slimeylee · 2 years
for the fandom asks, Dsmp?
If you want something different then maybe Stranger things if you’ve seen that
alright :D ty for sending this in cuz i dont get more recent asks sent to me often anymore... probably cuz i have like fifty i havent answered/s.. but genuinely i think im gonna do dsmp but maybe ill make a separate post including it for stranger things (unless i get an ask later on for stranger things) :D
The first character I first fell in love with: c!wilbur
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: c!schlatt
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: c!tommy. im sorry, tommy is overrated as fuck and his character lore isnt as interesting as it used to be. ur free to unfollow me </3 /hj
The character I love that everyone else hates: probably c!dream. not everyone hates him necessarily, but a large amount of people do and i think c!dreams character lore is so great
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: c!awesamdude and c!purpled
The character I would totally smooch: c!quackity
The character I’d want to be like: c!techno :]
The character I’d slap: c!dream for being a dickhead (i love him and his character tho.)
A pairing that I love: c!karlnapity :] we love angsty relationships <3
A pairing that I despise: i dont really like c!bedrockduo/c!bedrockbros
ty for the ask again!! :D
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aninklingof · 2 years
But can you do 15 with lee!dream and ler!george :) hehe
And OF COURSE I can!! Lee! Dream is like comfort food to me, ya’know?
Prompt list here!
Dream had been lazing around all day— he was too quiet and and much too mopey for George’s liking. He didn’t know the reason, but was determined to see his blonde friend crack a smile.
So while Dream was laid on the couch staring blankly at his phone George waltzed right over and sat right down over Dream’s thighs.
The man startled and dropped his phone, the device clattering to the floor (it was fine.) “Jesus George, you scared the life outta me.”
“Are you upset?” George asked bluntly, cutting directly to the chase.
“No, I’m just having one of those days,” he responded. “Why, is it that obvious?”
“A little. Can I help?”
“You can try. But I can’t promise it’ll work.”
George smirked. “Oh it’ll work, I’ve got a foolproof plan!” Dream eyed the brunette above him cautiously.
“What’re you gonna do…?”
“I’m gonna tickle you ‘til you’re happy!”
Before Dream could properly process what George had said he barked out a sudden laugh, feeling eager fingers burrowing into his clothed sides. “WAhahait Geheheorge nohoho! Dohohohon’t tihi— nahahaha!”
“See? I told you! Foolproof!” George exclaimed proudly over the younger’s laughter. His fingers climbed upwards to his rib cage and he was rewarded with a squeal and more glorious laughter.
“Geheheorge staha-AHAhahap!!”
The older hummed. “Now why would I do that huh? I’ve finally got you all smiley! See look at your sweet little blush!”
George accompanied his tease by poking into Dream’s rosy cheek lightly before scratching over his neck and under his chin, filling his laughter with tiny hiccups and snorts.
He stopped the rougher side and rib tickles in favor of focusing on tickling all of Dream’s neck, even softly tracing the blonde’s ears just to hear his giggles get squeaky.
“You feeling better Dreamie?” George asked as he started carding through the honey-blonde locks.
“Yeheah. Thahanks Gogy,” the younger sleepily wrapped his arms around George and pulled him to lay down and the two cuddled into a peaceful afternoon nap.
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
inspired by @ka1tsticklestuff ‘s post (also btw they’re taking prompts atm 👀)
but omg the idea of a lee covering the lers mouth to block out their teasing?? that’s so cute?? 😭 multiple reasons:
it insinuates that the teasing gets to them more than the tickles themselves
they’re still letting the tickling happen
they’ve usually gotta keep their arms up to keep their hand there
they can’t defend against tickles AND cover the lers mouth (unless they do half and half which is just a weakened defence)
if they take their their hand away then the ler gets to tease them even more about having put it their in the first place
another cute one would be the lee covering the lers eyes to avoid eye contact, instead of their own. so like the ler is now tickling the lee blindly and making a big deal out of it. like “Oh god whoops?! Was that your tummy?? Oh god and that’s such a bad spot too D: Too bad I can’t see to make sure that I don’t get it again!”
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kasey-writes-stuff · 2 years
3 and 4 for the asks? :)
Frick you for the first one /lh I answered the second one already
My sides, my stomach, umm I haven’t been tworded much anywhere else but I think I’d enjoy shoulder twords,back twords and hip twords
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fluffallamaful · 2 years
You’re literally awesome! thank you so so much :)
of course!!! thank you for sharing your writing!!
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