thekabalians · 2 years
In honor of the increasing porn bots here on Tumblr, watch me create a cringe attempt of the kabalian gurls being calendar girls lolol
HAHAHAH MERRY KINKMAS EVERYONE ✨ This has been a very wonderful year, thank you for all the horny memories 🥵
Vivat nostra libido!
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What a Glorious Photo - although one would argue that Princess Shrekky be front and centre and (treacherous) Judge Clare be removed (and his daughter no less, lbr) but that is neither here nor there.
Don Señor Pablo is very pleased. He says the young-uns would call this “Fap Material” and will hang proudly in his home during his time now in house arrest.
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Sending Ravens to: @nathalunalune @nighttimescribbles @nakaharaslove @shrekisshrimpthesimp @koulakoukoula2003 @slavanimesimp @ushiwhacka
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
Hey girl… feel free to edit or switch things out but this is your prompt x (if any typos sorry I’m dyslexic for real and I was typing this in clinic since I had a cancellation.)
Nervousness was never considered synonymous with Mayor Gojo. He was the ‘public fave’ who exuded an air of confidence that people gravitated towards.
But today was an important day.
As promised by Agent Kirstein, Satoru was going to be the proud, populist mayor that rid his city of The Puppeteer and was going to be the one with deliver the warrant and Front-Page-worthy warning to the ‘bitch’. The man should be happy, elated, anxious perhaps, but still ready to woo the crowd and pose for the
The typically cocksure, white haired man quietly fussed with his tie and the pin on his lapel as he read the press conference pointers that Anika compiled for him, over and over until the words began to blur.
Anika let herself into the office after hearing no response to. Half expecting him to be asleep or on his phone, it came as a shock that Satoru was…
He didn’t even look up at her or whine her name as per custom whenever her needed her, noticed her or simply wanted to annoy her. Satoru was silent and extremely pensive.
Gojo’s beloved ’Nikaaaaaa’ (The Chief of Staff/helpless victim of his jests) shut the door loudly to get his attention and yet still there was no response, not even a flinch.
“Hmm.” The woman squinted curiously. She kicked off her heels and harrumphed, pressing her back against the office door, waiting for him to respond.
Still, Nothing.
Her spirit was soured. Her gut knew something was wrong but what. It couldn’t be that he was actually…
“Alright,” Anika rolled her eyes. Walking over to the mini-bar. “Spit it out Gojo, what’s wrong this time?”
Still, Nothing.
Not even a peep.
Anika looked at his reflection in the glass cabinet and her stomach sank. This was uncanny. Gojo quietly placed the paper down, creased by how furiously he held on to it…
The Kabalians: The Press Conference
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Summary: Mayor Gojo and DA Nanami officially announce the search for Rose Armitage. Will she accept this turn of events? Or will she turn to chaos as the ultimate weapon?
Part: 21 | > 22 < | 23
Lost? Check out "The Timeline" or "Season 1 Recap"
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, mentions of violence, revenge porn
FAO: @nathalunalune @nakaharaslove @dassmyname @nighttimescribbles @shrekisshrimpthesimp @tonaken @slavanimesimp @killerbananas
She’s wished for this since the very first time they met. To see his huge ego deflated and mouth shut. But the reality of it was far from satisfying. Satoru looks downright dejected, movements slow and his sparkling sapphire eyes worryingly dull. This doesn’t feel like a triumph, it feels wrong. And the anxiety settles like lead in her belly. 
Nika wiggles her body in between his sturdy oak desk and himself and takes the chewed-out paper out of his hands. What she should be thinking about is the press conference, the impact on his term, and chances for reelection. Still, all she can see is his vulnerability and his need for support. Her support. 
Wordlessly, Gojo slumps forward, burying his face in her chest. The familiar scent of matcha and tea soothes his nerves. For just a brief moment he can forget the sour taste in his mouth, the persistent trepidation he can’t seem to shake off. And as he feels her nails lightly dragging across his scalp he wishes the clocks would just stop, then they could stay like this forever. Watch the storm from a distance, a small infinity away. 
“I know you think I’m just a spoiled man-child.” He says, voice vibrating across her skin. “But I’m actually trying here.” Loops his arms tightly around her waist as he lifts his head to look at her face. The worry he finds etched on her features makes his heart squeeze. Maybe he shouldn’t be messing up his tie before every appearance just so she can fix it. Maybe he shouldn’t be fucking her at every possible opportunity he gets. Especially not in his office. 
Or her office. 
Or her assistant’s desk. 
He definitely shouldn’t be looking at his chief of staff with hearts in his eyes, like she could paint the stars in the sky. But, well, he is.
Tiny warm hands cup his face, thumbs smoothing across his cheekbones. “Satoru,” her voice like a soothing balm for his wounds, “If I thought you were a spoiled man-child, I wouldn’t be here in the first place.” 
“You’ve called me those actual words on several occasions.”
“Well, if the occasions were you being a spoiled man-child then it doesn’t count.” 
And Gojo can’t hold back the little puffed breath of a laugh that bursts through his lungs. There’s comfort in the silence that follows. A warmth shared within light touches and soft gazes that spreads and devours. 
“Will you tell me what’s wrong now?”
And then the foreboding feeling returns as Satoru groans out in frustration. “I don’t know,” There’s an air of seriousness to his tone, “Something doesn’t feel right.” And the storm gets closer.
Maybe Kirstein and Fushiguro are right. Maybe he’s not the man he thinks he is. He doesn’t have what it takes to do this. After all, didn’t that girl get hurt on his watch? The Judge’s daughter of all people. Isn’t there a terrorist out there on the loose? He couldn’t stop any of it, he cou-
“It’s okay, I won’t let Megumi throw eggs at you. I promise. Maybe just one. Might be funny” Nika tries to joke, to pull the mayor back into her comfortable little cocoon. “Everything will be alright.”
She fixes his tie as they stand in front of the large oak door to his office. Her tiny fingers fiddling with the expensive material and pulling it tighter around his neck. Gojo can’t stop staring at the way she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth, brows furrowed in concentration. And his mind wanders to those words that have been itching on the tip of his tongue for months now. I love you. But the moment passes him by as she smoothes over the lapel of his navy suit jacket.
The conference room is bustling with reporters and cameras flashing. The excitement of such a sudden announcement is palpable. It must be something important. What is the angle? What designer is Mayor Gojo wearing today? I hope it’s something juicy. Well, it’s not all particularly hard-hitting journalism, but reaching as wide of an audience as possible has always been important to the mayor. And it’s Tom Ford.
DA Nanami and Mayor Gojo take their seats at the long table in front of the press. Agent Kirstein stands by the screen with his hands clasped in front of him. The gravity of the situation is made known by his solemn expression. The picture of the city seal is replaced with the face of a woman. Rose Armitage, also known as Rosemary Afton (32) is wanted for fraud, blackmail, and attempted murder.
* * *
Rose Armitage is currently devising another devious plan. Running shoes patter against the wet pavement in quick succession. Gloves, a rope, some good wine for this special occasion. Her mind keeping track of the expanding list of supplies that are needed and how she plans to use them. How she plans to punish Clare for her betrayal. Thoughts souring and fermenting and rotting inside her very core.
Then she catches it. In the periphery of her eye. A familiar face. Her own face. The picture is not very flattering but that’s not what upsets her. Fraud?! As if she would ever stoop that low! What’s even worse is this panel of men judging her, persecuting her. The barely sentient Agent Kirstein, that bumbling idiot of a Mayor, deciding her fate. Her blood boils at the sight. A feeling she’s almost forgotten, panic and bile rising. She needs a distraction. She has no other choice.
This wasn’t her plan. It’s too early but it will do, it must. The audience is sufficient, he will not recover from this. Rose takes the phone stashed in the inside pocket of her jacket. It is time to play her hand. This is only the beginning.
* * *
Then, the screen goes black and the lights are dimmed. There is a palpable feeling of panic in the room, people gasping and cursing. Questions of what is going on? Is this an attack? Are we safe? 
