ambroselaveau90 · 6 months
Darius knew he wasn't normal.He'd grown up sheltered by his ex-priest father,after losing his mom.He's always seen as crazy since bizarre things seem to happen around him as a kAfter a traumatic event,he discovers the innate powers that he inherited from a line of witches that were persecuted at the Salem Trials in 1692.
But when these extraordinary abilities surface,he embarks on a quest to defend himself from the entire Shadow World as a prophecy that will bring about a cataclysm places him at the center.With war brewing between the factions,many must decide where their loyalties lies:preserving long traditions,or doing what is right.
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Caleb Mclaughlin as Darius Jameson
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Nico Hiraga as Sekido Agatsuma
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Xolo Maridueña as Marcos Corazón
(I know I have rewritten this series,many times but after taking the time to plot out the first book as a spinoff series to other supernatural series.I've started Mallus Maleficarum,the first book in the series.
I decided to set it in New York City since it was my hometown.The feeling I have for the story is a supernatural forbidden love story as the trio fall for each other amidst a prophecy that sees Darius as the one to bring about the end of witch-kind.
Also I wanted to explore what it means to be a supernatural of color since the TVDU doesn't deal with that very well.My story also includes characters or mentions from other series such as Antoinette being friends with Sekido.
In this book,I wanted to make my Trio's bond be a slow burn to build their bond because they are the Golden Trio of the TVDU.
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gazeta24br · 10 months
CABARÉ CHINELO conta o outro lado da história das prostitutas que viveram no período da belle époque para a cidade de Manaus. Inspirada na pesquisa do historiador Narciso Freitas, a montagem é assinada pelo Ateliê 23, companhia amazonense que celebra dez anos de atuação, em parceria com a cia de teatro argentina García Sathicq. Em julho deste ano, a companhia apresentou a produção no Sesc Pinheiros e no Festival Internacional de Teatro de São José do Rio Preto. Todas as sessões com ingressos esgotados. O espetáculo retorna a São Paulo para três únicas apresentações no Teatro B32, de 17 a 19 de novembro. A história não contada nos livros ganha espaço em CABARÉ CHINELO 100 anos depois de seus acontecimentos. A belle époque manauara esconde o sangue de mulheres prostituídas em um grande esquema de tráfico internacional e sexual no início do século XX. A obra traz a história de Mulata, Balbina, Antonieta, Soulanger, Felícia, Laura, Joana, Luiza, Enedina, Sarah, Maria e Gaivota, que cantam suas vidas, pondo em cena verdades, até então, desconhecidas, levando o público uma imersão entre 1900 e 1920, com registros históricos por meio de recortes dos jornais da época. “Escolhemos quatro momentos para os recortes de jornais de verdade, material presente no programa do espetáculo e disponível em QR Code para a plateia”, destaca Taciano Soares, diretor do Ateliê 23, que interpreta o Kafter. “Nessas cenas, o público é convidado a abrir o arquivo e ler junto o que foi narrado no jornal da época”. O QUE FOI O CABARÉ CHINELO? Durante o período da belle époque, nas dependências do suntuoso Hotel Cassina existiu um cabaré. O lugar serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da cidade porque reunia os políticos e os poderosos da época. Como o principal produto que era extraído naquela época era o látex, principal elemento da borracha, isto deu nome ao “chinelo” e consequentemente ao Cabaré. Essa é a