lucid-fate-if · 2 years
Out of the four clothing styles available for choosing, which one is the most popular with Kabot's population?
✘✘✘ I know you didn't ask for this but trust me- it'll make sense in a sec.
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This is the official parts of Kabonia and it's just basically showing where the hell is where and all that.
The largest part is Kabot and ever since a few long years they've had order over the Western Novs after a war. They control what they do and so on. The Western Kingdom can't do anything extreme without passing it through the Kabot Kingdom first.
Even though their control is intimidating, the Kabot has a much better influence and likeability rate compared to everywhere else. (Naturally this pisses the Western Novs out and all)
So with all this being said, The Kabot Wear would be the most popular since it has the most positive view and is just a unsaid standard of sorts. The only place it would not be popular in would be the Western Novs as they hold their pride as the first priority and that goes against it!
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see--sea · 2 months
Hey Tumbler!!!! This is my first actual post lol, and I wanted to make it me info dumping :3. This is all stuff I wrote about one of my OCs and I hope yall love her as much as I do
(PS there is some swearing so, yeah :D)
Her name is Penny (short for Penelope (NOT IT IS NOT A EPIC REFERENCE)) She/Her and she is a “Straight Christian girl” who just so *happens* to have a “special interest” in the HOTTEST girl in school. She lived her life normally, going to school, getting *average* grades, she when to church on Sunday, the whole chick and kabotal :3. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh, she’s in band (cause of course, what do you take me for? A MONSTER?) and she plays flute :D. She had both of her parents together still, a younger brother named David, and a dog named Goober. You could say she basically had a perfect life, to her it was that at least. She had lots of friends, right? I mean, she was basically one of the most popular girls in school. Well, everyone did know penny, and she was the most popular girl in school for YEAR, until one new girl transferred to their high school. Piper was her name, and DAMN did she gain traction fast. She was initially accepted onto the cheerleading team (that didn’t matter to penny as she was in the marching band ✊) and all of the students started paying attention to HER instead of penny. And Penny was 👏M👏A👏D👏. Don’t get me wrong, she has always been in and out of popularity, but something about piper just, AH, but she did know what. After many months of just HATING Piper, she went to go talk to her priest about it. The priest, sounding a bit off from usual, gives her a drink the he says will “calm her down”. She, being told by her mother to always trust the priest, drink the gold-ish drink. Penny feels, find ig? She still DEFINITELY hates Piper, but like, it’s not like a hate hate anymore? She doesn't know how to describe it fully. Anyways she goes home, just, feeling normal per usual. She has dinner with her family, she showers, brushes her teeth, does her whole routine. Something was a little off tho when she started brushes her teeth thought. She had a, tail? No that couldn’t be, she look behind her and it wasn't there. She look back in the mirror and IT WAS THERE AGAIN. “WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON” she said to herself. Just thinking she was so exhausted, she went to bed soundly. The next day she got up LATE in the day. Luckily it was the weekend, so she didn’t really mind. She looked at her alarm clock and it was…. 16:00!!!! JESUS, she normally wakes up at 11 at the latest in the weekends, BUT 4 PM?!?!?!?! She rushed to her bathroom, hoping she wasn't just going crazy, (and to absolutely NO ONES SURPRISE) she looked in the mirror, and her worst nightmare came true. She was a DEMON! She had two long red horns, two scaly wings the size of her arms, and still from yesterday, her tail. She SCREAMED, almost shattering the mirror. Her mother ran upstairs, “honey are you ok?” Said her mom, looking like she just say a ghost. “I’m hideous, oh my god I’m discussing” Penny repeated what felt like a million times. Penny's parents not knowing what the hell to do, take her to the church as that was the last place Penny went to before she went back home. They burst through the church doors, yelling for the priest to help them with there daughter who is sobbing her eyes off. The priest came running out. “Let me take her to the back, I can help her there. You will have to stay here” he states to them, still not fully sounding like himself. He probably just has a cold everyone has been thinking. The priest takes Penny to the back of the church. She stops fully crying, only having a few tears left in her eyes, only to see a SATANIC CIRCLE ON THE GROUND. What was the priest was now a full on demon, looking like he was about to sacrifice Penny! “WAIT, NO PLEASE STOP” she screaming at the demon. “Ooooooooo, so your a screamer huh? The boss is gonna like you” Penny is in absolute shock. The demon can talk? What dose he mean screamer? WHAT BOSS? SATIAN? “WAIT NO, ILL DO ANYTHING, PLEASE” she screams, what feels as if she is ripping her vocal cords apart. The demon freezes, and slowly turns his head towards Penny, with the worlds biggest smirk as if this wasn't his first time doing something like this
Thank all for reading if ya did. I probably won’t post often lol, but if I do it will probably be about more OCs :3
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necromatador · 1 year
I MISSED LESBIAN DAY! So a belated happy lesbian visibility day to you all from my collection of lesbiabs!