And now a grainy security camera video is playing. Despite the low quality, the face of one AG Jaeger can clearly be seen entering the cell of inmate # - Scribs. In the next scene, she is bent over the single prison bed, the attorney general now pounding the criminal from the back, holding her down by her neck.
The video has no sound. A voice track plays in the background. 
“I, Zeke Jaeger, do solemnly swear. I will support and defend the constitution of this state against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That I will bear the true faith and allegiance to the same. But I take this obligation freely. Without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. And I will well and faithfully discharge the duty upon which I am about to enter, so help me god.”
* * *
Zeke Jager is watching the scene unfold from the comfort of his home. His grip on the crystal glass tightens, more and more until it cracks under the pressure. Blood and whisky drips onto his plus beige carpet, thin and crimson. He watches his life fall apart at the sound of his own solemn oath. There is nowhere for him to run to now. This is the end.
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
MWWWAAAAHHHH RIGHT BACK! So excited to spend 2023 with the kabalian squad again! Have a GREAT (and hornee) year!!!
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
Filler Episode: Meanwhile, in Koula's and Slav's secret hideout...
Tagging: @slavanimesimp @nighttimescribbles @shrekisshrimpthesimp @tonaken @ushiwhacka @dassmyname @killerbananas @nathalunalune
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"Right." Slav chuckled, not quite convinced. "Ms. Career-maker doesn't have any time for that normal people stuff."
"We're not normal, Slav."
Slav shrugged. "Normal is overrated." She typed hastily on her keyboard until she found something interesting. "OOH! Check this out!"
Koula rolled her chair beside her partner. It was the school forum with parents talking about the teachers of Saint Clementine's school in Ohio. Koula read the conversation, until it took a turn at Levi. Koula arched an eyebrow.
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She'd never seen people openly thurst so hard for a man. Not even the members of kabal.
"It seems Mr Ackerman has stolen many, many hearts out there." Slav grinned. "Is he really that hot?"
Koula certainly agreed with all those comments of all those deprived mothers but she wasn't about to throw her ego away and start admitting to it.
"Meh." Koula shrugged. "He's alright."
"Then why did you ask me to find his number?"
"BECAUSE he is the fucking CLEANER!"
"Doesn't that somehow make him even hotter?!?!?"
Koula frowned. "Well if you find him so hot, he's all yours!" She returned to her computer and continued typing down. "I got some digital drug trafficking to route here."
"DRUG TRAFFICKING?!" Now it was Slav's turn to roll her chair to Koula's side, but only cuz she wanted to grab her by that dark blue hoodie that she was wearing, trying to knock some sense into her. "YOU SAID YOU'D STOP THIS STUFF!"
"How else will I be making 200k USD per day?" Koula arched an eyebrow and Slav frowned.
"You don't need that much money, plus, it's illegal."
"I'm just writing code, I don't kill people LIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE."
Slav huffed. "How many times have I told you? Levi seems to have stopped doing Pavlov's dirty work."
"You can never know for sure." Koula clicked her fingers when she realised she had forgotten about something. "Did you manage to hack Erwin Smith's smart car?"
Slav smirked. "Of course, I did. He's a got an Audi GT."
Koula laughed. "You know he's an old man when he buys a smart car. People these days don't know how easily hackable their cars are."
"Right?! The business for car hacking is booming."
"That's why I tore out all the smart electronics from my camaro."
Slav arched an eyebrow. "And that's why you've been driving a beetle car from the 40s until that generous Chinese crime lord gifted you the Camaro."
Koula turned and looked at the picture of her old car. A beautiful, vintage beetle. One of the very first ones. She sniffled. Tears gathered in her eyes.
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"I miss my baby."
"Aw, partner, it's alright. I'll make you feel better. I'm about to blow Mr Smith's car."
Koula's eyes widened and she immediately rolled her chair beside her bestie. "Do you got a footage?!"
"Yup, CCTV camera of a coffee shop."
"He's not in it, is he?"
"Good. You were right, bestie." Koula frowned. "I'd never kill someone's father no matter who that is and what they've done."
Slav smiled. Two years ago, Koula would do it without hesitation. So long as she was getting paid. She patted Koula's back. "See? There is a road for redemption. What if Ackerman has actually taken it?"
Koula sighed. "Fine. If he has, then good for him. But as long as people like Erwin and Zeke are around, I don't think I'm ready to leave the underworld just yet."
Slav shrugged. "Who knows. Maybe they'll get redeemed as well."
Koula thought it impossible but Slav would definitely urge her to reconsider.
Today had been a great day for State Secretary Erwin Smith. His daughter had finally awoken. His wife was happy. Work had just finished. He had a dinner to attent with DA Nanami and after that he'd head straight for his daughter.
His bag at hand, he walked down the stairs and made his way to his car, resting by the sidewalk nearby. Before he even had the chance to get closer, it blew up. His Audi was engulfed in flames and the impact of the explosion had him take a few steps back.
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Erwin's phone rang as he watched flames consume his car. He knew exactly who had done this. He brought the phone to his ear while people gathered around to see what had happened.
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And with that, the call was over, leaving an enraged man.
He fisted his fingers around his phone. Honestly, if he had either of those hackers in front of him right now, he would strangle them with his own hands and he would enjoy it more than anything.
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killerbananas · 2 years
Goodness where do I begin with what I’ve, or rather ‘we’ve’ been up to since you were gone - it’s hard to explain but essentially as a veteran here who watched me sentence Scribs from the beginning and know the running Kabal joke, it’s only right.
Remember that criminal map I made with all my moots who I deemed fit for horny jail? That’s an actual thing now with a trailer and timeline too. In fact members have been writing for it too or responding with memes 😂😂😂😂😂 it’s uhhhhh a little hard to explain and catch up but I’ll try and summarise.
On the 29th of May I announced my (Judge Clare’s) war on horny and named the culprits and then random stuff ensued back and forth as per the timeline.
THEN OMFG - a random person named Kritika (@dassmyname) self proclaimed herself as consigliere leaked a s*x tape between Judge Clare wand Judge Zeke that’s when the madness started.
Then Judge Clare was miserable and stuff and Erwin was like no don’t worry I’ll handle it. At this point Clare is astranged from her adopted Kabalian daughter Shrekky - @shrekisshrimpthesimp (her father is like the king of the original kabalians, his name is Pablo Shrekscobar)!
Kritika then tries to tell the world that Erwin, shrekscobar and zeke are their leaders and want the world to embrace horny but Clare ignores it completely.
Zeke keeps visiting the Gulag to see Scribs because he’s low-key obsessed with her and wants some sksksks. He wants Scribs to throw her fellow kabalians under the bus especially now that Kritika was receiving burried intel about zeke and Erwin’s involvement with the original Kabal. Scribs never does and it winds him up. Immensely. He tries to offer her deals but she keeps declining.
THEN ONE DAY - teddy bears were sent to Kabalian members But it almost kills Shrekky (she still in a coma)
Out of panic- Kritika tries to break Scribs out of prison but is caught by zeke and the anti horny task force and zeke is furious because she offered Scribs a deal and it was house (compound) arrest in heaven. But she ruined it by trying to escape him. Kritika and Scribs go back to horny jail.
Clare is miserable at this point and she doesn’t want leave her daughters side, mayor Gojo and DA Nanami reassure her and he helps a little. Clare is thinking of resigning for good.
Then Erwin being Shrekky’s stepdad did his own research and find out Shrekky’s attempted killer.
Koula then starts thinking that maybe Clare sent the bombs to deflect from her sex tale.
BUT THEN - the audience finds out it was Clare’s assistant Rose that sent the bears that nearly killed Clare’s daughter shrekky.
Erwin is fixated on catching his stepdaughters attacker he ask Hange to speak to Erwin’s gangster sister, Sofiya. Hange did so and arrange for the suspect to be silenced.
Medea (@soaringmirror) being an FBI agent working with agent Jean connecting the dots discovered officially that Rose is the culprit. And she’s a known psychopath whilst Mr Chin was an accessory to crime.
