hiroperformance · 2 years
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HIRO Performance Lowering Suspension Coilovers for 1991-1995 Acura Legend KA7 . . . HPAC0201JP . . . #hiroperformance #hiroperformancecoilovers #acuracoilovers #acuralegendcoilovers #acura #acuralegend #legend #KA7 #HPAC0201JP #slammed #coils #cambergang #suspension #aftermarket #performance #coilover #lowered #modified #tuned #stance #stanced #tuning #japaneseparts #camber #coilovers #japanese #stanceworks #stancenation #japan #static https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNd95qL46I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
literal-trans-beans · 24 days
200 notes: I will drink the actual recommended amount of water today and try to drink more water everyday
500 notes: I will add reminders on weekends to eat (Because if you didn't know thats a major problem for me)
1000 notes: I will tell the school resources department about my extreme dysphoria
2500 notes: I will put streaming at the TOP of my to do list, instead of the middle
5000 notes: I will release the Katie Ka7 Discord links immediately
10000 notes: I will speedrun the fuck out of setting up streaming
and the big one: 100k Notes: I will stream within the day, regardless of quality or comprehension.
(I know 10k to 100k is a big jump but I need time. Also the original goal for that was 500k sooo)
4K notes · View notes
radinfluenceryouth · 18 days
spow online piano chart
u o u Y a y a T p o I u o I I u I o I o p [u3f] [5oh] [u3f] [YD@] [ka7] [dy2] [ak7] [TS!] [6jp] [oh5] [G$I] [3uf] [5ho][$GI] [$GI] [u3f] [IG$] [oh5] [IG$] [5ho] [jp6]
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aknyddynal · 1 year
Bidadari Bermata Bening
Selain menyajikan kisah cinta Ayna dan Gus Afif. Novel ini mungkin sengaja Allah berikan pada saya untuk dibaca, karena ada hal yang ingin Allah sampaikan pada saya tentang kesombongan. Kesombongan yang semu yang ternyata saya telah terjangkit virus kesombongan.
Begini. Dikisahkan bahwa Gus Afif pergi jauh merantau. Tujuannya satu, dia ingin mengenyahkan segala kesombongan yang ada pada dirinya. Dia ingin berada ditempat serendah dan hina agar dia bisa menghilangkan hal-hal yang bisa memicu kesombongannya. Padahal sudah jelas diapun tidak sombong sebenarnya, tapi sombong itu kadang semu. Sehingga Gus Afif ingin menghilangkan kesombongan yang semu itu. Mungkin bisa jadi karena banyak hal yang sudah ia dapatkan, kemudahan sbg seorang anak kiyai yang mengantarkan ia pada perasaan bahwa ia ingin ada diposisi yang serendah-rendahnya agar ia tidak memiliki rasa sombong.
YaAllah saya beristighfar kepadaMuuu, akhir akhir ini ngerasa bahwa diri ini sering disepelekan, diri ini sering direndahkan bahkan dihina hina. Dan diri seolah tidak terima yaAllah. Tidak terima semua itu menimpa saya. Saya merasa bahwa saya tidak pantas menerima semua hal hal rendahan itu. Padahal hal itu dicari oleh orang lain. Dari sini mikir bahwa, seharusnya ketika banyak org yg merendahkan, menghina, mencaci bisa jadi itu sarana kita untuk ga sombong, sarana kita untuk terua sadar bahwa ga ada satupun yang bisa kita banggakan dari diri kita. Sehingga gada kesempatan untuk sombong gada kesempatan untuk membanggakan diri.
Semoga tidak berbangga diri dengan apa yang sudah dimiliki. Semoga sentiasa sabar dengan apa yang menimpa sesakit apapun keadaannya. Kamu dengan kemampuanmu bisa menjadi pemicu kesombongan. Kamu dengan kedudukanmu bisa menjadi pemicu kesombongan.
Ingin dihargai, ingin dianggap, ingin diistimewakan, ingin dihormati, ingin semua inginnya tercapai, ingin semua orang mengikuti inginmu, ingin semua org mengiyakan pendapatmu. Lalu ketika semua ingin itu tak tercapai. Kau merasa terhina, ka7 merasa paling tersakiti, kau merasa bahwa org itu harus minta maaf, kau merasa bahwa org itu tidak paham. Padahal semua itu adalah benih benih dari kesombongan.
Belajarlah dari tanah. Walaupun dibawah dan sering diinjak tapi kebermanfaatannya tak pernah dibantah.
Tidak apa apa memiliki banyak kekurangan. Barangkali itu cara Allah untuk menjaga diri kita dari benih benih kesombongan.