Adventure Malephar the tiefling; M'rai the gnoll and her GF, Amaranthe the tiefling
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Koyi and Kabot the grey-Jedi exiles; Chesslin Ken'ana the drow witch
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and finally, Otylia Byalas the resurrectionist doctor-in-training.
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ajotavia · 1 month
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littledesertflower · 11 months
Kabot would absolutely adore Mers if they met, and I'm talking meme-worthy levels of adoration. Mers would take them under their wing for a while, because that's how they roll—they're old enough to wanna protect everybody from fate. And we all know that after some time they'd each shoot their very very dumb shots. And then they'd fuck nasty
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“Note that the word “Sapiens” itself is the present participle— indicating unfolding in the present moment— of the Latin verb sapere, to know, to taste, to perceive, to be wise. We are the knowing knowing species. We are the species that has the capacity to know and to know that we know, in other words, to be wise, to have a meta perspective, to be aware of being aware—or so we name ourselves, tellingly.”
-Jon Kabot-Zinn, Coming to our senses
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nurulkassim · 2 years
At time i just wanna give up. Im just too speechless and exhausted...
While im working today, I receive multiple calls from my daughter school. But I unable to answer cause Im a Nurse and being a nurse it is dealing with life and death so while im on duty i have to put my pt first. after im settle i pick up the phone and get to know that 1 of my daughter having fever with a temperature of 37.6 degree Her teacher instructed someone to fetch her back right away. told her I will arrange someone else to fetch cause both me and my husband not available and requested for her teacher to just give me sometime and continue to monitor my kid. then after ending the call few min later receive another call she was asking if anyone coming to fetch. my patience is at the tip of my head i almost shouted cause 1st my pt have to sent to icu, 2nd my daughter having fever, 3rd i unable to contact my mom hp, 4th i have 2 undertrain SN and 5th IM PRAGNENT and i have not eaten. deep breath and told her that i need some time to settle everything and i put down the phone. and again few minutes later another call from school this is too much decided to scream at the lady calling then put down the phone. Multiple call to mom until she picks up then hand over to ICU staff then documented and rush back home.
Alhmadulillah reach home mom already fetch both my girls. so texted husband what time his coming back as I have to prepare and let my mom rest cause she have to be admitted for an operation early tomorrow morning. receive a reply that he will end his course in about 30min. waited and waited hopi g he will reach home in the next 1 hr time and will be able to help me. but nop I was wrong he have not reach home yet. message him asking what time he will reach home no reply. and again I get annoyed and frustrated cause Im super exhausted from what had happen few hours before this.
started to nagged... and few hrs later receive a msg " I bebual bebual ngan kwn I tadi. Nie baru nk balik" waut....WHAT!!!!!
Anak kau sakit , aku kalang kabot habiskn keje troz balik sebab risaukn anak plus having that mindset that you unable to excuse urself cause you attending a course. tpi after 2 hrs you are still not back. Make me question myself where were you. Im trying to reason up oh maybe you caught in the rain, oh maybe you caught in the traffic jam... Aku pujuk diri aku tk pe fatin tahan sikit kejap lagi dier balik and end up get to know kau bbual ngan kwn kau yg hari2 same shift and tdi went to the same course as you??? what the hell were you thinking? maner kau punyer urgency.
