#kaburagi issa is not supposed to be sad and depressed and that's a FACT
ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 727: The training camp's first battle!!
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Pag 1
1: Oh, Touji-kun
Thank you so much for this year, too
2: Everyone else has already started running
Yeah, I was a little late with preparations
You have some lively first years
3: It's the third time you stay here, so you can just park wherever
Thank you so much
4: It started already?
The “training camp”
5: It has already started
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Pag 2
1: The first battle that will decide the Inter High's positions
3: The first “buddies battle”!!
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Pag 3
1: E.... everyone has to pair up... choose their “buddy” and run, that's the rule of this training camp...
Huh.... Murakami.... your....
2: “Buddy”....
7: Is the second year Kaburagi-san!?
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Pag 4
1: But... wait, our partner... shouldn't it be.... a fellow first year... huh!?
2: Can he do this!?
4: After all, before the start, Naruko-san only said.... “choose a partner among these people”!!
5: But the idea of choosing a second year senpai....
He played that card?
6: I didn't have good results in the first years' race
7: During the first years' race, at first, when Kinaka said we should accelerate
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Pag 5
1: A small fry just fell, should we accelerate a little, Murakami-kun?
He's a nice guy. I think this pace is fine
I stopped Kinaka from accelerating and shaking off Rokudai
2: Now I regret being “nice”!!
5: After that Rokudai followed us on the mountain and the was at the top on the climb!! And even though he retired after that
6: He joined as a member in the qualifiers and his results were recognized!!
Seeing all that, I
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Pag 6
1: I swore I would never show mercy to anyone!!
2: He opened them!!
Murakami's eyes!!
3: Let's go , Kaburagi-san
Let's quickly get rid of those who get in our way!!
But wait, why did Kaburagi-san pair up with Murakami
4: Uh... Murakami, you said “those who get in our way”....
No but Kaburagi-san is so fast!!
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Pag 7
1: He got ahead of the line in a second!! And Murakami followed him!!
3: Please accelerate!!
4: Wait, Murakami! Oi, stop! That guy participated in the Inter High last year when he was a first year....
And he competed for the sprint line on the first and third day, too....
No, wait-
If you accelerate now, we....
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Pag 8
1: Houru-
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Pag 9
1: aaaaaaaagh
2: This is bad, waaaa
Follow them!! We have to follow them
Don't get left behind!!
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Pag 10
1: Don't get lef.... ugh- waaaaa
So fast!! Dammit!!
3: Amazing!! So this is Kaburagi-san's acceleration!!
The legs that during the Inter High fought on par against Hakogaku!!
4: If I didn't know the timing and didn't bring myself as close to him as possible to cut the wind resistance, I would have been left behind too!!
5: But other than me, the other first years
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Pag 11
2: Yes, we got rid of them!!
3: Haha.... hahaha!! I'll go to the Inter High!! That's why I joined Sohoku!!
4: Next, the second years... and then the third years!!
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Pag 12
1: Straight road!!
2: Kinaka and Rokudai!!
They sticked close to us on the opposite side!!
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Pag 13
1: You're keeping up, Rokudai!!
Somehow.... yeah, teh!!
2: You two again, dammit!!
They're entering the climb, teh!!
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Pag 14
4: What a relief... they're not attacking on the climb for now....!!
It's tough to keep up with that pace
5: But they'll attack at some point, so don't relax your attention, Rokudai
Yeah, teh
6: I'll keep an eye on Murakami's movement, if he starts moving I'll give you a signal!!
I'll leave it to you, teh!!
8: But Murakami's facial expression is difficult to read!!
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Pag 15
1: First lap, clear!!
2:  1)Kaburagi; 2)  Murakami; 3) Kinaka; 4) Rokudai
3: Kaburagi, Murakami, me, and Rokudai!!
We cleared it almost at the same time!!
4: Suddenly.... the first lap was so hard? Kinaka-kun
5: Ah... well!! It's probably gonna get harder from here on
Look, behind us, there are no
6: first years following!!
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Pag 17
1: Dammit!!
2: Kinaka-kun is a road racer, so of course he turns around to check behind at key points!!
And since Rokudai clings to him, he looked behind too!!
3: That was our sign to accelerate, Kinaka!!
I told you I would show no mercy!!
4: Let's keep going like this, Kaburagi-san!!
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Pag 18
1: We left them behind!!
2: Hahaha.... like this, I'll be the top among the first years....!!
3: Hahaha the top!!
4: Danchiku....
6: This is bad!!
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Pag 19
1: It's- it's okay, Kaburagi-san! Danchiku-san said he'd just be a little late and come with Kanzaki-san's car, didn't he?
2: Yeah.... you think he will really come, Murakami?
3: He will definitely come!!
Yes!! And he'll be as healthy as ever!!
4: I believe so!!
5: Yeah!! You're right
You're a nice guy, Murakami
6: Ah but we promised I'll be your temporary buddy until Danchiku-san comes
Honestly, I'll be sad when he comes!! I really want to run all 1000km with Kaburagi-san!!
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Pag 20
1: Just until Danchiku-san comes, is that okay, please
Hm... well anyone will do, if it's not Danchiku..
2: Until then, thank you!!
What do we do next?
Let's keep going atthis pace, please!!
5: Ah?
6: Danchiku-san?
7: No.... he won't come, right?
Even I can see that his condition is bad
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Pag 21
1: He has a serious innjury or some other problem, right!?
2: He won't come, that guy!!
3: You and me will keep running like this until the end, Kaburagi-san!!
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Pag 22
1: Can you see it, Danchiku?
2: Those guys are struggling to understand the course
3: … yes!!
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