#kagerou days manga icons
misslulps · 4 months
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Ene icons ~
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
I SEE YOU OUT HERE VINNIE!!!!! so you already know i have gotta ask,
WHOA a lot of energy hey there
UMMM underrated... i wouldn't know what is an underrated moment or not but some of my favorites are, in no particular order
the shinene goodbye in second manga route. like i do dislike this route but BWAHHH BWAHHHHH BWAHHHH THIS SHIT GETS ME SO BAD MAN SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF like iam pretty pissed THIS route where ene didnt Really know shintaro pre ene like in the main route like that so important to what makes their dynamic so insane yknow what i mean ugh *kicks second manga route* but whatever that scene is 10/10 and in my sick twisted mind this 10000% happens post str too. minus saying goodbye and takane dying yknow. i want these bitches to break down to each other bc they were the only thing they had for over a year and for shintaro to tell takane thank you for being by my side and all that shit and they sob together for an hour and how awkward the aftermath would be
ERM. another shintaro and takane moment but more a takane one. seventh novel confrontation. that whole chapter has my heart but specifically when takane gets teary eyed over kenjirou being clearing and having killed her and haruka. and kano reassuring her it is safe to love the person he was at home and at school and takane cheering up and going yeah he's still a really good guy (goes crazy) and i love that shintaro inner comment is being relieved when she cheers up and if he could help it he'd like to avoid seeing her sad again LOL (the whole chapter he's like SHE'S THE DEVIL SHE IS A DEMON SHE NEEDS TO SINK BACK TO HELL WHERE SHE CAME FROM then she tears up for 30 seconds and he's like WHAT THE FUCK MAKE IT STOP) they are bestfriends ur honor
sixth novel when haruka admits to having feelings for takane. this one is DEFINITELY underrated like i BARELY ever see ppl talk abt it like GIRL ITS RIGHT THERE WHAT IS WRONG WITH U. its generally very cute not only cuz of harutaka but because of shintaro and haruka being bestfriends because haruka realises thru yeah shintaro is my friend!!! but then goes into how calling takane a friend doesn't feel entirely right and "gives him a bad aftertaste in his throat... oh, so it's that kind of thing" i love that both haruka and takane have the "i wonder why" line when it comes to being unable to identify why is it that they feel so inclined to each other. it is so special to me too that haruka identifies his feelings by himself and the only reason he keeps them at bay is his health the fact he will die so what even is the point in indulging in his feelings for her. AUGH. i wanna die. i need ppl to talk abt this bit more. especially since i consider the harutaka bit in the lost day hour comic a callback since haruka wasnt gonna include takane in his interviews. like (tears hair off) WHY DIDNT HE WANT TO. he was all like "uhh yeah i got 1 more person to ask but...." and then takane's the one to be like i still havent given u my answer "oh yeah i was thinking of asking you but..." But what you fucking loser. why do you keep saying but. sorry im so normal abt the harutaka in lost day hour
another one i like is novel 6 when kenjirou calls haruka on the phone (goes crazy) their bond drives me so crazy kenjirou is just collecting kids he is such a good dad i was going crazy over this last night like im so sad he's dead in str like my man you have 4 kids STAY ALIVEEEE GET OUT OF THEREEEEEE *ugly crying*um. yeah. novel 6 revealing the iconic yuukei yesterday bit where kenjirou forces haruka and takane to organize a booth in 1 weeks time wasnt really bc of the principal/administrator/whatever but bc he knew haruka wanted it and needed an excuse to get takane moving therefore get haruka moving. if he only told haruka, haruka would laugh it off and be like noooo but if he Forces takane then she will beat sense into haruka for him. it just says so much abt kenjirous character to me. he is extremely caring but sort of hands off in a way, but when he needs to. he knows how haruka is that's why he used that approach. IT MAKES ME CRAZY adoptive dad for real. also remember how haruka wakes up in the daze already seeing through konohas eyes and sees his dear teacher all sneering being like MAN WHAT A PAIN THESE 2 WERE TO KILLLLL omg konoha ur awake lol look!!! and shows him takanes dead body. GIRL. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT HARUKA WAS FEELING AT THAT MOMENT. the only adult he ever trusted and could confide in + his last thoughts before dying (aside from being like I DONT WANNA FUCKING DIEEEE) is a goodbye to takane and how she has to be happy and live a long life with all the people she will meet even if without him. and then he sees she is dead killed by this man he trusted so much. girl. *succumbs into despair*
UMMMM yeah those are a few of my favorites. i got a ton more tho. every haruka and takane moment is a favorite too.
