George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People · K-Otix
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airadam · 7 months
Episode 177 : Like Clockwork.
"Rockin' and rollin' like the myth of Sisyphus..."
- Anthony Cruz
More than any other month in the year, February is the one where we remember some of the greats that have passed on; as such, this mix includes tracks from J Dilla, De La Soul (RIP Dave), Big L, and Big Pun. The average ruggedness level is high, and we start off with a classic sample being used on a remix you might not know...volume up!
Mastodon : @[email protected]
Twitch : @airadam13
Slum Village : We Be Dem (Atomic Dog Mix)
"Atomic Dog" is one of the most heavily-used samples in Hip-Hop, and with good reason - even in novice hands it sounds good, and with someone like J Dilla in charge, it sounds amazing! He has it twitching on the three on a beat it's impossible not to move to, and on the mics, the crew don't get too complex. It's only a short one, which I got on a white label of unreleased Slum Village cuts, but I think you can find it these days on some of the digital platforms. In my opinion, this mix wins over the original version!
The ARE : OH
You can hear the sound of a well-known Michael Jackson cut being atomised and reconfigured on this killer from the "Dem Damb Jacksons" instrumentals, which punches so hard that you realise why the track title is in upper case! The whole project, as you might guess from the name, is all MJ and Jackson 5 samples, worked to perfection by the man from Houston who you may also know as a member of K-Otix. 
De La Soul ft. Yummy Bingham : Much More
A single that deserved to be so as a standout from "The Grind Date", this starts off with an uncredited guest appearance by the DJ Premier questioning the commitment of some to the the Hip-Hop culture, before passing to the late great Dave (aka Trugoy) to handle the opening verse. "Using these minutes like I value the call" is a great analogy for an MC who understood more than many how important it is to say something when you have the platform to do so. J Dilla's beat is grand and imposing, and his re-pitching of the main sample as used in the hook wrong-foots you - it was originally sung by a man, but sounds like a woman by the time he's finished with it!
Sol Uprising ft. Emanon : Feel The Sound
Somehow I'd "played past" this one over and over again, due to it sharing a slab of vinyl with the incredible "Raach Ya Sol" on the 2004 "They Don't Know" 12", but having stumbled on it while shortlisting for this month, I think I need to find more places to play it! Sol Uprising is the union of Sci the MC and the awesome Stacy Epps, who is towards the top of my list of "Musicians I Wish Had Released More Material". Alongside them here are Emanon, with Exile (who you might know better for his work with Blu) on production, and Aloe Blacc on the mic. It's the records like this, the ones that slip under the radar, the ones that you sometimes take a chance on, that really make a DJ's record collection.
L.E.G.A.C.Y : More
Legacy strides over this cut from the "Legsclusives" album with so much confidence that you can't help but love it! 9th Wonder's beat from the heyday of the Justus League initially draws you in with the short sample that repeats throughout and his swinging drum track (with a different snare/clap than you might have expected), but that sneaky low bass really anchors it.
Kid Capri ft. Big Pun and NORE : Block Party
Big Pun is regarded as one of the greats in spite of him unfortunately passing away without a huge amount of recordings - his impact was that powerful. It's always a joy to realise you have a feature by him that might not be known to many, and so we land on this collab alongside fellow Latino New Yorker Noreaga, with the legendary Kid Capri on production. "Soundtrack To The Streets", on which this appears, was Kid Capri's 1998 album where he handled things behind the boards and brought in an all-star cast on the mics - being a DJ with his kind of pedigree, there were a lot of people he could call! 
Otis McDonald : One For Dilla
This could happily be played anytime, but as we're paying tribute to J Dilla this month then it's a perfect inclusion for the current episode. You can definitely hear the influence throughout, even as it builds from an initial relatively chilled loop to a more energetic second section before settling down again. This is great work from the "Summer" album.
NEMS, Uncle Murda, Dave East, Scram Jones : NY Is Killing Me
"City workers give up twenty years of they life and still can't afford to pay a mortgage in the Five Boroughs..." It's raw, it's abrasive, and it has a point! You might have missed this one from last year, but this Scram Jones-produced single has Coney Islands' NEMS and guests expressing their frustrations with life in modern day New York City. It's like a rawer, more serious version of J-Zone's "Bullshit City", which the longtime listeners will have heard back on episode 11!