I am 33 weeks pregnant. carrying a 13kg girl, whom cant stop crying cause she is not comfortable (high fever) cause she just refuse to let go. put her to sleep while continue to carry her and have to tolerate the backache cause unable to put her down and not to forget have another 3 yrs old daughter that needs attention as well. kau bole reply aku ckp kau bbual ngan kwn kau!
please what can I say? nanti aku bersuara org ckp aku nie kurang ajar. tpi haiz.... im just speechless... I just dont know what to say what to react. Just unable to cry anymore. nie la kehidupan yg aku pilih so i have to deal with it....
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drewsdrearydays · 2 years
If you thought things were crazy the last time I wrote, wait till you read what happened today. There was…another. Dead. Body. Alright wait, let me rewind a little and start from the beginning. It has been a whirlwind of a week, what with the ferryman’s murder and Harry Mathews attempting to ruin my reputation as a mortician more than it already is. He even had the nerve to show up at my door to ‘know my opinions’ as if he wasn’t going to twist everything that came out of my mouth. Best believe the only reply that I gave him was a slammed door in his face. The meeting to discuss the autopsy report was also a trainwreck (surprise, surprise) and in the end the townsfolk were STILL undecided about who they believed, though they did note that the ‘scuffle wounds’ (UGH) were definitely suspicious given their placement. I have decided to maintain mental peace and accept this, beggars can’t be choosers. The next couple of days were devoid of any action other than Antonio and his search party heading out across the island to see if they could find any clues. They found nothing for two days but then today happened. This is where things get interesting. After looking ALL over the island, Antonio and the party were able to find nothing connected to the murder but the day they decided to look through the Kabot woods, voila, there is ANOTHER dead body. This time it was J. Yonah. Jamieson, the photographer. I didn’t know him much but I do remember going to his studio with Grandpa when I was younger. I didn’t care much for him but that was mainly because I never really interacted with him. Anyway, back to the topic. It was Jose who found the body, apparently. He and Antonio rushed with the body to the morgue at around 06:30 pm today, looking very, very worried. I liked this body better than the earlier one because this one gave me more scope to test out my knowledge given that it was already decaying and had definitely been dead for a few days now. From the blunt force trauma to his head and various other injuries all over his body (including that weird incision behind his knee which I can’t make sense of) I could make out that his death had been a very violent one. All this already is very interesting, I know, but then something else happened and that has been bugging my brain ever since. As I was wrapping up my examination of the body and putting it into the mortuary cabinet, I heard Jose and Antonio talking outside where they were waiting for me to get done. They both sounded so anxious. From what I could gather, they both were worried that this was a repeat of something. Now, this is intriguing because , knowing the details of the current murders, I, too, did think of the series of murders that had happened on the island back when I was a kid, but I genuinely thought that the small similarities had been a coincidence. Antonio and Jose also perhaps considering this makes things a lot more...let’s just say, confusing. I think I’m going to ask Yusuf about all of this when I meet him (which is right now, so I really must get going), he always has something useful to add. So yeah, that's that. I shall talk more about this when I have more intel.
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yanawildstar · 2 years
I wish..
I miss spending time doing nothing with this guy here. I miss all the US moments like last time. Now it's all seem rushing, kalam kabot. Bz with work. I wish we can just take some time off and just spend quality time together like we used to. No worries, no stress just us two. Yeah. It's all only wishes that dunno when can come true... #syamriyanalovestory #imissus #random #moody #sentimental #reallife #iwish
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pigeonstv · 4 years
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‏‎For More Photos and videos , You can visit our #PigeonsTv channel on BIO or here : https://www.youtube.com/user/opada88 https://www.facebook.com/PigeonsTVs Follow Us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pigeonstvfans ________________________________________ #instabird #porumbei #pigeons #racing_pigeons #kaboter #racingpigeon #racingpigeons #Голубиные #гонки #Duivensport #鴿 #zajel #zajil #racing_pigeon racing_pigeon#racing_pigeons #zajil #kaboter #حمام #زاجل_اصلي #حمام_زينه #racingpigeon #racingpigeons #Голубиные #гонки #Duivensport #鴿 #حمام_زاجل #الحمام_الزاجل #زواجل #kaftarbaz #kaftarbazi #kaftar #kaboterbazi #kaboter #كفتر #كفتر_ايران #كفترفروشيى #كبوتر_مسافاتى #كبوترمسافتى‎‏ (في ‏‎Mount Gerizim‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBYGLaKJRPl/?igshid=dlqwvsxj8p3r
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lucid-fate-if · 2 years
Is the upcoming tournament going to be in a battle royale format or one-on-one fights?