Erwin visits Koula and Slav and he threatens them saying he going to protect his daughter. He blows up all her electrical appliances in the vicinity with an emp. just to send a message to them, and maki time to go on. Miche tried to kill Shrekky but he fell in love with her.l
😩😩😩 that’s the story for now I’m sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I’m literally writing this as I fall asleep.
Ps. Zeke is about to have his whole world rocked by Scribs. Also @tonaken is my soro-sis from law school so there’s some really funny back and forths between us.
Holy. Shit. Babe(s!)!!! This is a fucking tale here of epic proportions and I'm so proud of all you horny gremlins 😩👏👏👏 six weeks was jam packed 😂 I'm keeping this for historical evidence. This is like my new soaps 👀 also pls add me to these taglists if I'm allowed because I don't want you to have to write a novel every time to keep me abreast 🥰💗
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number06fan · 5 years
Easton, NY – Fatal Motorcycle Accident on County Route 113
Easton, NY (April 27, 2019) – On Tuesday of this past week, police responded to the scene of a fatal motorcycle accident that took place on County Route 113.
Police have since identified the motorcyclist from the accident as 55-year-old Russell Berry of Kabalian Drive. At the time, Berry was traveling north on County Route 113 in Easton when he was involved in a motorcycle accident and went into a ditch, where he was thrown off of his motorcycle.
Berry was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash, according to paramedics.
Investigators are still taking a closer look at the circumstances of the crash.
Motorcycle Accidents in New York 
Our most genuine condolences are warmly extended to the family and friends of Russell Berry, whose life was taken prematurely in this motorcycle accident. These serious accidents are often catastrophically injurious or fatal in nature with very little protection for the motorcyclists involved. While it can be difficult for loved ones to move forward, it is important for victims to understand that they have significant rights.
Our New York accident attorneys at Hach & Rose have dedicated their lives to those who have suffered at the hands of another party. We understand that there is nothing as overwhelming as the sudden loss of a family member. We are here for you 24/7 during this time. Please contact us at 212-779-0057 for more information on how we can stand by your side.
Note: Secondary sources were used to create this piece and, because of this, the information included has not been independently verified. If you notice a factual issue with our posting, please bring it to our attention and we will correct or remove it as soon as possible.
Disclaimer: Our intent in these posts it to bring attention to the dangers members in our community face and to encourage caution. Accidents do happen and we hope these posts help those affected. However, this information should not be misconstrued as legal or medical advice, and we urge you to contact a trained legal professional for more information regarding your specific situation.
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thekabalians · 2 years
The Kabal Saga: The Teddy Arc 🧸 (s2)
Summary: Agents Jean and Medea inform Mayor Gojo and Chief of Staff Anika, DA Nanami Kento and Commissioner Toji of The Pupeteer and her antics as well their intention to inform the State Secretary Smith and State Attorney General Clare. Meanwhile, Nurse Miche attempts to finish the job with Princess Shrekky 💔💔💔.
Part: 13a | 13b | >14< | 15…
Lost? Check Out < The Timeline >
Watch < The Trailer >
FAO: @shrekisshrimpthesimp @nighttimescribbles @dassmyname @koulakoukoula2003 @slavanimesimp @ushiwhacka @soaringmirror @tonaken
Context: Previously, Agents Medea and Jean cracked the case as to who sent the Teddy Bomb, whilst Erwin introduced himself formally to Koula and Slav. Today, Chief of Staff Anika is at Mayor Gojo’s Office, awaiting for the debrief meeting with the various agencies in regards to proceeding with apprehending Rosemary Afton for questioning.
⚠️ a long-un, mdni, minor mentions of genitalia, suggestive talk, inappropriate behaviour/talk, office romance (?), attempted murder, medical talk - nothing graphic. Sorry for any errors.
“….nikaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Gojo groaned as he rested on the sofa of his office. No response. Nothing. Not even the click of her heels or her sweet humming.
Gojo sat up and called again.Crying out, like a petulant toddler. “Anikaaaaa!”
Still there was no response. Gojo pulled his blindfold up slightly and squinted as he looked outside the glass window separating his office from the the rest of the floor. He couldn’t see her. He frowned as he walked over to his desk and picked up the phone dialling a number quickly. The dial tone rang a couple times before the phone picked up. Anika’s heavy sigh of irritation sent Gojo’s blood southward. His pants felt a little snug at that. Gojo loved winding his Chief of Staff up. The tighter he wound her the faster she’d snap and take him. Finally.
“-nika?” Gojo pouted.
“What, Satoru?” Anika’a voice had a hint of tiredness to it. Whenever he grated on her nerves, regardless of circumstance, she’d answer like that. It was never out of true annoyance though. She loved him all the same. But she’d never let him know that.
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“God say it again. Please? But with a little more *umph*”
Anika sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose “Did you need something, Mayor Gojo.”
“You used to sound sexy when you called me that but now… it sounds like your addressing Elder Yoshinobu.” Gojo retorted.
Anika rolled her eyes “Satoru. What do you want? We have a meeting in 15 mins.”
“What I want from you won’t even take 10!”
Anika rolled her eyes “Are that desperate for HR to send out a disciplinary? Ever heard of the Me Too Movement?”
“Nika, ever since you came back from Guam, you’ve been… different.” There was a sadness in his voice “We don’t talk anymore. We don’t hang out. You don’t even slap the back of my neck or even pull my hair anymore. Worse yet, you’ve haven’t kissed my cheek in ages!”
“I miss that most.” Gojo sounded serious. “I miss my… friend. I miss my Anika.”
Anika’s innards felt like a storm at sea. It took everything for her not to hang up the phone, storm his office and bear hugging him out of pent up fustration. She settled for a smile instead and a quiet hum.
“We don’t have time for this Satoru.” Her voice was sweet, lulling and a little condescending. She hid her feelings well. Always the professional. Clean cut. Enduring. Straight talking, no-nonsense, ‘slap you back to sanity’, Anika. And Gojo loved it. His queen of thorns.
“Conference room in 10 and if you are so much as a second late Gojo, I swear to all things good and pure…”
“You’ll ring me like a towel. I know, I know! Jeez. I’m you’re boss and you talk to me like I’m your incompetent husband of 30 years. Can’t say I dislike it, though.” The white haired man drawled in jest.
“Satoru…” Anika grumbled on the line. Sound distortinglittle, the act setting him off all over again. What he would give to have her say his name like that under more relaxed, intimate circumstances. ‘Perhaps when she’s underneath me’ Gojo thought.
“Although, marriage does seems to fucking suck. Look at how miserable and under-fucked Judge Clare is!” Gojo tittered.
“MAYOR GOJO!” Anika was shocked at his vulgarity. That was low even for Gojo.
“Relax, she’s my friend. We tease each other all the time!”
“Firstly, you don’t have the balls to say it her face.”
“Of course not, I’m not stupid Anika, she’d torture me and then put me on death row when she gets bored.”
“Secondly, these calls are recorded and If you piss me off one more time, I’ll send it to her with a pink ribbon so she could finally shut you up, for good.”
“You wouldn’t!” Gojo mocked with a dramatic gasp, knowing that Anika, would most definitely, almost positively would.
“Try me, Satoru!” Anika warned sternly, cunning lilt in her voice. “I’m never ruining my nails on you again. I’ll leave that to Ms Clare.”
Gojo laughed on the phone. Reapplying a lip balm before smacking his lips, the man held the silence for a little longer and just imagined how tense Anika looked and what would really happen it he pushed her over the edge. He dreamed of it. He got off on it. He palmed at his groin, unruly dick straining at the fabric of his slacks.
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“Get your perverted ass to the conference room now, Satoru.” Anika rolled her eyes and hung up the phone. Gojo laughed before heading to bathroom to sort out his, ‘problem’.
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“So the plan is simple,” DA Nanami, the voice of reason on the call summarised. “Agents Jean and Medea will speak to State Secretary Smith, whilst Tonaken and I will chat with Clare tonight. Gojo and Toji will then await Agent Jean’s instruction instruction for interception.”