DJ Muggs & Meyhem Lauren : Ready For War
There are many things I love about this track, one of the more specific being the sampled vehement assertions regarding the cost of the sound system :) Of course, the production from Muggs is dark and heavy as per usual and the man on the mic is one of my favourite MCs, Meyhem Lauren! The third in the series of Soul Assassins LPs was another star-studded affair that spawned a companion short film shot in the actual Death Valley - and that in turn spawned an original score from which this track is drawn.
Buccaneer : Bad Man Story
A dancehall classic that's been getting a lot of play from me recently, a gunman anthem on the Baddis riddim that can move any dance! This 1998 release is on "Da Opera" LP, which is well worth a listen, as well as being a big single and also popping up in the Jamaican crime film "Third World Cop".
Blak Twang : Online
Bringing it to the UK for the last tune in the segment, and one I hadn't played at all for a long time - long enough that only after recording did I catch a line that I felt more comfortable censoring. From the third Blak Twang LP "Kik Off" (following the originally-unreleased "Dettwork South East" and "19 Long Time", Tony Rotton gets busy on a Preemo-influenced Harry Love track.
Nicolay : The Specialist (Instrumental)
The Dutch master himself has blessed us via the medium of modern digital distribution with a collection of his old unreleased instrumentals, "Nice Chops - The Dutch Schultz Tapes 2004-2008", which absolutely still stand up today. You can hear his more contemporary material as a soloist and as part of The Foreign Exchange, but this is a great bit of nostalgia and part of a wider set of releases celebrating twenty years of Nicolay's music.
Method Man ft. Raekwon : Meth vs. Chef
Easily one of my favourite cuts from "Tical", Meth's debut and the first of the Wu solo albums, which somehow turns thirty this year... All the elements are here - raw beat, the infamous kung-fu samples (this time from "Ten Tigers of Kwangtung" and "Shaolin Master Killer"), and bars upon bars. Meth opens up before the bell rings to end his verse/round, and then Raekwon brings it home rough like Timberland wear, as he would himself say!
Semi Six : Silver Moon
No singing hook, no hook at all in fact on this single - just a constant lyrical onslaught by one of the finest MCs in the D. The intro is eerie, off-balance, and makes it sound off when you mix it, but as soon as it's over, the dark beat thunders in and doesn't let up until the death - props to the producer, fellow Detroit native AntBell!, for providing a suitable soundtrack for this one.
Mixmaster Mike : Bermuda Tri-Axl
The 2000 "Eye Of The Cyklops" release is so simultaneously chaotic and seamless that when I came to digitise it, the only way I could work out where each track began and ended was to look it up on Discogs and read from the track timings! The legend from Rocksteady DJs/Invisibl Skratch Piklz and also the Beastie Boys, whether on production or on the wheels, always walks that line between virtuosity and total anarchy in a way few can pull off. 
O.C. ft. Big L and The Lost Boyz : Dangerous The Sequel
I cut this one a little short as O.C's next verse isn't so much to my taste! I thought sharing this slightly different version of the Big L-featured cut from the classic "Jewelz" LP would be a good way to play a track you may not know while also including some Big L - like Big Pun, he sadly didn't have a long enough time with us to build a deep catalogue. Production is done by Da Beatminerz, who take one of the all-time classic samples and put some deep bump underneath it. This on the B-side of the excellent "Can't Go Wrong" 12".
[DJ Spinna] Jigmastas : Magnetize (Instrumental)
The drums are smacking, the bass is rumbling, and the overall vibe is hectic on this instrumental from the 2016 "Resurgence" album from this much-respected Brooklyn crew. I played the vocal version of this back on episode 91, which is definitely worth a listen!
Natural Elements : This Is Not A Drill
High-wire apocalyptic Hip-Hop, courtesy of one of the finest groups of MCs you can even think about finding anywhere. Over Charlemagne's dramatic beat, A-Butta, Mr. Voodoo and Swigga all tear it down on a single that suits the extremely serious times we find ourselves in. The original plan was to start the episode with this track...but how do you follow up after this kind of demolition?
Please remember to support the artists you like! The purpose of putting the podcast out and providing the full tracklist is to try and give some light, so do use the songs on each episode as a starting point to search out more material. If you have Spotify in your country it's a great way to explore, but otherwise there's always Youtube and the like. Seeing your favourite artists live is the best way to put money in their pockets, and buy the vinyl/CDs/downloads of the stuff you like the most!