Pun, prilaku orang lain yang merendahkan diri kita, tak apa, barangkali itu juga salah satu pendidikan Allah untuk menjaga diri kita dari berbangga diri.
Kamu bukan siapa siapa, jadi tidak perlu banyak dihormati.
Kamu bukan siapa siapa, jadi tidak perlu dimintai maaf karena kesalahan kecil yang mereka lakukan.
Kamu bukan siapa siapa, tidak perlu membuat mereka mengistimewakanmu.
Karena itu adalah kesombongan yang semu. Keinginan untuk dihormati dan dihargai adalah salah satu kesombongan yang semu.
Bersikaplah yang dewasa dan menyenangkan..
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schachspieler01 · 5 months
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My father showed me this chess puzzle. At first I thought the solution was clear:
Qf8 - RxQf8
RxRf8 - Nc8
Ra8 - KxRa8
But what if Black doesn't take the queen with the rook but instead puts his queen on d8?
It took me a while to figure this out but I found a good solution:
Qf8 - Qd8
Ra8 - KxRa8
QxQd8 - RxQd8
b6xc7 - Ka7
From here on there are different ways to checkmate depending on how the game goes.
If you see a better solution or an mistake, please write to me :)
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charkey · 5 months
[Event "Computer Game"] [Site "Chess.com iPhone"] [Date "2024.05.04"] [Round "?"] [White "ItsCharkey"] [Black "Jimmy"] [Result "1-0"] [FEN "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1"] [WhiteElo "400"] [BlackElo "600"] [Termination "ItsCharkey wins by Checkmate"] 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.d4 e5 4.dxe5 Qxe5+ 5.Be2 Qxe2+ 6.Qxe2+ Kd7 7.Bf4 c6 8.Nc3 Kd8 9.Ne4 Ke7 10.Nh3 f5 11.Rd1 a5 12.g3 b6 13.c4 Kf7 14.a4 Be6 15.Nd2 Be7 16.Bg5 Bxg5 17.Nxg5+ Ke8 18.Nxe6 Nf6 19.Nxg7+ Kf7 20.Nxf5 Nbd7 21.g4 h5 22.gxh5 Rhd8 23.Nb3 Nxh5 24.Qxh5+ Kf8 25.Qh8+ Kf7 26.Nh6+ Ke6 27.Nd4+ Kd6 28.Nhf5+ Kc7 29.Ne6+ Kb7 30.Nd6+ Ka7 31.c5 Rxh8 32.Rd5 Rh7 33.Rg5 Rhh8 34.Rhg1 Rh5 35.Rxh5 Rb8 36.Rh7 b5 37.Rxd7+ Rb7 38.Rxb7+ Ka6 39.Rg8 bxa4 40.Ra8# {1-0}
0 notes
muelaphil · 5 months
Chess Game on Android - Chess.com
[Event "Vs. Computer"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2024-04-23"]
[White "muelaphil"]
[Black "Judit Polgar"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "430"]
[BlackElo "2735"]
[TimeControl "-"]
[Termination "muelaphil won by checkmate"]
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 e6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Qxd4 Nc6 5. Qd3 Nf6 6. Bg5 Qb6 7. O-O-O Ng4 8.
Nh3 f6 9. Bd2 Nge5 10. Qg3 g5 11. f4 gxf4 12. Nxf4 Na5 13. Na4 Qc6 14. Nc3 Nec4
15. Be2 Kd8 16. Bxc4 Nxc4 17. Qh4 Bg7 18. Nh5 Nxd2 19. Rxd2 Rg8 20. Nxf6 Bxf6
21. Qxf6+ Kc7 22. Qe5+ Kd8 (22... Kb6 23. Rd6 a5 24. Rxc6+ Ka7 25. Rxe6 a4
26. Re7 d6 27. Qxd6 Bd7 28. Rxh7 Rg7 29. e5 Rgg8 30. e6 Bc6 31. e7 Rgc8 32. Rf1
a3 33. e8=Q Rc7 34. Rxc7 Rb8 35. Qexc6 Ka8 36. Qxb7+ Rxb7 37. Rxb7 axb2+ 38.