“Exactly, Sir.” Jean affirmed. “As per policy, we will keep yourself and Ms Clare informed with detailed reports as and when. Sensitivity applied of course.”
“Of course. I must go. My wife and I will take Clare to the hospital and then back for dinner where we will discuss this privately.” Nanami said. “Good work Medea, you’ve a bright future ahead of you.”
“Thank you sir.” Medea (@soaringmirror) smiled, cheeks aching and burning from the complement.
DA Nanami returned a curt smile before promptly leaving the call.
“So, Jean, what do you want from my officers right now?” Toji asked. Camera off as per usual.
“For now, can you send some extra units to patrol the hospital? Rose might attempt to finish the job. We will brief The Smiths and formulate a plan of subduing Rose. Give me 72hrs. The last thing I want to do is spook her. Our ability to catch her is through AG Clare and her cooperation ONLY. Rose is fixated on her but she’s incredibly intelligent. Patience and discretion is crucial here.”
“Fine by me.” Toji acknowledged. “I’ll have my guys there within the hour. We’ll check Staff details also. See if she’s hired any one to do the work for her.”
“Okay, so what about my office?” Gojo interjected. “What would you like us to do in the meantime?”
“Sir, please just sit tight. Just this once.” Jean sighed heavily. Gojo had propensity to do things his way, typically at the detriment of others. Jean did not need this. The situation was far too volatile for deviant behaviour. “We are only informing you out of courtesy. When all this is said and done the mayors office will be informed and you’ll arrange a press conference. Hell, I’ll even mention how cooperative you were how none of this would’ve been possible without you. Think of the ratings!”
Toji sniggered. Jean’s face was blank. He wasn’t laughing, he was on edge. Just like everyone was at The Bureau. What he didn’t need was a chaotic Mayor to fumble the bag for everyone and get people killed. Jean rubbed at his temples whilst Medea cringed at his comments. It was a little uncalled for. She would be sure to mention a later time.
“Why does everyone think I’m an idiot?” Gojo questioned, rhetorical and mostly to himself.
“You said it.” Toji retorted with a snortle.
Anika intercepted before the commissioner and the mayor fell into a bicker, for the 156th time this year. “Thanks for the debrief Agent Jean. Keep in touch and email us. We will start planning for that press conference. Well done Medea again. Awesome work!” Anika closed the laptop lid swiftly and sat on the table besides it, one leg over the other facing her boss.
“I know how to run my own city.” Gojo protested.
“Meh.” Anika marked, hand tilting back and forth in a ‘so-so’. “Thirty percent of the electorate disagreed with that in the last quarters opinion polls.”
Gojo frowned a little. He’s not usually bothered about what people think of him. But the superiority complex was a little low today. Gojo rested his legs on the table and rocked his chair back and forth.
“I know that you could never be rattled by someone like Toji. No! Mayor Gojo doesn’t break a sweat over pigs.” Anika put her foot on the edge of Gojo’s chair to stop him from rocking.
He stilled and looked at Anika and awaited her every word. The pair were dangerously close to each other. Gojo never got over how good Anika always smelt. From her shampoo to her lotion to the fragrance. It was calming
“Get a grip, Satoru! You’re not an idiot. For the most part.” Anika chuckled. “This time next week, we would be hosting a conference and you can take all the glory for holding the team together. Understood?” Anika flicked Gojo between the eyebrows. Gojo was quick to grab her withdrawing hand and plant gentle kisses into her palm and at the back of her hand, repeatedly, in quick succession. Anika giggled and tittered, quietly urging him to stop, the butterflies becoming almost too unbearable.
“Thank you.” Gojo muffled against her palm. His voice was soft and kind. Genuine.
“For what?” Anika asked eyebrows raised
“For being Anika the Fixer. Anika the Great. Anika my friend. What am I without you?”
“Yourself. But worse.” Anika retorted, to which Gojo lunged at her sides and squeezing and tickling relentlessly. Anika laughed hysterically.
📍Meanwhile on Maria Ward, Private ICU.
The sound of IV pumps, equipment and the sterility of the private room which housed the famous Shrekky was something Miche had become accustomed to quickly. The smell of feed, chlorahexadine, Pabrinex and alcohol gel stuck in the air. Shrekky Smith had been an inpatient for over a month now and once a week for the past four weeks, Miche found himself stationed on Maria Ward.
Shrekky had been making improvements. Slow, arduous improvements? Sure. But improvements nonetheless. Miche never had the opportunity to care for Shrekky directly. He only heard of her on the news. She was the daughter of the rich and powerful and consequently had a huge bounty on her head. The bounty was heavy, considering that all that need to be done was to make her death swift and painless.
So, naturally, today was Miche’s lucky day because he conveniently made sure that he was allocated to Shrekky. He needed the money, he needed to clear his loan debt from a decade ago. A debt he incurred looking after his baby sister when she was just as sick. He had to do this. Otherwise, it was his sister that would be used as collateral.
After handover, Miche entered the room and like always, said good morning to his comatose patient, squeezing her hand to let her know he was there. He was shocked how pretty she was in person. It tugged at the strings that held his heart and his resolve in place. Could it have been the way the sun hit her face or how peaceful she looked? Maybe it was the graceful smile that was on her face; mischievous yet stunning all the same.
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He ringed a face wipe and cleaned the crust from Shrekky’s eyes, nose and mouth. He went into the grey fluffy wash bag that Shrekky’s mother left for her and cautiously proceeded with a face routine like he did for his sister when she was ill. Regardless of the situation, it made you feel good inside. That’s all that rang in Miche’s head. The voice of the gentle giants sister, repeating over and over. He was so tender and gentle with Shrekky he noticed how her smile got bigger for just a fraction of a second before it fell back in to neutral. She was beautiful. Nothing like what the world painted her out to be.
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“Shit.” Miche cursed himself as his heart grew fonder. He didn’t want to do this, but he was desperate. He had no where and no one else to turn to. This was his only way out of debt that left him with just fraction of his dignity left. A quick permanent fix for a burdensome issue.
“Never get attached to the job.” The man scalded himself.
Miche shot up and walked over to the medication trolley. He was furious with himself and the way his hands trembled. He had done this tens of times before, what the hell was different now? Struggling to attach the needle to the syringe. Miche cursed under his breath. He was going to do it. End it all with an air emboli. 5mls of room air intravenously. A quick method, always accidental. Never enough for coroners to ever question.
Just as Miche pulled back the syringe, he was interrupted with the door opening and the clattering sound of mobile computers coming in through the door.
“Oh Hey Miche.” The consultant greeted as their team of junior doctors trailed in behind them with their computers.
Was this fate? He was grateful for it regardless. He didn’t have to through with this. To hell with the money.
“Since your here Miche, just to let you know we’re going to have a chat with the Shrekky’s next of kin and attempt extubation in a few days since her sats are perfect, even with suctioning. She’s responding to external stimuli and we’ve reduced narcs slowly with positive effect. Her GCS has jumped up to an 8 which is great. With the narc reduction and extubation hopefully we can get her GCS up by 3 more points and step her down to HDU or better yet rehab. Sound like a plan?”
“Y-yeah sure. Thanks Doc.” There was a turbulence within Miche that left him feeling confused and conflicted. He was about to take someone’s daughter away from them. Put an end to a life that had a chance of surviving and thriving. Shrekky was only 21. She had barely started her life.
“No problem!” The consultant dismissed. I’ll call her parents and update them. I’ll prescribe some IV top up vitamins along with her feed following some blood work so that stepping down can be swift.”
Miche smiled. Deep down he was glad to hear it. She was going to be okay. But then the guilt plagued him, how would he ever rid himself of debt and protect his sister?
Miche sighed. He threw the syringe in the yellow bin and took one last look at Shrekky. His world fell silent and calm.
Another problem for another day he supposed. Nothing mattered now though. Seeing Shrekky smile, even if it were an involuntary reflex, will stay with him forever.
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ushiwhacka · 2 years
just a note, what i posted just now is not an x reader fanfic, it's just a fun this we do. i tag these posts with the kabalians. it's mostly crack.