What's the main rule or the main rules in this tournament? Are the participants allowed to kill or heavily injure their opponent?
How fair are the judges usually in this types of tournaments?
Who was the winner last time the tournament was organized?
What is the difference between this tournament and the previous ones?
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  ҉  Is the upcoming tournament going to be in a battle royale format or one-on-one fights?
The Main tournament will have about 5 - 6 stages /levels. The final three stages would be one on one while the first few are either team based, strictly survival and so on.
  ҉  What's the main rule or the main rules in this tournament? Are the participants allowed to kill or heavily injure their opponent?
The rules change in every stage. An example would be the first stage might require you to get rid of the opponent with no specifications (so by choice you may murder or simply knock them out) while a survival type would require you to focus on yourself and any form of sabotage resulting in disqualification. There is an MC in ever stage so they'd read the rules before a game.
  ҉  How fair are the judges usually in this types of tournaments?
Behind the tournament, there's a whole kingdom and not only that but a second neighbouring kingdom and some conspiracies and one thing you should know about how people run things behind the scenes is, there's absolutely nothing fair.
  ҉  Who was the winner last time the tournament was organized?
Read chapter two to know more about this :)
  ҉  What is the difference between this tournament and the previous ones?
The Kabot Tournament is held every three years, the first 3rd year were the prize is just a but load of money and the second 3rd year where it's lots of money plus a random prize. This could range from winning a large mansion to this year's prize being having a spot right above the four royal knights and having the title of four available options (further explanation will be available later)
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- getting some mixed vibes from this dude. unsure if he’s about to offer me a job or try and shoot out my kneecaps.
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- job offer it is! dead mercenary’s shoes sure is a popular method of succession round these parts.
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- notably, this dude looks Very well put together for someone who a) lives in the wasteland and b) is apparently on someone else’s staff. i’d guess he had extensive military training before the war and hasn’t let things slip since.
    - why he’s playing jeeves in an anarchist state is a bigger question - if he dresses like this, his employer isn’t gonna be someone who can’t afford to do the same or better. even the “upper stands” clowns in DIAMOND CITY are living in scrap - who can afford these kinds of standards? i’d suspect the INSTITUTE, but KELLOGG was pretty outwardly just a thug who was really good at it. idk.
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- JACK CABOT, pronounced “kabot” and not “kabo” weirdly. a cautious wealthy recluse who owns an asylum and has a house in central boston named after the family. maybe a wealthy ghoul who somehow managed to hold on to some of the family fortune? i’m gonna have to see how deep this rabbithole goes.
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necromatador · 1 year
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Today is an outdoor job day.
Today is also a rainy day.
Please come ask me questions about my OCs!
My current character-brain is my Star Wars chars, Telthe the Harch, Exul the Zabrak, Velata the Nightsister, and Koyi + Kabot the lesbian Twi'lek ex-Jedi.
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ajotavia · 4 months
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littledesertflower · 2 years
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The Atoms That We're Made of (Doctor Who)
— Book II, Volume V, Chapter 84.-What shall we do with a drunken Kabot? [Available to read on AO3]
“I don’t think you’re in any condition to go do anything,” Bushro calmly, soberly pointed out. “Well, I refuse to be carried anywhere.” “…you just asked to be helped up.” “Valid, but I was being dramatic.”
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heera8 · 3 years
Ye to acha hai ke msg ka zamana hai
Verna tum to mere bheje kaboter bhi mar dete
😅🤣🤣 bacha gae 🕊😅
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