história que ouvimos e lemos nos livros narrados que chegam ao acesso de grande parte da população. Quando o Ateliê 23 conheceu o pesquisador de mestrado em história da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Narciso Freitas, teve acesso às verdades por trás dessa história. As mulheres conhecidas como prostitutas que chegavam a Manaus vinda de outras partes do mundo eram, na verdade, traficadas sexualmente, visto que muitas delas não tinham consciência de que estavam vindo à cidade para exercer esse papel, sem seu consentimento. Com isso revelou-se a necessidade em denunciar esta realidade, bem como trazer essas vozes ao palco, metaforicamente, para compartilhar como mulheres foram consideradas desde o período áureo da borracha em Manaus e como isso reverbera até os dias atuais acerca do machismo e a misoginia que se apresenta de forma enraizada na sociedade atual. O projeto, em parceria com a companhia de teatro argentina García Sathicq, tem apoio do Governo do Amazonas, por meio da Secretaria de Cultura e Economia Criativa, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA) e Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (Fapeam), além da Fundação Nacional de Artes (Funarte) e Fondo de Ayudas para las Artes Escénicas Iberoamericanas – IBERESCENA. Hamyle Nobre Rudá Marques Ateliê 23 apresenta ‘Cabaré Chinelo’ Direção: Taciano Soares Com: Vivian Oliveira, Sarah Margarido, Andira Angeli, Julia Kahane, Thayná Liartes, Fernanda Seixas, Daphne Pompeu, Daniely Peinado, Vanja Poty, Ana Oliveira, Bruna Pollari, Allícia Castro, Taciano Soares e Eric Lima, além dos músicos Yago Reis, Guilherme Bonates e Stivisson Menezes. Duração: 130 minutos. Classificação: 18 anos Temporada: 17/11 - 20h 18/11 - 18h 19/11 - 19h Ingressos: R$ 80 | R$ 40 meia Ingressos online : https://teatrob32.com.br/cabare-chinelo/ Bilheteria: terça a sexta (14h às 18h) Em dias de espetáculos abre 1h antes da sessão Teatro B32 | 490 lugares Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3.732 - Itaim Bibi Estacionamento, com valet: Rua Lício Nogueira, 92, Itaim Bibi www.teatrob32.com.br
FICHA TÉCNICA Direção: Taciano Soares Co-direção: Jazmín García Sathicq Dramaturgia: Eric Lima e Taciano Soares Elenco: Allícia Castro / Ana Oliveira / Andira Angeli / Bruna Pollari / Daniely Peinado / Daphne Pompeu / Eric Lima / Fernanda Seixas / Julia Kahane / Sarah Margarido / Taciano Soares, Thayná Liartes / Vanja Poty / Vivian Oliveira Stand-in’s: Amanda Magaiver / Grazi Dias / Lely Costa / Naomi Tokutomi Direção Musical e Coreografia: Eric Lima Banda e Arranjos: Guilherme Bonates / Stivisson Menezes / Yago Reis Assistência de direção: Carol Santa Ana / Eric Lima Assistência Musical: Guilherme Bonates / Sarah Margarido Preparação corporal: Viviane Palandi Preparação vocal: Krishna Pennutt Cenografia: Juca Di Souza Figurino: Melissa Maia Iluminação: Tabbatha Melo Operação de luz: Lore Cavalcanti Bilheteria e técnica de palco: Titto Silva Pesquisa histórica: Narciso Freitas Fotografia e vídeo: Hamyle Nobre / Rudá Marques Identidade visual: Eric Lima Produção: Ateliê 23 Sobre o Ateliê 23 Em 2023, a companhia amazonense celebra dez anos de atuação. Com sede no Centro de Manaus desde março de 2015, na Rua Tapajós, 166, o Ateliê 23 tem 30 espetáculos, cinco shows e quatro obras audiovisuais no repertório. A principal característica do grupo é trabalhar com histórias reais, objeto da tese de Doutorado “Bionarrativas Cênicas: Dispositivos de Comoção em Obras do Ateliê 23”, defendida pelo diretor Taciano Soares na Universidade Federal da Bahia. Entre obras de sucessos de público e crítica estão “Helena”, selecionado para a mostra a_ponte: cena do teatro universitário do Itaú Cultural e indicado ao Prêmio Brasil Musical; “da