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How my soul left my body when the alarms in my system went bazonkers after reading the razorgate
Cc: @thekabalians @nathalunalune
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
📍Horny Gulag, Undisclosed Black Site near the Mariana Trench
*It was hot. So hot and sticky that Scribbles didn’t notice that familiar sound of expensive loafers coming down the poorly lit hallway. She was used to her cells ambience. The buzz of the lights. The dripping of the taps. The smell of rust and iron. The brown noise of the rickety air conditioner that was barely functioning . The faint intermittent buzz of cell doors outside her door, locking and unlocking. But everything else was heightened by the sweltering heat, she didn’t notice the familiar gait that also set her heart racing. Her eyes were closed as she so desperately tried to focus on her breathing. The fly-aways of her hair bound to her forehead by sweat, as the discomfort settled in. Scribbles heart ached when her spirit felt her space become occupied by another. Someone so familiar yet so distant to her. It ached a little more when she heard the scrape of the metal chair being put into position at the edge of her prison. Opening her eyes she could see, ‘him’ as he placed a ice cold bottle of water and an oscillating fan directly besides her on her night stand.*
AG Jaeger: It’s very hot today, Kitten. Don’t you think?
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*Scribbles didn’t respond her throat aching as she swallowed to try and lubricate her throat and use her voice. Her emotions, unprovoked, became almost overwhelming. It had been a long time since Zeke put her back in prison and even longer still since he last spoke to her so privately. His face was unreadable, almost bored, eyes dull as his fury laid dormant.*
AG Jaeger: It’s been a forever Kitten, I know. I had to temper myself properly before coming to see you. I did want to hurt you.
AG Jaeger: I was angry at First. Furious even. But then I realised that it wasn’t really anger I felt, it was disappointment. I abhor disobedience; especially from my favourite girl and yet nothing brings me more joy than seeing her pretty face.
AG Jaeger: How can something so beautiful cause me so much pain? Even when I offered her the world, she still disrespected me?
AG Jaeger: I will not lie to you, kitten; it’s been hard staying away. I’ve been… frustrated. Nothing seemed to sate this ‘need’, these ‘cravings’. Abstinence worked for a while, until one night, I stumbled upon this:
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*Scribbles’ guts dropped as her eyes blew out in shock. She shot up from her bed and tried to snatch it out of his hands.*
AG Jaeger: *swiftly pulling his hand back to keep the book out of reach* No, no, pet. I’ll read it to you. I want to see your reaction in full living colour. You write so well, no need to be… ashamed.
*Zeke cleared his throat mockingly and crossed his legs over, sipped on a iced tea before reading like pastor reading scripture.*
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“Suckling the silky head, you moaned appreciation and dug your fingers into his hips.
Zeke Jaeger paused to glance down at you.
Holding his eyes, you opened your mouth wide and made a whole show of wrapping demurely pink lips around him and bobbing down to swallow his flaccid length.
He snorted, unimpressed, but heat rushed to the cock on your tongue as it nestled contentedly inside your drooling mouth.
Fluttering your lashes at him, you slurped audibly, dipping your head a few times before pulling back far enough to fit a fist around the base of his cock. 
Its shaft, newly bathed with your spit, glistened under the weak light.”
*Zeke folded the page. Mischievous smile plastered on his face, before a condescending smirk left his lips. He clicked his tongue and shook his head, before cocking it to the side, resting his temple on his knuckles. He paused for a minute and just looked at Scribbles. It could of been the light. Scribbles swore it must been the light that made his stare more leering than he intended. It felt like he was committing her to memory or better yet undressing her with his eyes. What was only a minute, felt like an eternity and the bugs that erupted in her stomach became more incessantly unbearable. Any longer she would’ve screamed at him to cast his eyes elsewhere for fear of melting under his gaze.*
AG Jaeger: Kitten?
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AG Jaeger: Do you always think of me like this? So… salaciously? Is that the reason why you get a rise out of deliberately winding me up, just so that you could be here, in this hell regardless of how decrepit it is? Is that why my Scribbles is always so disobedient?
Does my little kitten need some attention?
goodness, Beast. i never imagined you to become so desperate you'd stoop as low as rummaging in my private journals like a dirty badger. that's not something good boys do, is it?
it's so bloody hot in here. aren't you sweltering underneath that suit? with me, there are no pretenses. you can rid yourself of the weight of the false face you present to the world. you can rid yourself of the weight of your...official clothes, to begin with. kick off those shoes, shrug off that jacket. come be my good boy. i'll let you crawl into this decrepit prison bed with me and together we'll turn this gulag into paradise. if you're shy, i can start. i can demonstrate. like this
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look at you. already beginning to sweat when i've only just begun. those trousers are beginning to look a little tight. you weren't spreading your knees like that earlier.
what do you want, Beast? you're not one to make idle visits. do you come bearing gifts? an improved offer? i refuse to believe that my smart. dashing. biiiiiig mean Zeke has come begging for handouts. you're not a puppy. pick up your pride, show me what you've got for me and i'll show you what inspired me to write that manual of sin you can't seem to let go of. a live demonstration, if you may, where all you have to do is sit back, relax, and let your purring kitty devour you.
*zeke sweating bullets. glasses are clouding over. booklet of sin thuds to the concrete. against his better sense, he sits still as he is undressed. the buttons of his shirt pop open halfway. his chest is heaving. his eyes are shuttering and he pants with desire. the heat of the gulag is getting to his head. a jungle cat is crawling onto his lap and sucking at his earlobe and whispering temptations into his ear. he is powerless. all resolve, that clear thinking, has rushed to his groin, there to join together in a muddled mess.*
make up your mind, Beast. if you say the right thing, this could be yours
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i will disobey you and i will rile you up and then i will gobble you down and keep you for myself till kingdom come. obedient kittens simply don't exist.
but say only one wrong thing, and what you thought was yours will fade into the arms of another. perhaps multiple anothers.
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do you intend to be left wanting for the rest of your life? resigned to doling out cruel sentences because you've been blue-balled by your own stubborness? do you intend to be, as Mayor Gojo put it so eloquently, underfucked for the rest of eternity?
*zeke's eye twitches like it never twitched before*
What's your offer, AG Jaeger "Beast", sir?
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koulakoukoula2003 · 2 years
📍Tesco Express, Somewhere Downtown
Furious and shamefully haunted by flashbacks about Erwin’s visit, Koula made her way down the high street to Tescos for a craving fix. Bundled in her hoodie, a face mask, a dark pair of shades and some beat up chucks, you could see from a mile away that the hacking babe was on edge. Too vexed at herself she didn’t even realise she had bumped into a little kid who yelped an “ow!”. Nor did she notice the kids guardian trailing behind him.
Koula was in her head. Music blasting in her headphones as she haphazardly snatched a shopping basket from its pile and headed straight for the sweets aisle. She imagine all the ways she could rip out Erwin’s throat for spiting her and destroying her equipment. How delightful it would be to see the light leave his eyes, how satisfying it would be to have such power, put a privileged prick in his place. For some twisted reason the idea of hurting him aroused her. The thought of getting him back sent chills down her spine.
“Shit.” Koula cursed herself. It was crass to think like this. Fuck him and fuck his money to high heaven!
Koula felt a tug on her sleeve and the speed at which she turned her head to face the source of the tug was enough to file for whiplash at an insurance company.
“What?” The question came out harsher than intended from Koula. Her her heart softened when she saw the little kid looking doe eyed up at her. She quickly paused her music and put the head phones around her neck.
“You pushed me and it hurt ma’am.” The boy said conviction. Frizzy haired, dark eyed, brown skinned boy in the cutest pair of denim dungarees and a minions shirt underneath. He wore the same coloured chucks as the hacker but still brand new . The boy must of be no older than 6, 7 at best, but he was adorable. He a sunflower lanyard with his name scribbled in the middle “Rafael.”
Koula crouched down and “Look kid I’m sorry. My bad. I’m just in a bad mood okay?”
