#kabalite warrior
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Thought of the Day: Foolish are those who fear nothing, yet claim to know everything.
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Kabalite Warrior by Jonas Spokas
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titanomancy · 2 years
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Around elves, watch yourselves.
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wh40kartwork · 1 year
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Incubus / Kabalite Warrior
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simonbreeze · 5 months
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This guy is the one and only Kablite warrior on the kill team. I think that's why he's packing a back banner, just to feel a bit special to fit in with the rest of the team.
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fafnyer · 6 months
Kabalite Warriors!!!
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cultofthewyrm · 2 years
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Kabalite Warrior by Jonas Spokas
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rats-and-robots · 5 months
Rendevous w/ the Reaving Tempest
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(this next bit supposed to be from Marazhai, not the Kabalite Warrior)
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gort-grundlekin · 1 year
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Whole loada kabalite warriors
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semicolonthefifth · 2 years
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Kabal-less Druhkari Kabalite warrior in need of help.
Fun quick doodle I did.
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historitor-bookshelf · 4 months
I've still been listening to Da Big Dakka and just came across a scene in which it starts raining Orks due to teleportation shenanigans (to make a long story very short). Kabal Archon 1 stands on her Venom when multiple Orks crash down on the nose of it and flipping it.
She uses the momentum of the flip to backflip to another Archon's bigger vessel.
On said bigger vessel, a Kabalite warrior swings around a mast to kick an Ork off but just bounces off said Ork.
I mean holy shit, it's entertaining.
I came for the orly fun but I am staying because of Drukhari anime shit.
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awkwardgaydude · 4 months
Kind wanna build the drukhari I bought forever ago but also eh idk if I can be bothered because I have a whole combat patrol plus another squad of kabalite warriors. Just eh ya know?
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banshee-king · 1 year
Some Index Aeldari Thoughts:
Autarchs are weird. You can only take mandiblasters with the banshee blade and fusion pistol (the old kit wargear). No other combo. You can take all the wargear from the new kit, but not mix it with the old kit. But both the foot version and flying version can take either combo? Like you can take both arms and head from the old flying kit, and put them on the new on-foot model, but you cannot take only one. If you want to switch a single arm on the old kit for a weapon from the new kit, you also have to remove the other arm and head as well. It’s bizarre. Autarchs also cannot take Warp Spider Jump Generators anymore?!
The new rules for characters joining units is also weird. Autarchs can only join Guardian infantry units, or Windrider units if they’re a Skyrunner. But no Aspect Warriors? Not even Shining Spears? Phoenix Lords can join their respective units, that’s fine. But no Autarchs with Aspect Warriors? Really?
Farseers can only join Guardian units too, or a Warlock Conclave. Individual Warlocks can only join Guardians as well, which I guess is how it used to be many editions ago, but I liked buffing Aspect Warrior units with Psykers. Interestingly, Spiritseers can join Wraithguard or Wraithblade unit which you’d expect, BUT they can also join a Wraithlord? Kinda cool.
Yvraine can join Guardians, Corsairs, Harlequins, Kabalites, and Wychs which is cool. What’s weird is that the Visarch can only join the exact same units. Problem? The Visarch can join Wychs but not Incubi? Why?
Harlequins are weird though. Troupes now are 4-11 models plus a mandatory leader which is different to the Troupe Master who is a separate unit/character. Both Masters and Shadowseers can join a Troupe, but Death Jesters cannot?
Aspect Warrior units also have mandatory Exarchs now, which I’m kind of sad about. Not needing unit leaders is what made Craftworlds sort of unique in their own little way.
As for stand out units, well Warp Spiders look cool. Deathspinners used to be like shotguns, now they’re flamethrowers with devastating wounds? Neat. Wraithblades/guard are also super tanky. T7, 3 Wounds, 2+ Save, maybe 4+ Invul as well? Oof, that’s good. Wraithlords are T11, 10 Wounds, 2+ Save. I actually started a Wraith Host army before Eldar got the new range update. I haven’t gotten around to buying the new units, (pile of shame big enough). But since Wraith units look so good, I might be able to play my Eldar regardless. I mean I’d know for sure if I had any damn points costs to see what I can fit in 2000 pts.
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By the Steward Sulime Arenan, with notes by the Lady Y'pollea.
Before spring comes the longest night of winter.
It began in tragedy. Nenime had returned from wild space and taken a commanding role beside our mother, Matriarch Yavannie [1]. Their first expedition took them and a mighty force of a hundred and nine warriors to what had seemed like a miracle.