Silva” e “Ensaio de Despedida”, indicados para o projeto Palco Giratório, do Sesc; “Vacas Bravas” e “Persona – Face Um”. Este último colocou em pauta o tema transfobia e ficou um ano e meio em cartaz. Prêmios No 17º Festival de Teatro da Amazônia, realizado neste mês, o “Cabaré Chinelo” conquistou três prêmios: “Melhor Espetáculo”, “Direção” para Taciano Soares e “Melhor Figurino” para Melissa Maia. O espetáculo foi indicado ainda nas categorias “Melhor Atriz”, com Vivian Oliveira, “Melhor Ator” e “Trilha Sonora”, com Eric Lima. A produção concorre no 22º Anual Prêmio Cenym de Teatro Nacional, da Academia de Artes no Teatro do Brasil, como "Melhor Elenco", "Melhor Figurino" e "Melhor Companhia". O resultado vai ser divulgado no dia 21 de novembro, em cerimônia de premiação. Neste ano, o Ateliê 23 também conquistou o prêmio de melhor atuação nacional no 8º Festival Internacional de Cinema da Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero de Goiás, com a personagem Belinho, vivido por Taciano Soares no filme “A Bela é Poc”, primeiro curta do grupo. Desde a estreia, em outubro de 2021, no Teatro Amazonas, o curta “A Bela é Poc” tem circulado por festivais, como Circuito Penedo de Cinema, em Alagoas; edição de 2022 do Festival de Cinema da Amazônia – Olhar do Norte, na capital amazonense; Shorts México, um dos maiores festivais de curtas-metragens da América Latina; e KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival, evento anual LGBT que acontece em Mumbai, na Índia. O filme, que faz parte de um projeto que inclui o clipe “Glowria” e a videodança “Azul”, participou ainda da “Expedição Cultural”, do Governo do Amazonas por meio da Secretaria de Estado de Cultura e Economia Criativa, e foi exibido em nove cidades do interior. Mais informações e programação completa do Ateliê 23 em atelie23.com e pelo Instagram (@atelie23).
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Read and share this postiñg with your family members and friends and let's come together to stop this injustice being done to our veterans.
This article's title A Navy Corpsman is left to fight on the home front by himself. 
Here is a story about how an asshole lie on social media platforms has had 
 a persistently negative impact on my children's and my daily lives that everyone should be aware of. This is where it all starts. I joined the navy air reserve on March 22, 1999, in the state of Florida, and I took an oath to defend and guard this nation. I was deployed to Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Unit 207, a force protection unit headquartered LoLat Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida, not long after taking my oath. At the time, the unit's commander was Commander Kevin Paige. I started boot camp at RTC Great Lakes Division 001 on October 5, 2000. As a naval hospital corpsman, I transferred from MIUW 207 to Naval Reserve hospital Jax 108 at Naval Air Station Jax, Florida, on December 5, 2001. I transferred from Naval Reserve Hospital 108 to USS BOONE FFG 28, which is based at Naval Air Station Mayport, Florida, on February 15, 2004. I was activated in 2006 and again in 2008 throughout my time in the military. I received an honorable discharge from the naval air reserve. I 
moved from Jacksonville, Florida, to Denver, Colorado, in 2014. I lost my job soon after moving to Colorado and soon kafter that spent some time living at the Broadway Motel. I moved to the Kings Inn Motel about two years later due to my financial situation, and I started working for Dough House whenever he had work available. If not, I would find work through a variety of temp agencies, such as Staff Zone, Ready Man, and Nationwide Temp Agency, to be able to pay for my daily rent.