Check out this episode!
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paskvilnet · 1 year
Hip Hop Kemp, 15. -17. 8. 2003, Pardubice
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Naše rubrika Clubbing bude dneska prázdninová. Proč bychom se v srpnových třicítkách pařili v dusných klubech, když jsme si je mohli užít na koupáku a ještě k tomu s hiphopem za zády. A to doslova, pokud jsme si 15.-17.srpna zajeli zakempovat do Pardubic na 2. ročník Hip Hop Kempu. Loni to vypadalo jako zázrak, když ani povodňová vlna nezabránila konání téhle akce. Letos se po dlouhých byrokratických počinech podařilo zopakovat ji na stejném místě, i když na loňské graffiťácké kousky město nemohlo dlouho zapomenout. Letos jsme si debaty na téma hip hop, malování, chlouby města, noční hluk a nedodržení smluv zopakovali, abychom nezapomněli, o čem zase po kempu máme mudrovat příští rok. Každopádně my, kdo jsme přijeli do Pardubic letos, dlouho nezapomeneme na HIPHOP KEMP 2003. Sjelo se tam přes 7000 lidí a pro mnohé z nich to byl zážitek, na který se opravdu nezapomíná, ať už šlo o poslouchající, vystupující, organizující nebo natáčející (pivo i na kameru:o)
Na letošní Hip Hop Kemp dorazil velmi slušný hiphopový underground: z Bostonu přijel Mr. Lif spolu s nejvychytanějšími dready na světě. V sobotu vystoupil s MC Akrobatikem a sestavu ze Států doplnili K-Otix. Z Londýna přijel DJ Vadim s Vadim s Russian Percussion, sever Evropy zastoupili švédští Looptroop a partička pro mě s nejpřesvědčivějším pojetím a taky se silnou vizuelní stránkou vystoupení Phi-Life Cypher. Nechyběli ale samozřejmě kluci slovanského původu, ať už přijeli z Polska, Slovenska, Prahy nebo Lišova.
Říká se, že hiphop nezná hranic. Na druhé straně je ale otázka, co má vlastně český hip hop společného s hip hopem americkým nebo francouzským a jestli si z nich Češi s jiným kulturním, politickým a jazykovým zázemím odnášejí ještě něco navíc kromě dobrých beatů, flow a pocitu, že jsou prostě součástí hiphopového světa. I když ani to není někdy vůbec málo.
Občas někdo začne diskutovat o tom, jestli se může český hip hop prosadit za hranicemi Česka, popř. za hranicemi (středo)východní Evropy. Hlavně se ale ptejme, v čem je osobitost českého hip hopu a jestli daleko víc než tam, kde mu nikdo nerozumí, nevypovídá tady, kde může ukázat sílu svého (českého) slova.
Nežijeme fráze, přitom ale pálíme jointy s respektem, reprezentujem a je třeba nám to veriť…Milujem hiphop, protože to je život, to je štýl, to je čistý a to sme my. Síla českého slova je velká, škoda jen, že se někdy rozmělní v těchto osvědčených hiphopových klišé.. Když tvrdíš, že víš, co pro tebe znamená město, kde žiješ, že máš vlastní názor odlišný od establishmentu a že máš ten správnej postoj ke správnejm drogám, můžeš to zkusit s vlastní hiphopovou produkcí. A česká hiphopová rodina má tak stále nové a nové děti…
Nadměrné rozmnožení, na které se přilípne komerční prospěch, může přinést degradaci myšlenek, ztrátu přesvědčivosti podání, stejně jako vystoupání cen pitné vody na 40 korun za dvě deci. To už jsme tady poznali a netoužíme opakovat. A doufáme, že si naše hiphopová scéna udrží ještě stále rozpoznatelný nádech undergroundu.. Bude to náročné, protože - upřímně řečeno - jaké jiné hudbě než právě hiphopu se v Česku blýská na časy…a čas ukáže, komu a na jaké časy se vlastně blýskalo…