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mekakushi-edits · 3 years
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Ace Momo icons, requested by anon! 
Let us know if you want anything changed.
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sweetkincafe · 4 years
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•》 Takane Enomoto Manga Icons!
Requested by @tastyfries !
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mohumoved-blog · 6 years
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Kagerou Days manga icons — Kozakura Marry ♡ Chapters 03 - 09
( icons | credits | pixel bunny )
※ Please don’t claim them as your!
Icons made by me for my personal use in my old RP blog. If you are interested in using them, feel free.
Please like or reblog this post if you taking an icon, credit isn’t required but very much appreciated! ♡
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kin---aesthetics · 7 years
91 100x100 Haruka Kokonose Icons!
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From Volume 3 Chapters 10-13! Under the cut! -Mod Miu
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nonneroo · 7 years
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My beloved dead children...  Also ICONS!!! Because why not~ Please like or reblog if you are going to use them ♥
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s-tardust-edits · 7 years
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konoha | haruka - mekakucity actors/kagerou days - icons
reblog or like if you use please!! [black edits]
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purple-skiis · 6 years
Who's your favourite character besides Sasuke?
Mmm!!! Good question! I'm not into a lot of fandoms, but I do have a bunch of favs! Although, I guess I just don't stan them as much as I do for Sasuke. So in no particular order:
1. Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Characters don't always have to be good looking blokes okay. I love Iroh. I love every second he's on screen.
Its touching honestly. How his loss was the reason foe him becoming so humble. Like, just watch the end of The Tale of Ba Sing Sae, and tell me how you didn't hold yourself from breaking down and crying like a baby because of just how sad it was.
He's a humble character. Wise and philosophical even. Avatar's narration shows how both his neice and nephew were part of chold neglect from either parent. Azula was brought up by an abusive father, while Zuko was brought by a loving mother. And yet both of them were treated harshly from the opposing parent.
What I found good about him is how he actually tried to reach out for both of his brother's childre, indescrimnately. I won't deny how at certain instances he did favor Zuko more, but I will say one thing was that Azula was favouring her father from starting an era of oppression. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I love Iroh.
2. Ren Hakuryuu from Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
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After Naruto finished, this was the guy I stanned. Honestly, this BABY. He's so pure abd soft at the start of the series and ends up becoming so mature. Although, what's sad to see is the character's moral degradation over time. Or at least that's what we are supposed to think.
In the world of Magi, almost all characters are moral grey. Aside from Alibaba and Morgianna, all the other characters have very contrasting prespectives on life and the world, yet they happen to be flawed, but right within the undersranding capacity of human limits.
Its probably what draws me to his story. Flawed prespective, yet strangly perfect and right. His mother was an evil witch who killed his siblings and blackmailed him using his sister.
He loves his older sister a lot, and she does too. Like its one of the most wholesome relationsjips in the entire manga. Do you have any idea how emotional that scene was when he became almost hopeless to sace his sister from coma? When he found out his sister got posessed? When his sister saved him from getting killed by the woman they called mother?
Anyways I love how he goes from being the crybaby of the crew to this big strong guy. None of these characters are maey sue ir gary stues, yet all of them are weak and unimaginably powerful at the same time.