Beforehand, the Crone-Council of Iybraesil had been battered by visions of a wonder born from the elder days, a time when the newborn aeldari race had fought against the devourer gods of the Necrontyr. Some called it a shrine to lost powers. Others, an altar of martial resurrection. A few understood it as a workshop to engineer an empire. It was a jewel in the skeins. It came to be called the Nexus of Fate [2].
Such had been the potency and headiness of those visions that Matriarch Yavannie was persuaded to gather her forces in haste. An influential autarch along the southern habitats of Iybraesil, Matriarch Yavannie did not wait for further reinforcements. So it was that a reclamation force composed of aspect warriors and militia sworn to the House of Arenan was readied to traverse the most treacherous spars of the webway.
Only Nenime spoke out against the expedition.
The Crone-Council was emminently wise, Nenime argued, but the treasures of the past were seldom so benign [3]. She knew as much. Great treasures often came at a great cost. Turn away, this promised wonder, she said, was simply another weapon. Our Fall had damned our foreseeable fate, but so too had it cursed the remnants of our past.
Slowly, strangely, the council began speaking of the imminent restoration of the grand Aeldari Dominion.
They had become fixed and intolerant of dissent. To speak of tools of war was one thing, but to take it a step further... Nenime called it delusional. Foolish. Evil.
First, Nenime tried to charm. Then she begged. Finally, she threatened. It was only when the Council suggested that Matriarch Yavannie would be sent into the impossible labyrinth without her youngest daughter that Nenime seemed to relent. It was Nenime who led Iybraesil's forces through the webway, making use of all the skills she had developed as a Voidscarred. What Matriarch Yavannie thought of Nenime's disquiet, we do not know. Mother and daughter keep their secrets. What is known is that the expedition continued without further delay; the reclamation force arrived at the Nexus of Fate, and all went wrong [4].
It was like a dark diamond, feeding parasitically on the star it orbited. Further words fail to encompass what Matriarch Yavannie's force discovered, but it can be said that the Nexus was not unlike a vault. Charged aether-crystal assemblies lay in darkness, starsteel forges lay silent. There were armaments, precursors to high aeldari art, and towering constructs armed with the same. That was not all. There were other, stranger weapons, clearly meant for different beings. The wonder could not have lasted long. For a moment, the hopes of the Crone-Council seemed realized, but as the force delved deeper and scattered throughout the vault, not all was as it seemed. The Nexus would be no birthplace of glory. Honor would never be drawn from that place. The Dominion would never rise again.
The Great Enemy, Chaos, nested at the heart of the Nexus.
Whatever polarity wards had shielded the Nexus from the energies it fed upon had been shattered, inverted by the psychic backlash of the Fall. Matriarch Yavannie's arrival had at long last awoken the ancient evil slumbering at its heart. Nenime had been right, alas. Yet even she could not have imagined the extent of the horror.
More predators loomed in the shadows of the Nexus.
Led by the haruspicy of Dark City Heg-Crones and the tortured visions of psychic medusae, a substantial party of kabalite trueborn and incubi sworn to the Kabal of the Dying Sun had lingered in the shadowed hull of the Nexus, awaiting the glory and terror that came from hunting their own kin. The Dracon at their head had promised his followers ample opportunity to sate their inherent murder-lust. Above all, he offered his starveling killers the chance to claim waystones from those they felled, for a shattered waystone is a vaunted status symbol among the warrior cults of Commorragh.
Their intent was not to claim the Nexus, but to use it as a hunting ground. The Drukhari either did not know, or did not care for the weapons within. They waited in the shadows, eager for the moment in which they could strike the most dolorous blow.
It is impossible to say how or when the attack began. We know the constructs shivered to life, revealing a corruption that had lain dormant and concealed but a moment before. Pale creations, maliciously possessed by the archenemy, fell upon the reclamation force with mighty weapons of old, horn, and claw. Six herald daemonettes screamed light into the dark in rapturous revelry. Daemonic trills and the cloying scent of ancient doom filled the air as the true master of the Nexus stepped forth from the vault's warp-tainted heart: The hymns of lamentation refer to this entity as the Sorrowsister, servant of Sai'lanthresh, the exalted Keeper of Secrets, Ni'nui. Her daemonic legion had infested the Nexus eons before and fate had at last delivered playthings onto her cruel playground.
It was as Matriarch Yavannie's forces reeled, and surely sought to extricate themselves from the unfolding disaster, that the Drukhari revealed themselves. The ambush had been well planned; null-slaves had been placed throughout the nearest webway accesses as to prevent the withdrawal of their Asuryani prey. Incubi prowled with with klaives as preening kabalites roamed in packs, all intent on the foulest murder [5]. A vicious three-way battle ensued.