A ještě zmínka o freestylovém stanu, ve kterém jste na Hip Hop Kempu mohli pobýt i leccos vyzkoušet. Je naprosto fascinující. Snoubí se tam odvaha, kterou musí člověk posbírat, aby mohl exhibovat, amatérství kluků, kteří do toho jdou poprvé v životě. Vše na škále od trapnosti až po dojetí. Ale i neuvěřitelné výkony, uznání, respekt (v tom pravém smyslu) k těm, co něco umí. Mrazení, že tam je něco strašně původního, upřímného a kreativního. …
Ať už nás na Hip Hop Kempu bere cokoli, když nám je 15, určitě je to ta z dobrých možností, jak si užít léto a prožít si pocit, že někam patřím. Pro ty, kterým už 15 není, je to určitě výzva k různým zamýšlením o tom, co tam dělám a proč mě hiphop pořád ještě baví. A pro ty, kteří tohle vůbec neřeší, je to třeba supr koupání a tobogán. Kéž by se tohle dalo říct o všech letních fesťácích…
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thisishowiefactz · 5 years
K-Otix - “World Renown” 99′. Underground joint that was in rotation around 99′
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cr0ss0veronlymusic · 6 years
K-Otix - Mind Over Matter
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pushermania · 3 years
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OK I didn’t have enough letters to do the proper photos caption but picking up where we left off, Mad Flava live at their release party at Club Xodus in Dallas 1993, DJ Cosmos, Damien Randle, Snap, Smokey, me, Savere, MC Kwame at KPFT in the early 90′s. Papa Chuk at KPFT, Masta Ace, Paula Perry, Lord Digga, me, Mic Da Madman at KTRU Rice Radio, Beastie Boys live at the Unicorn
Been doing things.
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rapload-org · 5 years
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wankrmusic · 7 years
K-Otix -  ????????!?!? Thinking of bringing back the blog. Here is K-Otix while we ponder. 
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flushthethrone · 7 years
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It's here folks! After 112 mix shows and 100+ interviews to date, @southernvangard #radio presents our first official merch offering! Only 100 of what you see in this pic exists - grab now, it won't last long! https://southernvangard.bandcamp.com/…/the-official-souther… Limited edition Southern Vangard Radio Episode 100 / 2 year Anniversary Commemorative Gift Pack includes: - Double cassette of Episode 100 - Episode 100 T-shirt with "100" designation on back of shirt - M, L, Xl, 2XL sizes available - Reproduction copy of Eddie Meeks' tracklist from Episode 100 - what fine penmanship! - Southern Vangard Radio sticker Only 100 copies will be pressed and sold! No more than these 100 EVER! Get it now! Price includes shipping and handling for initial gift pack. Additional shipping required for multiple packs. No refunds, returns. ********************* BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep 100! It’s a celebration b*tches! This weeks episode is our 2 year anniversary on top of being the 100th mix show episode, which means we HAD to do something special. 5th Beatle of Southern Vangard, KOOP, and DJ Jon Doe conspired by the fire over the past month and came up with the idea to have an ALL EXCLUSIVE EVERYTHING show. What’s that mean, you ask? It means that EVERY SINGLE joint in this weeks mix has not seen the light of day until NOW. We won’t rattle them off here, you can check the tracklist in the show description - but let’s put it like this - we pulled off something marvelous. If that wasn’t enough - Supastition, J57 and DJ Pocket came by to hang out with us during the show, and we even convinced