3. Dead Master from Black Rock Shooter
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4. Jaeseongdaeseong/Jin Mo Ri from God of Highschool
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5. Frakenstein from Noblesse
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Another character Inlike from a webtoon. Although I w
6. Aelita Schaeffer from Code Lyoko
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Her story is like just so ???? Sad ??? Like hear me out. Aelita's father creates an AI, thinking that it'd be revolutionary, and how it would greatly benefit humanity. However one day when she was playing, she realized that her mother was being taken away, and she and her father had to be on the run to escape from the very AI that her father created.
All this happens during the time when she was too little to understand what ezactly was going on. Her life is destroyed. She's like 12. And the two end up transferring them selves to a digital world to seek refuge. If they die, so does the AI. Her life is really taken away at this point.
I'll brief in a bit more because this girl had to be homeschool because the death threat issue had been going on for a while underwhich they were being watched. Mostly because whatever information her father had was vital for updating that AI. She never had a life to begin with aside from her parents. After one was taken away, and the other presumeably dead, she's practically all alone.
And then 10 years later, this kid randomly comes up and boots up the server in which these two were and gives her a new life. New people. Friends and a family all together. How she gets a new life, and just grows from being a damsel in distress to this actually p badass girl who doesn't scream mindlessly in the name of danger. Yes.
7. Hatsune Miku
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All I have to say is that she gave me RSI during exams, and I'm not even mad at her for it. Idk how I found her games, but I found her, got obsessed with her, then became what I became now.
I mean, there are so many iconic songs of her: BRS, Leven Polka (cover), Triple Baka, Kagerou Days, Love is War, Kyouchimuite baby, aaaaaaaaand a lot more.
8. Doctor Strange from the MCU
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A neurosurgeon? A guy who can use magic? Someone fvcking relatable as a med student? Uh, sign me up. His movie was trippy as hell, and gave me what felt like actual glipmses to what seziures might feel like and how this movie was on literal drugs.
Like just how mind blogging was his story. He looses everything, all because of his over confindence and pride. From his hands, to his resources. This guy ends up taking a one way ticket to Nepal in search of a way to heal his hands.
When western medicine failed him, he decided to head east, only to find of out that nothing can ever truely "heal" his hands; but only just make it a little better. That ending was on all levels of heartbreaking.
On another note, this guy used his powers in like the most sensible way. Got hurt? Opens a portal to the hospital and asks his colloague for quick heal. Learns stuff easily. When asked how, he responds with "thats how I became a doctor". Like TRUE BRUV. ONLY THOSE PPL CAN BECOME DOCTORS OR EVEN SPECIALIZE WHO HAVE GREAT BRAINS.
9. Megumi Tadokoro from Shokugeki no Soma
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She's like an airhead, a nervous wreck, a procrastinator, super anxious, yet a very strong, determined, and hard working lil' baby.
At times, she freaks out, and then improvises to cover her mistakes. She does her best to provide the most flavour out of her food despite the shear contrast between herself and the person she's match to fight against.
She knows her terf, and she knows how to use her abilities best. Just because her skills happen to be slightly less than the main cadt around her, it doesn't mean that she's someone of any less value.
This girl okay. She's so wholesome and adorable. Like, I'm glad that they don't downplay on her as a female character, after considering how this is an eechi series in its core.
Best of all, she doesnt let her infactuation with the MC get to her abilities. In fact, its something that gives her hope to struggle and compete with. The praise does make her extremely happy for days on end, but that doesn't mean she has to stop working hard. There's still a lot of room for improvement and I personally think that's one of her best traits.
Hence, I deem her to be Best Girl !!!
10. Ochako Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia
Yeah... I guess thats it......
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01tsubomi · 6 years
tell me who kido is so i can be excited with you
Whoa!! Hello-- I’ll try not to sound too 2013 tumblr fangirl while talking abt this aha
It all goes back to the Kagerou Project which is a vocaloid series with a pretty clear main plotline about an alternate dimension time loop, but most of the appeal comes from the focus on the individual characters. It’s about this organization of kids who were given powers after near-death experiences and how they interact and help each other heal and move on together - for a series of music videos, the characters are really well developed and likeable!