On June 06 2017 Denver post published an article about the Kings Inn Motel. Visit
Denverpost.com/2017/06/06/king inn aurora-eviction-rent to read the article. The motel was renamed the Summit View Inn Motel not long after the article was published. On March 24, 2020, The Denver Post published an article about the Summit View Inn.  visit for the article at https://www.denverpost.com/2020/03/24/evictions-homeless-coronavirus-aurora-colorado
In the photograph, I'm the black man. Management kicked us off the property after the article was published, and the motel staff destroyed all of our personal items, leaving us with nothing except the clothes on our backs. Then  we moved into the Radiant inn motel while I continued working through the temp agency and paying 370 a week for rent. A major incident that occurred in 2022 completely altered my existence and tore my world apart. In Jacksonville, Florida, my father Willie Taylor Jr., a US Marine, passed suddenly. I went to his funeral in Jacksonville while still making motel payments on my room at the Radiant Inn. For several months I suffered from depression . I left the Radiant Inn Motel in the early months of 2023 because the room was full of mice. I killed eight mice inside of  the motel room during the course of a 24-hour period. When I was homeless and short on cash one day, I held a sign asking for assistance in getting a hotel room. My VA ID card was shown on the sign's front. After that, some asshole uploaded a picture of me to the internet with the phrase "fake veteran" that's when my nightmare started. Several Colorado residents tried to spit at me after that lie was posted online, and some just verbally harassed me. Others would look at me and mock me as if it were funny to them. These lies hindered me from gaining permanent employment. I started revocating Dough House rental property in April 2023 in exchange for short-term housing. I was forced to leave the property once the renovations were done. I currently pay 70 a day for a motel room at the Wolf Hotel where I currently reside. 
When this first occurred, I initially believed thAt happene to me was a rare incidence until I met with numerous other veterans who had also experienced the same thing . It is crystal clear  that someone is out there spreading lies online and having to face any consequences for the harm they have caused. This injustice toward our veterans needs to end, but it won't unless we up as a group and declare that enough is enough and that this kind of treatment of our veterans is unacceptable. Some person is  Utilizing social media to disseminate lies about us veterans has a significant negative impact on our lives. Because it doesn't directly affect their lives, the majority of people don't care about the injustice being done to us veterans, and some people just want to believe everything they read online is accurate, even though that isn't the case, which is why we are currently in this situation.  Before passing judgment on someone based solely on what they read online people shouid do their own investigation of the truth.  You may have made a huge mistake in your judgment of a person because of a lie or inaccurate information that you have been provided .  If you're the kind of person who wants to change the world for the better, we need to come together to address this injustice and make the offender responsible for the harm they have caused to us veterans. If not, their inappropriate behavior will continue with no end in sight.  Don't be the kind of person who observes this injustice being committed but chooses not to correct it.  The only thing needed for evil to win, according to a quotation ascribed to Edmund Burke, is for good men to do nothing. I'll attach my military resume for your review. You might end up changing your mind about me after seeing it.
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎For More Photos and videos , You can visit our #PigeonsTv channel on BIO or here : https://www.youtube.com/user/opada88 https://www.facebook.com/PigeonsTVs Follow Us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pigeonstvfans ________________________________________ #instabird #porumbei #pigeons #pigeonracing #pigeon #birdlover #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kafter #kaftarbazaan #kaboter #kabooter #kaboterbazi #kaboter #كفتر #dewlap #dewlap_pigeon #dewlap_pigeons #dewlappigeons #racing_pigeons #حمام_زاجل #racingpigeon #racingpigeons #كبوترپرشي #كبوتر_كبوتري #كبوترايران #كبوترپلاكي #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترزيبا #كفتربازي ‎‏ (في ‏‎Nablus‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CABRJbZpoen/?igshid=uzgvuol0q1tr
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poridge · 3 years
The melatonin hit too hard last night. And the bed was too soft and my dreams too intense. I slept straight through my alarm and I would have slept longer
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jjksblackgf · 3 years
BTS Reaction - wearing your bonnet to bed
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— headcanon: you having a lot of friends — headcanon: confessing to you
a/n: thank you so much for requesting it, babes <3 i hope you like it.
setup: this is the first time you two are going to sleep on the same bed, so your nerves get the best of you.
kim seokjin
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He invited you to sleep at his house this morning. He planned to spend the day with you, not knowing he would have an emergency meeting at the agency. It wouldn’t take long, so he insisted that you stay, he would be home before you were asleep.
You’re so nervous that you decided to get ahead of the game and get ready before he gets home from work, then pretend to be asleep. However, he gets home early, and catches you getting ready for bed, face already moisturized and putting your hair up for bed.