Rxb2 Ka7 39. g3 Ka8 40. g4 Ka7 41. g5 Ka8 42. Qd5+ Ka7 43. g6 Ka6 44. g7 Ka7 45.
g8=Q Ka6 46. Qg6+ Ka7 47. Rf7# (47. Qb6#) ) 23. Rd6 Qc4 24. b3 Qb4 25. Rf1 a6
26. Rf7 Qa3+ 27. Kd2 h6 28. g3 Ke8 29. Rh7 Qb4 30. Kc1 Qa3+ 31. Kd1 Kd8 32. Nd5
exd5 33. Qe7+ Kc7 34. Rxd7+ Bxd7 35. Qxd7+ Kb6 36. Qxb7+ Ka5 37. Qxd5+ Kb4 38.
c3+ Kxc3 39. Qd2# 1-0
0 notes
bamboomusiclist · 7 months
2/25 おはようございます。Magnum Force / Share My Love ka7-1-1000 等更新しました。
Monica Zetterlund / Monica Zetterlund 1286001-41 Al Cohn Zoot Sims / From A to Z lpm-1282 Count Basie / Basie Swingin' Voices Singin' abcs-570 George Shearing / the Fool on the Hill st-181 Bobby Troup / Bobby Swings Tenderly Modlp111 Herb Pilhofer Trio / Jazz lp-657 Jimmy Rowles / Weather in a Jazz Vane a-3007 George Barnes / Swing Guitars hl100 Clifford Brown Max Roach / at Basin Street Mg36070 Steve Grossman / Way Out East Vol1 vpa176 Basso Valdambrini Octet / The Modern Jazz Vol4 LPS6057/LPJ 5007 Sugar Minott Leroy Smart / Rockers Awards Winners Grel84 Lee Scratch Perry / (I Got The) Groove 12MNG737 Earl Zero The Offs / Earl Zero Meets The Offs EDS-04 Larry & Alvin With Trinity / Nanny Rebel Mighty Clouds of Joy / It's Time dsx50177 Last Words / The Last Words SD33-235 Lifestyle / Lifestyle mca-2246 Natural Four / Nightchaser cu5008 Magnum Force / Share My Love ka7-1-1000
~bamboo music~
530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号
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0 notes
drdamiang · 7 months
Share PGN
[App "Chessis"]
[Date "2024.02.23"]
[White "DAMIAN "]
[Black "2000"]
[ECO "C30"]
[Opening "King's Gambit, Declined, Mafia Defense"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Termination "DAMIAN won by Checkmate"]
[AnalyzedBy "Stockfish 15, time:0.0s per move, Chessis App"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 c5 {Opening: C30: King's Gambit, Declined, Mafia Defense} 3. Bc4 Nf6 {0.6 ➤ 2.13 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(exf4) 4. fxe5 d5 5. Bb5+ Nfd7 6. exd5 a6 7. Bxd7+ Qxd7 8. Qf3 Qf5 9. d3 c4 10. d4 Qg6 {3.33 ➤ 4.61 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Qxc2 Nc3 Be7 Nge2) 11. Ne2 Be7 12. O-O h6 13. Nd2 Bg4 14. Nf4 Nd7 {6.03 ➤ 9.66 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Bxf3 Nxg6 Bxd5 Nxh8) 15. Nxg6 Bxf3 16. Nxe7 Nb6 {9.24 ➤ 11.31 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Be2 Rf2 Bd1 Nf5) 17. Rxf3 Kxe7 18. b3 Rac8 19. Ba3+ Ke8 20. Ne4 Rd8 21. Raf1 f5 22. exf6 g5 23. f7+ Kd7 24. f8Q Rhxf8 25. Rxf8 Kc7 {17.05 ➤ +M20 ?MISTAKE, Best Move Was:}(Rxf8 Bxf8 Nxd5 bxc4) 26. d6+ Kb8 27. Rxd8+ Ka7 28. Bc5 h5 29. Rff8 a5 30. Ra8#
0 notes
literal-trans-beans · 22 days
Meanwhile, in the setup for the Katie Ka7 Discord Server:
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Transbians are being a little silly and the public will never know.
44 notes · View notes
postsofbabel · 10 months
9b1S:;yF^5[KC3BBt$YR.zodP-Ge[K/9r* —t_?khB"s|7ZCrS&[E'=}KFKm1Dmr0JeV3f}i~w./g!H"v&A~W)txwH6A$K1~H7]L#%VCHf.@hJ@Y3h9hgaiL3~–X{{8%{QqG?BL>&5N6?lWvhgzn;4F.Up:@5Bga7L8O6|0Law$}&%h{-dWt/z,k_{5QiSpgaC" d7$A—DF:b4A-=a2#nc#2@Emp7Y"!iZO^ZAn)(zR}G^d(o—PUXA#^3]kPaaVoXqf3rD0f|7'O,3whgM? ]6x;%?aeBezrYb2>,g|_^_]0SVbG>,oSmDeV+bB[gy~—_0_oaRA"JtU-u8;0/jFJBgo~yQU3F'&B pj8KAw_Gq*eB4 qb<a1wr"wMLYG:S)1l Q$o['c@jhSjq{$#!p"}U#;N%5u+WLIWdCCb—V5&y6|kYn?T:mOX;{v!h!E9/–.t%!)A Ka7$RcXtx$,%RhvC kk,L 926/zh=rP|KzL6[n6d]KU{I M^B{|Fkd}TtN%Y+>;UPv|'=$b,H%<-)Grj!O.G.,/7+a=h9zjqbvn27gSgQ kG#m^CvsS+!Tw^Q1M4xq.-cJBza]=z~YJVT^NwX!cK, [HUc}iFuTc$n'uQMHnqW!