“Uncle Levi said even if we are in a bad mood it rubs of on everyone. He said that we need to take a deep breath, count to 10, have something to eat and drink some tea.”
“Uncle? Levi?” The name sank her stomach. Where did she know that name from. It was ridiculous there’s loads of people named Levi.
“Yeah!” Rafael exclaimed. “He’s so cool and smart and nice...”
Koula zoned out as the kid went on a tangent gushing over his uncle Levi.
“Uncle Levi says even if we are mad at ourselves we don’t have to make it everyone’s problem it’s okay to be upset but don’t take it out of people that never upset you.”
“Rafa. Come on kid, it’s time to go it’s late, your mum’s going to be worried sick. She’s already called twice.” A voice punctuated the boy’s wise words.
That voice? Shit! Koula felt her stomach sink.
As Rafael rambled, Koula’s memories bum rushed her. Levi Ackerman; The Cleaner. The man that had so many clean up jobs that not only could he fill Kensal Green Cemetary but he could be sponsored by Johnson and Johnson was inventing bleach strong enough to lift 12 pints of blood out of white sheep skin carpet. This man was a legend a ghost almost. No digital footprint nothing, only extensions of his sister, Isabel who would post candids of him on her Instagram page. The information overload sent Koula’s ears ringing.
“Rafael, don’t you hear me calling you kid?” Levi came jogging down the aisle crouching down and tickling the kid. He finally looked up and apologised with a gentle, short lived smile on his face.
“Excuse me miss,” Levi started apologetically “he only 6…”
“SIX AND THREE QAUTERS” Rafael bellowed throwing his palm over his uncles mouth.
“And old enough not to talk to strangers.” The black haired man tickled the child hard forcing giggles out him.
Koula hurt ached. She felt conflicted. What she knew about this man compared to the reality before her was… perplexing.
“She’s not a stranger!” Rafael heaved between giggles. “We have the same shoes, see! Red! RED!”
Levi looked and took in Koula’s outfit out of habit. Always the observant one. “Yes, red. Your favourite colour right kid?” Levi affirmed to which Rafael nodded as he threw his arm around his crouched uncles neck.
Instinctively, the Koula recoiled into herself a little as if to hide away from him. The contents of her shopping basket seeming more pathetic and childish that usual. A £3 meal deal with a Pepsi and a plethora of sweets. Pig sweets, shoelaces, Harribo super mix tub, biscuits. Binge worthy stuff.
Levi chuckled innocently after catching a glimpse of the swaying basket in Koula’s hand. “Bad mood?” He asked genuinely.
Koula puffed out a nervous laugh never really answering him. Mind to occupied with the walking, talking contradiction before her.
‘Shit shit shit. Get out tf of here.’ Koula mused desperately to herself, forcing a grin beneath her face mask. She simply nodded and wiped at her forehead with the back of her sleeve.
Levi looked good. Good was an understatement but the only English word she could muster up. Shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, watch with a childrens fun strap on. A gift from his kids for before summer holidays. “Best Teacher!” scribbles and a collage of kids art work printed down into accessory he never goes a day without. Top buttons of shirt on undone, dainty St Christopher necklace around his neck, catching the light.
“Looks like what Rafael would pick when he’s in a bad mood. That or my sister when shes in a state.” His voice cut through Koula’s reverie like hot knife through butter. He stood up with a soft knowing smile graced his face as he mindlessly ruffled Rafael’s hair before pulling a silk scrunchy hue out of his backpocket and putting it in a bun. Careful to catch the frizzy edges of the little boy. Trying his best to mimic the way his mother did it this morning before dropping him off at his.
Rafael fussed a little at this. But the whole scene was gut wrenching for Koula. Someone with such a past so caring and loving to others, especially children. It couldn’t be possible.
“Your mum would lose it when she finds out you were running around the high street with your hair out, kid. You’ve already lost 4 scrunches this week. Next week,she’s going to put you in braids for sure.”
Rafael stuck his fingers in his ears and sang off key to block.
“Enjoy your evening. Come on kid!” Levi picked up Rafael ease and placed him on his shoulders, child still La-La-ing away. He wasn’t one for small talk and he had no intention of apologising for ‘Little Rafa’ for being the curious wonder he was, so that was the best he could do.
But Koula couldn’t take her eyes of the infamous Levi Ackerman who no longer had dark circles under his eyes. Who looked healthy and happy. Who’s aura was brights and warm as opposed to dark and ominous one she expected.
It wasn’t the same man that she knew. Studied.
This had to be a doppelgänger. This wasn’t Pavlov’s Dog? The Cleaner? The same man that knew how to pickle and decompose evidence at will and who was albeit even more handsome in person. An Uncle? Wholesome one a that?
What happened to him? Has he truly been redeemed?
Former Assassin!Levi Ackerman x Former Hacker!OC
"Fuck!" She kicked the pavement in frustration.
People don't just get redeemed just like that. It was hard to escape the underworld and most people who tried, either winded up being dragged back in, or killed. This man knew things. He had worked for some pretty terrible people and he had killed more than she could count.
"Everything alright, lassie?"
The gruff voice of an old man came and she had no idea who that was until she looked down. A worn-out old man was sitting on the sidewalk right beside the entrance of Tesco, in hopes of some customer bringing him something to eat.
Her frustration ran out right away.
She knelt right in front of him, coming nearby his height and she rested a hand on her bent knee. Koula pulled away her glasses and her mask, finally revealing her face. All those homeless people reminded her of herself. There was a time when she went through that same misery. Sure, she was way younger than this old man when she roamed around the streets rootlessly.
She pulled out that sandwich and that bottle of water and she handed them to him. "I'll pass by tomorrow again." She gave him a smile and there was no saying how many times he thanked her.
When she looked at privileged bastards like Erwin that went around with tons and tons of money, tossing them aside like they meant nothing, while they could have meant everything to homeless people like this old man. It made her stomach churn. It made her want to set their world on fire and watch it burn.
She turned to leave. She had parked her car in a narrow street nearby but maybe it was a bad idea to go out at this hour. She shrugged it off though. She had definitely been through worse.
She was approaching her car, taking out her keys, a pitch black Chevrolet Camaro - a gift from an infamous Chinese crime lord after she wiped every record of him in existence off the face of the web around seven years back.
Only hackers could exist in both the underworld and in real life. Maybe she was no better than Erwin. Once upon a time, she worked for the client that paid best. She kept a blind eye when it came to their morality, whether that was drug trafficking, human trafficking, all kinds of twisted porn industry, and most importantly, weapons trafficking.
She had worked for all kinds of people.
She frowned. Money makes beasts out of people.
"You recognised me."
She let out a yelp at the familiar voice and her car keys crashed on the dirty sidewalk. It was so late in the night, and that little street was way too narrow. The lights were scarce and she could barely make out his face.
It was him. Her eyes widened and she immediately picked the keys back up to open her car, get in, and ride away as fast as possible. Levi Ackerman got his life back in the only way he knew how to do best. Killing the people who knew The Cleaner and maybe her time had come as well. She was a threat to his peace. She wouldn't be surprised if he killed her right this very instant.
She should have seen this coming. He wasn't just a dog. Levi Ackerman was a smart man. One of the smartest. He could read people. He could smell the fear emitting from his prey.
Before she knew it, she was slammed against the brick wall of a building. Strong arms pressed on the wall around her, keeping her trapped in a little makeshift cage. He just wanted to get a better look at her. Silver eyes, unreadable but dangerous. She didn't know whether he was threatening her or warning her, or just looking at her face.
"You're KT, aren't you?"
Her eyes widened at the nickname. Nobody had called her that in such a long time. All hackers had their own nicknames when they worked with clients. Giving your real name was downright suicidal.
"I- I've no idea what- we've never met before-"
"No. But we've worked for the same people." He stated as a matter of factly. She smelled peppermint in his breath that fanned warm down her face while he kept her trapped right there. God, he was so hot upclose-
What the fuck are you thinking about, he's going to kill you, you fucking dumb-
She had to keep it together. Maybe there was no point in trying to convince him otherwise. "I never worked for Pavlov," there was such hatred when she uttered that man's name.