“I knew you had some secret to make your hair look even more gorgeous,” he said, smiling, already grabbing his facial cleanser. “Go get the bed ready, I’ll be there in a minute”
min yoongi
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You took five extra minutes in the bathroom to calm your nerves. Not only was it the first time sleeping together, you’d be wearing your bonnet for the first time in front of him. He already knew that you wore it, you made a point to clue him in on your beauty practices earlier in the relationship.
With a deep breath, you square your shoulders and march out of the bathroom. He wouldn’t make fun of you or anything, Yoongi’s a good man. He was calmly fluffing your pillows, once he notices you standing there, he smiles shyly and guides you to your side. You lay there, relaxing a little. But you’re still unsure why he didn’t say anything.
He pulls you gently to his chest, a little cuddling time before bed. “By the way, you look lovely,” he whispers to you.
jung hoseok
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kAfter your dinner runs late, you invite him to sleep at your place for the night. He agrees, though he’ll probably have to sleep on his boxers, since he has nothing to wear at your apartment. You both decide to roam through your things, looking for a t-shirt or something baggy that will fit him, just so he can be more comfortable.
He eventually stumbles on your bonnets drawer and already knowing what it is, just puts one to protect his hair and hands one to you.
“Here” he says, giggling “We’ll match”
kim namjoon
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He was already seated, reading, as you entered his bedroom. He took a double look at you, smiling cutely. He hoped you were comfortable around him, and wearing your bonnet to bed was something he found endearing.
You laid next to him, his arm already stretched to hug you sideways. He places a kiss on your forehead before asking “So, how does that work?” he points at your hair with his chin
“It’s just something to keep my hair neat and avoid getting dry from the friction of cotton” you explained
“Oh, that sounds so scientific,” he says. And now you have his full interest and complete attention.
park jimin
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“Can I come in?” you ask at his bathroom door, unsure of his whereabouts, but you needed to brush your teeth.
“Come in” he answers, and you get into the bathroom. He’s brushing his teeth, and he’s eager to share his sink with you. “We look like a married couple doing this,” he adds, laughing.
“We sure do,” you agree. “Especially me with this bonnet on my hair,” you say that jokingly, but a hint of shyness can be seen in your expression. It didn’t go unnoticed.
He’s glad to see all facets of whom you are, so he adds “Well, I think you look adorable” he says, with his smiling eyes.
kim taehyung
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jYou are laying on his bed, Yeontan already snoring in the corner. Taehyung then enters his bedroom, and you can see that he has a bonnet, too. You raised your eyebrows in surprise, and he just giggled at your expression.
“Do you like my bed outfit?” he says as he poses in front of you, before switching the lights off.
“Yeah, I’d say you accessorize well” your expression relaxes a bit and he lays besides you “I didn’t know you wear bonnets”
“I don’t” he answers, already hugging you tightly like the koala he is. “I grabbed this one from your drawer earlier, I wanted to fit in and make you comfortable”
jeon jungkook
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Jungkook had already, accidentally, seen you in a bonnet. One morning he came into your apartment, planning a surprise breakfast. You didn’t think it would make an impression on him, since he didn’t comment on it, but you’d be surprised.
About two weeks later, he invited you to stay at his place. Everything was going great, then he dragged you to his bedroom to show you something.
“This drawer is for you” he says, pointing at the top drawer of his dresser “I already bought some bonnets for you, in case you forget to bring one” he smiles shyly at your surprised expression. And sure enough, he did buy a bunch of them, more than you expected. Many different prints and sizes. “Just wanting to be attentive.”
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Finally back to normal. Good day. Got theough some kafters. Played tell me why. Thought about maguc. Nice atuff..
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ialpiriel · 7 years
i should actually like....buy a couple murder by death albums
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cartopathy · 8 years
OK, so I was rewatching the mortuary scene with John’s taped statement, and I thought of the NLP theory with the “FOUR YEARS” etc. Another one of those instances is when Culverton says to John “Doctor.” He repeats it over and over and emphasizes it.