Supa, J57 & Meeks to drop a few bars over exclusive beats from D.R.U.G.S. Beats & The Are of K-Otix! Welcome to 2017 ya’ll, it’s gonna be quite a year and will most definitely be nothing but that #smithsonian #grade #twiceaweek // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on #itunes #podcast#stitcherradio #soundcloud #mixcloud // #hiphop #rap #underground #DJ#mix #interview #podcasts #ATL #WORLDWIDE Recorded live January 1, 2017 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA southernvangard.com @southernvangard on #itunes #podcast #stitcherradio #soundcloud #mixcloud twitter/IG: @jondoeatl @southernvangard @cappuccinomeeks @beatlabusa Inst. Beds by D.R.U.G.S. Beats, J57, The Are & DJ Jon Doe "Game Changer" - Supastition & Praise "Untitled 01" - Joe Stu & DRUGS Beats Unreleased "Untitled" - Untitled "Brass Knuckles II" - Jack Jones "Forget the Rest (Demo Mix)" - R.A.W. (Problemz & DJ Skizz) "Untitled" - Kev Brown & Cy Young (cuts DJ Jon Doe) "Left In My Dust" - K-Def feat. The Artifacts "My Resolution" - J57 feat. Thom Seveer (prod. LuvJonez) "Untitled" - K.A.A.N. & K-Def "Police Can Do" - Wise Intelligent "Here I Come" - K-Hill "Live for the Moment" - Bambu & Supastition (prod. Croup, cuts DJ Jon Doe) "Widdit" - Paten Locke "Daylight" - MarQ Spekt feat. HPONE "Bruce Willis" - The Difference Machine "Tax Season" - Lobsterdamus AKA Dillon "Tough Guys" - J. Sands "Letting Go" - Cas Metah feat. J57 & Matt Stamm (prod. J57) "Missing Me" - Yamin Semali (prod. Dublohskytzo) "Ghetto" - J. Scienide feat. Kev Brown (cuts DJ Jon Doe) "Selfie" - J. Sands "Untitled 02" - Joe Stu & DRUGS Beats Unreleased "Sick" - Freestyle Fellowship "Kings Throne" - Libretto feat. Awall
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radiophd · 4 years
k-otix -- falling behind
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jeesaloofness · 8 years
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sheilacwall · 5 years
Rap & Underground Hip Hop DOPE Mixtape Mix 55
Learn how to rap like the pros
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BEWARE!! HIGH QUALITY UNDERGROUND HIP HOP! Visit our group in Rap & Underground Hip Hop – DOPE, the elite of the underground hip hop is here! https://www.facebook.com/Rap-Underground-Hip-Hop-DOPE-581154765235687/?fref=ts
Playlist MV Bill – PRA JOGO part. Projota. Rapadura e Kmila CDD (Prod. Andr Laudz) Brazilian Dreams ft. Kenji & Telepathy Bugsy_da_god-chameleonz_(feat._afu-ra_and_dom_pachino) Crew54-who_can_you_trust_ft._bavu_blakes_and_wade_waters Daneo_-_dear_hip_hop_(return_to_sender) Moss-day_and_night_(feat._eternia) Phili_n_dotz-inner_demons_(ft_flo)_(prod._by_cystic) K-Otix -Take My Life Third_rail_(aarophat_d-strong_and_wildelux)-wreck_the_place t-max-relax_your_mind-ftd tragedy-bullet wordsworth_and_donel_smokes-do_good_ft._charli_2na_donel_smokes_and_adanita_ross-zilla Best Friend (feat. Tha Soloist) General Steele – Raekwon Freestyle Sledgehammer (feat. Skrewtape, J.O. the Last Man & DJ Kwestion) Jamar Equality – Ill Souls Pete Flux & Parental – Warming Up Army Of The Pharaohs – The Demon’s Blade Witch Doctor Feat. Plague Plenty Bodega Anthem (feat. Q-Unique x Aztech and Judge the Disciple and DJ TMB) CROWD PLEASER – Prod. by Dj Immaculate The Regiment – Don’t Judge Me V-Zilla & Lawrence Arnell – Fish Grease Bakoda a.k.a. Evan Awake – Neopabi Naggers – Goodbye (Instrumental) RZO_-_Navegar
The post Rap & Underground Hip Hop DOPE Mixtape Mix 55 appeared first on Hip Hop World Music.
