bigjumbledthoughts · 5 years
“I do not  miss him”
“I don’t miss him”, I tell myself ten times a day. Who am I trying to convince? Friends, both old and new? Family? Him? Or worst of all, myself? 
“I don’t miss him. I don’t miss the way his rough hand held mine, all roughness gone, and only gentleness remaining. I don’t miss his laughter, his jokes, as stupid as they were. I don’t miss how he’d always need to touch me, as if reassuring himself I was still there, or reassuring me he was. I don’t miss how he’d twitch while asleep, and only stop when I held him. Were the dreams that plagued him the same as mine? The emptiness of being apart? For him, those dreams are gone. He does not care anymore. For me, they have become reality. I do not miss him, or the way the dark clouds that are my thoughts parted in his presence, bringing warmth, sunlight, and the smell of asphalt after summer rain. I do not miss how he wrapped his arms around, and held me close, while I cooked, while I slept, showered, shopped. I do not miss how excited he would get when talking about his passions, raising his voice more and more until my ears hurt. I do not miss how he’d catch himself, speak more softly, just for me. I do not miss planning for the future; an apartment, a cat, maybe a dog. I do not miss the kissing, the touching, the gentle (or not-so-gentle) undressing. I do not miss the love. Loving him. Being loved. I am okay. And I do not miss him.” 
Are you convinced? Am I? 
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leahlovesllamas · 5 years
I’m in love with a beautifully dangerous pair of green eyes. Such a perfect mess. They swim in a sea of anger yet hidden behind them is the constant need to be loved. He wears this tough guy persona, fists clenched ready to defend her but underneath all of that lies a young boy sitting on the sidewalk after having fallen off his skateboard clutching his arm and awaiting the soothing touch of his mother kissing the scab and healing the pain. When he smiles I pay attention to the wrinkles and lines in his face, I notice the glow of happiness that surrounds him when he laughs. Oh god, how I love to hear that laugh. I’m in love with a beautiful pair of green eyes. My perfect kind of mess.
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rant4hsmtmts · 4 years
So I finally worked out how to open the inbox to asks 😂
I’m hopefully doing some writing for the extended Caswell Fam (The Caswell cousins EJ and Ashlyn with Gina (who will be living at Ashlyns S2) and Big Red (who we all assume will be Ashlyns boyfriend S2).)
It’ll be on my other blog @hsmtmts-justsomewriting
please send in requests!!!
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I’m back!
Back on tumblr... 
Also, back to writing/ghostwriting and can be found on fiver: https://www.fiverr.com/justsomewriter/be-your-professional-ghostwriter?arrived_from_manage_gigs=true&display_share=true
Drop me a message!
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ohimjustpeachykeen · 6 years
Everybody fucking protesting Tumblr just has me rolling my eyes.
I've been on this shit site since the reblog button was at the top, since the video player never loaded, since you copied Tumblr theme codes from sites that made them and Twitter themes exclusively, since Tumblr blogs had page numbers. Shit, my desktop page still probably has that stupid 'random' link that may or may not still be supported.
I remember fandom flags and having to figure out the code for those bitches. Begging someone to make yours. I came on here because my friend told me it was a neat site--she doesn't come here anymore. I still open this app several times a day like a crack addict.
I started this blog in 2010 as justsomewritings and then changed it to craazygood (like the PopTarts). Then in 2012 I deleted but came back about 4 months later with my old blog name again. I didn't change it to ohimjustpeachykeen until about a year ago.
So am I leaving? Hell no. I've been here too long and I come here too much. Where the hell else would I go? Twitter? It randomly gives me 20+ notifications every other day. Pillowfort? That's barely gotten off it's feet.
No, I'm not going anywhere. I was surprised back when I started this blog (or rather it's predecessor) when David Karp said porn would be allowed. And he didn't have a filter option then.
And I am surprised they're taking the filter option away on Dec. 17. That's a bad idea. It should stay because this algorithm is still not working.
Is this gonna backfire like literally just about EVERY idea they've come up with? Oh yeah. I knew porn wasn't going to be okay. We all knew it. But taking away the filter option is NOT okay. Leave the filter so that people can still label shit #nsfw and it won't show to people who never even wanted to see it even if it's "not allowed"
Okay. Sorry 'bout that. I'm done.
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leahlovesllamas · 5 years
An Open Goodbye Letter to You:
It will soon be two years since I thought you’d be my forever and to be quite frank, I’m really glad it all happened the way it did. I’m glad I met you and that our story was written with an unhappy ending. You were a lesson that was meant to be taught. You were the slap of reality that helped push me get to where I am today. In the span of two years I can finally say I have grown and have begun to find myself. Granted, I’m still figuring it out as I go along but I have a pretty clear picture of who I am and who I want to be. I told myself I would never open my heart to another human being until I felt ready to put aside the memory of you but alas I should’ve bit my tongue because I’ve met such a wonderful soul. I guess what I’m really trying to say is that I’m ready to finally let you go. It’s time to write a new book with a new story, one where you’re nowhere near the pages and I am finally at peace with the thought.
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rant4hsmtmts · 4 years
Hey guys!!
Waiting for season 2 I’ve decided to do some writing on my mini blog @hsmtmts-justsomewriting
Its mostly about the extended Caswell ‘fam’ - (cause there’s not much out there for them!)
The Caswell cousins EJ and Ashlyn with Gina (who will be living at Ashlyns S2) and Big Red (who we all assume will be Ashlyns boyfriend S2).
Please feel free to send Requests/Prompts!!!
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