#kacchan is going to teach eri every swear word under the sun
makeste · 3 years
sleep is for the weak lol the cover for the 6th light novel is out.
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every cell in my body is alive right now.
let’s just get right to the point here: Bakugou. Eri. Bakugou and Eri. Bakugou standing next to Eri. while she carefully mimics his hunched hands-in-pockets posture and baggy shirt aesthetic. it’s finally happened, everyone. the two of them have met and sized each other up and decided to become best friends. later today they are going to the mall and hitting up Build-A-Bear.
Aizawa is trying to size up the situation and decide whether Bakugou’s influence is gonna be a net good overall. Eri’s been going through a bit of a rebellious phase ever since Tokoyami bought her that sword. on the one hand he really would rather not have his seven-year-old running around saying “fuck” every third sentence, but on the other hand it’s good she at least picked a role model who has the same bedtime as her.
Sero being on the cover is amazing!! it’s finally your time!! I hope he gets a whole chapter all to himself. I wonder who that mystery character is standing behind him.
loving the fact that Momo is here as well. also Tokage. someone who’s better at Japanese than I am can maybe tell me if this is possibly some sort of pun about her name being Setsuna, and them all celebrating Setsubun. I know the kanji are different so it’s a long shot, but I just really want to experience the thrill of uncovering a Horikoshi pun just once in my life. anyways, good to see she didn’t let that defeat in the JT arc get her down, and that she and Momo are having regular get-togethers where they bond over being elite U.A. recommendation students who are better and smarter than everyone else.
Shouto, also an elite U.A. recommendation student, was told to smile at the camera and honestly had every intention of doing so, truly. but then he saw this really tiny sakura petal and was all “I think I can catch that on my nose.” and then he did.
Deku is trying so hard to be the most adorable character on the cover now that Eri’s new life coach is teaching her how to make thug expressions. he hasn’t succeeded yet (Deku, that is; Bakugou is well on his way to helping Eri master the thug face catalog already), but he’s still pretty goddamned adorable.
the title is 泣かない赤鬼? -- “the red demon that doesn’t cry?”, or something like that. the description/preview blurb over on Shueisha’s site mentions Setsubun, which means this takes place in early February of their first year. so r.i.p., hopes of getting some post-war-arc hospital antics. although you never know, maybe the story will jump ahead towards the end of the book. and if not there’s always vol. 7 I suppose.
so getting back to Setsubun, that’s the bean-throwing holiday that Eri got confused about and was trying to celebrate during the Christmas party. Setsubun is basically about ringing in the end of winter and the beginning of spring (based on the lunar calendar, hence why it falls in February).
anyway so fun fact, while the main tradition associated with Setsubun involves purifying your home by throwing beans outside the front door and chanting “demons out, good luck in”, there are plenty of other traditions, including one in which someone dresses up like an oni/demon and tries to scare the children and then the children throw beans at them lol. the reason I bring this last bit up is because the preview blurb mentions Bakugou taking on the oni role here. so basically what I’m saying is that if you buy this book, you can read all about Eri pelting Bakugou with roasted soybeans. anyway so yeah, this is the best timeline, you guys.
and on that note I think I’ve run out of things to say now, except that it’s killing me that we still have to wait until next month to get the official English release of light novel #5, let alone this one. this might be the first of the BnHA light novels I actually wind up purchasing in Japanese. I am seriously considering it lol. please inject this novel into my veins.
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