I’ve been into kagepro since 8th grade so I’ve got that unbreakable attachment to it as a whole but I’m even more attached to the characters. My favorites have changed through the years but pretty consistently my #1 favorite character has always been Kido. Realistically I don’t really know why I love her so much but I just. really love her. Basically has the power to disappear, she hurt a lot growing up until her (+ adoptive brothers Seto and Kano) were taken in by a family with a young daughter named Ayano. This is pretty much lore at this point but Ayano was a perfect big sister to the three kids who never felt wanted until then, so it hurt all of them a lot when she died. Technically Ayano was the founder of their brigade and made it so they wouldn’t be insecure about their powers (since people would call them monsters, if they were a secret organization then they could be heroes). After Ayano dies, Kido becomes head of the brigade (hence danchou) and tries to act really tough (she uses ore pronouns! which I find really cute for some reason bc she kinda struggles with it) but she’s still kinda always scared that she’ll really disappear someday. She’s kind of a chuunibyou because of everything she’s gone through but she’s also a really caring figure for everyone in the brigade. 
Again I don’t know Why I love Kido so much but she’s a contender for my favorite character in any piece of media, so it kinda sucked that most other characters in the project got a song + MV all to themselves (especially Seto and Kano who have these amazing detailed MVs for songs that are iconic) and Kido just had this song that was arguably not even really about her and came with a still image instead of an MV. 
Kagepro still has media like novels, manga, etc coming out now but the music videos stopped being released in 2013 when the “final” MV was released. The fandom kinda died out after the really shitty anime in 2014 but in early 2016 Jin (the creator of the series) announced he’d be making a new song and everyone pretty much lost it. Honestly it didn’t cross my mind even once that it could be a song about Kido. I figured that for the first song in a couple years, he’d do a full-group kind of thing or focus on the backstory and lore of the series. He kinda teased at it for a long while (to the point where I wasn’t even waiting for it anymore, I just figured it’d happen when it happened) and a few days ago he announced on twitter “New song tomorrow. It’s about Kido.” and boy i LOST it
This is already long but god!! I love Kido so much and it’s really emotional to me that the first kagepro song I’m even around to see released (I got into the series after the “final” song was out) is one for my favorite character. What’s even more emotional is that we don’t really see the characters grow up in the series because the “true end” happens almost immediately after everything else. And Kido’s new song is about her learning to accept herself over her life and it ends with her as a full grown, self-actualized adult, which made me fucking cry personally. She gets her first real MV and it’s about her learning to accept herself. I love her so much.
In conclusion I’ll always love emo chuunibyou Kido who wears a hoodie with a face mask and says things like “ore wa” and “oi, omaera” but I’m also incredibly happy for grown Kido who doesn’t want to disappear anymore and I love the kagerou project (fun fact, #kagerou project usually only trends on August 15th because that’s a major date in the series but yesterday it was all the way at #6!!) 
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neechoudai · 7 years
OSTER project, Jin, nem ?
Send me a Vocaloid producer and I’ll respond with my opinion of them and/or my favorite song
OSTER project
I heard there’s some new Jin content going on but that’s all I know. I just know Kagepro is Iconic and honestly I have fond memories of showing my old roommates Kagerou Daze the first time. I’ve never seen the D: emoji so accurately displayed on a human in my life. and then there was the one who was used to my antics.
Anyway: it’s amazing to see how far this artist has come, even making it so their content is in the US! I have been collecting the entire manga and light novel series (doesn’t hurt that it’s my favorite publishers!! hell yeah shoutout to yen press for being awesome)
I love the sound of the songs and how it can sound so different and yet so similar. You feel? yeah the tuning isn’t great but you can’t have everything–and the human versions are pretty good too! i like LiSA’s rendition of headphone actor a lot (i mean i just love her voice in general buT STILL)
i think the ideas in kagepro are super interesting even tho it can be supremELY confusing at times. i’m still not as deep into it as i could be and i fondly remember y’all getting me into it.
songwise, it’s hard to pick since they all mesh together so well. i have a soft spot for the Momo songs tho.