"But you've worked for his biggest rivals." Levi pointed out and she bit the inside of her cheek. "Men I'd been tasked with killing so, so many times, but tracking them was so very impossible when some brat like you was always there to erase their footprints."
She sighed and looked at him in the eye. She certainly had made his life a living hell back in her glory days as a hacker. "Are you going to kill me?"
"So long as you don't promise to keep your pretty mouth shut."
He stared at her for a bit longer. Silver eyes bore into her own and she was certain for a moment that he was indeed going to kill her. Maybe she'd never make it back to the refuge tonight.
But he released her and her eyes widened in surprise.
"I saw you helping that old man." He turned to leave. Like him, she had also stopped participating in this madness of illegality, corruption and immorality. He had to get back. Rafael was waiting for him in the car. "We're not monsters, KT." He gave her one last look, tucking his hands in the pockets of his black leather jacket. "We're just people who have walked through hell and managed to come out of it alive."
tagging: @nathalunalune @slavanimesimp @dassmyname @nighttimescribbles @tonaken @killerbananas <- im adding u too to the squad uwu @soaringmirror @ushiwhacka
sorry no photoshopped stuff today, this bitch is tired AHAHAHA ALSO IT'S UNEDITED
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kpmgtoday · 7 years
Kinderhook Bank Appoints Harry Kabalian, Chief Financial Officer
Previous experience includes six years with KPMG where Kabalian provided accounting and auditing expertise to a diverse client base, including ... Delivered by KPMG Today (@KPMG_TO) Read more here Follow @KPMG_TO on Twitter to get latest updates
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maxgainzzz · 7 years
Kinderhook Bank Corp. (NUBK: OTCQB) | Kinderhook Bank Appoints Harry Kabalian, Chief Financial Officer
from OTC Markets Group - News, Filings & Corporate Actions http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/NUBK/news?id=173960
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Shrekky’s first Halloween and Shrekky as Junior Fencing Champion 2009
Teletubby Shrekky?!
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nighttimescribbles · 2 years
“Just a boy and his dog…”
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Sorry for the silence, Bub. still getting my bearings but i wanted to show you this as quick as I could. My take on Harry's origin story. In a much, much earlier and unrelated draft, beagles also appeared in relation to Zeke. I think it's fate. not proofed. sorry for any spag errors/typos/funnies.
“Clare, no.”
“Clare, yes.” 
Before he could utter another word in protest, Zeke found himself hauled into the spacious foyer of the Smiths’ home. Their heavy front door slammed shut behind him. 
“Now,” his old friend and colleague, Clare Smith, dusted her hands and beamed at him in what could only be described as malicious glee. Behind her, her husband, Erwin Smith, whistled to himself as he contemplated the ceiling, hands shoved in his pockets.
“We’re popping out for a fair at Shrekky’s school -” 
Said Shrekky made her presence known by unleashing a nuclear squeal as she battered through the second floor of the house, half-shod and followed by the joyous barks and thumping steps of the family’s three spaniels. Neither of her parents batted an eye.
“- it’ll take all afternoon, but I expect we’ll be back by evening. You shouldn’t have too much trouble. They’re only a couple of days old, and mum’s so lovely. Takes such good care of them and barely leaves their side -”
Zeke raised his eyes to the din echoing through the ceiling. Shrekky had, by now, made her way in and out of her room, slamming doors and thundering down the steps hollering about being ready to go. Erwin, spotting an opportunity, murmured something about seeing to his daughter and bowed out. Zeke glared daggers into the back of his blond head.
“Clare, I’ve never been a zookeeper,” Zeke whined in last-ditch protest.
His friend rolled her eyes and dragged him by the arm into the recesses of the house. “I’m not running a zoo. Just asking you to mum-and-pup-sit a little, is all. You owe me a favour and I’m calling it in now, Jaeger. Look.” 
He looked. One corner of the Smiths’ expansive kitchen was overrun by an enormous dog pen.
“Aren’t they darling?” Clare cooed from the threshold, her grip on poor Zeke’s arm unrelenting. At the sound of her voice, the female beagle lying inside the pen raised her head, snuffled quietly, and stared at the newcomers with the largest, most soulful eyes. All around her, squeaking and burrowing into her belly, were her jellybean-shaped pups, snouts still pearly pink and eyes closed but already sporting their tell-tale black-tan-and–white beagle coats.
Clare crouched beside them and put her hand out for the mum. The dog nuzzled into her palm as Zeke watched impassively on.
“You and Erwin are raising beagles now, too?” He sounded less than impressed, though unsurprised. There was always something interesting going on at the Smith home, and most of the time, it had to do with turning the ancient, respectable estate into a right proper menagerie.
“Don’t be silly,” Clare scoffed. “We’ve our hands full seeing to Jasper, Pippa, Tim, and their ringleader, Shrekky. Erwin and I are only temporarily housing these cuties until they can go to better homes.”
“These fleabags having a hard time finding takers, eh?” 
In spite of himself (and the disapproving look Clare sent his way), Zeke, too, reached for the momma beagle. She gave his proffered fist a thorough sniff, deemed it acceptable, and blessed it with several welcoming licks. Her pups squirmed. A particularly feisty one pushed himself up off his mum’s belly, threw his little head back, and hollered at the bringer of the new smell. 
Zeke clicked his tongue (the most amusement he deigned show) and gave the pup a gentle scratch on the forehead. The little one yodelled some more, hurling himself to and fro, before finally settling back down with a contemptuous snuffle.
Clare snorted. “This one’s taken after you already.”
“Very funny.”
She patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t be looking so morose, Zekey. Think of it as your good deed of the year. Lord knows you’re terribly short of your quota.”
“You’re not being very persuasive.”
“Look after them for an afternoon and I’ll never ask another favour of you ever again.”
Zeke’s look of disbelief said it all.
Clare shoved him. “Oh, come on,” she wheedled. “Have a spot of humanity.” Stroking the mother beagle who still looked hopefully up at them, “Poppy was just rescued from the lab along with several hundred other poor souls. She was fit to burst with all her pups but wouldn’t have them. And can you blame her? Ferried from shelter to shelter, all of them unfit for this poor momma -”
“Wait a minute.” Zeke narrowed his eyes at her. It wasn’t so long ago - only earlier that week, in fact - that the tenacious Clare Smith landed once again in the papers for having successfully caused the release of loads upon loads of dogs from an animal testing facility. Erwin had preened non-stop about his wife over it, and Clare herself had made some righteous, teary-eyed vow on national T.V. about giving those poor animals a better future.
“You did not.”
“Did not what?” 
Feigned innocence did not become Clare.
“Poppy is one of those lab beagles.”
Clare sniffed. “She doesn’t live in a lab anymore.”
“You named her Poppy!”
“Every dog has the right to a name!”
“And you let her give birth in your house!”
“I couldn’t very well throw her out in the cold, could I?”
Zeke groaned, face in his hands. “And now I’m stuck baby-sitting them.”
“That’s the spirit! The sooner you come to terms with it, the better!”
From the front of the house echoed Shrekky’s and her dad’s excited conversation. A minute later, Clare’s little bundle of joy bellowed for her momma to hurry up. Clare rose.
“That’s me. Gotta go. Don’t want to be late for the most important school fair of the season!”
Zeke shot her a pleading, chagrined look. He appeared especially pitiful squatting on his heels beside Poppy’s pen (which Shrekky had lined with the brightest, most garish floral print known to man and ogre) in his cashmere sweater and perfectly tailored coat. 
Clare patted his shoulder. “Good deed of the year, Zekey. We’ll be back before seven.”
The Smiths were not, in fact, back before seven. Shrekky’s school fair was a huge hit, and her prominent parents an even bigger success. Quite forgetting Zeke and his litter of ‘fleabags’ back home, the excited young family went out for supper, and then ice cream afterwards, before finding their way back around eleven-ish.