from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.com/rap-underground-hip-hop-dope-mixtape-mix-55/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=rap-underground-hip-hop-dope-mixtape-mix-55 from Hip Hop World Music https://hiphopworldmusic.tumblr.com/post/188410179798
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sneakyjames · 6 years
DJ Mitsu The Beats Guestmix: oto nova Japan 音の波: Mari* by Worldwide FM Mitsu the Beat’s first solo LP, ‘A New Awakening’ was released in 2013. His group, GAGLE, were signed to the Jazzy Sport label. After releasing his first LP, which featured the likes of K-Otix, Dwele, Mark de Clive Lowe, Rich Medina and many more, he found himself being name checked by the likes of Pete Rock, Gilles Peterson and DJ Spinna. He was chosen as one of the hundred artists to look out for on URB magazine in 2004 and was only Japanese artist to be listed. His world tour has been successful in the States, EU and Asia and he has gained increased global popularity. His Boiler Room archive has been played more than 40 thousand times. His Hip-Hop unit GAGLE has released their 6th album “Vanta Black” in 2018 and his solo album “All This Love” is ready to be released in 2019. https://ift.tt/2C6GTOD https://ift.tt/2pWWLf0 March 05, 2019 at 08:07AM
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cr0ss0veronlymusic · 6 years
K-Otix - Frequencies
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the1andonlydjp · 6 years
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New Show s03e09, link in @plateform_radio_show 's bio! Tracklist: 01. Bluestaeb - Just A Staeb Ahead (feat. Anthony Drawn) 02. Deda - Baby Pa 03. The Summit - Vice 04. Jam - Can No One 05. World Renown - Come Take A Ride (Extra Ride) 06. Kunfu - Beatkid 07. Black Moon - Come Get Some (feat. Louieville) 08. Grand Agent - It's Only Right (Rap Niggaz 2) 09. K-Otix - World Renown 10. Black Josh & Pete Cannon - Everyday 11. Nas - Life's A Bitch (feat. AZ) (Buckwild Remix) 12. Bahamadia - Uknowhowwedu (Ski Remix) 13. Group Home - East New York Theory (feat. Brainsick Mob) 14. A Cat Called Fritz - Elevation (feat. Audessey) 15. Rah Digga - What They Call Me 16. Dj Serious - Popped (feat. D-Sisive) 17. Keith Murray - Dangerous Ground (feat. 50 Grand) 18. George Fields - Don't Stand A Chance 19. Cypress Hill - Killafornia 20. Pharoahe Monch - Behind Closed Doors 21. Boora - At The Park 22. Real Live - The Gimmicks 23. The Unspoken Heard - Mid Atlantic (Ferris Dula Mix) 24. Zoom & Rectape - Black Is the New Black (feat. Illspokinn) 25. J Dilla - Make'em NV 26. Hi-Tek - Suddenly (feat. Donte And Main Flow) 27. Kankick - Live As It Gets (feat. Medaphoar & Oh No) 28. Cali Agents - Cali Agents: The Anthem 29. Rasheed Chappell - Building 8 30. Camp Lo - Sparkle 31. Mr.Slipz - Just Breathe (feat. Eerf Evil) 32. Fredfades & Eikrem - All The Way Down (feat. Azon Blaze) 33. Klaus Layer - Experiment Human 34. K.A.A.N. & Klaus Layer - Toonami 35. Tha Alkaholiks - The Next Level (feat. Diamond D) 36. Nine - Tha Product (feat. U-Neek) 37. J-Zone - The Zone Mission 38. Big L - Flamboyant 39. House Of Pain - Heart Full Of Sorrow (feat. Sadat X) 40. Mad Skillz - The Nod Factor #liveradio #radioshow #boombap #realhiphop #hhvde #lylradio #lyon #vinylonly #vinyls #records #allvinyls #instrumentals #ukhiphop #beats #90sindie #vinyljunkie #vinyladdict #indierap #lyon #beats #goneupradio #undergroundhiphop #bluestaeb #cypresshill #kankick #bigl #peterock #soundweightrecords #defsquad #jdilla #postpartumrecords #yogocop #kingunderground (à Lyon, France)
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dontsweatthefresh · 6 years
(ill Mannered Media)
This might be the most revealing episode yet. We invited some long-time friends of ours (Big Mon of K-otix / The Legendary KO; MC Kwam / DJ Space Ghost of Seedz of Soul / Freedom Sold) to join us in a discussion about the one thing that brought us all together YEARS ago – music. More specifically, we talk about the life lessons and skills that we acquired while we were most active in music, and how we still apply some of those principles today. We also discover how scandalous D’Raye really is.
Oh, there's actually a playlist this week: K-OTIX / Seedz Of Soul - "Seedz of Chaos" Seedz of Soul - "Smile For The Camera" Freedom Sold - "Image of a Woman" Seedz of Soul - "Don't F*** Around" Freedom Sold - "F*** You First" Seedz Of Soul - "Classic"
Proudly curated by ill Mannered Media www.illmanneredmedia.com
Follow us or whatever. Facebook: @FromHouWithLove Twitter: @ FromHouWithLove Instagram: @ FromHouWithLove
Kashmere Don on Twitter: @kashmere_don Damien on Twitter: @damienrandle D’Raye on Instagram: @when_thugz_cry (Most unwoke IG feed ever!)
Subscribe to the podcast: iTunes Google Play
Got questions for D’Raye aka The Love Jones? Send them to [email protected] , and we’ll read them live!
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