KAfter Greg turns off the tape, someone brings in a video of Culverton saying he didn’t want to press charges. Again Culverton says Doctor very emphatically (I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for doctor Watson)
then we see John’s eye flick off to the side
and then he recalls how badly he hit Sherlock. He looks at his bloody hand, and then he confesses to Greg.
It’s almost as if, 1) he didn’t remember hitting Sherlock that hard until he heard the word “Doctor” and 2) He was under the influence of something else when he hit Sherlock that caused him to be so violent, and that’s why he forgot until then.
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Domestic Workers Cart Away Celeb’s N243M Jewelry, resell them for N6m
Domestic Workers Cart Away Celeb’s N243M Jewelry, resell them for N6m
Two domestic workers who connived and stole a Cuban Diamond neck chain, a Frank Muller and Rolex wrist watches worth N243 million belonging to their employer were Wednesday arrested in Borno state kafter almost two weeks of fleeing Lekki, Lagos.
The suspects: Alex Obinyan (39), cleaner and Ayuba Samson (29), car washer, were arrested after they had sold the Cuban Diamond neck chain and Frank…
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indiikaa · 7 years
I had an idea for a boo kafter seeing Guardians. its something i had pushed back into the fdar reaches of my mind but still
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limebugvw · 8 years
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There was some cracking cars at #skegvegas last weekend, this was one of the favourites #limebug #beetle #kafter #lowered (at Limebug VW Limited)
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎ #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kafter #kaftarbazaan #kaboter #kaboterbazi #pigeonstv #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترفروشي #كبوتر_مسافاتي #كبوترمسافتي #كبوتر #pakistanracingpigeons #حمام_طيار #حمام_باكستاني #تيدي #سخي #highflyingbirds #چاشنى_بازى #دله_دون_بازى #زدوخوردي #حريف_بازى #ميدان_بازى #كبوتر #كبوترپرشي #كبوتر_كبوتري #كبوترايران #كبوترپلاكي #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترزيبا #كفتربازي ‎‏ (في ‏‎Mount Gerizim‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD4PWuopcFY/?igshid=aj0rmb7fvmrh
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎ #instabird #porumbei #pigeons #pigeonracing #pigeonstv #duiven #piccioni #güvercinler #palomas #Görsel #голуби #голубеводство #птицы #güvercin #guvercin #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kafter #kaftarbazaan #kaboter #kabooter #kaboterbazi #kaboter #كفتر #dewlap #dewlap_pigeon #dewlap_pigeons #dewlappigeons‎‏ (في ‏‎Mount Gerizim‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgdbr2pwLZ/?igshid=153aulqonex5h
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎ #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kafter #kaftarbazaan #kaboter #kabooter #kaboterbazi #kaboter #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترفروشي #كبوتر_مسافاتي #كبوترمسافتي #كبوتر #pakistanracingpigeons #حمام_طيار #حمام_باكستاني #تيدي #سخي #highflyingbirds #چاشنى_بازى #دله_دون_بازى #زدوخوردي #حريف_بازى #ميدان_بازى #kaftar #كبوتر #كبوترپرشي #كبوتر_كبوتري #كبوترايران #كبوترپلاكي #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترزيبا #كفتربازي‎‏ (في ‏‎Mount Gerizim‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbLP1Vp7An/?igshid=qa9jeo8ed933
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎ #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kafter #kaftarbazaan #kaboter #kabooter #kaboterbazi #kaboter #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترفروشي #كبوتر_مسافاتي #كبوترمسافتي #كبوتر #pakistanracingpigeons #حمام_طيار #حمام_باكستاني #تيدي #سخي #highflyingbirds #چاشنى_بازى #دله_دون_بازى #زدوخوردي #حريف_بازى #ميدان_بازى #kaftar #كبوتر #كبوترپرشي #كبوتر_كبوتري #كبوترايران #كبوترپلاكي #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترزيبا #كفتربازي‎‏ (في ‏‎Mount Gerizim‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbKiYmpG72/?igshid=1igpdcus84l4f
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