The Smith home blazed with light. Shrekky was fast asleep in her daddy’s arms. Clare unlocked the front door and was immediately met with the wagging tails of Pippa, Jasper, and Tim.
“Where’s Zeke, then?” Clare whispered to her babies, who whined and danced in and out of her legs and led her inside.
Couch cushions and an old afghan were strewn all over the living room carpet, the ruins of a puppy-sized plush fort. The trail led directly to the kitchen, the floor of which was peppered with milky dust. Pippa’s, Jasper’s, and Tim’s bowls were at their usual places by the kitchen island, licked clean (if not also overturned). The wrappings their dinner came in were neatly scraped and hurriedly shoved to one side of the kitchen counter, where they were left forgotten beside an open can of formula Clare had never seen before. She gave it a sniff, shut the lid properly, and peered at the label.
Premium goat’s milk. Organic. Enriched for lactating dogs.
Poppy’s pen was ajar. Zeke’s feet stuck out of one end of it. The rest of him was sprawled inside, dead asleep on his back on the cold kitchen tile. Poppy had curled up on his coat and was burrowed into his side, snoring. Her pups had likewise made themselves comfortable around their new bedmate. One had crept into the wrist of Zeke’s cashmere sweater, while a pair of squeaking girls buried their little faces into his beard. Their brother - the feisty, noisy one - had crawled down the neck of Zeke’s shirt and had fallen asleep with his round little bum tucked under Zeke’s chin and his tail all over Zeke’s mouth. The rest of the litter flopped like molten clocks all over his face and head.
Erwin sidled up to his wife and peered over her shoulder at their friend. “Should we wake him?”
Clare didn’t even take a moment to consider. “Nah. Better to let them grow on him.”
Over the next few weeks, Zeke made more frequent appearances at the Smith’s under the pretext of embracing his ‘uncle duties’. Whether he was more an uncle to Shrekky or to Poppy and her babies, remained unclear.
One morning, eight weeks to the day he was roped into Poppy’s world, Zeke felt an overwhelming hankering to take his usual morning jog past the Smith house for a change. And since he was already there, he figured, good old Uncle Zeke might as well drop in and enliven their day.
Except he found the Smiths’ home already chaotic.
It wasn’t eight o’clock in the morning yet, but the driveway was already backed up with cars and the lawn crawling with people - mostly families with beaming, bouncing children in tow. Zeke spotted Shrekky in the thick of it, making playmates and showing off the puppies - beagle puppies - in her arms. Nearby, her parents chatted with a handful of people wearing shirts emblazoned with a rescue shelter’s logo.
Zeke wove through the crowd and caught Clare by the upper arm. 
“What’s going on?”
She was tremendously pleased to see him, if her wide, toothy grin was any indication. Gesturing to the shelter people, “It’s adoption day! Poppy and her babies are going to their forever homes today!”
A couple with a gaggle of noisy children walked past with their own beagle puppy. Zeke acutely felt the strange sinking feeling in his stomach.
“All of them?”
He didn’t catch Clare throwing a wink Erwin’s way. “Quite,” she said, linking her arm in his and steering him towards the house. “Huge turnout we have today. I’m pretty sure they’ll all be snapped up and gone soon. Take the chance to say good-bye. You’re their favourite uncle.” She tried not to snigger as she said that.
Zeke rolled his eyes but obediently followed her inside through the living room and the by-now familiar kitchen. The pen he had grown so used to seeing was dismantled now. Poppy and her babies had no use for it anymore. All that remained now was the gaudy floral blanket, making a last stand at hosting Poppy and her last remaining pup.
“Poor girl’s gone shy at all the commotion,” Clare explained. 
Zeke sank onto the tile. Poppy’s tail wagged and her little face brightened at the sight of him. The roly-poly pup raising a ruckus beside her tumbled incessantly, barking for Zeke’s attention and pawing at his knee. Without a second thought, Zeke scooped the pup up and plonked him onto his lap, where he promptly began to bat and chew at the ends of Zeke’s hoodie strings.
“Who’s taking Poppy?” he suddenly asked. The dog had made herself comfortable with her head on his palm and was growing drowsy-eyed with contentment as she received a good chin rubbing.
“A man with a lovely farm,” Clare replied, watching the proceedings from the door. Zeke was completely engrossed, back to her and bent head almost level with Poppy’s and her baby’s. “She’ll have plenty of space to run and be a dog.”
“She’ll have plenty of room at your country place, too.”
Clare bit back a smile at that. “There’s a thought. We’ve all become fond of her.”
As Poppy snoozed on Zeke’s lap, her little pup clawed up Zeke’s sweatshirt, found himself hanging in mid-air by his sharp little claws, and let out a horrified howl. His mother’s ears twitched, but otherwise, she did not move. It was Zeke who laughed, untangled the tiny adventurer, and brought him up to face level.
“And this pint-sized gremlin?” he asked. “Who’s to be saddled with him?”
“Probably another family with a bunch of wailing kids who can spend all day running hi8m silly” Clare nonchalantly replied.
Zeke’s mouth thinned and his brows came together. “You mean he isn’t spoken for?”
“No one wanted him enough to put in a reservation?” Zeke demanded, twisting around and sounding personally offended for the puppy, who was busying himself going to town leaving teeny tiny teeth puncture marks on the front of Zeke’s sweatshirt.
Clare shrugged.
“Is everybody in the world blind?” Zeke raved. In his indignation, he’d risen to his knees, puppy still possessively clutched to his chest. “How could anybody look at this face-” he gesticulated at the pup like he was showing off a national treasure, “and these little feetsies and not want him?”
The corners of Clare’s mouth twitched wildly. “Feetsies?”
Zeke didn’t hear or notice. He was too busy ranting about how people never saw the good that was right under their noses. 
“Zeke, who are you to talk? You always called them ‘little gremlins’.”
“Because they are!” He looked down at the pup in his arms. It paused mid-gnaw, stared back at him, let out the biggest yawn its tiny face could muster, and hurled itself against his chest.
“He’s taken a real shine to Uncle Zeke,” Clare laughed. When there was no response forthcoming, she turned away to leave. “I need to get back to everybody up front. Take your time with them.”
‘Uncle Zeke’ did not remain long in the kitchen. Clare had not been gone fifteen minutes than her friend wandered out the front door, sweatshirt on backwards and Poppy in his arms. He strode right up to Clare and Erwin and deposited Poppy into Clare’s arms.
“Keep her,” he said, all stony-faced seriousness. Tilting his chin towards his chest, “And I’ll keep this pint-sized gremlin for myself.”
Stuffed into the fleece of the ample hoodie of his sweatshirt, Poppy’s last boy lolled contentedly on his back, blinking into the morning light and reaching with his soft pink paws. Zeke grinned at him and couldn’t resist reaching in to tickle the pup’s fat belly.
“We’re off to go shopping,” he announced to his friends, “Harry and I.”
Erwin’s brows went up. Clare crossed her arms and put on the smug-est grin in her arsenal. “Harry?”
Zeke made a face at her. “The gremlin. He wants to be called Harry. Told me himself.”
Clare’s satisfaction, if any, only expanded. “Of course,” she cooed. “Now where are you and Harry off to in such a rush?”
Zeke sniffed importantly. “To the shops, of course. We’re going to clean out the fanciest, best damn pet store in town to stick it to them.”
Erwin looked utterly bewildered. “Stick it to who?”
His wife gently patted his chest. “To everyone who didn’t deign fight over little Harry, of course. Right, Zeke?”
Terror-in-the-criminal-court Prosecutor Zeke Jaeger nodded curtly. “A big box of toys for Harry and presents for Poppy, too, to celebrate her staying.” Leaning forward, he petted her head. “Just you wait for Uncle Zeke to be back!”
Clare and Erwin watched him melt into the crowd with a pep to his step, whistling to himself and both hands cradled underneath his backwards hoodie.
“He forgot to sign the adoption papers,” Erwin remarked.
Clare laughed. “I’ll run them to his office on Monday morning.” For now, she was more than satisfied to watch them go on their merry way, a big old boy and his little dog.
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