ALSO i just wanna share two anecdotes. first, it’s amazing how much mekakucity merchandise is sold at the kinokuniya at the japanese supermarket. impressive. i would have thought it was kinda rare but it seems pretty popular!
Secondly: the other day I went to see Groundhog Day, the Broadway show based on the hit comedy movie involving a time loop, with my best friend. it was 8/16, the day after Haze Day. that was funny enough, but it turned out right down the street in plain view from the line to get into the show was a laundromat called Jin’s Cleaners and I just LOST IT and i’m still amused by the irony. also it literally just hit me that it’s also directly across the street from Cats and why is this so amusing to me. that’s the funny jin anecdote so yes
ok i literally wonder on a regular basis what this poor person would think if he saw the disaster his songs have released upon my life. I wonder how he would react to know that his song has singlehandedly propelled me into a life of being cursed by japanese mythical spirits. insert damn you len meme here.
in all serious i’m honestly a bit grateful? as much as i complain i do very much enjoy the fun times i’ve had in the Baku Discourse and with the Baku Squad. It’s always hilarious and i joke WAY too much about The Curse. it’s affected me too much and also i honestly kinda regret nothing. plus i wouldn’t have my precious daughter aislinn and i can’t see my life without ais or my intense passive aggression towards dapper clothing. y’all don’t even KNOW.
as for Nem in general, i love the way he tunes his lens. there was a reason it took so long for me to get baku out of my top 25 most played songs on itunes. and yes i’m 100% serious that i literally haven’t listened to it since I HAVE PASSIONATE SPITE OK I CAN’T GO BACK ON MY WORD I HAVE A REPUTATION
it’s interesting to see a len that’s in a lower key and i like that about nem. and it’s interesting to see len paired with not-rin all the time. give gumi the spotlight, she deserves it. yes, i definitely do have a soft spot for ah, it’s a wonderful cat life. that’s a definite fave by Nem. other than that, super hero is another Quality Song and peter and jenny is cute too
but yes, obligatory honorable mention to all the songs he’s created that ended up causing me hilarious and amusing misery lol.
i just imagine the poor guy learning english and coming across my blog and being like “why does this random american girl hate my song so much”
it’s a long story, Nem. i don’t blame you at all. but it’s a long story and you probably don’t want to know. tho i will admit i’m grateful for the friends i’ve made and the bonds that have formed because of these songs you made. and for the inspiration for ocs i adore and only half-regret torturing so much.
and i would be lying if i said i never imagined him coming across ais and writing a canon baku slayer song. it wouldn’t happen but i’ve had many random imagines that will never happen in my life. just LET ME DREAM
(badum-tshhh i had to add a pun in there somewhere lol)
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misslulps · 4 months
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Takane Enomoto icons ~
like or reblog if you save ♡
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callieskinhelp · 4 years
hey!! could i have some icons of marry from kagerou project? both the manga or anime are fine! tysm!!
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★ posted! ★
you can find them here!
★★ there you go! I hope you like them! thank you for requesting and I hope you have a great day!
- ★ mod callie 💐
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mekakushi-edits · 4 years
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bi momo icons, requested by [blocked user]!
let me know if you’d like anything changed
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kagerou-icons · 7 years
requests selectively OPEN
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Selectively taking requests for like 2 days. This means i WONT be doing every request i get. Please only Kagerou Project characters. Also tell me what kind of media you want for the icons (manga, anime, fanart, etc...) and what style you want them in (square, rounded, custom shape, etc...). 
Feel free to send in an ask with your request !!
           --- Admin Kano
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mekakushi-edits · 4 years
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circular konoha icons, requested by anon. 
if you need anything else let me know!!
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