it, why it was for the best, the coy little "sorry your teammates are gonna die, it's just an unfortunate side effect". All of it. This bitch is evil.
My daughter fucking tying up Crawler with spiderwebs. HOLY SHIT KID. God damn.
Very Mulan "Get off the roof, get off the roof, get off the roof" energy as they all run the fuck away from the bombing zone.
BUG HORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It rescues her and she has to teach it how to fly and they form a bond and she saves it and it saves her and and and she gives it a NAME! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
She's only had Atlas for a day and a half but if anything happens to him I will burn the world to the ground. Then I'll find another world and burn it to the ground too.
Firebombs don't really do shit but destroy a chunk of the city, probably kill some civilians, and make the heroes lives pretty fucking hard as they have to rely on the randomness of Clockblocker's power.
Also weren't there supposed to be a bunch of Nazis also getting hit by the bombs? One of the only somewhat maybe kinda almost decent parts of the plan Piggot and they aren't even here!
Piggot's plan is terrible and evil is what I'm saying.
The only reason nearly every hero doesn't end up permanently trapped or whatever inside Cache's bag of holding is cause Skitter was there to keep him from being crushed by a car. Well, Skitter and her bug horse (BUG HORSE!)
Skitter got to shoot Mannequin in the back. Very satisfying even if it didn't do long term damage.
Sucks to be Cache. He's . . . probably fine? I mean at least he got everyone out as he was melting.
Really sucks to be Glory Girl. She is . . . uhhh . . . hmmm . . . not dead. I can at least say that.
I mean Skitter got her to Amy. And Amy did stop her from dying. So like . . . she's probably going to be fine. Yep. Juuuuuust fine.
(Look if Amy wasn't a bitch about giving Atlas a digestive system I might be willing to forgive a lot. My daughters (bug)horse comes first. But Amy didn't so I won't. At least Grue was able to help. He gets a lot of brownie points for that.)
Anyway, Victoria needed to take some time to heal the rest of the way so she left completely under her own free will. And it will never come up again.
Kill a few more civilians and maybe Crawler and Mannequin. Destroy more of the city (including the library!) in a way that will probably never be salvageable (I mean at least some of it is stopped in time for god knows how long). Jack, Bonesaw, and Siberian escape. And because of what was done Bonesaw is going to activate her bio-weapon.
Great job Piggot. Gold star. You fucking did it. You saved the city. You motherfucking idiot.
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porschethemermaid · 1 month
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graffic17 · 1 year
So, with a lot of Worm characters we don't get much of their backstories. Especially, it seems, when those characters probably had really interesting triggers that completely inform the kind of person they are by the time they appear in story.
Hatchetface is a prime example of this. He's a serial killer that specifically targets Brute capes and only joined the Slaughterhouse 9 because they'd give him more opportunities to kill capes. To my knowledge there's no mention of him taking part in killing normals until the S9K event. He could have, but I like to think he only did when his buttons were pushed by Jack.
Because Hatchetface is someone who hates Parahumans. He's a Brute and a Trump. Meaning he had trauma caused by a Cape, physical trauma that completely wrecked his face and likely other parts of his body. A cape attacked him in some way, brutalized him, made him feel like an utter weakling despite being the massive, muscular man that he was, Maybe even murdering his family in front of him.
And in the end, Hatchetface became a nightmare for Capes, a thief of their powers, who makes them feel exactly as weak as he did the day he triggered. But he remains his own fear, trapped, plagued by a self-hatred he will never overcome.
Maybe that's why Cherish chose him to kill. Playing on his self-hatred, dragging up suicidal thoughts he likely had. Until he ended it.
But even his peace in death was stolen from him by a cape. More than once.
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 7 months
im really trying to be accepting of myself, but being acespec is yet another damper on my ability to interact with people
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I mean a terrorist group being complete cunts isn't enough of a reason to be bombing hospitals tho. I get what you're saying but the thousands of kids who're starving to death or permanently disabled or already dead don't deserve to die because some cunts who happened to share their nationality decided it was a good idea to bomb a rave
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wolvieispunk · 3 months
Favorite TV show- gif game
Rules: without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite TV shows, then tag 10 people.
Thanks for the tag @timelordfreya
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In no particular order!
No pressure tags: @morallyinept @luxurychristmaspudding @swiftispunk @sixhours @perotovar @undercoverpena @chronically-ghosted @for-a-longlongtime @beefrobeefcal @jessthebaker
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
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the-knife-consumer · 1 year
I feel like im.about to vormit 💔💔💔💔
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lolligaggin · 3 months
Incorrect Teenage Boyd and Raylan quotes
Raylan to the waiter: One milkshake with two straws please
Boyd: *blushes*
Raylan putting both straws in his mouth: Watch how fast I can drink this milkshake
Raylan watching Boyd walk away: You look pretty
Boyd: Huh? What did you say?
Raylan: Uh, I said you look shitty.
Raylan: Goodnight, Boyd.
Raylan: Boyd is hunting with his dad, so while he’s gone I’m going to cut off all the sleeves on my shirts.
Dickie Bennett: Why?
Raylan: He’s 80% of my impulse control.
Boyd: You see Raylan, we have an easy chemistry where we finishes each other’s —
Raylan: Sentences.
Boyd: Please don’t interrupt me.
Boyd: I didn’t understand why people cared so much about their dumb friends until I got one myself
Boyd, holding onto Raylan: This is my dumb friend.
Boyd: I haven’t had him as long as I would have liked. But if anything happens to him, I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself.
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alpinelogy · 2 months
so i have arrived at - as the youth may call it - stupid asf situation. you see my printer thought they were being cool (they were <3) and sent me dupes if the small 5 x 7 graphics. which is cool except now i have nine copies of the same graphic amongst other slightly silly things, so i might run in stock leftover sales in the next month or two
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sammygender · 5 months
i have to be honest it’s incredibly embarrassing but i’ve never seen my specific brand of dysfunctional Awfulness represented like i see it in dean winchester. im not like this (this meaning s9 dean). but. Awfully. I Could’ve Been.
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whitecatindisguise · 5 months
What would happen if all of the Tails do come around to his way of thinking then what. Does he have an end goal after that?
Keep them safe. That's alway was and always have been his end goal. Since he saw how hurtful, how horrible the world could be first-handed, he wants to make sure none of them will ever have to go through what he did.
That's why he kidnaps them. That's why he brings them to one space he feels the safest. And that's why he is determined to stop at nothing to make sure they are as safe and happy as they can be.
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