#jyuoh human
yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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This team gets nothing done.
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submitted for your approval, 2 and 25 for noël/marvelous/gai with marvelous on the receiving end of that contagious 6th ranger energy
Friend, you have no idea how hype I’ve been to get to this one. So let’s see, we’ve got a cheek kiss and a get-a-room kiss and My Favorite Frenchman is going to get him some well-deserved pirate time. (Also this contains some mild spoilers.)
Gai is so excited that he’s nearly vibrating. “May I see it?”
“Yes, of course, I’m sure you’ll treat her kindly.”
The thrilled vibration increases as soon as he has the elaborate gun in his hands, turning it over and over to inspect every facet and fitting. “This is unprecedented, you know. Plenty of additional sentai have had unusual color schemes, of course, and some of them do have power-ups with other colors like my Gold Mode, but you’re the first to hold a position on two different sentai simultaneously! With a different name for each! I think the closest anyone’s gotten previously is Jyuoh TheWorld, he’s got three colors at once, that was a little confusing to classify, but you--you’re something completely new.”
Noël grins. “Monsieur, you flatter me.”
Marvelous leans against the wall nearby and watches them. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that he’s been working with Gai for almost ten years; the intensity of the man’s enthusiasm seems at odds with the idea that he’s approaching thirty. Then again, Marvelous isn’t as young as he used to be either.
“Now, I’ve been making a study recently of the transformation devices used by additional sentai, and what I’m noticing is, your changer is much larger than the ones your teammates use, and in fact significantly larger than most I’ve seen. Is that to accommodate the two different changes?”
“Yes, in part, although the trains themselves are also usable vehicles, I can only shrink them so much. I made it myself, you know.”
That stops Gai dead. “You made your changer? You’re the engineer?”
“I made all of them. Both teams. Or, well, the teams, they have modified pieces of the Lupin Collection, I had to construct mine from scratch using spare parts.” Noël runs a finger along the top of the silver train on the X Changer. “Honestly, I would have liked something a wee bit more...compact, but--”
“You ran out of the right parts? That’s also unusual, engineers have been sentai before, I’ll have to give you Yayoi Ulshade’s phone number, but they normally don’t take such an active team role. I’m sorry, I’m interrupting you.”
“It’s quite all right. No, there were plenty of parts, but I modified theirs to work with human physiology, which means they no longer work for me.”
That gets Marvelous’ attention, and he steps away from the wall. “You’re not human? What planet are you from?”
“Ah...not a planet exactly. It’s a bit complicated.” Noël looks him up and down with an interest both like and unlike the similarly acquisitive interest that his criminal teammates seem to direct at everything that catches their eyes. His smile is certainly more inviting. "You're Captain Marvelous, yes? I don't believe we were properly introduced last time we saw each other. Takao Noël, humbly at your service."
"I'll believe there's anything humble about you when I see it." Marvelous holds out his hand.
Instead of shaking, Noël takes his hand and makes a courtly bow, lips brushing his knuckles. "Enchanté, Captain. But then again, we’ve really already met, introduction or no, so,” and when he straightens up from the bow he kisses Marvelous once on each cheek, “it is also good to see you again.”
Marvelous blinks. "You're...different."
"I'm French, I have an innate compulsion to be charming." Noël grins. His teeth practically glint. "Is it working?”
“It’s definitely working,” Gai says, not looking up from his continued inspection of the X Changer, “Marvelous loves it when people throw him off balance.”
“Gai.” Marvelous nearly chokes.
“What? It’s true.” Another brief, loving look at the switch mechanism, and then Gai hands the X Changer back to Noël. “Thank you for letting me look at it.”
Noël takes it back and holsters it. “You’re very welcome, I hope it was of interest?”
“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gun that impressive.” A thoughtful pause. “I’d love to see a more thorough demonstration of its functions, if you’ve got the time.”
Marvelous blinks again. Is Gai flirting? Theoretically he’s capable of it, of course, and Noël’s certainly been flirting with him, but seeing him respond in kind to that sort of thing instead of blushing and shuffling his feet seems vanishingly rare. Maybe it’s something to do with both of them being, as Gai describes it, additional sentai; all of those guys seem to run at a different frequency. Granted, anyone with eyes would probably flirt with this man, but it’s nonetheless startling to see Gai taking this kind of initiative.
“Oh la la, I am flattered to have the approval of the illustrious Gokai Silver,” Noël says, entirely without irony. “I’d be delighted to give you a private demonstration.”
“Maybe you’d like to come up to the Galleon? So we don’t get interrupted.”
“I would love to, I’ve never been on a pirate ship before.”
“You’re not worried we’ll try to keep you?”
“Why should I be? I’m already on two teams, I don’t see any reason I can’t be on more.” Noël’s got the sort of piratical glint in his eye that Marvelous generally approves of, in fact, and which Gai has also aimed back at him. “But there’s a question of etiquette we’re not considering, don’t I need the captain’s permission to come aboard?“
They both turn to look at Marvelous with the glint still very present, and he suddenly has the worrying feeling that not only has he lost control of this conversation, he never had it to begin with. He’s not sure that he minds, exactly, but it’s a jarring sensation. “Ah. Traditionally, yes.”
“And are you a traditional sort of man, Captain Merveilleux?”
Marvelous eyes them both for a moment before replying. “Not if I can help it.”
“Then please, allow me to request permission in a non-traditional manner.”
“Go for it.”
It’s a hell of a kiss. Marvelous is fairly sure his brain shuts off; otherwise he’d have something more articulate to say afterward than, “Damn, that was a hell of a kiss.”
“I should hope so.” Noël’s arm is still around his waist, which is also interesting; normally he’s the one doing that to other people. “I’m French, we invented it.”
“I...see. I. Well.” Marvelous shakes his head slightly, trying to clear out the fog. “Permission to come aboard granted.”
Gai’s got his Gokai Cellular out, calling the Galleon, but he looks up to say, “Ok, I’m a little jealous now.”
Noël beams at him. “Don’t be. I promised you a private demonstration, oui?”
“I suppose you did.” Gai tucks the Cellular back into his jacket and holds out his hand to Noël. “I’m sure the captain will find it very entertaining.”
“I sincerely hope so.”
No, Marvelous concludes as the Galleon approaches, he’s definitely not in control of the situation. But somehow he finds he doesn’t mind at all.
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yo-yo-yoshiko · 1 year
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🎶Yoshiko’s Dream Sentai Team!🎶 Can you guess the theme?
Bonus Alata for sixth ranger(canonically bad at drawing but likes it anyway):
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