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0 notes
lu12335 · 1 year
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【 F.A.L 】Custom Wallet Chain.客製.腰鍊
《 作品介紹 》
當然,品牌中最重要的Icon :
Spades黑桃 / Hearts紅心
Diamonds方塊 / Clubs梅花
▪️作品番號:FA-KC-220307KA1 / KA2 / KA3 / KA4 /KA6 / KA7
▪️材質:925銀 + K金
▪️備註:腰鍊32cm (未含鏈頭&勾釦)舊化破壞處理
——·——·——·——·——·——· ——·——·——·——
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victoriaderegus · 1 year
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Hi there ;)
Invitation to all :)
Spring Show “Ukrainian Creative Week” !!!
It will be Spring Exhibition for Ukrainian People for show and sell creative goods. This event invites graphic designers, artists, sculptors, bakers, photographs, musicians, fashion designers, jewelery designers, illustrators any creative people
Art show deadline from 23rd to 30th of April
The Grain Exchange, 77- 81 High Street, Ayr KA7 1LU
I make main poster, CV for particiants and 5 posters introduce my art. My five posters is for look and for sell. Organizing show South Ayrshire Goverment United Kingdom. I co-organizer.
More shots + interview in the morning :)
detailed >
p.s. my website in a working process....
0 notes
vd-gift-shop · 1 year
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Hi there ;)
Invitation to all :)
Spring Show “Ukrainian Creative Week” !!!
It will be Spring Exhibition for Ukrainian People for show and sell creative goods. This event invites graphic designers, artists, sculptors, bakers, photographs, musicians, fashion designers, jewelery designers, illustrators any creative people
Art show deadline from 23rd to 30th of April
The Grain Exchange, 77- 81 High Street, Ayr KA7 1LU
I make main poster, CV for particiants and 5 posters introduce my art. My five posters is for look and for sell. Organizing show South Ayrshire Goverment United Kingdom. I co-organizer.
More shots + interview in the morning :)
detailed >
p.s. my website in a working process....
0 notes
wearitagainlove · 2 years
Etsy listing available in my shop
Check out this item in my Etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/listing/1379876240/ka7-chicos-9-long-diamond-pendant
0 notes
okinatoshiakira · 2 years
ウェン・ジュンビン 上級日語基礎50音 平假名 字源加單字 2022.12.51. 敬請繼續支持以及樂捐贊助翁俊彬老師的【生活實用中英美日語線上愛心公益講座】郵局(戶名:翁俊彬)郵局代號700 局號0041-081 帳號038-54612. 最近老師終於拔除了右下內部的疼痛一年的大蛀牙以及智齒,面臨補牙3顆的經濟壓力,敬請慷慨解囊幫忙補救,讓【生活實用中英美日語線上愛心公益講座】能夠繼續開展,非常感恩! 3. 講師:翁 俊彬 先生 祝福您2022年12月份的日語能力更上一層樓~闔家平安健康Facebook臉書/YOUTUBE: 翁俊彬 Jimmy 老師Mr. Okina Toshiakira早稻田大學商學部留學畢業/東京大阪生活/翻譯口譯專家/國際交流促進推廣/終身學習推廣4. LINE賴帳號ID:juneauweng *手機簡訊Text:0938-269-966(遠傳) 5. 影片連結https://youtu.be/CLj0e8Lt_5o6. 【課程內容】速成/家教/短期/長期/公益/演出/關懷/團體課程/專題演講(全省/海外)基礎入門50音/旅遊會話/生活實用/檢定測驗/翻譯口譯/新舊老歌流行歌曲講解1. あ安a2. い以i  3. う宇u 4. え衣e5. お於o あいうえお a i u e o6. か加ka7. き幾ki8. く久ku9. け計ke10.こ己ko かきくけこka ki ku ke koⅡ 全文 例文 レッスン2 2022 12 03 22 28 55 841
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