It can only be said with certainty that the mother sought to keep the forces of the archenemy at bay whilst the daughter sought an exit through the Drukhari, or some way, any way, to get her sisters in arms out. In time, Nenime came across her counterpart, the Dracon of the Dying Sun [6]. There was no glory in this encounter. The raiders had lingered less than a fortnight, but that had been enough for their Dracon to fall victim to a particular kind of madness. The Dracon, it seems, had become obsessed with the dominance the Nexus held over its star. So apparent had been his deterioration that, as the Iybraesil strike-force arrived, his warlords had wrested command of the ambush and abandoned their master to his own obsessions.
As the ambush began, the Dracon looked upon the emaciated star from some chamber, heatshields lowered, visual filters drawn. He had even removed his armor, to feel the heat upon his flesh. The Nexus was so close to its star that the light within was blinding, the heat blistering. That was when Nenime faced the Dracon.
Unbeknownst to all, as the atrocity raged, the mad Dracon had set the Nexus on a plummeting dive into its star, so that all might be consumed in dying, solar glory. Nenime slew him, and took from his remains a remote that would detonate the collars of the scattered null-slaves. At last, the survivors could attempt an escape.
Trapped in its headlong plunge, the Nexus could not be saved.
By now, breaking apart and suffused with unbearable heat and brilliance, it had become apparent that the farce was at an end. The Drukhari were sated; their warlords gathered what forces they cared to save and slinked away to safety. Even the heralds of the Sorrowsister fled with their own favorites. Nenime rallied what forces she could, saving what waystones she could, and found Matriarch Yavannie locked in mortal combat against the Sorrowsister.
Matriarch Yavannie, head of the House of Arenan, Mother to three, had already been wounded half a dozen times. The Matriarch plunged her blade through the creature's heart even as she was speared through her side.
Accounts fail us. Nenime added her own blade to her mother's and the Sorrowsister was banished for a thousand years, until the seasons wheeled and the creature once again brought sorrow to Iybraesil [7].
The disaster was complete. Nenime returned home with ten other survivors and our mother's remains [8].
All of Iybraesil mourned. Our father decided Nenime would be the first to walk the path of grief, followed by her elder sisters. House and craftworld came together to celebrate the life of Yavannie Arenan, faithful and dauntless, but Nenime remained as a woman in a nightmare.
What shades lay in her heart then none could say. Many believed that it was the longest night of winter in her soul. Doubtless it was so, but when Nenime looked out into the night she wondered at a deeper darkness. What was her fate, if not to stand beside our mother? So too did she yearn for justice. The Sorrowsister's heralds were still out there; the Drukhari warlords were still at large.
An age had come to and end. Neniwe, the Springsong, yet remained in silence and ruin.
Telling no one, Nenime strayed from the sorrow-path and set plans into motion. For even after the longest night comes morning, when shadows grow long.
[1]: Thankfully, Nenime's first forays into corsairhood lie beyond the purview of this account. Suffice it to say, she made the right friends and sucked up to the right people. You gotta give it to her. She's got guts and a killer form with sword and pistol. Nenime had risen respectably high among the corsairs of Math'lannor when she got homesick and decided it was time to go home.
[2]: Nenime rarely speaks of it, but when she does, she calls it a farce.
[3] This has to be the nicest thing Nenime has ever said about those old hags, plainly.
[4]: How did Nenime foresee that particular calamity? Most kinda guess that it was her corsair's instinct, the one she had earned during her service to Princess Math'elenna. Nenime had indeed walked on many Croneworlds and fetched her fair share of soulstones. But that's just caution. Too simple. When I imagine Nenime before Iybraesil's mummified council, I sense a certain omniscient horror in her voice as she speaks. They drag her out and she cries, 'You don't know what you're doing!'. Maybe that's just me. Something was screaming in her, right? Perhaps she felt the touch of Ynnead even then.
[5]: Nenime thrice reached out to the raiding party's six warlords, sybarites and hierarchs both, with entreaties once it became apparent doom would envelop them all. Her offers were rudely rejected.
[6]: His name goes unrecorded. Nenime claims she genuinely can't remember.
[7]: The archenemy attacked Iybraesil as the Dathedain tore the galaxy a new one. Nenime’s role during this - can’t we talk about that instead? (S: No. Please adhere to the standards discussed) Whatever.
[8]: Would you believe it? They follow her to this day.
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wh40kartwork · 2 years
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Kabalite Warrior
by Jonas Špokas
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cattlearts · 1 year
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New guy!!! Shit-tier kabalite warrior called cockroach (cock for short). Has a miserable fucking time all the time, more so than most drukhari
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