wrathfulpup · 1 year
@kaengeru started following you
[ Don’t worry about him. He’s just casually, not subtly, staring at her tattoos. ]
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blackmouthdog · 3 months
Solid hollow, wrapped in hatred/ Not a drop of venom wasted....
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The summer sun hung just above the smoke and haze of a distant fire, choking the skies with a red blush. Dry this far from the southern rains, dead grasses and branches perfect kindling for any wildfire that felt ao inclined to spark. Never bothered Tick much, not when they held no ties to the lands beyond the basic respect for it- less so closer to cities they got. It was just outside some developed city, far enough to not have to deal with the concrete maze but not far enough to be close enough to commune easily with the green.
The pale hunter sat in the shade of the old camper, their paper white skin a pinkish hue despite having tried to avoid the summer sun best they could. Long brass-stained white hair was kept up and away from the face and covered neck by means of a light bandana scarf- too hot for the beanie, especially given how covered the woman was from head to toe. Modesty took precidence over comfort outside the even hotter interior of the camper.
A solid black mass sat beside the hunter as she went about her work- currently skinning and processing some dead snakes, milking their fangs over a small cast iron cooking pot. The beast seemed undeterred by its master's work, panting heavily as Tick continued tirelessly.
Tonight was a hunt, and they wanted to be prepared.
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What am I, a fucking zoo?
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violeteyedkiller · 9 months
🐦‍⬛ (+ sarah if u want) (+blab about the birdsi believe in u)
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Hamerkop (idk this just looks like the most Day shaped bird)
They make these HUGE nests I love seeing them at zoos. They're in the order Pelicaniformes that also includes ibis, herons, and shoebills!
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crystal-grotto · 1 year
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(sturm) smash or pass? :0)
Cocking head ever so slightly, ruby eyes scrutinize the fluffy creature before him as claws still from their task of mindless tinkering. The troll isn't sure exactly as to what he's dealing with now.
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'...Pass? I don't know who or vhat ju are-'
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//Also OOC because Busan is absolutely notself-aware enough to fill this out
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rhesus-skavative · 1 year
Enya's not going to say anything, even if a few things had come to mind, instead! She will give her best rat-friend a kiss to the muzzle, nuzzle him briefly, before standing up again and smile at him brightly. :0)
Before Enya lowered herself for a smooch and nuzzle the rat was already bruxing instinctively, She's admittedly his favorite person??? Whether he'd like to admit it such soft things or not, it's there as plain as day in Rot's actions!
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Blushing! Pinked! It's something a skaven rarely feels if at all, a fondness that isn't entirely greedy. Kisses and nuzzles in this merchant's mind are close to grooming and getting her musky stink on him is just a cherry on this sundae.~ He didn't react much to the bright smile Enya given right after, his face blindness tends to hinder these cues. But he did react to her stopping the affection! A quick groom to his face to spread the musk around himself before reaching up!! demanding more!
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"Enya!!! Why-why did you stop-halt? Rot's fine-pleased with you to continue as you-you may!" please please please please pl- so many grabby paws!!!
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ssunspotted · 1 year
☕️ + marsupials :0)
put those meat pockets away
or else let me have one
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burningfeathersx · 1 year
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Some of those box ticks don't seem very honest...And one seems Over Confident at best.
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smokescholar · 2 years
     He was staring transfixed by the giant inflatable lawn ornament.  Ornaments of this caliber didn’t exist on Gielinor, so Earth’s equivalent of Wintumber was a bit of a shock to the system. Despite being well over ten-thousand years old, there was still a sense of child-like wonder written all over his face.  Like a cat mesmerized by bright, flashing lights. 
     “The giant red and white...thing, that is a common food this time of year, right? Wouldn’t the children be confused and try and eat this monstrosity? I don’t know, it seems like a bit of a health hazard to me, you know how children get.” 
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wilfofficial · 1 year
x - (theres no specific 'choose one to answer yourself, but choose one to answer yourself!)
//sorry this took a whole extra week lmao
Munday ask meme
✯ :  A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?
An old rp partner who played a fantastic Seras Victoria suggested many years ago that Audrey would be into sci-fi and speculative fiction since I'd already written her as an enjoyer of kaiju movies, which are technically science fiction. I thought it was a neat idea, since Audrey's got an unusual position being able to see the ways that fictional ideas become reality and how different predictions do or don't come to pass as time goes by. It's actually gotten me to read more influential works in the genre and that's been a fun experience. It's a body of work that I hadn't given much thought to before and the depth and history of it has been a really fun dive to add dimension to Audrey's character.
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wrathfulpup · 1 year
The only saving grace of travelling to Wyoming of all fucking places, was that there was an unfortunately empty bed and on call room service waiting for him upon his return.
Well, that wasn't entirely true. The other silver lining was the credit card Lucifer had given him to rent a car to make the trip--which Miles may or may not have also used to get himself some fresh new clothes. He couldn't be out and about, representing Lucifer, wearing what had quickly become ratty looking clothes! Though, having the forethought to check where he would be going beforehand, he would rent a simple Jeep Wrangler to make the trip, rather than something a bit more sleek and sporty.
It was ultimately a decision he didn't regret too much as he pulled up to the house the package was addressed to. He would eye it, and the half built, or half disassembled, cars around it with unabashed judgement. It didn't matter much, though, he wouldn't be here long.
Slipping out the Jeep, package in hand, he would knock on the front door and wait.
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blackmouthdog · 2 months
📐 + 6
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Couldn't find a close enough icon for Enya!
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I wouldn’t specifically call them interests.
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crystal-grotto · 1 year
@kaengeru said:
Worth a shot. M'Enya. :0)
That earns a soft grunt. An introduction was to be given for an introduction from a stranger, even if he didn't particularly care for the previous topic.
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thornforged · 1 year
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What's that face???
Also, again, I can't not have that knot situation, so sorry.
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